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By Rick Heizman, Nov 17, 2020

On November 14, 2020, another clunker of an article by Hannah Beech was dumped out by
the New York Times - a once great newspaper with serious
journalistic standards, but now without integrity, truth, nor any
semblance of journalistic standards.

Writer / Propagandist Hannah Beech achieved infamy several

years ago when she wrote the screed article ‘The Face of Buddhist
Terror’ for Time Magazine. Nearly every sentence of her article
was erroneous, opposite to reality, rude, inflammatory, and
downright stupid. I quickly wrote a couple of scathing rebuttals at
that time. Then there were a couple of articles she wrote in the
New York Times - and I blasted them apart. Hannah Beech has
continued to be a jihad enabler and appeaser, clunking out
masterpieces of idiocy, like this hit piece, on Nov 14, 2020, titled:

How a Human Rights Angel Lost Her Halo

(My comments while be in blue. The entire article is below, in black)

By Hannah Beech Nov. 14, 2020, 3:00 a.m. ET Saw Nang contributed reporting from
Yangon, Myanmar.

Ten years after she left house arrest and vowed to fight for justice, Myanmar’s civilian leader
has instead become a jailer of critics and an apologist for the slaughter of minorities.

When Daw Aung San Suu Kyi emerged from years of house arrest a decade ago, having
never used a smartphone or Facebook, she held court in the office of her banned political
party, the smell of damp emanating from the human rights reports piled on the floor.

Armed with nothing more than a collection of international awards, she wore fresh flowers in
her hair, sat with impeccable posture and promised the world two things: she would ensure
that Myanmar’s political prisoners would go free and she would end the ethnic strife that has
kept the country’s borderlands at war for seven decades.

But the two pledges have gone unfulfilled, and the world’s most shimmering icon of
democracy has lost her luster. Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi, 75, has turned into an apologist for the

very generals who once locked her up, downplaying their murderous campaign against the
Rohingya Muslim minority.

Hannah! Why are YOU such an APOLOGIST for the Bengali Muslims (‘Rohingya’) and their
MURDEROUS campaign of intolerance, violence, and Islamic supremacy against ALL other
people - Buddhists, Hindus, and ethnic minorities - who are living in THEIR deeply rooted
cultural, ancestral, and birth homelands?

Why do you consistently ignore, or purposefully ignore, the massive jihad attacks that the
OF ALL NON-MUSLIMS? As they did in 1942, 1948, the Mujahid actions in the 1950s and
1960s, the Libyan backed plot of 1977, 1988, 1994, 2012, 2016, and 2017. The army of ANY
country has the DUTY to protect and rescue its civilians in the face of a terrorist attack against
the civilians and government. Terrorism must be decisively defeated or else the terrorists will
regroup, replan, rearm and repeat.

The goal of the Bengali Muslims has been - since 1942 - to carve out a chunk of Burma /
Myanmar, cleanse the land of the indigenous infidels by means of a wanton intended
genocide, and declare it to be an autonomous (and apartheid) Islamic State for Muslims only.

And YOU support this madness?

Her strongest critics accuse her, as a member of the Bamar ethnic majority, of racism and an
unwillingness to fight for the human rights of all people in Myanmar.

It is abundantly clear that you believe the Bengali Muslim ‘Rohingya’ propaganda and their
Islamic supremacism, false history, and fake self-identity that has been the result of
indoctrination and brainwashing by the militant / terrorist groups, and by their Mawlawis
(Imams) in their mosques.

As well, you clearly believe in the greater Islamic ideology of destroying all other religions and
faiths - especially those of ‘idol-worshippers’ and those who are not monotheistic - namely
Buddhists and Hindus, for the ‘intolerable’ mortal sins of making and worshipping statues, and
for not believing in only one ‘God’.

Yet even as Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi has squandered the moral authority that came with her
Nobel Peace Prize, her popularity at home has endured. This week, her political party, the
National League for Democracy, won yet another landslide in general elections, setting up five
more years in which she will share power with the military that ruled Myanmar for nearly 50

“Her leadership style is not going toward a democratic system, it’s going toward dictatorship,”
said Daw Thet Thet Khine, a former stalwart of the National League for Democracy who

formed her own party to compete in the elections on Sunday but failed to win any seats. “She
does not listen to the voice of the people.”

Then, why is she still so wildly popular, Hannah? How about we look at the leadership of the
Bengali Muslims? Ata Ullah, commander-in-chief of the militant
terrorist group Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) is the
most popular and charismatic leader of the Bengali Muslims.
Under his leadership, 100s if not 1000s of Bengali Muslims have
been killed, beheaded, executed, recruited and terrorized by his
‘system’, which is certainly not very democratic. Ata Ullah does
not tolerate ANY criticism or ANY dissent from his super violent
Islamic agenda.

It is hard to think of a human rights hero whose global prestige has tarnished so quickly.
Alongside Nelson Mandela and Vaclav Havel, Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi once represented the
triumph of democracy over dictatorship. It helped, too, that she could turn on the charm.

Last year, Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi traveled to the International Court of Justice in The Hague
to defend the military against claims that it had committed genocide against the Rohingya

WHY no mention of the huge attacks by the Bengali Muslims on August 25, 2017? - the
largest Islamic terrorist attacks in history, with 30 military targets, and about 60 villages
attacked simultaneously by 7000-10,000 assailants in a coordinated massive surprise attack.
No mention of the plans and goals of the Bengali Muslim, which was to wipe out the Police
and Border Guard outposts, take all the weaponry, and then set out on a wanton genocidal
ethnic cleansing against ALL Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, and tribal minorities, to make the
land pure Muslim only, and to declare the land to be an autonomous Islamic State.

She unapologetically insisted to the court that while “it cannot be ruled out that
disproportionate force” had been used against the Rohingya, inferring genocidal intent
presented an “incomplete and misleading factual picture.” Her Facebook page once carried
the post “Fake rape,” abruptly discounting the systematic and well documented sexual
violence committed against the Rohingya.

Hannah! Do you remember your Feb 2, 2018 article titled: ‘The Rohingya
Suffer Real Horrors. So Why Are Some of Their Stories Untrue?’ in which
you point out, with many examples, of being lied to so often by the Bengali
Muslims, as they even tried to deceive YOU, their greatest Western ally.
Nicolas Kristof, famous long-time New York Times reporter, had
something to say about refugees, “Are the stories they recount true? One
thing I’ve learned over the decades is that victims lie as well as
perpetrators. Outrage leads to exaggerations, to elevated death tolls, to
rumors becoming eyewitness accounts.”
Under Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi’s government, Myanmar’s frontier lands, where other ethnic
minorities are clustered, are more conflict-ridden now than they were a decade ago. And
poets, painters and students have been jailed for peacefully speaking their minds: In
Myanmar today, 584 people are either political prisoners or are awaiting trial on those kinds of
charges, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners.

“Now that she has tasted power, I don’t think she wants to share it with anyone,” said Seng
Nu Pan, a politician from the Kachin ethnic group that is fighting for autonomy in the country’s

Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi grew up as political nobility, the daughter of Gen. Aung San, the
country’s independence hero who was assassinated when she was 2 years old.
After 28 years abroad, she returned home in 1988 as pro-democracy protests were
coalescing across the country. Within a few months, a onetime homemaker had emerged as
the leader of the movement.

A military junta locked her up in 1989, after which her National League for Democracy won
elections that were ignored by the dictatorship. In 1991, she won the Nobel Peace Prize “for
her nonviolent struggle for democracy and human rights.”

During house arrest in her crumbling villa for a total of 15 years, Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi kept
to a strict schedule. She listened to BBC radio news reports. She practiced the piano. And
she meditated in the Buddhist way, intent, she said, on transcending earthly concerns. Ms.
Aung San Suu Kyi missed her two sons growing up, and the death of her husband, a British
academic, from cancer.

But the virtues that served Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi so well during house arrest — her straight-
backed dignity and the psychological bunker she built around herself — may be what has led
to her failure, so far, to fight for true, representative democracy in Myanmar.

The line is thin between resolve and recalcitrance, conviction and condescension.

“It is ironic that while the international community used its liberty to promote hers, she is using
some of the very same legal mechanisms as the military to stifle freedom of speech, freedom
of the press, and freedom of assembly,” said Bill Richardson, the former American
ambassador to the United Nations and a longtime ally of Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi.

Mr. Richardson broke with her two years ago, when Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi became so angry
that he thought she might slap him after he urged her to free two Reuters journalists who had
been imprisoned after uncovering a massacre of Rohingya, [in Inn Din Village], he said.

For the real truth of what happened at Inn Din Village read my thorough report, and you will
learn it was under ‘THE DURESS OF WAR’: https://www.scribd.com/document/442096813/
“If she fails to lead especially her ethnic Bamar supporters to a more inclusive vision of the
country through her words and actions, Myanmar is likely to become a less stable and more
violent place,” Mr. Richardson added.

For all her democratic rhetoric, Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi retains respect for the army that her
father formed. Some of the founders of the National League for Democracy were former
military officers who fought ethnic rebels in Myanmar’s hinterlands.

The party is organized with a soldierly hierarchy in which the commanding officer is Ms. Aung
San Suu Kyi. But the actual army maintains a grip on important ministries, a chunk of
parliament and lucrative businesses.

Since taking power as the country’s state counselor in 2016, Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi has
repeatedly praised the army, while refusing to acknowledge the military’s drive to rid the
country of Rohingya Muslims. In 2017, roughly three-quarters of a million Rohingya fled to
neighboring Bangladesh.

Many of those left in the country are in internment camps. The Rohingya were not allowed to
vote in Sunday’s elections, and the polls were canceled in other ethnic-minority conflict zones,
disenfranchising more than 2.5 million non-Bamar. As a result, ethnic parties were unable to
make the electoral gains they once expected, although the National League for Democracy
successfully fielded two Muslim candidates.

“Making peace and reconciliation is much easier with ethnic groups, but she only tried with
the military,” said Tu Ja, chairman of the ethnic Kachin State People’s Party.

Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi’s supporters say that her refusal to speak up on behalf of Myanmar’s
vulnerable communities is not innate chauvinism but rather a political pragmatism that comes
from wanting to deny the military an opportunity to once again seize full power. Army rule
began in 1962 with the excuse that a civilian government was being overwhelmed by civil war.

But the national mood in Myanmar is animated by a xenophobia that limns Ms. Aung San Suu
Kyi’s unwillingness to defend the rights of ethnic minorities. Thousands of Buddhist monks
have held protests against the West for wanting to bring the military to justice for ethnic
cleansing. Many others in the country’s Bamar heartland accuse an Islamic cabal of trying to
turn a peaceful Buddhist nation into a Muslim enclave.

It seems Hannah is mocking and belittling the Burmese Buddhists by using the odd term
‘cabal’. The truth is that the Islamic world, as dictated by the Quran, demands the total
destruction and elimination of ALL other religions, and it points its most hateful finger at
Buddhists and Hindus, demonizing them for ‘being ‘idol-worshippers’ and for not believing in
one, monotheistic God. Look at the times in history when a very small percentage of armed
savages, high on a violent ideology, skilled with weaponry, and willing to die, have been able
to invade, take over, and destroy a much larger culture: the conquest of Persia, Rome, Egypt,
and Spain, and the never-ending destruction of every Buddhist culture Islam reached in
present day Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and the many extinct
Buddhist cultures of Central Asia. Nowadays Islam seeks to destroy the legacy of the great
Buddhist Kingdom of Arakan, then ultimately all of Myanmar, Thailand, and Sri Lanka, among
other places.

“People in the West thought that Daw Aung San Suu Kyi would be unpopular because of the
crackdown on the Bengalis,” said U Thu Citta, an influential Buddhist monk, using a term to
suggest, incorrectly, that the Rohingya are from Bangladesh, not Myanmar. “But what she did
was right.”

Hannah! Are you educated? Did you go to school? Did you learn anything about world history,
and religion history? The Bengali Muslims (‘Rohingya’) started pouring into Arakan from
British India / Bengal (later Bangladesh), as the British needed workers - hence they have
been called, and call themselves ‘Bengalis’ or ‘Chittagonian Bengalis’, but NEVER even
mentioned the term ‘Rohingya’.

There is one trait that seemingly most Muslims flaunt - the never-ending victimhood,
combined with dehumanizing the real victims with all of the outrageous brutal accusations that
are, in fact, the tactics of the Muslims themselves. (Sorry if I offend some people, but I am just
reporting and analyzing, and if you are offended then, good - think about it, because I am
offended by being offended).

I have interviews, in rural Bengalis villages, where Bengalis are asked, ‘Are you Rohingya?’
Answer, ‘What is that?’ ‘What do you call yourselves?’ Answer, ‘Bengali (or Chittagonian)’.
Since the election, Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi has remained holed up in a villa in Naypyidaw, the
fortress capital that was built by the generals to showcase their might. She has repeatedly
refused requests to talk to The New York Times. She is still said to meditate everyday.

The coronavirus rages outside. The military-linked party, which

was trounced by the National League for Democracy, has
rejected the election results, called for a do-over and
threatened to bring the army in as observers.
In Yangon, the former capital abandoned by the military, a new
generation of human rights activists trade tips on how to avoid
getting nabbed by Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi’s government.
“We have nearly 600 political prisoners, and I was one of them
a few months ago,” said Ma Thinzar Shunlei Yi, 28, who was
convicted of contravening a law on peaceful assembly when
she protested the persecution of ethnic minorities. “She has not
done enough to lay the democratic foundation for basic
freedoms for all.”

Hannah Beech wants the readers of her screeds like this to embrace her fanatic hate of
Buddhists, Buddhist cultures, and Buddhism. As a firm believer in multiculturalism (which
embraces the disprovable notion that all cultures, and all religions are the same, and no one
of them is more violent or truth-bearing than another) Hannah needs to level the playing field.
The problem was, and is, that Islamic history and current actions are ultra-violent, and
Buddhist history and current actions are not. That is why when Hannah thinks and writes, she
will NEVER infer that ANY Muslims have historically or in present times done ANYTHING
violent….AT ALL. And she does NOT want to acknowledge ANY virtues to a peaceful faith
called Buddhism.

By Rick Heizman, Nov 17, 2020

Some more Hannah Beech exposés:



1/4 Parts:

2/4 Parts:

3/4 Parts:

4/4 Parts:
Photos and Videos of Arakan at: arakan-reality.smugmug.com - go to Conflict videos
Photos and Videos of all of Myanmar at: rickheizman.smugmug.com
Papers at scribd.com/rheizman
Email: rickmusic4@gmail.com
On YouTube:
My film about Arakan is also on YouTube, but YouTube has shut down my accounts several times,
so I’m reluctant to post some of the really ‘juicy’ videos.
YouTube Channel: Richard Heizman

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