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Hello fellow stoic,

We live in a stressful and fast-paced business world.

When listening information for the first time, everything seems logical and clear, but when surrounded
by distractions at work, we tend to forget quickly and move on as usual.

We forget things, because we have to process a lot of new information every single day and we don´t
actively repeat the lessons we have learned.

We have found not 1 but 2 practical and ‘stoic’ solutions for you.


The audiobook is full of quotes from the ancient stoics and from modern day business people. A quote
is the ideal medium, to deliver an important story or message in very compact way. Only messages that
get repeated will make it to our long-term memory.


It will take time, Self-Awareness and Self-Evaluation to change yourself. A journal is one of the best
ways to evaluate and improve yourself and a constant basis. Journaling is used by a lot of successful
people to continuously grow and learn.

So my advice is to print the quotes and the ´3-Month-Self-Evaluation Journal´ used in ´Stoicism for
Business´. Tape these quotes on your computer screen or on the bathroom mirror. A great way for a
daily reminder for your personal road to more success and to hit the next level in your business. Print
the Self-Evaluation Journal to help yourself transform in the coming 3 months.

If you want to be productive:

• Go to:

• Get the 3-Month-Stoic-Self-Evaluation-Journal and the quotes

• Print both

• Start listening

R. Stevens

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