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Repertory of Kingdoms


Worse From:

Acids: Chilly, Sensitive to cold, drafts (cold in general) (Exception: Fluoric acid), Night

Aurum: Pains worse at night and prolonged exercise.

Calcarea: Cold in general, damp weather and lying on abdomen.

Compositae: worse contact [emotional and physical], jar, being hit, or sudden
movements. Many of these remedies have NEVER WELL SINCE SHOCKS, TRAUMAS,
OPERATIONS, and WOUNDS AND INJURIES, < Morning 5 am-9am, 9pm-5am. <
eating. < Open air, < cold, < Motion and Sudden motion, < Grief and strong emotions.
< Touch, < Approach, < Jar, < Hard bed, < Periodically, < Seasonally, < Rainy, cloudy

Halogens: < Night, < Heat.

Heavy metals: < after coition

Iodatum: Hot, Worse from warmth. Better fresh air, worse from fasting, rest and
pressure; better movement

Kalis: Sexual excesses. (Kali Carb.) < After midnight, < early morning.
Kali bi - 2 a.m.
Kali carb - 3 a.m.
Kali Phos - 3 - 5a.m.
Kali sulph - 6 a.m.
< movement.

Natrum: Worse from Sun. They are better or worse at the seaside

Nitricum: < Pressure

Ophidia (Snakes): Cannot wear tight clothes tight bandages. < Night, < Sleep < Touch,
Jar, < Suppression of discharges, > Cold, > Appearance of discharges.

Spiders (Arachnida): < Bright objects, < Touch, noise, light, < Coition, < After or during
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Better From:

Acids: Amelioration Motion & Rest.

Antimony: Better warm weather, warm room

Aurum: Craves open air and better by it.

Calcarea: Better, heat and rest.

Ferrum: All Complaints > Slow movement

Heavy metals: All metals are normally Chilly, But pain > cold application.

Iodatum: > Eating

Spiders (Arachnida): > Music, > Rubbing, > Smoking. All mental symptoms
ameliorated by eating.


Acids: Oversensitive to external impressions, depressive, irritable, hateful, poor memory,

egoist, destructive

Antimony: Drowsiness associated with all complaints, irritable, aversion to work, hates
to be looked at.

Argentum: Loss of control, physical and mental

Aurum: Depressed, duty conscious, very responsible, idealistic, spiritualist, can’t bear

Baryta: bashful, timid, shy, lack of self-confidence; do not under take anything for fear
of failure, extremely sensitive to criticism.

Belladona, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium, Tabacum, Capsicum, Dulcamara – First three

are narcotic, Tabacum is a little less narcotic (SOLANACEAE)

Calcarea: Cannot tolerate tight clothing, esp. around the waist.

Cocculus: Affects the cerebro spinal system with little effect on nerves.

Compositae: act on the brain and nervous elements, epilepsy, chorea, convulsions,
tremor, cramping pains, trembling, and spasmodic diseases; bilious humour, very
BILIOUS, irritable, angry, defensive, morose, and sometimes are offensive and abusive
when ill. These remedies easily loss mental control during crisis or illnesses and have
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fear death. Cina, Artemisia vulgaris, Artemisia absinthium, and Tan acetum

Conium, Cicuta, Phellandrium, Asafoetida, Petroselinum: Nervous system, skin,

mucous membrane, glandular atrophy (UMBELIFERAE)

Ferrum: Firmness is the keynote of the Ferrum personality. They are solid, stable, steady
and determined people. Very irritable, contradiction makes them angry.

Aurum - Heart affected, suicidal tendency.

Argentum - Anxiety
Platina - Hysteria
Palladium - Mixture of all the above

Iodatum: Restlessness, Always wants to do something, think and talk quickly.

Kalis: Anxiety, tense, Fears and phobias. Usually felt in the stomach. Weakness,
Tiredness, Mental exertion causes fatigue, Worse Sexual excesses. (Kali Carb.) Central
nervous system: Convulsions, chorea, epilepsy (Kali carb).
They are the people with strong principles and convictions. They live their lives entirely
by the rules. Always stick to norms and rules, serious people.

Magnesium: A mental condition arising from lack of love, affection and recognition, esp.
in childhood. Rejected children, orphans

Muriaticum: Either a cold, strict mother or greatly attached.

Natrum: Grief, there is an element of grief in the past. They are introvert and prefer to be
alone and dwell on past.

Nitricum: They are usually extroverted and lively people.

Ophidia (Snakes): Blood - circulation, heart, Nerves; Ovary; Throat; Over sensitiveness
mentally and physically, to all external impressions. Jealousy, Suspicion, Quarrelsome,
Irritability, Loquacious, Religious affections

Opium, Sanguinaria, Chelidonium – They cause sleepiness and stupor.


Phos acid: Mental fag / debility.

Phos: strong desire for company, restless, like travelling.

Spiders (Arachnida): Marked action of the central nervous system, marked by trembling,
twitching, chorea and involuntary movements of single or group of muscles. Instable,
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restless, prostrated. Sudden onset of symptoms, Spiders stay in burrows, holes and light
and Aversion to society

Stannum: Extreme depression and despondency, Hopelessness and despair, Weeping

disposition, Anxiety and restlessness > walking but very weak.

Thuja: Nervous system, Variola, marasmus, syphilis, sycosis (CONIFERAE)

Juglandaraceae: Sleepless after 3AM




Antimony: Desires acid

Calcarea: Craves Indigestible things; like chalk, charcoal, pencil, earth etc. aversion to
Tobacco, coffee, meat milk aggravates

Ferrum: Craves Tomatoes Meat, aversion to egg

Heavy Metals: Desires: Stimulants, raw food, pica (Alum, Stann)

Aversion:- To good nutritious food.

Iodatum: Great appetite and desire food voracious appetite but still losing weight.

Magnesium: Craving: Fruits, meat, sour, sweet.

Muriaticum: Desire Salt, Aversion to Meat.

Natrum: Desire Salt, Fish

Nitricum: Desire Bacon, meat, Aversion to Cheese.

Spiders (Arachnida): Desires - Alcoholic drinks, Ashes, Bananas (Theridion), Cold

drinks, seasoned food, raw food, Tobacco Aversions – Bread, Meat, Chocolate

Stannum: Increased thirst and appetite


Ferrum: Headaches, Migraine, right sided.

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Halogens: bones & hair. Bones:- Deformities, tumors, etc. Hair:- Hair fall etc.

Stannum: Headaches: Supra orbital, right sided. Pains increase and decrease in intensity.
> Hard pressure, > Movement.

Juglandaraceae: Occipital headaches

Compositae: bilious indigestion, liver and gall bladder complaints with temple
headaches, yellow eyes, photophobia, yellow coating on the tongue, slimy, bitter, yellow
discharges, bitter and sour eructation, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, bleeding,
constipation, and parasites.


Compositae: bilious indigestion, liver and gall bladder complaints with temple
headaches, yellow eyes, photophobia, yellow coating on the tongue, slimy, bitter, yellow
discharges, bitter and sour eructation, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, bleeding,
constipation, and parasites.

Stannum: Neuralgias. (Supraorbital)


Ophidia (Snakes): Throat; Mind.

Stannum: Weakness most marked in chest and vocal cords; < Over exertion
< Talking, singing


Antimony: Lungs; Liver; Pulmonary-gastric nerve.

Carbon: Tendency to produce Asphyxia craving fresh air and oxygen.

Compositae: act on lungs and breathing, hay fever, sneezing, asthma, yawning, and
fainting. Wyethia, Ambrosia, Solidago and Silphium laciniatum

Halogens: spasm of hollow parts; Respiratory tract, intestines, uterus, heart etc.

Kali sulph: Pulmonary oedema, hydrothorax

Kalis: Respiratory System, Oppressed breathing, marked action on lungs, Tracheitis,

Bronchitis, Pneumonia and Bronchiectasis.
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Pix Liquida: Lungs, eruptions (CONIFERAE)

Stannum: Mucous membrane of alimentary tract and respiratory tract, Respiratory tract -
Bronchus, lungs, alveoli, trachea, larynx.


Acids: Haemorrhagic tendency

Antimony: Exerts depressive influence of the heart and circulation.

Aurum: Enlargement, hypertrophy, increased activity and fatty degeneration of heart.

Carbon: Action on the veins, producing varicosities.

Compositae: flushes of heat, heart and circulatory problems, easy hemorrhages,

bloody discharges and blood poisoning; cancer.

Ferrum: Affects the blood and haemoglobin leading to Anaemia. Blood pressure
Fluctuating. Increasing and decreasing (same theme seen in mental - forcibly holding on
and then letting go suddenly).

Halogens: spasm of hollow parts; Respiratory tract, intestines, uterus, heart etc.
Oedematous conditions esp. cardiac dropsy.

Heavy metals: Reproductive organs. Heart, Connective tissue

Nitricum: Action on blood vessels, Arteriosclerosis, and other vascular diseases.

Ophidia (Snakes): Blood - circulation, heart, Nerves; Ovary; Throat; Mind.

Ferrum Phos: Destruction of blood, Anaemia Weakness due to haemorrhage.

Spiders (Arachnida): poisoning and septicaemia (septic fevers)


Antimony: Thick coated tongue

Arum Triphyllum: Ulcers in and about the mouth. (ARACEAE)

Calc Phos: Softening of bones, Rickets, Caries of teeth

Heavy metals: Profuse salivation

Kalis: Bad smell from the mouth.

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Calc Phos: Softening of bones, Rickets, Caries of teeth

Nat Phos: Bleeding gums. Hematemesis

Stannum: Weakness most marked in chest and vocal cords; < Over exertion
< Talking, singing


Antimony: Lungs; Liver; Pneumogastric nerve.

Berberis, Podophyllum: Berberis acts on kidney, bladder, liver, mucous membrane


Carbon: Causes catarrhal condition of mucous membranes, esp. of nose, throat, lungs
and bowels.

Conium, Cicuta, Phellandrium, Asafoetida, Petroselinum: Nervous system, skin,

mucous membrane, glandular atrophy (UMBELIFERAE)

Halogens: Marked affinity for all mucous membranes.

Kalis: Causes congestions, ulcerations and inflammation. Increases and alters mucous

Stannum: Mucous membrane of alimentary tract and respiratory tract. Respiratory tract:-
Bronchus, lungs, alveoli, trachea, larynx.



Colocynth, Bryonia, Elaterium: griping pains, gushing watery diarrhoea.



Heavy metals: Stool: Paresis and paralysis, Constipation, Hard, dry, ball like stools.

Muriaticum: Stools crumbling at end of anus.

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Abies Nigra – stomach (CONIFERAE)

Antimony: Nausea, vomiting, purging with faintness and relaxation, collapse as in


Berberis, Podophyllum: Berberis acts on kidney, bladder, liver, mucous membrane


Carbon: Tendency to produce flatulence; offensive flatulence.

Compositae: infections, worms, parasites, septic states, rapid decomposition, strong

effect on the abdominal organs, mal nourishment, bilious states, abdominal pains, and
digestive upsets. Chamomilla, Carduus-marianus, Taraxacum., and Grindelia.

Nat Phos: Liver – Cirrhosis

Stannum: Mucous membrane of alimentary tract and respiratory tract, Increased thirst
and appetite; < from odor of food, leads to nausea and vomiting, Worm affectations.

Juglandaraceae: Pain in liver, pain in right scapula (Chelidonium, Bryonia)


Antimony: Irritation is slow and tardy, Pustular eruption; Cold sweat, perspiration

Calcarea: Unhealthy, oily, waxy, and shiny

Carbon: Marked action on skin produces excoriations, cracks and fissures.

Compositae: hard bed sensations, tendency toward hemorrhage, blood poisoning, pus
formations, remittent and continued fevers with heat, chill, and sweat and strong bone
pains. Arnica Calendula, Echinacea, and Lappa

Compositae: infections, worms, parasites, septic states, rapid decomposition,

accompanied by nervous complications, continued and remittent fevers. High fever, chill
and sweats with bone and muscles aches, hard bed sensations, prostration, and

Conium, Cicuta, Phellandrium, Asafoetida, Petroselinum: Nervous system, skin,

mucous membrane, glandular atrophy (UMBELIFERAE)

Heavy metals: Perspiration: Profuse, copious. No amount of perspiration ameliorates;

Perspiration-stains, offensive, Ulcers on an unhealthy base. No healing or delayed
healing (snake venoms, carbons) wrinkled, flabby, emaciation, ulcers delayed healing.
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Ophidia (Snakes): Dryness of the skin inability to sweat. Bluish, blackish discoloration
and oedema

Rhus Tox: Relief from motion, erysipelas, scarlet redness, itching, burning, Weakness,
numbness, restless. (ANACARDIACEAE)

Spiders (Arachnida): Sexual excesses, Affinity towards skin, causing deep destruction of
tissues, Carbuncles, Gangrene etc.

Stannum: Sweat, Debilitating, esp. at night.


Acids: Weakness, Lean, thin, tubercular constitution with stooped shoulder and
premature old look.

Argentum: Lean, thin, emaciated, tall with pale face.

Aurum: Redness of face, hyperaemia or fullness of blood vessels and parts. Ulceration of
soft parts and perforation, Syphilitic

Baryta: Mainly or affections of children and old age. Children retarded and have
defective mental/physical development Dwarfish with enlarged glands; tendency to catch
colds, chilly; offensive foot sweat.

Calcarea: Fat, flabby, obese; chilly except Calcarea Iod and Sulph; coldness of parts,
palms, soles, spine. Red congested face, flushed face. Congestion felt in arteries, veins,
eyes, ears, chest etc. Slowness, sluggishness, torpidity; delayed dentition.

Ferrum: Complaints are right sided. (Except ferr Mur - left sided); Chilly. (Except ferr
Iod - Warm)

Halogens: Hot, Scrofulous, Anti Syphilitic, Anti Tubercular, Anti Cancerous. Lean, thin,

Heavy Metals: Emaciation, looking older than his age, Weakness, almost going to
paralysis. Dry Gangrene, Varicose Veins, varicose ulcers

Iodatum: Lean, thin, emaciated. Usually right sided, Tendency to affect glands, swelling,
induration of glands; Hodgkin’s disease, hyper thyroids.

Kalis: Predominantly chilly, Except Kali bich; Kali sulph; Kali Iod. It is a component of
nerve cells. The main function is impulse transmission. Maintains tone of muscle but
produces weakness of cardiac muscles, Psoric and Sycotic miasm, heavily built, stout and
robust; oedema, swelling around the eyes, especially upper eyelids. Weakness produces
emaciations and withering (Kali Carb, Kali Iod).
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Magnesium: Poor assimilation (in rickets, worms, etc.), Children with malnutrition and
emaciation, Special affinity for glands; Lymph glands, thyroid, endocrine glands, prostate
etc. Helps in the process of oxidation. Helps in Calcium metabolism (Deficiency of Mg
leads to hypocalcaemia), covers Psoric, Sycotic, Syphilitic, Tubercular miasm;
Rheumatic and Gouty diathesis. Exudative and hemorrhagic diathesis Uremic and lit
haemic diathesis.

Muriaticum: Lean, thin, emaciated more on the warmer side.

Natrum: Lean, thin, emaciated, warm.

Nitricum: Usually left sided, Warm < Heat > Outdoors. Complaints appear and disappear
rapidly (Opp. Stannum), Tendency to congestions, Redness, swelling and heat.

Ophidia (Snakes): Left sided (except Crot horr and Crot casc)

Phosphoric acid: Tall, thin, attractive personality.

Stannum: Weak, debilitated, lean, thin exhaustion of mind and body.

Arg. met: Thick white

Arg. Nit: Thick yellow, purulent, bloody, offensive

Calcarea: Profuse, white aluminous occasionally yellowish.

Carbon: Tendency to relieve offensive, putrid discharge and exhalations from the body.

Halogens: Discharges burn the parts on which they flow

Heavy metals: Discharges - Acrid offensive thick yellowish green. Pathological

discharge exhausts the patient. Breathlessness after expectoration

Iodatum: Acrid, watery.

Kali Iod: Profuse, watery, burning discharge

Kali Bich: Yellow, stringy discharges.

Kali Phos: Kali sulph- Bloody discharges.

Magnesium: Black, pitch-like, Profuse, sour smelling sticky, lumpy, stains the clothes.

Nitricum: Acrid, foul, stinking.

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Ophidia (Snakes): Profuse bloody, Thick or thin, Offensive, Acrid. Haemorrhages From
all orifices, Dark red or blackish coagulated

Stannum: Yellowish, sweetish, salty, sour, musty. Albuminous discharge


Acids: Burning sensation due to irritation of nerves

Argentum: gradual onset, sharp, cutting, splinter like

Calcarea: Throbbing shooting, pricking. Burning pains here and there.

Heavy metals: Pain, very high intensity. Progress is slow. Relief is gradual, Constant dull
continuous pain maddening type of pain. Patient becomes neurotic with pain; Pain <
touch, Pain > Hard pressure, > tight bandage.

Magnesium: Crampy, cutting, boring, stitching, tearing, band like. < Touch, > Rubbing,
> Motion

Nitricum: Splinter like congestive pains.

Ophidia (Snakes): Constricting, Burning, Shooting, lancinating, Drawing.

Ferro Phos: 1st stage of inflammation, burning of palms and soles.

Calc Phos: Heart burn, burning pain around navel.

Nat Phos: Gastritis, burning is stomach.

Kali Phos: Neuritis, Burning pain along nerves.


Berberis, Podophyllum: Berberis acts on kidney, bladder, liver, mucous membrane


Compositae: liver and kidney diseases, arthritis, urinary cystitis, urethral discharges,
gonorrhea and sycosis. High fever, chill and sweats with bone and muscles aches, hard
bed sensations, prostration, and restlessness.

Heavy metals: Involuntary stool and urine (If involuntary elimination due to weakness:
carbon, acid group)

Kalis: Kidneys affected leading to oedema of lower limbs.

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Terebinthina – Kidney, bladder, mucous membranes, renal dropsy, uterus, typhoid



Antimony: Cramps in limbs, may be accompanied by purging, collapse as in cholera.

Argentum: Limbs feel powerless, cramps, involuntary movements, Staggering gait.

Speech, stammering.

Aurum: Carries, bone pains, syphilis

Calcarea: Bones, brittle, easily fractured, deformed. Delayed ossification, Glands

hypertrophied and indurated.

Calc Phos: Weakness of bones

Compositae: rheumatic-like conditions with concomitant heart, liver and kidney

diseases, arthritis, urinary cystitis, urethral discharges, gonorrhea and sycosis. High
fever, chill and sweats with bone and muscles aches, hard bed sensations, prostration,
and restlessness. Arnica Calendula, Echinacea, and Lappa

Ferrum: Shoulder rheumatism. Esp. deltoid rheumatism, right sided.

Halogens: bones & hair. Bones:- Deformities, tumors, etc. Hair fall

Heavy metals: Paralysis of lower part of body (Thallium)

Kalis: Weakness associated with tendons, joints, ligaments. Back is extremely weak.
(Kali Carb). Joints turn easily.
Kali carb/ Kali Iod: Hydrarthrosis especially of knee joint, worse movement.

Magnesium: Tendency to relaxation of tissues, Prolapse, bearing down, Ptosis,

Subluxations, sprains, strains, Varicosity, Incontinence, Herniation.

Ophidia (Snakes): Cyanotic and gangrenous affection, Necrosis of tissues and bones,
trembling of tongue and extremities.

Pinus – Infantile atrophy (CONIFERAE)

Mag Phos: Myasthenia gravis Atrophy of muscles

Kali Phos: Destruction of nerves -> paralysis, Offensiveness of discharges,

Haemorrhagic tendency, Nerve tonic.
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Spiders (Arachnida): Marked action of the central nervous system, marked by trembling,
twitching, chorea and involuntary movements of single or group of muscles.

Stannum: Weakness, Prostration and Exhaustion. Extreme debility leading to paralysis;

symptoms come and go slowly. Spasmodic tendency: Cramps and convulsions.


Thuja: Nervous system, Variola, marasmus, syphilis, sycosis (CONIFERAE)


Heavy metals: Impotence, Masturbation, sexual indulgence. < After coition


Heavy metals: Tremendous desire for sex, Nymphomania.

Ophidia (Snakes): Blood - circulation, heart, Nerves; Ovary; Throat; Mind.


Stannum: Suppression of neuralgia leads to complaints like leucorrhoea, phthisis, cough,

cold, etc. Suppression of leucorrhoea leads to neuralgia.


Compositae: bloody discharges, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, and miscarriages,

sometimes from injuring or exertion.

Calcarea: Bright, red, profuse, continuous flow, Menses - too early, too profuse, long

Ferrum: Copious, Bright red.

Heavy metals: Menses: Scanty, Blood- dark, painful, staining, offensive and indelible
(plat), Cystic growths, tumors and severe pain in ovaries.

Iodatum: Suppressed menses

Muriaticum: worse before, during, after menses.

Calc Phos / Kali Phos / Mag Phos: Too early, too profuse menses.
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Sabina – Abortion (CONIFERAE)

Carbon: Glandular enlargement and induration, esp. of lymphatic glands simulating
cancerous infiltration.

Compositae: infections, worms, parasites, septic states, rapid decomposition,

accompanied by nervous complications, continued and remittent fevers. High fever, chill
and sweats with bone and muscles aches, hard bed sensations, prostration, and

Halogens: Tendency to affect glands. Lymphatic glands hypertrophied. Endocrine glands

affected e.g. Iodium – goitre, Bromium - Toxic goitre, Hypo or hyper functioning of
glands. Sexual glands, Hypo functioning and atrophy of ovaries, testes etc. sterility.

Heavy Metals: ailments from suppression Uninterrupted Grief, Suppression of discharges

or any other suppression by any means, History of alcohol, tobacco, syphilis, gonorrhea;
sexual neurasthenia.

Magnesium: Ailments from Emotions, Suppressed discharges, eruptions, Loss of fluids,

Tobacco / Alcohol.
Deep acting constitutional remedies
Tendency to spasmodic affections spasms, cramps, convulsions, tremors, epilepsy etc.
It has Poor reaction to suppuration and Scar formation.


Plants grow fast and go through rapid transformations and many are very similar to
traumas, crisis, acute disorders and acute miasms.

The minerals are slow moving, stable and pass through changes over longer periods of
time. This is analogous to chronic diseases and miasms.

The animal are always of the move and the most quick reacting species. The animals
remedies are some of the quickest acting most rapidly destructive medicines in the
Materia Medica. They are suitable for very destructive forms of acute and chronic

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