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Develop Psychic Abilities and
Explode Open Your Intuition
Telepathy, Fortune Telling, ESP & Mind Reading
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Table of Contents
What Does It Mean to Be Psychic?
Exercise in recognizing auras
Different Types of Psychic Abilities
100th monkey theory
Intuition, Receiving and Transmitting Messages
How Mindfulness aids High Consciousness
Changing your level of Perception
Harriett Tubman
Winston Churchill
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Fortune Telling
Palm reading
Tarot cards
Reading Tea Leaves
Fortune telling through Omens
Domino Readings
Famous Psychics
Oracles in Ancient Egypt
The Oracle of Delphi
Salem Witch Trials
Jeane Dixon
Annette Martin
John Edwards
Science and the Psychics
Surprising findings at Cornell
Jung’s Collective Unconscious
Marginalization – Science as Inquisitor
Guidelines for Psychic Training
Having the Right Attitude
Remembering Visions
Respecting the Skill
Staying Grounded
Training Your Mind’s Eye
Working with the Chakras
The Root Chakra
The Sacral Chakra
The Naval Chakra
The Heart Chakra
The Throat Chakra
The Third Eye Chakra
The Crown Chakra
Meditation: Clearing the Mind and Letting Go so that You May
Training the Telepathic Mind
Sending and receiving
Exercise in Telepathy
Activities That Help in Psychic Progress
Observation exercises – understanding body language
Other behaviors to observe
Increasing your Knowledge
Concentration exercises
Learning to Trust and Listen to Intuition
The Blueprint to Opening Up Your Inner Abilities
Helping Your Clients Through Their Problems
Increasing the Role of Empathy
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Welcome to an exploration of how you can develop your psychic abilities,
and congratulations on taking this step toward realizing your innate psychic
potential. It’s commonly believed that psychics are among a mystical few
(perhaps even supernatural) people, gifted with special abilities to
communicate telepathically, see into the future, and gain access to the
subtleties of a greater, deeper knowing about the way our world works. But
this book seeks to unlock the psychic ability all people are heir to, in varying
degrees. While we do not all have a powerful gift, we all have access these
gifts which can be nurtured to improve our psychic abilities. This book shows
you clearly how that can be done and how you can maximize the potential of
your psychic aptitude.
Human beings are complex creatures. Our bodies are miracles and our
minds, as the masters and overseers of our bodies, are organically-composed
computers, driven by incredibly intricate neural, chemical and electrical
networks. The more we know about the make-up of a human being, the more
miraculous we become to ourselves. But in science, have we perhaps been
driven into an empirical world which fails to honor our spiritual natures?
Unfortunately, it would seem that many have stepped away from their
spiritual side and preferred to move with the times – unknowingly losing out
on so much of their innate potential.
Science is the miraculous product of our human intricacy, but the discipline
continues to struggle with the reality of psychic phenomena. That’s part of
the reason I’ve written this book. I want to share not only methods by which
you might develop your own gifts, but also, to review some of the history of
the world of psychics and seers. This historical legacy will reveal that
science’s skepticism and empirical rigor is both right and wrong.
Commercially-motivated misuses of these gifts speckle the pages of human
history. But there are also many instances of gifted people being suppressed
by religious authorities and lately, by science. Thus, you will have a clear and
concise overview which will help you to realize your own potential, safe in
the knowledge that psychic activity is a known phenomenon, rather than
something that is new-fangled.
Psychics of the past have been derided as witches, warlocks and Satan
worshippers. Many accused of calling on the dark forces of evil were
innocent and victims of the frenzy of “purifications” of heretical influences
by those representing the Christian Church. There was a time when
knowledge and wisdom were both coveted and feared by the powerful, who
kept the secrets of humanity, our true capabilities and the world’s mysteries
closely guarded and protected for themselves. The popularization of these
mysteries, they feared, would undermine the magisterial power of sacred
institutions and their authority over the lives of the faithful. There have also
been many times throughout history during which the truly wise and gifted
among us have been concerned that widespread awareness of this knowledge
would get out of hand, if revealed to the public. The concern was that people
would not truly understand the great power they were capable of and might
use it irresponsibly if it were to be made readily available to them.
But we are truly blessed to be living in a time in which people’s minds are
awakening and expanding and also, turning toward greater self-development;
heeding the call of something beyond themselves in order to live up to our
true potential. Individually and communally, the human race is enjoying a
time of unprecedented intellectual and spiritual evolution. The judgment and
skepticism generated by our fear of our own others’ capabilities beyond the
five physical senses is dissolving. In place of this fear, we are now living in a
time open mindedness and natural curiosity. More and more of us are
heeding the still, small voice within that leads us to our greater, more
insightful and fully-realized selves. Our intuition is leading us to be all we
can be. Even science is beginning to make tentative approaches to the
proposition that psychic gifts and intuitive power might be much more than
wishful thinking. We’ll talk about this later on.
Intuition is the seemingly aloof navigator of our lives, leading us to
extrapolate conclusions and sometimes, educated guesses from information
with increasing accuracy, without necessarily knowing why. This intellectual
and spiritual impulse is another type of instinct. Hunger, thirst, a sense of
danger, sexual attraction, and the natural urge for physical safety are basic,
primal instincts that have kept us alive and served us well up to this point in
our collective evolution. We have relied on our five senses until this age, for
the most part. But now, technology that can detect energies in our world
beyond the range of our physical senses to help us shape and reshape our
understanding of life on Earth.
This next phase of humanity’s continuing evolution is calling us to develop
ourselves beyond our five senses, even beyond the capabilities of technology
yet limited to our current, rudimentary understanding of the universe. It’s
time to step further into our true potential as dynamic, conscious human
beings and develop our higher senses and intuitive instincts. This is a
wonderfully enriching process, challenging us to reach higher. You will
evolve. You will be more content, more understanding and compassionate,
wiser and better equipped to manage yourself and your life. Your
relationships with others can become deeper and more harmonious, through
your conscious evolution into a more fully-developed human being. That
evolution will radically effect the world around you, opening you to the
limitless potential we all enjoy, if only we choose to develop it. The impact
of that potential’s development can be a blessing to us all.
Psychic development is a journey. It’s like learning to play an instrument
expertly. You have the instrument within you, but letting it collect dust will
leave that potential unrealized. Taking active steps to opening your world in a
way you have never experienced before is all you need to do. Once you open
the door to that potential, stepping through it means that your overall
perspective on life will change. It will become richer, fuller and replete with
the all the promise you have within you. The power of the mind to make
your intentions a living reality will be discussed in this book. You will find
various methods and guidelines detailing how to develop your psychic
abilities, as well as information on the reality of the psychic world you are
stepping into.
Imagine, for a moment, that all of us had access to the power of higher
consciousness. As humanity teeters on the brink of catastrophe, our higher
consciousness and its practice as part of all our lives has the potential to
effect enormous, world-repairing change. We have it in our power, if only
we can reach for it. Your imagination is only the beginning of the journey.
Higher consciousness is within your reach and accessible to all who seek it.
The potential this represents for humanity is beyond our wildest imaginings.
The possibility of a world full of evolving people, working together for
positive change, even on the unconscious level (a reality we all share) is a
vision of hope.
There is so much hope for the future that awaits you and by knowing the kind
of psychic abilities that can be awakened by the use of intuition and the right
approaches as outlined in this book, you will be able to take the steps needed
to know whether you have a gift that you have not yet put into practice. My
intention with this book is to help you to tap into resources that everyone has
in some measure. I have used established ways prescribed by Buddhism and
by spiritual development, to put you in the right direction to discovering what
you can do to change your life forever. You can also change the lives of those
around you by sharing the power that you unleash because psychic help is
often sought by those who need that help and the more psychics there are
with natural abilities, the sooner the word will be spread about the
possibilities that await those who seek answers.
Thank you for purchasing this book. By doing so, you have already
acknowledged your psychic abilities, by following an intuitive inclination to
pursue something more; something that may have seemed beyond your grasp,
until now. All you need to do is reach within. That’s where the truth about
who you are resides. There is so much to share that it can’t possibly be
confined to only this humble book, so if you like what you read then please
write a review so that more people can shared what you learned from it and
also, so a more detailed book might be written. Kudos to you for following
your intuition. Thank you and keep it up!
Now, let’s explore the world of the psychic and the limitless potential of the
human mind.

What Does It Mean to Be Psychic?

Let’s dispel the ambiguity of the mysticism surrounding psychic powers right
off the bat. Your immediate thought upon hearing the word “psychic” may be
of a dark-eyed gypsy woman, her head swathed in elaborate scarves, gold
hoop earrings dangling in the dim light of a candle, as she gazes into her
crystal ball. You may even think of psychic hotlines, where the Mystic Miss
Cleopatra answers the phone in a thick Eastern European accent, ready to tell
you all (with eerie accuracy). “You will meet a tall dark stranger” is one of
the first things she’ll say to you, no doubt about it. Palm reading, tarot cards,
astrology, crystal balls and everything associated with these practices do
indeed, represent elements of the psychic world. They’re the stereotype –
hokey, corny and not very credible. In reality, though, they’re just the
superficial image in the popular consciousness; a side show at the main
event. But how is it that renowned psychics who truly possess this
supernatural skill are able to “see” beyond the veil of the physical world?
The truth is, we all possess this capability - every one of us. It is a latent
talent, lying dormant in our subconscious, just waiting to be discovered,
unlocked and trained. It is just like any other skill or talent: athletics, musical
instruments, computer technology, art design or even business innovation and
management – anything we can do, physically or mentally, has a parallel in
our latent psychic abilities. These skills need to be learned. We’re not born
knowing them, even if we may be born with an aptitude for them. We must
learn the intricacies of the form we wish to master and psychic ability is no
Our world is evolving, and we are at a stage in the development of human
consciousness that is very exciting. We’re uncovering the deeper subtleties
of reality and our ability to more fully apprehend them. With the help of the
internet, and the access to increased awareness and vast storehouses of
information all over the world, people are developing themselves in ways
they never could have before it became part of their lives. We are learning
truths that were refuted or claimed to be fantasy or nonsense, in the past. All
of this knowledge has existed throughout history. Today, we are beginning
to remember the way it has always been. The development of all branches of
science, from physics to biology and psychology, have contributed greatly to
understanding what once was considered “magical” or “mysterious” as
natural phenomena that can be explained through scientific investigation. As
explained earlier, science is both the friend and the enemy of psychic gifts,
serving in a role not dissimilar to the one served in by the religious
authorities of earlier times. But as the mysteries of the universe come to be
known, science is also understanding that in the answers, there are more
questions. In this is a critical fulcrum on which it seems that the scientific
community may turn more readily toward exploration of phenomena
previously scorned, or invalidated by the neglect of its study.
We’re living in a time equivalent to that in which the widespread belief that
the world was flat was transitioning into the understanding that it is, in truth,
round. While the Church claimed this suggestion to be false, and while many
(Galileo, for one) were punished for asserting it, the fact that the world is an
orb (and not flat) is now a globally accepted, scientific truth. What was once
anathema is now simply factual knowledge. We are opening our minds to
another dimension of reality and just as we once believed the Earth to be flat
because we were told it was, we’re rejecting old norms in favor of new
realities. We’re learning about revolutionary energetic principles (like the
recent validation of Einstein’s theory of Relativity, in the darkness of outer
space) and evolving as a result.
You can see this happening in the fields of metaphysics, now. Our scientific
understandings, to date, have been primarily developed from the claims of
Newtonian physics. When the apple fell on Newton’s head, leading him to
develop a mathematical way of understanding our universe more precisely,
he threw down the gauntlet and challenged humanity to explore the world in
a new way. Architecture, motor vehicles, technology, roads, space
exploration and other technologies are based on the exploration and
development of Newtonian physics. He could predict how fast and how long
it would take that apple to fall depending on its weight and height in the tree.
He could predict how big of a bump his head would receive based on the
gravitational force with which the apple hit it. Does that make him or any
scientist who uses his principles psychic? Are bridges built by intuition, or
are they built by intellect employed in science and engineering? Science
dispels mystery. It provides replicable results, which “prove” the validity of
its claims through empirically verifiable demonstration.
And yet today, scientists and mathematicians have made even more wide-
ranging discoveries about the world. Many previously inexplicable
phenomena, using Newtonian physics and mathematics as the basis of
enquiry, are coming to be explained and that earlier understanding modified
and built on. The field of quantum physics is instrumental in this respect.
Scientists have discovered, through quantum physics, that the very nature of
an object changes when it is being observed. In other words, we create our
reality by what we focus our attention on. More on that will be covered later,
delving deeper into what perception, reality, and laws of attraction and
manifestation are about.
Now, through the understanding of quantum mechanics and metaphysics,
when looking at Newton’s apple we’re able to consider the energetic force
that is emitted by the living apple, the tree and our bodies. We’re unlocking
the energetic subtleties and properties of our world and understanding how to
manipulate them; how to flow with them in ways that work to our advantage.
We are stepping into the world of energy and vibrations and what they mean.
Everything has a certain frequency it vibrates at. Some are more dynamic
than others. The implications of this information are fascinating and
potentially revelatory.
Consider how the voice of an opera singer can match the frequency required
to shatter a crystal glass. The glass itself has a certain frequency and the
singer’s voice, in matching it causes the glass to vibrate. As the singer
increases the volume of the note being sung, the glass vibrates more rapidly,
until the molecular structure separates and ultimately, shatters. In a manner
of speaking, the same concept can be applied with the principles of attraction,
matching your mind and brainwaves with a frequency of higher
consciousness, helping you to know things you didn’t know before. How do
you do this? Knowing the frequency exists is the first step to learning to tune
yourself to it.
It’s possible to consciously navigate vibrations, without necessarily
understanding the complexities of how their frequencies work. Know that
thoughts are vibrations, and different thoughts have different frequencies.
Emotions are also vibrations and through our emotions we can experience
union with frequencies representing higher consciousness. The trouble is that
our programming tends to make us dismiss what we are feeling. We will
explore this in future chapters, although for the moment, believe me when I
say that vibrations exist –whether you acknowledge it or not and that at some
time in the future, you will be able to hone in on those vibrations.
Scientists acknowledge this. Doctors acknowledge that we have energy
points throughout the body. In this day and age, we accept that acupuncture is
a recognized way of helping to settle the yin and yang or balance of energy
within the body. We also accept that energy flows from one person to
another, as can be explained by auras, which is the subject of our next
chapter. However, how often have you picked up on the vibrations of others
in your everyday life? If you can feel the ice cold shield that another human
being puts between you and him, or can feel the warmth of a smile from
across the room and know in your gut that it’s more than a smile, you are also
picking up on valuable vibrations. Your brainwaves are capable of doing this
and although not measured by science, you should know for a fact that this
happens. You must have experienced it at some time, which will tell you that
there is more to it than meets the eye. We will take you through the process
of understanding this in greater detail in the course of this book and you will
be able to make your own decision based upon our findings.


A psychic is able to pick up on the auras of other people. We have already

talked about vibrations but what about the vibrations that surround a person
and that come from the energy that person produces? Quite often, we are led
to believe things from what we see and sometimes cannot explain. For
example, if a man enters the room and he is angry, we may know that he is
angry before he even opens his mouth to speak. It isn’t coincidence. It is the
energy that the man is giving off that allows us to pick up on it. Psychics are
able to pick up on the aura of a person and this helps them to be able to see
what others cannot. The angry man in the example above is an obvious one,
although the auras that are recognized by the psychic will be a lot more
powerful, individual and pronounced, allowing them to work with what they
see to produce more positive results.

The aura is something that a child can describe and yet, as they grow older,
lose touch with. Ask a child what color they see when they look at someone
and a young child with no preconceptions about what’s real and what is not
will usually be able to accurately describe what they see. It’s interesting that
children are able to do this and proves the theory that those who have learned
patterns of behavior through childhood replace that natural instinct with what
they are told is real. That’s a great shame because in doing so, they lose the
ability to see auras and to be able to describe them.

In a later chapter, we have given you a rundown of the chakras which are
places within the body through which energy passes. Those who are practiced
in meditation will be aware of these and they are useful for the psychic, who
will be able to use the Middle Eye to be able to see things that others cannot.
The aura that people have is like an energy field. The Russians are way ahead
of us when it comes to exploring the human aura and believe that our actual
DNA can be altered by “influencing” the aura. This is perhaps too distant
from psychic work to go into in any detail, although I did want to mention it
because it has a bearing on your belief as a reader in the potential an aura has.
A psychic is able to recognize the aura of another person and will be able to
tell from that aura what kind of person they are dealing with and even what
the emotional state of that person is. This means that if the aura is bright and
clear the subject is obviously a very honest and straightforward person. An
aura can also send messages and the psychic is able to pick up on those
messages and use them to help to heal the client who is troubled. Mirroring
those thoughts back to the client, levels of trust are established which allow
the psychic to come up with solutions that help the client to overcome
problems within their lives and improve the clarity of the aura.

There are several exercises on the Internet that you can use to improve your
perception and understanding of auras and if you want to develop your
psychic abilities, then this is one area which you will find useful when
dealing with a variety of clients. You will learn to use color combinations
accurately and see what others do not. A particularly good resource for
psychics is thiaoouaba.com where there are exercises for the eyes that help to
open up the potential that the psychic has for the use of auras.

When you are a psychic, you may be able to read thoughts. You may be able
to distinguish things that are going to happen in the future. You may also find
that you have an astute understanding of life that you can pass onto others
who seek out your help. Whether you use astrology, telepathy or simply
apply fortune telling tactics, you will need to be able to have a great
understanding of people. Psychics do not take advantage of their clients and
genuinely believe that they have something concrete to offer them that seems
supernatural to those who have little understanding of the work that they do.

Exercise in recognizing auras

Cut out a circle from craft paper in one color and then an identical one from
another color. Place these onto a piece of white paper so that they are in a
straight line across-ward. Then, draw a black dot in between them. This
should be the size of a period or full stop and should be dead central. Each
object and each living being has an aura. You may not see it, or you may
occasionally see it and think that it’s just your eyes playing tricks.

Place the paper in front of you and make sure that you are in an area where
you have little distraction. Concentrate on the black dot. This is vital. Your
eyes should not wander to the right or to the left, but should stay focused on
that black dot without blinking – if at all possible. Gradually you will begin
to see that the colored circles are developing an aura or a line around them
that you did not see before. This may be slightly faded but it is none the less
You can do the same thing with a living person. Ask a friend to join in and
make sure you choose someone who will sit still and take the exercise
seriously. Place a black dot in the middle of their forehead and focus on it
just as you did with the images. What you will find is that their aura becomes
more visible. The problem is that as we get older, we focus too hard on the
things that do not matter and in doing so, lose the ability to see what is there
all the time.
What auras do is help you to understand people better and that’s vital for the
work that you want to do, which is all about your ability to read people. The
aura is important to those who do psychic readings or who work with clients
as a Psychic professional. Read on to discover more.
Different Types of Psychic Abilities
In this chapter we will cover the spectrum of higher senses that go beyond the
five physical senses. Consider that our five senses of touch, smell, sight,
hearing and taste are senses of the body. They work with the brain, which is
also an organ of the body, to collate information in the world external to our
physical realities in order to decipher reality. But we are more than our
bodies. We are also spirit, emotion and intellect and it’s through these human
faculties that we’re able to approach higher levels of consciousness.
The senses described in this chapter are of the mind. These three recognized
levels of consciousness are the conscious mind (awareness in everyday
living), the subconscious mind (thoughts, feelings, knowledge and
perceptions that lie behind our conscious, waking mind), and the unconscious
mind (cognitive disconnection from the body, most commonly occurring in
the deepest stages of sleep). These functions work in concert with one
another, even though we’re not aware of them. We breathe without thinking,
feel hunger when our bodies require food, are biologically urged to attend the
bathroom or even feel the need for sexual union. Our awareness is prompted
by these natural functions, as we move through our days, performing the
tasks required of us in order to reproduce daily life. The subconscious
records all we do and stores it. It registers our emotions and prompts our
responses. It is the subtext of daily life of which we’re aware only
peripherally. But we can gain a much better understanding of ourselves by
being aware of the operation of our subconscious mind. Imagine the power
that unleashes and you will see the significance immediately.
The conscious mind tends to be logical, analytical, perceptive and structured.
However, the perception of the conscious mind is based on personal
experience and adopted belief systems, and can be distorted by emotional
interference. In other words, emotions and the limitations of the conscious
mind can compel us to make faulty observations and judgments, no matter
how intelligent we may be. This is a reflection of the difference between
knowledge and wisdom. Our conscious minds often tell us things that are not
true. In order to expand our awareness to encompass the fullness of reality,
we need to bring our awareness into conversation with the subconscious
mind. That conversation represents an access point which offers us an
expanded and more highly evolved consciousness, capable of much more
than our conscious mind is, on its own.
The subconscious mind is a much richer place than the conscious mind. It is
colorful, creative, imaginative and symbolic. The subconscious relates to
dreaming, and helps us to make sense of our emotions and memories. It is
where potential, understanding, awareness and our natural capabilities
(psychic and otherwise) can expand infinitely. Great business leaders and
innovators either possess an inherent knack for working from the
subconscious mind, or are have trained themselves to do so. This is because it
frees them from the rigid, regimented approach of the conscious mind in
marketing, design, team management and other areas and promotes an
alternative, inspired intellectual approach which is both imaginative and
harmonious. Artists of all fields work from the subconscious mind and its
creative promptings.
The unconscious mind may seem like it is a relatively inactive, as though
nothing happens there. At least from physical standpoint, it’s difficult to
conceptualize what it’s doing, as our conscious minds are unable to detect its
function. All the body’s vital functions (like breathing and heartbeat) are
running on autopilot, yet any form of cognizance inherent to these processes
is absent. The unconscious lies even deeper than the subconscious, and is
perhaps the spark from which imagination originates. To conceive of
something greater than ourselves, it is this function of the mind that’s called
on. From here, we can connect with a vastly orchestrated and intimately
conjoined living presence, (the collective unconscious, in Jungian terms) of
which we are all a part. Through the subconscious mind, the unconscious is a
gateway to this collective unconscious we all share.
Have you ever had a great idea that gave you the potential to put a plan in
action, but you haven’t taken advantage of it? Maybe some time goes by and
you see your idea actualized by someone else? This reflects the notion that
we are all connected through a universal unconscious network from which we
may derive ideas and process them into the physical world, and that these
ideas are out there for us to discover. If the idea comes to you and you don’t
take advantage of it, someone else will do so and bring it to fruition.
100th monkey theory
This theory purports to have originated in Japan, as the result of a study
conducted on Macaque monkeys in 1952. In 1975, Lyall Watson published a
foreword to the book Rhythms of Vision, by Lawrence Blair, which described
the study and its findings. In essence, it was discovered that learned
behaviors reach a “tipping point”, at which these behaviors or skills spread
among an identified group and peripheral groups exponentially, thus
normalizing them. In the case of the monkeys observed, that behavior was
washing sweet potatoes. The monkeys were observed to transmit the skills
generationally and then, socially, to neighboring groups. It was in the book
by Ken Keyes Jr., entitled “The 100th Monkey,” that the theory was
The theory is based on the hypothesis that once an idea, behavior or skill
which is desirable reaches a certain level of popular saturation (the 100th
monkey), its dissemination will be accelerated, until it is normative. Later in
this book, I’ll review some of the ideas of Deepak Chopra concerning an
impending tipping point in human consciousness. While it doesn’t follow the
theoretical pattern of the 100th monkey, what it suggests is very similar – that
ideas and behaviors reach levels at which it’s unavoidable that they will be
adopted globally. The same conceptual framework can be applied to the
diffusion of higher consciousness as an attainable and desirable goal for all
human beings.
While the scientific community continues to litigate against this effect, it’s
clear that the diffusion of ideas routinely reaches certain levels of communal
consciousness which cause them to flow out in all directions and become
globally accepted. This is observably true. In fact, the book The Tipping
Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, by Malcolm Gladwell,
is essentially a re-visioning of the 100th monkey theory, in which it’s applied
to the effect seen in the diffusion of trends and products. It’s undeniable that
the theory has considerable validity. Further, it’s clear that the same theory
can be applied to the diffusion of higher consciousness and the human
understanding of our collective intimacy in the web of the collective

Did you ever wonder how advertisement affects the way that you perceive
things? You may not be aware of it but your subconscious mind is being fed
information at all times of the day and these may be changing the way that
you think. What you need to be able to do is to recognize that your level of
consciousness – or your awareness – is always going to be affected by stimuli
around you. You will need to be able to take more control in order to develop
your psychic abilities and that’s what this book is all about.

We may be reaching that tipping point, with the support of new technologies,
like the Internet. What this represents is a profound, evolutionary shift in
human development. In the chapters that follow, you will find out how this
affects your view of the world and how you can use intuition to build upon
what you learn during the course of reading this book. Intuition is much more
powerful than you may imagine and once you are able to harness its power,
you will find that you are also able to read people a lot more accurately – not
letting preconceived ideas get in the way of accurate perception.

The power of intuition is indeed a subject that has been studied by scholars
for centuries and even used to stop criminal behavior. There is a very
interesting study of this that you may wish to read which shows clearly that
there is a pattern behind what happens to a human being based upon their
behavior and their reaction to others. We learn to react in a collective way
and that’s not always the best way to react. Just as the 100th Monkey theory
can be applied in a positive way to get results, it can also be seen to result in a
catastrophic way, if we put instinct to one side and ignore it. The signs and
signals are there all of the time and yet we choose to ignore them. Gavin De
Becker used our lack of intuitive response to explain in his book “The Gift of
Fear” how human beings are actually ignoring their own intuition and put
themselves into situations that are not only unpredictable but dangerous. The
psychic, however, is able to pick up on the messages given to them by their
intuition and is not afraid of what those signals are saying. It makes amazing
reading and may actually explain to readers why intuition is so important to
follow. Psychics who are worth their salt will indeed know that the inner
knowledge that can be stifled by modern dogma is there all of the time if you
can peel away all of the taught refusal to follow that inner knowledge.
Advertisements on the TV may give people preconceived ideas about right
and wrong when in fact, the intuitive nature of the psychic will look beyond

Dreams and the unconscious

An example of bringing information from the subconscious into
consciousness is simply the act of remembering dreams. Dreams occur as the
fruit of our unconscious minds. There are many theories as to the purpose of
dreams, and while each has its place, a great number of dream researchers
who’ve based their thinking on the work of famous psychologist, Carl Jung,
believe that dreams are a safe place to symbolically play out emotions and
scenarios of concern from our waking life. Following this theory, dreams
assist us in resolving the emotional outfall and anxiety that can result from
stress and the more negative aspects of life, without unnecessary trauma.
From the perspective of the brain, the deepest sleep stage places us in the
realm of the unconscious. The only brainwave activity detectable in this state
is the delta wave, which is very slow, and one of the four understood to exist
in our various levels of consciousness. Subconscious brainwaves are
recognized as being primarily theta (the next slowest type, after delta), which
have been recorded in Yogis and Buddhist monks after entering deep states
of meditation, as well as alpha waves, which are prominent during dream
states. Beta waves are the fastest brainwaves and are predominant during
waking consciousness. These are the waves which help us organize,
prioritize, and manage tasks in the course of daily life, as well as those tasks
requiring fine motor or intellectual skill. A wave’s length determines the
nature of the matter and the radiation it emits, which is inversely related to its
frequency. Are you beginning to notice a pattern here?

These letters stand for “emotional quotient”, which describes our ability to
pick up on the emotional states of ourselves, others, and the overall emotional
state of a room filled with people. Folks who have a high EQ are also known
as “empaths”, and tend to be very emotionally sensitive with good reason.
We, as people, experience the influence of emotions constantly, and how we
choose to deal with those emotions helps to determine our overall physical
and mental health. Emotions are unavoidable, and while influenced by our
surroundings, relationships, circumstances and settings, they are entirely
within our control.
Those with high EQs are abler than most to sense the mental status of others.
Further, they’re keenly aware of factors like subtext (both in terms of what’s
not being said with words and the emotional setting of the words
themselves). This ability is the stuff of which diplomats and mindful
medicine are made, and also those in all healing professions. It’s what
teachers, politicians and savvy leaders of all kinds call on to pursue the
vocations they were born to employ their gifts in living out. High EQ people,
instead of applying the complex of experiences, prejudices and social
assumptions most people generally apply to their interactions with others, are
able to look more deeply into the truth about those interactions, discerning
their true substance. People with a level of emotional intelligence are able to
perceive the real issue by hearing beyond mere words and seeing beyond the
surface of things. They know there’s always more under the hood and don’t
hesitate to apply that knowledge to finding solutions that honor the people
involved. They know that one size never fits all. They also know that
reticence is sometimes an invitation to ask questions, or to understand that
there’s more to know.
Even if someone appears to be unemotional, it is sometimes the case that they
have developed the habit of repressing their emotions, in order to conceal
them. But emotions do not go away. They are stored in the body, and without
a proper release, they will remain there, building up like air pressure in a tight
container. Repressed emotions can begin to create blockages in the energetic
pathways of our beings. When these blockages form, our physical and mental
health begins to diminish, because everything inside us is not flowing as it
should be. Therefore, it is important to find healthy outlets to release our
emotions, especially for empaths.
Have you ever walked into a room where two people have just had an
argument and you could feel the tension in the air without anything being
said? If so, you were picking up on the emotional vibrations that were
emitted into the room because of the argument. This is a type of psychic
response. No one has to say anything to you. They don’t have to show you
through their actions, but you can pick up on the emotional state they’re in.
It’s because your higher senses are sensing the emotional vibrations being
transmitted by the emotional state of other people, which has a residual effect
on the atmosphere.
It can be difficult for empaths to fluidly function throughout their lives
without being able to understand what is actually going on, and learning how
to protect themselves from being pulled one way or another every time they
run into an emotional vibrational field. Every emotion carries its own
frequency. The negative emotions are of a lower frequency or, while the
positive emotions are of a higher frequency. Often, empaths can feel
emotional and not even know why, believing these emotions are being
generated by them and trying to figure out why it is they feel a certain. It can
be very disorienting, but the ability of the empath to sense the emotional
states of other people, when consciously understood, can also be a gift.
Lower vibrational frequencies, such as negative emotions like fear, anxiety,
depression, anger and grief, do not have nearly as much power as the higher
vibrational frequencies of joy, courage, love and compassion. Therefore, it is
an important part of the empath’s job to maintain a higher vibration by
finding and doing things that truly make them happy. Empaths need to give
themselves plenty of down time to process what they’re feeling.
When you are able to accurately read the emotional state of yourself and
others, you will have a better idea of how to approach them sensitively, in
order to create a harmonic connection, which will ultimately enhance all your
relationships. You will be able to work toward rational solutions much more
fluently, although the process isn’t rational since emotions aren’t.
Developing a connection with and understanding of your own emotions, and
knowing what best raises their vibration, is important for empaths. Matching
that frequency and releasing negative emotions through action or vocalization
is a skill that can be learned. This enables us to replace the space negative
emotional vibrations previously dominated with higher vibrations of
compassion and understanding.

Telepathy is the ability to sense what other people are thinking (also
described as minding reading). Twins, close friends, and intimately
connected lovers are examples of people who are able to know what the other
is thinking, often completing each other’s sentences without so much as
batting an eye. So does this mean that they are psychic, or do they just know
each other so well they can tell where their train of thought goes in any
situation? The phrase “being on the same page” comes to mind in this
discussion, which could be tailored with your budding knowledge of how the
universe works to “being on the same frequency level.”
There are different forms of this ability. While some may appear telepathic,
they are actually not. Some people are just good at reading others, and there
are training classes around the world to teach people how to accomplish this.
It’s a matter of reading body language and understanding what posture and
body positions imply about people’s emotional and psychological state. We
pick up on a variety of signals sent by people’s body language and speech
patterns and react to them, without even realizing it. It’s a matter of one
subconscious interacting with the other.
Another skill that heightens your awareness is listening. Developing listening
skills so you are not just hearing what a person is saying, and you are not
assuming anything, but are able to detect what they actually mean from their
words. This is the interpretation of the “subtext” (meaning under the
meaning) of what is being said with words. This is a very important skill,
which allows you to read between the lines in order to understand what
people are not saying. Even though advanced listening skills are not
technically telepathic, they can involve a high level of intuitive interpretation,
coupled with keen attention to linguistic detail, which will be discussed in the
next section.
True telepathy involves having such a clear mind that you’re void of thought
and open to receiving information through the opening of the third eye
(which is, in fact, a chakra, discussed later on). It may feel silly and
nonsensical at first and requires that you trust in the process. This ability
allows you to receive what may appear to be random messages, with no
significance to you. With time and practice, though, you’ll find that
messages and information received through an open third eye are applicable
to those around you. By increasing your intuitive powers, you’ll soon be able
to find meaning in them.
With a clear mind, you are making yourself available to absorb the subtle
frequencies of other people’s subconscious mind. Since the subconscious
mind isn’t logical, it makes sense that some of these messages will seem
esoteric in meaning. The more that you allow yourself to trust the process of
opening yourself to vibrational energy, and the more you practice, the more
comfortable and better you will get at it. It’s a process of bringing your
awareness down into your own subconscious, clearing out the junk there and
making yourself open to work from this state on a telepathic level.
You will find that with practice, you can improve this and there are exercises
later in the book that will help you to work on your telepathic skills. These
are simple exercises, but you will be able to make them harder as you get
more accustomed to opening your mind sufficiently to receive the messages
that are being sent to you. There are reasons for the chapters that follow and
these reasons are obvious once you start to empty your mind of muddle and
are able to take on board the skillset needed to use your intuitive nature to
pick up on messages being sent to your mind by others. Just as some people
see auras, others pick up on thoughts being transmitted and are able to do so
easily. When you first try to practice this, it works better with people you
already know. However, you can hone the skill so that it can work with
people who are not so familiar to you.
Intuition, Receiving and Transmitting Messages
Here, we’re going to take a look at what exactly intuition is and connect it
with two other interwoven concepts that shape our intuition and provide us
with the potential to open it up, in order to realize our intuitive potential.
There is also a chapter later in the book that gives you ways to optimize your
intuitive skills and these should be tried on a regular basis so that you are able
to keep your mind open to incoming messages from others.

What Is Intuition
This is the inner voice that so many of us have lost contact with. But having
lost contact with it doesn’t imply it isn’t there. Our inner voice is what leads
us to make decisions based on our highest level of good judgment. It
provides us with insights about ourselves, our lives, the people we interact
with, and the world at large. Intuition is not a moral compass necessarily,
dictating what’s right and wrong, but it does provide a sense of what is right
for you versus what is not necessarily in your best interest.
Insights derived from your intuition can be applied to any aspect of life.
Insight might be typified in an exchange like the following: “How did you
know about that?” To which you might respond, “I don’t really know, I just
knew it.” or, “I felt it.” The inability to explain such insight and foresight is
due to the origin of the information in the subconscious, which then translates
itself to the conscious mind. There is almost a shroud or veil between the
two, but it can be lifted. You’re going to learn how to lift that veil between
these two functions of the mind.
In order to develop your intuition, you must be completely detached.
Attachment can influence your intuition negatively by skewing due to your
conscious perceptions. Again, intuitive proficiency arises out of having a
clear and open mind, so in order to really develop your intuition, you need to
cultivate a clear mind. To give you a clearer picture of what intuition is, look
at this event. No doubt there has been a time in your life when you have lost
something. No matter how hard you look for it, you cannot find it. Then,
several days or weeks later, a thought comes into your mind that tells you
exactly where that item is. You must have noticed that the moment that you
stop thinking about it, you actually allowed your subconscious mind to find
that item for you. All the time that you are alive, your intuition is at work in
the background. Unfortunately, what people do is drown it out with other
thoughts and noise so that we cannot listen to it sufficiently. People who have
psychic abilities also have the ability to switch off the interference and use
the inner cognitive process to hone in on inner thoughts that may be of use to
What Is Higher Consciousness
We have discussed this briefly, earlier. Higher levels of consciousness
represent an expansion of awareness of universal realities which have always
been extant, but which are only accessible by you with the cultivation of your
ability to perceive them, which is part of nurturing your intuitive and psychic
The most vital ground of higher consciousness is the communal reality of
Jung’s collective unconscious, in which are stored the riches of the human
experience and the archetypal expressions of those experiences.
Representative images (or icons) of the life markers and realities we all share
are here and are recognizable to everyone, regardless of culture. While they
may have expressed differently in conscious life, their fundamental
symbolism is unaltered and essentially the same for all people.
Why does a child act out destructively? An immediate, tunnel-vision
assertion would assert that the child is simply a “bad kid” or a “trouble
maker”. A step up in consciousness from that assertion, with a little
background information attained by either knowing or speaking to the child,
leading to greater intuitive perception. This can reveal that the acting out is
due to a traumatic history, or perhaps that the child lacking a role model or
some constructive outlet for childhood’s frenetic energy. There may also be
a psychological issue in play, arising from the trauma, or inherent to the child
in question.
Entering into the realm of higher consciousness, we can begin to see that
everything happens for a reason. In a heightened state of awareness, we may
be able to interpret that the child discussed above may be going through a
phase, because that phase holds a key element or lesson they need to learn.
While the child will have a lifetime to learn the lesson, the phase is key to
that learning it. Through the proper channels, the child may be able to learn
the lesson more quickly and move on to other lessons or life experiences. We
may also understand that the destruction the child is causing through
disruptive behavior will lead to a chain of events involving others that might
otherwise be spent doing something else. Life trajectories can be altered in
small ways, leading to greater growth. Dwelling on life lessons due to a lack
of awareness can be draining and counterproductive.
Drawing on our EQ and our intuition, our responses can be rendered
infinitely more sensitive to the truth about what we’re hearing and seeing.
Instead of indulging in the usual assumptions, driven by personal experience
and socially-mandated prejudices, we can reach a higher level of
consciousness which permits improved interpretation. That means we are
less inclined to dismiss the emotions of others. Being in tune with our own
emotions and how they’re formed and play out in our responses is the key to
our ability to do this. Jesus said “know thyself” and what could be more
important? When you know and understand yourself, you’re much better
able to know and understand the internal workings of the complicated,
emotional creatures you live with. Their culture and experiences may be
different. Their level of consciousness may be different, but because they’re
human, you and they have the same fundamental foundation – human
experience and the archetypal expression of what that consists of. It’s
common to every one of us, despite the veils of culture which often obscure
Small adjustments in perception can lead to major changes in live trajectories
that can yield incredible results. That is what higher consciousness is all
about: it is the ability to not only see the big picture, but to see the
connections between small events and how they relate to the big picture.
Then, with wisdom and guidance, through a more highly-developed intuitive
aptitude, you may make much more appropriate decisions about how to
approach a variety of situations, including those involving “problem”
Your approach to life, informed by higher consciousness, can come from
anywhere on the spectrum of your spiritual standpoint - cerebral, heart-
centered, compassionate - any of these, separately, or in combination, can
help you be a gift to yourself and those around you. You will know what’s
best, because you are connected to a higher consciousness that knows exactly
what you and those around you need.
How Mindfulness aids High Consciousness
This is a powerful tool to help you to be more compassionate and conscious
of all that is going on around you. Not many people follow the premise of
being present in the moment and they should. The reason this is so important
is that it helps you to be more aware and more compassionate. Try to imagine
that the world only exists in this moment. All too often, human beings will
find that their thoughts wander. Any kind of psychic skill will need
concentrated effort on the “now” rather than being muddled by thoughts of
the past or worries of the future. The important thing is that mindfulness also
makes the mind astutely aware of everything that is going on around it. There
will be times when you see people with psychic abilities notice things that
other people do not notice. It is seen as being very impressive to the
onlooker, although mindfulness places you in the moment and when you are
there, it is easier to concentrate on what is around you and notice those things
that others do not.

Your higher consciousness needs to be in a peaceful place and mindfulness

helps you to get there. That means being conscious of people around you but
more than that to help yourself to be more observant. You will be able to tell
from looking at someone a little more about their lives because being in the
moment does that. You are able to discern feelings and vibrations that a busy
mind would miss. Thus, practice mindfulness in everything that you do.
Whether the task be mundane or complex, give it all of your concentration
and your higher consciousness is able to become more honed and trained.
People who exercise in the Martial Art field learn discipline and it is this
discipline that helps to train their minds so that they gain control over their
opponent. The same applies in the psychic field because a sharp mind that is
able to read things clearly without their vision being blinded by preconceived
ideas and ideals is much more likely to pick up on important factors that help
their psychic reading.
What Is Perception
Perception is a point of view from which we see things from a certain
vantage point and through a variety of lenses informed by life experience and
our own particular worldview. Our perceptions determine how we interpret
what’s going on around us, the motivations of others and our place in the
world. It can be narrow and based solely on assumptions, expectations, false
information, stereotypes, pretenses and conditioned belief systems passed
down throughout history. But it doesn’t need to be.
It can widen and become more encompassing and incisive, by unlearning and
dissolving conditioned beliefs. By questioning everything, seeking deeper
truths and keeping an open mind; practicing gratitude for everything in life
and allowing the events in our lives, whether good or bad, to serve as lessons,
we increase our capacity for compassion and our ability to see things as they
truly our, without limiting perception with the cultural conditioning we’re all
subject to.
The first-hand experience of perception, when open, leads to a greater
understanding of the reality and a higher consciousness, thereby cultivating a
greater inner peace through awareness, acceptance and empowerment.
To develop this part of your skill, you need to look at everything that you are
conditioned to believe. If you are conditioned to believe in failure and
success, for example, who sets the barriers or the lines between such
assumptions? It is important to look at the way that television shapes who
you are. If you spend hours being conditioned by what you see on the screen,
your belief system may need adjusting. For example, you may have very
black and white ideas about what’s acceptable and what’s not acceptable,
who is fat and who is thin, who dresses in an acceptable way. All of these
prepositions actually stifle your psychic abilities because they put rules in
place that change your inner consciousness. You judge and that’s where the
mistakes happen. Remember that these judgements are based upon
programmed information. You need to get back to basics and put all of these
conditioned beliefs to the back of your mind and that’s quite hard to do.

Changing your level of Perception

There is a whole world of difference between knowing something to be
correct and knowing it to be helpful to you. To increase your level of
perception, you will need to open your mind. There are several methods of
doing this. Neuro Linguistic programming is one of these ways. John Grinder
and Richard Bandler came up with the notion that if you were to put together
the elements of Neurological thinking and Linguistic thought, you could have
a very powerful tool to help the mind to become more open to ideas.
Language, brain and body were put into sync by a number of exercises and
there are now courses in Neuro Linguistic programming that are certainly
worth taking to help you to develop your psychic abilities. That’s not to say
that the two different elements are one and the same. What it does mean is
that the learning you do will help you to see things in a much clearer way
which in turn helps your psychic abilities. You are more accepting of other
people and less opinionated and one pointed. Thus, you are going to learn to
look at things from the perspective of others and that’s something that human
beings are not very good at. If you do find that there is a course, either online
or through book format, then it is well worth investing in, because this tool
will help to take away many of the perceptions you have programmed into
you from birth which are blocking psychic ability.

The way that we see things puts limitations on us, and this system is used by
business to widen the scope of workers and help them to become more open
to other ways of thinking. We map out our route through life based on very
narrow principles which are put in place by our parents and by the
experiences that we go through. That’s an extremely limiting way to set out a
route for yourself. Neuro linguistic programming helps to put that to one side
and to start to see the bigger picture which is, of course, going to be helpful
to you in developing that inner ability to see things that other people may

When you are visited by visions of an impending event and its outcome, you
are having a premonition. As with telepathy, there are false premonitions and
true premonitions. We are not talking about people who call themselves
psychic and actually have just designed a formula by which they might offer
generalizations to those seeking a vision of their futures. Premonitions are
not hocus pocus, or money-making schemes. Premonitions are visions of
future events and what they mean, prior to their occurrence. They are a
window into the future.
False premonitions result when we fall prey to the power of our minds in
creating our realities. One example might be that you dress very well one day
and have a premonition that you are going to receive compliments about the
way you are dressed, as you’ve taken special care to dress well. The truth is
that because you’re confident about the way you look, that confidence and
self-assurance attracts compliments. Your demeanor changes when you
know you look good and attract the admiration of others.
A little later on, you’ll read about a ground breaking study which has
delivered promising results concern the human capacity for pre-cognition.
But the world is full of mysterious descriptions of people having
foreknowledge of events which occurred later on.
It is a good idea to start writing down any visions that you have and seeing
the accuracy of those visions. Don’t try too hard. It’s not a question of trying.
It’s a question of listening to your inner self as much as possible and learning
to trust it. Premonitions are likely to become more accurate if they are based
on gut instincts, rather than fabricated by an over-zealous mind. If you let
your imagination do its own thing, rather than trying to fabricate ideas
through trying too hard, you are much more likely to have astute
premonitions that actually mean something. You must have seen people
whose gut instinct never lets them down. These are people who hone in on
what’s actually happening and are able to see into the future quite accurately
without trying.
To start to learn to use your powers of premonition, look at simple everyday
things that are affected by what you do, or nature. Getting close to nature
helps you because the instinct to be able to predict things is in everyone but is
largely left unused. Close your eyes and feel nature all around you and try to
picture tomorrow. Is it going to rain? Is it going to snow? Yes, of course, a lot
of these premonitions are based upon what you already know, but most
premonitions are. If you consciously hear or feel something concrete in your
mind, note it down and see how accurate it was because it takes you a while
to learn to use this premonition skill. That’s because you are not accustomed
to using it. The skill lies dormant in all of us, but when you read the
experiences outlined below, you will see that it’s a very important skill for a
psychic to have. Again, it’s down to intuitive trust and that’s something you
need to work on, if you really do want to use the skills that you were born
with for accurate prediction.
I’ve been visited by a variety of premonitions and visions, throughout my life
and know of many others who can say the same. Here are some examples of
people who have seen history unfold, via dreams, premonitions and visions.
Harriett Tubman
The “Moses” of the Underground Railway, Tubman is responsible for
conducting thousands of slaves from their brutal existences on the plantations
of the south, using a complex system of safe houses to help them escape
safely and be free.
Tubman was herself a slave and, as a child, the master of her plantation threw
a heavy metal object at her, hitting her in the head. The symptoms resulting
from this injury persisted for her entire life, causing her to suffer from pain
and dizziness. At times, she would fall into a deep sleep from which it was
difficult to wake her. During these episodes Tubman was visited by
premonitions and divine visions. Her profound faith guided her as to the
meaning of these and her belief that the voice of God speaking to her.
Tubman also experienced vivid and frequent dreams. Her religious faith led
Tubman to find inspiration in the Hebrew Scriptures and their themes of
liberation from slavery, particularly the story of Moses leading the Hebrews
out of slavery in Egypt.
While Harriett Tubman had always experienced vivid dreams, these were
intensified following her head trauma. Her dreams, after this event, began to
take on a different feeling, as well as a sense of urgency. In fact, Tubman’s
dreams, as described in her writing, were to guide her as a conductor on the
Underground Railroad, assisting her in liberating slaves and guiding them to
safety and freedom.
A striking example of the role of Tubman’s dreams and visions took place in
1856. Tubman, now a free woman after having escaped slavery, was in the
state of Maryland to conduct four slaves to freedom. One of them had been
brutally beaten only the day before and was still bleeding from the whipping
he’d endured. Tubman and her party was on the road to freedom, when she
suddenly collapsed, the victim of one of the episodes she suffered from, due
to the head trauma. The party of runaway slaves was tempted to flee, but
stayed with her.
When Tubman awoke and was ready to carry on, she revised the group’s
plan, conducting them into in an area known to be dangerous for runaways.
This did not deter her. She led the group to a wide, deep river. It seemed an
insurmountable obstacle and impossible to wade across. But Tubman knew
there was a part of the river it would be possible to cross, as she was aware it
wasn’t as deep as the rest of it. She knew because she’d seen it in the dream
she’d had when she’d collapsed on the road.
Leading the group into the river at the place where she knew the ford would
be, the water reached up to her mouth before she found it. Tubman then led
the group to the river’s far bank, where she knew a cabin would be found
where the group would be sheltered and fed, as she’d also seen this in the
dream. In fact, when they arrived, a black family greeted them. The family
lived in a small cabin on the banks of the river.
The next day, the group doubled back, re-tracing their steps. On the shore
they’d departed from they found evidence that the search party on their trail
had reached the river and then turned away. The bloodhounds with them had
lost their scent because of crossing of the river.
But Harriett Tubman also foresaw one of the most auspicious events in all of
American history. Three years before Lincoln passed the Emancipation
Proclamation, Tubman was staying with a friend. Her friend was taken aback
when Tubman arrived for breakfast one morning, electric with excitement
and yelling “My people are free!” at the top of her lungs. Tubman’s friend
assured her that no such thing would happen in either of their lifetimes, but
Tubman had seen the future and told him “You’ll see soon enough”.

The rest, as they say, is history.

Winston Churchill
This Second World War era British leader’s premonitions became
popularized through the publication of his wife, Lady Clementine’s
reminiscences of the era in her biography, entitled My Darling Clementine:
The Story of Lady Churchill. In it were recounted the reliance of Churchill
on his intuition, which included premonitions of a variety of events.
The Churchill’s were hosting a dinner for a group of government ministers.
As always, German bombs were dropping, as they dined. At the time, this
was a regular feature of daily life and so the Churchill’s and their guests
continued with dinner, as the house staff went on as always, managing the
kitchen, clearing dishes and filling glasses.
Without warning, Churchill rose from the table. As he went into the kitchen,
he ordered staff to put the remaining course on a hot plate in a dining room.
He then gathered up staff and guests alike and conveyed them to the bomb
Only three minutes later, a bomb struck the house, completely destroying the
Also during the war, Churchill was to pay a ceremonial visit to the site of an
anti-aircraft gun manufacturing plant. Once he’d completed his tour of the
facility, he returned to his vehicle. Instead of entering the car and being
seated in his usual place in the back seat, Churchill continued to the other
side of the vehicle, atypically seating himself on the opposite side from that
he was accustomed to being seated on.
The motorcade left the facility and had only gone a few blocks when a bomb
hit the road. The impact, while not physically implicating the vehicle, blew
the car off the road, causing it to tip onto the two wheels on the side on which
Churchill was seated. Later, it was observed that it was the Prime Minister’s
material proportions which had caused this effect, pulling the car and its
passengers out of the path of bomb shrapnel and keeping it stable enough not
to turn over.
When Churchill was asked why he’d chosen to sit on the other side of the car
from his accustomed seat, he responded that a voice inside him had told him
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
In 1968, the city of Memphis, Tennessee was in the throes of a sanitation
workers’ strike. Two black sanitation workers, barred from sharing the cab
of the truck with white workers because of the notorious Jim Crow laws, had
been sitting in the back of the garbage truck. Due to a malfunction in the
machinery, the two men were pulled into the machinery and killed. The
sanitation workers sought equal treatment to prevent such meaningless
tragedy and a workplace governed by regulations to protect them.
On his way to Memphis, Dr. King’s flight was delayed by a bomb threat. But
Dr. King was accustomed to violence, having already been knifed and having
received numerous threats to his life and safety and that of his family. He
proceeded to Memphis, undeterred.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. arrived in Memphis to rally the workers and to be
a presence in support of justice being done. On the night of April 3, Dr. King
delivered the famous Mountaintop Speech at the Mason Temple. In this
speech, he paralleled the Biblical narrative about Moses being shown the
Promised Land by God from the top of a mountain and told he would not
enter it with the people he’d been leading out of Egypt. Dr. King took the
parallel to its ultimate conclusion, saying that he might not arrive in the
Promised Land and intimating a foreknowledge of the premature end of his
life. During the course of this section of the speech, he noted poignantly that
“longevity has a place”, intimating that he knew he would not live to enjoy
that luxury.
On the day after his speech, Dr. King was leaving his room at the Lorraine
Motel with fellow activists to attend another rally. He didn’t know that
across the street, a gun was trained on him. Just after 6 pm, Dr. King was
shot and in just over an hour, he died in hospital at the age of only 39.
True premonitions are those which are messages received from the collective
unconscious; an interconnected web of the vibrations of everyone living.
These will come more readily to you when your mind is aligned with higher
consciousness. They come to you so that you can either take action to change
events or simply prepare yourself for them so that they don’t come as a shock
or blow when they happen.
Premonitions come easily to those who are aligned with the collective
unconscious and occur with more frequency than is commonly believed. In
fact, premonitions have been with us through history, as the examples shown
above illustrate. A further illustration of the role of higher consciousness is
witnessed in the quality of the people whose premonitions we’ve read of.
These were not only dreamers, but doers. Their interests extended beyond
the parameters of themselves because they understood that those were the
shared interests of all the community sharing the collective unconscious. In
that complex web of shared knowledge, there is little room for the ego.
Throughout the course of history, there are literally millions of people who
have used intuition to predict things that are going to happen. These are by
people who are open minded enough to listen to them. There are more people
who do not listen to their intuition and who prefer to be programmed into
believing what they are taught to believe and that’s where we are now.
We are at a juncture where people are beginning to see that they have the
tools to come up with creative ideas and solutions, but that their level of
programming is such that they set intuition to one side or ignore it in its
entirety. We admire the detective on a TV show who knows something by
gut instinct and yet we choose to go forward in our lives refusing to listen to
that inner voice. It is there all the time and little by little, enlightened people
are opening up that part of themselves that allows them to experience
enlightenment that helps them with the psychic abilities.
Fortune Telling
Two of the most common fortune telling methods will be covered here. These
are palm readings and tarot cards. You may also have heard of reading tea
leaves and this is commonly used in many parts of the world. We have even
expanded this section to cover types of fortune telling that you may have
heard of, but have little experience of. The crystal ball isn’t just for
fairgrounds and the runes are not just stones. In fact, did you know that
dominoes can be used to help in a psychic reading? They can. We have given
you an overview of the different kinds of fortune telling and this gives you a
chance to practice them and find out if any of them are systems that you can
use accurately. Fortune telling has unfortunately fallen upon a bad reputation
and is associated with charlatans who try to sell their trade to others though
have little skill. A fairground fortune teller is hardly going to have the
spiritual background needed to be able to use gazing into a crystal ball for
anything other than guesswork. However, psychics use these systems in
conjunction with other learning to be able to give clients accurate readings.
Palm reading
The art of palmistry dates back thousands of years and IS most commonly
associated with the countries of Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
However, it’s known to have been practiced in India and China, as well as
ancient Babylon, Persia and Tibet. Its origins, however, are believed to be in
India, from where the Romani (also known as Gypsy) people came, diffusing
their presence up through Asia Minor and into Europe, the Middle East and
northern Africa. Originally the warrior class of Rajasthan’s royal court, the
Romani people brought the ancient art of chiromancy with them and
introduced the world to it.
During the Medieval Era, the Church banned palm reading as a forbidden
practice, categorized with the raising of the dead for the purpose of divining
the future (necromancy), pyromancy (fire reading) and several other practices
involving divination. Regardless, the knowledge survived and has been
passed down in various forms. The orientalist artistic movement spawned a
great deal of interest in the occult and similar phenomena, so the 19th Century
saw a revival of palmistry. Irishman William Warner became one of the
revival’s most celebrated practitioners, reading the palms of such
contemporary notables as playwright Oscar Wilde and actress, Sarah
There are many different schools of palm reading in the world today and
while everyone claims that one is more effective than the other, what’s most
important is that the reader in questions has a superior knowledge of the
craft. As stated, a number of techniques exist, but chief among these is the
reading of the lines on the palm of the hand and their arrangement, depth and
length. Other factors include hand flexibility, skill coloration and the
fleshiness of various parts of the palm, particularly the inside gall of the
Palmists hold that the dominant (working/writing) hand represents the
subject’s conscious mind, well the passive hand represents the subconscious.
Also extant is the belief that reading the palms can reveal personality traits, as
well as karmic truths. The shape of the hand, in representing the natural
elements, indicates temperament and character.
Palm readings are linked to the energetic make up of your body and mind,
which is actually a part of your biology and DNA, creating formations in the
palms of your hands which can be deciphered on a both a general and a
specific basis. There are entire books dedicated to looking at the lines of the
palms, their coloration and the amount of padding you have on your hands.
Depending on the combinations of these various aspects, an understanding of
the person’s personality and life path can be derived based on hundreds of
years of study and research in the psychic community.
As stated earlier, the success of palmistry largely depends on the level of
sensitivity enjoyed by the reader, as well as the openness of the subject. For
palmistry to serve the purpose of revelation, energetic and vibrational
exchange must take place. Just as a performer is best appreciated by an
engaged audience, engagement between subject and reader must be based on
these factors. It has, in fact, been established that audiences and performers
exchange energies in the course of the full panoply of the performing arts.
This energy can be either good, or bad. Sometimes, though, it’s just “dead”
and performers and audiences can sense this in one another. The same is true
of palm reading.
Tarot cards
Tarot cards originate in 15th Century Europe and were originally designed to
be used in the playing of games of chance. It was not only the late 18th
Century that this type of card came to be associated with fortune telling,
divination and the occult. While some enthusiasts insist on the Tarot card
deck’s origins in Ancient Egypt, there is no evidence to suggest that this is
the case. Claims of a connection to the mystical Kabbalah of Judaism are
also unsupported by evidence.
Tarot decks used by modern day readers consist of the original number of 78
cards, as used by 15th Century gamers. Of these, 22 consist the Major Arcana
(higher mysteries) and 56, the Minor Arcana (lower mysteries). The two
most historically important of all existing Tarot decks, two of which are
directly linked to occultists who designed and wrote about the properties of
the deck in question. The first of these is the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, named
after the occultist Arthur Waite and designed by the artist Pamela Smith.
These were original produced in 191o by the Rider Company. The famous
occultist Alistair Crowley was later to originate the Thoth Tarot, designed by
Lady Frieda Harris. Crowley also wrote the Book of Thoth to accompany the
Today, the number and variety of Tarot decks is almost endless and the
practice of reading them widespread, with interest in the form growing daily.
There is even the Hermetic Tarot, developed as a way of incorporating Jung’s
archetypal schema into the practice of Tarot. With the Tarot, mileage may
certainly vary and again, much is dependent on the sensitivity of the reader
and the receptivity of the subject, as well as the free flow of energetic
frequencies between the two.
Tarot cards each have a meaning and life concept attached to them which is
quite detailed. There are different structures or outlines about how to place
the cards in a tarot reading which add meaning to professional readings,
based on where the cards are placed in the various outlines. Combinations of
different cards together, interacting with and influencing the meaning of each,
add layers of meaning to the reading to get a more accurate depiction of the
message being presented.
So with tarot cards, it may seem as though the cards are doing most of the
work, right? But it is up to the tarot card reader and the level of intuitive skill
possessed, to interpret the energy of the person they’re reading for. A skilled
tarot card reader can accurately sense how meanings and combinations of
cards apply to that particular person’s life. The way a tarot card reading
works is that the cards all begin face down, so it appears as though the tarot
card reader chooses cards at random.
The “randomness” is actually the reader clearing the mind, holding a single
thought, question or intention (because thoughts have a specific frequency),
and allowing a higher consciousness to guide them in choosing the cards
which pertain to that question or intention. There is no cognitive or logical
thought involved. These methods work largely with the symbolic meanings
of the psychic/spiritual world which operate in the subconscious.
For skeptics, I can recount at least one instance in which a woman was told
she was pregnant before she knew this might even be possible. Gestation at
the time of the forecast was no more than two weeks.

Reading Tea Leaves

“Tasseography” or tea leaf reading isn’t new. Indeed, it is the western

interpretation of what lies in the future through the use of tea leaves
remaining in a cup. There is a mixed history behind this element of psychic
skill. In fact, it would appear to have started in the Middle East and in Asia
around the 17th century. It is thought that this skill travelled across to Europe
and to Greece via gypsies who traveled and took the skill with them.
Although the basics are that the tea leaves are read against the background of
white china, the reader doesn’t just read what is in the cup. The psychic has
the ability to use intuition and observation of the participant, although there
are standard patterns which can be learned by those who wish to learn this
skill that will help them in recognizing what they are seeing when looking
down into the cup of remaining tea leaves. In Ireland today, this is a common
way to look into the future and is practiced by psychics worldwide. So why
did this form of psychic reading gain so much popularity? The fact is that
people want to know what the future holds and this skill is a social one
because it can be used after drinking tea. The tea is brewed in a pot using the
traditional tea leaves rather than tea bags.

The traditional manner of reading tealeaves requires the person wanting the
reading to swirl the cup three times and the usual way is clockwise or to the
left ending with the cup against their heart. The tea cup is then turned upside
down on a saucer and the recipient of the reading may be asked to tap on the
base of the cup, although this is not always something that is followed.
Different parts of the cup represent different moments in time. For example,
the area directly beneath the handle on the cup refers to immediate events or
those that are likely to happen in the near future, while the base of the cup
may hold symbolism that gives the reader a little insight into the past of the
person wishing to know their fortune.

There are various symbols that are used to denote different things and these
can be in the form of angels (which would mean that good messages are
trying to get through) to an arrow shape which denotes bad news. If you are
wanting to learn this skill, it is something that can be learned in conjunction
with opening up your intuitive skills. If you are able to read people through
intuition, you are more likely to get accurate tea leaf readings because you are
also aware of which things may be irrelevant to the person whose tea leaves
are being read. For example, a boat journey seen in the tealeaves may not be
relevant to a senior who is having trouble with mobility, but it could figure in
her past and talking about her life will help you to decide upon its relevance.
Perhaps it is something that she is thinking about nostalgically.

Even those without developed psychic skills will be able to practice this
simply from learning the symbolism of the different shapes that form in the
tea cup and on the saucer – both of which can be read. The saucer readings
refer to both the present and the future and the wider area of the saucer
represents the future, while the inner circle is more about this moment in

It is interesting to note that coffee grounds have also been used for reading
the future in countries where ground coffee is the norm, such as Turkey and
the Middle East. Usually the images are pretty common sense rather than
symbolic and you can see actual shapes, a little like reading the shapes that
appear in the clouds above when you are kid. Making those shapes relevant
to the client, however, is another thing entirely and that’s where your
intuition helps you as well as your rapport with the person whose tea leaves
you are reading. If you are going to try reading the tea leaves, use loose tea
and make sure that your pot is capable of leaving sufficient leaves in the cup.
Do warn the drinker to expect these since no doubt they will be accustomed
to drinking tea that leaves no traces. Teabags are used by most people these
days, although the tea used in them is really too processed to use for accurate
Fortune telling through Omens

Have you ever balked at the idea of walking under a ladder? This is because
you have an inbuilt knowledge of the fact that this is considered to be
unlucky though omens also act in a way that allows you to have an insight
into the future. You may need to also look into numerology if you want to
work with Omens since many of the numbers have significance as omens. An
example of this is a series of 4’s which means success in a current situation,
as opposed to a series of sixes which is considered to be very bad luck.
However, if you do go in this direction, you also need to understand that
different cultures see numbers in different ways. Chinese people, for
example, see the number 8 as being a very good sign since the pronunciation
of the 8 is very similar to the pronunciation of wealth in that particular

13 is a particularly unlucky number in most countries and one may associate

13 with Friday the 13th and consider this day to hold very bad luck, although
in other countries, people are queueing up to buy lottery tickets under the
assumption that this number will bring them good fortune.

You can see from this that the interpretation given to numbers isn’t universal.
Thus, your neuro linguistic skills will help you to see things in perspective
and be able to use numerology with clients having different backgrounds.
Christians see the number 13 as unlucky dated back to the Last Supper, when
the 13th person seated at the table was the betrayer – or Judas.

Four may also be seen by people in the Far East as being extremely unlucky
but this may be due to the association that this number has with the word
death – the pronunciation being very similar indeed.

If you are going to use numbers in your readings, you do need to understand
the significance of the numbers but have this totally in perspective for
different races and belief systems because what numbers mean in one culture
may not have the same meaning in another. However, numbers are very
powerful in helping the psychic to predict the future and should not be
dismissed since there have been many occasions where the established bad
luck numbers have proven their bad luck status.

These are thought to be of Germanic origin and are stones which bear
different symbols that have different meanings. A typical reading done with
runes would mean casting the runes – which means that the person wishing to
know their future would place them onto a table. A nine run cast would give
an indication of past, present and future although for fortune telling, the
future is what the fortune teller is more interested in – based on what is
learned from the past and present of the subject. The runes would be laid out
in groups of three – the top layer representing the past, the second line
representing the present and the third line, representing the future. With a
new client, one may be more inclined to use what is called the Horseshoe cast
because this cast gives a better overview of the client and puts 21 runes into
place. Seven groups of three are placed in a horseshoe shape – thus the name
– and each group represents a different category as follows:

● Past events
● The here and now
● The immediate future
● Things to look out for which you may not expect
● The influence of people in your life
● Obstacles that stand in the way of development
● The potential outcome
A reading of this nature would typically take longer but would hone in on
accurate portrayal of the client’s situation and likelihood of success in future
experiences. The reader would also confirm with the client during the course
of the reading the accuracy of what is being said and make adjustment to the
reading to take into account the responses gained from the client. The runes
are accurate but the interpretation of the runes can be variable. This makes
this system of fortune telling a very clever one – in that there will always be a
sense of clarity. However, reading of runes without reading of the person
who requests that reading may be fruitless. The two elements need to be
brought together.

Scattering of runes – This is done by the recipient of the reading and a

handful of runes are scattered onto the table in front of the recipient. The
runes which fall nearest to the client are those that relate to the current
situation and as the runes get further and further away, these give clues as to
the future. This is quite a random way of using runes for the uninitiated and
you would need to have a good knowledge of all of the meanings behind the
runes to do this with any sense of accuracy. There are various websites that
give full descriptions of all of the runes and their meanings, though you also
need to have a good understanding of karma and to learn not only what the
runes mean, but what their reversal means since this is entirely different.
If you decide to try runes, you can download a rune chart from the Internet
that gives you a clear explanation of all of the symbols. This will help you to
practice and to familiarize yourself with all of the symbols. It is suggested
that you know these by heart before attempting to use them professionally,
since those consulting you will certainly be skeptical if you have to keep
referring to a chart.

Crystal Ball Readings

We have already discussed how energies disperse and we know that human
beings have a certain kind of energy. While people can dabble with a crystal
ball and have fun, the reason why people seek the help of a psychic for a
crystal ball reading is because the psychic has a better understanding of how
to read these energies given off by the client. A crystal ball will take on the
energy of the client and the psychic will be able to use this energy to answer
certain questions posed by the client.
Usually the crystal ball is illuminated by a candle because this makes the
veins within the crystal ball show up better. The client will be asked to place
their hands onto the ball so that their energy goes into that ball, while they are
asking the questions. The psychic takes a mental note of the questions and is
able to look into the ball to find the answers. There are many charlatans in
this business and genuine psychics may not advertise that widely. They will
use this as a means of gaining trust with a client and will be able to give
specific answers based upon the energies that flow into the crystal ball from
the client and that form images.
These images may come in the form of moving images or may just be
representations that the psychic understands. The psychic may ask the client
certain questions or move the ball to different angles so that they can read
what messages the ball holds. One may ask whether the energy will change
when then psychic touches the ball instead of the client and the answer to this
is that the energy will indeed change because the ball will also take on the
energy of the psychic, although the experienced psychic will know the
difference and the joint energy may just be what is needed for results to

Domino Readings

Developed in China over 2200 years ago, dominoes have been used up to the
current time to help fortune tellers to give a client a look into the future. Of
course, the standard domino set used in China was comprised of 21 pieces
and each of these represented something specific. An example of this is
would be the double six, which is the largest scoring domino in the game of
dominoes representing success. Similarly, the double zero represents bad
fortune and would be considered to be the unluckiest domino in the set.

There are several methods used for reading dominoes and that depends upon
your skill and also upon the amount of time you have to do a reading. One
way is to lie the dominoes face downward onto the table and get the client to
choose three dominoes. Another method requires shuffling of the dominoes
before each domino is drawn, but the same amount of dominoes is drawn for
this method, namely three. The quick method requires that the domino which
has been drawn is put back into the pack and may indeed be drawn again. If it
is, then it reinforces the reading for the particular client and may be an
indication that your predictions are more likely to be correct or based on the
vibrations that the client is giving out when choosing their dominoes.

Again, you will need to learn the meanings of the dominoes if you want to be
persuasive. You only have the 21 to learn so taking a couple of days
familiarizing yourself with the pack will be a very good idea. This will help
you to give readings that are convincing.

The meaning of the dominoes is shown below:

Double six – Good fortune and happiness. This is a fulfilling domino to draw
because it represents all areas of life and if drawn three times, this would
indicate that the client has a very happy future lying ahead.
Six-Five – This domino indicates that help is on its way. It may also indicate
that you need to put in help in order to receive the help that you need in
Six-Four – This may be a high number, but it denotes a difference of
opinion. This may come in the form of a potential argument or a difference of
opinion that leads to a law suit. However, the probability of loss or lack of
success is apparent in the outcome.
Six-Three – This denotes the potential for travel but it’s more than that. It
means that the travel will bring some kind of happiness or value to your life.
Six-Two – It is paramount that you are honest with the people you deal with
if you want this domino to come true. It is a very lucky domino but only if
your approach is honest.
Six-One – This domino means that you will be able to overcome a problem
that is happening to you right now and that there will be an alliance at the end
of solving the problem.
Six-Zero – This means that you give everything – thus the six but that you
get very little in exchange for what you are giving. This is an unhappy
domino to draw and may mean that you are involved in something you prefer
to be kept out of.
Double Five – A little like the double six, this is a fortunate domino and
shows that luck will be coming your way.
Five – Four – This domino warns that you should not take financial risks and
that it’s better not to speculate. It can mean wealth and fortune, but not if you
compromise the situation by taking those risks.
Five - Three – This indicates that you will receive some encouraging news.
Five – Two – A great indicator of friendship and it may even tell you that a
birth is expected.
Five – One – Love is in the air although you need to be extra careful if you
want the outcome to be happy
Five – Zero – Sadness is in the air. Blanks usually tell you that there is a
negative element and in this particular case, you would be well advised to be
aware of what you say to others as there may be consequences.
Double Four – This is the party choice. It is a sign that there will be a happy
and joyful get together.
Four –Three – You may be going through a rough patch and expecting
things to go wrong. However, this may not be the case and you may find that
success follows you and that events turn out positive.
Four – Two – A really dangerous domino to draw, this denotes that you are
going to be cheated in some form. That could range from a child telling you a
lie to having your home burglarized.
Four – One – A financial choice, this choice indicates that you may have
financial difficulties in the future and that you need to be extra vigilant to
keep your debts in order.
Four – Blank – Remember – the blanks are bad news. In this case, it relates
to relationships and disappointments in your current wish list. The only way
around this is to try and preempt it by being extra kind to people and not
provoking any kind of negative situation.
Double Three – You will be financially secure for the time being. However,
this is the only double that actually denotes an element of bad luck. The bad
luck involved with this domino is usually caused through the emotions and
thus you need to curb jealousy and get beyond it.
Three – Two – This relates to financial affairs and is not really negative if
you are sufficiently cautious in your financial dealings.
Three – One – The chances are that you are going to experience a little
unhappiness and unrest. However, be prepared for a surprise in your life
which is positive. If you keep your house in order as far as emotions go, then
you may be able to overcome any emotional difficulties that others put in
your way.
Three – Blank – This denotes bad luck at work or at home. Be extra vigilant.
Double Two – Although you may find that there are hurdles, if you continue
on the track that you are taking, you will achieve success.
Two – One – This domino puts you back into touch with old friends and
family and is a good sign that you need to take up writing letters or
telephoning people from your past who you may have neglected. The
negative aspect of this domino is that it denotes financial loss. Be vigilant.
Two – Blank – As we have said in the past, blanks always have a negative
side to them, but this is only if you let people get in the way of your
happiness. In this case, the two-blank domino denotes that you will travel
and, during that travel time, will make friends.
Double One – If you draw this and have found that you are slow at making
decisions, this is the time to go for it and not hold back. Trust your instincts.
One – Blank – This domino warns you to be aware of people who are
untrustworthy, but there is a very good side too which denotes that you will
gain money.
Blank – Blank – This is the worst of all of the dominoes in that it is the
domino that brings the worst kind of luck. Change your approach if this
domino is drawn because the bad luck is only in your current situation and if
you can change direction, you can still achieve success.

Before the client is asked to choose the dominoes, get them to sit quietly and
take all thoughts from their mind. They should choose the dominoes that they
feel a gravitational pull toward and it will make use of their intuition which is
always a good thing.

All psychics need to remember that this kind of fortune telling gives them a
responsibility to their clients and fortune telling used alone is of little help.
The intuitive understanding of the psychic in conjunction with the dominoes
can give more accurate direction and the psychic should take their
responsibility seriously and not use dominoes as a definite indicator of bad
fortune without also being able to reassure a client of a way forward. You can
practice this form of divination with friends that you know because you will
be able to link the events that are predicted by the dominoes with your
knowledge of the particular person and this gives a good insight as to how
this kind of fortune telling works. It is not a question of simply reading the
dominoes. It is a question of being able to interpret what they are saying in a
way that is relevant to the client.

These are the common forms of reading done by a psychic although of course
there are others. If you are interested in developing and honing your skills as
a psychic, then trying some of these methods may help you. You will also
need to understand the great responsibility that this places upon you. If
someone is afraid, you need to be able to reassure. If someone wants specific
information, they will not be satisfied with vague answers and you may need
to tell them the limitations that you place on the type of fortune telling used.
For example, a woman may wish to know if she is going to get married.
That’s quite easy for a fortune teller to glean. However, the woman may get
impatient and want to know specifics or even the initials of the potential
loved one. Be careful because this is where people slip up and their skills can
be disproven.

Fortune telling in its truest form can be enlightening. If the psychic is gifted,
a lot of good can be shared through the use of any one of the above fortune
telling systems. I would suggest that you only use those that you fully
understand. This is not something to be played with. The psychic ability that
you have will make you more comfortable with certain fortune telling
systems and you will know which give you the best and most accurate
results. Try them on friends to see how accurate your readings can be. Try
them on family and taking three separate draws – one for future, one for past
and one for present – will give you a lot of practice in interpreting what the
domino choices mean to the individual concerned.
Famous Psychics
Human history is full of tales of those who were in full command of their
psychic abilities. To this day, people doubt the ability of the human mind to
apprehend the world in mysterious ways which defy explanation. But these
mere mortals were neither gods nor demons. They were all just like you and
I. The difference is that they boasted superior gifts in the field of psychic
Oracles in Ancient Egypt
The religious beliefs of Ancient Egypt precluded the assertion that the gods
were omniscient (all-knowing). For this reason, Oracles were appointed to
the royal court, in order to serve as intermediaries between the world of the
gods and humanity. The Egyptian Oracles went before the gods with specific
requests, concerning the fortunes of the royal family and the people of Egypt.
Individuals would also call on Oracles to act as intermediaries between
themselves and the gods. Responses to their questions would be written on
papyri, which would then be worn in amulets by the person who’d contracted
the Oracle’s services. These papyri were also known as oracles. Questions
asked could be anything from whether Pharaoh should undertake a military
campaign, or the sex of an expected royal baby, to requests by anxious
farmers wanting to know about the success of their harvests.
Egyptian Oracles weren’t generally enjoined to make complex requests of the
gods. They were much more likely to be sent to them with questions that
might be answered with a “yes” or “no”. In terms of Ancient Egyptian
worship practices, the word “oracle” also refers to talismans found on and
inside Egyptian tombs and monuments. Oracles also served as divine court
officers, charged with settling legal disputes between people.
The Oracle of Delphi
An Ancient Greek priestess, the Oracle of Delphi, was installed at Apollo’s
Temple in the ancient city, near Mt. Parnassus. Political and military
decisions in Ancient Greece were based on her pronouncements, which
witnesses to her sweeping power. Between the 8th Century BCE and 393 CE,
the Oracle at Delphi was central to the conduct of state affairs. It was only
with the advent of Christianity being made the Roman state religion that the
power of this seer was to end. Pagan temples and the practice of Paganism
were outlawed at this time. All Pagan temples were also closed, or
Women fulfilling the role of Oracle during this time period were expressly set
apart in much the same way a nun or monk might be. Each would be called
upon to renounce worldly interests and pursuits, including their families and
friends. Existing marriages would abruptly end as, having been identified as
being worthy of the position of Oracle (by virtue of her psychic gifts and
wisdom), the chosen woman would immediately live in the Temple of
Apollo. From that time forward, she would be solely dedicated to
interpreting the will of the gods for the nation of Greece.
Philosophers of the time, including Plato and Aristotle, wrote extensively of
the Oracle. Prior to speaking, she would inhale gases emitted by a fault
under the ruins (possibly the reason for its having been established at this
place). But little is known of this practice. Even the type of gas inhaled is
lost in the mists of history. One legend connected with the site has led
scholars to believe that the gas at the site was discovered by a goat herder
who, having observed some effect of the gas on his herd, was himself
overcome by its effects. The gas may have induced a type of chemical
trance. Some scholars believe that the gases were, because of their
properties, a type of medium for divine communication, which would guide
the Oracle’s advice to the Greek state and the people, as a whole.
The Delphic Oracle was also known as the “Pythia”, after the dragon the
Greeks believed the god Apollo to have slain. In connection with the
presence of the gases at the site, it’s not difficult to see how the myth of a
dragon might arise (as they’re known to breathe fire). Interestingly,
archaeologists believe that the Oracle was the revival of a much earlier
tradition native to the region, concerning the worship of the primordial
female earthy deity Gaea. In this religious system, the role of the Oracle was
fulfilled by what was known as a “Sybil”. Today, traditions of Gaea worship
are enjoying a resurgence, under the influence of the environmentalist
This 16th Century apothecary (what we’d call a pharmacist today) had a most
fascinating sideline. He was also known as a man with prophetic sight, able
to foresee future events. His prophecies continue to be the subject of much
speculation, even today. While it’s probably inappropriate to adhere his
prophetic statements to modern day events, in his time, his predictions and
premonitions were known to be remarkably accurate.
In 1555, Nostradamus published the book, The Prophecies. These writings
grew from his experiences in Italy, where he began to become less interested
in the practice of apothecary sciences and more drawn to the world of the
occult. His publication of an almanac in the year 1550 and its subsequent
publication in successive years began to expand his reputation as a seer.
Soon, the nobility of Europe came to seek his advice. As part of hi service to
them, he produced charts based on their date and time of birth (astrological
charts, basically), using them as predictive tools.
In writing The Prophecies, Nostradamus took great care in the language he
used and intentionally obscured his meaning. This was, to some extent, to
conceal it from religious authorities, as he was aware there would be a
reaction from the Church in response. To veil his meaning, Nostradamus
used a combination of languages, including Latin and his native Provençal.
Nonetheless, publication of The Prophecies provoked reaction from the very
authorities he’d attempted to neutralize by obscuring the meaning of the
contents. He was accused of being a servant of the Devil, a charlatan and
even of being mentally unstable.
The wife of the reigning French King, Henri II (Catherine de Medici) thought
quite differently. She became a great admirer of Nostradamus because of
predictions made in his 1555 annual almanac (published in the same year as
his book). That year, Nostradamus’ predictions included some relating to the
fortunes of the royal family and so, he was summoned to Paris to explain
these to Queen Catherine. When summoned, he was convinced he would be
executed on arrival. Instead, the Queen named him Royal Physician to her
son, Charles.
It was not until 1562 that Nostradamus ran afoul of the Church, when the
Inquisition came in search of heresy and believed it had detected it in his
writings. He was briefly imprisoned, without further incident. While
Nostradamus spent much of his life concerned about persecution by Church
and legal authorities, this was not the case. His popularity and the fact that
he’d never employed the use of “magic” (considered heretical) were his
salvation. His imprisonment had resulted from not obtaining permission to
publish an almanac from the local bishop – a minor infraction in the eyes of
the dreaded Inquisition.
Many of Nostradamus’s prophecies concerned the coming of the Antichrist
and the invasion of Europe by the Ottoman Empire. These reflected
contemporary concerns, accompanying both Ottoman and Saracen
penetration. Implicit in these writings is the shadow of the Apocalypse. As
in our own time, the Christian belief in the imminent end of the world as we
know it was a prevalent theme of the day. Even today, people plumb
Nostradamus’s prophecies (which are, for the most part, undated), looking to
them for illumination of modern day events. This was especially true during
the Y2K hysteria that gripped the world at the beginning of the millennium.
One of the most famous of Nostradamus’s prophecies described the coming
of a “great king of fire” in 1999. People all over the world became obsessed
with the end of the world arriving. Mass hysteria led to the stockpiling of
food and other supplies. It was also feared that the world’s computer systems
would fail, unable to absorb the date 2-0-0-0, resulting in its exchanging it for
the year 1900. The credulous reeled, as the prospect of being plummeted
back to the days of the rotogravure and short pants loomed, ominously. Of
course, none of this came to pass, leaving the ardent dancers of the Apo
calypso bereft, as the sun came up on January 1, 2000.
But it’s also purported that Nostradamus predicted a number of events in his
time and shortly after it. For example, the death of Henry II is said to have
been predicted by him, as well as the Great Fire of London (1666). Other,
later events are also said to have been prophesied in Nostradamus’s book of
prophecies, including the French Revolution, Napoleon’s military victories
and the discoveries of Louis Pasteur. Some of these claims are quite far-
fetched and based on the vagueness of Nostradamus’s language (intended to
elude those most likely criticize or prosecute him – Church authorities). It’s
very easy to see what we want to see when seeking prescience in any number
of writings.
The Bible itself, offers a perfect example in the Isaiah Apocalypse (chapters
24 to 27). In this account of the end of the world, the City of Chaos is the
metaphor employed to describe the powers of the world and the threat these
represent to the people of God. Through time, these powers have been
identified as the various empires of history, including the Seleucid and
Roman Empires. According to the events of the day, readers of the Bible
have variously interpreted the meaning of scripture to apply specifically to
the political realities of their times. This is a normal practice for people in
times of crisis and change, particularly with respect to the Bible.
Appeals to the prophecies of Nostradamus continue in modern times.
There’s even a book called Nostradamus for Dummies, which hopes to put a
modern spin on his writings and claim prophetic vision which extends even
into the 21st Century. While this is a rather farfetched practice, the esoteric
language employed in The Prophecies lends itself to interpretative license in
any age, much in the way the Isaiah Apocalypse in the Bible did in various
times, and as the Book of Revelation in the Christian Scriptures continues to
do. No pair of eyes seems to read esoteric writings in quite the same way, or
through the same lens. With the translation of texts into different languages
(and Nostradamus employed a variety of these in writing The Prophecies),
this effect becomes even more pronounced.
It's entirely possible that, at some point in Nostradamus’s visit to Italy and his
subsequent fascination with the occult, our French apothecary saw a means of
elevating his position in life by becoming a kind of 16th Century Madam
Cleo. His clients were the wealthy and the occult was “trending” at the time;
an interest apparently shared by the Queen of France herself. But who am I
to impugn the person of a gentleman of such wide repute? He’s not here to
defend himself, after all.
Nostradamus was nervous about the Church and its opinion of his writings
for good reason. The Church, in concert with Judaism and Islam, has been
largely responsible for the suppression of mysticism and the use of psychic
gifts. It’s interesting to consider the reasons for this in light of the Salem
Witch Trials, in the early United States of America.
A systemized religion demands adherence to certain Creeds, which
encompass core beliefs, from its followers. Giving free rein to any
understanding of the liberated operation of human minds represents, for
religious authorities, a profound undermining of hierarchical power. People
who are able to access higher levels of consciousness and understanding
might also be able to directly experience the presence of the divine. This
would preclude the need for the intermediary action of the clergy and in fact,
the assertion that the consecrated status of religious structures rendered them
more holy (somehow) than the natural world, or even a family home.
While it’s true that the history of monotheistic religion is filled with mystics,
seers and stigma, it’s also true that the church has not been particularly kind
to them. In Islam, the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia actively persecuted the
mystical Sufi sect for its practice of honoring ancestors, forbidding Sufi
practice and anesthetizing it. In Judaism, the mysticism of the Chasidim is
widely frowned upon, as it includes the practices of elevating dead rabbis to
an almost saintly status. This is particularly true of the Lubavitch branch of
Chasidism, known to distribute vials of “blessed water” to potential converts,
in Israel. This practice represents another aspect of the sect which is
forbidden in Judaism, which is proselytizing (seeking out converts). In
Christianity, mystics like Julian of Norwich and Hildegard of Bingen are
widely revered, but Julian couched her terms when relating details of her
“showings” (visions in which God was purported to have spoken directly to
her). Her standard means of doing this was to preface showings which might
have proven dogmatically problematic for Church authorities with qualifying
language like “Holy Mother Church teaches…”, followed by the qualifying
phrase: “I did not see this”.
In its zeal to crush the many named heresies of the Church, the Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith (which the Office of the Inquisition is now
called) repressed numerous dissenting or divergent expressions of Roman
Catholic faith, burning those found guilty of heresy at the stake, as well as
torturing them. Giordano Bruno (memorialized in the Campo di Fiori in
Rome in a haunting statue of the monk) was the last person to be executed by
the Inquisition in Europe. He asserted that the universe was filled with
worlds beyond our knowing – something most people today acknowledge as
a fundamental truth.
In their insistence on systematic doctrine, organized religion has actively
sought to suppress trains of thought which promise the liberation of human
mind and the full realization of its limitless potential. In the actions of the
Wahhabis, Institutional Judaism and the Inquisition, we can see this. But the
Inquisition seems not to have ended with Giordano Bruno. Protestantism
took up the cause and was, quite literally, passed the torch.
Salem Witch Trials
Burning or hanging witches is a beloved pass time of religious zealots and
Salem was only the most famous of its all-to-frequent historical outbreaks.
Communal hysteria can be generated by any number of factors. Fear of the
stranger is probably the most common, having been with us since the time of
Sodom and Gomorrah, when visiting angels to the ancient city of Sodom
were greeted by an unruly and inhospitable mob. Fear of women, however,
is also a popular theme for eruptions of mass hysteria.
Over a period of three centuries, tens of thousands of people (mostly women)
were sentenced to death and executed. These eruptions took place all over
Europe following the birth of the denominational splitting of Protestant
Christianity, following the Reformation. The most recent trial of a witch took
place in 1833, in Tennessee.
The case of Salem, taking place in the American colony of Massachusetts,
between the winter of 1692 and the late spring of 1693 saw 20 people
executed, 14 of whom were women. Only one of these executions was
performed by a means other than hanging. Prior to 1692, New England had
its own eruption of witch hunting, resulting in the execution of 12 people.
Concurrently, twenty-four other people were known to have been executed
before the most famous period (as cited above) in Salem’s history of
persecuting suspected alliance with “the Devil”.
I suppose Nostradamus was right to spend so much of his life looking over
his shoulder. In that sense, perhaps his most enduring prophecy is that
concerning the propensity of human beings to rally around the idea that
people’s minds have no business doing any of their own thinking!
The Salem Witch Trials stand as an icon of the willingness of people to
conform to normative and repressive religious constructs which have the
effect of insisting on even greater conformity, on pain of death. My purpose
for including them in this section is to provide a parameter and an historical
benchmark for examining how far this tendency prevents people from
pursuing their psychic gifts.
Folklore and rumor often insist that the tens of thousands of men and women
who have perished through the ages at the hands of religious authorities for
purported allegiance to The Devil have been psychics and seers. This is not
necessarily the case. What’s of primary importance is that we understand
how ready people are to demonstrate their conformity to group systems of
community identity by taking up torches and participating in the ritual
murder of those who don’t conform. Whether those who died were gifted or
not, it’s verifiably true that their communities deemed them “other” by virtue
of whatever mark was seen on them to define them in this way.
History has demonstrated the hostility of many authorities and people toward
those who differ from them. When that difference is a superior intellect,
capable of seeing the world differently, or a psychic gift which enhances their
vision, the unusual nature of what they see instills fear in those who are
unable to understand. Fear is the foundation of all hysterical response to
difference, including hatred. Fear breeds the hatred unleashed on those who
boast remarkable prescience, a gift of prophecy, or a vision of the universe in
which we’re not alone in the universe. It’s only in the present age that people
like these have been liberated from the iron fist of institutional repression and
the hysteria of unquestioning followers who fear what they don’t understand
and in hatred, annihilate it.
That’s not to say that skepticism doesn’t continue to abound. It does. It’s
everywhere in an empirically-driven world that demands scientific evidence
(which perhaps might be characterized as a new type of Inquisition). The
fear of the unseen remains with us, but its ability to persecute it institutionally
has been radically diminished. For that reason, those of us who hope to
nurture our psychic gifts may no longer live in fear of being dragged off to
our respective stakes by the Inquisitor of our age, yet we continue to face
derision and sometimes even ostracism.
Today, witch burnings, hangings, torture and persecution continue in various
parts of the world. Notably, the evangelical and fundamentalist churches of
Africa have taken advantage of indigenous beliefs in demons and the power
of exorcism to incite mass hysteria there. The results have been disastrous,
with even children being attacked and sometimes murdered. But as the world
grows in knowledge and understanding, hope increases and the day is coming
when these persecutions will end, as enlightenment dawns. It’s in gratitude
that I share that hope with you and the hope that by pursuing your full human
potential, you’ll share it with others. That hope can change the world and
help put an end to the trials of the square pegs of this world; persecuted for
not fitting in the round holes provided.
In this age of accelerated knowledge and increased human potential, there are
people with considerable psychic gifts who some of us may know. Others
are emerging emissaries of a new age of expanded consciousness. Let’s see
how they’ve spoken to the world around them and what we, as believers in a
higher consciousness we all have access to, can learn from them.
Jeane Dixon
Born in 1904 in Medford, Wisconsin, Jeane Dixon is probably one of the best
known modern psychics and astrologists. Dixon spent much of her childhood
in California and while there, encountered a gypsy woman. In Dixon, the
woman saw the gift of second sight, when she read the child’s palm.
Perhaps Dixon had a little of Nostradamus’s suspicion of religious authorities
(a no doubt healthy suspicion in the midst of the notorious religiosity of the
United States). When her bestselling Gift of Prophecy was published in
1965, she claimed herself to be a devout Roman Catholic. Just to ensure that
no one might mistake her for a Satan-worshipping charlatan, Dixon further
claimed that her gift had been regaled by none other than the Almighty. The
Gift of Prophecy sold over three million copies, it should be noted.
Of great interest in the case of Dixon is her popularization of the psychic gift,
through her associations with American Presidents Richard Nixon and
Ronald Reagan. Dixon is remembered for advising Nixon, most notably with
regard to the terrorist attacks on Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich
Olympics. It was at her prompting that Nixon set up a counter terrorism
branch of his administration. Jeane Dixon was also well known as one of
several psychics called on by First Lady Nancy Reagan.
An American mathematician coined the term “Jeane Dixon effect” to
describe the tendency of believers in psychics to highlight only their correct
predictions and not those which prove mistaken. Dixon was known for being
able to correctly predict events, but also to miss the mark. Predicting the
victory of Richard Nixon over John F. Kennedy in 1960 is one such instance.
But the most important legacy of Jeane Dixon, regardless of the frequency
with which her psychic powers were known to fail her, was the
popularization of psychics and the belief in the existence of such gifts. Her
bestselling book, combined with her work with two American Presidential
administrations made her a household word and put psychics back in the
public square. But not on the stake, or hanging from the end of a rope –
rather, as respected public figures whose gifts might bring them national
Annette Martin
The first psychic to ever testify in a murder trial, Annette Martin had early
knowledge of the fact she had gifts other children didn’t have. At the age of
seven, confirmation of those gifts came in a most unfortunate way. On the
playground of her school, Martin was suddenly overwhelmed by the
sensation that she was about to be attacked. Only scant minutes later, a group
of her playmates turned on her.
In 1997, Dennis Prado went missing and a missing person report was filed by
his family. Police searched in vain for the elderly man, 71 years of age at the
time of his disappearance. The San Pedro Valley was the last place he’d been
seen. It was well known in the area for its treacherous terrain and the
labyrinthine trails visitors were warned not to venture off, lest they be lost in
the forests there and never found alive.
The search for Pardo endured for two and half months and police, at their
wits end and with no information that might assist them in their endeavors,
decided to do the unthinkable – engage the services of a psychic.
The forested area into which Prado had disappeared without a trace was an
enormous 2,000 miles square. Sgt. Fernando Realyvasquez was skeptical.
He didn’t believe for a minute that turning to a psychic would help the
Pacifica Police Department locate Prado. Nonetheless, he met with Martin,
taking maps of the San Pedro Valley and a photograph of the lost man with
Martin elected not to visit the missing man’s home, or to go to the forest to
seek impressions. Instead, employing a breathing exercise, she induced a
trance state while holding a picture of Prado. In this state, she was able to
project herself into the experience of Prado. As she did so, she saw him
walking in the forest and falling to the ground, apparently having suffered a
heart attack. Next, she reached out and put her hand on a map of the area in
which Prado had disappeared. As she did so, she detected heat rising from a
small section of the map. This, she discerned, was where the man had died.
Martin then circled this area on the map and drew Sgt. Realyvasquez a
rendering of the place where Prado’s body would be found. In examining the
map later, the officer realized that Martin had indicated an area of less than
an eighth of a mile square. In that area was a trail leading from the building
where Prado had lived, into the park. Martin indicated that his body would
be found just off the trail and further advised that a police dog be used to
locate the body, insisting that this would make the job much easier.
The search was conducted and Prado’s body recovered almost immediately,
found in almost the exact location Martin had said it would it be. While
exposure to the elements and the time that had elapsed had caused the
expected physical deterioration to Prado’s corpse, an autopsy revealed that
he’d died of a heart attack, exactly as the psychic had told police.
Annette Martin would later testify in the murder trial described above, in
2006. The trial defendant was a psychic and Martin’s role was to
demonstrate to the jury that psychic detectives actually existed, as claimed by
the defendant. Annette Martin is yet another notable psychic who has
provided a foundation for claims of psychic validity. Her service in the
Prado case and as the first psychic expert witness at a murder trial signal a
new era in the annals of the history of human psychic potential.
John Edwards
At the age of fifteen, John Edwards, like many people, was highly skeptical
about psychics and their claims. He believed strongly that anything to do
with that area was a bunch of bunk and viewed extra-sensory perception, the
work of mediums and related phenomenon with a great deal of suspicion. At
the same age, the cynical teen was “read” by a medium and told he was gifted
with psychic power that could be beneficial to those around him and to all
Edwards recalls that the medium told him, with great accuracy, the details of
his life until then. She went on to tell him that he would be known all over
the world as a psychic and medium. Raised in the Roman Catholic Faith,
Edwards didn’t believe much of what she said, but was impressed by the
detail offered by the medium concerning a variety of events and people in his
life. It wasn’t until later he realized that his gift has been given him by God.
Like Jeane Dixon, he was to later root his public persona in a belief in God as
the origin of his gifts. Perhaps one might call this the “Nostradamus Effect”;
a way of heading off religious persecution at the pass.
After enjoying careers as a phlebotomist and dancer, Edwards would pursue
his psychic gift. As a result, his reputation grew and in 1998, he published
the book One Last Time. Due to the fame generated by the book, he appeared
on Larry King Live. His appearance provoked enough calls to virtually jam
the show’s switchboard and a psychic star was born. The following year,
John Edwards was on television, hosting his own show.
In his television show, Crossing Over, Edwards purported to act as a medium
for audience members hoping to receive message from departed loved ones.
With no information (save that received in pre-show questionnaires),
Edwards would seek to make contact with the dead and pass on information
about the afterlife, or affairs among the living, to his audiences. Edwards’
second show, Cross Country, featured Edwards visiting with individual
families who had requested advice or information about the departed,
enquiring as to how their experience had changed their attitudes and lives.
Critics of Edwards claim that his show is edited to expunge the incidence of
his making incorrect attempts to correctly discern details from audience
members. The editing process is said to give the impression that his readings
are more accurate than they actually are.
While there has been considerable controversy around Edwards’
methodology, or the validity of his claims of paranormal contact with the
dead, it’s undeniable that his activities have radically raised the profile of
psychics and mediums. As noted earlier, the empirical impulse of modern
society calls into question the motivation for continued scrutiny of people
like Edwards. The parallel to earlier inquisitional authorities and their
obsession with stamping out heresy is rather striking, particularly in the
example of Edwards. Due to his fame, he has become something of a target,
especially for the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry.
If you’re reading this book, you’re probably someone who’s willing to
entertain the possibility there are more things in heaven than earth than we
can even dream (to paraphrase Shakespeare). But are these things verifiable
with empirical data and, if not, does it matter?
I believe this question to be perfectly valid. Faith in God is often subject to
similar complaints of a lack of empiricism by atheists. The problem with that
is that atheists don’t have any evidence to the contrary and they never will, as
it is not philosophically possible to prove an existential negative. One may
not say that those things we have no awareness of don’t exist, for the simple
reason that we, personally, have no knowledge of them. This is a cornerstone
of philosophical thought seldom acknowledged by atheists convinced that
people of faith have got it all wrong. Maybe it’s true that there is no God.
It’s not for me to say that’s this is the truth, as in this empirical world, the
non-existence of God is no more verifiable than the non-existence of the man
in the moon.
Further, it’s a moot point. What others believe is not of particular interest to
me unless what they believe is employed to attack other people and justify
those attacks. Again the zeal of modern day atheists comes alarmingly close
to that of the Inquisition, or the prosecutors of the Devil’s minions at Salem,
at times.
It's certainly hoped we don’t become what we purport to hate.
So what does scientific inquiry have to tell us about psychics, mediums or
paranormal phenomenon? We’ll be taking a look at that in our next chapter.
In a world like ours, where data-based everything is considered the modern
day Holy Writ, it’s imperative that we take a walk through the world of
empiricism and discover what it has to say about the unseen world around us.

Science and the Psychics

Surprising findings at Cornell

In 2010, Cornell University’s Dr. Daryl Bem published the results of study in
precognition in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Entitled
Feeling the Future: Experimental Evidence for Anomalous Retroactive
Influences on Cognition and Affect, Dr. Bem’s study set out to establish
empirical evidence of precognition.
Dr. Bem has always left open the possibility that some people have psychic
powers, or ESP. His dedication to empiricism and his curiosity about psychic
phenomenon led him to create the protocols used in the study and to design
the experiments employing them. In his study, Bem conducted nine lab-based
experiments under tight control and observation. Implicated in the study
were over one thousand students of the university. The study found that
participants were able to accurately foresee the future at a rate of over 50 %.
Subjects were asked to tell researchers on which side of the computer
monitors used in the experiments, images they had been shown previously
would appear. Dr. Bem conducted statistical testing against the results and
discovered that the odds of coincidental “guessing” about image placement,
or errors in the data were approximately 74 billion to 1.
Reaction to the study’s findings were immediate, as the implications of the
results are undeniably staggering. Will psychology have to concede that the
human mind actually has the potential for psychic development, or that some
people are born with an inherent ability to predict future events, or see past
ones in detail? To date, there has been adamant resistance to the idea. Just as
Giordano Bruno was resisted by the Church (and burned at the stake for his
efforts), Dr. Bem has endured a firestorm of controversy in confrontation of
his study’s findings.
But Dr. Bem’s study also employed another protocol, which is perhaps more
fascinating that the images he used. Psychological “priming” occurs when
subjects are presented with a word (subliminally – too quickly to be
registered by the conscious mind, but recognized by the unconscious mind),
prior to being subjected to an image or images. The subliminal word
registers subconsciously, causing the subject to apply it to the images being
In Dr. Bem’s use of the practice of priming, the prime was offered neither
before nor during the viewing of the associated images, but after they had
been viewed. The study found that students were able to categorize the
images displayed as either negative or positive in Bem’s protocol, in a matter
of milliseconds. The effect of the prime (for example, “frightening”) was
retroactive to the viewing of the image, as though it had a subliminal effect
which moved backward through time, influencing subjects before it had been
subliminally employed.
Dr. Bem claims that like psychic powers, some of quantum physics’ claims
run counter to our perceptions about the physical world. This factor does not,
however, imply that the construct of quantum physics is erroneous. Rather, it
implies that our perceptions about the physical world are what has been
thrown into doubt by the construct. Might the same could be said of Dr.
Bem’s study? In considering the results of the study, researchers are now
finding compelling reason to begin the work of arriving at scientific theories
about psychic phenomena, with an eye to arriving at the sort of empiricism
science has, to date, shown little interest in pursuing.
Skeptics should note that Bem’s methodology was rigorous, employing two
different kinds of stimulus randomization. One of these was based on
algorithms generated by a computer. The other was generated by computers
producing randomization over the course of the experiments involved. Dr.
Bem has proactively addressed the possibility of accusations of “cherry-
picking” data to prove his point, by applying a variety of statistical texts,
reporting the results of these in relation to the nine experiments used in the
The same year Dr. Bem’s study was published, another study, conducted by
Alexander Batthyany, at the University of Vienna, was able to produce
similar results to the original study. Clearly, Dr. Bem’s statistical rigor and
that of his experimental protocols demands continuing research by the
scientific community. It’s undeniable that his research asks questions that
demand responses. Further, this research represents one of the most
important scientific discoveries about the function of the human mind in
perhaps a century. That alone demands a rigorous and thoroughgoing answer
from the scientific community, rooted in empiricism and not dismissal of
something it does not yet fully understand.
The results of the ground breaking work of Drs. Bem and Batthyany also call
us to consider the rationality and verifiable nature of Jung’s collective
unconscious. If the results of the study are to be adequately understood in
psychological terms, then what those results indicate is that collective
unconscious is a vibrational psychological fact which can’t readily be
explained away as “witchcraft” or “magic”. It deserves a scientific
exploration that can do Dr. Bem’s work justice and perhaps reveal something
about ourselves and the universe we live in which could prove revolutionary
for the future of humanity.
Jung’s Collective Unconscious
Carl Jung was one of the great pioneers of psychoanalysis. He revolutionized
the theories of Freud and developed the concept of the collective
unconscious. Jung posited that all people recognize universal archetypes, due
to their presence in an interconnected web of the human unconscious,
common to all people, in all cultures.

Archetypes, with the self at the center of the interconnected web they form,
symbolically represent realities common to all of us. Key life experiences
may also be considered archetypes – birth, death, marriage and rites of
passage are archetypal experiences we all share, in a wide array of cultural
forms. But the trappings of culture don’t obscure their commonality as the
fabric of the collective unconscious. The Mother-Father archetypal complex
is exemplary of Jung’s assertion that universal archetypes represent the union
of opposites, as part of our integrated, common psyche. That tension is what
holds us together. When it’s fractured, we fall prey to dis-ease in our
persons. Jung’s understanding of these archetypal relationships in the human
psyche and their presence in our dreams and visions are the basis of the
modern understanding of psychotherapy. By mending the ruptures
encountered by people experiencing mental distress; by darning their
archetypal tears back together, true healing can be had.
Jung’s holistic understanding of the underlying truth of human nature is
rooted in the intimate connection humans enjoy, due to our shared
experiences. Everyone may not enter into a marriage, but everyone on earth
has a strong concept of what marriage is and where it lies on the spectrum of
human life. Likewise, while rites of passage (from boyhood to manhood,
from girlhood to womanhood) exist in widely varying forms in all cultures,
but their basis in the marking of an important change in the life of a human
being is something we all share.
Life events and the human conceptualization of shared realities are
crystallized in the Jungian construct as images which come from the deepest
layer of human development. Handed down through countless generations,
and shared in the collective unconscious (our common human experiential
storehouse), these represent the ancient stories and epic tales of humanity.
Recognized in almost every culture, the array of these is vast. From the
trickster to the goddess, the wise man to the hero, archetypes are much more
than simple, representative icons. Behind these lie deeper truths about who
we are and who we aspire to be. But the fascination lies in their appearance
in all our lives and their universally recognized identities and roles.
The archetype is most richly explained in the example of the mother-child
complex. In the Ancient Near East, depictions of goddesses with their
parthenogenic (divinely conceived, without sexual intervention) offspring are
an icon of the archetypes. The intimacy of the relationship and its singular
nature are undergirded by stories of the gods conceiving, by their
omnipotence, human life. Isis and the Virgin Mary are the two most widely-
known examples of the interpolation of this universal icon into the religious
systems we generate in order to express our relationship with the universe.
Mother and child are depicted almost as lovers in statuary and paintings, the
relationship being so intimate that there is almost a question as to where the
mother ends and the child begins. In childhood, the figure of the mother
looms as the primary life relationship, establishing themes which will persist
for the life of all children as they move into adulthood. The power of the
mother archetype, for that reason, is monolithic. Its psychic importance
cannot be overstated.
The playing out of human life, while rich in diversity, is deeply patterned in
the subconscious of humanity. We seek to realize the archetypal design of
human life by pursing the benchmarks prescribed in the collective
unconscious as the fundamental shape our lives are intended to take. We
move from the arms of our mothers into the world, from childhood to
adulthood (leaving our parental homes). We then seek to replicate the life of
our parents by pairing in the rite of marriage and the assumed necessity of
becoming parents. And next, we reconcile ourselves with the universal life
passage – death. Many of us prepare ourselves for this by writing wills,
making funeral arrangements and provision for our belongings. All these
events in our lives are deeply patterned and archetypal via the collective
unconscious shared by every one of us. Deviation from these events is
somewhat possible, but only in the awareness that the pattern is there. For
most of us, there is little question that we will marry, for example, or that we
will have children. So deeply pre-destined are we to follow the subconscious
patterning laid out in our communal subconscious, that many of us find it
difficult to understand those who depart from it.
A knowledge of the role of the collective unconscious and our relatedness to
one another is something pivotal to gaining access to your psychic potential.
Genuinely comprehending the immensity of this interconnected web of
human experience and understanding is the gateway to your ability to vibrate
at the frequency of higher levels of consciousness. It’s that interconnected
web that will feed your intuition about the world around you and your
intuitive development will allow you to explore the contents of human
collective knowledge. It will guide you through the evolutionary storehouse
that web of information, knowledge and patterning represents. Its power is
limitless and your understanding of it will open the door to your potential.
In understanding the mechanisms of the subconscious human mind, you will
unlock your empathic power, which is fundamental to developing psychic
sensitivity and a command of attuning yourself to the truth at the core of your
being. You are just a part of a limitless complex of humanity. Not unlike
The Cloud (a vast repository of documentation held in cyberspace), the
collective unconscious is a repository of what makes us human, from the cave
to deep space, this is where all we are is held, shared, forgotten, remembered
and designed. Opening yourself to its vastness will create in you a portal to
the riches that lie in the depths of your mind, unplumbed. These await your
prompting and your explorations of the content of the human experience.

Marginalization – Science as Inquisitor

As I’ve endeavored to point out in this book, psychic power and phenomena
continue to be viewed with skepticism. But the skeptics have traded their
clerical robes for lab coats. Chopra recently pointed out this trend toward
rigid empiricism, which exists regardless of minds like those of Schroedinger
(of Schroedinger’s cat fame) and Heisenberg (famous for his uncertainty
theory). Both these names represent enormous advances in the understanding
of quantum theory, and yet both embraced Jung’s concept of a “cosmic
mind” as a serious proposition.
But that isn’t enough for some. Materialism and its demands that the
physical goods be delivered has had a deeply undermining effect on the study
of paranormal and psychic phenomena. Once the province of the Church and
its hierarchy in terms of derision and suppression, it seems that science has
become the latest Inquisitor to refuse to examine ideas that transcend the
physical world.
Post-modernism has “gifted” us with a post-emotional landscape which also
calls on humanity to reject notions of the unseen, along with our vivid and
intrinsically human emotional life. But Deepak Chopra, in a recent article,
insists that consciousness may be reaching an essential tipping point; a
tipping point at which science will be compelled to seriously pursue
intensified study of phenomena that are the ground of the human mind’s
fullest potential. As we’ve seen in our exploration of Dr. Bem’s study
concerning pre-cognition, scientific rigor was expressly employed and that
can no longer be ignored. Despite the scientific community’s resolute
resistance to that proposition, the work of Dr. Bem stands as a stellar,
empirically-based example of the peril inherent in that resistance.
Chopra also reminds us that Jesus and Buddha’s intentions were that human
beings should develop their internal lives to the point that higher
consciousness (where spirituality resides, together with our most creative
impulses) might become normative. Rather than the standard awareness that
constitutes our waking lives and self-awareness, the idea that following the
paths prescribed by Jesus and Buddha (which are essentially parallel) would
lead us to live out the enormous potential we represent. It’s not difficult to
understand how this could benefit humanity in times like ours.
The world seems to be on fire. Oceans and temperatures rise. Cataclysmic
climatic events abound. Refugees pour from their homelands in search of
peace. The response of many does not even reside in consciousness, but
rather sub-conscious. The “knee jerk” response; requiring nothing more
elaborate than a reflex ungoverned by any form of thought, is the order of the
day. Thinking about it is difficult. Thinking about it demands individual
effort. It’s so much easier to revert to the lizard brain (governed by the root
chakra), as the horror of it all washes over us. But calling on the function of
the higher consciousness in the service of humanity might deliver us from the
worst of what’s coming. The possibility is there, waiting to be discovered,
yet science has little interest.
Chopra’s answer seems to lie in the ability of humanity to make manifest the
riches of the collective unconscious as a part of its potential. The rise of
movements of people seeking change, all over the world, is about much more
than the 24-hour news cycle. It has a great deal more to do with our
interconnectedness and our collective understanding that things are not as
they should be. Even political power is beginning to see the writing on the
wall, as evidenced by the climate talks in Paris.
The tipping point Chopra speaks of is nearing. We are reaching a critical
juncture in human consciousness and that juncture demands that the scientific
community acknowledge the importance of the human mind’s role in re-
creating the way we look at the world. With entrenched attitudes in national
governments, though, the rise of consciousness will meet with even greater
resistance than only that of science’s nabobs. But the power of the human
will, unleashed in collective purpose, is precisely what was envisioned by the
enormous spiritual heft represented in the persons of Jesus and Buddha. The
higher consciousness they envisioned all human beings not only being heirs
to, but normative practitioners of, is the salvation of the world.
One of the answers that the original Buddha was looking for so many years
ago was the answer to human suffering. People who practice Buddhism these
days follow a set path in order to find enlightenment or to reach Nirvana
(total understanding). Thus, those who practice Buddhism follow a set route
that takes them through set behavior patterns that help them to achieve
happiness and understanding these is essential to the psychic because they
also learn more about predictive skills from their knowledge of why human
beings suffer and this is told in the story of Siddhartha Gautama’s putting in
place rules that were intended to improve the lives of people. If you
understand these, you also have a greater understanding of the potential of
people to suffer more based upon their own attitudes and approach and this
helps to give more accurate psychic readings.
Guidelines for Psychic Training
As it has been mentioned before, once you step into the psychic world, you
will begin changing and evolving. You will be raising your energetic
vibration, increasing your awareness seeing and experiencing the world as
you’ve never known it before. Whenever heading into unknown territory, it
serves us all to be as well prepared as possible, with the right tools and
mentality. If not, the experience can be somewhat disorienting and
overwhelming. It can also be a waste of time, if you’re not focused and
diligent in your efforts, so that is key. In this chapter, we will go over some
basic guidelines to follow on your way to enhancing your psychic abilities,
which you provide you with a good foundation to developing the gifts you
already have. In later chapters, we will talk about ways in which you can free
your mind in order to be able to let your intuition work in the way in which it
needs to – taking all of the influences you may have experienced out of the
picture, so that your intuition is able to do its work unhindered.

Having the Right Attitude

The more you practice, the more adept you will become, and the more natural
your psychic gifts will seem, until you eventually feel at one with this part of
yourself. You are more than an extension of psychic practice. You embody
it. It’s how you come to progressively say that you not only have psychic
potential, but psychic abilities. You are psychic. You are a psychic. The
development of your inherent psychic abilities will grow from being a
potentiality, to being a practitioner of that potentiality to being a way of life.
You become your potential by actively seeking it out.
Just like any other skill or practice, some people are born with the natural
talent of using their psychic gifts. It comes to them as part of who they are.
Because the gift is not feared, but seems natural, these extraordinary people
can develop their skills over time with little in the way of training. For
others, psychic potential is less naturally accessible, but they can definitely
still awaken this potential and improve it, with time. If you are one of these
people, you may have to work at it a bit more. Key to the development of
psychic potential, whether it comes naturally to you or not, is your
willingness to trust that it’s there, to listen to your inner voice and to heed it,
even when it runs counter to what you’ve been taught about how the world
works. You mind must be open and willing to pull away from traditional
ideas about what’s unseen and embrace that world.
Even if you feel you are getting nowhere at first or doubting yourself or your
capabilities, trust that your efforts are definitely making an impact and
continue seeking access to your potential. Consistency and finding your stride
are very important. If you’re inconsistent, you are less likely to see results, or
they will happen over a much, much longer period of time. If you tend to rush
through things, as I used to, you will overwhelm yourself and become
discouraged or even frightened by what is being revealed to you about what
you’re able to do. Patience will guide you to the pace that will keep you
moving along in your process toward becoming an effective psychic.

Remembering Visions
If you have insufficient REM sleep, it’s likely that you are not going to be
able to use your intuition to its fullest extent. Your mind needs rest in order to
work at maximum capacity. The visions that you have while you are sleeping
may be the points that you have needed to remember in order to follow
intuition. You may find that if you record your dreams, you will be able to
find a pattern and that pattern can be useful in helping the intuition build up a
full picture of what your mind is thinking. There is a way to think of this
activity while you are sleeping. When Buddhist monks meditate, what they
are doing is trying to reach Nirvana. That may mean nothing to you, but they
are trying to reach that inner wisdom that they cannot reach through the
normal day to day activities of life. That total concentration of meditation is
necessary to gain anything from the experience of meditation. Sleep offers
you another opportunity to get inside your own head and see things more
clearly. It is suggested that you make sure that you sleep 8 hours a night and
have a diary available so that you can record the dreams that you have. Your
subconscious mind is working through your problems while you sleep, just as
your body is healing physical impairments. If you can record your dreams in
diary form as soon as you wake, you will find that these give you great
insight which in turn helps you to develop and follow intuition.
The idea of recording your dreams is so that you can begin to look internally
and start to trust what you find comes from your subconscious. This is very
important when developing your psychic abilities.

Respecting the Skill

Although you are gaining access to your own natural abilities by developing
your psychic awareness and skill, you are still diving into a different world.
This world encompasses vast amounts of power. Misuse of this power can
bring a lot of trouble into your life. Posing as a person with capabilities
beyond your true level will attract a lot of unwanted attention. You can also
cause harm to others and to the reputation of the psychic gift, generally.
Don’t overstate. Don’t boast and don’t attempt to set yourself up as a Miss
Cleo. You’re not in this to start a psychic hotline. You’re in this because
you have a gift you wish to develop and share.
“With great power comes great responsibility,” as Spiderman’s uncle once so
sagely said. So it’s always best to adapt as you journey through this new
realm and proceed with perfect honesty and integrity for the sake of yourself,
those around you and your gift. When starting out, it would be wise not even
to share your practice with others until you become confident in your
abilities. Aside from that, entering this new realm will make you feel a bit
uncomfortable or even unhinged, at times. That’s OK. This is a natural part
of the process. The more that you yield to the wonder and acceptance of the
new things coming into your life, the easier the transition will be.
The journey toward enhancing your psychic abilities means that you’re
opening yourself up and becoming more sensitive to the subtleties of the
world. You may see things around you which seem almost hallucinatory -
shadow figures at the periphery of your vision, lights or auras surrounding
people and other living things, hearing things that don’t seem to come from
your own thoughts and other phenomena - all these are possible. You may
also start to sense a presence near you or someone close to you, as you
become increasingly open to what is not seen by others.
Don’t be afraid of these things. Know that they have always been there. You
are just becoming more aware of them now. You will go through a period of
adjustment to acclimatize to and accept these things until they too become a
part of normal, everyday life. Soon, they’ll be friends to you.
The film, The Sixth Sense, is the story of a young boy who sees the dead. So
frightened is he by these visions, that a psychologist has to be called in to
attend to the boy, his parents believing him to be unstable, or disturbed. As
fans of the film will know the psychologist, in working with the boy, is able
to establish that he does, indeed, see the dead. By working with him over
time, he’s able to not only reconcile the boy to his “sixth sense”, but further
to establish that he, himself, is one of the dead people the boy is seeing. This
example, from the world of entertainment, reminds us that not everyone is
going to understand the gifts of those who see what others can’t. It’s always
advisable to take care in what you tell others about your experiences and
visions, as they won’t always be ready to share the experience with you.
You also need to be able to take a certain amount of disappointment because
sometimes your second sense will let you down. When reading the future of
someone else or trying to come up with ideas about their past, you may make
mistakes, though you need to embrace humility because this helps you to see
the mistakes as a learning curve to help you to get beyond the normal
limitations that people put upon themselves. Yes, you make mistakes, but that
should not allow you to put less trust in yourself. Your attempt to come up
with answers was honest and you should see it as such. In the world of
human interests, there are going to be surprises along the way. Learn from
them. One of the greatest learning aids that you have is your experience in the
field of experimenting with your psychic ability.

Staying Grounded
As you raise your vibration to accommodate the awareness of these subtleties
of reality, you may start to feel more aloof and perhaps detached from the
physical world. Think of it as a type of daydreaming, as you remain loosely
attached to the everyday pace of life, while you explore higher and deeper
realms of existence and imagination. It’s good that you are opening yourself
up to the possibilities of an enhanced reality, but in order to maintain a
normal, functional life and to be truly effective in living out your psychic
gifts, you will need to learn how to integrate them into your everyday
physical existence.
This is why it is said that you bring your awareness from the conscious mind
deeper into the other states of consciousness, rather than the other way
around. If you simply open yourself up to the higher states of consciousness,
you will actually start to lose your grip on reality and may experience
imbalance and a loss of psychological equilibrium. In extreme cases, from a
psychic perspective, you can see reflections of this concept occurring in
people suffering from schizophrenia. They may be tuned into elements that
are beyond our physical reality, but they do not realize what is happening.
And since they are caught in their own worlds and resonate more with them
than the integrated reality of our physical world, their detachment creates a
psychological split. Schizophrenics are unable to make a clear distinction
between the reality of the psychic world and the physical world, and have lost
their ability to apprehend the appropriate place of either in their lives.
In some cases, without staying grounded, your ability to remain organized, or
to manage your time well, or to even follow and contribute to logical
conversations may become unbalanced. The basic functions of the physical
world become more difficult to maintain, because you are becoming detached
from them. You need to be able to incorporate all aspects of life and integrate
them into a holistic balance by continuing to open yourself up while staying
functional, active and organized on a practical level. In other words, your
journey will go much more smoothly when you stay grounded throughout the
How does one stay grounded? Keep up with your everyday tasks. Sit on the
ground more often, as it connects you with the Earth and the physical world
(synchronizing your energetic frequencies with the grounded frequencies of
the Earth). Go out into nature more often. Just 10 minutes of walking per day
will help and will also do wonders for your mental and emotional state. There
are also metal trinkets like copper and certain crystal stones that vibrate at a
very grounding frequencies to help keep you in balanced.
By staying grounded, you develop a stable foundation from which you can
navigate the higher realms of consciousness confidently and carefully,
without getting lost or swept away by them. Think about the shape of a
pyramid. Its base is your foundation, keeping you grounded; connected with
the Earth. As you move up the levels of the pyramid, they meld into each
other, culminating in the unitive totality at the pyramid’s pinnacle. This is
your acute, precise clarity of mind, able to connect with any frequency in the
universe, to access vast amounts of knowledge and to be of great service to
the world.

One way in which you can learn to stay grounded is by taking up an interest
such as yoga or meditation because this helps you to look within, rather than
being so influenced by what is happening around you. We assume things
when we look at people. That’s because the world is made up of assumptions
based upon modern beliefs. Try to get beyond that and stop judging a book
by its cover. Instead, learn inner focus through yoga or meditation and it will
help you to stay grounded enough to see your skills in another light.

The problem with modern society is that we forget what being grounded
means. We assume that it means fitting in, but it has little to do with this at
all. We assume it means being able to act in a certain manner, but it’s not that
either. It just means being able to focus upon one’s inner thoughts sufficiently
to pick up the vibrations which help us to use the psychic abilities that we all
have. You get to trust your inner instincts. You become more observant and a
great deal of observation is used when you are trying to demonstrate your
psychic abilities. When you watch programs on the television such as the
“Mentalist” you learn something very important indeed. Patrick Jane, who
plays the part of someone who has worked in psychic reading in the past,
owes much of his ability to being grounded and being able to see things that
other people may not notice. His ability to use observation is astounding and
although he is only a fictional character, one can see how important this
grounding is to his ability.

Grounding simply means solid security in oneself. Once you can achieve this,
you are able to demonstrate your psychic abilities in a much better way. That
sureness and clarity will help you to develop your intuition and, as we have
already said, this is very important indeed. Grounding allows you to start
from the beginning rather than starting with preconceived ideas and morals.
You have to remember that you need to strip these back and find the
subconscious thoughts and that’s not easy to do in the beginning. When you
take judgment out of the picture, however, you do find that you are more
solidly grounded and that you are able to deal with problems in a very
rational way. You are able to listen to clients and work out their problems
without letting your own judgment get in the way of your psychic abilities.
Grounding simply means having a basis upon which to start your sessions.
This basis is the “you” that you were as a child, with no lack of security or
worry about life. It’s the “you” that comes out to play when you sleep. Its
needs are simple and uncomplicated and it allows you to be able to look
beyond the surface of a problem in order to see what lies beneath that
Training Your Mind’s Eye
Now for the fun part of cultivating your skills and attuning yourself to all that
is; all you’ve known (somehow) is out there for you to discover, yet haven’t
yet had the ability to connect with. This chapter is dedicated to the various
methods of developing your psychic abilities so they can work for you and
others. These methods will help you discover more about who you are, what
your purpose in the universe is and why we are here. In this section, you will
learn to either apply the following information or just absorb and enjoy it in
order to enrich your life and the lives of others.

Working with the Chakras

If you are not familiar with the chakras or the chakra system, I hope the
description I’m offering about their placement and purpose in this book will
encourage you to continue exploring their function in your body. While these
are not considered physical realities in the human body by western science,
they hold an important place in Eastern religions, particularly in the Tantric
streams of Buddhism and Hinduism. In Sanskrit, chakra means “wheel”.
These energetic centers invite your interest, as they hold within them the
secrets of your potential and are yet another avenue of exploration in the
pursuit of reaching higher consciousness.
An elementary understanding of the chakras will be enough for you to be able
to begin working with them, although you can gain a much deeper
understanding over time, making more insightful connections and
associations by learning more about them than what I’ve provided here
(which is a humble primer). The chakras are energy centers in the body that
line up along the spine, from the tailbone to the crown (top of the head).
The chakras are an intrinsic part of the subtle energy system that every living
thing has in its body. This energy system is what fuels us spiritually,
functioning on an organic level and energetic level. Acupuncture, for
example, is a practice that works with the same energy system, but from a
different perspective. The Chakra energy system derives from the school of
Ayurvedic medicine which originated in in India 5,000 years ago.
Acupuncture works with the meridian system derived from the school of
Traditional Chinese Medicine that dates back even further. Both these ancient
systems acknowledge the human complex of body, mind and spirit
(consciousness) as important to holistic human health and are so old that the
birth of their origins are somewhat vague. There are differences between the
two systems, although the energetic principles of each correspond with each
other. In Buddhism, the chakras also signify the stages of rebirth, beginning
in the root chakra (unconsciousness, representing the human will to survive)
and moving up through the other six chakras. These represent the six stages
of being reborn.
There are seven major chakras in the body, in addition to others which are
less important to the development of higher consciousness. For the purpose
of this book, we’ll focus on these seven. These energy centers, governing a
variety of physical, intellectual and spiritual functions are located along the
spine and form part of the “subtle” or energetic/spiritual body. The chakras
are also junctions for “nadi”, which are channels through which the life force
moves in the body. The upper two, the Third Eye chakra and the Crown
chakra, are those pertaining to intuition, imagination, spiritual understanding
of a higher consciousness, and enlightenment. These two chakras govern
functions which transcends the basic human needs governed by the lower
chakras and it’s through enhancing their function that human beings are
enable to live more fully and in their full potential. Within these chakras are
the psychic capabilities we’ve been talking about. Each chakra has several
attributes that correspond with it, and they can be called upon and nurtured in
a variety of ways. Two primary methods of working with the chakras are
meditation (in which each chakra is addressed individually, beginning in the
lower chakras) and chanting mantras specific to each chakra and its function.
Meditation on the chakras involves finding a quiet place to sit and breathe in
a relaxed, even manner. You may close your eyes during this exercise. You
will work to let go of all the thoughts in your mind, allowing them to trickle
out, so that your mind eventually becomes silent. Make no mistake, this takes
time and practice, so be patient with the exercise. Your focus should fall on
the particular location in the body in which the chakra that you’re addressing
resides. “See” this chakra in your mind’s eye as a ball of light in the specific
color the chakra is associated with. Keep breathing rhythmically and focusing
on the colored light of the chakra. Visualize it glowing at its particular
location in the body, building on brief meditational exercises which expand
over time. Spend about twenty minutes in meditation for each chakra. These
do not all have to be approached in the same meditation session. You can
always increase the duration of your meditation time as you grow more
comfortable and progress in mastery of your chakra meditation.
Most of you will be familiar with the chant, “OM” (om mani pay may hyung,
in the Buddhist form). This is a universal chant which, with practice, is
capable of bringing us to the deepest understanding of ourselves and the
universe. However, there are more chants, associated with each of the
chakras. The “OM” chant specifically resonates with the Third Eye chakra.
Each chakra has its own chant which specifically resonates with it, because
each chakra has its own specific frequency - seven chakras, seven notes in a
chromatic musical scale, and therefore seven specific frequencies. When the
chants vibrate with these chakra frequencies, they open them up, improving
all the attributes that pertain to them to reflect from our inner selves. They
improve our physical and mental health, intelligence, awareness, and
capability to connect with and be co-creators with the divine intelligence at
the center of the universe. In fact, if you do as suggested in the blueprint
toward success and go to a retreat to learn meditation, you will most likely be
given a chant of your own which is based upon the date and time of your
birth. This brings in an element of astrology to the whole situation and it is
because these ancient skills have been passed down for centuries. Although
your chant may be something that you do not understand or a word that you
are unfamiliar with, you should none the less stick to the chant that your guru
has instructed you to use, since this is specifically geared to you.
In the next section, you are provided with a brief overview of what each
chakra’s characteristics are so that you may become more familiar with them.
If you choose to conduct further research on the chakras, you will discover
what your habits, thoughts and actions look like when a particular chakra is
imbalanced, versus being balanced and healthy. For the purpose of this book,
a general overview is given along with the specific chant and sitting position
to obtain optimal resonance, when working with each chakra. The mudra
(hand position) that helps open each particular chakra and drive energy
through it more effectively, is also included, as well as the colors associated
with each chakra.
One more thing you should keep in mind when working with chakras and
their corresponding chants, is the pyramid analogy made previously on the
section about staying grounded. So that your tower of enlightenment does not
topple and leave you in disarray, it is important that you work on each of
these chakras one at a time, until you become more adept at your meditational
practice. It is also important that you start with the root chakra, since this is
your foundation. From this chakra all the others rise, increasing in profundity
and facility, toward the apprehension and achievement of higher
consciousness. In pursuing chakra balancing in this manner, your psychic
capabilities can become stable, sustained, and harmonious. Although I have
explained the chakras in this section, you will find that you can get an image
of the chakras simply by looking in Google Images and this will help you
learn them thoroughly.

The Root Chakra

● Location in the body: At the base of the spine in the tailbone
region, between the anus and the external genitalia. This area is also
known as the perineum.
● Color: Red.
● Physical associations in the body: feet, legs, large intestine, bones,
spinal column and teeth.
● Personality aspects: practicality, courageousness, innocence.
● Emotional associations: fear and anxiety, predominantly felt when
this chakra is out of balance. Feelings of stability and security when
open and healthy. Involves feelings of being grounded with a sense of
orientation in the direction of your life, your goals and ambitions.
● Mental associations: materialism and attachment to physical things,
objects, and money. The root chakra also governs being organized and
structured to allow you to sort through multiple tasks and to-do lists
and being able to prioritize effectively and manage your time well.
● To chant with the root chakra, sit on the ground with legs crossed
and hands extended, turned up and resting them on your knees. You
can keep your palms open or touch the tip of the thumb with the index
finger. Both ways are practiced. This will help get you focused and
calm. Imagine your root chakra at the base of your spine and
concentrate on it. As you do this, you will start to feel relaxed. If you
want, you can also envision a flower at the chakra that represents the
energy blossoming from it. Take deep breaths and do this for a while.
You will feel energized and refreshed.
● The chant for the root chakra is Lam, pronounced, “Lah-mmm”.
You can say it as you exhale, keeping your throat, neck and chest as
relaxed as possible.
The Sacral Chakra
● Location in the body: a few inches below the naval in the sacrum
area, between the hip bones.
● Color: orange.
● Physical associations in the body: pelvic area, lower back, sex
organs, sexual energy, kidneys, bladder and fluid functions of the body.
● Personality aspects: creativity, awareness, attentiveness, ability to
be in the moment.
● Emotional associations: sexuality, sensuality, inspiration.
● Mental associations: pure knowledge, releases stress, generation of
creativity in projects, work, problem solving, and relationships.
● To open the sacral chakra, sit on your knees and heels in a relaxed
position. In yoga, you will know that this position is also known as the
Vajra asana. It is really good for your digestive system and your lower
body. When you are in this position, extend your hands and fingers
open with your palms facing upward. Keep them at your lower
midsection in a comfortable but sustained position, just below the naval
where your sacral chakra is. Place your left hand underneath your right
hand so that the left can support the right, which will direct your energy
upward. Try and envision the sacral chakra in your body. If you can
imagine a glowing ball of energy, orange in color, that is even better.
Breathe out through your nostrils only. You will begin to feel relaxed.
● The chant for the sacral chakra is Vam, pronounced open and
deeply as “Vow-mmm”, on the exhalation.
The Naval Chakra
● Location in the body: a few inches above the naval and just below
the diaphragm under the rib cage.
● Color: yellow.
● Physical associations in the body: liver, pancreas, stomach, gall
bladder, spleen, digestive system, muscles, lower back and the
autonomic nervous system.
● Personality aspects: confidence, self-esteem, assertiveness,
adaptability and transformation
● Emotional associations: source of confidence, assertiveness,
playfulness, good sense of humor and emotional transformer that helps
you balance the emotions you feel and exert yourself consciously in
accordance with them, without being carried away.
● Mental associations: responsibility for your actions and words,
being reliable and stable for yourself and others, ability to meet and
take on challenges, being in control of yourself and your life.

● To heal this chakra, you have to sit with your back straight and
your knees folded in the Vajra asana position, as in the sacral chakra
section. Bend your elbows and keep your hands in front of your
abdomen, above the naval and just below your diaphragm. Rest the
heels of your palms on your stomach at the wrist and extend your
fingers so that the tips are touching and pointing straight out in front of
you. Cross your thumbs, right over left. Close your eyes. You will
begin to feel calm and composed. Do this for a few minutes every day.
● The chant for the solar plexus chakra is Ram, pronounced deeply
and openly as, “Raw-mm”, on the exhalation.
The Heart Chakra
● Location in the body: middle of the chest, behind the breastbone.
● Color: green.
● Physical associations in the body: heart, lower lungs, blood and
circulatory system, breasts, upper back and thymus.
● Personality aspects: houses a person’s spirit or true self when there
are no mental or emotional burdens weighing on them. Provides the
ability to be open and establish well-founded relationships of all kinds,
from acquaintances to best friends and loved ones, ability to love and
be loved, outgoing, warm, and interactive with others.
● Emotional associations: love, affection, compassion, sense of
worthiness, honor, and respect for yourself and others. Also involves
feelings of joy, heartache and misunderstanding. As the heart chakra
opens, these negative feelings dissolve and you begin establishing a
relationship with your true self, able to hear it in yourself more often
and thereby, act on it when thinking and making choices.
● Mental associations: deep sense of wellness, self-control and
balance. Gives a devotion to thinking, acting and speaking without bias
towards anyone. Governs and eliminates self-criticism and criticism of
others when open.
● To balance the heart chakra, you need to sit with your legs crossed.
Touch the tips of your index fingers and thumbs together. Allow your
left hand to rest on your knee while holding your right hand in front of
the lower part of your breastbone, thumb and index finger together
pointing upward. Concentrate on the heart chakra and feel the warmth
that spreads from it throughout your body. It will make you feel
cleansed and free.
● The chant for the heart chakra is Yam, pronounced with a rounded
sound of, “Yaw-mmm”. Although the pronunciation is a bit different,
think about when something tastes good or feels good and we tend to
say “Yum!” This may bring a smile to your face, which is good
because that is what the heart chakra is all about.
The Throat Chakra
● Location in the body: just above the top of the breastbone and the
base of the throat area.
● Color: Blue
● Physical associations in the body: thyroid, parathyroid, airways of
the throat and upper lungs, the jaw and arms.
● Personality aspects: being outspoken, creating true and stable
relationships, connection with nature, strength of character through
conviction of your words, beliefs and actions; being diplomatic.
● Emotional associations: jealousy, regret and feelings of guilt. Aids
you in being compassionate (working with the heart chakra) without
feelings of superiority or inferiority to others; not having to compare
yourself to others.
● Mental associations: health, knowledge and decisiveness.
Creativity, especially in professions such as acting, dancing, music,
artistry and public speaking. Diplomacy arises out of a healthy throat
● Like the sacral chakra, you can bend your knees and sit in the Vajra
Asana position to heal this chakra. Hold your hands in front of you at
the bottom of the breastbone, palms facing up. Interweave your fingers
on the inside of your hands but leave out the thumbs. Let the tips of
your thumbs then touch at the top and extend them, forming a circle
between them and your index fingers. Breathe out only through your
nostrils. You will feel the vibrations in your skull and this will help to
relax you, slowly. Envision the throat chakra inside your body as you
do this.
● The chant for the throat chakra is Ham. It is voiced deeply in the
throat with a rounded mouth as, “Haw-mmm”.
The Third Eye Chakra
● Location in the body: just above the eyes, between the eyebrows
● Color: Indigo
● Physical associations in the body: eyes, face, sinuses, nervous
system and pituitary gland.
● Personality aspects: being very visual, visionary, and intuitive for
making important decisions in your life. Dissolves conditioning along
with bad habits, false ideals, misidentifications and ego, opening us up
to a greater awareness. Nobility and humbleness of the inner spirit are
other associations, smoothing out the edges of self-expression.
● Emotional associations: regulates the ego, helping us to be
forgiving and compassionate by letting go of any withheld anger,
resentment or hatred against anyone.
● Mental associations: being more conscious and aware of your
surroundings, of yourself and being on a level field, everything in life
takes a step up in clarity. Another way to put it is that we become better
able to perceive the subtler context of life in every way. Allows us to
explore our inner self, to know what makes us who we are and why we
do the things we do. Clears thoughts we’ve been conditioned to think,
promoting understanding and allowing you to question those things you
don’t know about or often take for granted.
● To heal this chakra, sit cross-legged and place your hands in front
of the lower part of your chest with the palms facing each other but not
touching. Start to form this hand gesture with your fingers extended, as
it is a bit complicated. Touch the tips of your middle fingers together.
Now bend the rest of your fingers inward so that the backs of them are
touching from the second knuckle to the tip of the finger. Point your
thumbs toward you and touch the top pads of them together. After this,
you have to imagine the third eye chakra on your forehead and feel it
glowing, as if it is shining light from the spiritual world and connected
to the real world. Chant “Om” in a low drone sound, and continue to do
this until you feel relaxed and free.
● The chant for the third eye chakra is a nice resounding “Om”,
pronounced “Ohh-mmm”. As with the other chants, you will feel this
from your diaphragm, in conjunction with your exhalations.
The Crown Chakra
● Location in the body: At the top of the head
● Color: Violet or white
● Physical associations in the body: brain, central nervous system,
eyes, pineal gland. Balances all other aspects of your wellbeing from
the physical, emotional and mental to the spiritual.
● Personality aspects: being conscious and mindful in all areas of
life. Integrates all other chakras and melds their qualities into one.
Promotes creativity, inspiration and natural attraction.
● Emotional associations: inner peace, pure bliss. You feel profound
love with no room for prejudice in your heart.
● Mental associations: Promotes wisdom; ultimate understanding.
Direct connection to the divine. A whole new realm of perception,
beyond anything we have experienced before with our five physical
senses. There is an understanding of all humankind as a family, with
everyone and everything including nature connected as one living
entity, a lot like how the individual cells in your body work together to
make a complete, well-functioning person.
● For this chakra, sit with your legs crossed and keep your hands in
front of your stomach. Allow your ring fingers to point upward and
touch at the top pads. Cross the rest of your fingers as if folding your
hands together with the left thumb underneath the right. When you
have taken up this position or mudra, envision the crown chakra on top
of your head and concentrate on it. You can see it as a big lotus flower
blooming from your head with it glowing in a vibrant violet light. After
this, chant a low drone “Om” sound and let it vibrate throughout your
skull. This will make you feel peaceful and will help ease the flow of
spiritual energy.
● The chant for the crown chakra is Aum and it is pronounced fluidly
in three parts, “Ahh-Ohh-mmm”
The reason why knowing about the Chakras is important to a psychic is
because they will be able to determine where the root problems lie within a
client and be able to work on those areas to see an improvement. This is
beneficial to the client and the psychic will be able to use his understanding
of this system to improve all areas of the lives of clients and help them long

Meditation: Clearing the Mind and Letting Go so

that You May Receive
Meditation is the practice of quieting the conscious mind; letting go of all the
background noise that keeps your mind racing. To-do lists, deadlines, errands
to run, “who thinks what about me”, “what I think about this or that, or some
person”, and similarly extraneous thoughts, cloud the clarity of thinking we
are capable of having. So meditation helps to clear these things away and
focus on what truly matters.
A daily meditative practice serves to restore what life drains from us and to
mend what it breaks. Because of the nature of 21st Century life, with its
technological advances and the rate of activity required to live with its
realities, many of us feel disconnected from our deepest selves and from one
another. By realigning our consciousness to be more deeply in touch with
who we are, we can re-connect with the world around us and the people in it.
The shallowness of our daily lives can be replaced by a more holistic
consciousness, which encompasses our spiritual natures and the inherent
holiness of daily life, as the gift it is.
Putting down the mobile device has become difficult for too many people. In
public places, we seem not to see each other any longer, because we’re
riveted on the modern convenience these devices offer. We interface with
them. Not with each other. Some don’t even care to received phone calls
any longer; to talk to people they know. They prefer to receive brief,
perfunctory text messages which stand in for actual communication. But
texting is another barrier between us and the people we know. It is a
communicative substitute which represents a social rupture. Through
meditation, we can begin to see these things for what they are – not as a
judgment, but as a clear-eyed, rational evaluation from a detached stand
point. Meditation allows us to quiet our minds and in so doing, detach
ourselves from cultural presumptions and view them in an objective,
detached, dispassionate light. This permits us a clarity of insight which we
have come to believe we no longer have access to, our lives crowded with
technology in every waking moment. Taking the time to re-connect with
yourself can re-align your perceptive powers. These are the root of your
intuitive powers and also, psychic potential.
Once your mind is clear of distorted perspectives, or stray, extraneous
thoughts, it becomes a fertile field for receiving subconscious messages that
provide you with greater understanding of what is going on in your world. It
opens you up to your psychic abilities by finding the calm center of your
being; uncluttered by the detritus of the manic nature of the world you live
in. This calmness of mind becomes the place where you and your innate
psychic nature meet. Trying to force receptivity will not work. It’s a lot like a
Chinese finger trap. When you let go of all else, only then are you free to
achieve the effect you’re seeking. Eventually, the more consistently you
practice, the more this state of mind will be your primary mode of intellectual
operation. The meditation work you do in private will sustain your mind,
causing it to be more naturally meditative, calm and detached from the
cultural presumptions you are usually pretty to, while you are in public. You
will develop the mental strength and command of your mind to remain clear-
headed, even through difficult and distracting circumstances.
To begin, in the same way you would for the chakra meditation, find a quiet
place to sit comfortably, without any distractions. Take 20 minutes to an hour
out of your day to follow this practice (ideally, every day for maximum
efficacy). Focus on your breathing. Breathe in through you nose and out
through your mouth at a regular pace, then deepen your breaths so that they
become more regulated and even. Breathe from the diaphragm, located just
beneath the ribcage. Your upper abdomen will expand as you inhale and
deflate as you exhale – be aware of the movement of your abdomen as you
breathe. The amount of time you spend in inhalations should match that of
your exhalations. As you breathe more deeply, maintain this rhythm and
continue focusing on your breathing and the way your body responds as you
If you have thoughts which interpolate themselves as you are doing this, try
not to fight them and try not to attach to them or become annoyed, or unduly
disturbed by their presence. Just let them be. Acknowledge that the thoughts
are there, the way you might acknowledge a fire hydrant being on the street
corner. You’re aware of it, but you’re not particularly interested (unless
you’re a dog, or a fire fighter). It’s just kind of there and you don’t
particularly care that it is. Let it pass your mind without judgment or any
attempt on your part to analyze, or engage with it. Like a cow watching a
train go by, it has no significance to you.
Once the thought pops up, perhaps “I have to take the dog to the vet
tomorrow,” or “I don’t know how I’m going to be able to get everything done
that I have to do this week,” let the thought be. Return to your breathing and
be fully present to it. The sound of the breathing should be very soothing. It
should also be your primary focus. By focusing on your breathing and
observing it from the stand point of its rhythm and quality, you will find that
your mind will eventually stop racing. Address all thoughts arising in this
manner, and you’ll be able to enter into the meditative state. Focus on your
breathing and an anchor and soon you’ll find strays thought less intrusive.
As time goes by, with practice and patience, this will become much easier.
It may not seem like much, but the conscious mind is such a busy place that it
will take time for it to slow down and stop firing random thoughts at the calm
you’re attempting to establish in meditation. When it does, your subconscious
mind will begin to be more available, so that you may begin to work with it.
This part of your brain’s thought processes is much more intuitive. You are
not conducting the subconscious mind. You are simply allowing it to
surface, along with any messages it may bear, by keeping your focus on a
quiet mind and steady breathing. Gently and slowly is the means by which
you will train your mind to slow down, stop reacting to the flotsam and
jetsam it’s full of and to focus on the reality of what’s around you. By
detaching yourself from your thoughts, you begin the process of detaching
yourself from the prejudices and pre-suppositions that enslave your mind to
mediocrity. That is to say, you are inviting your mind to ascend to higher
consciousness. In that consciousness is pure objectivity; a quality of great
value to those who seek to more fully develop their intuitive powers and their
ability to read the world. You’re inviting your mind to join in union with the
unconscious mega-mind we all share, as humans. In this practice is the type
of compassion that compels a perceptive shift in you. Instead of seeing all
around you as a threat (the root, or lowest chakra guides our tendency to
think of ourselves and survival first), you will begin to see all around you as
potential. In the ascension of the mind is the ascension of humanity to a
higher level of intellectual power in which the connection we all share
through the collective unconscious is more fully realized. All good must
begin in you and this is the fundamental thought to keep in mind while
pursuing a meditative practice. It’s not just about you, friend. It’s about all
of us. It just flows from you, first, as it must flow first from each individual.
A butterfly on the other side of the world moves it wings and the vibration of
that movement is felt everywhere. Your thoughts and your ability to master
them is the beginning of a process of universal consciousness which has a
profound effect on the integrity of that consciousness, by improving its
quality. Imagine if we were all to practice this. Imagine if we were all to
move our wings at once and be felt in our great numbers and limitless power.
You will know you are receiving messages from the subconscious mind
because they feel right. You will have no doubt about this, as they will come
to you with conviction. You may not completely understand everything
presented to you, but you will, with time. Once you master the ability to calm
your conscious mind into stillness, you can practice developing your psychic
abilities by holding a question in your mind in the quiet space you’ve made,
asking the question, then releasing it and returning to the quiet. An answer
will come back to you; a message from your subconscious or from the
universal unconscious, depending on the question. Try different questions
and even try some you might discover the answer to later, with confirmed
results. You may want to ask who the next President will be, or when the
cure for cancer will finally be arrived at. Seek questions with verifiable
responses. This is a reliable way to ensure you’re not fooling yourself and
that you’re actually succeeding, by arriving at an ability to bring forth the
riches of your subconscious and what lays beyond it – the collective
This is not an exact science, which may be why it is not empirically proven,
so the answers you get at first may be muffled, unclear, or otherwise
inaccurate, relative to how the answers actually play out in life. Some
questions we are not meant to know the answers to. Sometimes we have to
have a life experience in order to understand the outcome more fully. But be
aware that the more you practice, the clearer and more accurate your skills
will become.
Ultimately the practice of meditation is a gift to both yourself and to the
world and those around you. In being more fully centered in the reality of
who are and what your place in the world is, you can become a source of
peace for others. The peace and tranquility you seek out in meditative
practice has a ripple effect, just like that distant butterfly. It flows outward,
in concentric circles that touch those in their influential sphere. As these
circles widen, their ability to draw others into their influence is magnified.
The quiet center you’ve found is shared reality. It’s not just there to make
you feel good, or powerful, or “better”. It’s there to move the mountains of
despair that fill the horizon of the people’s lives everywhere, hemming them
in with the futility of a life unfulfilled, lived in a twilight of diminished
human potential.
Your intuitive and psychic potential can open doors for you, but those doors
are to the common ground of the human psyche. In that common ground are
the semiotics of the mundane. Those commonly held semiotics are the key to
a greater reality which lies beneath the surface of the seemingly banal.
Nothing in this world is what it seems to be. There is a submerged whole
which is greater than the tip which breaks the deep waters of reality. The
symbolic power of our commonly held icons (the “mother”, for example) is
the fullness of the collective, universal mind, in which the truth of our
interconnected reality is revealed.
In your meditative practice, being grounded in humility and knowing that you
are part of a much greater whole, is a fundamental to accessing the fullness of
your power to heal you and those around you. See yourself as small. You’re
a seed about to be planted in fertile ground. At the root of you is the chakra
of base survival, but as you grow up; pushing your green shoot through the
soil of your conscious mind and into the ethers of higher consciousness, you
will become not only new life, but a sturdy eco-system. Your personal eco-
system, rooted in your expanded consciousness and growing tall and verdant,
is part of the complex eco-system of the universal consciousness. The taller
you grow it and the greener its branches, the more profound the impact will
be. To the crown chakra you will reach and as you ascend, you will begin to
feel that the leaves on your tree are full, in each and every vein and stem, of
the vibrancy of your human potential.
Those leaves, and the roots, trunk and branches they grow from, are
abundantly alive. Abundant life is higher consciousness. The oxygen trees
provide us with to breathe is what you may provide as a human being who
does more than exist on the conscious level. Eating. Drinking. Working.
Sleeping. These are the root chakra’s domain. Above that level of surviving
and striving, though, is something much richer. That something is
nourishment for your soul, certainly. More importantly, though, it’s
nourishment for all that is; sustenance which feeds more than you. In
generating that spiritual oxygen by keeping the leaves on your branches
verdant and green, you are sustaining the collective unconscious through your
own spiritual self-care. This is why meditation is so deeply important. It
feeds more than you. This is the core of the practice of humility which
makes meditation a conduit to a world of love and compassion you’ve never
Compassion is to feel the passions of others, as though feeling them yourself.
But compassion is much more than a feeling. Empathy is “feeling with”.
That is an emotional world in which compassion is born and compassion is
born to act. Compassion is identification with what another is experiencing
and then acting on that shared emotional knowledge, in order to bring about
positive change. Whether the change is to conditions of poverty, pain,
cruelty, or any manner of wrongdoing, compassion represents a “praxis”.
In compassion is the thought that something must be done to mitigate the
experience as observed by the person who has felt compassion. This is where
emotion and thought meet and lead to an active solution. That’s what the
word praxis means. It means emotion/thought/action, in a chain of
inevitability. They go together. The grounding of your meditative practice in
humility is the birthplace of compassion, but in humility, you learn to detach
from the self and its judgmental perceptions (which are culturally mandated)
and to adhere to a vision of the self as part of something. You are not alone.
You are not an island, or universe unto yourself. You are part of a whole and
your presence in that whole and its quality matter. The ego’s message is that
human beings are self-reliant little islands, existing in a vacuum. The ego is
wrong about this and our individualism is at the base of all the suffering in
the world. When you realize how intimate your connection is with the world
you perceive, everything changes. Most importantly, you change. It’s only
in the ascension of the self to higher consciousness that a change of this
nature; so fundamental, is possible. But personal change is the root of all
By detaching from the self and re-attaching to the universal consciousness,
we are reaching out to all that is in total humility and in conscious admission
that we need that connection. We already have it, so more properly stated –
we reach out in conscious admission that we need to consciously re-connect.
In re-connecting and coming to an awareness of the integral communality of
humanity, we ignite our compassion. As part of it all, we can’t ignore the
whole. We not only feel with it, via our empathic natures (also enhanced in
meditative practice), we reflect on that emotional response, intellectually and
then move beyond feeling to action.
Meditation itself, is an action. As I told you earlier, the tree you are growing
into through meditation is life-giving on a universal level. Eventually,
though, your meditative practice will lead to other action. You will feel
compelled to take it, because you are now part of something greater than
yourself. Meditation can be an end in itself for those who choose it as a way
of life and spirituality. For most of us, though, it’s only part of something.
It’s the way we discover the true meaning of being human and in that
discovery, find our vocation and live it out in concrete ways. Compassion is
our gift to the world, but it’s not enough to feel it. Feeling the suffering and
challenges of others is not the end of compassion. Acting to mitigate that
suffering and those challenges is compassion’s ultimate end.
And you won’t be able to help yourself. Once you have re-connected with
the totality of yourself and with the universal consciousness, there is no
stopping the compassion from flowing out of you. It will fill your elevated
mind. It will move your hands and feet and heart and you will act, because
you need to. This is not a matter of obligation. This is an organically-
experienced generation of praxis which flows from the meditative act.
Compassion is, in fact, a psychic gift. It’s the gift of seeing clearly what
needs to be done to alleviate the suffering in the world and doing it. Part of
that alleviation is meditative practice. But meditative practice, like boot
camp, is not an end in itself. Your spiritual boot camp makes of you a
warrior of compassion and warriors go out onto the field of battle, ready to
collect the wounded and bandage them up, feed them and love them.
Compassion is the true work that flows from meditative practice and it is joy
realized in the action which flows from the opened mind and heart. It will
become like breathing, just as the messages that rise from your subconscious
become as concrete as your conscious thought.
You have a “second nature”, but it’s not separate (as might be implied). It’s
integral. Second nature is what comes to you as the fruit of your deepest
self. It’s what you’re compelled to do because of your connectedness with
that self. The compassion fostered in the humble practice of meditation is
part of all of us. We all have access to it, but we’ve lost the thread. We’ve
forgotten that it’s integral to our natures. Many of us reject it, as our egos get
in the way of our full humanity. Meditation is the salve for this ruptured,
distorted vision of how we should live.
Like a vast tapestry, woven of fine, silk thread, the universal consciousness is
spread above, below, within and on all sides. It has no beginning and no
end. It is within the potential of every human being to experience the fullness
of life by acknowledging it and becoming part of its warp and weft. Each of
us can weave ourselves into this tapestry through a conscious desire to do so
and a sustained effort to clear our conscious minds enough to make it
happen. Through meditative practice, we can recognize ourselves in others
and others in ourselves. By sweeping away our culturally-deposited
presumptions and prejudices, we can attain to the level of consciousness that
allows us to sense in others the divine heart at the core of the universe. This
is our home and what we’re all heir to.
Beyond the mundane; the banal, is a rich world, colored by compassion and
built on the foundation of humility. In losing ourselves, we find ourselves
and look up from our illusions to see the face of God in neighbor.
And so we say “Namaste” to one another, acknowledging our common
heritage. We come home to ourselves.
Training the Telepathic Mind
Telepathy is the picking up of messages from another person. It is not mind
reading. It can be practiced in various ways and the more you are able to
practice, the better you will become at the skill. The spirit within you is able
to pick up messages from someone else because it is the way that spirits
communicate and this is largely due to vibrations that humans give to one
another. You may find that if you are part of a great friendship, you have a
certain amount of empathy for your friend. You may know what a friend is
going to say because you are able to pick up the vibrations because of that
empathetic feeling toward that friend. However, this doesn’t stop you from
being able to do it with other people that you do not know. The skill does
need practice. We have talked about meditation and stressed its importance to
you and that is for a good reason. We are filled today with ideas that are fed
to us by the media. We tend to shut off ideas that fall outside the scope of
society’s ideals and that’s where many people lose their telepathic skills.
They decide that the signals they see mean a particular thing. Meditation
helps you to clear all of those worldly suppositions and begin to see things in
a fresh light. It then follows that when your mind is emptied of those
suppositions, there is room inside the mind to look at other ways to
communicate and to do it very adequately.

There is a school of thought that believes that the more you meditate, the
more likely you are to become telepathic. The reason for this is that you are
better able to stay in the “here and now” rather than letting your mind make
decisions based on presupposed ideas. Meditation successfully trains your
mind to be centered and that’s where you need to be when you practice
telepathy. Let’s show you an example:

A volunteer is given three pencils. These are in three different colors. You
already know what the color of the three pencils is and if you were to guess
which one he has in his hand, you stand a pretty good chance of getting the
right one, based on that knowledge. However, you need to let go of that
knowledge and listen to the message that the volunteer is sending to you.
Forget the colors. Forget the knowledge that you have because this limits
your ability to think clearly. Concentrate on the person, who is asked to
concentrate on the color of pencil he has in his hand. You will find that your
accuracy increases with practice but that the less you think of the three
alternatives and the more you think of what is in the mind of the volunteer,
the more accurate your answers will get.

Meditation helps you to do that because you have already learned how to free
the mind of presupposed ideas and let go. The only thing that you think of
during meditation is the moment that you are in, the chant or the counting of
breaths and all other things that come out of meditation come as a result of
being able to switch off all outside criteria. It is the same when you try to
train your mind to use telepathy. You need to stop outside interference from
altering your viewpoint and thus attaining unsuccessful answers. Do not pre-
suppose. It is vital that you try this for the first time after you have had a
meditation session, since your mind will be more receptive to the thoughts
that are being transferred to you.

Sending and receiving

Telepathy is of course divided into two activities. One person sends and the
other receives or vice versa and it’s a good idea to change places because you
may find that you are better at sending than receiving, but this can be every
bit as powerful when it comes to psychic work with clients.

Exercise in Telepathy
In this exercise you need to be in a room with another person who has been
instructed to think of a color within a certain range. Perhaps you could use
pencils of different colors and limit the amount of colors in the early days of
practice. Tell the person to think of the color and to think of nothing else at
all. They are trying to send the message to you of that particular color and
you are attempting to read that color through telepathy. At each attempt, take
a note so that you have a note of how your accuracy is increasing.

Using cards is another way of trying to pick up the message being sent to
you. Cards can have symbols on them such as a circle, a square, a star, a
triangle, etc. although in the early days, it’s important that you don’t have too
wide a variety. The person who is practicing with you holds the cards where
you cannot see them and turns one card to face him. He must concentrate on
that one card and try to transmit it to you. He must think of nothing else at all.
Your concentration must be on what he is trying to transmit, rather than upon
the choices that you have. If you bring the choices into the picture, you make
the message confused and will likely get things wrong.
Activities That Help in Psychic Progress
The more knowledge you have of people, the more able you are to pick up on
messages from others. For example, if you are empathetic, you are able to
place yourself into their situation and see things in a much clearer way. If you
are inexperienced with different kinds of people, you are less likely to be able
to read them or to give them accurate readings. Thus, there are some
activities that you can do to help you to develop your psychic abilities:

Observation exercises – understanding body language

Observation is a wonderful tool. You are able to observe people and to see
the different ways in which they react to certain situations. This gives you
many clues when it comes to being able to assure them while giving them a
reading or consultation. Body language is one way in which you can learn if
people are being honest with you. It shows on their faces and the movement
of muscles when someone is deliberately lying to you and as a psychic it’s
important that you know who you are dealing with. Try to learn from the
body language of people and the best way to do this is to look out for the
following things:

Crossed arms – This shows a defensive stance. The person may not be open
to any new information and thus you must approach with caution.
Blinking eyes when they talk – This means that there is a level of deception
involved. Perhaps the client is trying to show you up as a charlatan and is
purposely feeding you incorrect information to see how you react to it.
Not looking directly into your eyes – This may mean that the client is a little
ashamed of something and you may have to coax it from them in order to
help the client. In this case, try to be gentle and reassure the client so that the
client is prepared to confide in you.
Playing with their hands – This denotes that the client is nervous and it may
help to sooth the client so that you are able to make him/her feel more at ease
with you. Remember that trust plays a huge part when someone consults a
psychic. You need to establish sufficient trust to take away any doubts that
the client may have and help him/her to feel at ease.
Other behaviors to observe

If a client shows belligerence, the chances are that the client feels on unsafe
ground. The reason that people show this type of behavior is that they feel a
sense of insecurity. Perhaps they have never experienced psychic readings
before and are a little ill at ease and use this bravado to hide the fact that they
are insecure.

You also need to be able to recognize the following, in order to feel empathy
for the client and this empathy is all important when it comes to making
yourself believable:

● Nervousness
● Unhappiness
● Fear
● Anger
● Jealousy
● Hopelessness
● Loss of faith

These feelings could be derived from the situation in which the client finds
him/herself and your empathy is very important. If, for example, a woman
wants you to talk about her dead husband, it would be unprofessional not to
pick up on her feelings of desperation or to exploit them. You need to be able
to show empathy and to step into her shoes and if this means questioning her
a little about the relationship, this will help your powers of observation.

Increasing your Knowledge

If you are lacking in general knowledge, you can’t put yourself over as
astutely as someone whose knowledge is vast. Thus, one of the activities that
is suggested for people who want to develop their psychic abilities is reading.
Read a wide variety of books which will give you an insight into human
behavior and even if you limit this to good quality fiction, this will help you
to be able to empathize with clients who have been through experiences that
you would otherwise not be able to imagine.
The wider your knowledge base, the better able you are to draw from it. I
recommend that you choose a variety of books – both factual and fiction –
because reading opens your mind and helps you to experience all kinds of
emotions that you may never touch upon in your life and that will be helpful
to you in your work.

Concentration exercises

To develop and hone this part of your psychic ability, you need to have
activities that improve your concentration levels. Art can do this if you are
artistically inclined. If you like computers, why not try honing in on your
concentrative powers by using something such as a program like Luminosity.
You have to concentrate because you are given certain questions to answer
within a given time. They call it “exercise for the brain” but as far as a
psychic goes, it’s really and truly great concentration for the mind. That’s
part and parcel of what you need to develop so if you can find programs that
require total concentration, then these are good for you and will help your
concentration levels to improve.

Other games that are fun are turning a pack of cards face downward onto a
table and trying to establish pairs by turning two cards over at a time. You
need to concentrate because you need to remember where certain cards are
and, with practice, will find that you improve your concentration. This is vital
for the psychic because it’s easy to allow outside influence to get in the way
when you are trying to give a client a reading. If you have learned
concentration through meditation this helps to hone the mind, body and spirit
into that moment. However, card games such as this also help your powers of
observation and when working with people, that’s vital to success.

Sociability – Learning to mix with all kinds of people opens up your

understanding of different character types. It is important that you have a fair
share of work and play and try to meet plenty of people in your life. Many
people who develop psychic abilities find that having a great social life
improves the way that they can read people’s problems because they also
become aware of different mannerisms and the approach that different people
have toward their problems. It also helps to work with different age levels.
Thus, spend quality time with kids and learn to have a great relationship with
older folk.
Learning to Trust and Listen to Intuition
The inner voice is very important to psychics. They train their minds to be
able to cut out all of the interference that comes with modern day living and
are able to hone in on intuitive thoughts that will help a client. We have
already stressed how important intuition is, but if it is not listened to, it serves
very little purpose.

Meditation – As we have already explained, meditation makes you more

self-aware. It also links body and mind and people who meditate are better
able to tap into the power of intuition. They do not let other things get in the
way and see things in a much clearer way than those who choose to ignore
intuition. Meditation trains the mind to be able to see things in a clearer way.
Thus, the first piece of training that you need to do is taking time out and
learning to meditate correctly. You will need to put time aside for regular
practice and even when you are giving psychic readings to people, should
keep this practice alive with daily sessions, making sure that you are able to
continually get clear signals that will help others who may consult you.

Using your senses to the fullest – This is important because it places you in
the moment and that’s exactly where you need to be when consulting clients.
It also helps you to be able to pick up telepathic signals from others. We have
talked in some small measure about how mindfulness helps you and this is all
encompassed in being in the moment. If your mind is wandering to the past
or worried about the future, you lose the opportunity of being in that moment
and your psychic abilities will be impaired by that lack of cohesion. Thus,
make the most of scent, sounds, tastes, sights and emotions and be aware of
others. Your observation of the world is affected by how you use these
senses. Your intuitive senses are improved when you are able to drop all
pretention and simply “be” in that moment in time. It helps you to open the
“Third Eye” which in turn assists you in being able to see things with clarity.

Be creative – Creativity is a great gift. You may not think that it applies to
training to be a psychic but in fact it does because it puts your intuition to
work. If you give a child pens, paper, stones or other basic items, the child
will instinctively use his intuition to create something. As we get older, we
forget about how important that creativity is. Perhaps you can find creative
solutions for the home. Perhaps you need to be creative with your hands or
your mind. Whatever it is, enjoy it and know that you are exercising your
intuition by demanding that it helps you to find solutions to creative
Testing your hunches – Intuition told me to bring the washing in from
outside, though I ignored it because I was enjoying doing something else.
The problem is that situations such as this come up every day and yet people
ignore intuition and prefer to be doing something other than what they are
being told to do. The way to test your intuitive nature is to listen to yourself
as you go through your daily activities. If common sense tells you to do one
thing, but you have a gut feeling about doing something else, follow the gut
feeling. Test your hunches and you will get more accustomed to finding the
right answers. Psychics need the ability to follow hunches and this is vital to
your chosen trade. If you are able to do this, you will also be able to hone in
on inner thoughts that will help you during the course of your work.

Use your feelings, rather than your thoughts – If you sit on a hill above a
wonderful beauty spot, stop thinking and start feeling. This helps you to pick
up on the feelings of others and makes you much more aware of their
thoughts and feelings as well as being able to use your telepathic skills. The
exercise that you need to do in this case is simply to close your eyes and stop
being distracted by what may cause you to think. Then soak in the
atmosphere. You will feel the energy in the air. You will also be able to pick
up on negative and positive vibes and be able to change routines so that you
can create positive vibrations. Your feelings are there for a reason and
psychics need to learn to trust those feelings. Unfortunately, in this day and
age, we are taught almost rote fashion to think in a set way that doesn’t
include allowing the intuition to work. If you switch off the thoughts and
hone in on the feelings, your intuition will speak to you and will be a
powerful tool in being able to help others.

Try actions that do not require thought – Whether you find pleasure in
creating a supper dish or scrubbing floors, do the things that you need to do
routinely without letting thoughts get in the way. This trains your intuition to
kick in when you need it to. You learn humility and that’s vital for someone
who wants to hone the craft of becoming a psychic. People who are not this
sensitive find it hard to actually allow intuition to work correctly. All of these
mundane tasks can help you drive your intuition in a way that will be useful
to you as a psychic.

Get your intuition honed by doing the above and you will find that it will help
you considerably. Keep a diary of intuitive messages that will help you to see
your progress. If you acted on a hunch, write it down and then gage the
results because this will show you if you are heading in the right direction.
The Blueprint to Opening Up Your Inner Abilities
If you have gone through all of the chapters contained in this book, you will
know that you need to go through the pages again in order to fulfill your wish
to become a psychic. However, we thought that putting the blueprint here in
one chapter would help you to make a list of the things that you need to do in
order to move forward in this venture.

Take up Meditation - The sooner you do this the better and if you really
want meditation to make a difference, you can do no better than simply going
on a retreat where trained gurus will be able to guide you. I would suggest
that professional help is better than trying to go the road alone because you
will need to learn new systems of thought that will help you to achieve the
best that you can from your meditative practice. The problem with trying to
do this on your own is that you may be missing out on a real opportunity to
learn all about what’s going on inside you. Many try to meditate alone and
give up because they don’t get past the initial tries and find that it’s too hard
to concentrate. However, in a retreat, you will learn the benefit of taking this
seriously and it will help you to open up the intuitive side of your character
which is where all of your psychic abilities are located.

Learn about Chakras - The reason you need to learn this is so that you can
instantly recognize the problems that your clients have without there being
too much verbal interaction. If you understand the power of the Chakras, you
are better equipped to help those who seek your assistance.

Spend time in natural surroundings – This helps you to quieten the mind.
To be a good psychic you need to be in this moment in your life. If you are
too busy in the world of commercialism you forget about the way that nature
nurtures. That’s very important. It helps you to be empathetic and it helps you
to be at one with yourself which is vital for anyone who is going to give any
kind of spiritual guidance to others.

Practice Clairvoyance in your everyday life – You may wonder how you
can do this. Clairvoyance simply means “clear seeing.” That means that you
must not complicate your life and that you need to go back to basics.
Clairvoyance has absolutely nothing to do with seeing into the future. It
simply means being able to visualize. This is a very necessary skill to a
psychic and practicing visualization is important. In order to do this, close
your eyes and look. Try to think of something that makes you feel happy and
successful and hone in on the vision. See it. Feel it and most of all live it.
This will help you with your clarity of purpose and will sustain you when you
make errors of judgement. You cannot always be right, but you can learn by
visualization to use the times when you are wrong as lessons so that in the
future, your predictions and readings are more accurate.

Learn to become grounded - As we have explained in previous chapters,

life is made up of energies. Those who are not grounded are more likely to
dwell in the past or worry about the future. When you do yoga, for example,
your hands are given a certain position to keep you grounded during your
yoga practice. If you are not practicing yoga, you need to find that balance
within yourself. It is worthwhile remembering that there is free help out there
for you and if you go to thegroundingbook.com there is a download that will
help you to improve your aura and to recognize the auras of others and their
significance to you, as a psychic.

Practice with Psychometry – Often used for criminal investigations, this

form of psychic energy is when you hold an object in your hand and take the
vibration sent from that object to tell you something about the owner of the
object. It can be a piece of jewelry, or a set of keys or even a garment that has
the aroma of an individual still on it – rather than fresh out of the washing
machine. Close your eyes and rub the object in your hand until you feel all
the energy flowing from the object into your hands. You can start by asking
yourself simple questions such as whether the owner is a woman or a child.
You can also ask yourself how old this person is. Write down your responses
and then check up on their accuracy. You may find that you are more gifted
than you thought.

Memory recall – This is vital and helps you to develop your inner skills.
Have a friend place five objects onto a tray in front of you. You have several
moments to look at them and to associate them with your friend. Then the
tray is taken away and you need to recall as much detail as you can about the
items. This is valuable because it makes you more observant.

Seeking things out - Hold an object in your hand and pass it to a friend. Ask
your friend to hide the item in your home and then use your instincts to find
it. Try to hone in on the vibrations of the item because this helps you to
develop your psychic skills.

Practice Telepathy – Ask a friend to help you with this exercise. Take four
numbers and ask them to concentrate on one of them. Ask them to take this
seriously and to try to transmit to you the number that they are thinking
about. Close your eyes and take the energy of their thoughts into your mind
to guess what the number is. This same game can be used with colors, shapes,
objects etc. to help you to build up your ability to telepathically work out the
message your friend is trying to pass to you.

Learning to sense energy fields - If you have classes near you where
energy is explored, then these are ideal for learning all about taking in the
energy from people around you and also learning about auras. These help you
to release your own energy and to correct the flow so that you are able to see
clearly what it is that you need to address. People with blocked energy often
find that their psychic abilities are also blocked because of this. If you need to
be assured about the importance of the energy flow, look at the chapter on
Chakras. If one of the Chakras is blocked, the energy flow to the rest of the
body is blocked and that includes your Third Eye, which you will need to
help you to develop your psychic skills.

Learn to develop your ability to give an accurate reading – This is better

done in a class of like-minded people. Thus, if you can find a course near you
to help you to develop and hone your skills, do take the opportunity. It will
teach you how to read auras and have a better contact with clients, how to
determine how past lives affect who you are now and to give clients a reading
that will be seen as useful to them. Look for courses on Psychic training.

All of these steps make up the blueprint to success, though you will need to
take the final step contained in the next chapter to realize your ambition to
become gifted at what you have chosen to do. Remember to read through the
chapters again in order to pinpoint problem areas and work on them so that
you build up your weakest points. It’s very easy to show off your strengths,
but that’s not what psychic ability is for. It is intended to help you develop as
a person and to be able to help others. Any show off tactics are merely
performances. That’s not what it’s all about.
Helping Your Clients Through Their Problems
At the beginning, you may be a little nervous about working with clients,
having only ever practiced with friends or family. You do need to take the
time to get to know your client and find out what it is that they need from
you. If they are looking to communicate with the dead and that’s not
something that you do, then you need to make them aware of that. If,
however, they are looking to see how they can improve their lives or want a
reading of some kind – such as Tarot cards or any of the fortune telling
tactics – then you will be able to suggest the best for them and then do the
reading together.

Your nervous energy will flow through to the client, so you need to be
confident and aware of the fact that your client is seeking strength, rather than
weakness. It takes a little while to get accustomed to working with clients and
I would suggest that you use the fortune telling systems in order to get to
know your client better. They may be asking you to make decisions for them,
although unless you are sure of the advice that you are giving them, you
should simply work on giving them the strength to make their own decision.

Many clients want to see you on a regular basis and it may be their insecurity
that is demanding your time. Try to read your client’s aura as this will give
you a lot of clues about what mental state they are in. It will tell you about
their emotional state of mind and will also give you some kind of clarity so
that you are able to help them with their problems.

For those who need extra reassurance, it may be a good idea to work with an
established psychic and to gain insight as to how they carry out their sessions.
Perhaps volunteering to help out, you will be able to learn a lot about how to
approach clients correctly and this will in turn give you the confidence that
you need to become qualified and to take on clients of your own.

Expect mistakes – These happen. If you see the image of someone whose
name begins with a specific initial, try to make sure that the intuitive process
is strong before you mention it to the client. Are you seeing it because you
are looking for it, or are you seeing it because it’s there? You will find out the
difference as you work with clients and learning to trust your intuition will
help you.

Limiting the amount of questions permitted – Some clients want a never

ending stream of answers to questions and you need to learn to limit how
much you are able to deal with in a session. This helps them to establish how
long it will take you to help them and be able to program their appointments
with you accordingly.

Initial contact - When a client gets in touch, it’s important to have an initial
rendezvous with the client to discuss what you do and what they expect of
you. This is an introductory appointment that is actually useful for both of
you and perhaps you can offer this at a discounted rate, so that they can
decide if you have the skills they need to help them with their problems. This
establishes a trust between you and open conversation about expectations will
help them to overcome nervousness. After all, if you do not use your psychic
abilities, it’s very hard to understand them. People are nervous about
consulting a psychic until you have crossed the threshold of trust. Therefore,
this initial rendezvous will help both of you to better understand what is
expected from your liaison with that particular client.

When you are dealing with paying clients, you need to remember that much
of what you do will be scrutinized. That’s normal. When you are paying for a
service, you expect it to help. Be aware that the client knows very little about
the psychic process and may want you to answer questions about what you do
and how it will help them. It may also be a good idea to have brochures that
they can take home with them, so that they can read through the different
services that you offer and have some reassurance that the service you offer
to them suits their needs.

With so many charlatans in the business it’s hardly surprising that people
want to know that your motives are honorable and that you are not simply in
it for the money. You can assure them by giving them supplementary
information that gives them more confidence in your ability to give them the
service that they expect. Keeping them informed of who you are and what
you do will help them to pass word on to others that you are available. If one
client has a good experience with you, they will no doubt pass their
recommendation on to others so that at the end of the day, you become better
known as a psychic and are thus able to help even more people.
Increasing the Role of Empathy
I have left this until last intentionally. As you will have read in an earlier
chapter, people who have the ability to use EQ are known as “empaths.”
These are people who have learned that empathy is a vital tool for any kind of
communication. As this is the main skill that you will have to nurture in order
to become a good psychic, I felt that it was relevant to devote the final
chapter to development the ability to use empathy.
It is very different to sympathy. Sympathy may be the feeling that you have
toward someone who is in a situation you feel sorry for. However, empathy is
much more than that. It means being able to put yourself in the place of the
person to whom you are speaking. That takes a lot of practice and helps
considerably when you are learning to use intuition and also when you are
dealing with clients who are coming to you for advice. It’s not enough to give
common sense advice that applies to them. You need to be able to see the
problem from the same angle that they are viewing it from and that is very
hard for some people. Psychics who have this ability will succeed because the
replies that they give to questions asked by clients actually address the
questions in a way that is totally understood by a client, rather than skirting
around an issue.
It’s important that you develop the skill of empathy if you want to be good at
what you do. We are going to give you some exercises so that you can
develop your empathetic skills. Do these on a regular basis because they are
of value to you, but they will also set you apart from others who do not have
a high level of EQ.
Become an active listener – This is important. Rather than finish someone’s
sentence for them, take the time to let them say the words. They need to. If
you finish sentences for someone, you are demonstrating a level of
impatience and that places your EQ at a low level. You can never empathize
if you are not an active listener. The way to increase your active listening
skills is with your family and friends. Listen when they have something to
say and don’t just jump in with solutions before they have finished
explaining. You learn a lot about people when you are able to do this.
Step out of your comfort zone and learn about people – They may not be
of the same opinion as you, but their opinions may be just as valid or even
may make you change your mind. The way that people make their EQ higher
is by being sufficiently curious about other people. Instead of judging another
person for an action or something that has been said, be curious. Find out
why they said it or did it. Put yourself in their place and see how differently
you are able to see their situation. It’s a hard lesson because we are all taught
from childhood to be self-sufficient. Those with strong opinions tend not to
look into why someone did or said something, but will make a judgement
based upon what was said or done. It’s important for your own development
to go beyond being judgmental and to use your curiosity to learn why
particular people say or do the things that are said and done. When you
understand that, you will automatically increase your EQ
Step into the shoes of others – You may wonder where this idea comes from
but it’s very easy to understand when you know how it works. For example,
if you go to work and your wife stays home, swap places for a day or so and
you may just get a better understanding of each other. There are historical
records which show that people who have done this are able to increase their
understanding of others. Those that spring to mind are people like George
Orwell, who dressed in beggar’s clothing and lived rough on the streets of
London. When asked how it made him feel, he was quick to say that it was
one of the most enlightening experiences of his life and that’s something he
was very proud of. Other people who have stepped out of their comfort zones
and who have historically made a difference are people such as the original
Buddha. He was a rich prince and lived in a palace and it was only by
stepping out into the streets of his kingdom that he realized that people
around him were suffering. His father preferred that his son lived in a world
where people didn’t suffer and where the boy could feel safe. However, the
steps that he took into that world were to make a difference to millions of
people. He found the reason why people suffered and was able to develop
Buddhism as we know it today from that experience.

In 2009, Prince William decided that he wanted to sleep rough on the streets
of London in order to gain a better perspective of what homeless people had
to go through. Although he had a bodyguard and was not subjected to the
same kind of stresses other homeless people felt, you have to remember that
he stepped out of a very comfortable existence to sleep on the streets and in
doing so, was able to gain a wider perspective of what it meant to his future
subjects. Interestingly enough, his mother had also taken Prince William to
the seedier places in London to see sufferers of illness during his childhood
because she wanted him to develop a certain level of compassion. It is clear
that the Prince has done this and that his level of EQ has improved as result
of his effort.
If you can learn to step into the shoes of others, you are able to see their point
of view with a clarity you cannot possibly understand when looking from
your own viewpoint. Psychics need to evaluate people in a very accurate way
and increasing EQ will help them to do this. Empathy is part and parcel of the
process. While we do not suggest that you go into the streets and change
places with the homeless, we do suggest that you imagine yourself in the role
of others rather than looking at them from your own point of view. You can
practice with kids, friends, family and take what you learn with you into your
professional career as a psychic.
Sharing your mistakes – Although this should not be your first and foremost
activity in life, it’s important that you know how to do it in your personal life.
You should be able to give and take in equal proportions. What this does is
teach you all about being humble. If you make mistakes, you should not be
afraid of admitting that you made mistakes. A child may see himself as a
disappointment if his parents are always right. However, when a child is able
to see a father who admits that he made a mistake, he becomes more human
in the eyes of the child and the child does not feel so badly about a mistake
that he/she may have made. If you let people measure you for your
perfection, you lose that ability to have a 50 50 relationship and are unlikely
to learn the power of empathy. Someone with empathy is never afraid to
admit to a mistake. It helps to make them human and increases the trust
element between themselves and others.
Challenge your own prejudice – When people go through the process of
growing up, they learn certain set patterns of behavior and they also learn
what is right and what is wrong. However, there is no black and white line
that defines this. It may be wrong for a rich kid to steal a loaf of bread from a
neighbor, although a child with a dying mother may see this as an
opportunity to help his mother to recover. Of course, stealing isn’t a
wonderful example, since we all know that it’s wrong, but from the things
that we are taught, we learn prejudices. By learning meditation and
mindfulness, you learn to drop those prejudices and challenge them, so that
you no longer view people with the same level of prejudice but are able to see
them for who they are. For example, you would not judge someone from the
quality of his/her clothing. The world is not made up of right and wrong and
the line that was scored in your life by your parents was used to set an
example. However, from adulthood onward, you are able to see the shades of
gray and make your own decisions about people. Taking prejudice out of the
picture opens up your potential to develop your EQ because you see people
as energy, just like you. Some will express that energy in one particular way,
while others will display it in other ways. If you can drop prejudice from the
situation, you are able to enjoy the world more and will make a better job as a
psychic because you are able to see the bigger picture.
You can see from this that there are a lot of ways that you can open your
mind and learn to embrace empathy. This is vital to the equation, and is the
most important skill that you can learn. As you walk forward into the role of
psychic, you take with you the most valuable skill that you can have. This
skill will help you through any situation you come up against during your
newfound career and will help you to gain the trust of clients. I left this
chapter until last because I wanted to leave you with something very
important to think about. Are you empathetic? Can you increase your
awareness of others? Even those who we label as “empaths” fail sometimes,
so don’t beat yourself up if you sometimes make mistakes. Use them as
stepping stones toward your learning of the future. Making mistakes helps
you to learn not to criticize or judge the mistakes of others, so that mistakes
have a place in the learning process.
Becoming empathetic will help you more than any other skill. Psychics work
with troubled people, or those seeking answers and empathetic people are
much more likely to find suitable solutions and answers for those who seek
Psychic abilities are within our human capacity to gain access to and to
benefit from. These abilities seem oddly familiar to us and yet, foreign at the
same time. Much like déjà vu, we’re unable to put our finger on where these
abilities come from, what they mean or how to develop them, until now.
Your greater understanding of the psychic world and the abilities you’ve
explored in this book will hopefully help you establish a practice of nurturing
your psychic gifts and beginning to understand how they might be developed.
You will be going on a mystical journey into the core of yourself and your
place in the collective unconscious, perhaps realizing some of the more
profound mysteries of life. These great mysteries will become a part of the
way you live your life, enriching it and making of it an even greater
adventure than it already is. The more deeply connected you become with
the fullness of yourself, the more intuitive and psychically sensitive you will
be. It’s an inevitable part of opening the heart and mind to the interconnected
web you are part of.
We have covered many aspects that you may not have thought of. However,
you may find that any one of these will be your chosen medium. Those who
are gifted at reading tarot cards may not be that good at reading tea leaves.
The point is that each psychic chooses the skills that suit their temperament
and their clientele base. They also choose their work type based upon what
they find out about themselves during their journey into their own psychic
abilities. If you need help, you may find that the suggestions in the book will
be useful in the areas of learning, such as working with an expert when
learning to meditate.
Remember that developing your intuition and psychic abilities is a process. It
takes practice, mindfulness, and supplemental exercises to help you stay
grounded and to maintain balance, as you open up your awareness to the
subtle realities of the world. You will come to work with far more than you
might ever have imagined in your conscious life. As you grow into the
fullness of the human potential, you may also come to discover that the world
is a much less threatening place that we’ve been trained to believe. You’ll
come to see the world’s murmuring subtext as clearly as you do what veils it.
The world will be revealed in all its multi-layered beauty, when you have
learned to see it more clearly and fully. This process is enlightening,
enriching, and will also lead you to a greater sense of your intimate
connection to all that is. With time, I genuinely hope you will cultivate a
sense of inner profound inner peace as the result of your explorations. I hope
that your compassion will grow and inspire others.
We have included exercises that will help you to develop your skills and you
can practice these time and time again until you are happy with your
progress. If people know that you are trying to extend your career in this
manner, they are more likely to be open and helpful and may just prove to be
the right people to practice on.
You will learn to increase your spiritual awareness and work on
understanding how to unblock areas where you may be holding yourself
back. You also need to remember that all the time you are learning on
yourself and your family members, you are actually increasing your own
awareness and that’s vital if you intend to become a professional psychic. We
have laid out a plan of attack in the section which shows you the blueprint
and you should use this to remind you of what area of your approach you
need to work on next.
Thank you so much for purchasing this book and investing in yourself. I
wish for you what I wish for all people – that you might grow to the full
stature of a human being and know the enormous potential of your mind. If
you would like to explore with me further, please consider leaving this book
a positive review. This will give me an opportunity to produce an expanded
volume that includes working from the subconscious in alpha wave mode,
lucid dreaming, and other interesting ways to manifest and interpret your
reality from the pinnacle of your human potential.
For now, you have learned sufficiently to understand the basics. In fact, you
have learned more than that. You have learned how to use empathy to gain
the trust of your clients. You have learned the skill of being an active listener
and that skill will help you in your personal as well as professional life. When
you reach a level of understanding where your mind is able to look forward
to new challenges, you will know that your work has paid off. Your clients
will be happy with your services and you will be content that you have done
all that you can to develop your psychic skills.
The process is ongoing. Meditation on a daily basis ensures that you stay in
that place of comfort and that your mind stays focused. Helping others with
their problems will assist you greatly on your journey as well because each
new experience will enable you a little more to help those who are in need of
your professional services.
Although you may think that you don’t have what it takes to become a
psychic, we all do. It’s just hidden under layers of conditioning that has been
a part of your life since childhood. All you have to do is peel away those
layers, drop your judgmental views and learn to put all the skills that we have
described in this book into practice.
May you know peace on your journey and if you are able to find the route to
your inner consciousness, then you can be sure that your journey will be
filled with discovery of the ability to be of great help to those seeking your
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