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Time taken for

Temperature 1 -1 1 -1
colourless solution turn In (s ) (K ) Rate M/s
(K) t T
to dark yellow (s)

303.15 249 -5.5175 0.00330 2.008 × 10-4

313.15 152 -5.0239 0.00319 3.289 × 10-4

323.15 78 -4.3567 0.00309 6.410 × 10-4

333.15 52 -3.9512 0.00300 9.615 × 10-4

343.15 25 -3.2189 0.00291 2 × 10-3

Table 1: Time taken for the colourless solution turn to dark yellow (s)

In 1/t (s-1) vs 1/T (K-1)

0 0 0 0 0


In 𝟏/𝒕 (s­-1)

-4 -4.36


𝟏/𝑻 (K-1)

1 -1 1
Graph 1: In (s ) against (K-1)
t T
Calculation of activation energy (Ea)

Given Arrhenius equation:

(K=Ae− Ea/ RT )

Rearranged this equation into:

Ea 1
ln K = ( ) +ln A

It forms;



Ea = -mR,

Where; m is the slope or gradient of the graph and R is the molar gas constant, 8.314 J/mol k-1.

Ea = -mR

y 2− y 1
x 2−x 1
= -5893.85

Ea = -mR

= -(-5893.85)(8.314 J/mol k-1)

= 49001.4689 J/mol k-1


Pre-lab Questions

1. Define the terms below:

a) Initial rate – Instantaneous rate at the start of the reaction (when t=0)
b) Activation energy – The least possible amount of energy (minimum) which is required to
start a reaction or the amount of energy available in a chemical system for a reaction to
take place.

2. Explain the purpose of using water baths in this experiment.

The purpose of using water baths is to ensure that the reactants and the reaction takes place
at a specific temperature. In this experiment, five water baths were prepared with each set
to a temperature of 30°C, 40°C, 50°C, 60°C and 70°C. Different water baths result different
reaction time. This is because higher temperature makes the molecules vibrate at a higher
speed resulting a higher frequency of collisions between molecules.

Post-lab Questions

1. Discuss the methodology needs to remain the iodide concentration. Use evidence from the
experimental method as well as the obtained results to justify the argument.
The rate of reaction is depending on the concentrations of the peroxydisulphate and iodide
ions. If the concentration of iodide is higher than the concentration of peroxydisulphate, the
concentration of iodide will hardly change during the experiment and the colour of the
solution will turns dark yellow. Based on this experiment, 0.2M potassium iodide (KI) and
0.1M potassium peroxydisulphate (K 2S2O8) were used. It shows that the concentration of
potassium iodide is higher than the concentration of potassium peroxydisulphate. Based on
the result, the time taken for the colour of the solution to changes dark yellow is longer in
respective of different water bath’s temperature. The graph of ln 1/τ against 1/T was plotted
based on the result obtained, proved that the concentration of potassium iodide is higher
than concentration of peroxydisulphate.

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