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Trabajo de Segundo Idioma Primer Corte

Presentado por:

Karen Julieth Gutiérrez Beleño


Luz Janeth Mora Diaz


Planificación de los Recursos Empresariales

Bogotá D.C.

Septiembre del 2020

Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios


Through the following work, the most important concepts addressed

during the first cut are presented, with their respective meaning in English.
Twenty words were added about the readings and activities seen during the
first cut.

1.Organization: Organizations are administrative structures and

administrative systems created to achieve goals or objectives with the support
of the people themselves, or with the support of human talent or other similar
characteristics. (Munch, L. Fundamentos de la administración, p. 109).

2. Human Resource: In business administration, human resources (HR) refers

to all employees or collaborators of an organization, economic sector or entire
economy. Rendón, Wilmar (Diciembre de 2015). «Gestión
Empresarial». C&E 1. Consultado el 9 de septiembre de 2017, Puchol, Luis
(2007). Dirección y gestión de recursos humanos (7a. ed. act. edición).
Madrid: Díaz de Santos. p. 21

3. Decision making: Decision-making in a company aims to find the best

solutions at all times. It is a process that must be aligned with the objectives of
society and internal and external circumstances. ( Toma de Decisiones en una
Empresa, C)

4. Process: The process is a set of successive phases or series of organized and

systematized steps whose purpose is to achieve a certain objective, be it

scientific, technical, social, political, business planning or simply everyday life.

A process is a mechanism designed by the human being to establish order or

improvement in the service of man. Significado de Proceso. (s. f)

5. Automation: Automation is about using technology to perform tasks with

almost no need for people. It can be implemented in any industry where

repetitive tasks are carried out. However, it is more common in those related

to manufacturing, robotics and automobiles, as well as in the world of

technology, such as business decision software. Que es la Automatizacion. (s.


6. Innovation: Innovation is a process that modifies existing elements, ideas

or protocols, improving them or creating new ones that have a favorable

impact on the market. Peiro, R. (s. f.).

7. Quality: Deliver products and services efficiently that meet or exceed

customer expectations. Iribarren, G. (2015, 22 octubre).

8. Means: Resources are the different means or help that is used to achieve an

end or satisfy a need Significado de Recursos. (2019, 28 noviembre)

9. Management: The term management is used to refer to the set of actions,

or procedures that allow the performance of any activity or desire. In other

words, a management refers to all those procedures that are carried out in

order to resolve a situation or materialize a project. In the business or

commercial environment, management is associated with the administration of

a business.Gestion. (s. f.).

10. Operations research: The purpose of Operations Research is to prepare

the professional to decide between the different means or methods available to

achieve a proposed objective, so that a result is achieved in relation to certain

optimization criteria. Salazar, B. (2019, 6 junio).

11. Production: Production is any type of activity for the manufacture,

elaboration or obtaining of goods and services. E.D.M.X. (2016, 5 marzo).

12. Efficiency: Efficiency in administration refers to the correct use and with

the least amount of resources to achieve a goal or when more goals are

achieved with the same or fewer resources. Significado de Eficiencia. (s. f.).

13. Industrial Process: Un proceso industrial es aquel que se encarga de

obtener, transformar o transportar uno o varios productos primarios, también

llamadas materias primas. ¿Qué características tiene un proceso industrial?

(s. f.).

14. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is using someone else's work, ideas, or words as if

they were your own, without explicitly crediting where the information came

from. Gomez, A. (s. f.).

15. Enterprise Resource Planning: A simple definition of what is an ERP

(Enterprise Resource Planning) is a set of information systems that allows the

integration of certain operations of a company, especially those that have to do

with production, logistics, inventory, shipments and accounting. Que es un

ERP. (s. f.).

16. Optimization: Cuando se habla de optimizar los recursos, no solo se está

hablando de poder ahorrar o eliminar ciertos aspectos no deseables dentro de

los procesos de la empresa, sino que se puede definir como la mejor manera u
opción para llevar a cabo una actividad dentro de la misma. ¿Cómo se aplica

la optimización de recursos? (2018, 29 enero).

17. Adaptation: The adaptation of a company to changes will be determined

by the structure and strategy, parameters that we must manage and put them in

relation to the environment. La adaptabilidad de una empresa la determinan

su estrategia y su estructura. (s. f.).

18. Business needs: The needs applied to the business environment

encompass all those improvements or allies that allow a brand to improve its

hierarchical map, its productivity, the result of its product and many other

aspects. Necesidades Empresariales. (s. f.).

19. Work Environment: It is about the work environment, also known as the

work environment, which refers to the physical, technical, human and

environmental conditions in which a worker carries out his functions. ¿Cuáles

son los componentes de un ambiente de trabajo óptimo? (s. f).

20. Quality Control: Quality control consists of the implementation of

programs, mechanisms, tools and / or techniques in a company to improve the

quality of its products, services and productivity. ¿Qué es el control de

calidad? (s. f.).


It is concluded that it is important to know different meanings of the

concepts related to the readings seen during the first academic cut.

• ¿Cómo se aplica la optimización de recursos? (2018, 29 enero).

blog.infaimon. https://blog.infaimon.com/optimizacion-de-



• ¿Cuáles son los componentes de un ambiente de trabajo óptimo? (s. f.).

..eaeprogramas.es. Recuperado 18 de septiembre de 2020, de






• E.D.M.X. (2016, 5 marzo). Definicion de Produccion. Definicion.


• Gestion. (s. f.). Wikipedia. Recuperado 18 de septiembre de 2020, de


• Gomez, A. (s. f.). Que es Plagio? uah.es. Recuperado 18 de septiembre de

2020, de


• Iribarren, G. (2015, 22 octubre). Que es la calidad. Gabriel Garcia Ibarren.


• La adaptabilidad de una empresa la determinan su estrategia y su estructura.

(s. f.). https://bluered.es/. Recuperado 18 de septiembre de 2020, de



• Necesidades Empresariales. (s. f.). https://buljanandpartners.com/.

Recuperado 18 de septiembre de 2020, de


• Que es la Automatizacion. (s. f.). RedHat. Recuperado 18 de septiembre de

2020, de https://www.redhat.com/es/topics/automation

• Salazar, B. (2019, 6 junio). Que es la Investigacion de Operaciones. Ingenieria

Industrial Online. https://www.ingenieriaindustrialonline.com/investigacion-


• Significado de Proceso. (s. f.). Que Significado. Recuperado 18 de septiembre

de 2020, de https://quesignificado.com/proceso/

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