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Business Process Management


Stage 1

BUSINESS Process Management (BPM) may help systemic improvements as it moves the

emphasis from specific areas administration (departments) to industrial processes. This

paradigmatic change will allow managers to coordinate efforts to optimize consumer service

around projects, flows and individuals. BPM may act as a method to change the organization's

commitment to its management plan through the strategic and realistic context.

The BPM offers operational oversight at the level of procedures, activities, operations and

individuals because of its characteristics. In this way, organisations that carry out their

procedures pursue authority and model policy strategies and responsibility (Forstner et al., 2014).

Method models. BPM is the transformation to a horizontal paradigm which integrates multiple

business functions from a vertical and hierarchical hegemonic paradigm. This explained

researchers and consultants 'growing interest in the topic, as can be seen from the increasing

number of science publications and empirical studies on BPM. The administration of business

processes covers a number of factors including: operational culture; operational achievement;

organizational behaviour; corporate governance; and competitive advantage. It is therefore

essential to present fundamental concepts of these dimensions. It is important for the Joondalup

Hospital to follow such procedures

BPM and organization culture

Culture can be characterized as a set of values that are expressed within a community,

represented through ideas and attitudes. These ideals will differ from one community to one

organization to the next and are classified as ideas which influence the actions of the community

and form the model of the group. Community culture can be characterized in the sense that it

addresses the transition and internal cohesion issues that have performed well enough to be

deemed legitimate and therefore to be educating new participants how to perceiving them

correctly, thinly and correctly.

BPM as support to organization conduct:

The product of management, by rationalizing operational structures, helps to generate

competitive benefits. Studies therefore illustrate the difficulty of designing processes that match

the BPM approaches with the result of organization, despite the uncertainty involved with multi-

criteria evaluation frameworks and stakeholder metrics. BPM was initially an internal process-

oriented method for translating, analysing and perfecting company procedures to help control

and optimize corporate actions. In a variety of empirical studies of various strategic market

practices, the beneficial association between BPM activity and the effects of organizational

behaviour (Recker and Mendling, 2016).

BPM and Organization Performance:

The appraisal methodologies focused on the organizational mechanisms could help

organizational BPM spread through calculated intermediary and final outcomes, and produce

observable business processes. When improvements in operational structures are not mirrored,

the effects of a measurement device may decline over time. If management procedures are not

oriented or modified, it is impossible for decision-makers and key stakeholders to see how the

organization consistently meets its competitive goals. In management processes a metric

framework is essential for the evaluation and propagation of success stories for promotional

reasons, appraisal of development, and allocation of capital and the instillation of a sustainable

change method for the ES life cycle. The outcomes calculated inside an entity will shift

dramatically (a common illustration is that the outcomes of a bank will alter significantly before /

with the financial crisis)


Stage 2

The general business process of the Joondalup Hospital is that the process of the hospital begins

with a receptionist at the front desk and a calendar manager to arrange an initial consultation

date. A specialist who knows what to do with this case makes the diagnosis. If the patient is

unaided or can't provide help, the patient is released and the procedure is ended. When the doctor

believes that someone else may support the patient better, a specialist of some know-how is

recommended to the case. If the signs of the condition do not come up explicitly, until taking

some more assumptions the doctor should recommend more testing (Tarhan et al., 2016).

Various forms of testing (e.g., biochemical testing, visual and practical tests) are possible. The

examinations are administered by many experts and the findings for the subsequent examination

are referred to the doctor. The physician may agree to discharge the patient, communicate with

other physicians, ask for additional tests or prescribe suitable therapy. The doctor requires other

choices, including medicine, operation, chemotherapy and physiotherapy, which are both done

by a variety of medical professionals. There are many alternatives accessible. A prognosis

dependent on the outcomes of the therapy is established during diagnosis.

There are various problems arise in the business process of the Hospital like, in the northern

suburbs, the population rises with a large degree of competition in the hospital. The original

processes are not effective anymore. In the existing method, there are some big issues that will

be addressed, such as: • Poor output is the biggest concern. The waiting period for patients is

often overwhelming. Communication is a big concern because the systems include through

organizational departments and external organizations. In order to guarantee a prompt

evaluation, coordination between such organizations is strong and is often challenging to handle.

Disease control will be enhanced by using paper documents for patients (González-Ferrer et al.,


The overarching aim of the healthcare sector is to deliver patient treatment in high-quality and

economic terms. In brief, to handle more people without losing standard of treatment at the same

time at a reduced rate. There are numerous issues for consideration: Recommendations in a

standardized framework, procedures should be designed to incorporate guidance and policy

actions, medical records must be converted to Electronic Health Record, Personnel should be

coordinated in order to accomplish assignments in a timely manner.

It is important for the Hospital to implement the Business process management so that the

Hospital will be able to overcome success issues and it will assist the company in providing more

effective and high quality services to their patients. Business process management will allow the

association to tackle such issues in the most effective manner and the association will be able to

implement more new processes which will assist the association in providing more effective and

advanced services to the patients so that all the patients will be able to recover soon


Forstner, E., Kamprath, N. and Röglinger, M., 2014. Capability development with process

maturity models–decision framework and economic analysis, Journal of Decision

Systems, 23(2), pp.127-150.

González-Ferrer, A., Fernández-Olivares, J. and Castillo, L., (2013) From business process

models to hierarchical task network planning domains, The Knowledge Engineering

Review, 28(2), pp.175-193.

Recker, J. and Mendling, J., (2016) The state of the art of business process management research

as published in the BPM conference, Business & Information Systems Engineering, 58(1), pp.55-


Tarhan, A., Turetken, O. and Reijers, H.A., (2016) Business process maturity models: A

systematic literature review, Information and Software Technology, 75, pp.122-134.

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