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Academic Budget Plantilla Effective: S.

2009-2011 Page: Page 1 of 13

Departmen SECON (1)
HIGH SCHOOL Quarter: Week: 6th Revision: Cc: PRIN, FAC
t: D
Area / S. 2008, 6-9-08 Control Copy
MAPEH 1 (P.E) Unit: 2 Day: 1 Supersedes:
Level: #:

TPO: Recognize the value of Philippine indigenous games.

Demonstrate knowledge and skills in individual and dual sports.


M-1 – Milieu M-2 – Matter M-3 – Marian-Ignacian Values M-4 – Multi-Disciplinary Correlation M-5 – Media M-6 – Materials M-7 – Method M-8 – Motivation M-9 – Mastery M-10 - Measurement
Academic Budget Plantilla Effective: S. 2009-2011 Page: Page 2 of 13
Departmen (2)
HIGH SCHOOL Quarter: Second Week: 6th Revision: Cc: PRIN, FAC

EO1: During the A. M-1: Performance Test A. M-1: Prayer; Greetings; Checking of Attendance; Well- M-10:
performance test, the B. Integration Being of the Classroom
students are expected to: B.1 M-3: [Valuing / Reflection] B. M-7: Actual game(MI.: BK, Inter; LS: VAK) Students’ performance will be
Cooperation & Teamwork a. Preliminaries : Review : Present the EQ’s based from the criteria stated in
(Ignacian-Marian Values) b. Lesson Proper: the scoring sheet. 90-100% of the
A. Identify the proper students are expected to execute
techniques on how to b.1 M-8: Warm-up exercise
the proper techniques in playing
execute the basics skills Nehemiah 4:6 b.2 Presentation:
the Indigenous games.
in playing various • Brief review of the mechanics of the
So we built the wall. And all the indigenous games.
indigenous games;;
wall was joined together to half its • Let the groups make a yell.
B. Demonstrate height, for the people had a mind to • Presentation of the yell.
improvement in work • Assign students who will officiate the
performing the game.
fundamental techniques • Let the game begin.
in playing various
indigenous games; and B.2 M-4: Social studeies –
c. Synthesis / Action:
Philippine culture and
C. Demonstrate  I it appropriate to include indigenous games in
cooperation and MAPEH curriculum of the High school students?
teamwork in performing Why? How can you be a good team player
C. M-6: materials necessary for during the actual game?
the actual games. the group game play.
 Why do you need to cooperate well with your
group mates? (M3/Reflection)

d. Assignment:
For the smooth discussion next meeting, answer the
following questions.
•What drugs are commonly abused by people?
•Why are the changes caused by Hallucinogens
•Why is it dangerous to abuse the use of drugs?
Reference: Honing your skills through MAPEH I, pp. 401-

M-1 – Milieu M-2 – Matter M-3 – Marian-Ignacian Values M-4 – Multi-Disciplinary Correlation M-5 – Media M-6 – Materials M-7 – Method M-8 – Motivation M-9 – Mastery M-10 - Measurement
Academic Budget Plantilla Effective: S. 2009-2011 Page: Page 3 of 13
Departmen (2)
HIGH SCHOOL Quarter: Second Week: 6th Revision: Cc: PRIN, FAC
Area / S. 2008, 6-9-08 Control Copy
MAPEH 1 (Health) Unit: 1 Day: 1 Supersedes:
Level: #:

Changes / Annotation (should be
noted / signed by SAC)

Status of Implementation:
Implemented: _______________________ Partially Implemented: __________________________ Not Implemented: _________________________ Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________
(Signature) (Signature) Signature)

Plantilla Review:

M-1 5 M-2 5 M-3 4 M-4 4 M-5 4 M-6 4 M-7 5 M-8 5 M-9 4 M-10 NA
SCALE: 5 – Excellent 4 – Very Good 3 – Good 2 – Fair 1 – Poor NA – Not Applicable

Signature over Printed Name of Teacher Observed Date of Conference Signature over Printed Name (PRIN/AC/SAC)

M-1 – Milieu M-2 – Matter M-3 – Marian-Ignacian Values M-4 – Multi-Disciplinary Correlation M-5 – Media M-6 – Materials M-7 – Method M-8 – Motivation M-9 – Mastery M-10 - Measurement
Academic Budget Plantilla Effective: S. 2009-2011 Page: Page 4 of 13
Departmen (2)
HIGH SCHOOL Quarter: Second Week: 6th Revision: Cc: PRIN, FAC

Area / S. 2008, 6-9-08 Control Copy

MAPEH 1 (Health) Unit: 2 Day: 2 Supersedes:
Level: #:
TPO: Demonstrate understanding of safety education and first aid.
Demonstrate ability to analyze the causes and effects of drug dependence abuse and misuses


M-1 – Milieu M-2 – Matter M-3 – Marian-Ignacian Values M-4 – Multi-Disciplinary Correlation M-5 – Media M-6 – Materials M-7 – Method M-8 – Motivation M-9 – Mastery M-10 - Measurement
Academic Budget Plantilla Effective: S. 2009-2011 Page: Page 5 of 13
Departmen (2)
HIGH SCHOOL Quarter: Second Week: 6th Revision: Cc: PRIN, FAC
E01: After 45 minutes, the A. M-1: Prayer; Greetings; Checking of Attendance;
A. M-1: Drugs
Well-being of the classroom
students are expected to: commonly abused Sharpen Up
B. Integration B. M-7: Group dynamics/ Teacher Guided Discussion
(MI: BK, VS, Intra, LS: VARK) Make an inner and outer diagram.
M-3: Self – reliance
A. identify the a.
Preliminaries: Review ; present the EQ’s Write the different kinds of
b. Lesson Proper: commonly used drugs in the inner
different kinds of 1 Corinthians 6:12 b. Pre-lection: Ask the students to report any health news about
drugs that are drug abuse.
diagram and give examples of
commonly abused; “All things are lawful for me,” but M-8: Lead them in singing the songs “ Bawal na Gamot’” each kind in the outer diagram.
not all things are helpful. “All things b.2 Presentation
A. Learning Activity:
B. Discuss the are lawful for me,” but I will not be
Let the students choose one line in the song they will remember and
effects of different enslaved by anything. ask them to explain why?
kinds of drugs to the
Have a group reporting on the kinds of drugs commonly abused and
their effects on the body.
M-4: Science: Anatomy Get the reaction of the class on the report presented.
C. M-5: OHP Write a message reminding the people about the danger of drug
C. Bring out D. M-6: Teacher’s made abused in our body.
one’s self reliance transparencies B. Analysis:
while, working in the • What drugs are commonly abused by people?
group. •Why are the changes caused by Hallucinogens
•Why is it dangerous to abuse the use of drugs?
c. Synthesis/Action:
What generalization can you form out of your learning
How this lesson is very important to the youth
d. Assignment:
For next meeting, the students will
1. Wear your P.E. uniform and get ready for the continuation of
performance test.

M-1 – Milieu M-2 – Matter M-3 – Marian-Ignacian Values M-4 – Multi-Disciplinary Correlation M-5 – Media M-6 – Materials M-7 – Method M-8 – Motivation M-9 – Mastery M-10 - Measurement
Academic Budget Plantilla Effective: S. 2009-2011 Page: Page 6 of 13
Departmen (2)
HIGH SCHOOL Quarter: Second Week: 6th Revision: Cc: PRIN, FAC
Area / S. 2008, 6-9-08 Control Copy
MAPEH 1 (P.E) Unit: 1 Day: 2 Supersedes:
Level: #:

Changes / Annotation (should be
noted / signed by SAC)

Status of Implementation:
Implemented: _______________________ Partially Implemented: __________________________ Not Implemented: _________________________ Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________
(Signature) (Signature) Signature)

Plantilla Review:

M-1 5 M-2 5 M-3 4 M-4 5 M-5 NA M-6 4 M-7 3 M-8 3 M-9 NA M-10 4
SCALE: 5 – Excellent 4 – Very Good 3 – Good 2 – Fair 1 – Poor NA – Not Applicable

M-1 – Milieu M-2 – Matter M-3 – Marian-Ignacian Values M-4 – Multi-Disciplinary Correlation M-5 – Media M-6 – Materials M-7 – Method M-8 – Motivation M-9 – Mastery M-10 - Measurement
Academic Budget Plantilla Effective: S. 2009-2011 Page: Page 7 of 13
Departmen (2)
HIGH SCHOOL Quarter: Second Week: 6th Revision: Cc: PRIN, FAC

Signature over Printed Name of Teacher Observed Date of Conference Signature over Printed Name (PRIN/AC/SAC)
Area / S. 2008, 6-9-08 Control Copy
MAPEH 1 (P.E) Unit: 2 Day: 3 Supersedes:
Level: #:

TPO: Recognize the value of Philippine indigenous games.

Demonstrate knowledge and skills in individual and dual sports.


M-1 – Milieu M-2 – Matter M-3 – Marian-Ignacian Values M-4 – Multi-Disciplinary Correlation M-5 – Media M-6 – Materials M-7 – Method M-8 – Motivation M-9 – Mastery M-10 - Measurement
Academic Budget Plantilla Effective: S. 2009-2011 Page: Page 8 of 13
Departmen (2)
HIGH SCHOOL Quarter: Second Week: 6th Revision: Cc: PRIN, FAC

EO2: During the time of A. M-1: Performance Test in A. M-1: Prayer; Greetings; Checking of Attendance; Well- M-10:
performing test, the P.E(Continuation) Being of the Classroom
students are expected to: B. M-7: Collaborative Method (MI: Musical, Kinesthetic, Students’ performance will be
B. Integration
Intrapersonal; LS: VAK) based from the criteria stated in
B.1 M-3: [Valuing / Reflection] the scoring sheet. 90-100% of the
Cooperation and teamwork a. Preliminaries : Present the EQ’s of the unit
A. Recall the proper b. Lesson Proper: students are expected to execute
techniques on how to (Marian Ignacian Value) the proper techniques in playing
b.1 M-8: Warm-up exercise
execute the basic skills b.2 Presentation: the Indigenous games.
in playing various Nehemiah 4:6 • Brief review of the mechanics of the
indigenous games; indigenous games.
So we built the wall. And all the
B. Sustain interest and wall was joined together to half its • Assign students who will officiate the
agility in performing the game.
height, for the people had a mind to
fundamental techniques • Let the game begin.
in playing indigenous
work • Evaluate the students’ performance.
games; and
B.2 M-4: Social studies:
C. Demonstrate Philippine culture . c. Synthesis/Action:
cooperation and After doing the given How can
teamwork in performing C. M-6: materials necessary for
the actual game. the group games indigenous games provide a wide range of
lifelong benefits?
For the smooth discussion next meeting, answer
the following questions:

Area / S. 2008, 6-9-08 Control Copy

MAPEH 1 (Health) Unit: 1 Day: 3 Supersedes:
Level: #:

M-1 – Milieu M-2 – Matter M-3 – Marian-Ignacian Values M-4 – Multi-Disciplinary Correlation M-5 – Media M-6 – Materials M-7 – Method M-8 – Motivation M-9 – Mastery M-10 - Measurement
Academic Budget Plantilla Effective: S. 2009-2011 Page: Page 9 of 13
Departmen (2)
HIGH SCHOOL Quarter: Second Week: 6th Revision: Cc: PRIN, FAC

M-1 – Milieu M-2 – Matter M-3 – Marian-Ignacian Values M-4 – Multi-Disciplinary Correlation M-5 – Media M-6 – Materials M-7 – Method M-8 – Motivation M-9 – Mastery M-10 - Measurement
Academic Budget Plantilla Effective: S. 2009-2011 Page: Page 10 of 13
Departmen (2)
HIGH SCHOOL Quarter: Second Week: 6th Revision: Cc: PRIN, FAC
Area / S. 2008, 6-9-08 Control Copy
MAPEH 1 (Health) Unit: 1 Day: 3 Supersedes:
Level: #:

Changes / Annotation (should be
noted / signed by SAC)

Status of Implementation:
Implemented: _______________________ Partially Implemented: __________________________ Not Implemented: _________________________ Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________
(Signature) (Signature) Signature)

Plantilla Review:

M-1 5 M-2 5 M-3 4 M-4 5 M-5 NA M-6 4 M-7 3 M-8 3 M-9 NA M-10 4
SCALE: 5 – Excellent 4 – Very Good 3 – Good 2 – Fair 1 – Poor NA – Not Applicable

M-1 – Milieu M-2 – Matter M-3 – Marian-Ignacian Values M-4 – Multi-Disciplinary Correlation M-5 – Media M-6 – Materials M-7 – Method M-8 – Motivation M-9 – Mastery M-10 - Measurement
Academic Budget Plantilla Effective: S. 2009-2011 Page: Page 11 of 13
Departmen (2)
HIGH SCHOOL Quarter: Second Week: 6th Revision: Cc: PRIN, FAC

Signature over Printed Name of Teacher Observed Date of Conference Signature over Printed Name (PRIN/AC/SAC)
Area / S. 2008, 6-9-08 Control Copy
MAPEH 1 (P.E) Unit: 1 Day: 4 Supersedes:
Level: #:

TPO: Demonstrate understanding of safety education and first aid.

Demonstrate ability to analyze the causes and effects of drug dependence abuse and misuses


M-1 – Milieu M-2 – Matter M-3 – Marian-Ignacian Values M-4 – Multi-Disciplinary Correlation M-5 – Media M-6 – Materials M-7 – Method M-8 – Motivation M-9 – Mastery M-10 - Measurement
Academic Budget Plantilla Effective: S. 2009-2011 Page: Page 12 of 13
Departmen (2)
HIGH SCHOOL Quarter: Second Week: 6th Revision: Cc: PRIN, FAC

C. M-1: Prayer; Greetings; Checking of Attendance; Grooming; Well- M-9:

EO1: After analyzing the D. M-1: Marijuana Being of the Classroom
illustration presented in the E. Integration
class, the students are
D. M-7: Panel discussion and open ended statement (MI: VL, VS; LS:
Let the students make a research about
B.1 M-3: [Valuing / Reflection] VAR)
marijuana. Ask them to place their research
expected to; Self-awareness e. Preliminaries: Review; present the EQ’ in their portfolio.
f. Lesson Proper:
D. Explain the harmful Romans 12:3 b.1 Pre-lection/ M-8: Show the class a picture of marijuana or of
effect of marijuana on street children sniffing rugby. Ask them what they see in
the mind and body of For by the grace given to me I say to the picture.
b.2 Presentation:
the user; everyone among you not to think of Learning activity:
himself more highly than he ought to • Have a panel discussion. Assigned students who
E. Become aware that will act as rehabilitated drug users and doctor,
using marijuana has
think, but to think with sober and they will talk about the following:
negative effects also on judgment, each according to the REHABILITATED DRUG USERS
- How he was introduced to the habit
the social and emotional measure of faith that God has - How he called marijuana by different names
development of a assigned - Harmful effect on him
person; and - Why he decided to be rehabilitated
F. Manifest self awareness B.2 M-4: Science – Anatomy - Effects of Marijuana in the mind and the
in the discussion. body of the users
F. M-5: OHP - How it may hinder the social and emotional
G. M-6: Teachers’ made development of the users.
transparencies about marijuana • Have a class interaction on the panelists.
1. How harmful is marijuana when abused?
2. What are some of its slang names?

b.3 Synthesis/action:
Finish the following statement:
1. Marijuana is…………
2. The effects of marijuana to the body……………..
3. One thing I am happy about the lesson……………….
4. I promise to…………………
5. To lessen the users of marijuana……………………..
6. If I have a friend who uses marijuana, I will……………
7. I will make sure that my family members are free from
marijuana by………………
8. I will help in making my school a drug-free place

b.4 assignment:
make a reviewer in preparation for long test in Health to
be taken next meeting.
M-1 – Milieu M-2 – Matter M-3 – Marian-Ignacian Values M-4 – Multi-Disciplinary Correlation M-5 – Media M-6 – Materials M-7 – Method M-8 – Motivation M-9 – Mastery M-10 - Measurement
Academic Budget Plantilla Effective: S. 2009-2011 Page: Page 13 of 13
Departmen (2)
HIGH SCHOOL Quarter: Second Week: 6th Revision: Cc: PRIN, FAC
Area / S. 2008, 6-9-08 Control Copy
MAPEH 1 (P.E) Unit: 1 Day: 4 Supersedes:
Level: #:

Changes / Annotation (should be
noted / signed by SAC)

Status of Implementation:
Implemented: _______________________ Partially Implemented: __________________________ Not Implemented: _________________________ Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________
(Signature) (Signature) Signature)

Plantilla Review:

M-1 5 M-2 5 M-3 4 M-4 4 M-5 4 M-6 4 M-7 5 M-8 5 M-9 4 M-10 NA
SCALE: 5 – Excellent 4 – Very Good 3 – Good 2 – Fair 1 – Poor NA – Not Applicable

Signature over Printed Name of Teacher Observed Date of Conference Signature over Printed Name (PRIN/AC/SAC)

M-1 – Milieu M-2 – Matter M-3 – Marian-Ignacian Values M-4 – Multi-Disciplinary Correlation M-5 – Media M-6 – Materials M-7 – Method M-8 – Motivation M-9 – Mastery M-10 - Measurement

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