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on_actions = {

# country
on_new_term_election = {
random_events = {
100 = usa.6
100 = usa.7
100 = usa.8
100 = usa.9
100 = usa.10
100 = usa.11
100 = usa.12
random_events = {
100 = spain.9
100 = lar_spain.1
random_events = {
100 = election.2
100 = election.3
100 = election.4
100 = election.5
100 = election.6
100 = election.11
100 = election.12
100 = election.13
100 = election.14
100 = election.15

# Ace pilots
# country, FROM = ace
on_ace_promoted = {
random_events = {
100 = ace_promoted.1
5 = ace_promoted.2

# country, FROM = ace, PREV = enemy ace

# This event fires twice, once for each ace.
on_aces_killed_each_other = {
random_events = {
100 = aces_killed_each_other.1

# country, FROM = our ace,

# PREV = enemy ace, has killed FROM
on_ace_killed_by_ace = {
random_events = {
100 = ace_killed_by_ace.1

# country, FROM = our ace,

# PREV = enemy ace, killed by FROM
on_ace_killed_other_ace = {
random_events = {
100 = ace_killed_other_ace.1

# our ace is killed by no name

# country, FROM = ace
on_ace_killed = {
random_events = {
100 = ace_died.1

# our ace died in accident

# country, FROM = ace
on_ace_killed_on_accident = {

# enemy ace is killed by our non name

# country, FROM = enemy ace
on_non_ace_killed_other_ace = {

# During justifying wargoals

# triggered daily, so make sure there is a sink somewhere not firing events
# country, FROM = target nation
on_justifying_wargoal_pulse = {

random_events = {
100 = war_justification.1
100 = war_justification.2
100 = war_justification.3
100 = war_justification.4
100 = war_justification.5
100 = war_justification.6
100 = war_justification.7
100 = war_justification.8
100 = war_justification.9
100 = war_justification.10
100 = war_justification.11
100 = war_justification.12
100 = war_justification.13
100 = war_justification.14
100 = war_justification.15
100 = war_justification.16
100 = war_justification.17
100 = war_justification.18
100 = war_justification.19
17000 = 0
#Soviet demands
1000 = soviet.30
1000 = soviet.31
1000 = soviet.32
1000 = soviet.33
1000 = soviet.34
on_wargoal_expire = {
random_events = {
100 = war_justification.301

on_nuke_drop = {

effect = {
set_global_flag = first_nuke_dropped
if = {
limit = { NOT = { has_global_flag = first_nuke_dropped } }
country_event = { id = generic.8 }
if = {
limit = { has_idea = race_for_the_bomb_outclassed }
remove_ideas = race_for_the_bomb_outclassed
if = {
limit = { NOT = { has_country_flag =
achievement_has_dropped_nuke } }
goto_state = FROM
set_country_flag = achievement_has_dropped_nuke
if = {
limit = {
FROM = { state = 378 }
set_country_flag = achievement_has_nuked_california
if = {
limit = {
FROM = { is_core_of = AST }
set_country_flag = achievement_AST_nuke_self
if = {
limit = {
tag = SWE
FROM = {
is_owned_by = DEN
is_core_of = DEN
set_country_flag = achievement_med_plutonium
if = {
limit = {
FROM = {
is_core_of = JAP
has_global_flag = JAP_nuke_1
NOT = {
has_global_flag = JAP_nuke_2
set_global_flag = JAP_nuke_2
if = {
limit = {
FROM = {
is_core_of = JAP
NOT = {
has_global_flag = JAP_nuke_1
set_global_flag = JAP_nuke_1

news_event = { id = nuke_dropped.2 days = 1}

news_event = { id = nuke_dropped.3 days = 1}
news_event = { id = nuke_dropped.4 days = 1}
news_event = { id = nuke_dropped.5 days = 1}
news_event = { id = nuke_dropped.6 days = 1}
news_event = { id = nuke_dropped.7 days = 1}
news_event = { id = nuke_dropped.8 days = 1}
news_event = { id = nuke_dropped.9 days = 1}
news_event = { id = nuke_dropped.10 days = 1}
news_event = { id = nuke_dropped.11 days = 1}
news_event = { id = nuke_dropped.12 days = 1}
news_event = { id = nuke_dropped.13 days = 1}
random_events = {
100 = nuke_dropped.0

# country random events

#on_bi_yearly_pulse = {

#on_five_year_pulse = {

on_border_war_lost = {
effect = {
owner = {
country_event = { id = china.14 }
country_event = { id = china.16 }

on_leave_faction = {
effect = {
if = {
limit = {
AND = {
tag = CAN
NOT = { has_dlc = "Together for Victory" }
abandon_colony_tag = yes
FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
modifier = faction_traitor
target = ROOT
days = 365

add_opinion_modifier = {
modifier = faction_traitor_trade
target = ROOT
days = 365

#FROM is the one that joins the faction

on_create_faction = {
effect = {
# Sunset invasion check
if = {
limit = {
FROM = { is_puppet = no }
OR = {
AND = {
tag = MEX
FROM = {
capital_scope = {
NOT = { is_on_continent =
south_america }
AND = {
FROM = {
tag = MEX
capital_scope = {
NOT = { is_on_continent =
south_america }
set_country_flag = achievement_failed_sunset_invasion

#FROM is country getting invited.

on_offer_join_faction = {
effect = {
#Give achievement to nation joining a faction, but not in one
from game start
if = {
limit = {
date > 1936.01.02
FROM = {
if = {
limit = {
is_faction_leader = no
set_country_flag =
#Remove anti_soviet_pact if joining commie Soviet in faction
if = {
limit = {
original_tag = SOV
has_government = communism
FROM = {
has_idea = anti_soviet_pact
FROM = {
remove_ideas = anti_soviet_pact

# Sunset invasion check

if = {
limit = {
is_puppet = no
OR = {
AND = {
tag = MEX
FROM = {
capital_scope = {
NOT = { is_on_continent =
south_america }
AND = {
FROM = {
tag = MEX
capital_scope = {
NOT = { is_on_continent =
south_america }
set_country_flag = achievement_failed_sunset_invasion

#FROM is faction leader on join faction requests. THIS DOES NOT FIRE ON
on_join_faction = {
effect = {
set_country_flag = achievement_has_joined_faction
#Remove anti_soviet_pact if joining commie Soviet in faction
if = {
limit = {
has_idea = anti_soviet_pact
FROM = {
original_tag = SOV
has_government = communism
remove_ideas = anti_soviet_pact

# Sunset invasion check

if = {
limit = {
is_puppet = no
OR = {
AND = {
tag = MEX
FROM = {
capital_scope = {
NOT = { is_on_continent =
south_america }
AND = {
FROM = {
tag = MEX
capital_scope = {
NOT = { is_on_continent =
south_america }
set_country_flag = achievement_failed_sunset_invasion

# Romania shouldn't declare war on Bulgaria on historical mode,

if both are going to join the Axis
if = {
limit = {
original_tag = BUL
FROM = { original_tag = GER }
is_historical_focus_on = yes
ROM = {
add_ai_strategy = {
type = befriend
id = "BUL"
value = 200

#FROM is war target

on_declare_war = {
effect = {
#make sure Germany doesn't force ideology on France for the
if = {
limit = {
FROM = { original_tag = FRA }
tag = GER
set_country_flag = invalid_for_danzig_achievement
#make sure warlords don't use the same guy
if = {
limit = {
OR = {
original_tag = YUN
original_tag = SIK
original_tag = GXC
original_tag = SHX
original_tag = XSM
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
original_tag = FROM
NOT = { has_country_flag =
warlord_replaced }
ROOT = {
retire_country_leader = yes
set_country_flag = warlord_replaced
FROM = {
warlord_rule_all_parties = yes
#make sure Dominions lose the dominion tag
if = {
limit = {
OR = {
original_tag = CAN
original_tag = RAJ
original_tag = MAL
original_tag = INS
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
original_tag = FROM
abandon_colony_tag = yes
FROM = {
abandon_colony_tag = yes
if = {
limit = {
FROM = {
OR = {
has_idea =
has_idea =
has_idea =
has_idea =
has_idea =
has_idea =
NOT = {
tag = USA
is_in_faction_with = USA # I guess USA will not
go to war with someone they are in faction with
has_war_with = USA
#USA = { has_war_with = FROM } Should USA
enforce peace in a nation it is already at war with?
OR = {
has_idea = american_protection_drift_democratic
has_idea = american_protection_drift_communism
has_idea = american_protection_drift_fascism
has_idea =
has_idea =
has_idea = american_protection_defence_fascism
FROM = { country_event = { id = usa.16 days = 1 } }
## Soviet defensive war while having purge penalty
if = {
limit = {
FROM = {
tag = SOV
OR = {
has_idea = officers_purged
has_idea = officers_purged_2
has_idea = officers_purged_3
has_idea = officers_purged_4
has_idea = officers_purged_5
has_idea = officers_purged_6
has_idea = officers_purged_7
has_idea = officers_purged_8
has_idea = officers_purged_9
has_idea = officers_purged_10
NOT = { has_idea = SOV_great_patriotic_war }
NOT = { has_idea = SOV_great_patriotic_war_2 }
NOT = { has_idea = SOV_great_patriotic_war_3 }
NOT = { has_idea = SOV_great_patriotic_war_4 }
NOT = { has_idea = SOV_great_patriotic_war_5 }
ROOT = { is_major = yes }
SOV = { country_event = { id = soviet.46 days = 2 } }

## Soviet war after purge

if = {
limit = {
OR = {
FROM = { tag = SOV }
ROOT = { tag = SOV }
SOV = {
NOT = { has_country_flag =
SOV_war_since_purge }
has_completed_focus = SOV_great_purge
SOV = { set_country_flag = SOV_war_since_purge }

# Remove pact opinion modifiers if at war with Germany

if = {
limit = {
tag = GER
FROM = {
OR = {
has_opinion_modifier =
has_opinion_modifier =
has_idea = anti_soviet_pact
FROM = {
remove_opinion_modifier = { target = GER modifier =
anti_comintern_pact_opinion }
remove_opinion_modifier = { target = GER modifier =
tripartite_pact_opinion }
remove_ideas = anti_soviet_pact
#Germany has started a war - allies should try to contain Germany
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
NOT = {
has_global_flag = GER_has_started_war
set_global_flag = GER_has_started_war
#Call Anti-Soviet pact members to war
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = { tag = SOV }
FROM = { has_idea = anti_soviet_pact }
FROM = {
country_event = { id = germany.84 days = 1 }

#Remove MEFO bills if Germany goes to war

if = {
limit = {
ROOT = { original_tag = GER }
ROOT = { GER_has_mefo_bills = yes }
NOT = { FROM = { original_tag = GER } } # Don't
remove it from Fascist Germany if they start the civil war
ROOT = {
GER_remove_mefo_bills = yes
set_country_flag = mefo_bills_removed_through_war

#Remove MEFO bills if Germany is declared war on

if = {
limit = {
FROM = { original_tag = GER }
FROM = { GER_has_mefo_bills = yes }
FROM = {
GER_remove_mefo_bills = yes
set_country_flag = mefo_bills_removed_through_war

#Remove previous ideology civil war faction from Democratic

Germany faction and add Democratic civil war faction to Germany's faction
if = {
limit = {
FROM = {
is_in_faction_with = GER
# has_civil_war = yes
NOT = { has_government = democratic }
has_government = democratic
GER = { has_government = democratic }
FROM = { set_country_flag = GER_civil_war_target }
GER = { remove_from_faction = FROM }
GER = { add_to_faction = ROOT }
GER = { country_event = wtt_germany.52 }

#If prepared by siphoning equipment, receive equipment back

if = {
limit = {
FROM = {
has_civil_war = yes
has_country_flag =
has_civil_war = yes
FROM = {
clr_country_flag =
add_equipment_to_stockpile = {
type = infantry_equipment
amount = 1000

#If prepared with surprise attack plan, get bonus

if = {
limit = {
FROM = {
original_tag = ROOT
#has_civil_war = yes
has_country_flag =
#has_civil_war = yes
FROM = {
clr_country_flag =
add_timed_idea = {
idea = civil_war_surprise_attack_plan
days = 30

if = {
limit = {
FROM = {
has_civil_war = yes
original_tag = SPR
has_civil_war = yes
original_tag = SPR

random_country = {
limit = {
original_tag = FRA
OR = {
has_completed_focus =
has_completed_focus =
country_event = { id = france.32 }

# When a new faction is formed

on_faction_formed = {
effect = {
news_event = { id = news.159 }

# ROOT is capitulated country, FROM is winner

on_capitulation = {
effect = {
if = {
limit = {
tag = GER
FROM = {
tag = SOV
NOT = { has_global_flag = fall_of_berlin_sov }
play_victory_parade_effect = yes
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { original_tag = GER }
NOT = { has_government = fascism }
has_civil_war = no
NOT = {
AND = {
FROM = {
original_tag = SPR
original_tag = SPR
news_event = { id = country_capitulated.0 days = 0 }
if = {
limit = { tag = FRA }
set_global_flag = FRA_already_surrendered
set_variable = { global.FRA_capitulation_days =
global.num_days }
if = {
limit = {
FROM = { tag = JAP }
ROOT = { tag = CHI }
JAP = { JAP_intervene_in_china_remove = yes }

if = {
limit = {
original_tag = POL
has_government = neutrality
retire_country_leader = yes
if = {
limit = {
original_tag = YUG
remove_ideas = YUG_idea_economic_aid
if = {
limit = {
original_tag = DEN
country_event = { id = wtt_denmark.1 days = 1 }
if = {
limit = {
original_tag = FRA
has_government = democratic
NOT = { has_global_flag =
achievement_france_surrender } #might as well use the achievement flag to check if
france.10 fired
is_subject = no
is_in_faction_with = ENG
has_war_with = GER
country_event = france.10

# ROOT is previously capitulated country

on_uncapitulation = {
effect = {
if = {
limit = {
original_tag = FRA
has_government = democratic
is_puppet = no
drop_cosmetic_tag = yes

on_government_change = {
effect = {
#Make sure Soviet can always create factions
if = {
limit = {
original_tag = SOV
NOT = { has_government = communism }
set_rule = { can_create_factions = yes }
if = {
limit = { has_government = democratic }
if = {
limit = { has_idea =
democratic_opposition_voicing_protests }
remove_ideas = democratic_opposition_voicing_protests
if = {
limit = { has_idea = democratic_revolutionaries }
remove_ideas = democratic_revolutionaries
if = {
limit = { has_idea = reign_of_terror }
remove_ideas = reign_of_terror
if = {
limit = { has_government = communism }
if = {
limit = { TAG = SAF }
set_cosmetic_tag = SAF_COM
if = {
limit = { has_idea = communist_partisans_recruiting }
remove_ideas = communist_partisans_recruiting
if = {
limit = { has_idea = communist_revolutionaries }
remove_ideas = communist_revolutionaries
if = {
limit = { has_idea = communism_defeated }
remove_ideas = communism_defeated

#Remove anti_soviet_pact
if = {
limit = { has_idea = anti_soviet_pact }
remove_ideas = anti_soviet_pact
if = {
limit = { has_government = fascism }
if = {
limit = { has_idea = fascist_assault_divisions }
remove_ideas = fascist_assault_divisions
if = {
limit = { has_idea = fascist_revolutionaries }
remove_ideas = fascist_revolutionaries
if = {
limit = { has_idea = fascism_defeated }
remove_ideas = fascism_defeated
if = {
limit = { has_idea = anti_nazi_coup }
remove_ideas = anti_nazi_coup
#Replace the following two with events for SOV if they are not
#if = {
# limit = {
# OR = {
# has_idea = trotskyite_plot
# has_idea = trotskyite_plot_purged
# }
# NOT = {
# has_civil_war = yes
# }
# }
# country_event = { id = soviet.54 }

on_coup_succeeded = {
effect = {
#Turn elections on for democracies created from coup
random_other_country = {
limit = {
has_government = democratic
original_tag = ROOT
set_politics = {
ruling_party = democratic
elections_allowed = yes

#ROOT is winner #FROM gets annexed - This will also fire on_annex
on_civil_war_end = {
effect = {

#End of SCW
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_dlc = "La Resistance" }
FROM = {
original_tag = SPR
ROOT = {
original_tag = SPR
has_government = fascism
if = {
limit = {
OR = {
is_historical_focus_on = no
has_completed_focus =
add_timed_idea = { idea =
SPA_recovering_from_civil_war days = 1825 }
if = {
limit = {
is_historical_focus_on = yes
NOT = {
has_completed_focus =
add_ideas = SPA_recovering_from_civil_war #keep the
spirit on historical mode, keeping them out of the war
#End of SCW
if = {
limit = {
FROM = {
original_tag = SPR
ROOT = {
original_tag = SPR
OR = {
has_government = democratic
has_government = communism
ROOT = {
set_country_flag = achievement_won_spanish_civil_war
if = {
limit = {
has_government = democratic
set_politics = {
ruling_party = democratic
elections_allowed = yes
#End of German Civil War
if = {
limit = {
FROM = {
original_tag = GER
has_government = fascism
original_tag = GER
has_government = neutrality
NOT = { is_subject_of = HOL }
set_global_flag = { flag = civil_war_olympics value = 1
days = 30 }
country_event = { id = wtt_germany.18 days = 1 }
#End of US civil war
if = {
limit = {
original_tag = USA
OR = {
has_government = neutrality
has_government = fascism
news_event = { id = mtg_news.7 days = 4 random_days = 5 }
#End of ideology Civil War
if = {
limit = {
has_country_flag = ideology_civil_war
clr_country_flag = ideology_civil_war
set_country_flag = { flag = won_ideology_civil_war value =
1 days = 365 }
country_event = { id = generic.11 days = 1 }

#used when puppeting in a peace conference

#ROOT = nation being puppeted, FROM = overlord

on_puppet = {
effect = {
if = {
limit = {
OR = {
original_tag = DDR
original_tag = WGR
original_tag = GER
has_government = communism
has_country_leader = { name = "Wilhelm Pieck" }
FROM = {
original_tag = SOV
has_government = communism
has_country_leader = { name = "Joseph Stalin" }
# Would look silly if Trotsky released Stalin's Puppet
add_country_leader_trait = stalins_puppet
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_elections = yes }
has_government = democratic
set_politics = {
ruling_party = democratic
elections_allowed = yes

#used when puppeting through the occupied territories menu during peace time
(or when releasing from non-core but owned territory, f.e. Britain releasing Egypt)
#ROOT = nation being released, FROM = overlord
on_release_as_puppet = {
effect = {
if = {
limit = {
OR = {
original_tag = DDR
original_tag = WGR
original_tag = GER
has_government = communism
has_country_leader = { name = "Wilhelm Pieck" }
FROM = {
original_tag = SOV
has_government = communism
has_country_leader = { name = "Joseph Stalin" }
# Would look silly if Trotsky released Stalin's Puppet
add_country_leader_trait = stalins_puppet
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_elections = yes }
has_government = democratic
set_politics = {
ruling_party = democratic
elections_allowed = yes

#ROOT is winner #FROM gets annexed - For civil wars on_civil_war_end is also
on_annex = {
effect = {
every_country = {
limit = {
OR = {
original_tag = RAJ
original_tag = CAN
original_tag = MAL
original_tag = INS
is_puppet = no
abandon_colony_tag = yes

#Not run on a specific country.

on_startup = {
effect = {
GER = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Waking the Tiger"
has_game_rule = {
rule = GER_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
50 = { GER = { set_country_flag =
35 = { GER = { set_country_flag =
15 = { GER = { set_country_flag =
ITA = {
if = {
limit = {
has_game_rule = {
rule = ITA_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
50 = { ITA = { set_country_flag =
50 = { ITA = { set_country_flag =
CHI = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Waking the Tiger"
has_game_rule = {
rule = CHI_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
50 = { CHI = { set_country_flag =
50 = { CHI = { set_country_flag =
MAN = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Waking the Tiger"
has_game_rule = {
rule = MAN_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
40 = { MAN = { set_country_flag =
60 = { MAN = { set_country_flag =
PRC = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Waking the Tiger"
has_game_rule = {
rule = PRC_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
34 = { PRC = { set_country_flag =
33 = { PRC = { set_country_flag =
33 = { PRC = { set_country_flag =
SOV = {
if = {
limit = {
has_game_rule = {
rule = SOV_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
50 = { SOV = { set_country_flag =
50 = { SOV = { set_country_flag =
FRA = {
if = {
limit = {
has_game_rule = {
rule = FRA_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
NOT = { has_dlc = "La Resistance" }
random_list = {
15 = { set_country_flag = FRA_AI_COMMUNIST }
40 = { set_country_flag =
30 = { set_country_flag =
15 = { set_country_flag = FRA_AI_FASCIST }
FRA = {
if = {
limit = {
has_game_rule = {
rule = FRA_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
has_dlc = "La Resistance"
random_list = {
15 = { set_country_flag = FRA_AI_COMMUNIST }
40 = { set_country_flag =
25 = { set_country_flag =
10 = { set_country_flag = FRA_AI_FASCIST }
10 = {
random_list = {
35 = { set_country_flag =
50 = { set_country_flag =
15 = { set_country_flag =
JAP = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Waking the Tiger"
has_game_rule = {
rule = JAP_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
40 = { JAP = { set_country_flag =
35 = { JAP = { set_country_flag =
15 = { JAP = { set_country_flag =
10 = { JAP = { set_country_flag =
ROM = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Death or Dishonor"
has_game_rule = {
rule = ROM_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
25 = { set_country_flag =
10 = { set_country_flag =
40 = { set_country_flag =
25 = { set_country_flag =
HUN = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Death or Dishonor"
has_game_rule = {
rule = HUN_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
5 = { set_country_flag =
20 = { set_country_flag =
10 = { set_country_flag =
40 = { set_country_flag =
25 = { set_country_flag =
CZE = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Death or Dishonor"
has_game_rule = {
rule = CZE_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
10 = { set_country_flag =
20 = { set_country_flag =
30 = { set_country_flag =
30 = { set_country_flag =
10 = { set_country_flag = CZE_AI_RANDOM_FASCIST
YUG = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Death or Dishonor"
has_game_rule = {
rule = YUG_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
20 = { set_country_flag =
20 = { set_country_flag =
40 = { set_country_flag =
20 = { set_country_flag = YUG_AI_RANDOM_FASCIST
AST = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Together for Victory"
has_game_rule = {
rule = AST_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
15 = { set_country_flag =
30 = { set_country_flag =
40 = { set_country_flag =
15 = { set_country_flag = AST_AI_RANDOM_FASCIST
CAN = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Together for Victory"
has_game_rule = {
rule = CAN_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
15 = { set_country_flag =
30 = { set_country_flag =
40 = { set_country_flag =
15 = { set_country_flag = CAN_AI_RANDOM_FASCIST
SAF = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Together for Victory"
has_game_rule = {
rule = SAF_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
25 = { set_country_flag =
25 = { set_country_flag =
30 = { set_country_flag =
20 = { set_country_flag = SAF_AI_RANDOM_FASCIST
NZL = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Together for Victory"
has_game_rule = {
rule = NZL_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
20 = { set_country_flag =
25 = { set_country_flag =
30 = { set_country_flag =
25 = { set_country_flag = NZL_AI_RANDOM_FASCIST
RAJ = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Together for Victory"
has_game_rule = {
rule = RAJ_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
25 = { set_country_flag =
50 = { set_country_flag =
25 = { set_country_flag = RAJ_AI_RANDOM_FASCIST
POL = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Poland: United and Ready"
has_game_rule = {
rule = POL_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
25 = { set_country_flag =
50 = { set_country_flag =
25 = { set_country_flag = POL_AI_RANDOM_FASCIST
ENG = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Man the Guns"
has_game_rule = {
rule = ENG_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
15 = { set_country_flag =
25 = { set_country_flag =
30 = { set_country_flag =
20 = { set_country_flag =
20 = { set_country_flag = ENG_AI_RANDOM_FASCIST
USA = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Man the Guns"
has_game_rule = {
rule = USA_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
20 = { set_country_flag =
30 = { set_country_flag =
30 = { set_country_flag =
20 = { set_country_flag = USA_AI_RANDOM_FASCIST
HOL = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Man the Guns"
has_game_rule = {
rule = HOL_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
15 = { set_country_flag =
10 = { set_country_flag =
10 = { set_country_flag =
10 = { set_country_flag =
25 = { set_country_flag =
15 = { set_country_flag =
15 = { set_country_flag = HOL_AI_RANDOM_FASCIST
MEX = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Man the Guns"
has_game_rule = {
rule = MEX_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
25 = { set_country_flag =
15 = { set_country_flag =
15 = { set_country_flag =
15 = { set_country_flag =
15 = { set_country_flag =
15 = { set_country_flag = MEX_AI_CARDENISMO }
SPR = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "La Resistance"
has_game_rule = {
rule = SPR_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
40 = { set_country_flag =
25 = { set_country_flag =
20 = { set_country_flag =
15 = { set_country_flag = SPR_AI_RANDOM_CARLIST
15 = { set_country_flag =
15 = { set_country_flag =
20 = { set_country_flag =
POR = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "La Resistance"
has_game_rule = {
rule = POR_ai_behavior
option = RANDOM
random_list = {
25 = { set_country_flag =
10 = { set_country_flag =
15 = { set_country_flag =
15 = { set_country_flag =
10 = { set_country_flag =
15 = { set_country_flag =
10 = { set_country_flag =
on_unit_leader_created = {
effect = {
#ROOT = country that joined a war
on_war = {
effect = {
if = {
limit = {
tag = USA
has_war_with = JAP
NOT = { has_global_flag = day_of_infamy_happened }
has_country_leader = { name = "Franklin Delano
Roosevelt" ruling_only = yes }
play_day_of_infamy_effect = yes
if = {
limit = {
tag = ENG
has_war_with = GER
has_country_leader = { name = "Neville Chamberlain"
ruling_only = yes }
play_war_with_germany_effect = yes
#ROOT = attacking side
#FROM = defending side
#fired when two countries end up at war with each other (on_war is fired when
a country goes to war against anyone and is not fired again when it enters war
against another country unless it went to peace first)
on_war_relation_added = {
effect = {
if = {
limit = {
tag = GER
FROM = {
tag = SOV
has_government = communism
set_global_flag = { flag = barbarossa_counter value = 1
days = 60 }
#ROOT - country that just went to peace
on_peaceconference_ended = {
effect = {
if = {
limit = {
tag = USA
is_historical_focus_on = yes
has_global_flag = day_of_infamy_happened
has_government = democratic
JAP = { has_government = democratic }
play_guns_are_silent_effect = yes

#ROOT is new controller #FROM is old controller #FROM.FROM is state ID

on_state_control_changed = {
effect = {
if = {
limit = {
tag = FRA #to avoid third party taking over
FROM = {
is_in_faction_with = GER
is_core_of = FRA
NOT = {
state = 459
state = 460
state = 513
FRA = {
has_capitulated = yes
is_in_faction_with = USA
NOT = { has_global_flag = d_day_happened }
play_order_of_the_day_effect = yes
if = {
limit = {
tag = "PHI"
FROM = {
is_in_faction_with = JAP
is_core_of = "PHI"
"PHI" = {
has_capitulated = yes
is_in_faction_with = USA
NOT = { has_global_flag = i_have_returned_happened }
play_i_have_returned_effect = yes
if = {
limit = {
OR = {
FROM = { original_tag = GER }
FROM = { has_war_with = ROOT }
FROM.FROM = { state = 16 }
news_event = news.134
if = {
limit = {
OR = {
FROM = { original_tag = GER }
FROM = { has_war_with = ROOT }
FROM.FROM = { state = 126 }
news_event = news.137
if = {
limit = {
OR = {
NOT = { SOV = { has_war_with = POL } }
FROM = { original_tag = GER }
FROM = { has_war_with = ROOT }
FROM.FROM = { state = 10 }
news_event = news.139
if = {
limit = {
tag = GER
divisions_in_state = { state = FROM.FROM size > 0 }
FROM = {
original_tag = GER
has_government = fascism
has_civil_war = yes
set_state_flag = nazi_state_withdrawn
random_list = {
20 = {
set_state_flag = nazi_state_withdrawn1
20 = {
set_state_flag = nazi_state_withdrawn2
20 = {
set_state_flag = nazi_state_withdrawn3
20 = {
set_state_flag = nazi_state_withdrawn4
20 = {
set_state_flag = nazi_state_withdrawn5
state_event = { id = wtt_germany.49 trigger_for =
controller }
if = {
limit = {
tag = GER
64 = { is_controlled_by = GER }
any_other_country = {
original_tag = GER
has_government = fascism
has_civil_war = yes
owns_state = 64
NOT = { has_global_flag = fall_of_berlin_civil_war }
set_global_flag = fall_of_berlin_civil_war
country_event = { id = wtt_germany.50 days = 1 random_hours
= 3 }
if = {
limit = {
tag = GER
has_country_flag = germany_war_return_kaiser
has_government = neutrality
FROM = {
original_tag = HOL
has_country_flag =
OR = {
7 = { is_controlled_by = GER }
HOL = { is_subject_of = GER }
country_event = { id = wtt_germany.6 }
if = {
limit = {
tag = CSA
has_war = yes
FROM = {
tag = USA
is_core_of = USA
not = { has_state_flag =
USA_civil_war_state_cooldown }
save_event_target_as = CSA_liberated_state
set_state_flag = {
flag = USA_civil_war_state_cooldown
days = 180
value = 1
state_event = { id = mtg_usa_civil_war_fascists.201
trigger_for = controller }
if = {
limit = {
tag = USA
has_war_with = CSA
FROM = {
tag = CSA
OR = {
is_core_of = CSA
is_claimed_by = USA
not = { has_state_flag =
USA_civil_war_state_cooldown }
save_event_target_as = USA_liberated_state
set_state_flag = {
flag = USA_civil_war_state_cooldown
days = 180
value = 1
state_event = { id = mtg_usa_civil_war_fascists.202
trigger_for = controller }
if = {
limit = {
original_tag = USA
has_civil_war = yes
tag = event_target:USA_civil_war_democrats
has_country_flag = citizen_militia_spawned
is_core_of = USA
has_state_flag = USA_citizen_militia
not = { has_state_flag = USA_militia_spawned }
set_state_flag = USA_militia_spawned
state_event = { id = mtg_usa_civil_war_fascists.1000
trigger_for = controller }

on_unit_leader_level_up = {
effect = {


# From is owner country

on_army_leader_daily = {
effect = {
if = {
limit = {
check_variable = { random < 0.02 }
NOT = { has_trait = sick }
set_temp_variable = { temp =
sum_unit_terrain_modifier@sickness_chance }
divide_temp_variable = { temp = num_units }
check_variable = { temp > 0.75 }
NOT = { has_unit_leader_flag = recently_sick }
add_timed_unit_leader_trait = {
trait = sick
days = 30
unit_leader_event = { id = generic.17 }

# From is owner country

on_army_leader_won_combat = {
effect = {
if = {
limit = {
set_temp_variable = { chance = 0.001 }
set_temp_variable = { factor = 1.0 }
add_to_temp_variable = { factor =
leader_modifier@wounded_chance_factor }
multiply_temp_variable = { chance = factor }
check_variable = { random < chance }
NOT = { has_trait = wounded }
add_timed_unit_leader_trait = {
trait = wounded
days = 90
unit_leader_event = { id = generic.18 }

# From is owner country

on_army_leader_lost_combat = {
effect = {
if = {
limit = {
set_temp_variable = { chance = 0.005 }
set_temp_variable = { factor = 1.0 }
add_to_temp_variable = { factor =
leader_modifier@wounded_chance_factor }
multiply_temp_variable = { chance = factor }
check_variable = { random < chance }
NOT = { has_trait = wounded }
add_timed_unit_leader_trait = {
trait = wounded
days = 90
unit_leader_event = { id = generic.18 }

on_army_leader_promoted = {
effect = {
add_timed_unit_leader_trait = {
trait = recently_promoted
days = 100

# root country that invades

# scope state that is invaded
# from scope state that the invasion started
# on_naval_invasion = {
# effect = {
# }
# }

# root country that paradrops

# scope state that is paradroped into
# from scope state that the paradrop started
on_paradrop = {
effect = {
set_country_flag = has_paradropped_flag
on_ruling_party_change = {
# temp var old_ideology_token is available for effects
effect = {
every_controlled_state = {
limit = {
has_resistance = yes
set_temp_variable = { new_compliance = compliance }
multiply_temp_variable = { new_compliance = 0.5 }
set_compliance = new_compliance

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