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Calcium Magnesium Phosphorus Sodium Boron DRI / RDA :

Iron Manganese Zinc Potassium Bromine Ni & Co

Selenium Sulfur Tin Iodine Strontium Ca & Mg

Germanium Silicon Bismuth Lithium Vit A D K

Nickel Cobalt Chromium Copper B-Complex B-Vitamins - all

Fluoride Chloride Vanadium Molybdenum Bioflavonoids Vit B12 B15 C E

Reference: http://www.acu-cell.com/acn.html
Page 1 DRI / RDA >>

Calcium & Magnesium

Both elements share Left / Right-sided Cell Receptors and are essential to human health. Calcium (Ca)
magnesium (Mg) have become the "Gold Standard" when discussing nutritional supplements, mineral
paired cell receptors, or many nutrition-related health issues in general.

Calcium is now the most promoted nutrient by proponents of conventional, nutritional, as well as
medicine - yet at the same time, the assumed need is based purely on the speculation that the body's
calcium intake is well below its requirements.

Of the approximately 1,000 g of calcium in the average 70 kg adult body, almost 98% is found in bone,
1% in
teeth, and the rest is found in blood, extracellular fluids, and within cells where it is a co-factor for a
number of
enzymes. Calcium promotes blood clotting by activating the protein fibrin, and along with magnesium
to regulate the heart beat, muscle tone, muscle contraction and nerve conduction.

Parathyroid hormone (PHT) secreted by the parathyroid gland and calcitonin secreted by the thyroid
maintain serum calcium levels at a range of between 8.5 to 10.5, whereby calcium is mobilized from bone
reserves, and intestinal absorption of calcium is increased as needed. The parathormone can also affect
renal functions to retain more calcium. When blood calcium does up from too much parathyroid activity,
calcitonin reduces availability of calcium from bone.

The calcium to phosphorus ratio in bone is about 2.5 :1, while the ideal dietary phosphorus / calcium ratio
estimated to be about 1 :1. Many dietary factors reduce calcium uptake, such as foods high in oxalic acid
(spinach, rhubarb, beets, chocolate), which can interfere with calcium absorption by forming insoluble
salts in
the gut. Phytic acid, or phytates found in whole grain products, fiber-rich foods, excess caffeine from
colas, tea..., as well as certain medications may all reduce the absorption of calcium and other minerals,
leach calcium from bone. Normal intake of protein, fats, and acidic foods help calcium absorption,
high levels of these same sources increase calcium loss.

Chronic calcium deficiency is associated with some forms of hypertension, prostate and colorectal cancer,
some types of kidney stones, miscarriage, birth (heart) defects in children when the mother is deficient in
calcium during pregnancy, menstrual and pre-menstrual problems, various bone, joint and periodontal
diseases, sleep disturbances, mental health / depressive disorders, cardiovascular and/or hemorrhagic
diseases, and others (listed on Page 2).
Osteoporosis can result from both, low and high levels of calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus,
fluoride, chromium, (and Vitamin D), but mostly as a result of their improper ratios to one another. There
just as many patients with excessive, as with deficient calcium levels, whereby the treatment chiefly
of having them supplement whichever co-factors are low in ratio to calcium, which may include
phosphorus (protein), magnesium, zinc, Vitamin C..., or the use of acid-raising digestive aids to increase
solubility or bioavailability of calcium. (see also Acu-Cell "Osteoporosis").

Random intake of high amounts of calcium for the prevention of osteoporosis can be bad news for a
cardiovascular system, since it is frequently promoted without any individual assessment to establish that
it is
indeed calcium which is needed, and not any of several co-factors that help absorption of calcium into
As mentioned already, the foremost task when dealing with mineral-related medical conditions, is to
their ratios. Deficiency symptoms - particularly those involving calcium and copper - can still take place
despite their levels being above-normal, when either associated, or interactive elements are even higher

Vitamin K fulfills an important role in the utilization of calcium and prevention of osteoporosis through its
effect on osteocalcin, which helps maintain calcium in bone, but at the same time keeps it out of soft
While Vitamin D helps in the synthesis of osteocalcin, Vit K is required for it to function properly.
has shown that both, Vitamin K and Vitamin E help reduce calcification of arteries, however Vitamin K
in the form of Vit K2) was additionally able to slow calcium loss in those with a tendency to lose it, and
that it
better helped maintain bone density and prevent osteoporosis than Vitamin D and synthetic estrogen.

Individuals who exhibit below-normal calcium or magnesium levels get away with more atherogenic (junk)
diets compared to those with normal or higher levels, and I always point out to patients that once their
or magnesium levels are raised, they will have to watch their sugar and (trans) fat intake more. The
are very simple:

Calcium raises: VLDL Triglycerides Magnesium raises: LDL Cholesterol

Calcium lowers: MCT & SCT Magnesium lowers: HDL Cholesterol
Calcium lowers: Total Triglycerides Magnesium lowers: Total Cholesterol
Calcium lowers: Phosphorus Magnesium lowers: Sodium

MCT = Medium Chain Triglycerides SCT = Short Chain Triglycerides

For the above reasons, calcium and magnesium, at higher amounts, exhibit atherogenic properties.
From over 30 years of patient feedback, and from monitoring the absorption of various types of calcium
other minerals), if tolerance is an issue, I have found Chelated Calcium to be the most consistently
while at the same time needing the least amount of supplementation to meet patient requirements.

Nutritional texts stating that "Calcium is best taken between meals, or without foods, when the stomach is
more acidic" were written at a time when research findings were based on the older urinary increment
but have long since proven invalid. Scientific studies done with Radioisotope Analysis, or intracellular
such as Acu-Cell Analysis show that most types of calcium fall into the same 30 - 40% absorption range,
regardless of solubility:

31% for calcium from milk,

32% for calcium acetate (most soluble form) 25% elemental,
32% for calcium lactate 13% elemental,
27% for calcium gluconate 9.3% elemental,
30% for calcium citrate 21% elemental,
39% for calcium carbonate (least soluble form) 40% elemental,

The range of absorption narrows further and increases percentage-wise when calcium is taken in smaller
doses of 300 mg - 500 mg throughout the day (as needed), which is particularly helpful for people who
not able to absorb higher amounts (1,000+mg) of calcium in a single meal. However the largest single
of the day is best taken in the evening, as calcium requirements are greatest during sleep, hence
symptoms such as nocturnal leg cramps or insomnia.
When supplemented with food, overall uptake of all types of calcium is up to 30% greater, and
between calcium citrate and calcium carbonate for instance becomes virtually identical. Inconsistencies
found only when calcium is supplemented in different forms, such as tablets versus gelatin capsules,
the gelatin itself may not dissolve properly in a low acid environment.

Coral Calcium is a heavily promoted product with lots of anecdotal success stories and unsubstantiated
claims of miracle cures. Because of the many forms of coral calcium with different nutritional formulations
sold, there is no predictability as to the actual calcium uptake a patient may expect. See "Diets & MLM"
for details on coral calcium, side effects, and patient response.

AAACa / AdvaCAL Calcium consists of a patented oyster shell supplement that is made by heating Ca,
combining it with an algal ingredient to form AAACa. According to its developer Dr. Fujita, AAACa was
effective increasing trabecular bone density than calcium carbonate, without the need for Vit D. If its high
is no object, the potential health risks associated with eliminating Vit D should be. (See also "Diets &
Acid production in the upper area of the stomach can vary from the lower area of the stomach a result of
neurological disassociation, consequently spinal alignment problems at T12 can trigger acid-related
disturbances that won't respond to either acid-raising or acid-lowering remedies. Only spinal
manipulation, or
choosing the right minerals according to their acid-raising / lowering, or upper / lower association will
these types of conditions. High stomach acid can in the long run lower calcium and/or magnesium levels
enough to cause chronic insomnia, or an inability to reach deep sleep levels 4 to 5, which are more
to achieve with low calcium levels, and commonly resulte in chronic daytime fatigue.

Most people confuse Heartburn with high stomach acid levels. However, the discomfort is generally due
acid getting into the esophagus, which does not have the acid-protective mucous coating of the stomach,
it is basically a structural (reflux) problem.
Or, 'heartburn' is due to low stomach acid levels, which develops after meals and results in bloating,
and/or frequent burping, and which generally responds to acidic remedies such as apple cider vinegar,
or lime water, or acid-raising formulations containing betaine, pepsin, and glutamic acid. Bromelain can
considered for gastritis-related heartburn, where acid-raising supplements are contraindicated.

Other than the potential to cause indigestion, bloating, or malabsorption of essential nutrients (Vitamin
long-term low stomach acid situations are a risk factor in the development of several types of cancer.
in itself calls for prudence when enticed by the media - or even by a medical practitioner - to supplement
amounts of calcium or magnesium, without a proper analysis to substantiate that such action is
warranted. ¤

DRI / RDA for Calcium & Magnesium + Vitamin A / D / K - Page 2 >>


General recommendations for nutritional supplementation: To avoid stomach problems and promote
tolerance, supplements should always be taken earlier, or in the middle of a larger meal. When taken on
empty stomach or after a meal, there is a greater risk of some tablets causing irritation, or eventually
of the esophageal sphincter, resulting in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). It is also advisable
to lie down immediately after taking any pills. When taking a very large daily amount of a single nutrient, it
better to split it up into smaller doses to not interfere with the absorption of other nutrients in food, or
supplemented at lower amounts.

Copyright © 2000-2010 Ronald Roth Acu-Cell Nutrition: Calcium & Magnesium

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