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Unit 8: Momentum and Collisions 

Lesson 8.2 
Introduction 1 

Learning Objectives 2 

Warm Up 2 

Learn about It! 3 

Momentum and the Second Law of Motion 4 
Conservation of Momentum 5 
Momentum and Center of Mass 9 

Key Points 14 

Key Formulas 15 

Check Your Understanding 16 

Challenge Yourself 18 

Bibliography 19 

Key to Try It! 19 


Unit 8: Momentum and Collisions 

Lesson 8.2 



Scientific  jargons  rarely  coincide  with  their  counterparts  in  ordinary  language  in  an 
accurate sense. Thus, physical terms like impulse, tension, and force, among others, convey 
different  connotations  from  how  they  are  used  in  everyday  language.  The  word 
momentum,  however,  is  an  exception.  In  layman’s  terms,  the  expression  “to  gain 
momentum” means to achieve more strength and speed in something, which is very closely 
related  to  the  scientific  meaning  that  it  carries.  Take,  for  instance,  the device shown above 
called  “Newton’s  cradle.”  Each  ball  contains  an  equal mass as with the rest of the balls; pull 
away  one  ball  and  release  it,  and  the  entire  system  will  “gain  momentum.”  Let’s  dive  into 
the compelling physics behind it in the lesson that follows. 
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Unit 8: Momentum and Collisions 

Learning Objectives  DepEd Competencies 

● Relate the motion of the center of 
In this lesson, you should be able to do the  mass of a system to the 
momentum and net external force 
acting on the system 
● Explain the concept of momentum.  (STEM_GP12MMIC-Ih-57).  
● Solve problems involving 
● Determine  how  momentum  affects 
momentum in contexts such as, 
the  motion  of  a  system’s  center  of  but not limited to, rocket motion, 
mass.   vehicle collisions, ping-pong, 
whiplash, and the sliding, rolling, 
● Explain  how  internal  and  external 
and mechanical deformations in 
forces  affect  the  momentum  in  a  vehicle collisions 
given system.  (STEM_GP12MMIC-Ii-63). 

Solve  problems  related  to  a  system’s 
center of mass. 

  Warm Up       
  Galilean Cannon    5 minutes 
You  have  seen  a  “Newton’s  cradle,”  in  which  all  the  balls  in  the  device  are  of  equal masses. 
What  happens  though  when  a  system  consists  of  unequal  masses?  A  “Galilean  cannon,”  or 
balls  stacked  on  top  of  each  other  from  the  heaviest  to  the  lightest,  is  a  great  way  to 
visualize it. In this activity, you will create a similar but simpler version of this device. 

● water-filled balloon 
● tennis ball 

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Unit 8: Momentum and Collisions 
1. Prepare the materials. Hold the tennis ball on top of the balloon while both are 
raised at a certain distance from the table, as shown in Fig. 8.2.1. 

Fig. 8.2.1. A two-ball Galilean cannon set-up 
2. Then,  let  go  of both balloon and ball. Ensure that they are in contact and are stable 
before you drop them. Observe what happens. 
3. Answer the guide questions that follow. 
Guide Questions 
1. What happened to the tennis ball and the balloon when they were dropped? 
2. What  do  you  think  is  responsible  for  the  motion  of  the  tennis  ball  after  it  has  been 
3. If  momentum  is  a  quantity  that  pertains  to  how  difficult  it  will  be  to  stop  a  moving 
object,  which  between  the  ball  and  the  balloon  had  a  greater  momentum?  What  do 
you think are the factors that affect momentum? 

  Learn about It! 

You  have  learned  that  the  Second  Law  of  Motion    may  be  expressed 
alternatively  through  the  work-energy  theorem,  which  was  an  extremely  useful  tool  in 
approaching  energy-related  problems.  In  this  lesson,  we  will  take  Newton’s  Second  Law 
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Unit 8: Momentum and Collisions 
once  more,  and  reformulate  it  according  to  a  different  set  of  principles:  those  related  to 

What is linear momentum? 


Momentum and the Second Law of Motion 
Newton’s  Second  Law  suggests  that  the  net  force    exerted  upon  an  object  amounts  to 
the  “time  rate  of  change  of  the  product  of  the  object’s  velocity  and  mass.”  This  product  is 
also referred to as the object’s linear momentum (or simply, momentum). It is given by: 

  Equation 8.2.1 


is the momentum of an object; 

is the object’s mass; and  
is the object’s velocity. 

Did You Know? 

While  the  lowercase  letter  p  seems  like  a  far-fetched  symbol  for  the 
quantity  momentum,  its  designation  in  fact  carries  an  interesting 
history.  Because  of  the  apparent  confusion  that  it  would  have  with 
the  quantity mass if the letter m is used, German physicists first used 
the  capital  letter  I  since  momentum  locally  translates  to  der  Impuls. 
This,  however,  also  turned  out  to  be  confusing,  since  it  conflicted 
with  the  symbol  for  moment  of  inertia,  which  was  denoted  the 
same way. The French and the Germans then agreed to use the letter 
p, which was eventually adopted in American notation. 

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Unit 8: Momentum and Collisions 

Momentum  (mv),  which  is  a  vector  quantity,  is  proportional  to  both 
mass  (m)  and  speed  (v).  Its  direction  is  also  similar  to  the  velocity’s 
direction, as illustrated below: 

An  object’s  momentum  (measured  in  )  may  also  be  expressed  through  its 
components,  thus,  for  the  velocity  components  of  an  object  vx, vy, and vz,  its corresponding 
momentum  components  are  x-momentum  (px),  y-momentum  (py),  and  z-momentum  (pz). 
Integrating  these  with  equation  8.2.1  results  in  the components px = mvx, py = mvy, and pz = 

mvz,  respectively.  Applying  it  to  the  equation  for  the  Second  Law  of  Motion   
yield the following expression:  

Equation 8.2.2 


is the net force acting on a particle; and 

is the rate of change of the object’s momentum. 

Conservation of Momentum 
As  with  the  Third  Law  of  Motion,  momentum  has  practical  applications  in  situations  when 
there  is  an  interaction  between  two  or  more  objects. Consider, for instance, two astronauts 
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Unit 8: Momentum and Collisions 
exerting  forces  (of  equal  magnitude  and  opposite  directions)  on  each  other  in free space (a 
zero-gravity  environment),  as  shown  in  Fig.  8.2.2.  Thus, the change in momentum acting on 
the  two  astronauts  are  also  of  equal  magnitude  and  opposite  directions.  Note  that  the 
change  in  momentum  is  also  called  impulse  Δp,  which  we  will  be  discussing  in more detail 
in the proceeding lesson.  

Fig. 8.2.2. Conservation of momentum between two astronauts in free space 

Recall  from  your  previous  lessons  that  internal  forces  are  the  ones  which  objects  or 
particles  exert  on  each  other  within  a  given  system.  On  the  contrary,  external  forces  are 
those  emerging  from  outside  the  system’s  scope.  Fig.  8.2.2  illustrates  an  example  of  an 
isolated  system,  where  no  external  forces  are  involved.  Thus,  for  the  action-and-reaction 
pair  of  the  two  astronauts,  the  internal  forces  at play are those exerted by astronaut A on B 

  and  by  astronaut  B  on A  . When we apply this principle with the Third 

Law  of  Motion,  it  can  be  inferred  that    and    are  of  equal  magnitudes  and 
opposite directions, thus: 

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Unit 8: Momentum and Collisions 

where  the vector  signifies the vector sum of all the objects’ momenta  , i.e., 

it  is  the  total  momentum  of  the  system.  This  phenomenon  may  also  be  observed  in  the 
example in Fig. 8.2.3. 

Fig. 8.2.3. Conservation of momentum in a system of two skaters 

Always be mindful of the following considerations with regard to the 
Conservation of Momentum: 

1. The  equation    implies  that  the 

total  momentum  in  the  system  is  zero,  i.e.,  the  time  rate  of 

the change of is zero.  

2. If  there  are  external  forces  involved,  they  must  join  the 
internal  forces  on  the  left  side  of  the  equation 

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Unit 8: Momentum and Collisions 

,  thus  making  the  total 

momentum not constant.  

Keeping in mind the equations and principles noted above, we can thus conclude that the 
Conservation of Momentum signifies that the total momentum of a system is constant 
when the summation of all the external forces acting upon that system amounts to 

How is momentum conserved? 


Did You Know? 

The  Conservation  of  Momentum  can  be  observed  in  the  launching 
of  rockets.  Inside  the  rocket,  fuel  is  burned,  thus  producing 
chemical  energy  at  high  temperatures.  When  this  is  ejected  from 
the  rocket’s  nozzle,  an  equal  and  opposite  momentum  then 
enables the rocket to speed right up. 

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Unit 8: Momentum and Collisions 

Momentum and Center of Mass 
Recall  the  system’s  center  of  mass,  which  you  have learned about in the previous lesson, as 
the  mass-weighted  average  position  of  all  the  parts  of  a  given  system.  Conservation  of 
Momentum  may  also  be  alternatively  expressed  using  this  concept,  and  the  motion  of  the 
center  of  mass,  in  turn,  can  be  best  understood  in  terms  of  the  principles  of  momentum. 
Take,  for  instance,  the  top  view  of  a  wrench  in  Fig.  8.2.4  as  it  spins on a horizontal surface 
with negligible friction.  

Fig. 8.2.4. The motion of the center of mass for an object moving with a constant velocity 

The  motion  of  the  center  of  mass,  signified  by  the  dotted  white  lines,  can  be  seen  in  a 
straight  line,  despite  the  seemingly  erratic  movement  of  the  wrench.  The  total  momentum 
of  a  system  amounts  to  the  product of the mass and the velocity of the center of mass. This 
is given by: 

Equation 8.2.3 

is the total mass of the individual masses in the system; 

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Unit 8: Momentum and Collisions 

is the velocity of the center of mass; 

is the individual momentum of a given object; and 

is the total momentum of the system 


How does momentum affect the motion of a 

  system’s center of mass? 

  Let’s Practice!  

Example 1    
Determine  the  momentum  of  a  child  riding  a  wagon  with  a  velocity  of  1.75  m/s  if  the 
wagon-child system has a mass of 35.5 kg. 
Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem. 
You are asked to solve for the momentum of the system. 
Step 2: Identify the given in the problem. 
The system’s mass, 35.5 kg, and its velocity, 1.75 m/s are given. 
Step 3: Write the working equation.  

Step 4: Substitute the given values.  

Step 5: Find the answer. 

The momentum of the child-wagon system is 62.125 kg m/s. 

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Unit 8: Momentum and Collisions 

1  Try It!  
Calculate the momentum of a car with a mass of 1000 kg and a velocity of 30.0 m/s. 

Example 2  
A  1350-kg  vehicle’s  parking brake has malfunctioned when it reached a momentum of 6 500 
kg m/s. What is the vehicle’s velocity? 
Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem. 
You are asked to calculate the vehicle’s velocity. 
Step 2: Identify the given in the problem. 
The vehicle’s momentum, 6 500 kg m/s, along with its mass, 1 350 kg are given. 
Step 3: Write the working equation.  

Derive from the general equation , as follows: 

Step 4: Substitute the given values.  

Step 5: Find the answer. 

The velocity of the vehicle is 4.81 m/s. 

2  Try It!  

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Unit 8: Momentum and Collisions 

A  40-kg  bowling  ball  has  produced  a  momentum amounting to 317.5 kg m/s. What is 

its velocity? 

Example 3  
A  dart gun produces a 1.56-kg m/s momentum and an 11.41-mph velocity when it thrusts its 
darts. Determine the mass of each dart. 
Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem. 
You are asked to identify the mass of the dart. 
Step 2: Identify the given in the problem. 
The momentum, 1.56 kg m/s, and the dart’s velocity, 11.41 mph are given.  
Step 3: Write the working equation.  
First, convert 11.41 mph to m/s using the following conversion factors: 1 mile = 1 
609.34 m and 1 h = 3 600 s. Thus: 

Then, derive from the general equation , as follows: 

Step 4: Substitute the given values.  

Step 5: Find the answer. 


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Unit 8: Momentum and Collisions 
The mass of each dart is 0.31 kg. 

3  Try It!  
Suppose  that the momentum produced in each dart in Example 3 is now 2.33 kg m/s. 
What will be its mass if its velocity is 14.60 mph? 

Example 4  
A  small  truck  with  mass  1  450  kg  is  moving  with  a  velocity  of  3.5  m/s  when  it  hits  another 
truck  at  rest  of  mass  1  215  kg.  Considering  the  trucks  got  locked  together,  determine  the 
final speed of the two trucks. 
Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem. 
You are asked to identify the final speed of the two trucks. 
Step 2: Identify the given in the problem. 
The  mass  of  the  first  truck,  1  450  kg  and  its  velocity,  3.5  m/s,  and  the mass of the 
second  truck,  1  215 kg are given. Its initial velocity is 0 since it is at rest prior to the 
Step 3: Write the working equation.  
Apply the conservation of momentum to infer that: 

Since , then . 
Determine m2 as the combined mass of both trucks since they have been locked 
together, thus: 


Derive from , as follows: 

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Unit 8: Momentum and Collisions 
Step 4: Substitute the given values.  

Step 5: Find the answer. 

The final speed of the two trucks is 1.90 m/s. 

4  Try It!  
Suppose  another  small  truck  with  mass  1  025  kg  is  moving  with  a velocity of 5.7 m/s 
when  it  collides  head-on  with  another  truck  at  rest  of  mass  1  300  kg.  What  will  be 
their final speed? 

How do we determine the momentum of a given 


Key Points 
● The product of the object’s velocity and mass is also referred to as momentum. 
● Momentum  (mv),  which  is  a vector quantity, is proportional to both mass (m) and 
speed (v). Its direction is also similar to the velocity’s direction. 

● An  object’s  momentum  (measured  in  )  may  also  be  expressed  through  its 
components,  thus,  for  the  velocity  components  of  an  object  vx,  vy,  and  vz,  its 
corresponding  momentum  components  are  x-momentum  (px),  y-momentum  (py), 
and z-momentum (pz).  

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Unit 8: Momentum and Collisions 
● The  Conservation  of  Momentum  signifies  that  the  total  momentum  of  a  system  is 
constant  when  the  summation  of  all  the  external  forces  acting  upon  that  system 
amounts to zero. 
● Always  be  mindful  of  the  following  considerations  with  regard  the  Conservation  of 

○ The  equation    implies  that  the  total  momentum 

in the system is zero, i.e., the time rate of change of is zero.  

○ If  there are external forces involved, they must join the internal forces on the 

left  side  of  the  equation  ,  thus  making  the  total 

momentum not constant.  

Key Formulas 

Concept  Formula  Description 

Momentum  Use  this formula to solve for 

  the  momentum  in  a  given 
where:  system. 
●   is  the  momentum  of  an 
●   is  the  object’s  mass; 
● is the object’s velocity 

Total Momentum  Use  this formula to solve for 

  the  total momentum when 
where:  either  the  total  mass  M  and 
●   is  the  total mass of the  the  velocity  of  the  center  of 
individual  masses  in  the  mass    or  the  individual 
system;  masses   and   their  respective 

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Unit 8: Momentum and Collisions 

●   is  the  velocity  of  the  velocities are given. 

center of mass;  
●   is  the  individual 
momentum  of  a  given 
object; and 
●   is  the  total  momentum 
of the system 


  Check Your Understanding 


A. Identify what is being referred to in each statement. 

______________  1.  The  ______________  is equal to the time rate of change of the 

product of the object’s velocity and mass.  

______________  2.  Momentum is represented by the symbol ______________.  

______________  3.  ______________  are  forces  which objects or particles exert on 

each other within a given system.  

______________  4.  The ______________ of all the objects’ momenta is termed as 
total momentum.  

______________  5.  The  direction  of  an  object’s  momentum  is  always  
______________ to the velocity’s direction.  

______________  6.  The  product  of  the  object’s  velocity and mass is referred to 

as ______________.  

______________  7.  A  system  where  only  internal  forces  are  at  play  is  also 
called an ______________.  

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Unit 8: Momentum and Collisions 

______________  8.  In  an  isolated  system,  the  sum  of  the  internal  forces  is 

______________  9.  The  total  momentum  of  a  system  is  ______________  when 
the  summation  of  all  the  external  forces  acting  upon  that 
system amounts to zero.  

______________  10.  The SI unit for momentum is ______________ .  

B. Answer the questions that follow.    

For Items 1-5, determine the momentum of: 

1. a 0.45-caliber bullet with m = 0.133 kg hurled from a gun’s muzzle at 950 m/s.  
2. a 145-kg hockey player hurrying across a horizontal path at 9.7 m/s. 
3. an electron with m = 8.75✕10-31 kg moving at 3.1✕106 m/s.  
4. a 7.94 ✕ 105-lb airplane taxiing down a runway with a speed of 1.80 m/s.  
5. a school bus with a mass of 3.03✕104 lbs running at 40 km/h.  
6. Consider  a  sedan with m = 2 000 kg. What is its momentum if it is moving with 
a speed of 35 m/s?   
7. How  fast  is  an  8000-g  bowling  ball  rolling  in  a  horizontal  surface  if  it  has  a 
momentum of 16.0 kg m/s?  
8. If  a  basketball  bowls  across  the  floor  with  a  speed  of  0.50  m/s  and  a 
momentum of 0.25 kg m/s, what is its mass?  
9. A  140-gram  tennis  ball  rolls  in  a  straight  line  with  a  speed  of  67.11  mph. 
Determine its momentum.  
10. A  2.20-lb  tortoise  is  crawling  across  a  horizontal  line  with  a  velocity  of  0.036 
km/h. Solve for its momentum.  

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Unit 8: Momentum and Collisions 

  Challenge Yourself 

Answer the following questions in two or three sentences.  

1. How is momentum conserved?  

2. Consider  a  heavy  and  a  light  hammer  being  used  to  chop  a  piece  of  wood  with  a 
wedge,  as  shown  in  Fig.  8.2.5.  Which  material  will  be  more  efficient  and  why? 
Suppose all other factors are kept constant for both set-ups.  

Fig. 8.2.5. Two hammers and a wedge 

3. Consider  two  push  carts  with  masses  m  and  2m,  respectively, at rest on a horizontal 
surface  with  negligible  friction.  If  you  push  the  first  cart  for  5  seconds,  and  the 
second  one  for  an  equal  amount  of  time  and  with  an  equal  force,  how  will  the  two 
total momenta compare? Explain your answer. 
4. Infer  what  will  happen  to  the  momentum  of  raindrops  as they fall upon the ground. 
Justify your answer. 
5. A  Volkswagen  has  accelerated  from  rest.  By  which  amount  has  its  total  momentum 
changed relative to the total momentum of the earth? 

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Unit 8: Momentum and Collisions 

Faughn,  Jerry  S.  and  Raymond  A.  Serway.  Serway’s  College  Physics  (7th  ed).  Singapore: 
Brooks/Cole, 2006. 
Halliday, David, Robert Resnick and Kenneth Krane. Fundamentals of Physics (5th ed). USA:  
Wiley, 2002. 
Knight,  Randall  D.  Physics  for  Scientists  and  Engineers:  A  Strategic  Approach  (4th  ed).  USA: 
Pearson Education, 2017.  
Serway,  Raymond  A.  and  John  W.  Jewett,  Jr.  Physics  for  Scientists  and  Engineers  with  Modern 
Physics (9th ed). USA: Brooks/Cole, 2014. 
Young, Hugh D., Roger A. Freedman, and A. Lewis Ford. Sears and Zemansky’s University  
Physics with Modern Physics (13th ed). USA: Pearson Education, 2012. 

  Key to Try It! 

1. 30 000 kg m/s 
2. 7.94 m/s 
3. 0.36 kg 
4. 2.51 m/s 

8.2. Momentum   19 

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