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Task 1

My Assessment List

My Objective
At the end of the activity, I will be keen at identifying and naming different assessment
methods used in the classroom.

What to Do
I should be able to do following:
 Observe a class and make a list of the assessment methods used by teachers in at least 3
 Classify assessment methods as to conventional and authentic/alternative.
 Describe how each assessment method was used, including my personal observations.
 Confer with my F.S. teacher about my assessment list.
 Reflect on my experience.

My Activities
Observe assessment practices in a class of at least three subjects, document your
observations using the activity forms provided.
For your paper and pencil test items, prepare the test materials based on the prescriptions
of the where you do your observation.


Subject Area: Filipino Grade Level: VI-B

Assessment Tools (Bulleted description of how the assessment method is used
relative to subject matter, levels of learning behavior, length)
Traditional Assessment Tool  Subject Matter: Panghalip na Panaklaw at Patulad
 Cloze test  The cloze test was used in developing the cognitive
behavior of the pupils. Mrs. Joy B. Cervantes gave a
paper and pencil test (cloze test) whereby words are
deleted from passage and the pupils were giving the
appropriate panghalip panaklaw at patulad.
Subject Area: HEKASI Grade Level: VI-B

Assessment Tools (Bulleted description of how the assessment method is used
relative to subject matter, levels of learning behavior, length)
Traditional Assessment Tool  Subject Matter: Sistemang Pampamahalaan ng Pilipinas
 Matching Type  The matching type test were used. In column A, the
Authentic Assessment Tool Sistemang Pampamahalaan ng Pilipinas were listed and
 Role Play in the column B, the functions of each Sistemang
Pampamahalaan ng Pilipinas were listed.
 The role play were used during the group activity
wherein the pupils act as a President, senators,
congressman, Chief Justice.


Subject Area: Science Grade Level: VI-B

Assessment Tools (Bulleted description of how the assessment method is used
relative to subject matter, levels of learning behavior, length)
Traditional Assessment Tool  Subject Matter: Technology
 Matching Type  During the instruction of Ma’am Maricel, she used
matching type test wherein there were words in her left
hand as well as to her right hand. Pupils were choose a
word to her left hand and then they choose the
correspond answer to her right hand.


(Based on the observed subjects)
Description How the Assessment Method was Used (Include
Conventional Types
personal observations and comments below the description)
1. Cloze test  The cloze test were used in Filipino and also in HEKASI.

This kind of paper and pencil test is effective in

developing the cognitive domain of the pupils especially

in the analyzing skills

2. Matching Type Test  Based on my observation, this conventional assessment

type were used in Science. This assessment tool were

delivered in a different way wherein there was an active

participation in the classroom.

3. Essay Test  This test were used in Filipino which the subject matter is

“Pagbibigay ng Hinuha”. This kind of test is effective in

developing on the analyzing skill and synthesizing skill.

4. Identification Test  This kind of test were used in Mathematics. It is used as a

part of a review wherein the pupils will identify whether

the number shown is a prime number or a composite

5. Paper and Pencil Test  This kind of conventional assessment tool were used in

 Problem Solving Mathematics which is very common. This is very

Test effective in developing the cognitive domain of the pupils

especially the higher order thinking skills. This can be

related into real life situation that will give an active

(Based on the observed subjects)

Authentic or Alternative Description How the Assessment Method was Used (Include
Types personal observations and comments below the description)
1. Oral Questioning  The oral questioning were used in different subject. The

teacher asked questions to students during the discussion

to assess their understanding and reasoning skills about

the topic. The teacher encourage the students to share

their ideas and thoughts about the topic.

2. Process-Oriented  It was used to determine student’s ability to solve

Performance problems related to real-life situation. It was appropriate

Assessment (Problem with the levels of learning of the students in a sense that it

Solving) was used to develop and improve their logical and

3. Portfolio  Each student has an individual portfolio placed on the

brown enveloped. They compiled their best works such as

art works, assignments, etc.

4. Exercise  The teacher gave an exercise to know if the students can

work independently and can give her the correct answers

and if they really know the subject matter.

5. Performance Checklist  Allows for testing of complex integrated skills, to check

whether they comprehend or not.

6. Product Rating Scales  It was used in rating the assignments of the pupils so that

she will know whether her pupils learn to the previous

My Analysis
Guide Questions:
 Was there a variety of assessment methods used by the teacher? How relevant
was/were the assessment method/s used?
 Do you think the expected students’ learning behaviors indicated in the objectives
were properly and appropriately assessed through those assessment methods?

There were a variety of assessment methods used by the

teachers I observed. They combine the traditional and the
authentic assessment tools in a single subject matter in order to
develop the pupils holistically. They used different assessment
tools which is relevant to the subject matter and the level of
learnings of the pupils.

The expected students’ learning behaviors indicated in the

objectives of each subject was attained because of the process of
delivering the instruction and the assessment methods used were
properly and appropriately assessed. The teaching-learning
process was effective and efficient because the assessment tools
are enjoyable.

My Reflections

Guide Questions:
 What are my thoughts and feelings about the importance in the use of
appropriate assessment methods in the classroom?
 What students and teachers can gain from the appropriate assessment tools?

Using the appropriate assessment methods in the

classroom makes the teaching-learning process effective and
efficient. Because students will easily identify well the subject
matter and they will participate or cooperate to the classroom
activities, and teachers can gain knowledge in how he/she going
to deliver his/her next lesson and he/she will understand well the
nature of his/her learner, what student knows, what he/she can
do, and how he/she going to do the certain task.

           So as a future teacher I must be familiar to the different

assessment tools because I believe when these assessment
methods will be utilized effectively,
Task 2 future teachers like us will
have a basis or standards forATM Card ability that will enable
the students’
us to act more appropriately and effectively promote learning.
My Objective
At the end of this activity, I will be adept in designing, using, and interpreting results of
objective tests.

What to Do
I should be able to do the following:
 Observe a class on a subject area of my choice.
 Study the teacher’s objectives of the lesson. Observe his/her class, focusing on the
evaluation part of the lesson.
 Make a Table of Specification and construct pen-and-paper test items on the subject
 Conduct pen and paper test in a class.
 Analyze and interpret the data obtained from it focusing on target competency.
 Reflect on my experience.

My Activities
Observe a class, study the teacher’s objectives, formulate test item, and interpret results,
make a clear documentation of tasks using the activity forms provided.
For your pen-and-paper test items, customized a table of specification, and prepare the test
material based on the prescriptions of the school where you do the class observation.

Name of the School Observed: San Miguel Elementary School
School Address: San Miguel, Panganiban, Catanduanes Date of Visit: September 2, 2015
Grade/Year Level: VI-B Subject Area: Science
Subject Matter: Circulatory System
Teacher’s Learning Objectives:
 Describe the circulatory system and its major parts.
 Explain the function of the circulatory system.
 Illustrates/demonstrates the movement of blood throughout the body
 Show desirable habits that prevent/control common ailments of the circulatory system.
Desired Conditions and Criterion Levels of the Learning Objectives:
 The pupils are expected to gain at least 75% proficiency level.
Other Notes:
 In formulating a lesson there must be always an objective so that we must as a future
teacher are guided what we are going to do in the classroom. The learning objective
must be congruent to the learning content, learning procedure and the formative

To prepare my pen-and-paper test which will soon administer in the class I have observed,
I will remember the following instructions:

1. Make a two-way Table of Specification. I will MAKE SURE THAT I focus on the current
subject matter of the class I observed, and target the higher levels of learning behaviors.
Adopt the TOS format prescribed by the school where I was assigned. If the school has
TOS templates, I will ask permission to use it.
2. Show my TOS to my Resource Teacher, I will get his/her comments and suggestions and
improve my TOS.
3. With approved TOS, I will formulate their test. Write each test item in an index card,
indicating the subject matter and the desired level of learning behavior to be assessed,
among others. (Please use pencil in writing your test items to economize the use of index

Sample Format

Level of Behavior

Subject Matter: Circulatory System

Test Type: Paper and Pencil Test (Matching type, multiple choice, checklist, filling the
blanks, essay)
Test Item: 40 items
Key: 1. Heart
2. Blood
3. Blood Vessels
4. c
5. a
6. b
7. arteries
8. veins
9. leukocytes
10. b

4. Make an Item Bank by organizing the index cards containing my test items. Show it to my
classmates for their comments and suggestions, then, to my resource teacher.
5. Prepare a test paper of the finalized items.
6. Get the classroom teacher’s permission to administer the test.
7. Administer the test to the class for which the test is designed. Then check the papers and
record student’s scores.
8. Do an item analysis and make inferences out of the result.
9. Indicate the item analysis results of each item on the index card where I wrote the item.

My Analysis
Item Analysis
No. of students =16 27%=constant
Upper 27% = 27%×16 = 4.32/4
Lower 27% = 27%×16 = 4.32/4
Based on the
Difficulty Discrimination
Item Level a b c acceptable Remarks
Index Index
4 Upper 0 0 4 0.75 0.5 Fair Revise
Lower 1 1
Upper 0 1
5 0.5 0.5 Good Retain
Lower 1 2
Upper 1 0
6 0.63 0.25 Fair Revise
Lower 0 2
Upper 1 0
10 0.63 0.25 Fair Revise
Lower 2 0

The acceptable index of difficulty ranges form 0.14-0.60 while the acceptable index of
discrimination ranges form 0.20-1.00.

2 acceptable index attained Good Retain

1 acceptable index attained Fair Revise
No acceptable index attained Poor Reject

Difficulty Level Description

0.00-0.20 Very Difficult
0.21-0.40 Difficult
0.41-0.60 Average
0.61-0.80 Easy
0.81-1.00 Very Easy

In my prepared paper-pencil test, there were 4 items which are multiple choice (a, b, and
c). From the 16 students, I got 4 students (27% ×16) who got the highest scores and 4 students
(27% ×16) who got the lowest scores. The item numbers 4, 6, and 10, the level of difficulty is
easy while the item number 5, the difficulty level is average. But the item numbers 4, 6, and 10
are needed to be revised.

My Reflection
The term assessment is generally used to refer to all activities teachers use to help students
learn and to gauge student progress.[2] Though the notion of assessment is generally more
complicated than the following categories suggest, assessment is often divided for the sake of
convenience using the following distinctions:

1. initial, formative, and summative

2. objective and subjective
3. referencing (criterion-referenced, norm-referenced, and ipsative)
4. informal and formal.

As a future teacher I must design a test which is appropriate, valid, reliable and fair.
As a teacher I must be fair that will give or provide an equal opportunities to my
students becauseInI assessment,
believe thatfairness
some students are
is not only good in
a matter of oral assessment and some students
are good in paper-pencil test. As
attitude towards a teacher
students. also
It also mustthe
involves always
use of bear in my mind that my
assessment that Iassessment
will provide or that
tools giveare
should be consistent
appropriate, to reliable
valid and the learning objectives as well as
to the learning procedure. The assessment should appropriate to my learners’ abilities and to
the learning objectives so that it will bring a good learning outcomes. The validity of
assessment tool talks about the purpose of the test. To improve the learning outcome is always
the purpose of the assessments. The content of the test determines whether the number of
items is adequate regarding the result of the test to give basis for the decision-making. The
adequacy of the items to be included in the test can be reviewed based on the learning targets
that are intended to be included in the test. There must be a table of specification so that we are
guided in making the number of items adequate. A reliable test would show similar
performance at different times and different conditions. Just like for example: the same set of
the test questions are given to two different sections at different time and if the result of the
test are almost the same then that’s the time that we can say test is consistent or reliable.

Today, as a student I must enhance my knowledge in designing a test and interpreting

results of objective test so as to achieve a high quality assessment.
Task 3
Log Me

My Objective
At the end of this activity, I will be informed on the principles of authentic assessment and
usefulness in the classroom.

What to Do
I should be able to do the following:
 Read articles on new trends of classroom assessment.
 Observe a class and interview teacher on his/her experiences in using authentic
 Write a reflective journal on the activity.

My Activities
For this task, I documented my engagement in the task using the Activity Sheets provided.

Selected Articles Read on the New Trends of Classroom Assessment.

New Trends in Classroom Authentic Assessment
by Katherine Bradley, Demand Media
Authentic assessment refers to the practice of assessing student mastery via the completion
of real world tasks in which the student applies knowledge and skill acquired in the instructional
process. Authentic assessments may include writing assignments, completing individual or
cooperative projects, portfolios, teacher observations, performance or demonstration assessments,
or any other assigned task that will provide evidence of competency. It is a good idea to provide a
selection of assessment types that will match a variety of learning styles.
Demonstration or Performance Assessments

Authentic assessment may take the form of demonstration or performance. This means
that a student has the opportunity to demonstrate, through practical means, that a standard has
been mastered. For instance, a student might provide evidence of mastery of a theater standard
focused on blocking, upstage, downstage, center stage, monologue and projection, through design
and performance, rather than via a paper and pencil vocabulary test. Such assessments can be
used in other classes and tailored to different subject matter.

Portfolio Assessments

Portfolio assessments are often used when units are large or cover a number of standards.
Assessment pieces contained in the portfolio provide evidence of mastery of individual standards
or may provide evidence of increasing depth of comprehension of materials. For instance, a
science portfolio may contain written vocabulary words associated with mollusks, drawings that
outline structure and function and a three-dimensional model created by the student. This type of
portfolio's value is that it allows students to demonstrate mastery by a variety of means --
collecting written information, drawing and through creative manipulation.

Oral Assessments

Oral assessments are popular with students who do not possess high level writing skills.
Oral assessments can take the form of storytelling or focus on documentation of question-and-
answer periods in class. A teacher may use a student's oral responses to determine whether the
content has been mastered. Student mastery can be assessed as part of a group exercise or
individually, in a private testing session. This type of assessment can be used informally with or
without student knowledge, thus eliminating testing anxiety.

Project Assessments

Project assessments provide the opportunity to demonstrate competency through completion of a

project. Project assessments can be performed individually or collaboratively. Students may work
together to complete a project in math that indicates proficiency in probability concepts. For
example, student may use a set of dice and record the results of rolls to learn about probability. A
deck of cards might also be used to learn about probability.

(Outline the essential information about authentic assessment that you draw from the articles read)
I. Authentic Assessment
A. Demonstration or Performance Assessment
B. Portfolio Assessments
C. Oral Assessments
D. Project Assessments

Guide Questions:

 What were your personal strategies in choosing relevant articles to

 What are your insights and feelings about the new trends in
classroom assessment?
 What is your most meaningful learning from this activity?

 My personal strategies in choosing relevant articles to read are:

1. I browse different articles that are based on the topic and then I will choose the

very popular and based from the different articles I summarized them in order to

get the main theme or idea.

2. I read newspapers, magazines especially “The Modern Teacher” and then I will

choose the most relevant to the topic given to me.

 With this new trend authentic assessment I found out that these assessments will really

help the pupils as well as the teacher to have a good performance in everyday

activities. Pupils will participate actively because they can express their ideas, thoughts

and feelings about the subject. As a future teacher also, I must be familiarize to these

authentic assessment because I knew that these will be helpful to me in teaching the

pupils today or the 21st century children.

 My most meaningful learning from this activity is that I learned that there were so

many authentic assessment tools that will match to the variety of individual learning

styles. I also learned that if I will keep browsing I will see the big picture of teaching.
Points to REMEMBER

Before interviewing a teacher on his/her experiences in using authentic assessment, please go

over your Review Notes. Based on these, please draft possible question you will ask the teacher. When
the questions are finalized write them down on the sheet below. Spare some space between questions
where you will write down the teacher’s response to each question.


1. What do you think is the usefulness of authentic assessment?

Authentic assessment are direct measures. I wanted the students to use the

acquired knowledge, skills and values in the real world so my assessment have also to

tell if student can apply knowledge. If the students done well on a test we might infer

that the student could also apply knowledge but that is rather indirect evidence. I could

directly check for the ability to apply by asking the student to use what they have

learned on something in a meaningful way.

2. What advantages you’ve gained in using authentic assessment?

The advantage I have gained using the authentic assessment are pupils become

attentive and participate in the class. My students gain more knowledge that long last.

It is also developed the multiple intelligence of my pupils and it determines the

preferred learning styles of my pupils.

Guide Questions:

 How did you feel about the teacher’s experience in the use of
authentic assessment?
 What do you think have been the gains enjoyed by the teacher and
his/her students from using authentic assessment?
 Which part of the teacher’s use of authentic assessment do you fell
like improving or revising?
 I am so glad that I were able to observe teachers that uses authentic assessment. I
learned that the teacher’s role was to assist or facilitate the students during the activity.
The teachers gives feedback to the students with regards to the activity that they are
performing. In a process based assessment specifically the problem solving in different
subjects, I learned that I must consider the utmost effort of students in solving the
problem especially in Mathematics though the final answer is not correct because it is
the process of the solution that we are ought to assess.
 Based on the teachers that I observed who are using an authentic assessment I think
that they gained knowledge on what are the pupils’ strengths and weaknesses. They
also gained an easy delivery of instruction. While the pupils, I think they gained
enjoyment with knowledge. They also gained on how to interact with their group mates
that will developed their confidence to belong with others.
 There is no criteria presented during the activity which should not be because students
may deviate the expectations of the teacher with regards to the activity. But I fell there
is no such part of the teachers’ use of authentic assessment that is needed to improve or
revise because I know that they are veterans to their profession.

Task 4
Work Me On

My Objective
At the end of this activity, I will be skillful in designing process-oriented performance

What to Do
I should be able to do the following:
 Observe a class and identify performance-based activities.
 Choose one performance-based activity and study its processes.
 Design a performance assessment plan for the activity.
 Create a portfolio for the assessment plan.
 Reflect on the experience.
My Activities
For you to Remember:
As you observe a class, note down your significant observation of the performance-based activity in the
classroom. Then, make a checklist of the important things you wish to consider in your assessment planning. For
these tasks, please use the Activity Forms provided for you. For your proposed plan for process-oriented
assessment, it is recommended that you use that format you agreed in your Assessment 2 class. Please remember
that the rubrics are part and parcel of your assessment plan.

Name of the School Observed: San Miguel Elementary School
Date of Visit : September 9, 2015
Grade/Year Level: VI-B
Subject Area: EPP
Subject Matter: “Tamang Pagtayo at Pag-upo”
Describe in bullets the performance-based activity observed.
 The performance-based activity was clear and effective because there were procedures
or steps.
 The task (Karera na may nakalagay na libro sa ulo) is clearly demonstrated.
 The used of performance-based activity was appropriate and reliable.
 The task was lined with the subject matter.
 The task were done through group activity that develops the interpersonal intelligence.
 Creates meaningful learnings.
 Arose student interests.
 Improving the learning outcome.
Based on my observation, I make a checklist of the important things I wish to consider in
my performance-based assessment plan. Using “My Checklist” for this purpose.


______ Is my performance-based activity appropriate to my learning objectives?

______ Does my performance-based activity arose students’ interests and motivation?

______ Is my performance-based assessment clear and effective?

______ Does it address the learning styles of my pupils?

______ Does it provide meaningful learning?

______ Does it develop the multiple intelligence of my pupils?

After making my process-oriented assessment plan on a separate paper using the agreed
format, I write down a few notes about my plan and use the sheet below.


Name of School: San Miguel Elementary School
School Address: San Miguel, Panganiban, Catanduanes
Grade/Year Level: VI Section: B
Subject Area: Science Subject Matter: Force
What are the best features of my process-oriented performance assessment design?

The best features of my process-oriented performance are that efficiency of student

behavior on how they come up the output effectively. Finding a task that would be interesting

and enjoyable for the student where they activity involved and also jives to my learning

What specific conditions are necessary for a successful use of my process-oriented
performance assessment design?

A successful use of process-oriented performance assessment can be achieved in a way

that, it correlates with the learning objectives. It is necessary to be linked with the learning

objective; this will help in guiding a particular task. When making a particular activity (e.g.

Dancing), a teacher should prepare a criteria/ rubric as basis for evaluating students’

performance. Thus, it serves as a guide on what students need to develop a performance.

What basic points should the user of this design consider?

The user of this design should consider that the learning objective is relevant in the

process-oriented performance. The user should keep in mind the process-oriented

performance is suited and appropriate in all kinds of subject matter.



 Learning Objectives
C – Define force.
P – Determine the effect of force between the two identical objects.
A – Practice care to the objects around us.
 General Performance Task
Determine the effect of force between the two identical objects (a piece of paper and a
 Learning Episodes
(Described in terms of students’ specific learning tasks/activities)
Know what force is.
Perform the task activity (determine which object will fall first)
Record the observation.
Write the conclusion.
 Assessment Tasks
(Described in terms of acceptable standards of learning behavior)
The students will have to explain how they come up with their conclusion.
I will evaluate their work based on the criteria that I had established.
I will ask the students for their reaction regarding with the topic and the things that they
do not understand.
 Rubrics for Assessing Learning

Criteria Very Satisfactory Average Fair Poor

(95%) (85%) (75%) (50%)
  All solutions Some of the The solution is in The solution is There is no
are in step by solutions are in step by step incomplete. solution at all.
Process of the step process and step by step process but not
solution correct. process and correct.
  Solution is Some of the The solution is The solution is The solution is
organized and solution is organized but not not organized. cannot be
Organization clear. organized and clear. understood.
  Solution 50% of the Solution is The solution The solution was
process is solution is presented presented was not not presented
Presentation presented and presented and unclearly. explained and explained at
explained explained correctly. all.
correctly. correctly.
My Analysis
Guide Questions:

 Do you think your originally designed process-oriented performance

assessment can appropriately assess the teacher’s learning objectives?
Why? Why not?
 Why do teachers need to give attention to the students’ process-oriented tasks?
Why do they need to assess them?
 In what conditions can the process-oriented performance assessment be
used more appropriately?

 I think my originally designed process-oriented performance assessment can

appropriately assess the teacher’s learning objectives because there were bases or
observations during the task.

 Teachers need to give a full attention to the students’ process-oriented tasks because
students exert their utmost effort just to give a correct solution. That effort of the
students must be given points because it is a way of motivating students to exert more
effort and to increase their level of interest. The students will recall their previous
knowledge and apply it on the task and since there is application, there is also
understanding and retention. It is important that teachers need to assess them because
the process or steps is highly prioritized in a process-oriented performance assessment.
It also gives a sort of justice to the efforts of students. Some students may come up
Whena Icorrect answer
first saw but the Iprocess
this episode thoughtwas wrong
I can’t and activity
do this it is very suspicious
because it wasorhard
that’s why assessing them will give a justice for those students who really did their job.
do my own process-oriented performance assessment especially if you don’t have any idea to

do acertain
It is very
thing.appropriate and effective
Almost 2 months passedto usethen
and in aI realized
I must such as activity
do this experiments,
also in problem solving, steps in dancing or cooking, in research works, showing the
order toprocess
of my requirements
water in this course.
cycle, carbon-oxygen Andnitrogen
cycle, then fortunately through
cycle and a single step
photosynthesis. I
process-oriented performance assessment is necessary to use when we are assessing the
finished this activity so I am so glad and so proud to myself that I succeed. Because of this
process or steps upon how the students arrive with a correct product or output.

activity I realized that how hard the problem is, if you have a goal or motivation you will

My Reflections
succeed or passed that problem.
 Write your creative thoughts and feelings about your efforts in succeeding this
Task 5
Build Me Up

My Objective
At the end of this activity, I will be skillful in designing product-oriented performance

What to Do
I should be able to do the following:
 Observe a class and identify product-oriented activities.
 Choose one product-oriented activity and study its processes.
 Design a performance assessment plan for the product-oriented activity.
 Create a portfolio for the assessment plan.
 Reflect on the experience.

My Activities
For you to Remember:
As you observe a class, note down your significant observation of the product-oriented activity
in the classroom. Then, make a checklist of the important things you wish to consider in your
assessment planning. For these tasks, please use the Activity Forms provided for you. For your
proposed plan for process-oriented assessment, it is recommended that you use that format you agreed
in your Assessment 2 class. Please remember that the rubrics are part and parcel of your assessment
Name of the School Observed: San Miguel Elementary School
Date of Visit : September 23, 2015
Grade/Year Level: VI-B
Subject Area: HEKASI
Subject Matter: Mga Hadlang sa Pagtatamasa ng Karapatan
Describe in bullets the product-oriented activity observed.
 The product-oriented activity was clear and effective.
 The product-oriented activity jives to the learning objectives.
 The activity caters the multiple intelligence.

 The fairness of the assessment

 The validity of the assessment

 The reliability of the assessment

 The availability of the material

My Plan

My product-oriented assessment design for the classroom I have observed. In bullet form,
here is the list of procedure of my proposed assessment in the box below.

 Discuss the “Mga Hadlang sa Pagtatamasa ng Karapatan”

 Divide the class into eight groups.

 Set standards and rules in doing the group activity.

 Set criteria.

 Each group will make a poster for each assigned theme.

a. Group 1 – Kahirapan

b. Group 2 – Maling Pagpapahalaga

c. Group 3 – Katiwalian sa Pamahalaan

My Final Plan of Product-oriented Assessment Design

Learning Objectives

 Nalalaman ang mga hadlang sa pagtatamasa ng mga karapatan.

 Naiguguhit ang mga hadlang sa pagtatamasa ng mga karapatan.

 Nabibigyang halaga ang mga karapatan ng bawat indibidwal.

General Product-oriented Performance Task

 Drawing of “Mga Hadlang sa Pagtatamasa ng mga Karapatan”.

Target Skills

 Multiple intelligence

 This activity will develop the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective skills of the pupils.
Learning Activities (Specific Tasks):
 The class will divided into eight groups.

 Each group will draw the assigned task to them.

Assessment Tasks:

 The drawing should be appropriate to the assigned topic given to them.

 Each group will present the group output.

 Each group will rate the work of the other group.

 I will rate their work (output) using the agreed criteria.

 After presenting I will ask questions.

a. What do you feel while you are doing the task?

b. What are your insights to the tasks that I was given to you?

c. How does your work related to the real life situation? Give an example.
Name of School: San Miguel Elementary School
School Address: San Miguel, Panganiban, Catanduanes
Grade Level/Section: Grade VI-B
Subject Area: HEKASI
Subject Matter: “Mga Hadlang sa Pagtatamasa ng mga Karapatan”
What are the best features of my product-oriented performance assessment design?

The best features in my product-oriented performance design are the following:

 The instructions are clear and easy to understand

 There is enough time given for the students to finish the task

 It caters the needs and nature of the students

 There is a criteria on how to check the product or output and serves as basis for giving

 It arose the students’ interest.

 The product-oriented task is consistent to the learning target

 The materials are provided and complete.

What specific conditions are necessary for a successful use of my product-oriented

performance assessment design?

The product-oriented performance assessment design requires the students to show a work
that will demonstrate their level of understanding about a concept. My product-oriented
performance design is time bounded and attainable. It is effective to use if I have a rubric that
will clearly show how student’s performance will be evaluated and it increases students’ sense
of responsibility for their group work.

What basic points should the user of this design consider?

The user of this product-oriented performance assessment design should consider the
learning targets if it is consistent or relevant because the learning target and assessment tool to
be used are dependent to each other.

The user should also consider the subject matter if it is appropriate or suited because not
all subject matter are applicable for a product-oriented performance assessment.

The user should also consider the use of rubric because it provides benchmark as basis in
measuring progress and students become aware on how to improve their performance.
 Learning Objectives
C – Nalalaman ang mga hadlang sa pagtatamasa ng mga karapatan.
P – Naiguguhit ang mga hadlang sa pagtatamasa ng mga karapatan.
A – Nabibigyang halaga ang mga karapatan ng bawat indibidwal.
 General Performance Task
Drawing of “Mga Hadlang sa Pagtatamasa ng mga Karapatan”.
 Learning Episodes

(Described in terms of students’ specific learning tasks/activities)

The class will divided into eight groups.
Each group will draw the assigned task to them.
Each group will present the group output.
The pupils will rate the work of the other group.
The pupils will give their insights, feelings and thought about their works.
 Assessment Tasks
(Described in terms of acceptable standards of learning behavior)
 The drawing should be appropriate to the assigned topic given to them.
 Each group will present the group output.
 Each group will rate the work of the other group.
 I will rate their work (output) using the agreed criteria.
 After presenting I will ask questions.
a. What do you feel while you are doing the task?
b. What are your insights to the tasks that I was given to you?
c. How does your work related to the real life situation? Give an example.

 Rubrics for Assessing Learning

Excellent Satisfactory Fair Poor
100% 85% 75% 50%
Relevance to The output is Major of the The output is The output is The output is
the Theme very relevant drawings are relevant to not so not relevant
to the theme. relevant to the theme. relevant to to the theme.
the theme the theme.
Participation All members 50% of the Few of the Only the None of the
of the group members of members of teacher is members is
are the group are group are cooperatively doing their
cooperatively cooperatively cooperatively participating group work.
participating participating participating in their group
in their group in their group in their group work.
work. work. work.
Creativity Group Group  Group Group Group
product is product is product is not product is product is not
done slightly done done done but not done at all.
correctly by correctly correctly through the
using the using the using the use of
provided provided provided provided
materials. materials. materials materials.
Presentation The group The group The group is The group The product
product product is not presented product is not is not
presented slightly well by the presented presented and
well by the presented reporter and well by the explained at
reporter and well by the explained reporter and all.
explained all reporter and 50% of the only few of
the important explained all important the important
details important details details were
details. explained.

My Analysis
Guide Questions:
 Do you think your originally designed product-oriented performance
assessment can appropriately assess the teacher’s learning objectives?
Why? Why not?
 Why do teachers need to give attention to the students’ product-oriented tasks?
Why do they need to assess them?
 In what conditions can the product-oriented performance assessment be
used more appropriately?

 It is appropriate to the learning objectives of the teacher because the design on the plan
of this product oriented activity was based on the goals of the teacher for his/her pupils.

 Teachers need to give attention to the students’ product-oriented task because they
generally represent deep understanding of the concepts, principles and theories, and
they also provide evidence for the knowledge and skills that are learned in the
instructional process. Those works, projects, outputs and even performances of the
students are considered as product-oriented performance that help students record for
their learning by seeing the outcomes and product of their academic engagement and it
motivates students to keep in the learning process. Teachers need to assess them
because it shows the students’ works that demonstrate their level of understanding
about a concept and it is how students apply the knowledge that they had learned in a
particular lesson by showing an output, project, work or even performance. Through
the use of rubric the teacher becomes more objective in assessing the product of the
students and it brings justice and fairness on the part of the students.

 The product-oriented performance assessment can be used more appropriately when

the teacher wants to measure how students apply the knowledge that they had learned
in a certain lesson because it is an assessment that requires the students to show a work
or product that will demonstrate their level of understanding about a concept. This
product-oriented performance assessment is more applicable in doing research paper,
film making, portfolio, journals, slogan, posters, drawing, verse choir, assembled series
and parallel circuit, oral recitation, role playing, demonstration, drama recital and etc.

My Reflections
 Write your thoughts, feelings, personal learning strategies, insight or new
understanding from your experience in using authentic assessment.

Based on my experience in using authentic assessment, I learned

that authentic assessment is used to assess what students know and what
they can do. It is used to demonstrate higher order thinking skills (HOTS)
because the task is given at the right level of difficulty and related to real
life situation. It is also capable of generating learning outcomes that are
observable and useful to those who use the information especially the
teacher gathered from the assessment method.

            One of the principle of authentic assessment states that “it enhance
learning rather than simply serving the purpose of accountability.” It

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