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• S.

~03 N. Narberth Ave.,
Narberth. Pa.

Narberth, Pa., Saturday, April 28, 1928 PRICE, THREE CENTS

Vol. XIV. Number 30

Cut of One Mill Effected at a Harold G. Mattoon Tells of
'No Changes in Merion Title Insects Which Attack
Recent Meeting of
as Five Directors Are Growth.
School Board.
Re-election of ti\'e directors whose .-\s a result of a recent meeting of :\ talk on trees and the election
terms expired, followed later by the the School Board the school tax rate of officers were the features at the
re-election of all old omcers, marked has been reduced one mill. or from meeting of the Bala-Cynwyd-Nar-
the annual meeting of the stock-. 19 to 11'1 mills. This tax rate was I)ert I1 l':..otary Club ", luesda l' . The
holders of the l\lerion Title and made possible by careful pruning J
Trust Company held l\londay after- and economies in the budget for speaker was Harold G. Mattoon, of
noon at the central ofnee of the in- \()28-2~ which was reported by the Cynwyd, tree. expert of the firm of
stitution in Ardmore. Finance Committee and adopted by Harrison, Mertz and Emlen.
Over a million dollars increase in i the board. The reduction, however. .Mr. }Iattoon. chosen to bring the
trust btlsiness during the past year, was not :It the expense of teacher's message oi Xational Forest \Veek,
and an increase of almost a million salaries or the g-encral efficiency of spoke in practical \'ein of the tree
dollars in deposits during the same I the school but by ellecting certain bl '"
. d I Former Assemblyman Benjamin H. economies which in no way inter- pro ellls attectlllg the a\'erage sub-
pena were revea ed in annual re- Ludlow of Ardmore who will be Dr. Ezra S. Deubler, who will re- llr t 'alll'te ~ll 11 III tt I .I
ports made by the officers oi the anothe~ of the parad~ jUdges for Boy fere with the general well-being of tire a3 Ilen:I of the Bnla-Cynwyd- u, . ~ c a ers, le salC,
b I The Hon. Fletcher W. Stites, of Week. The remaining judges are: the school. The new school tax rate Narbe,·th Rotary ClUb, July I, when are of more intimate interest than
an ,. Narberth. who will be one of thl' William J. McIntyre, of Ardmore, and I I f '11 I. I his succeswr, GUy Croyle, of Merion. I .
Other features of the meeting four JUdges of the Boy Week parade Walter C. Neely. president of the superset es t lat a Iy ml SWIll' 1 elected at Tuesday's luncheon, will t Ie conservatIOn programs in for-
were the creation of another assist- State taking Senator
place tlJday. He Is aofformer
and Burgess Nar- Bala-Cynwyd Fire Company, Til" Ilas 1Jeen 111 ' e ff' ec t f or auou I, t 10 assume 0 m ceo Or.D eu b'.er Is super- ests I ' of miles away.
'I t' I berth Borough. reviewing stand will be at the cyn- years. The IJer capita school tax Intendent of theb pcnshurst Farms on "'1 t' I .1' d .
a t t reasurer pos. t w IllC 1 It e was wyd fire house· on Montgomery pike, State road. Nar erth. "' any 0 tIe ulseases an 111-
forthwith conferred upon John \V. --- remains unchanged. I sect pests which attach: the lorest
M~rray. manager. of, ,t.he Cynwyd
offlce of the Menon lItle, and the lBOYS WILL COME INTO OWN IN WEEK There is only one vacancy in the I
school teaching stall at the p r e s e n t ·
MRS ROSS GUEST find their first foothold in the shade
trees of cities and their suburbs"
declaration of two di\'idends, each THAT BEGINS TODAY ON MAIN LINE time which means the smallest OF HONOR AT TEA the speaker said. "\Ve JUust contr~1
of four Jler cent. One was the reg- change of personnel in several years. them, both for the sake of our own
ular quarterly dividend, the other That one was created by the resign- Irees and to save the forests."
was an extra declaration. Both will Parade From Rosemont to Cynwyd Inaugurates Event, While ation of :\\ iss Louise M,' \'forran. I Past Presidents of Community .:\1r. Mattoon mentioned a num-
be paid May 1 to stockholders of Meeting at Narberth Theater Opens Week in Borough- who will discontinue teaching, M iss I Club in Receiving ber of the common scourges of
record April 24. Scouts to Rule Township for an Hour. Frances B. Decou also resigned but Line trees, and showed the members
The five directors of the bank her work as secretary will be done . specimens of wood with the marks
whose terms expired and who were \\'l'tll a I I . . \ I '1' by :\lrs, Ruby K. Perishich, who is G E. RAIGUEL TO SPEAK of insect rav.ages and. disease.1 That
re av race am Impres- ! n more. ::;even JOYS WIll also be in charge of health and secretarial .
I I k d-
a II ,re-cI10sen f or ~lother th.r,ee-year si\'e auto llal:adc this afternoon "ccllool <Irectors I' in Superintendem work, so no vacancy results in this I --- t_1 lese ;.ltt,ac·s
t t l 1.are I WI espreau was I
penoeI were L . S tan Iey" K. mg, 0 f and special church sen'ices in ' E ' :\J rs. .\bram Bunll Ross. )resi-I uemOIlS r,l e< ~y t Ie ~tatement t lat
Cynwyd; Parker S. \\ Ilhams, ot I' . . S " . S. . DO\\'I1S' offIce of the Senior case, I ,. I over 4 00 speCIes of 1l1sects attack
B lVI, L M' . eac 1. c~mmu11lt) unda) , L(m er Hi h School, and others "'ill IJe With the two exceptions noted (ent o~ the :\Iomgomer) Connty I th oak I
~yn I. a." r, ower J. enon tOIl n- ~Ienon sand Narberth's Boy !? " . ff' Federation of \\. olllen's Clubs was e. a o.ne, .
slup . solIcItor''Henry . Delaplal11e
' . . ' at \\' ee'k WI'11 1Je f onna IvI '1l1au<Yura- 1,01Ice officials and j'ustices of the above. 1 ' I,the ... teachmg '1'1.sta ."as t re-
t· tIe I O'uest 0 f lOn01" l at a" tea Ulven b I v FIre' SaId the sl)eaker ' , IS well
Menon t ownshllJ comm1SSIoner . I \\' k . I •, b I . peace. e ectee en Ill.lsse. le appol1l men s I '"'\\' 'C . ""CI • known as a destroyer of the forests
, , tet. ee's ot p ann1l1 rr cn ml-I ., . , f 'I . , 'I I. ... f I t Ie 'omen s 0111111l111ltv . nb of . ,
101m S. Clarke of BI"\'n ~Iawr and I ' "
nate( 1ll a meetl11 lY 111 tIe Ard- '"'I I he COml1llSSl0ners
. . .. who were 01 t Ie next se lOO )eal ,lie as 0 - N I l
1 ... I" I " Ftl I f \V'I .' ar Jert 1. ues< a V a temoon. at the because' .
'1' I f ' be1l1g. slJectacular
- ' . It gets
\V1l1thr?p Sargeant. Jr" of I~aver. mure "Y" last Thu~sdav ni rht at c1ec~ed ~y their varIOus scont troops ~\\S:, :I\~< er~dltel,li ',le ~. r I - home of :\Irs. Eberhanlt Mueller.
, • ' J "
much pubhclty, But. ten tl.mes as
ford. 1 hese composed one-tlmd of I' l I B C '1' g I' I earlIer III the month for Boy \Veek II,II11S. hrst g-I ade, Nell) M, \\ ethe- I I ., I' 1 much damarre he c1al111ed I" done
I I. k' 1. W llC 1 tIe ov ouncl comp ete< I' 1 1 . " ,'11 \ , F '0 • 'e '0 III grade n t le recel\'I\Jrr llle were [le past I "b ,. b : f ..
tIe uan's uoard of <II rectors, five its plans for the Main Line's Jar- w 11~'1 ?egms tOl?lon:ow, held an or- I; '.: l,llY ': ~I1ICll: SCi E, • 'If : presidents of th; club: :\Jrs, :\,

]3. )y, ugs.· 50me 0 these he de-
of whom are elected e"ery ye'lr '" . I . I rra111zatlOn meetl1lg IJ1 the Ardmore Il00ence BIshop. hdrlotte ck elt, p - ~I 1 CHI' I '1 scnbed at lenoth.
~Y" Iast ur 'tlll'I'11 O'I"llle 'I'll' \\' \"I'II-I'e' fOlll·tl1 '\.OsS., rs.~. . . atc Ie or, ., rs. h.
,\ I ' f I" tlclpatlon 111 tIe natIOna) week. d d . B lb. I I .
•~t a regu ar meetll1g 0 tIe di- R I v, e nes ay. when cOllln1lt-1 '" " " " , ""', \ J- , 1 ' "I·" I CD,,'" orers, ap 1I( s anc scale Il1sects
O'''lde 5'Ira I' Ho·t!· Ahce R f . dCOJS,.' IS.~. . ou... lass and
· . 1'rom o Jerts road and L a n c a s - , I I I R .
lectors Ile II e f ollowmg the sessIon ter pike Ro emont I ' f tee appoll1tments and at ler town-I ",I '. . ,.' " , " . and ~I rs F C Torrey pre " de t f I are t Ie worst, tIe otanans were
of the stockholders. all the old of- Scouts ~il1 ~arr ; ~o re ~Kre~{ ship officials were named, "'hile I ~1Jller,;, ~ fth . gra~le~ ,. ~I.a?, . ,L. ~he BO~I:d ~f ·Direct01:s. Sl n U told. The b~rer most annoying to
ficers of the company. were re~e1ect- message to Ma~or M.!cke' in the boy rulers hold ~way next Fri- H~vel .. ll?r~n;e _\\. ,I 1I11ln,l , slx~l~ 1\1I"s. H. L i\JcConnelJ. ]'1'1 rs. C. sha?e trees .1S the leol?ard. moth,
ed. These were PreSident, RIchard Philadelphia The race will ~om- day, other scouts WIll patrol regu-lgra<le Fiances Cr, IIaye~, J. Florence H Shaw }Irs 'V R Creen and whIch lays Its eggs hIgh 111 the
H anll'Iton,. \..Ice P resl'd en t's, D r. mence at 10 o'clock this morning. I'.11' 1.)0,r' Ice b' ea ts i llout t I1e McKay'
t lroug Ida S':\II seventh
unro and eIghth grades,
mathematics and !Vlrs. . C.' . A' ~..
.. I<armer, . now. 'president. , b' ranc Iles, '1'1' Ie "orn~, w Ilen Ilate I1-
Herbert A. Arnold, of Ardmore; At the same time this mornin r townshIp. "l . ' . ..:, " , '. " r' E l' h Mrs. N, C. Anderson. .Dourerl tea ed, bores for !l1any ll1ches through
Murdoch Pa~terson C1aney, of Nar- j :l\Iain Li:te's most pretentious p,~ Will PR,"lde Through TOWAShip. '} :t
lstQ.)'.') ~seJ>h1l1c. I ~ S~Il, E ~l:t· ~~ 'I from lovely ()1~1 willow' war~ tea' the heart of lIve wood, weakening
berth, HoratiO , A. l\Llrgaret.ck el t. ). t . 11
B fA d L, Y,o.cum, I' Harry C, rade I'll years wI'II take 1)lace. Dec, The IJarade will form enterl'll!! ~ dudEn.!!lishLIt 111and e-eograIJI1\.': Isabel L. I 0 .s n~ J l:e all< I IV I'· Hte c,I',ln1<~. .-.\,I e~ 1 theI)rececll'llg
branch. tile
. are, o. ..r more; 'T k reasurer,
1 S Dan- orated cars wI'11 be elltered lJy 1'1 1- Roberts load, Rosemont, from" Ross mathematics 'IIHI history' L' Cllnle'e I 1 'I tl e
s II en l 0 1 m )J"OH e 'e( 111 I 'l l I I I ffi talk, the. club
Ie I L eltc II," .0,5f "' aruert
II I,; ' ecretary, dividuals, Boy SCOllt troolJS allcl Lancaster pike to County Line 'Ial'''al'et .. , .\ <"Is . c. llel', 'Irt' Frallces
. . II
J ue Illa< I e a 'hill' sett1l1g . f or a 1JOW I Close I' tIef " 0 cers . who WIll take
H or,ace
11 1\1 \ .'v,. me,<..ey,
I' I ot h.~. rdn.lOre. business houses and assoc1·atl·0\1<. road at 10 .-\. ~L toda\'. I t " ' " . . ,,, .., . ' , ' . f .
B. Fricke, music: Esther M. Cherry, 0 pll1 loses ,111( J Ue ,1I ,spur sur-I C k ' . . , I 11 ' I' ,I" . c large I, 0 affaIrs , on July' I.. Guy
It e, w IC~l IS .the and each fire company in the will proct>ed west to Lancaster , , ' , . rounded hy four tall blue tapers. ~r()y e ,~as elec~ed pre?ldent, \V,
u J
le 1 enon > " ••••

bank on the ~,lall1 L,I.ne, township and borou.gh wi\1 J'oin pike, the starting line, then east SClellce dlHI
I II - I
<Iolllestl~ scienCe, ?II' T \\" , ]) aI'"'\1
:\1'1I'(yerie Church phySIcal educa- . rs. "
I e. e latrman 0
f J:..ussell Green, vice president; "Vil-
r 1_' F .1 \H'II'
ma,lI1 all1~ wo ur~nc les 111 a< ,l,ltlon the parade with all engine. Prize,; on ~al1acster pike through Brvn '.'''' . . : ) .:. .'. 'I hospitalitv and her cOlllmittee were mill L. 'ower, secretary; 'v I lam
to It~ ma111 office 111 Ardmore. I hese will be a warded for the most ar- :\1 a wr, Haverford and Ardmore, ~Ion: ~I ~ s: ~{~lh~ :;: I. :11~hlclll. l~al\.l in charge~ :\1 am' duh presidents and H. Decker, treasurer; CO!lrad Al-
are 111 Cynwyd and :\l arberth. tistic and original cars in the I)a- to[ Church road. Ardmore; left to .111<1 manual seeretdl
arts y, and. ,enj,lllllll
g-ymnast1c~. . . . 00 '. 0 fn'eer.s·n1 .:\ I Qnt,,(lIl1el) ' IT ','
count)" \\ ere brecht and Fred \ Valzer.. ciJrectors.
~:olnttgtom]:ry pike, \VYI~:le'lvoodJ;
')-IIerl'C)ll \\'1'11 1Je I'll tIle The IJresent school \·ear. will close present as well a: duh mel11hers~ .
lune 1;. The ~cho'ol Board all- ,( )~l. :\fon<1ay atterno~JIl :\Ir,. lJ.eo'
CALL THIRTY HERE hands of bo\' rulers for an hour next _ rig 1 0 '.ssex avenue, l,ar Jert 1,
right to Haverford road, left to . . 1 I I' . B N' (,III '111<1 Iler Cllll11111ttee I)f \\ ('I-I AT LOCAL MEETING
TO SERVE ON JURY Iweek. when from J
to .:: P. 1'1. on
-t "
FridaI', thirteen cOl11missioners se-
Montgomery pike, Merion; right
to nryn 1'\'lawr avenue, Cynwyd.
nOU1Kes t lat tIe (ecreatlon nar<1'
has extended the use of the COI11- f·<l re ",'
aa,'e a)I 1'1<1 hTe 1)'II·tV
' " ()vel'''o
- .J
leetelI" from the eleven hov scout to City Line, Bala, where it will munity huilding for the kinder- COXTIXUED 0:-0 TIlE 1,'OI;nTlI 1',\(;1-:
Citizenship Topic at School
Panels for April Civil and June troops in the township will hold end. g-artell for another year. so that NOM-iNATE OFFICERS
office in the townshil) huildinl! at department of the puhlic schools will in Gathering Friday
Criminal Court CON'j'/Nl1I>:n 0:-1 THE TF:N'l'H I'AlHo~
co he taken care of for next year at At a meeting of the :\arherth
Drawn. ______________________________ least. ' F i r e Company la:-;t Tuesday the Evening.
________ present officers \,"ere llf)111inated . ---
Thirty Lower ;\Ierion and Nar- HEARING WELL ATTENDED TRADE BOARD MEETS ORGAN DEDICATED I for the coming year and will he I .\ct:o.rrltng. to on~ speaker at
berth residents were drawn this Gas Main Will Probably Be Under W"nt Haverford Avenue Washed to \Vith a large attendance, the dedi- re-elected at the ;\Iay meeting of th~ cltlze~shlpmeetlOg held last
~veek fo: jury duty May and June Street on Sabine Avenue. cation of the new organ in SI. tl~e C()lllp~ny. Plans. \~'er~ als,~ FmIay I11ght at the Narberth
1ll N ornstown civil and criminal Keep Down Dust :\Iare-.aret's Church, l~st ~unday <hscussed lor the p~lrtlclpatlo~l 01 School. the biggest news was gil'-
court, They include Miss Alma The IJublic hearing held hy the II ')'1 ~e .\ar.wr}
"1 I1 . 13 oan I 0 f 'I' ral Ie night. ., proved to be a civic occasion tl_Ie I~)c,a
' I con 11)l~I1.Y 111 I' II? .
\\1 ee k'. en out by Col. 1. A. Miller when
\Vanamaker, daughter of William H iglll\:ay and Sewer committee of held ItS. \ pnl meetlllg- l\1 onday noon Hev Robert F I-hye.; was host to .\ pIece of ~ ,1I berth dPIMratus I d th t • h h 1
H. \Vanamaker, l\lerion, and CouncJl to learn the IJrolJerty holder.; . . . , . ". , will be in the BrYn ~fawr to Phil- Ie announce e cu 111 t esc 00
. with 2; lllerchants present. Lunch members of every denol11l11atlOn I I I' d" t'IX nte All the I' t h .'
Thomas Corson Yocom, Cynwyd opinion as to the laying of the n e w '
. on 5 a I)\I1e
. avenue was very was served h)' l\larios Chi os,
I who j' oined in the celebration held ae e p lla para e. ' . ,.
, v.~s no, t a s th
. es
II tl
member of the Lower Merion gas mam . by their Catholic neighbors. . IS. spea er ga an y
School Board. well attended. The hearing was Four matters came up for <~IS- The ceremony was largely a l11usi- ALUMNAE ATTEND alhrmed. antI-chmax.
Twelve residents of Lower Mer- held in the Legion room of the cussion, all of which are to rece1\'e cal one, with selections hy the organ, The annual spring luncheon of Mrs, H. L. Schwartz and Judge
ion and two of Narberth are in- COl11munity building. . later consideration, The board will solo and grou'p singing. and singing the Philadelphia Chapter of Coucher Knight were the principal speak-
~Iuded in the panel of 96 extra
The unanimous opinion of the Icontinue its et1'orts to discover why bv the entire audience. The address College :\lul11nae will be held on ers of the meeting, which was
Jurors who have been called to serve property holders was that the new I P yI ' R'I I 1 o'f the evenin.e' was made bl' the RI. Saturday, April 2~. at the Penn
for an additional week of April main should be IJlaced under the t le .enns \'allJ<I . ,u rooa( las ap.- .~ J f\tllletic CIIIIJ. 'l'llo~. e fl'Olll N ',11'- also featured by community sing--
term civil court, sitting Monday, street and not under the sidewalk as parent Iy 1Jro 1,en f alt I1. WIt I1ItIe 1 IJUSI- He\'.I Msgr.I John J. l\-Iellon,. who I
IJertll ,,'110 "'1'11 attell<l illclll(le l\,lrs.·
. I lIB d
f ' I spo,e on tIe use of music 111 tIe . .. l11g I ec Ik )y b ruceR . R arey b an~
May 21. is being done in the to\,'nshiIJ. 'l'lle ness. men IJy removlllg tIe relg 11 church. E'. C . '1' own. 'I \ L . I'
~" rs. :. ~ ors t . "'
'1'ISS sI·'lOrt . ta s V
' ev. 0 ert h.
They are Charles Benedrick, School Board agreed with the pro- stat lOll to : \ rcImore. In the place of ~Iarie Zeckwer Adaline Bawden and l\'liss Gertrude "elghton and Rev. Samuel Mac-
Morris Cahill, Albert Hall, Felix perty holders that it should be under III :\, let,ter has he~n sent to J.. 0, I-lolt, who was ill. Mrs. \Villiam Cooper. .-\dams. :\ somewhat sparse audi-
Hart, Stephen Hennessey, C. S, A. the street and recommended also -. ac ,enDerg, supenn,tendent..askl11g ence was in attendance at this af-
Henry, Joseph Myers, Catherine that no digging should take place in Wlen I I
tIC I.Cl el~nsy s pr0l11lse 0 f H amiIton sane' <>
in the trio and as
f' h fi f' k' d
air. t erst 0 Its -In , W lose
McPhillips, Laura M. Smith, the school block until the end of the "yynnewood dehvery wO~lld be met. soloist. . , . . , . ' _. F . avowed purpose was to create
Abram G. Tatnall, William White school year. ~ 0 reply has he.en receIved at the HOLD .Mrs. L~l\: Ieme ~I:~eht. of ~rest more general interest in the prob-
and George D, Watt, all of Lower WI'I b I C ' I tIme of the meeting. PLATTER LUNCHEON a,el1l~e. lIas the luck) person" hen!lems of citizenship, The meetin CT
• 11 e not OUIl( to d? so, OUIlCI The dirty conditioll of Haverford A platter luncheon will be given drawlllgs were hel.d for a Maytag was sponsored by the \Vomen:;
Merion, and Anna Darville and
Anna Pray, o{Narberth. Will no douft be gtllded by the avenue came in for criticism. The I by the American Legion Auxiliary. was.her a~ the P~lblIc I::dger J:lOI~l~-1 Club of Narberth'. of which Mrs.
property ho der~ alld grant the Board of Trade will make an effort Harold D. Speakman Post. on makers :~chool 111. Phll,ldelphl.a 1,lst E, C. Town is citizenship chair-
Names of 124 citizens of Mont-
gomery county, including 13 Lower S~lburball CountIes C:as and Elec- to have the street flushed at least Tuesday, IVlay 1. at 12.30 o'clock in I week. I. he 11lachme was dehvered Iman.
Merion and three Narberth resi- tnc. Company a permIt to lay a n~w once a week so as to reduce the the Legion room of the Community to her thIS week. I' Col. :MiIler extended the wel-
dents, have been drawn for the mam under the street on Sabme amount of dust blowing into stores building. Tickets may be obtained HOLD STATED MEETING come of the school board to those
Grand and Petit juries to sit at the avenue. and offices. from Mrs. R. C. Collins or any . , present and urged parents to
June term of criminal court, which VOTING LIGHT A committee was appointed to member. of the. Auxiliary. Home- A stated meetlllg of the (.Jeneral come to the school oftener. Mr.
will begin Monday, May 28. look into the suggestion that ma?e dishes WlI!. be served by t1~e Robert Patterson Chapter N. S. U. Keighton told a parable involvin~
For the Grand Jury, week of May At one of the quietest primary ground-cover plants be placed on ladles of the aUXIlIary and cards WIll S. Daughters of 1812 will be held the Chinese cemetery and the gen-
28, Ada S. Bomberger, Edmund elections' ever held in the borough the railroad banks. The merchants I follow luncheon. at the hOI11.e of the regent Mrs. tleman operating the laundry on
Haley and M. Luverne Osmond are the regular ticket was nominated hope to interest othet organizations Robert LeWIS, 51 East Penn street, Narberth avenue, which ga"e an
called from Lower Merion. For by both parties. Edward S. Haws in the idea, which was suggested in PLAN GUILD BENEFIT Germantown, Thursday May 3, at interesting sidelight on racial
the Petit jury, week ot ,un~ 4, the was chosen alternate delegate to the a letter to Council this month. The Narberth branch of the 2 o'clock. ties. Mr. MacAdams, himself a
following are named: Samuel Al-
corn, Warder Bason, Elmer Dan-
Democratic National Convention.


E. A. Carlson, president of the Needlework Guild of America will
Main Line Boy Scout Council, spoke hold a benefit at' the Narberth
of the plans for Boy Week and Theater on Tuesday afternoon and
The regular monthly meeting of the
. naturalized citizen, spoke ,,,ith
conviction on naturalization.
The function bf Mrs. Schwartz·s·.
enberger, Edward Fetters, Carrie
M. Hoff, Marie R. Lusson, William The Junior Community Club will asked for the moral and financial evening, May 22. The picture to be Evangel Circle of King's Daughters talk was. as she' said. provocative;'
R. Poole, Marion L. M. Thayer, give a movie benefit on Tuesday, support of the business men. Both presented is "Sorrell and. ~on." will be held Wednesday, May. 2, at to create. interest in the machinery
Alma Wanamaker and Thomas C. May the 8th. The picture will be were forthcoming. A donation of Tickets may be secured from any the home of Mrs. FrankH. Hewitt, of democracy. of which the vital'
Yocom, Lower Meriun; also Winnie Lois Moran and Lawrence Gray in $35 was voted, and the merchants of the directors. The proceeds will 116 Essex avenue. Luncheon will part is the 'ballot. and stimulate
Fretz, Carl F. Greyer and Fred B. "Love Hungry." Tickets may be have prepared a float to be entered help the Guild carty .on its work be served at 12,30. The word for her hearers to find out things for-
Gray, Narberth. procured from members of the club. in the parade. among·-thepoor and needy. the roll call is Inheritance. 001fl'1'Uluom ON THE POtmTR PAoa

two pals, one Jewish and the other Statement of the Ownership, Mananment,
Merchants and residents of Lower I rish. arc shown as friendly competitors
etc. required by the Act of CODilress of I
Merion and Narberth are requested
AUBust 24, 1912, of I
in thc transportation busincss. OUR TOWN
to display their American fiags to-
morrow and a.lI next week In an ap- Sally Phipps and Kick Stuart make PUblished weeklY at Narberth, Pa., for April !
peal Issued Wednesday by H. A. a charming couple in the feature roles 1, 1928.
Buehl'!:r, secretary of the Main and the comedy team is composed of State of Pennsylvania; County of Mont-
Line Boy Council, which Is sponsor- BOmery; ss. Before me, a notary public In
ing the township and borough cele- Sammy Cohen and Ted Mc~amara, and for the State and county aforesaid.
bration of National Boy Week.
The display Is especIally urged for
tomorrow, when a large procession of
gaily decorated cars, lUden with bOy8,
wll! parade through the township
and borough, commencing at 10
A. M. in Ros:mont, and concluding
This is a mirthquake from start to

personally appeared Philip A. Livingston, who, \
having been duly sworn according to law.
depo.es and says tha t he Is the editor of
Our Town, and the following Is, to the best
of his knowledge and belief, a true statement
of the ownership, manallement, etc, of the
aforesaId publication for the date shown In
the above caption, to wit;

"The city's vcry great," they said,
sometime before noon at Bryn Mawr But I was silent while they chirped That the names and addresses of the
avenue and City Line, Balli.. publisher, editor, managing editor and busi-
and smiled,
And pointed out the buildings' heights
ness managers are:
Publisher: LIvingston Publishing Co., Nar-
the opening. of the
At the Theater And costs-they calmly catalogued berth, pa.
Editor. Phlllp A. LlvlnBston, Narberth, Pa.
John Gilbert plays a newspaper ce - and styled,
Managing editor and business manager.
portcr in an utlra-modern romance laid I
M 0 n t gomerYll1I
in \Vashington, the nation's capital, in Oh, yes; the walls werc high, I know, That the owner Is The Livingston Publish-
his new Metro-Gold\\'yn-~Iayer starr- 'j hey siwt thc sunlight out: they Ing Co.. Philip A. Livingston, sole owner, Nar- 11111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIII1111111111
ing vehicle, "Man. \\'oman and Sin," \\'en~ as men berth, Penna.
coming Monday and Tuesday to the "'!lo long ago had sold their souls. That the known bondholders, mortgagees,
and other securIty holders ownln.. or holdln"
Narberth Theatcr. I t is a story of
Ilewspaper life, laid in a modern mctro-
politan daily, with a notable cast that
I slghcd and found no company
with them.
includes Jeanne Eagles, famous stage "'ild with a suffol'ating pain.
I per cent. or more of the total amount of
bo~d'. mortga"es, or other securities are none.
(signed> Ph\llp A. Livingston
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 18th
day or April, 1928. I
Cleaners and Dyers
star of "Rain," and others of note.
:;[ * * ;\1 \. hcart arose and beat against the
. \\'alls
Notary Publtc.
How a youthful prank. conceivcd in The grim hal'S ehastencd it-it bled I
the spirit of fun, may sometimes ha\'e .\11<1 fetl hack as a caged bird falls,
My commission expires March 2, 1929. owned and operated by
quite serious results is delllonstrated in
the latest Gotham Production. "the I 'I
Chcer Leadl'r," which comes to the It stro\'<; to mount. therc was no INSURANCE
Narberth Theater on \Vednesday.
As the titlc indicates, this is a story
of the cotlege and campus and the \
sprll1g .
Down here. I t sank, all bnuscd, all
sad-and then .
spirit of ~'outh predominates through- I t~)Qk it out. am~nlS the helds
422 VValnut Street
out. Thc incident referred to comes I' or the \\,u!d-klssed huttercups to
whcn somc of the students dress up a \ heal agall1. PHONES:
good-looking youth as a f'!'irl and then
start a flirtation between the "girl" and
:\. V. ;\1. Lombard 5180 6-8 P. M., Ogontz 880
Highest Quality 01 Workmanship
the handsomc cottege hero who thinks
he is a lady-killer.
~:: Ij: I::
Justice of the Pea,'e : Altering Repairing
Hilarity will hl' ill order at thc Nar- Residence, Station,
herth TheatlT II'hen the Fox comedy, Narberth 4031 Narberth 4007 REAL ESTATE
"\Vhy Sailors Go "'rong," is on vicw
Baggage Called for and Delivered Fire Insurance-Best Companif'!'.
Slip Covers Made to Order
there Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
The story starts out in a big city when' illS COSWAY A\'ESUE NARBERTII
Pbone 4049-W 115 Banrf.rll A.e.

Cotter's Market
WE DELIV~R Friendly
We specialize in remodeling ladies' garments

Our Shop Is Located at

Courtesy as an asset In the success of a business ell. nnot be overestimated. It makes for loyalty among em-
ployees, it attracts trade, it generates respect and good will. It is one of the principles of sclenttfic management
1n shop, factory or store, and the higher the qualtty of cou rtesy extended, the greater w1ll be the reward from those
who are the recipients of it.
SNUG HARBOR FARM Doz. 45c QUAKER SWEET Lb·57c We Gall and Deliver Phone N aJ'berth 2488
Direct From Farm to Your Table. "Truly America's Finest."
-----DELICIOUS-FLA.VOR Sold and Controlled by Independent Grocers.
-- - - - - ---- -
Daily Testing Assures Uniformity. THE TIGHT TOP TIN KEEPS THE FLAVOR IN
Clicquot Club
Franks' Country I PUFFED
Granulated RICE
Bottle ISc
2 Lbs. 2Sc I 4 Lbs. 25c Pkg·14c CERTIFIED
Case 24 Bots. $3.45

PRUNES (Large Santa 2 Lbs'19c PARIS GENUINE 6 Cans 8S
Claras) 30-40 Size MAINE CORN (Crushed) C
-------------------- One Can, 15c
-----. __
16-0z. Jar 25c
-- -----------
Quart Jar 49c
3 Cans 25c


was the year in which the first ton of J eddo-
- - .. ~---------

AUNT JEMIMA PAN- 2 Pkgs. 25c

2 Lbs. 25c
Well graded, clean, white beans
Can 29
C 1858 Highland coal was mined. At that time, this
BLUE LABEL SMALL Can 23c coal was justly considered the highest quality anthracite on ac-
CAKE FLOUR --_._-------------
- - - - ----... RED BEETS
LOG CABIN MAPLE Can 27 C SALEM CO. GREEN Can 38c count of its high heat giving value, low ash content and careful
SYRUP ASPARAGUS preparation.
All Gold and Quality are synonymous, as only se leded mature fruit is packed under our All Gold label. .
Our extremely attracth'e price and guarantee of entire satisfaction go with every can.
~:~ge 27c I ~:~ge 23c
Crushed Pineapple
Can 19c.
Can 19c
TODAY seventy years later, Jeddo-Highland
Coal IS being mined from the same
seams in the same compact property-the original high quality
3 Cans SOc I 3 Cans 65c 3 Cans 50c 3 Cans 55c
is unchanged-and the most exacting standard of preparation
PEARS (In Glass) . CHICKENS is strictly adhered to.
KING-MIDAS MACA- 2 Pkgs'19c CHUCK ROAST-BEST--Lb--:2-9c You 1vill find OU1· equip?nent and o1'gan~zationwill measure up to the quality
RONIORSPAGHETn ~N~A~T~IV~E~B~E~E~F~ ~__ of Jeddo-Hzghland Coal whzeh we handle exclusively.
CRAB MEAT (Whole or Half Pieces)
SALEM CO. GOLDEN -Can -1'-7e R. & R. BONED Can SSe
Jar 13e Narberth Coal Company
---=---:----=---=---=--~-=--:----=---------------- - Order Jeddo-Highland Coal
:Fn1"l\1tu1"e P. & ~. CHIPSO IVORY !'lcott- by name and look for the

POLI~H SOAP Larr:e SOAP Tissue· Certification Stamps on your 3675
]lottIe 4 C,;,.kes Package 4 C.kes 2 Rolls
delivery' ticket, one for each
ton of Jeddo-Highland Coal
Phones, Narberth 2845
.' delivered. This is the pro-
1ge lSc Zl'c ""25c 1ge l YON 1 ducer's guarantee to you.


Pennsylvania Needs MOJ'e of This j".Save the Forests" week at the same
The week in the United States is di-
rected by an American Forest Week
Committee, of which Theodore Roose- Trees, Shrubs and Plants
velt, of New York, is chairman. A
large number of organizations, repre- f OJ" eveJ'y pUJ'pose
senting a wide yariety of interests, are
co-operating, among them associations
representing outdoor, wild life, and We Have an Extra Fine Stock of Oaks
recreational interests, foresters and in the Larger Sizes
forestry association, the lumber con-
sumers of forest products, labor, sci-
entific, cidc, agricultural, press, church,
: and women's organizations, as well as
the State and Federal Governments.
Local Forest Week committees arc be- Ambler, Pa.
ing organized in every State.
Ambler 558-W
r n his proclamation, President Cool-
idge urges that during the week "all
citizens and appropriate organizations
-including public officials, legislators,
business organizations, educators, edi-
I-- Landscape
tors, clergymen, landowners an~ others I I Big Tree Movers
I -gi\'e thought to the preservatIon and I
wise usc of our forests, to the end that \
I Architects
f/~£'~T~~\, energetic forest policies wiII be adopted
in all communities."
I For successful planting and
proper selection of evergreens,
A planting of pine trees In one of the Pennsylvanta State Forests. Thirty-five million two
hundred and fifteen thousand trees have been planted on State land sInce 1910. More Ex-Governor Martin G. Brumbaugh fiowers and shrUbs ln your
land Is needed for this work. Will the taxpayers of the State support the bond Issue author-
tzlng It?
is chairman of the Pennsylvania Amer- I landscape we have at your
ican Forest \Veek Committee. dIsposal Landscape Engtneers
and Architects. A telephone

American Forest Week dustry, commerce and national life that WILL GIVE FAIR
Our organization, comp"ised
call or letter will bring our
representative promptly.
President Coolidge has officially will rc~ult from. making the forest \Vith a magician and ventriloquist; of a trained personnel. ofJ61's a
" for Iland~
desl",nated "of,
the \\eek .'\prJl .).,
.•.• -_8 ducttveot ofthecontllluous
U!lJted St?tes
tImberfully pro-I'
crops. sales of cakes,. can d ' d fal 1c y artie!
nation-,wide observation of the annual . This year marks the eighth annual a side show of sl~lall movil~g pIctures
. e. S' service combining all the out-
door arts to complete the AMERICAN FORESTRY
home beautiful.
President Urges Observance
"AmerIcan Forest \\'eek." I observance of American Forest \\leek, and other attractions, a fair and en- SERVICE
Th<; President set apart this week, I President Harding. in 1921, having is- tertainment wiII he given hy the For the core and preAervolion of
of Consevation and I,ll' saId, "for public discussion of our sued the first proclamation which Church School of 51. :\saph's Church ~'our trees, consult our e"pert.. Main Office, Lancaster Pike above I

torests and of what must be done to brought the Federal Government be- at the parish house, Conshohocken
safeguard and restore them." He em- hind the movement. The week this road north oi City Line, next Friday
T I h 1\1'
e ep one erIon
17 9
8 City Line, Merion, Pennsylvania. 1
1_ _

phasized particularly the need for sup- year. as it has for the past two years fron{:l to () P. ),i.
pressing the forest fire edl. and point- assumes an international scope througl; The proceeds will he added to the
BIG NATIONAL PROBLEM cd ont the benefits to agriculture, in- Ihe fact that Canada is observing its Lenten offering. -:::~e:===JiF===~l<===JiF===::!lll:===='lE===~E===~t===::!ll
., E bE )C bE bE SC bE bE _,

The text of the President's procla-

mation is as follows: EVERGREENS
"For several years a special week
has been set apart for public discussion
of our forests and of what must be
American Forest Week, 1928 There could be no more fitting way to
celebrate American Forest Week than by
done to safeguard an d restore them. planting evergreens.
Among the agencies making for prog- We can supply any number of
ress in this direction, American Forest
A few facts about the forestry situation in Pennsylvania: matched trees from a few to a magnificent
Week has proved its usefulness and I Total area Of Penna. State Forests 1,150,000 acres grove. Plant several trees each year.
am glad to proclaim it again and to Other fvrest and waste land 13.000,000 acres
Denuded waste land , 7,000,000 acres OUR EXPERTS ARE GLAD TO
announce that Canada is again concur- Total area of the State of Penna 28,650.000 acres ASSIST YOU IN LANDSCAPING OR
rently observing a similar week. Penna. State Forests were started ln 1898. PLANNING YOUR SPRING GARDEN.

"The rehabilitation of our forests de- Income from these forests to date Is $734,782.00
Deposited for State School Fund 427,462.00
mands first of all that the forest fire Taxes pald by State to Counties on these forest lands 56,542.00 ~
evil be suppressed. Man)' of the for- Cost per acre of State Forests " '" . .. . $2.26

tlu~~~:::i; ~:~~CHT :J.(JJ1{§e~e~arbert"

Present value 12.00
ested States, with the co-operation of
TilE FOREST BOSH ISSl;E OF $25,000,000 will IlUrchase a,totaJ of 5,000,000 acres.
timberland owners, have undertaken an area eqnal to that of the State of l"ew Jerse~·. This Is to be bonght and replantell By
organized protection against forest at a cost of $5 per acre. NARBERTH 9666
fires, and in recent years, under the Acres to be purchased yearlY, 100,000.
Annl4al cost of purchase and plantlng $500,000
Clarke-McNary law, the Federal Gov- Interest at 4 per cent., $20,000. L!=:::;M:==;;lt;:==;;:H;==;;;;:;;;lC::==~===~~c====,"c==='~CI==..-t'1
ernment has given its support to the A;\IOUNT AI'PROPRIATED IX LAST SIX YEARS $500.000
movement. This great co-operative en- TI:lm REQUIRED AT PRESEXT RATE OF PURCH..\ SE 300 YEARS
Lumber Imported lnto Penna. from outside 84 per cent.
terprise must be extended and strength- Pulp wood lmported 70 per cent. Francis C. Lathrop John P. P. Lathrop, Jr.
ened until every forested county in the Yearly cost of this Imported lumber ' $50,000,000
United States is safeguarded against Yearly freight on thts lumber 25,000.000
Losses ln abandoned lumber sections '................................... 25,000,000
forest fires. TOTAL PREVENTABLE YEARLY LOSSES 100.000,000
"But we are still far from the goal of Re-forestation will put these waste lands to work again that denuded, as they are now, are costing
Civil Engineer and Contractor
complete protection. Every year, on Nurseryman
us 8100,000,000 yearl)'.
the average, 80,000 fires scourge our
woodlands, steadily undermining theIr PresIdent Coolidge has said: "No other of our Internal problems Is of greater moment than the Paoli and West Chester Roads
vitality. For this bad situation, the rehabllttatton of our forests."
Dean Cooley, of the University of Michigan and President of the National Engineering Councll. has Phone, lUah"ern 532 P. O. Paoli, Pa.
blame falls equally on us all. Public written: "Re-forestation Is the most vItal factor In the future weltare of our country."
agencies rarely' provide adequate pro- If the future citizen. of the State could speak to us, they would say. "We can have forests only It
YOU provIde them. Purchase the Idle forest land now and put It to work. You make the Investment for
tection against fire, the timberland us: we wl11 help pay the Interest on the bonds. and the timber wl11 payoff the principal." Befol'e deciding on that IJlantinu for your home, U;HY
owner is too often indifferent to his
property, the forest worker is too often WITHIN 50 YEARS THESE NEW FORESTS SHOULD YIELD A NET INCOME OF $2.50 TO $5.00 PER NOT visit our Nurseries and look over our fine collection
neglectful of the future forest, the ACRE PER YEAR. of EVERGREENS and FLOWERING SHRUBS.
average citizen is too often careless
with fire in the woods. We must all Minimum annual income estimated ......•.........••.... $15,000,000
CONSULT WITH US as to what you have in mind. We will
gain such respect for the forest that its Maximum annual interest on bonds •..............•..... 1,000,000
destruction through indifference or Estimated income from present Forests ... ".............. 3,500,000 gladly plan with you and give you the best possible planting
carelessness shall be unthinkable. Estimated value of State Forests .....•.••...........•••• 14,000,000 for the money you desire to spend.
"We can not permanently abuse our
forests with impunity. The soil is the Why Should We Enlarge Our State Forests?
ultimate source of all our wealth and
of life itself. One-fourth of our Amer- Because it is a first class business proposition! ---"-'''-''-''-''-''-''-''-''-''-'-'''-''l
ican soil is best suited for forests. ~ HU'GH BALFOUR ;
Much of this land is already idle. More
of it is being made idle by destructive
logging and fire, Yet we can not
While Pennsylvania is talking about a Forestry bond issue of $25,000,000 New York State is about to
vote on a similar issue of $100.000.000. This money will repa~' itself as no other public improvement could.
It wiII grow back into the taxpa~'ers' pockets.
II ~ t
safely permit our forest land to lie fal- t
low and useless any more than we can l Grower of ,
rde~~~l~t 1:::ef:r~:sv::dCI:;:::i:: ;:r~:: PENNSYLVANIA FORESTRY ASSOCIATION ~ GROUND COVER ~ You Are Invited
land funy productive of continuous 130 South Fifteenth Street, Philadelphia t PLANTS to Visit
crops of timber win have momentous l ;
consequences in our national life. It
will give agriculture the advantage of This advel'tisementis subscribed for by a member of the association to give Main Line "eaders the facts I, j
Montgomery Avenue l
a new and \'aluable crop. It wiII afford about the conditions e:dstinu in the State and the solu.lion offe,·ed. ~ bPI' t
permanent employment to millions of Nar erth,
- ......................... .........
ennsy vania l Andorra
men ~
provide fure~ indu~r~L willl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
the materials for many Itindus-
~ ~--._.-.. ........

tries. It will furnish traffic for our

railroads. It will maintain foreign
and domestic commerce. It will re-
store our forests as conservers of soil
and water, and as givers of health and The first trees of our for-
Shull Lumber Company It will be possible for
many years to come to get
Over I000 Acres
pleasure to our people. ests to fall before the The Link Between Forest and Home
Long Life Woods for
"We already have made a beginning
in forest renewal; but the task is stu- woodsman's axe were in 29 Ba1a Ave, BaJa-Cynwyd structural and decorative Ornamental
pendous, and we should permit no New England. Many of purposes. Much of the
satisfaction over what has been done to the houses built by the
blind us to the magnitude of what re- present-day lumbering is Trees-Shrubs-Plants
mains to be done. early settlers around Bos- being done conservatively.
"NOW. THEREFORE, I, CAL- ton and other Massachu- In many cases only se-
VIN COOLIDGE, President of the
United States of America, do hereby setts towns are still stand- lected or approved trees
designate and set' aside as American ing-a tribute' to the are cut and sent to the
Forest Week the week beginning April
durability of WOOD. m i 11 , permitting the
22 and ending April 28, in this year of
1928. I recommend to the Governors
of the various States that they also Wherever we go in New younger ones to remain
desi!i,nate this week for special observ- England we find "Beauty until maturity. NURSERIES, Ine.
ance by all our people; and that where
practicable and not in conflict with law in Wood," somethin~ that The "Beauty" lumber ac-
or custom, Arbor Day be observed creates in us a deSIre to City Une and Wissahickon
during the course of the same week, :}uires in the forests, is
I urge that during that wcek all citi- imitate the design, and with it when it reaches our
zens and appropriate organizations- methods of construction Drive, Chestnut Hill, Pa.
including public officials, legislators. yard. You will find it in
business organizations, educators, edi- used by our forefathers. every board-somewhere.
tors, clergymen, landowners, and
others-give thought to the preserva-
tion and wise use of our forests, to HOME-A P~ODUCT OF FORESTS
the end that energetic forest policies
wilt be adopted in all communities."
l i BLESSING·WILSON 1.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
J UStONE M·Inu t -e ." .
OUR 1l0lW'N

. : IS WELL RECEIVED -.I.. 1J A ,wcddin g . which ca~l1e as a big:: . II,

_______________ Mr. and Mrs. Charlcs 11. Evans, of surprise to thclr many fnends was that I
A Co-operative C0111111111lity News- 11:-;"1'1,,1'1-:11 ~-IWJI TilE FlltST PAllID 11erion avcnue, ga\'e a dil1l;e~ pari[ of Miss Lilian \Nilson, of Merion, and
papel' fOllnded in HI1.!, by the Nar- ~hel11~eh'es. The presi,lent of the Tucsday c\·cning in honor C) .rs. . . ~lr. Richard Blcssing, which took i In One Minute you can learn:
bel ,th Cl'1J1'C Associatioll and published L'nited States, she !)oin ted out, is Steil', .. 1of Toronto, Canada. who IS VIS- PIacc Iast F 1'1'd ay, tIlC l"t '.' I1, 111
'Elk • tOil,
el.'el'y Sf/tm'day rrt Nal'bCl'th, P o . ' Itlllg lerc. . Md. Mrs. Blcssing is thc daughter of 1. Whether your life insurance
the most powerful man in the Miss Hclyn Brookhart, o.f Baltl- Mr. alld Mrs. J. Ralph Wilson, of 675
Publlshed bY the \\'orld. III It because of his I)owers 1110re. 1\ld., was th~ gucs.t of 1\ltss Anne South Highland avcnue, Merion. Mr. protects your family or just
U,'I;\;ORTO:-;' I'I'nJ.lSJll;\;H ('O;\Jl'.\;\;Y C. Compton, of \\ oodbllle avcnuc, last Hlessing, or "Dick," as hc is bcttcr your creditors.
PHILIP ATLEE LIVINGSTON. Editor oj office. but hecause he is the weck-cnd, Thcy are classmatcs at! known hcre, livcd at 1:.!1 Conway avc-
ROBERT MOORS CA:l1ERON thoug'ht leader of the \\'orId. Tel11plc University. :nue, and is on thc forcc at the Nar- 2. How to make it do the Right
A,s!stant Editor HI'S. Elcanor Thornc entertaincd at berth Post Office. The couple arc
o 111 l'e. Ziil\ Jlll.erfol·1I A\'I'lIue There will he 1-1. amendments hridge Saturday at her apartment on llla...lng their nome at 500 Vvoodside I, thing.
Phone. Narberth 2545 ' )n the ball~t sli!)s next 0;' o\'cmber Es'ex. av.enue. . . avenue,
If no answer. call Ardmore 3100, InVltatlons have bccn Issucd by MIss; 3. How to Increase its amount
. •
and now IS none too soon to be Carric Louise Douglass for a bridge'
DANIEL BAIRD without increased cost.
One Dollar and Fifty Cents Per Year ' ::cq uainting oneseli with them. party to he held at 1cr lOmc on m
l Dal1lel . .. .
In Ad,·anee. . L • Tcrracc Saturday ncxt. Baird, prCSHlent of thc Sixth
~I any ot them ha\'c to do WIth I ),[1', and 1lrs. \Vaitman Stocher. of, National Bank, died at his officc last Just One Minute given to me for explanation may mean years
cxpenditure and for that reason I Pittsburgh, wcre the guests of Miss' Thursday afternoon from heart discase. of added security for your family, and without any cost
'iti7.('n~. Ii all ,"oters were as
,are 01 partlcu ar mteres
. I' t t
0 aI II' Lois Smith. of South Narberth avcnue, : Mr. Baird, who was n years old, made
this weck. i his home with his daughtcr, Mrs.
Thc "Rips" mct this weck at the i J. Howard ~Vils0!l' and his. grali~l-

careful with reO'ard to public ex- I home of Dunstan Smith. in the Avon daughter'NMlbss E< hzabdetlcllLoUlsc \" 11-
l)el1 •,.,e~• <as the\' ,.

i ~xpenditures the reign of extra\'a-

'Ire WIth !)ersonal :\)lartmcnt~, ucs a) c\ enll1".
'T d ' ' . 0'
son, at ar ert I1 an
, nucs. I n t erm e nt was 111
1\lrs. Samucl ~. Sh,ope,. 108 Iona avc-, Hill Cemctery, Despite his ad\'anced
lestnut ave-
. W cst L an l' e1 SAMUEL P. BOWMAN
Liie Insurance Exc/usive/II
'r nce would soon end. The in- ,nu.c. has bccn ~n. \\ ashll 1g to n. D · C.. agc Mr. Baird attended his ot1ice
,'lhlS \Vcck. prcsldlllg at t 1lC D aug h tel's daily and hc was stricken an hour or 1 116 EI
1914 at the Post Office at Narberth. Pa"
1I1l:l~r the Act of March 3. 1879.
I'ln amendment
,.., I' I
Entered as second-class matter. October 13. stal1at1ot1 of vottn o ' Inac lineS \'.as f IHI') convention 1\\ rs Shope is the
\\' 1I~ 1
1\1 0 . , ,. . ','.
. . ' so a tcr lC camc to wor.
rS'!natlOnal prcsldcnt ot. thc orgalllzatlon' i \\':'5 a past master of Melita Lodge, ,
k >.,[ I)' I I
.v r. :JalTl
d A N b th 3753 W·
venue ar er -
'~( hwartz a(l\'ocated swce they I Rehcarsals ~rc b~1Jlg held for two, No. :.!!l;;' F. and A. M., and scrvcd for ~--~-o;-;:::--~.~-;:::.-~-~-~--~-;;;-~--;;;-;;;-~--o;-~-~--o;-~-~--o;-~-~--;;;-~-~--;E-~-~.-O;-~-~--~-~-;:;.-O;-~-~.-O;-~-~--;E-~-~--;E-~-~--
Saturdav. A)lril 28, 1928 end to eliminate election disputes plays to IJ~ gl\'en 111 tl lC nearC1futur\e, l11any ycars as its secretary. Hc was I~""~~~~~~~~,'l>\,\."~'~~
. . I ' f ' .' t'fi hv thc chOIr of thc LUI l]('ran lUI''; 1. thc first high pricst of ~Iclita Royal ~ ~
l,ln( al e a! I.nore SCle.1l 1 ,c. : "Dinner at Six," one of the plays~ 111- ..\rch Chapter, No. 284. He had bcen ~ ~
T he Good News ,J udge kl1lght. ~\'lltle .~~hedul~d I eludcs the Misses Alma a!1d VlI!llma president of the Sixth Kational since ~ ~
. ., to speak on Amencan cltlzenslllp, \Velpcl. Frcda Scnn and Ern~ Kaeh- Decembcr, 1!11!l. ~ ~
For ltS move In reducmg the school :'l1itNI his remarks to jury serv- 'Icr. Raymond ~!a~~\·.cl1 and Blil Senn.' ~ Selling ~
tax rate to 18 mills the Narberth· c H traced first the history of T,he .?ther play IS '\ oung Doctor De- WILLIAM J. HERRSCHAFT ~ Real Estate ~
School Board IS due for congratu
• 1'£1. ·ttdicial
!Jrocedure frol11
tl"lal Ihv
. . " r.
'I' \\"1
tions. When such .a step can JUs I - hattIe and ordeal to tn~1 hy Jt~ry. ;I\'Cnl1e. is .attending a h~t1se qarty this; rschaft wa~ in thc employ ~f a 'Phila- ~
I ton
S, kl
• tac IOUSC, 0' f P'
I lam
J '. H errsc I
nce ley avcnuc dlcd last Frtday Mr Her- ~la
f ' 318 D I fJi
~, ot U( - ~ Renting
Real Estate
ably be taken there IS cause for sh0';1~-, The jJl"e~ent system 01 choosltlg w~ek'l'IHl 111. S~a Isle. CIty, N. J. ! delphia departmcnt storc. Hc is sur- ~ ~
ing. Nothing affects the average Clt!-, jnrors is. the speaker admitted. I ['he sub-l~mor;. \:I~I mcct at the, vi\'Cd. by his wife ~nna, ~vho is the ~ and even ~
zen quite so vitally as taxes. A man Inn.;l"ientitir OJ the :lllllll per~()ns, b.ol11c, ,of MISS \ Irgmla Douglas,s dO~ ,proprlctress of the l~hll GIft shop on ~ ~
I .".... ' .\ I·.Im I crracc 1\londay e\'enll1g all( IS- Havcrford avcnue, and by a son, )os- ill MOVING ~
may, or may not vote regular y a~- called lor sen'lce 111 :\fontgomerj cu.;s plans for a cakc bake to hc hcld eph G. Hcrrschaft. High Requiem ~ ~
cor~~ng to t!J~. temper~turea o\a~~~ COtlllty ahout j:; per cent. ser\'~. SC?l11e time soon. Thc dance last cve- 11ass was said Tucsday at SI. Marg- ~ Real Estate ~
pohl1cal proc:1V;t1e~~kbU~ e P y~ By (If the ~.j per cent. who get off. Illll1g al the BrY,nwood .Manor Inn .was arct's Church. Burial took place at ~ ~
whe~her he ee s I e It or no; If 1 ' ,~. '11 '_ I a verv succcsslul affaIr, both SOCIally Holv Cross Cemetery. ~ FOI' action: ~
heJp1l1g to reduce the taxpayers .bur- ahotlt ha la\ e ll:a~~)I1<l) e ex ! and financially. and it is hoped that' , ~ ~
den the school board earns the .unlVer- '''"p~. Excuse;; pre~enterl to the dances will hc gin'n frcquently. I COMMUNITY CLUB ~ ~
sal thanks of all Narberth reslde~\~s 1udg-e" usually may be g-r~)uperll Miss Elma Recsc. of Hampdcn a\'c- ~ ~
Theksc.hoOll boahrd hh~s ttaken Ptl' n tinder three cla~se~: doctor s cer- IlUC. and 1\1 iss Janc Knowlton. of Anl-, CONTINUED FROM THF. FIRST PAGE
to rna e It c ear t'blat t thIS ax hre ducr ful 0
tificltes btlsl11e"~
exctl.;e.; anf I 1110re. '
arc .
spenc ling thc wcck -end in
was ma d e POSSl e roug ca e .,.. ' . ~, ' . ' . 1 Cont'Ordville Pa guests enjoyed cards. candy and l!§ ~
planning. of the bl!dget ~nd .by effect- feehle exctlses. ! he lirst c ass I Mrs. Josq;h H. Miller. of 4:W Hav- ~ 750 DREXEL BLDG., PHILADELPHIA, PHONE LOMBARD 0540 ~
~ng certam ~conomles ~hlch In no way are alway;; honored and the sec- erford avcnuc. entertain cd thc mcm- prizes. ~ 01' 19 WOODSIDE AVE., NARBERTH, PHONE NARBERTH 4178 ~
mterfere wlth the effiCiency and w ell: and when the\' appear \'alid. It! hers of hcr bridgc club Friday last at Mrs. \V. fRusslell G\J\~ccn, c,haiCrlnan of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
being of the school. No teach ers
salaries have been reduced nor other is surprising:,
' liT 1
t 10Ug 1. ,UC ~e leI' ~ome..
I I 1'1 b
,IC mcm crs are V' M programs or t le "oman s omlllt1-I:;::===============================:-.
,nity Club, has arrangcd with Dr,
false economies instituted Knight said, how man\' finanCIal )Oamle~ B, SmIth., ~I[rst' bGtcorgc I~ ·1 Gcorge Earlc Raiguel. the well-known
. . . . . .1 I rt 1. a formcr rcslc cn, u now IV- I d I f '
cri~e~ busll1e~s cras ]('5 l<1\'Cf In« I E . Je ff cn,

B '!(
this ,
step the school board falls
111 hne With a recent and, m~st as- been «\'()\(led hy the releaslI1g' a
suredly, a. popular tend~ncy In the '11en jrom iun' sen'ice.
and . '
• ,,'
L. . 11
o~an,. rs.• amuc
S 's travccvcntscr program
Mrs. H. 1-. Stevens. Mrs. J. E. Chap- noon May 1 at thc Community House
patte. Mrs. John R. Abbott and Mrs, in th~ Girl Scouts room
an ecturcr,
ncxt Tuesday or a currcntaftcr-
borough, VIZ: tax reduc~lon. It was
long ago that CounCil reduced the ..
'\ l' 1 '1':' . f l ' _ 1eecled I E. H. Cochrill. Mrs. Smith will be
1 .ISS mel
\s is well J.-no\\'n n~ Rai'Yttcl \\"" I
d 0'~tller no-
Farce Comedy in Three Acts
. • '11 • 1Ig"
.' C . 0 1 1 k .. ' . at the next
IS I ,110<tess ' )lart)· , Thursday . recclve "··d'ly .,' 'I USSO ,.,..
1111 an
borc;>ugh tax rate from 24. to 20 ml s. I"r Jury ser\'lce an< t le ~pea el: ~I rs. Jack ~tallard. of Hampden tables in Europc and Asia; he. there- NARBERTH PUBLIC SCHOOL
Whl!e not as large proportl~nate.ly, t.h~ 'lrged e\'eryone t.o hol~ It as.a' a\·~nnc. entert~lned at a luncheon and forc, speaks with an authority which
c~t In the school tax rate IS still .S!g l1iO'h type of publtc ser\'lce. It 15. hrJ(h~'c party fhttrsday at hcr homc. many peoplc appreciate. He will usc AUDITORIUM
I1Ificant, bTherefa~e .few com~u~itl~~ th~ onh. way in \\'hich the convic- i Therc werc twenty gucsts, mostly from the forthcoming Presidential c.ampaign
th.at .can oast 0 SimI ar .tax re u 0 . J . '. I. " I' 0'1 t out-of-town. as a background for the Amcncan part
wlthm such a short pen?d. tlon of CitIzens lip I~,)I au,.., 1 I xl rs. ,Robcrt S. "Morgan, of Amherst, of his lecture, and will give thc salient
We .venture to surm!se, howe.ver, 1.1.0I11e to t1~e a\'erage CItIzen out-I N~~S~ .• Has re~urne? to hcr homc after points in forcign affairs to .keep h~s au-
Friday and Saturday Evenings
that thIS epochal news Will be receIved SIde of votmg. \'Isltlng hcr sIster-ill-law. 1frs. Charlcs dicncc informcd as to foreign pohcy.
complacently enough. But what a
howl would arise if the tax rate was
I I'
n conc tlSlon ~e. sp a...
tl e I-er made H. Shaw. of Avon road.
Dr. Raiguel of Philadelphia, who
Mrs. Arthur Goldsmith. Montgom- travcls to all p'arts of the world to get
April 27 and 28, 1928
boosted one mill! 't plea to the clttz~ns to have cry avcnuc and Mill road. one of t1~c I first-hand information on the affairs of
________ raith in the Courts. sl1lce they are State c.hairmen. of. the Pennsylvania I' nations, has just returned from our BENEFIT
HeJ'e's to the Boy the last refuge of law and order, Fcderatlon ?f MUSIC Clubs. spcnt thc Pacific posscssions, whcre he was in
I t1 backbone of American-' past week 111 Altoona. wherc S~lC at-I the company o. f the Secretary of the
Modern psychology has done a great ~n(
deal towards the recognition of boys 1501.
le I tendcd the tcnth annual conventIon of Interior, Dr. Hubcrt \Vork, and fronl
thc club. I
Shc. also \\'~s a delegate an extended trip of invcstigation in
The Narberth Fire Company
and girls as individuals, not merely as L.EAD GLEE CLUe fr~m the. :\Jatmce :\luslcal Club of, Be!gi.um, Germany, Francc and Great
small and immature adults. People TO \ Pluladclphla. I Bntam.
~~yreiliuth~a~~~~re~~d T~*ctiooof~,"id 1. Sl~~· A fu~ewmedy in iliree~~,'================================================
sports playa vital part in his devel- 21 \Voodbine avenue. !\al~berth, as "More '"Vives," w~l1 be given ~t I
~re~~nt as a valuable member of so- leader of the Haverfonl College the Narberth Publtc School audl-
Boy Week is an institution, com- Glee Club for next season was an- toriu111 on Friday and Saturday
paratively recently organized, which ~oun\"ec1 la~t week. Speck is a 111el11- evenings, April 27 and 28. The
calls attention nationally and locally to bel' of the junior c1a;;s an(1 has been perfor111a:lces are f~r the benefit
this enterprising and active group of OIl tile Glee Club for three years. of the ~ arberth FIre Company.
future voters and business men. It is

Annette Dress So
h p!
to make parents and everyone else, ............ ~~~ .................................... ~._..--...-a ........~-...--- ....... .-.-...-...-.........-.....~ ................. ~.:
too, aware, at least for seven days of" !
the year, if they are not always, of the: ;
importance of the lives of boys as::
independent beings. ! ~ ;
Boy Week on the Main Line was
first started officially last year and was i
i Dresses l j AOV".II11C:ED SIX
followed by the organization of the:: Extraordinary values are shown in the latest ~ SEDA~
Main Line Boy Council. The officers. t t
and local chairmen of this body have I ;
been active during the entire year plan-, :
creations for the coming season. (New blues,
wood, viol~t, tans, greens, navy, black and all
• ~.42.~
ning the features of the week-sports,' ~
parades and contests of all sorts. For! t pastel shades.)
there is no means of arousing boys': ;
enthusiasm more portent than com- i .
petition. Therefore there are athletic i
• contests and marble contests.
' The details of all these activities de-, ,
mand much preparation and work on /
:: $1 0 l

the part of those who are willing to

give their time to make Boy Week a :
i MI'III'nery . Coats ,~

success. They are to be congratulated' t t

on the arrangements they have made, I i 1 West Lancaster Pike ]
covering so large an area and so many : ARDMORE t
people. For each day in the week is
planned and the time for every fea.. i -..._.._..
t •. ........... ..................------~.~.~~~~'""::~r;.;:~r::..

pLil1 Extra power f

~~ ~ ~.~~ ~--------
Here's to the boy, not only this --
week, but every week in the year!
The home of S. S. White. Jr.,:
dental goods manu factureI'. has been,
sold, according to an announcement i
made this week. The house is'
located on Old Gulph road, just,
Montgcmery Pike at Narberth Avenue

Just drive up in your old "tin Lizzie,"

north of Hagy's F ()rd road, one mile Lift the seat-and we'll get busy.
for safer, more delightJul trat'el

north of Narberth. , TEXACO Gas is sure some fuel,

The new owner is Frederic R.' Smiles at miles-and kick ?-like a mule!
Kirkland, who purchased the pro-,
The Ulustrations of the Nash Advanced Coming down hills, driving in traffic,
perty through the offices of \Villia11l Try a tankful in your Chevrolet:
H. Wilson & Co. and W. Gordoni Best you've used in many a day 1 Six and Special Six Sedans, shown meeting a sudden emergency-Nash
Smith. The hou!'e is close to the Fill up the tank in your Cadillac above7 point out two very great ad- 2-way 4-wheel brakes surround Nash
pictmesCJue old \ \ 'hite home at the And be satisfied-(or your money back). vantages which belong to everyone who owners with exceptional safety. And
fork of the road;;. a yellow house drives the Nash. they also require the minimmn of atten-
hidden by trees. Fo~·. Essex, Hudson, Buick or Ford tion and adjustment, because of their
'fhe property consists of a stone Step on the starter and yell: "All aboard I" For climbing hills, going around other
2-way andJully equalUsed design.
English type residence containing 20 In Reo, Studebaker, Paige or Star cars, getting away in front at a traffic
rooms and 4 baths, garage with Just a few gallons will carry you far. start, Nash' has extra power and greater The edra power and estra saJety of
chauffeur's quarters. situated on a jlesibility, produced by the highly per- Nash travel cost you nothing, as you
lot of one and one-hal f acres, and For Chrysler, Hupmobile and Rolls-Royce, will discover if you compare Nash prices
contains a frontage of 334 feet ol1l~
fected, precision balanced, Nash 7-belO'-
New and Better TEXACO'S the wise man's choice. to the prices asked for other cars. Nash
Old Gulph road. It was sold for i ~ Oakland, Whippet, Willys-Knight or Nash: ing motor, and the equally famous Nash
$50 ,000. at which price it was held I Buy the New TEXACO and save your cash. straight line drive. lea. the world in motor car vahle!
for sale. The pro~'erty will be oc-:
cupied as the residence of the pur-· For Packard, Lincoln, Pontiac or Dodge- New Redaeed 'PI'IceI Z4 lIodell-S84S to $1:.", 1.0. b.laetol7
chaser. n works just the same in the small car or large.

Mrs. Charles Irwin, of Ardmore,

formerly of Narberth, and Mrs. H. G.
1\'Takes no differp",ce what ,the wake of your machine,
It's best to use this NEW and BETfER Gasoline. Roberts Nash Motor Co.
Venemann. of 212 Hampden avenue,
also attended the cOllventlon in Wash-
I I Lancaster Pike at Church Road
Ardmore Branch
Telephone: Ardmore 2975·76
ington last week of the D. A. R. I. • • • • • • • • - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·
New Bryn Mawr Presbyterian HAVERFORD TO HAVE Q!qarlts •. &tuarb & &nu
Church Is Nearing Completion MIDDLE ATLANTICS
Women's Interclub Tennis Play Will
Commence Saturday, April 28. (C. Wallace Stuard)
• h' 8 H ld f Announcement of the Interclub tennis
104 Cricket Avenue, Ardmore, Pa.
Ch amplOns IPS to e e
What probably will be the \ Was Toastmist)'ess Three Years at Main Line
or schedule for the season was made last
Monday by Mrs. Harrison Smith, of
handsomest church structure the Merion Cricket Club, secretary of Telephone at any time of day or night
College. the Women's Interclub Tennis Associ- Ardmore 243
along the Main Line and one of
the finest in the suburhs is rapidly
ation of the Philadelphia district. I Four Generations Since 1822
COMPETE Th<;re will .be two leagues, as u~u-
al with Menon, Germantown, Phda-
nearing completion in Bryn
Mawr. The edifice is being built
d~lphia Cricket, Belfield, Philadelphia
Thc Main Line will han the Country and Huntingdon Valley tak-
111untral lirtctnrs
by the Bryn l\fawr Presbyterian . 11 I d r Id ing part in the first-team league. In
I)Iggest co ege trac.;: an lC the second-team league, Merion, Ger-
Church to replace its present c ha 111 p iOilS hip s 0 f th c Ph ilad e 1- mantown and Philadelphia Cricket AlmtlIIIIIIIWIIUIJll Il IlIl Iu:m:mil l l l !i1l1l1l1l11mll l il l l l l l l l!IIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUJIWIDJlII,1I1U1I:1II11":II!!IIil ml l l lUl lil l !lIl1l1m:l :l l l l nl l i il l l l l l l l l :l l l l 11i1i1l1IIl1l1i11:11I1I11DInllJl l1l1l1mlli lIl JIIIII:t:l l l l ln
I hia district in 192R 011 \Valton Clubs will have their teams competing ~ ;
structure adjoining.
Dr. Andrew Mutch, pastor, will
Field, the home of Ha\'crford tcams.
with Philmont and Bucks county first II
§ I
L as t Week !:

conduct his first service in the new College's athletic teams, lVlay 18 The sccond-team league will open
bcr'" of the the season on Monday, April 30. and ~ Saturday Positively Ends Our Last Offer of
I ~
church Sunday, May n, according and ] 9. Tile 20 Inetll ~ play every Monday and Thursday, ~ ~
to present plans. Middle Atlantic States C. A. A., with the final matches on May 14. ~
including. such ills.·titutions. as The first teams will bcgin play on ~

Built along Gothic lines of arch- Tucsday, May 1, and play on Tucs- ~ $10 FOR YOUR
itecture., this improvement will
La fayette. R utgers..H a\'ertor d • days and Fridays, with the champion- !
Swarthmore and New '{ork Cni- ship matchcs May l;i, ~


cost in excess of $500,000. It is

nrsity, witl send 100 famous The schedule: OLD RANGE I I
being constructed by Doyle and
Company from plans by ·Walter
champions and track athletes in
an attempt to 1)rea' I reco\"( IS Country
k tIe
May 1-Belfield at Germantown. Merion at ~
Club, CrIcket Club at Huntlngdon ~
§ _-=. E!I- ~,
: .

T. Karcher and Li"lI1gston and win the ClipS and trophies. ValleY.
May 4-Merlon at Belfield, CrIcket Club at §
§ when you buy a new
Smith, Philadelphia architects. Not since 1925 has an event of Germantown. Country Club at Huntlngdon ~ ~
The new church has an exterior Mrs. Raymond Donges. ot Mer- this caliber been staged along the 8-Germantown at Merion. Belfield at va~~~. I DETROIT I
of Foxcroft stone trimmed with ~1~~r~V~le~ttg~, ':~~dac;~~:;:l t~a:~: Main Ldine and. the nflalll~ fon~ler ~1~~tlngdOn Valley. CrIcket Club at Country I I
cut stone. It is fireproof with en- quet of the Main Line B uslness an d
stars an c llamp Ions 0 t 115 sectIon May II-Huntingdon Valley at MerIon, Bel- §
fi e
ld a t C I k t Cl u,
b German to wn at coun • =E
trances on all sides. The build- Professional Woman's ClUb, which will be I'n eager atteu(lance 011 thc try ClUb.r e e ~ ~

ing has an imposing tower which was held Tuesday evening at the afternoons of May 18 and 1 9. Dele- May 14-Merlon at Cricket Club. Country § ,. ·.1 _1=
Brookline Square Club. Josephine ClUb at Belfield, Germantown at Huntlngdon §
Gemberllng, Cynwdy. violinist. was gations are expectcd to attend from Valley Heat Control .!
is topped by a metal steeple. § i§

One of its manv features is an one of the artIsts on the entertaln-

ment program. RIchard J. Hamll-
New York. Baltimore and \Vashing--
1 f
April 30-Germantown at Phllmont. MerIon § G R .
I '"
excellent organ, tlle pipes of which ton, president ot the Ardmore Cham- ton and loyal stU( ents r0111 the at Bucks Counh·. ~ as ange !-, 2'
ber of Commerce, was one of the many colleges represented will swell May 3-Phllmont at Merion. Bucks County ~ \ f
th~,~~~\\~~rk ::~::~§i~~1::0:.;B::kS:e:~:,:~, i p·;r~:l·of
have been placed in the tower
which opens into the church.
speakers. University will bring ::::::: There is still time to' save $10 on the a .\
More than 1300 persons can be I

· d ClUb at Germantown. § ;;;

Casa D el R ey S 0 ld
accommodated in the church, a (eten11lne
I team eager to repeat May 14 Bucks C nt t G a tow § new Gas Range, but you must act quickly.
while quarters have been provided
in the basement for community ty~:~.~I:~:~:S~~:h;i~:si~l~~~\~:~o~~o~::~ ~h~~e~~lc~~dS:~:f~~I~~~dlrSa\~~r;~:~~lot:.~~ CerIoonuarttCrRICkuet'eCSl~b'tOY aBe esrna,
t ose tra ltlona nva s whose Jat-
mil en. He,.e Is You,. OpPOJ·tunity~~_
enterprises. Care was exercised in transferred to a new owner. The new
. E C Atk' tIes are well known to Main Line Baskctball rules for 1929 will rcmain ~~~_. to brighten your kitchen and lessen the work ~
the planning of the building that
manager IS . . . . Illson. .I '111 I I I' intact and as the\' have bcen for the with a beautiful new range having such labor- '"
worshippers in any part of the
church will be able to hear dis- It
. I '
IS the p an of tll1S mana.g cl11ent t.o
I 1 11
I rest< ents. \\') JC spttrre( on )y t lelr
o\\'n di"1'erellc'e.S. RIttgers alld I,afa-
last )'ear if thc \",'ord of tIle Eastern
Pennsylvania district of approved offi- ~
;:;~ _ saving features as oven heat control, enamel ~

tinctlv at all times and for this opcratc t l~ property su lst:ntta y as .It
II :_;=-0·
yette are well knowil for their Sl1C- cials means anything. The refs from = finish and oven linings, utility drawer, touch-a- =

reaso;l the interior is trimmed ~~~ta~'sC~~ cl~~t~:~PI;:~~: al~o ~:~:~~ra~~ ~~~~~tt~ot~'I;~~l~;~;ll~::i~~01~lt1d

a will add :~\~de~fst~~~l ~~l~lt~;1 o~al~~~ctSt~}e ttlt~ i button lighter and other modern improvements. I
with special acoustic tile.
~~~(~a~:~~~eiswpi~~l~eedm:~~t~;~:d\~'es~ \~i~~g"
" Haverford will he tile scene
!diddle '\tlantic meets for the ne t i d
ofi~~~~~de~3~ipl:'i~ar~\'hl~l;t;I;~ckd:~isi~~ i~ Do Not Let It Pass By
Small Down Payment-Balance I'n 12 Months
;;;C,._=~: ",:
< • .
f t1lC IiIrs t fl oor.. an d tl lC prescn tone
i w.
l 'three "ears : < and in the • X I was
event that! ma e. a questionnairc from the
Answering ..
Mary S. \Vorthington. of 838 Sum- (l

mit Grovc avenue. Bryn Mawr, is a he used a, a grill room: an cntrance IS they a;'e held success full" at the lo_lnatiO!lal board. thc 50 referees present Phone-Write-Call ~
hcneficiarv for life of onc-half of the tn he constructed from Lancaster a\'enue
en . co .e~e.
'11 1Ie Ile II" I
( t lere 11cr-1
unanllllously agrecd no changes should
~ ~

\\"1 d
income of a trust fund of the residuary c01111111111icating WIth both of these. Other . " , le l11.a c to t e court ru es. ~_
. l11<l11elltlv. ; "Give the players and fans a chance
estate of her late sistcr, Elizabcth C.
Spencer. of Ncw York City. who died change.s and. nl1!)roycmcnts ~re. to b e ' j to hccome thoroughly familiar with I
at Saranac Lakc. N. Y .. leaving' an nlade I~l the 1I1tenor of thc hUlld1l1g. FLICKER ON 13TH I'the rules an~. rcgula.ti~J11S," scemed to I PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN·COUNTIES GAS
estalc estimated at O\'er $10.000. ac- "\Vhllehall" has heen chosen as the T' I C I' l t d 1 s be the prcyallmg 0p1l110n of alI those g
. II ' I ' I . , a a- ynwyl s a e,t allce ore le. - present
cardin!=?: to a will filed for probate in ncw namc. T hi, r.eca s to ., :l1n.1I1C tr'\ "The Flickering Four" composed, . E kl f 11 g;
New York City last Thursday. residents the old \Vhitchall Station and of' Ihla-C\"Il wnl h~\'" m;de its how I Clllartlesl ·.c eS' 0'1 Brtyn f't·lawi·p'\\Ylas ~
The rcmainin!=?: one-half of tl1(' re<;i- . . . f I <'.' "'J'. A hI re-e ec el vIce prcslC en 0
'" llltehall ~-Iotel .011 the old hnc 0 t le tn t~ll' pnbltc. at the l1111or.. ss~m. y delphia district hoard. L~w Millcr, of
le 11 a-

§ Ardmore 3500 Bryn Mawr 327 Wayne 47

dne goes in a trust fund to the de-
cedent's brother, and the principal 10 ~e11nsyh'anJa Ratlroad. between Hayer- dance. temptlllg" fate 011 Fnda), thc I South Ardmore. was chairman of the ~ Hilltop 233 Upper Darby: Boulevard 1600
torel and Bryn ?Iawr. 13th. Banquet Committee. I
his children.
tiC ------------------ i §

i· .J.~~(; f'n~ q h O q rI ~
I Y , ~,"I I ~''''I I I _'''~ , ~""I
'"'~"~,~~"~~ ~,a~,a~~~~,&,'~.\.~~
a I ~~

New Route I !'

'i I

Effective March 11, 1928 i

The Montgomery Bus Company, Inc., operators of. the Phi1~­

delphia Suburban Transit Company, announce an additional,
directly communicating line between Bryn Mawr, Haverfol'd,
Ardmore and 63d Street Terminus.
The new line will operate from Morris and Mont-
gomery avenues, Bryn Mawr, east on Montgomery ave- ,~ ..:.
nue to Wynnewood avenue, to City Line, to 63d street,
to present terminus, returning over the same route.
Leaving Time from each end-5.55, 6.25 A. M. and every half hour until
Between IIOOQII1'JI2000
11.15 P. M. (from Bryn Mawr) and 12.25 A. M. ({1'om Philadelphia).
';}heres No Car that
OTHER ROUTES Compares with
Lancaster Avenue Line-From Philadelphia to Rosemont. Few people willquestion that statement,
Strafford Line-From Rosemont to Garrett Hill.
Gladwyne Line-From Montgomery and Anderson avenues, AI'el-
more, to Gladwyne.
Montgomery Avenue Line-From Montgomery and Anderson ave-
nues, Ardmore, to Philadelphia via Narberth.
and many will insist that Buick leader-
ship extends well beyond the price
limits mentioned above.
Comb the field and you'll come right
back to Buick for the style, colors,
upholsteries and appointmeats of ill
fiDd further proof of Buick superiority
in Buick's Lovejoy Hydraulic Shock
Short Line-From 54th and City Line to Narberth via Bala-Cyn- bodies by Fisher. . Absorbers,Double-Drop Frame,Sealed
wyd. Chassis, Mechanical Four-Wheel
Make the same test in performance Brakes and a host of features not com-
and again you'll select Bukk for the biDed in any other car.
The patrons of the line will receive our best power, getaway and dependability ofa
Valve-in-Head six.cyliDdel' eagiae Buy your car carefully. Make thorough
efforts in rendering M. B. C. standard service.
'Yibrationlas beyond belkf. • comparisons. Prove to yourself that
Buic:Ic outpoints all other selling '*'
COlnP'lre specificatio. aad you'D betweea _1000 and _2000.

SEDANS $119' to '1995 • COVPSS '1195 to '1850 • SPORT MODELS'1195 to '1525
AU priccl f. 0. 6. PliItI. Miell.o pt.. . , _ to 6e atkJ. TU G.JI.A.c. /iatIJtce "... lIN ",01' liesirll61eo is ._illl61&.
-·-----·------·..-------·--·------------··~-I r· ........ , -
'Ira . . . . . . , ..... " _ . , . . . . . . . , . ... -


Rear of 250 H.verford .A.ye.
H OU88 lind D8C07'lItiV' Pllinti'Rl1 .
Man Orders and Jobbing Promptly
Attended te.
PhODe, Narberth 3839-W I•
. IDteri.or and Bsterlor PalDtbal II:
.07 .....el: A.e.. N pl'
I==".~.-••._--.--••-.--------.---.•-.. •

phlne. Narber&b sear


to • .. •
Electrical Contractor
"S,"lce wtlb. smile"
, .. • .. •

MaiR Line Distributors
CHAMBER OFFICERS ci~n~I~~,~I~a~~Jlcr~~ l~~id~ervicc conncc-I f1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~EE_~1
AGAIN RE-ELECTED. Henry Objects to Circulars. j ~~ ~~ ANTHRACITE COAL
L. Reinhold reminded the Every ton of coal we sell comes
merchants that the Main Line Boy from the LAWRENCE COLLIERY,
Brown and Baer Are Named Council maintains a \'ocational place-
which is the richest mine in the vast
New Directors-Turn ment bureau ior boys and girls as part CASH PRICES MAHANOY DISTRICT.
Down Credit Plan. oi its conllnunity sen'ice.
Thomas \ \'. Cronin, chatrtnan of the No Ca1'rying Charges This means to the consumer a uni-
Richard J. Hamilton was unani- Chamber's Cellsor Committee, entered formity in good coal the year round.
mously re-elected president of the a complalllt against the promiscuous The Sign of the Best Meats Well-sized, low ash, clean anthra-
distribution oi circulars and other ad- , EGG . $13.25 cite.
Ardmore Chamher oi Commerce \'ertising matter.
at its annual meeting- and elec~
I To End the DayRight STOVE .. 13.50 2240 pounds to every ton.
,NUT . 13.25
tion. held in the Ardmore Y. M.
C. A .. Tuesday night. April 1~.
STILL AFTER PARKERS there is nothing like a piping hot,
good meat dinner. PEA . 9.75 /.]. SKEL TON, Jr.
:Mr. Hamilton. \\'ho is president Lower Merion police are still
To start the year right, BUCK . 7.50 THEATRE BUILDING
of the Merion Title and Trust after motorists violating parking Bala Ave., Bala·Cynwyd, Pa.
there is no resolution so good as
Company, is acti,'e in many Main regulations on various Main Line I
Linc civic assllCiations. and had t IlOroug Iltares. . \V" I
. arntt1g t ags are
to have only the best meats, and to have
them every day.
Call Cynwyd 215

expressed ul1\\'illingness to sen'e gi"en first, and if not heeded are I Bradley's have sold the best meats in
another term as head of the
Chamber. followed by summonses. Several I'
Philadelphia for fifty years. They still
President of the hody since its 01'- warning tags were given to park-
sell them.
ganization ten years ago, ~I r. Ham- ers this week on Simpson road" Deliveries twice daily to the Main Line. When Should I Order
ilton will no\\' commence his Lancaster Pike, Cricket avenue,
eleyenth year of sen'ice. His elec- Ardmore.
tion came after Harry C. Bare. "ice
II You Are Invited to Open a Cha1'ge Account
FORESIGHTED people are answer-
ing the question now, thereby eliminating
president. who also ~ras nominated BUTT STARTS FIRE I BRADLEY MARKET CO. the Spring rush. The awnings then may
be erected at your convenience.

for 11resident. declined the honor. The Bryn Mawr Fire Company cx-
; jf;~;:~.;f
Other officers re-elected were tinguished a rubbis11 fire in the cellar 2106 MARKET STREET
Harry C. Bare. "ice president: oi the Doyle Building, Warner and I Opposite Erlanger Theatre ~ ·i:ii;zi/::'c};:;:');'.;C.: MAIN LINE AWNING CO.
I-Toward G. Kurtz, treasurer. and Lancaster avenues, Haverford, 6.05
A. L. Reinhold. secretary. \ Villiam P.!VI. T~esday. 1\0 damage was done.
Rittenhouse 7070
~j(;Rt't~ 49 East Lancaster Avenue
Call A"dmore 1842
, Frankenfield
C. . and Dr." J. \ \.. belte\"edflinging
It IScareles~
atson , the the fireoi was
~ lighted hy L~~~~;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~~~;.,:
Goddard had also been nom1l1ated Irette hutt IIlto thl' rubhlsh heap.
as vice president but both declined.I . __
,~_~_=_~~~_~.~_=_~._=.=~~_~~ -~==============~~=============================
David Charles and William S'I
Casey had been nominated with Mr. i
Kurtz as treasurer. hut :\Ir. Charles!
withdrew and :\1 r. Casey was de-I JJ!
feated. Only 35 memhers were pres-
ent to vote.
New Directors: Brown and Bare. I
1. Eo Bro\\'n ;111(1 10hn L. Baer:
w~re elected member~ of the board I
of directors. to serye ior three years. i
succeeding E. A. Fitts and Frank i
R :\1 ills.' The board !lOW consists:
of Dr. 1. \\'. Coddard. chairman:l
William- G. l<'rankenfield. William:
T. l\Jclntyre. J. E, Barkman. JOhn
\Veigel and the t\\'o ne\\' mcmbers. I
Other nominees for the office \\'ere
Han'lay H. c\zpell. William S.
Casey. Thomas \\'. Cronin, E. A' I
Fitts. George B. ?\Iatthews. John \V. I
Phillips, Pentz Pippin, Henry L.
l{einhold and Da,'id :\1. "'est. I
Requests by the \\r ayne Business!
Men's Association that the Ardmore'
Chamber co-operate in a Main Line
credit and collection system inaugurated
a year ago in Wayne. were turned down,
following a report by Dr. Goddard for
the board of directors: Wl1ich 'had 'con-
sidered the matter.
"Business men's associations in Dala-
Cynwyd. Bryn ~Iawr. Paoli and :\lah'ern
have also heen asked to work with
\\'ayne on the proposition," Dr. Goddard
reportcd. "hut speaking for Ardmore. I
iear the idea is not feasible,
"Three years and lour years ago. the:
"nl"'ore Chamber tried to establish a,
credit s\'stem oi its o\\'n." he declared.·
"It faile'd, after only Se\'en of ,-\rdmore's.
merchants had consented to become· Come see the Big Parade
members of the sen icc. which cost only:
$\0 to join. ~lal1\' declined-and pro-: ofBottles, close to 100,000
bably would decline now-to open their i
books for inspection oi customers' ac-· daily, at this one of sUI
counts: and yet the Sllccess of this sys-, bottling plants
tem depends on the co-operation of each,
merchant. who would be calle dupon to I
in form the bureau oi the <'redit standing i
of his patrons." :
Offers Road Signs Free.
Chairman J. E. Brown. oi the publicity i
committee, reported that the Keystone:
Motorist's Association has offered t~l:
ered at highway intersections. roarl:
signs directing -traflic to Ardmore with-
otit charge to the Chamber. as a result'
of publicaton of a report last month that i
Mr. Brown had recommended the Cham-:
ber place these signs itsel f. Upon re-·
Cleanliness and Care
commendation oi one member that the,
Chamber in\'cstigate the cost of Nar-:
berth's signs. which were termed at-
Have Produced Results
tractive. i\1r. Brown was asked to secure I
information from the borough before
ODAY the mortality rate in the territory we serve
further action is taken.
Warning that Lower j\lerion police will
enforce the recent State law forbidding
all-night parking in alleys and private
T is much lower than before modern methods of milk
production were introduced. Where epidemics formerly
rights of wa\,. wa, "ounded by DT. J ..
~V. Goddard, 'chairman of the Cbamber's I appeared from time to time, these sections now have
tire prevention committee. ,"It is abso-
luteh' imperative." he said, that fire ap-
become comparatively immune.
paratus have frl'e ingress to the rear of
a1l properties. The highest standards of quality and cleanliness
"The township police took the nnmbers
of cars parked out-of-doors last Friday
exist in selecting and supervising our country supply
night after issuin~ a second warning to sources ... The same care follows every step of pro-
all offenders. Twu members of the
police and lire committee of the township duction from the farm to your home. At various dairy
week, accOlupanying the police. products shows, farmers whose milk output is bought
"I f these warnings arc not heeded
there will be a final ched:·up in the near
future, and all offenders will be fined, in
by Supplee-Wills-Jones invariably are awarded the ma-
accordance with the State law. jority of prizes offered. A recent case was the show at
Vote $50 for Boy Week.
West Chester, in which 8 prizes were taken by dairies
John K. Baer reported for the Ban-
-Iuet Committee that six performers whose output is purchased by this company. These
have been secured to entertain the five
hundred guests who will attend the
include the silver cup for high score. Our milk has
Chamber's tenth annual banquet Tues-
rlay. May 15. Efforts are being made
been awarded 32 Gold Medals in 18 years and a total
by the merchants to secure door prizes of close to 400 prizes, including medals, cups, ribbons,
for each guest from wholesale dis- banners, etc.... This record is unapproached by any
tributors of groceries and other com-
A donation of $50 was voted to aid
other milk anywhere.
the Boy Council in its Boy Week ex-
penses, and it was decided to recom-
mend that al1 Ardmore merchants dis-
play flags Saturday, April 28, when
a parade and relay race will officially
open the week's activities.
A letter of thanks was received from Health Headquarters

the Ardmore library for the Cham-
ber's recent promise of a $500 annual Gold Medill Milk-Winner of }
contribution. 32 Gold Medals-Now Set1Jed ;c.. Distributors of WALKER-GORDON Certified and Acidophilu8 Milk
An expression of appreciation was :. Jram Overbrook to Devon Main Line Branch ••• 758 Lancaster Ave•••• Bryn Mawr
voted the Philadelphia-Suburban Coun-
ties Gas and Electric Company for its
co-operation in financing the lighting
of LancaSter pike, accomplished last ...... .
-z·· ......
year. Its $1109.27 bill for completion

A PAGE FOR NARBERTH'S CHURCHES glad to wclcomc those of you who live Ienteenth and Arch streets, on \Vedne:!- in the Narberth Theater.
day, Uay 2, 10.30 A. M. 645 P
THE ncarby.
The mid-week prayer and praise Le~ ues .
sc;rvice will .he hcld OIl 'vVednesday eve- g p'
M.-Senior and Junior

PEOPLE CALLED Church Notes IlIng at 8 0 clock. 1 7.45
The monthly meeting of the Sun- Theme, "The Sub-Apostolic Church."
• M.-The vesper servIce.

QUAKERS The Presbyterian Church. day School Board will be held on The \Voman's Missionary Society
\Vednesday ~vening at the close of the meets at the home of Mrs. Seaboldt,
An Exposition of Their Fal'th I
Rev. John Van
Mcetings Ness. :W:
for April n1. A., Minister. prayer mectmg. 401 Narberth a\·enue. at 2 P. M. on
Prepared"0 Especially
T " for 0,4;; A. M.-Bihle school. Mr. Jos-
eph H. McClay, sl;lperintend~nt. Baptist Church of the Evangel. Tuesday e\'ening the regular
ur own. 1
11 A. M.-Mormng worshIp.
t- 't "I) S - k t 1'1" Y u g
Scr- Robert F Kei 'ht
g on, ' 1I11S er. monthly meeting of the Church Coun-
, ., . n on "ex. ,un., pe~ 0 liS. 0 n Sunday, April :1!I: cil.
n~f fa 1/0'1('1/1[1. ar/lck. prepared by .ll,.'.' "Ian. ,A sermo.n In celebr~tJon. of !1,4.; A. "I.-Church school.
Ser- Friday. 8 P. nl.-The scnior choir
.llal"loll T. JIIS/IC,', el.'rl,' of ti,e Mfl"l,m
PrePara/i~'e ~1 Gr~at 1~exts1 f;on~vo AI;;~~.
IIIOY \\eck. MUSIC by a boys chOir. II A '1-"lonin r·l·
Fri,ellds' -'lce/ill.l/. cOlleludcs A, ;"I.-Junior church for young 1110n. 11- rehearsal.
/"c sl'Colld sel"lcs of paf/es de; a/cd /0 children. "\~'hen ;"1 ere Sea SOilS J .( "
/"e churchcs of .Yarber/h. , I' 4 P. N "1.-i\leeting
I • 'I for men. and f boys
I .' . I.' )"''1 . - I IY1a'U" 1Ira t'Ion 0uSf IBce.oy \\. eck All Saints' Church.
A lOut the y~ar ](147 a young 111an o. 111 !he 'ar lerth ~ 1eat.er. ~ee urt ler in the Narbcrth"'Theater.
1 \Vynnewood, Pa.
1!l .vears. one k (,eorge ., Fox,
I felt
I aI restless
tl notIce
. • elsewhere
I) nl J 111. tlus ]. papcr.
I -• I' . M .-"0 I UI I g peop I' e s d evo t'lona I
urge to see' a SplTltua tntt I ot ler Ian . I . - umor '..n( eavor mcet- hOI r l' pi "\VI· Sh Id \\' T Rector. Rev. Gibson Bell.
If <:I°!l. ?~
which the church of his time offered.
Alone he sought for it and at last-as he
records in his Journal "When all hope~ I
:ng conducted by nliss Furber.
(i.4.; P. 11.-lntermediate Endeavor
meeting. Leadcr.
to In! a k °AII' P
_'4· r~!\[ ~
Uyrtle Schlipf. 1 " " CI' ,.;- ~\;.enIJIg;·I~lor~IIp. p~ er-
lrIstlfl.l. S
8 A. III.-Holy Communion.
A. ~l.-Church school.
in all men were gone so that I had noth- Blackboard talk by Mr. \'an Ness. n.~n;, IIf[ac.. S~s rlom SI I Fnm sl pog- 11 A. i\1.-Morning prayer and sermon
ing outwardly to help me nor could tell - '. liA.; P. al.-Senior ]~ndeavor me~t- ~~I~~' ltion.';- ~ Imp 1.', ~ ot 1 anl re- by the rector. .
what to do-then. oh then. 1 hcard it . . . I .'
\'nice which said 'there is one even Christ fo!!r pnnclples of the Society of not the letter; Reabty, not 1· arm; 510nan' address by nl rs. E. S. Ha ws.
g . Leader. Rohert Gilfillan. A 111IS-
1'1, I', .
a). M <ly I,"
. 7 P. ~I.- Young People's Fellowship.
7.::0 P. ~L-Evening prayer.
Jesus. that can speak to thy condition' Fne.nds... . Lo' e, not Hatred: Brotherly Kindness. 'I 7A.;· P. ~I.-Evening worship. Ser- ~().~() ,A. M.-\\ hlte Cr?ss. .
and when I heard my heart did leap with
. v.,
.~Irst-l he SU~lrCn!e ,Bcmg. Recog- not Oppression' Moderation not Ex- mon theme. "Redeem ing the Time."
nltlon and worshIp ot (.od, the Crcator .... ' ,. .. A' , '. • f I' I' ,1',,1 "tIe
"1.-.~n~u,L1 l~us.1I1ess l~leet~ng
j.'•• I\., 1\\.,
omen s ..... ssoclallon. '·.Iectlon AUXILIARY TO GATHER
jO.. . . I R I> fAll 'b' H' Cl'SS: ~nt1phcIty. not OstentatIOn; SII1- ~ermon .lppropnate. or tIe (a} I,., It of oflicers.
..a~tn utmg to
Tlm5 was laId the foundatlon stone () f alH u er 0 1111 • ••
the Sociel\: of Frieuds-the revelation the supremc quahtles O! Goodness. centy. n"t Pretelbe: 1 r11th. not Deceit; I Next Tuesdav e\'ening-Coml11unity . S
• ,sa \'mg plan. Boy chOir.
~. ~1.-1
) . •, ,.
!"ustee s meetll1g at the
'1'1 le regular meeting of the \\"0-
of the inner light which asks no human Lo\c and "Iercy. (The hrst of these Economy not \\'aste. and out of their Bihle Chss I • c11U~ch. man's .\uxiliary of the Presbyterian
mediator to translate its n~e~ning to the is ~undamcntal to a~l. religion.) I sincere. ff unperfected. endeavors to Next \,,; cdnesday, ~.:10 1'. M.- \~ edn~sday. ).[ ay 2:. . . Church will be held on Thursday.
individual. Gudied hy this inward mani- I :-.e~ond-thc DI\'111C Imn~anence., guide their daily acts by these Chris- 'vVomen's :lliissionary Society meeting. ~.:IO ~. "I.-Church. lanllly ,~I11I.ner. l\lay 3· frol11 10 to ., o·clock. Lunch-
Friends lived their daily live~ in ,Practical
ImerCIIt.I~. ~
d.lrcctly. re:'e~ls .hllll~e\l. to I come thl'ir "t~st.il11oni~s'·.~nd
festation of the Christ spirit, the early Behe!. that .od. thus good, l!?v1l1g. and tian rules ha\'c logically and directly Thc topic will he Latin-America. An . ,:.. 10 I ...M.-Dr.
most, if interesting meeting is planned. II!I""
Col~, c~ass.
1~c1I~I.OUS GrO\~tl1. ~ ,~Iass. ~on
.] ast.or
I: .at
])onatlOl1s ot cast ott
obsen'ance of th~ laws of justtce. tel!.l- lth~ 1~~1 ~ePtlO:b. 111~n: th~t
ot hiS !lg!lt I not all. of th~lr ·pcculIant.lCs.". . :\e.xt \Ve.dn~sday., 8 1'. ~l.-Praycr \\ h,lt h.lI1d of "[all \\ as Jesus. ,cloth1l~g .Ire requested for the co-
perance. commercial honesty and soctall~hTe~1 louls.,,~ d~~
IlItO l til al!t lt /t" Our ~[ectll1gs ha"e Slll1phclty as meeting'. SuhJect, 'Removll1g Moun- Merion Friend' M t· operatl\'e shop for the support of the
form. Friends were. among the .first .to an.( . )~~o~~le.~ !,ltIS. ,0 s gl.t orl th~ir kl'y.note. \V~ !lIce! at an a1?- tail~s." ~ome and learn how it is done. . .. . s ee ,"g. hospital.
all\'ocate and help brmg' about pnson le- n~,ll~ s .. al\ ,ltlon.. (1 he ~e.cond IS .the pOllltl'd tl1ne and sit 111 sl1ence. ThiS 1\ext fhnrsday. 10 A. 1\1. to 4 P. 1\1. :'l'r\'\ces tor Apnl 2!1:
form. abolition of sla\'ery, suppression uf dlstll1ct.I\·e doctTlnc of l'nends, ~vlth- s:1l'nce must he tilled with the desire -\\'omen's :\uxiliary meeting. Lunch-
IO A. :'>I.-First da\' schOll\. FOllr
the liquor traffic and to look after the ou'!. \\:I11ch there .ca!1 he no Quak('Tlsl}1-) to kllow and feel God within us. SiI- con at one. Please bring donations of classes. . The \\'ol11en's :'vI issionarv Societ\'
weHare of :\egroes and lndians. .1111.rd-TI.lc Scnptur~s. Conf,rm,n15 l~nt prayl'r and meditation arc aids in cast-ott articles for thc co-operativc 11 :\. ~I.-McetinJ(' for worship. of the Lutheran Church ~\"ill hol;1
The tcstimony for peace has always t,l.llS lI,l1l11:dlate revelatIOn of. tl}e 1)1- attaining this state. I f as often in such shop for the support of the Presby- First Church of Christ, Scientist. its monthly meeting at the home of
been a vital part of our principles. since \ lI1e .n,nul I.' a~!~I. pI~rp()se. the Scnptures a l11eeting there comes to someonc the terian Hospital.
George Fox said, "that he lived in the recOl d .the \ 1~ltatl.ons of God t.o the conviction that his thoughts should be N ('xt Friday, 8 P. l\I .-Entertain- \Vomen's Cluh Building. ~I rs. Seaboldt. 40 I K arberth
virtue of that life and power which took ~'.ltIls 01. men 111 past ages, and, 111 the shared with others. he rises and gives ment in thl' social ro0111 given hy the Ardmore Avenue, Ardmore, Pa. a\"el1tle. at 2 () 'clock on Tuesdav.
away the occasiC!n of all wars." . For the ~C\\: : e:tamcnt. , p;esent to us the'i his messa~c-bri.eflY since t!le \'alne is Senior Endeavor, Society and directed (Daylight Saying Time.) May 1. -
most part consIstently the SOcIety has C;hl.II1~~ a~? cro~\ 1.llIIg ~vths I of fthe often lost If hUTlcd unduly m needless hy Mrs. L. H. 1 rotter. A sketch en-
I II :\. M.-Sunday services.
stood for the truth that the only way to 1nstlan Ispel~satlon. I.' t le.re ore words. A responsihilitv rests on titled "Adelinc." old songs, instru- 11 A. ~I.-Sunda\· school.
s('t.tl~ il!ernational ?isp~tes was. by a rcvere, the . ~crIPt~lref' nd de~lrel ~~ ev~~yone present to try ~nd raise the mc!llal m?sic. rcfres!lm~nts, silver of- ing\Vatl'dnesday
spmt ot love and justtce. Dnnng the lecon.lc PIosses~or'l 0 ~.Iel trut I t 1C)r splntnal temperature by his own deep fl'l'lng. l~verybody 1l1\'1ted. S o'c1ol'k.
('\'eniil~, testimonial meet- HOLD POSTPONED MEETING
The postponed ;\pril meeting of
course of the recent \\,!?r1d war. map)', cO~ltal11, t 1r0l;l& 1 t Ie en .Ig 1tenment 0 seeking and by giving' sympathetic at-, Ixeading room. I!I ,Vest Lancaster ave-
the eood fellowship Club will be
YOI~ng people. of ~h~ socIety found tl~elr tl~:. san~e. S PlTlt ~~ wlfllch thbat t ru l tention to those who may have a mes-!
t 1 Methodist Episcopal Church. nue. open week day, from 10.:10 to 4.::0:
held on Friday evening, :'vlay -t. at
acllve work 111 g'IVlllg fearless and 1111- \\ as or!gl11a ll y gl\ en .ort l1 y G 0(.I sa"e. : . '. \Vednesday ev('nings from 0 to !lo4.•.
The subjcct for the Bible lesson ser- R o'clock at the home of Mr. A. T.
partial sen'ice to the war victims. It \nd wlthont such enhghtemllent we
. . n1- I t tl A
was In 1:0 •. t1a Ie menc n 'r n s
. a F ie d" belie\'e none can ohtain a true "piritual
':.. .
111Is conslltutes an Ideal l\leetmg
t ,a'l ·h· h . str···
. . . . . I Rcv. Samuel 1\IacAdams, l\IlIlIster.
'14.;'\ M -Bible school
.. A' '''1' ' [ ' . I' S
. mon for Sunday..'\pril 2!1, is "Everlast- 13awden. corner 0 f \ \.vnnewood
Sen'ice C0I11mittee was organized and knowledge ~f them.. .' o~'. I( \\ ~c \\ e 1\ c ' . Il . l ' .-;;"1' ornmg w~~s lip. ',~r- ing l'unishmenl." road and \\'oodside a\"ei1l1e. All
thi" has done much to awaken the so. Fourth-1 he Chnst Rule 111 Dally I" all 01 you who rl'all thIS we ex- 1110n theme, The Best \\ me Last.
'a'! c'ollsciousness of the prcsent.da"~ I) Li.Il'.. lJ.l·s.-ir.mg I .thc
I guid.ancl' J of the ten'! a l"o.rdialf invitation. 1.. in II .li.4;;I I'. ~I.-Epworth League devo-
I to join us Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. I members are expected to be present
Friends. and to spread a greater under- I\'me .~plnt W lIC I was 111 esu~. and ('ur mel'lI!lg .or wors lip so.me 'Irst Itl°21a sen·lct'.. . and bring a friend not only for an
standing of the Quakers throughout the embracll1g. frol11 the .force of HI~ ex- ?ay mornmg m the oh~ Menon Meet-j •. 4;; 1'. ~I.-;:-Ev?l11ng' \~·or,~llIp. Ser- Clctus A. Senft. Pastor. enjoyahle evening. but also to meet
world. ample. and. thr.ough I11ward .convlllce- lng l!ous~. Our meetll1g House has m,?~1 theml'. Lot s .Cholce. . ~unday, April 29:
The Society of Friends has no creed ment, the lI1~n!te truth ~e. 11Iust~atcd an hl5toTlcal hackgrou.nd that. draws, I h~ refular meetll1g of ~he, Ph~la- \1 ..1;; A. ;"I.-Bihle school. the new pastor. Re\·. Samuel :\Iac-
in the ordinary sense of the word, al}d tau:::l~t, I<n.cncls see m tl th.e Idealln~a.ny ~trangers ,from dIstant pomts to i de~pl~la Conf~rel.lce \Vl;l111an s l'orel~n 11 A. :ilL-The service. Theme. "A Adams. Light refreshments will be
hut a memher has grouped a number 01 a rl'llglous .lIfe. and. ha\'c stl"lven. ~o I ViSIt wI.th us. \\'e are glad to meet.and· ~~lsslOnary SOCll·ty Will I,>l'. held In Little While."
of statements which he calls the first make real HIS teaclllngs-the Splnt, talk with them and we are espeCIally Snllpson Hall. \Vesle)' Bluld1l1g. Sev- I
.j P. ;"I.-Community
men's meeting 1 served.
This Wee kly Page is Made Possible by the Co-operation of the G,'OUP of ChuJ·ches Whose Announcements Appeal· Below
Narberth Methodist Episcopal
".-.". , .

Comer Essex and Price Avenues
Merion Friends Meeting
All Saints Church REV. SAMUEL MacADAMS, Minister Montgome,.y Avenue at
WynnewocJd, Pa. 9 :45 A. M.-Bible School. Meeting House Lane
11 :00 A. M.-Morning Worship and Sermon.
REV. GIBSON BELL, Rector. "The Best Wine Last."
6 :4.5 P. M.-EpwOlth League Devotional Meeting.
This society makes no claims to be a church of
7:45 P. M.-Evening Worship and Sermon. doctrine or of historic fact. We are a SOCIETY
8 :00 A. M.-Holy Communion. "Lot's Choice." OF FRIENDS whose members owe each other
You Are Invited. friendliness, and claim no authority one over
10:00 A. M.-Church School.
another. fjf We have no formal creed, and such
11 :00 A. M.-Morning Prayer and Sermon by unity as we have-and we have a great deal-
the rector. is due to the fact that reasonable minds work-
7:00 P. M.-Young People's Fellowship.
ing on the same materials are likely to arrive at

7 :30 P. M.-Evening Prayer and Sermon.

Holy Trinity similar conclusions. fjf However, we demand
no unity of opinion and we find both interest
Evangelical Lutheran Church and stimulus in our many differences,
Rev. Cletlls A. Senft, Pasto,.
"Much stress Is laid upon health; much upon tmlnlng and
both are vitally Important-yet they avail little without the
boy has the right attitude toward life. Help the boy to take
= stock of himself: what they are: his equipment for lIfe's work;
to know what he wants to do and be. I speak from experience.
tt Is the hardest question a boy has to decide.

Narberth Presbyterian Church Community Father and Son Meeting

St. Margaret's Catholic Church
Rev. John Van Ness, M. A., Minister Narberth Theater, Sunday, 4 P. M.
This Announcement Inserted through the co-operation of the Merion Con-
208 North Nm·beJ·th Avenue
struction Co., John Albrecht Nurseries and Klrscht Barber Shop.


Composed by a Scoutmaster of Detroit, Mich.

"Our Father, make us Trustworthy, for there are those who trust us. Sunda)': 1\1 asses, 6.30. 7.30, 9.00 and 10.30.
Make us Loyal, for through loyalty we reaeh our highest ideals. Last Mass is a High Mass and followed by Benediction.
Teach us to be Helpful, for through helpfulness do we forget ourselves. A sermon is preached at each Mass.
Make us F1-iendly, for there are so many who need a friend. Holy OSJ's: 6.00, 7.00,8,00 and 9.00.
Make us Kind, for kindness is the oil in the cogs of life's machinery. EVANGEL WISHES TO THANK "OUR Last Mass is followed by Benediction.
First Fridays: Mass, 7.00 j Holy Hour, with sermon, at
Help us to be Clean in thought, in speech and in deed, and may we TOWN" FOR THIS CHURCH PAGE. 8.0l) P. M.
remember that our bodies are Thy Holy Temples, and that any
abuse thereof is to tamper with the plans of the Almighty Architect. WE EXPRESS OUR CONFIDENCE IN Sodality- B. V. M. meets every Tuesday at 8.00 P. M.
!\bove all, 0 God, help us to be Reverent; not reverent only toward Thee, THE WHOLESOMENESS OF THE Holy N arne Society meets on the Second Sunday of the
but reverent toward aU things which Thou hast made." month at 8.00 P. M.
In Christ's Name we pray. Amtl'."
ENTERPRISE AND THE SINCERITY Sunday School (Catechism and Bible Hostory), for all
girls and boys under sixteen years of age and not
OF ITS APPEAL TO THE FOLKS OF attending a Catholic school, Sundays, after the 9.00
o'clock Mass. .
A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend all the NARBERTH
meetings of this church. Special serllllnl in celebration of
Boy Week tomorrow morning.
SENIORS PLEASE his part as a seeker after truth. Rlch- •
~obert Kesler was especially goo~ in We call and deliver Nar.2564
=============- ===================================.
Iard Bye as Edd~ Knight lost his mous-
tache at a crucial moment-and m o r e ·
. J ALMAN Taitor
Interior and Exterior Painting
resulted, with no detriment to Daily pressing French dry cleaning
performance. i the Dyeing Repairing 407 Essex Ave., Narberth, P..
is foremost in our
Benefit Performance Draws a'i' Shakespeare was brought up to da~e 105 Essex Avenue Phone, Narberth 263'7
· IJ1 a shortened verSion, performed m
Large A U dlence to
High School.
I modern dress, with a minimum of Narberth
I scene-shifting, as the playe;s' second ;==:g..... ~)OOtJ::lI_~j_::I\~=)OOtJ::l= .....~==~.
! part of the program, EspeCially com-
',ARS SHINE! mendable ~vas the acting of Gr~ta Gib-,
STUDENT ST:M. . bons, presIdent of the dramatic club, ENJOY You may rely on them for quality of materials used, sani-
Ias Kath:..rina. the shrew; Ben Ludlow, tary conditions under which they are made, and the fresh-
<::1 1-' ,'. d f "The Jr" as Petruchio, of Verona, her that cool, fragrant aroma which comes from fresh ness with which they reach you.
~ 1<1 ,e~peal e ~

rama 0 , suitor, and Allan Claghorn, as tobacco only.

Taming of the Shrew," and a 1110d- j Grumio, P~truchio's, servant. We have the largest and freshest assortment of to-
ern pla\'. "Tid;:1e~s Time," by Susan i 0thers given credit, IJ1 the progral~
(;1 .•il· I (~orge Cram Cook! pm.lted by .the scl~ool s press for theIr
,aspe ,1nc e, . I':! assistance IJ1 makll1g the play a suc-
baccos on the Main Line.
were enacted by the dramatIc C Uu i cess were M iss Dorothy H oHand, head
of the Lower ~Ieriot~ l-Ii~h School: of the Et~glish Department; Theod~re
senior class Friday I1Ight In the se- j :-'100re. ot the same department; l\f ISS
DA VIS' 219 Haverford Avenue
Phone, Narbe1,th J,.005
. I 'oJ "hool at Ardmore. hefore' R!lSh. of the Art Department: ~nd :Mr. The Oldest St01'e in Narberth
mar 11", 1 ~l . , I fill I! RlIlchart. of the Manual Trallllllg De-
an apprecIative att<hence t lat e( partlllenl. I 224 Haverford Avenue

the auditoriU III to capa ei ty , ! Th~" cast 0 f , "T he Taming 0f the ~,~:::c:=[t::(l::1l:::{!:::ll:::1!~::{!::2::l:t=ll::2:::(t::l~:2:{l::::~~:::!e:2::l:t::n:2:::(t::ll::1l:2:::c:=lt::l:t:ii'
(",~ven f or tl le Leonard
\Vood l\Ie- Shre\\ follows.
I I I Baptista (a rich gentleman of Padua),
monal Leprosy HosJlltal fun(, t lei Sam Barclay t
benefit performance was a marked I Vincclllio (an old gentleman of Pisa), . _
success. fr,om a dramatic as well a s : . . .Clare!lcc .Cooper I! :~
financial standpoint. Capable act- Lucentlo. (son to Vmccntlo. 111 .Iove Philadelphia
• • • cr' I - I With Blanca) .. ' .... , ... Tom Libby ,
mg. good stage ~ettI1.1",: am. ~ e- Petrnchio (a gentleman of Verona, :
markablv clear enunCIatIOn (ltstlll-i suitor to Katharina) ". Bcn Ludlow


guished'the plays. which were pre-I Hortensia (suitor to Bianca), II Cake
sented with a finish of which a more: T . ( L Jam~s) Gowland l
. . I II 1. ralllo scn'ant to ncentlo, 1
expenenced troupe nllg It we Ue! Irving Dothard You'll
proud. BioncleJlo (servant to Baptista). LOW ASH LEHIGH NO CLINKERS
In the lirst Illav Robert Kesler a s . Alat~ Claghorn Love ANTHRACITE
• f P' GrtlllllQ (sen'ant to Petruclllo).
Ian Joyce. maker, (J a, rO\'lnce- Alan Claghorn
town, :\lass.. sundIal. whIch truth- Cnrtis (servant to Petruchio), to
fully refused to coincide with P h i l - . G.'adys Grover Handled by
adelphia's "mean" time. cOll\'inced Katharma (the. Shrew, Blanca. dangh-, Cut
I' 'f
lIS \\'1 e
('I' B
"ope. ur-
lingallle). that existence WIthout A Widow
tcrs to Baptista),
. Greta Gihbons, Ella Ross
Laura ,\TitHers
I L. M. Thompson
William H. C. Ramsey
clocks would be ideal. Jane A Tailor. _ , .. , .. Jane Knowlton Phone: CYNWYD 280 Phone:: BRYN MAWR 68
Knowlton. substituting at the last I The Narberth Pastry Shop
minute for Ellen H. Shaw. who was GEORGE A. WITTE
~~~l~::~\~\'~~nl:~~~;l~.,~lso became a paPDerehcaonragtil?nUgand j L__~~~_~~~~:~_~:~_~=:::~ = ~_~:~~__~~:~~:~~_.~~~:~ I
Richard Bve and .\nn Speed. as I WHEN YOU BUY YOUR NEW CAR
Eddy and ..\Iice Knight. refused. ESTIMATING
with their "standardized minds." to
grasp the truth. They were unsuc-
NARBERTH 4135 W -= =========================== ======-- I C do you consider the service back of it?
cessful in their efforts to persuade
the Joyces that "tru:h ful tin~e" is
CHARLES F. EBERT When Dissatisfied Try Cjf Your new car will require SERVICE no matter how
good it may be. When you want service you want it
not worth personal IIlconvemences Jobbing Carpenter quickly and efficiently. Take these considerations with
when it clashes with standardized REPAIRS and ALTERATIONS HEW IT'S you when you buy your new car.
time-until Rosalie Shaw, as Annie 103 Dudley Avenue
the cook. revolted. She refused to PHONE: NARBERTH 4129 ClI We operate the largest service station In Suburban
cook eggs by a sundial.

Tailors, Cleaners and Dyers Philadelphia. We have over 20,000 square feet of Roor
Bury Sundial. surface devoted entirely to the owners of Dodge Brothers
The clocks were rcsurrected from WALTER NEWRUCK 234 Haverford A venue Phone: Narberth 3854 Motor Cars and Graham Ikothers Trucks. We have ex-
their grave in the garden, and the pert mechanics, expert machinists, metal workers, and
sundial was interred in their stead. Ca.rpenter and Builder We Call For and Deliver trouble finders, all of them specialize in Dodges exclusively.
"Truthfnl time" lost its struggle with
standardization, but six capable actors 17 Schiller Avenue, Narberth, Pa.
won the audience's applause with their =======================.============. Cjf SO WHEN YOU BUY YOUR NEW CAR THINK OF

well-rehearsed, wetl-pronounced lines. Screens and Weather Stripping

J l
Haverford Road at Ardmore Junction
! BARGAINS! A rdmol'e 2991 Wa.yne 1928

~ $175 and $150 all ~ It's the "Follow Through" FLOWERING TREES 'r.-~~~~~--~-~----------~~------~---~------------------------~----:
~ electric Steinites, t That Counts of the ~.:l901'-.~A ~ !\
t complete for $100 {
'v,.~ Smart Little Dresses
~ ~

• !:frl'l~
and $95, respec-
I Japan China
l tively. A few used l LIFE INSURANCE has become in-
dispensable to the thinking man for the wee misses which wi,lil
't Radios at your 1.
who wishes to protect his family and I' Also a Complete Line of {_... ,__ please them as well as theIr I
1l own price. Some 1 property-but is Life Insurance in itself
enough? Individual cases need individual NW'sery Stock .--L-----'''--,.! mothers.
( as low as $20, ~ attention. You know your beneficiaries, their \:7." .
characters and their needs, and you should HOSIERY
t be the one to dictate now the form in which THE GARDEN

! they are to receive their future income.
Our lnsurance Trust Plan permits this l

flexibility of payment, under almost any l A. E. lVOHLERT, Owner

condition. You can make certain that your Montgome1'y Avenue, Narberth
family is not only protected financially, but
¥ that their income will be soundly regu-
Telephone: Narberth 9796

l l You will find our Trust Department


241 Haverford Ave., Narberth
cordial in its welcome and helpful in its sug-

THE-MERION·TITLE Consider these things



The EL·RA Twins Give Prompt


about your eoal dealer
, Electrical and Radio Service.
l PE NNSY LVANIA It will pay you real money in savings
~ """"........
.......... ~,"'- ..
~ .................. ~.-..- ....... j
NAR.BER.TH BALA.- CYN\lVYD to piek your eoal dealer earefully
Record-Newton serves over one - third with Newton Coal at such a price. Our
of Philadelphia homes and has built this price is always the lowest possible for
Your PropeJ·ty Line- business because of quality coal and saving such quality.
LUNCH money for our customers.
Men-We are proud of our organization
at our to most people is only imaginary.
Aim-Newton has the highest quality coal - yard superintendents, telephone girls,
FOUNTAIN Plant a Hedge standard in the country. We will never
sacrifice the quality of Newton Coal. There
drivers-all of them, Notice the courtesy-
the carefulness of Newton drivers for
We have an unusual bargain in strong, sturdy is no substitute for quality. instance. See how careful they are of our
What. could be more privet stock. customer's property. See how they leave
delicious than a tasty
Ability-We have grown large because the window - lawn - pavement as they
50,000 Three-Year-Old Plants at we had the be!'lt brains in the coal business, found It. See how they keep their horses in
sandwich and a cooling always working toward quality coal as wonderful shape. We will not hire a man
drink? And for that
let-down feeling in the $5.00 per 100 economical as possible. who does not care for horses.
Price-Our tremendous size insures us of You should buy your coal now to save
afternoon, the anti- Plant your hedge NOW at these remarkable the lowest purchasing price. No one can money. And you should certainly buy
dote is awaiting you prices, or we will gladly submit estimates to do the or does sell a coal comparable in qualitv Newton Coal-the finest qual~ty you can buy.
here. work for you.
Drives Constructed Broken Flagstone ••oae,- Lansdowne
1908 Notice Newton
Crane's or Horses
Haverford and Narberth AU. 8400 We are very proud of our
Now horses - and we take the
Avenues A battery of trained tele- best care of them. We
phone operators insure have two large cases full
Phon., NARBERTH 3920 you of quick attention. of prizes they have won.

Battlers Leading as Third Series Women Voters Hear Miss Gertrude
Nears End.
There have been some holly con·
Ely-Many Attend Chicago Con-
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
7.30 TO 9.30 P. M.
w. Chas. Stanley, D. C.
CHIROPRACTOR 1=l~lf!= = =~=\4~I=1'f= ~=~V~ = ~= 1'i= li~! =====a4" I -. ••• GI~~~2:~~:,~?P ··...".
tested games as the third and last Over 200 guests attended the an- AND BY APPOINTMENT
series of the season is nearing the end. Phone. Narberth. 2403 field of Spring flowers i- Spring Lake Paoli. Pa.
Battler Nicholson has the highest nual spring luncheon of the i'Iont- A blue violets,-yellow daiSIes,
single and highest three games in the gomery County League of \Vomen -young green grasses. That's The primary object In joining a. clUb of this kind Is that
third series. This happened in Ihe Voters. held last \Vednesday at the REP LATE what you are reminded of as you one may go there for a couple of hours In the evening for some
afternoon of !\farch 24, which was Bellenle-Stratford In Philadelphia. BRASSY WORN-OFF see our tables filled with the new real exercise and relaxation or enjoy a whole day In the great
.also noted for two other high scores. Speakers included Miss Gertrude S. outdoors.
Bath Room Faucets -and beautiful Haeger pottery Spring Lake. because of Its accesslbll1ty to the Main Line
Pilots Riddle and Brown were tie wi~h Ely. of Bryn :Mawr, who spoke for just arrived. The softest colors and Its natural beauty. makes It Irresistible. The location. com-
Brassy Auto Parts, Reflectors, etc. bining the attractions of woods and fields. provides Ideal picnic
"scores for three games of :i4a. Pilot her candidacy as Democrat delegate With Pure Silver on Nature's palette give warmth spots. The lake affords quiet. shallow water for canoeing.
Laughlin came close to the high mark I at large. to which post she was and radiance to the many clever There Is a beach for timid swimmers and beginners. and for
for single in Ihe last series when he elected at Tuesday's primary. shapes and sizes of these popu- the more advanced swimmers and divers every facility for water
rolled 219 on April 17. The Battlers 1\'Iain Line members of the count,· sports. tennis. basketball and other sports Is offered. The year-
lar vases and bowls. Brighten round membership Includes Ice-skating privileges.
and Pilots had an exciting finish in the league. who are attending the na- your home with a bit of Spring There Is health In the great outdoors-health In Its fullest
first game of this match which ended tional convention of women voters color to match the outside sense-physical. mental. spiritual. Our late President Roosevelt
.a tie. iH pins each. but .was won hy league,;; in Chicago. include Miss said: "To be fit mentally. one must be fit physically:' This
world! exclusive little place will serve the latter purpose.
the Battlers in the roll off of an extra Ely. i'll'S. George I-I. Strawbridge. it Silver-Plates. Use It as a Polish Adults. $10.00: six to sixteen years. $5.00. Children under
frame. Bala: i\Irs. Charles 1\1. Lea. Devon. LOOK LIKE NEW! twelve years of age must be attended by adults. ouest. accom-
Aprll 10. 1928.
METHODIST METEORS ancI "\.\ [1'5 ....'II an E<. ~0;;1lU IJert, 1\
ar- %-Pint. $1; Pint. $1.65
Ye Oddity Shoppe panied by member. 50 cents. Special rates for families.
"The Gift Center of the Main Line" Swimming Instructions. six lessons for $5.00. l
Reger 158 150 166 474 berth. 1\I1's. Edward Lafitte, Rose- FOR SALE BY LOCAL DEALERS Haverford at Forest Avenue
purring 154 164 152 470 mont. executive secretary of the and
county leage. was named a delegate. Hansell Bros. Service Station Telephone: Narberth 2882 MEMBERSHIP LIMITED Phone-Malvern 543 1
Jenkins, Ed.
but was unable to go. l\Iontgomer~' Ave. bel. Narbertb Ave. Opell Friday Evenings
~~~~.~~~ ~~~~~ .
-786 --
799 799 2384
.. .. .. 142
Follttte .. .. . .. .. 136
162 m
140 187
Haws 124 144 163 431
Brown 116 145 151 412
Blind ., . . . . . . . . . . . .

Aprll 13. 1928.

-680 -
... 137

Something unusual
.Ripper 151 414
Lebo. J.
Haist . . . . . . . . . . . 155
174 507
.Albert 165 168
79 79 THE (armel' who sows seeds
-634 -63D -665
Lebo. M. '" '"
and (ails to cultivate them is
150 173 174 497 like the man who makes lnoney
:Smedley. W. D. .. 163
Marsh .. . . . . . . . . 144
393 and (ails to save any o( it.
Smedle~', H. T... 137
159 157
In the Martin's Dam Section just five minutes by motor north
-753 -723 -SI1 -
2287 of Wayne Station, ·on the Main Line, a Colonial village has been
April 17, 1928
Nicholson ., ... , . 146 186 179 513
;SmedleY, W. D. .. 150
Marsh 121
These single homesteads will occupy sites varying from one and
SmedleY. H. T. .. 156
169 153
one-half to five acres, and will be built in true Colonial styles,
- 744 -819 -762 -2325 having five and six bedrooms and three baths-prices ranging
147 136 115 398
from $25,000 to $45,000.
LauQ hlln 158 144 219 521
Follette . . . . . . . . . 154 144 155
All of these houses which I build will be equipped with the follow-
Brown 145 159
Riddle " . . . . . . . . 140 156 111 407
ing unusual features which are included in the sale price:-
744 739 722
Battler won roll off of first game.
2205 I The Narberth National Bank 1. Hoffman controlled vapor heat-nationally known.
April 20. 1928.
125 399
I Open Friday Evenings from -; until 9 o'Clock 2. "Ideal Red Jacket" Porcelain Enamel boiler with all heating mains in
Ripper 134
Murray .. .. .. . .. 145
113 144 402 bnsement covered.
114 194 3. Private inter-communicating 'phone to servants' quarters.
.. ,
151 296
464 4. Metal lath on all ceilings.
Alberts .. .. ..
Weiss ......
146 163
163 285 5. Large Colonial brass knocker engraved with purchaser's name. I
650 689 701 2040 6. Mastt!r electric switch from main bedroom. I
METHODIST METEORS r 7. Rubbish chute from kitchen to basement.
Reger 144 145 111 400 8. Individual built-in -'phone· booth -(Not -coat·closet).
Purring . . . . . . . . . 143
Reiss . ..
.Jenklns. Ed.
Jenkins. Ern. '"
" .
710 733 633
NARBERTH TAXI-;CAB" f. r 9. Automobile gasoline tank and pump--280-gallon capacity.
10. Metal weather stripping of entire house.
11. Clothes chute from second floor to laundry.
Standing of Teams
Baptist Battlers
.750 COMPANY I 12. Full-length copper screens.
13. Tile bath floors heated.
14. Lights in all closets on automatic electric buttons.
Methodist Meteors
Presbyterian Pilots
Lutheran Lions
Ii 15. Built·in Electric wall heater in two bath rooms.
16. Copper gutters and flashings.
Highest Scores:
13attler Nicholson 222 I 17. Old crane in each fireplace (Not reproductions).
Pilot. Laughlin
Pilot. Brown
209 SAFETY FEATURES I 18. Random width %" oak floors, 5" to 12" wide, with round wood plugs.
Pilot. Riddle 201 ! 19. Old wood carved mantels-Some 100 years old (Not reproductions).
Highest 3 Grames
Battler. Nicholson 570 20. A model of each house made to ~" scale.
Pilot. Brown
Pilot. Riddle
Careful, experienced drivers. 21. Electric ventilating fan in the kitchen.
Pilot Laughlin 521 22. 40-gal. automatic gas water heater.
Highest Averages
Pilot. Laughlin 6 gaInes 168
Liability and passenger insurance. 23. 14-oz. copper gutters, spouting and flashing.
Lion, Albert 12 games 165.4 N. Stepping stones used on all porches and walks (No concrete).
Battler. Nicholson 15 games .164
Battler. H. T. Smedley 18 rounds 161 \
B LEAGUE DODGE CARS FOR HIRE. SPECIAL RATES There will also be a few houses that will contain in addition to the
W. L. P.C.
Mules 21 7 .750: above the following:-
Boosters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Marathons " 13
.46\ , !
Pep BOYS 7 25 .219 Colored enamel bath fixtures, 2 baths and first floor lavatory.
! Colored tile bath rooms.
DeHart . . . . . . . .. 166
Deaves 111
364 I
Heyle .. .. . ..
Ewell .. .. .. ..
Jenkins . . . . . . . . . 139
CALL NARBERTH 3772 Finished room in basement with fireplace and wide plank floors.
663 690 72S 2081 Here is an ideal location for the man who wants to live in the coun-
PEP BOYS 430 215 Haverford Avenue I
try, and yet keep in close daily touch with his business. There is
.. 128
172 ~
I thirty-minute express service (no change of cars), on the P. R R.
Main Line from Wayne to Broad Street Station, with eighty trains
. .. . .. 122
364 daily, and a commutation rate of sixteen cents. In addition there
Caldwell '" 120 rn \. are 134 trains a day on the Philadelphia and Western R R, and , I
624 635 662 .r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"I' bus service along the entire Main Line.
April 23. 1925

Adjoining this tract is the new "Chester Valley Stables" riding I

I academy from which one may take daily rides over the beautiful
countryside and through the Valley Forge Park of 2500 acres. A I
polo field and steeplechase course will shortly be added to its facili-
. 107
132 ~~: Have Your Car Washed ties. The new St. Davids Golf Club is within walking distance to
676 675 642 1993 the south, while adjoining this tract to the north is the newly-
104 140
completed Valley Forge Golf Course. Directly east, and practi-
Maler 110 146 117 cally adjoining, is the "Bob White Farm," home of the Chester
Merkel ...•...... 118 162
Mackwen . . . . . . . 146 137
138 Valley Hunt. At Wayne is a new motion picture theater with
Jas. MacNlver .. 126 98 With our new high-pressure and low-pressure car 1500 seating capacity. Wayne also has numerous fine stores and
Caldwell '" 113 119
public, parochial and private schools. Six churches.
604 656
April '12. 1928
649 washer.
Spencer " ..•....• ~~~ 156 Thirty-seven plots, of an acre and a half to five acres, in this
•• ,
Cars washed-polished; fenders painted under- Colonial Village have already been sold, which certainly shows
Koup ........••.... ... 107
Bellard . .. .. .. . .. ..
neath; top refinished. that many persons are tired of the congested sections.
638 709
MARATHONS See the large model of each Ilomestead at tile furnished sample home on
De Hart 156 137 171 464
Deaves .......•..... 106 135 91 332 premises
Hoyle • .. .. .. .. .. . .. 166
8pence~ 130&
Jenkins " .. .. . • . . • . 163 122
725 647
-------- 133
April 16. 1928

~~~ I
135 161
Builder and Owner
Koup .. .. • .. .. • .. .. 12"
lad .
,,~ 902-903 Packard Bldg.
Thomas 121 169
Booss.:k 713 721 2061
171 461
Funk's Garage Philadelphia, Pa.
Babb 163 158 172 493
Phone Nar 2710 111 Essex Ave. OR CONSULT YOUR BROKER
,', _ ,',. . ::::::.. .. .. . ..

.. '88e,~r.I,i6i&,sl.~:~a:o.:.'.~'~;~~~rY_~'.";~··~··_"'
1.&.2. 10& ... 2118

. . . .
~_~iiiiiiii ~~.;.
;111 ~~..~.-!!.!!.. !!.~:i:~f!':"! .~ '~i!.~,: :~.t;~! .., ·!!;·~,-!!..:,!!·!!:!!!.".!.:·! !'1! 'L! '~ ;":' '1!,",;: ",! :,! ~.:! : -·! :;· !....-! ·.! :! Bt.! ·;'M! , :,! ., ! .,! ,._.!. : ;t!!~;,!!::-,,!!,:,.!!'.!!:l'!!~'!!'~~:t"!!.lj!!.~!!:""'!!I:',;.,!!.r!!;"i!!.,t:!!··!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~1
!!. ! :!!:

. -~

. ,.' .. '-
'" " '~" ", ',-

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