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GENRES Rank Level of Interest Reasons

Short Story  1st  Very interested  Given the name, it is a short – story. Even
though these stories are short, I find it very
engaging where I can learn various
Poetry  5th  Not interested  For me, there are times that poems,
especially the old ones contain words that
requires more understanding to common
folk. It is understandable as poems are very
popular in the early days.

Essay  4th  A bit interested Essays are good. If you are trying to know
the opinion or perspective of others, they
can be a good source.
Novel  2nd  Quite interested  I am really fascinated to novels, especially
to those who write because these authors
are able to create a whole new world with
only the use of words.
Drama  3rd  Interested  I think almost everybody loves a good
drama. The conflict, the resolution, and the
 I like Short Story the most because even though these stories are short, I find it very engaging
where I can learn various principles.

I like Poetry the least because there are times that poems, especially the old ones contain words
that requires more understanding to common folk. It is understandable as poems are very popular
in the early days.

Reason for late submission:

I was not aware of the Facebook Messenger Group Chat as I was unable to receive any notice about the
commencement of the subject, even though I gave my active phone number and email address upon
enrolment. I am an irregular student and I might be the only one left who enrolled in the Accounting
Technology program of the College of Business and Accountancy, which results to me having no access
to relevant information.

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