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Provided data for Exp 10 and instructions for data analysis and lab report

1. Measured data from Exp 10.1 are given in Table 1.

Table 1 Data from Exp 10.1 for one converging lens system
Object Lens Image Calculation f value
(light source)
Size Position on Position on Position on Size s 1/ s s 1/ s fexp f factory
(h) the bench the bench the bench ( h
(cm) PO (cm) PL (cm) PI (cm) ) (cm) (cm)-1 (cm) (cm)-1 (cm) (cm)
4 -1 24 118 14
25 108 13 20 cm
26 98.0 11
28 89.0 8.5
30 83.5 7.0
32 80.0 6.0
35 77.5 4.7
40 77.5 3.5
45 79.0 2.8
50 82.0 2.5
55 85.5 2.0
60 89.0 1.8
65 93.0 1.5

2. Data analysis for Exp 10.1 (Refer to the pdf file of “PHY2049L Exp 10 Theory”)
(a) From the provided data in Table 1 calculate s , s , 1/ s and 1/ s , record your data in Table 1.
(b) Copy 1/ s vs 1/ s data from Table 1 and paste them in the columns A and B of an Excel file.
You can search on google to find out how to do plot and fit with Excel.
(c) Plot 1/ s vs 1/ s and fit it with a straight line.
(d) Name the plot and fitting as Fig. 1 which is part of your lab report.
(e) From the fitting parameter to calculate fexp and record it in Table 1.

3. Use graphic method to verify the position ( s ) and size ( h ) of the image in Table 1, and
determine the nature of the image: erect or inverted, enlarged or reduced.

(a) Refer to Fig. 3 (a) in the lab manual, draw a converging lens with an optic axis on a sheet of
white paper. The converging lens in Fig. 3 (a) can be simplified as shown in Fig. 2.

Optic axis

Figure 2
Converging lens

(b) To make a ray diagram showing the formation of the image we need to use the following data
in Table 1: h, fexp , and the value of s in the row #6 of the column “Calculation” in Table 1.
Note: The top row of Table 1 is row #1.
(c) Make a scale drawing (use 1 mm to represent 1 cm) to locate the positions of the two focal
points (F1 & F2 ) using the value of fexp , also locate the object position using the s value. Then,
at the object position draw the object with height h using the same draw scaling.
(d) Draw a ray diagram using two principal rays: Parallel ray and Central ray similar to Fig. 3 (a) in
the lab manual to find the image formed by the converging lens.
(e) Label the quantities h, s, h, s in your ray diagram.
(f) Name your complete ray diagram as Fig. 2 which will be a part of your lab report.
(g) Measure the values of image position and size ( s & h ) from your Fig. 2 and record the data
in Table 2.
(h) Calculate m  h / h using the measured h and record it in Table 2.
(i) From your Fig. 2 to determine the nature of the image.
 Erect or inverted?
 Enlarged or reduced?
Record above results in Table 2.
Table 2 The formation of the image from the ray diagram in your Fig. 2.
Data from row #6 of Table 1 Measured Data from your Fig. 2 Nature of the image
h (cm) s (cm) h  (cm) s (cm) m  h  / h Erect ( ) or inverted ( )
Enlarged ( ) or reduced ( )
4. Measured data from Exp 10.2 are given in Table 3.

Table 3 Data from Exp 10.2 for 2-lens system (refer to Fig. 1 in Exp 10.2 lab manual)
L s1 s1 s2  L  s2 M1 M 2 M  M1M 2 Inverted Check

(cm) (cm)
s (cm) or s1  s2 
(calculated) 1 (calculated) erect?
(cm) L?
30 602 Y ( ), N ( )

Note: L is the separation between the two lenses, fobjective  20 cm, feyepiece  10 cm.

5. Data analysis for Exp 10.2

(a) From the provided data in Table 3 calculate all the unknown quantities listed in Table 3.
Note: Use equations (1) and (2) in Exp 10.1 lab manual. (Show your work).
(b) Record the calculated data in Table 3.
(c) Answer the questions in the right two columns of Table 3.

6. Instructions for lab report on Exp 10

(a) Tables 1 to 3 with all the required data should be included in your Exp 10 lab report.
(b) Your figures 1 & 2 with complete ray diagrams and labels of all required points and quantities
should be included in your Exp 10 lab report.
(c) The details of your calculations of all the required quantities should be included in your Exp 10
lab report.
(d) Answers or solutions (with detail reasonings, calculations and diagrams) to the questions #1 & #2
(without #3, #4, #5) at the end of Exp 10.2 lab manual should be included in your Exp 10 lab report
(e) The required other contents and format for your lab report can be found in the syllabus.

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