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Scie ntifi c Met hiod Lab Equi pme nt

Chem Unit 1 -Make an observation

-Emprical method of gathering
-Make an observation
-Emprical method of gathering

Review data and information

data and information

Scie ntif ic Not atio n Di m en sio na l An al ys is

Mea sure men t
-Simplify huge numbers or really -To covert one unit to another
small numbers -To measure something and
-Can be conversion from metric
-Makes life easiser record it's weight, length, and
to imperial
-E.g 10000 is 1 x 10^4 etc.
-Metric is base ten imperial is
0.00001 is 1 x 10^-4 -Derived units and Base units
hust wierd
-cm,in,kg,mph, and much more
-E.g  10 nautical miles to cm?

Sig nifi can t Figu res Phys ical vs Chem ical
1.  All non-zero numbers ARE ERROR Prop ertie s/Ch ang es
-Accuracy is how close -Chemical  change is hard to
2.  Zeros between two non-zero
something is to the actual reverse
digits ARE significant.
3.  Leading zeros are NOT
results -Physical change doesn't chaneg
-Percent error is how off the chemical properties
results are to the accepted -Physical Change E.g = Freezing
4.  Trailing zeros to the right of
results, it is caculated as a Water
the decimal ARE significant.
percentage -Chemical Change E.g = Rust
Chem Unit 1
Review Part 2
Classification of Matter-
Pha se Cha nge Mixtures, Pure Sepa ratio n of
Substances Mixt ures
-To change from one state to Mixtures ares a material made
up of two or more different -Just the seperation of mixtures
substances which are physically nothing else
-The 4 states are solid, liquid,
combined -The methods are
gas, and plasma
Pure Substances are any filtration, evaporation, distillation
-Evaporation, condensation,
homogeneous mixture that and chromatography
sublimation and etc.
stays uniform in it's own ration

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