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Earth and Life

The Big Bang Theory

- It is believed that the solar system started in 13.7 or 13.8 billion years ago
- Started from a hot, dense state that has undergone inflation
- A short but rapid expansion
- This theory was founded in 1927 by Georges Lamaitre
- Matter dilutes as the universe expand
- It is not an explosion, rather than an expansion

2 major forms
1.) Radiation Era
- Dominance of radiation
- Divided into epochs


Radiation Era- matter wasn’t created only energy existed

Planck Era- Immediate

Grand Unification- 10-43 sec

Inflationary Epoch- 10-36 sec (Rapidly Exploded)

-It has 4 forces namely gravity, strong nuclear, weak nuclear, electromagnetic.

Electroweak- 10-32 sec

Quark- 10-12 sec

Hadron- 10-6 sec (cool down)

-formation of proton and electron

Lepton- 1 sec fuse and created nuclei

Nuclear- 100 sec created the 1st element (helium)

Formation of cosmic cloud

2.) Matter Era


Atomic epoch- 50000 Y.A. (cool down recombination helped create hydrogen)

-electrons attached to nucleus (neutrons and protons)

Galactic Epoch- 200000 Y.A. (clusters of atoms)

-atomic clouds for density of atoms collected

Stellar Epoch- 3 Billion Y.A. (stars began to form)

Steady State Theory

-The universe has always been and will always be the same

- Perfect cosmological principle

-No beginning and end

- It suggested that the universe is infinitely old

-It suggested that the universe doesn’t evolve or change


Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)

- Relics of the bigbang are detected

Hubble Law

- All galaxies are moving away from each other

Encounter Theory
-the sun encountered a rogue star
- upon the encounter, hot gas was removed from both stars due to the gravitational interaction of
the stars.

- the hot gas then accumulated and formed the planets


-material from the less dense rogue star formed the outer planets

- while that from the sun formed the inner planets

Oscillating Universe Theory and Eternal Inflation Theory

-exists between the big bang and the big crunch (compression)
-eternal inflation theory supposes that instead of ending in a big crunch as the oscillating
universe deemed, the inflation never stops.

Protoplanet Hypothesis
-suggests that a cloud of gas and dust about 10 million kilometers in diameter rotated slowly
- by the explosion of a passing star, the cloud of gas and dust began to collapse
- it reduced the size of the cloud
- created a hydrogen fusion

Nebular Hypothesis
- Immanuel Kant and Pierre Simon Laplace
- The cloud of gas and dust begins to collapse because of the gravitational forces
- The spinning nebula flattens with a bulge at the center
- The central mass forms the sun, and the condensed dust grains act as condensation nuclei for
matter to form
- The collision between particles formed the planets.

The Earth’s Spheres

- Liquid water is attained on earth because the earth has the right temperature to maintain in
liquid phase

1.) Troposphere- all weather phenomenon happens

2.) Stratosphere- ozone is located and lower the stratosphere is where airplanes fly.
3.) Mesosphere- asteroids enter and creating the streak of lights called meteors.
4.) Thermosphere- satellites are revolving around the Earth.
5.) Exosphere

-solid region of the earth

CRUST- 1% only of geosphere

- Continental crust (thicker)

- Oceanic crust (denser)

Mantle- 82% of the Earth’s volume

- Upper mantle (800 km)

- Lower mantle (2100km)

Astenosphere- upper layer of the Earth’s mantle

-heat regulation of the Earth

- conviction happens here (hot air rises, cold air submerge)

Lower Mantle


-outer core is thicker (liquid)

- magnetic field is present

- pressure is there

- inner core is mostly iron

-hot but still solid due to the Earth’s High Pressure

Hydrosphere- makes up to 71% of Earth’s surface

-dynamic mass

- 97% is ocean water, 3% fresh water


It is important for volcanic eruptions in order to form new soil, nutrients in lands, release of
heat due to internal heat for regulation.


Magma-lava-rocks (igneous rocks)

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