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Jaquatte Williams

Capstone: NewsVision
Voting Issues Broadcast Pitches

Topic: Voting during COVID is harder than ever

Title: Voting-By-Mail, the Era of COVID-19
Background Info: Everything about life has changed due to the impact of COVID-19. With the
increased restrictions on social distancing, large gatherings and so much more, the voting
system has been completely altered. A traditional voting center does not properly follow the
standards needed to remain safe during COVID-19. The safest way right now is to vote by mail
but each state has a different way they would like for citizens to vote. As we approach the 2020
Presidential election, citizens are strongly encouraged to make their voting plan early this year.
In the state of Maryland, unlike most spring elections, citizens are REQUIRED to request a
ballot by mail and will not receive their ballot automatically.
Why is this story relevant:
The 2020 presidential election will go down in history as one of the most important and historic
elections in history. This story matters to make sure the general public is aware of the ways to
use their right to vote in the election this November. During this election season, there has been
a large amount of misinformation spread throughout not only the nation but individual states.
This broadcast package will convey accurate information about ways citizens can use their right
to vote in a timely manner. This piece will be most important to me on a personal level because
it is so important that everyone, especially marginalized communities have the opportunity to
gain access to have their votes heard. In the past presidential election, many people refused to
vote for a multitude of reasons but COVID-19 has made it easier than ever to not have your
voice heard.
Potential Interviews:
A citizen who has completed their absentee ballot
A local government official
Supporting Elements:
A photo of a ballot to be sent in the mail
B-roll clip of someone submitting their ballot by mail
A screenshot/ screen recording of the form used to apply to receive your vote by mail
Research Sources:
Topic: A Look into the ways and best practices of voting in person this fall
Title: The Safety of In-Person Voting in Maryland
Background Info: Despite being in the thick of a pandemic, voting centers will be opened as
we approach the 2020 presidential election. While most experts advise citizens to vote-by-mail,
many citizens will choose to vote in person. Some citizens do not have access to their absentee
ballots and others will vote in person due to personal reasons. One of the most important
aspects of voting in person and having this option is to ensure the general public knows the
proper safety precautions to take while voting. Many sources have put out small “how-to” guides
for in-person voting but the general public needs to know more information about what that
makes look like in these upcoming weeks. Some of the most important how-to guides detail the
following for in-person voting:
- Try to vote at a time of day when your precinct is less likely to be crowded. This is often
early morning or mid-afternoon.
- Maintain a six-foot distance from other voters and poll workers, including if you’re waiting
in line to vote.
- Make sure to wear a mask throughout the entire voting process.
- Wash your hands for 20 seconds before and after voting. Use an alcohol-based hand
sanitizer if you can’t wash your hands right away.
- Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.
- Wipe down any polling equipment you use before and after you use it with anti-bacterial
- Some polling places will offer curbside voting, where you can vote from your car. Call
your county election administrator ahead of time to see if they offer curbside voting.
- Bring it the human part and detail the experiences of GA
Why is this story relevant:
This story is most important for people to learn how to vote with safety and precaution if they do
choose to vote-in-person. The elections that occurred in the spring were not properly handled.
Many people were not able to properly social distance and in many states, people waited to vote
for hours. This broadcast story will detail all of the best practices needed to vote in person in
Maryland specifically.
Maryland will have voting in person in the following dates:
Election day is Tuesday, November 3, 2020 (7 am-8 pm).
Early Voting begins on Monday, October 26, and ends on Monday, November 2, 2020 (7 am-8
pm each day).
This story will include these important dates as well as a list of voting centers. Lastly, the story
will detail all the advice given by experts for those who would like to vote in person.
Potential Interviews:
A poll worker
Talk to someone who is concerned about voting in person, tell their story on why they are
choosing to vote in person
Someone who voted in-person in the Spring (can use someone from GA)
Someone planning to vote in person or not to
Supporting Elements:
B-roll of a local voting center
A graphic of voting days in MD
A graphic showing the list of voting locations
A graphic showing best practices for voting in person
Research Sources:
Topic: Detailing the effect of defunding the postal service on the election
Title: How do I vote-by-mail without a mailbox?
Background Info: In the midst of vote-by-mail being the most widely encouraged option for
citizens, the current presidential administration is working to defund the United States Postal
Service. A Harper’s Bazaar article detailed that President Trump stated early in August that
“negotiations over another coronavirus stimulus package has been stalled in Congress due to
the Democrats' proposing $3.6 billion in aid for states to run their elections in November, as well
as $25 billion to the USPS.
“They need that money in order to have the post office work so it can take all of these millions
and millions of ballots,” Trump said in an interview with Fox Business’s Maria Bartiromo, per
The Guardian. “If they don’t get those two items, that means you can’t have universal mail-in
voting because they’re not equipped to have it.” In fact, President Trump has equated vote-by-
mail to voter fraud so to eliminate these claims, he has decided the institution of the postal
service should not receive funding.
Why is this story relevant:
This story is most important because as journalists, we are the last branch of the government.
As a president going into an election season, his actions directly will affect the outcome of the
election. The media must bring attention to the impact of President Trump’s decision on the
election. The government has begun a mass removal of mailboxes due to the ruling. There are
effective ways to help support the postal office and ensure they receive funding. The last reason
this story is important is that all of Maryland’s official documentation and proceedings advise
citizens to vote by mail. Maryland’s citizens must do their part to ensure their right to vote by
mail is secured.
Potential Interviews:
A postal service worker
Someone who will be voting by mail
Supporting Elements:
Photos of mailboxes being removed
B-roll of local post offices
A graphic showing the list of ways to support the postal service
Research Sources:

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