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In 2019, more than eight million tons of plastic gets dumped in our ocean and

circle the earth about four times in a year. And, Philippines are one of the world's top
three worst offenders of plastic pollution (source: https://ecowarriorprincess.net). But,
not just the problem in plastic pollution crisis are needed a hand of solution also, the
poverty that make our country even worse. As shown in the video, they use Mycelium
mushroom as a biodegradable packaging material that replace the Styrofoam; they also
use this to produce make up sponges and textiles; they also produce protein-rich meat
which is an alternatives for chicken, steak, bacon and more. As watching this video, I
realized that this kind of industry will help our earth and our country to lessen this
pollution and restore the beauty of our nature at the same time producing an income to
those businesses (win-win case, right?). And, this kind of business will surely applicable
to our country because of low production cost but most of our farmers do not pursue this
kind of farming or industry because of the fact that we don’t know much about it, the
knowledge of our farmer is limited such example is in the video, we can see that this
kind of mushroom do not require sunlight to grow. Whether mushrooms grow indoors or
in the wild, they have certain light, water, heat and growing-medium requirements to
thrive and produce their fruit. The Mycelium is also called mushroom "spawn."
Ordinary soil does not provide the right kind of nutrients for growing mushrooms.
Instead, other materials such as straw, sawdust, wood chips and compost are used as
growing medium, called a "substrate." Which is easily available to our country, we just
need to learn and introduce this to our farmers.

Every business requires a budgeting, controlling, pricing, strategizing and major

decision making which is the forte of a management accountant. Even in this mushroom
industry, they are significant because they provide variety of reports on how well
business has performed. They are also called cost accountant which has an important
job which is the process of analyzing business costs and operations to prepare internal
financial report, records, and account to aid managers' decision making process in achieving
business goals.

As shown on the video, the contemporary cost management system that might be
applicable to this kind of business is the activity-based management system because it focuses
on managing activities to reduce costs and improve customer value just like what the
Ecovative Design aims. Operational ABM is about doing things right, using ABC information to
improve efficiency. Those activities which add value to the product can be identified and

And, through using an activity-based costing the applicable cost management technique

is a process re-engineering initiative because it improves strategic and operational decisions in an
organization. Like in the Mycelium mushroom production; there should be a series of steps that are
followed in order to carry out task in an efficient manner. In this technique, the business should have
a detailed business process and the cost of the production must reduce.

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