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Why celebrate Lent? Lent is a time when we reminisce or think back about
Christ’ death on the cross. It is a time to reflect on what He means in our
lives. Since the moment that Adam and Eve sinned in the garden through
disobedience, God made a plan that we would not have to take the
punishment for our sins. Jesus willingly gave His life for us when He died
on the cross and provided a way that we may be forgiven and have eternal
life. It is easy to get busy in life wrapped up with food consumption, TV,
sports, computer, and games. Without realizing it, we can get our priorities
out of order of what is most important. If we are not careful, we develop
carelessness in our relationship with Jesus Christ. During Lent, we return
our focus to His great sacrifice on the cross at Calvary.

How can a kid do this? Well, for some ideas, kids can give up one thing
during this season (40 days) for Jesus. This may be an allowance (given to
missions instead), potato chips, chocolate, TV, or electronic games. Refrain
from one of these activities Monday-Saturday. On Sundays, since we
celebrate Christ’ resurrection, we will make this a free day from our fast.
During this time, we are reminded every day on what Jesus has done for us
and how we can give back to Him. He gave so much to us!

Teacher: All kids can participate in self-denial during the Lent season, and
partake in Ash Wednesday during this season. We feel that this teaches them
the important of this spiritual event, and brings them to a greater awareness
on what Jesus can really mean to them. Encourage them to join you as you
partake in Lent. What a great way of preparation of own hearts this Easter
season! Make sure their parents understand what you are doing and that this
is permissible with them. You may want to send home a letter or invite the
parents to your service on the day you share this with the children. You need
their support!

© February 2009 Kidzministry.net Jeanne McIntosh. All rights reserved.

Ash Wednesday for Kids

Why do people celebrate Ash Wednesday? What is it all about? Ashes

remind us of death and sin. Lent is a time when we prepare our hearts for
Easter. We prepare our hearts by thinking about what Jesus did for us when
he was crucified on the cross for our sins. He did not deserve to die, but He
loved us so much that He did it in order that we may go to heaven. God will
not allow any sin in heaven. As we put the ashes on our foreheads, we
remember the sorrow that He went through and the sorrow that we had when
we confessed our sins. It also reminds us that we need to change our lives if
we have sinned.

When Jesus was in the wilderness being tempted by Satan, he fasted for 40
days. During Lent, we give up something for 40 days to show Jesus how
much we thank Him for what He has done for us. It brings us closer to Him
and prepares our hearts for the true meaning of Easter. Jesus was strong, and
did not give in to temptation when Satan tempted Him many times (3 times
to be exact). We need Jesus when we face temptation, for we cannot
overcome alone without His help. Unless we accept His gift of Salvation, we
will not be able to live a life pleasing to Him.

If we do not know Jesus as our personal Savior, if He has not forgiven us

from our sin, we can accept His gift right now. Admit that we are in need of
a Savior, believe Jesus dies for our sins, and then in faith, confess our sins
believing that He forgives us. He will give us eternal life in heaven some day
when He returns to this earth for those prepared to meet Him.
© February 2009 Kidzministry.net Jeanne McIntosh. All rights reserved.

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