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Spirituality: Aura Cleansing http://www.bookmice.net/darkchilde/spirit/aura.


The human body consists of a Physical component, of course. This includes

the entire physical self: cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. The
entire structure is run by signals from the brain; signals that are carried
throughout the body. These signals are all electrical in nature.
[Intracellular actions are often controlled by chemical substances and
direct genetic actions].

Thus, human beings do have a physical nature, constructed from the

physical atoms that have been recycled by nature since time beyond

Yet it is obvious that the human also has a Mental component. We think,
don't we? We plan, we organize, we dream, we write love sonnets or
stories of gruesome horror. We try to mentally picture the past, determine
our problems and choices in the present, and try to figure out what the
future will be. We each have our own definite personalities, different from
any others. Frontier physics is exploring the possibility that our mental
selves can actually physically control the most basic make-up of the
universe, itself [quantum foam, or a variety of other terms.] So we are
physical, thinking beings.

There also seems to be a Spiritual component to the human race,

something that causes us to establish concepts of right and wrong, good
and evil, and the idea that there is some kind of afterlife. Even our
Neanderthal ancestors [or early contemporaries, possibly] seemed to
believe in an afterlife: they carefully placed their dead in the ground along
with flowers. The entire pyramid-building civilization of Egypt was based
on the idea of a continuance of the 'ka' after death; the ka being basically
equivalent to the soul.

Yet we do not necessarily have these three totally separate components

rigidly cut off from each other. There is a fourth component to the human
being, the Etheric or Astral level of existence. This is the idea that there is
a "something" that surrounds us and makes up the universe: that "space"
is not necessarily totally empty. The human being seems to project a field
around himself or herself that is termed an "aura", and this resides in the
Etheric or Astral level of existence.

The aura surrounds our physical bodies and can range up to six feet or
more from the body. If you have ever had the feeling of someone standing

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Spirituality: Aura Cleansing http://www.bookmice.net/darkchilde/spirit/aura.html

too close to you and invading your "space", this is actually that person's
aura impinging upon your own. The aura does not have a fixed size, but
expands or contracts with changes in moods, general mental condition,
nervousness, physical health, and other factors.

Some people have the ability to see colors in the aura. Others cannot see
colors but can still see an outline around the person. The colors and
outline can reflect the underlying physical problems of the individual.
Spikes around the head, for example, can indicate headaches.

Sometimes problems can be seen in the aura of the individual before they
actually manifest in the physical reality of the person, giving us a chance
to practice preventative techniques.

all scientists accept the aura? Of course not. Yet it makes sense. If our
physical activities are electrical in nature, why wouldn't we produce some
sort of field around our bodies? There is, for example, a very large
controversy going on about powerlines, and how living near these
powerlines affects people, for the lines generate their own fields. Why not

e aura can also accumulate garbage. By garbage I mean negative thoughts

and ideas, stresses, pains, etc. Sections of the aura can appear dark and
discolored to some sensitives. This can sometimes manifest itself eventually
as physical illness. If it doesn't manifest in actual physical illness, it can
still reinforce any negativity and stress that we might already have.

We can work to clean those auras to dump the garbage that is in them. We
can also use the aura to detect physical problems and stresses on the
physical level, and to help heal those problems and relieve those stresses.

You can do this without elaborate or expensive equipment. You don't need
graduate college courses to do aura cleansing. You don't need a license
from some government bureaucracy. All you need is a belief in the aura, a
willingness and desire to do aura-cleansing, a willingness to open yourself
to "higher energies" and to direct those energies to help another person.

[Again, no amount of study of new-age/metaphysical healing techniques

qualifies you as a legal doctor. All these techniques are meant to
supplement traditional medical practices, and are not meant in any way,
shape, or form as a replacement for them. The best approach is to use all
available methods of healing.]

The following is a list of the steps I believe should be followed by anyone

doing aura cleansing. I also understand though, that each person
gradually develops his or her own individual style, and thus may vary
from the list below over time. THERE IS NO ONE RIGHT WAY TO
FACILITATE HEALING ! There are many approaches including
aura-cleansing, chakra balancing, crystal therapy, color therapy,

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Spirituality: Aura Cleansing http://www.bookmice.net/darkchilde/spirit/aura.html

meditation, pendulum work, music, and other methods that are all valid.
Which one or ones prove useful to you will depend on your own interests
and natural talents.

1.You might want to have a brief discussion with the person you are going
to work on, to find out about any specific physical, mental, or emotional
problems they might be having. Is she subject to any particular stresses?
Has she had any major upsets in her life recently? Does she believe that
the human being is more than just a physical component? Does she believe
that her attitude can help her own healing? [No. You do not necessarily
bring on your illness or problem yourself, as stated in some New Age
books. It is not necessarily karmic or some kind of a punishment. There
are such things as bacteria, viruses, fungi, environmental toxins, and the
like which can most definitely cause a person physical problems.]

What kinds of questions you ask, and how many, will depend on you. You
may not want to ask any, and just go with what you sense. You want to
explain briefly what it is that you are going to do, and ask if the person has
any objections to being physically touched while you do the cleansing.
Physical touch is not a requirement in aura cleansing, but it can help. It is
possible that a person could be in a great deal of physical pain and not
want their physical body touched. By working strictly within the aura you
can still accomplish your healing work on all levels including the physical
body. Be aware of the sensitivities of the person you are going to work on.

You will want to tell the healee that he or she may also experience
sensations of colors, sights, sounds, warmth, etc., these sensations can
present sexual feelings), and that the healee may feel like laughing or
crying. This is a totally natural and normal process.

2.Cleansing of the environment. This will include the room itself and
whatever the person sits on. This may be a chair, a stool, or if the person is
quite ill, they may even be lying on a bed. There are two ways to do this
cleansing. You might want to smudge the room, using sage. This is a strong
Native American action and is quite effective. You can use a feather to
direct the smoke, stating a verbal prayer/affirmation as you go asking for
cleansing, purifying, etc.

If you or the healee cannot stand smoke of any kind, you can also use
visualization and affirmation, seeing the room filled with white light,
clearing away any negativity that might exist.

(The following section on drawing energy is optional.)

At this point you may want to draw energy into yourself for the purpose of
channeling the energies that are always present all around us and that can
used for healing. This can be done in a variety of ways: you may want to
draw energy down from above, into your crown chakra; you may want to
draw energy up from the earth through your feet; you may want to draw

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energy into your entire body from the energy around you (as in 'The
Force' from Star Wars); or you may want to use other methods. Also
optional is the use of gentle background music played very softly and dim

3.You should next stand behind the healee, and put your hands lightly on
his/her shoulders. Close your eyes and mentally state some sort of
prayer/affirmation, asking for guidance, help, healing, etc. [NOTE: If
healee does not want to be touched, or expresses any reluctance upon
being touched, then don't touch the person. You can still do aura
cleansing without any physical touch at all. Always be aware of the
sensitivities of the healee.]

4.Become in tune with the person during and after your

prayer/affirmation. Slow yourself and your mind down. Focus yourself on
the healing. Eliminate all the other thoughts that you can. Only once you
are centered and calm should you proceed with the actual aura cleansing.

5.If you are right-handed, you will use your left hand for sensing; the
opposite for left-handed people. Keeping your right hand on the person's
body (usually the shoulder), run your left hand over the surface, about two
inches above the skin. Make sure you do this for the entire body: arms,
legs, stomach, face, back, rear, feet, hands, etc. As you slowly move your
hand over these areas note any feelings of pressure against your hand.
Note any areas that might appear to be cold or hot, or areas that might
bring a tingling sensation to your hand. Try to feel any spikes that might
have formed in the aura, indicating areas of strong pain.

Don't go too fast. Once you cover the person's body once, check out any
problem areas again. You may want to step away from the person and see
her/his aura, either the outline or colors. This will give you additional
information about where any problems may lie.

Also pay attention to any mental images you might get; any smells, sounds,
images, etc. These might give you further clues.

6. Now you have established the areas that you need to work on. What
specifically is wrong with those areas? This is not very easy to determine.
Pressure coming off elbows and knees indicates excess energy. Certain
colors you pick up may indicate certain problems. There are a couple
levels of sensation involved here. On one level, you can sense that
"something" is wrong, and you can get a general idea of what to do about
it. For those much more practiced, you can get a fairly decent idea about
the nature of the problem, with a more specific concept of what you should
do next.

If you work at all with the chakra concept, you may want to check out the
person's chakras and determine if any of them need to be balanced. This
can be done with a pendulum; a nice clockwise circling motion indicating

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balance; almost anything else indicating some imbalance.

7.Now, what do you do after you determine there is some kind of problem
somewhere? Here are some possibilities:

a. (Optional) You may want to work on balancing the chakras, using color
therapy, visualization, or pendulum work. You can suspend a pendulum in
front of the chakra, put your other hand in a bowl of water, and draw off
excess energy, checking with the pendulum from time to time until you get
a balanced circling. These are relatively advanced techniques and will
require some study before you should try them. See the books listed in the

b. What you want to do next is work with the problem areas in the auric
layer. Picture your left hand grabbing hold of the "negativity" coming off
the area. I like to picture the pain/problem as worm-like structures that I
can grab with my hand and remove from the person. Pass this energy
through your body and out your right hand, turning the energy over to
the cosmos to neutralize. (One way to do this is to shake your hand or snap
it to get rid of the energy, flicking off the energy from your fingertips.)

Do this as long as necessary over each problem area. Once you have
covered the areas you identified as needing help, go back over those same
areas with your sensing hand to see if there is any change from when you
first sensed the areas.

If you no longer pick up feelings of pressure, temperature differences, etc.,

then you have probably accomplished your goal. If there is still a problem-
feeling, work on the area again, then sense again, and so on.

Visualize the removal of the negativity. See the negative energy leaving the

c. Special Circumstances: If the person is lying in bed you may want to

have them turn over to work on both sides of the body. However this may
not be helpful or practical. Assure the person that he/she can receive the
beneficial effects of aura cleansing without turning over. Use visualization
techniques to reach the parts of the aura you cannot with your hands.

8. This is the time to try and repair the problem area. You can smooth out
the aura, running your hands through it and picturing it returning to a
nice even, smooth layer around the person.

You can also use color therapy to help the specific problem areas. This
can involve drawing down the needed color from the cosmos, having it
form a ball in your hands, and then projecting that color onto the area
that needs work. The exact color used will depend on what you sense is
needed: usually you will use white, green, or blue.

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You can also use crystals at this point to treat the problem. You can use
the crystals either by specific traits (of the crystal), or by the color of the
crystal. You can also put a picture of the person on your altar with
appropriate colored crystals, charge this structure, and have it continue
its work 24 hours a day.

9. Once again go over the person with your sensing hand, and see if
everything seems to have returned to normal.

10. Go back to the hands-on-shoulders position, and give a mental

prayer/affirmation of thanks for guidance and energy for the healing. Tap
the person gently on the shoulder, squeeze the shoulders gently together,
or do something to indicate to the person that the session is over.

The person may have become very relaxed and possibly drowsy and may
wish to nap afterwards. One time, I was working on someone who was
sitting on a tall stool. She became so relaxed she went to sleep sitting up
and started to fall over backwards! The sleeping may serve to enhance the

Once you are finished, you should wash your hands in cold water to drain
away any remaining negativity.


1. Do not touch the person if they don't want to be touched.

2. Don't promise healing. You are not a licensed physician and you could
get into legal trouble. This is considered an adjunct to traditional healing
and is not meant to replace it. The person should go to a regular, licensed
physician if they feel the need to, especially if they have any symptoms
such as fever, pain, swelling, etc.

3. Note that some problems may take more than one session.

4. Never touch a person in a sensitive area of the body.

5. Let's say you detect something that you think may be a major illness.
Then what do you do? My own opinion is that you should tell the person
you detect that something major may be wrong, and that they might want
to consider consulting her/his physician. You should take great care not to
alarm the person. This may be a mental or emotional strain rather than a
specific physical problem that you are detecting.

6. Don't allow your mind to wander while healing. Concentrate on what

you are doing.

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