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The methodology is a useful tool to have security at the moment to understand and
discuss the study problems in research, however, it is evident that sometimes there
is a wrong comprehension among university student groups about what methodology
really is when they need to approach the investigative process. The lack of
understanding is reflected in inadequate applications of the methodology because it
is confused with the method. The purpose of this essay is focused on making some
clarifications regarding the definition of the methodology by tackling its field of action
and comparing it with its same study object: the method.

A basic rule in scientific research is to reach the truth of knowledge. This intention is
reflected with the application of certain systematic procedures in a rigorous way to
be able to separate the vulgar knowledge, which is generated by assumptions,
traditions, myths, or everyday life, from the scientific knowledge generated by
observation, experimentation, and verification. Unlike vulgar knowledge, the
scientific one does not come from a priori assumptions, nevertheless, to produce
such knowledge, other concepts, theories and apply methods, and methodologies
are needed (Aguilera p.82)

At this point, the two last concepts shall be specified. Within the investigative
process, the method is explained as the way to produce knowledge, laws, theorems
and its application is what gives the scientific character to knowledge because the
method is grounded on a process that implies order, sequence, and systematization,
also it is understood that this process dwells in a set of rules and steps that validate
the method. In the same way, Aguilera comments that the methods can be valued as
a set of ordered procedures that allow to guide the acuity of the mind to discover and
explain a truth (p.86) Now, having this clarification about the content of the method, it
can be considered the methodology.

The word methodology comes from the composition of two Greek roots: methods
with the meaning of procedures and, on the other hand, logos with the meaning of
treatise. From the etymologic, the methodology becomes the treatise of the
procedures. So, to understand the relationship with the method, the methodology is
dedicated to the philosophical reflection of each one of the procedures that are
applied to get precision in the method.

So, dialogue between the methodology and method can be placed in all cases in the
relationship between reflection and technique, to illustrate it, the didactics in its
relationship with pedagogy help to understand that in the same way that
methodology and pedagogy reflect on a phenomenon, part of the didactics and the
method draw the attention to the procedures. However, in the relationship that
concerns us, the methodology comes from the method.

Then, as the content of the method is related to the steps, rules and procedures, the
methodology validates each aspect by reviewing each step, analyzing each rule, and
evaluating each procedure. Then, the methodology would be the discipline in the
investigative process that logically reviews the fundamental supports of the method,
its effectiveness, analyzes the quality of its characteristics and the strengths of the
approaches, reflects on the advantages and limitations, in addition, verify how the
method is being the correct way to reach knowledge.

Finally, it is concluded that students and graduates of the university must acquire a
reflective attitude about why to apply and how to apply specific procedures when
they approach the investigative processes, on the other hand, it is necessary to
mention that an urgent necessity to get knowledge about how to research in today's
society. The lack of this ability can offer some disadvantages compared to other
colleagues from the same institution and from other universities or equivalents
around the world because having knowledge about how to make research allows us
to be more competitive and better trained.

Aguilera Hintelholher, R. M. (2013). Identidad y diferenciación entre Método y Metodología.

Estudios Políticos, 28, 81-103. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0185-1616(13)71440-9

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