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PHY 310


Prepared By:
 3.1 Effect of intensity and frequency of a light wave on the
photoelectrons produced
 3.2 Photoelectric current against potential graph
 3.3 Quantitative study of the equations, work function and
threshold frequency
 3.4 Photon theory of light
 3.5 Failure of wave optics in explaining the photo electric
The photoelectric effect
is defined as the emission of electron from the surface of a metal
when the EM radiation (light) of higher frequency strikes its surface.

Figure 1 shows the emission of the electron from the surface of the
metal after shining by the light.

Photoelectron is defined as an electron emitted from the surface of

the metal when the EM radiation (light) strikes its surface.
Photoelectric experiment
The photoelectric effect can be studied through the experiment
made by Franck Hertz in 1887.

Figure 2 shows a schematic diagram of an experimental arrangement

for studying the photoelectric effect.
The set-up apparatus as follows:

Two conducting electrodes, the anode (positive electric

potential) and the cathode (negative electric potential) are
encased in an evacuated tube (vacuum).

The monochromatic light of known frequency and intensity is

incident on the cathode.
Explanation of the experiment
When a monochromatic light of suitable frequency (or
wavelength) shines on the cathode, photoelectrons are emitted.

These photoelectrons are attracted to the anode and give rise to

the photoelectric current or photocurrent I which is measured by the

When the positive voltage (potential difference) across the

cathode and anode is increased, more photoelectrons reach the
anode , thus the photoelectric current increases.

As positive voltage becomes sufficiently large, the photoelectric

current reaches a maximum constant value Im , called saturation
Saturation current is defined as the maximum constant value of
photocurrent when all the photoelectrons have reached the anode.

If the positive voltage is gradually decreased, the photoelectric

current I also decreases slowly. Even at zero voltage there are still
some photoelectrons with sufficient energy reach the anode and the
photoelectric current flows is Io

Finally, when the voltage is made negative by reversing the power

supply terminal as shown in Figure 3, the photoelectric current
decreases even further to very low values since most photoelectrons
are repelled by anode which is now negative electric potential.
As the potential of the anode becomes more negative, less
photoelectrons reach the anode thus the photoelectric current drops
until its value equals zero which the electric potential at this
moment is called stopping potential (voltage) Vs

Stopping potential is defined as the minimum value of negative

voltage when there are no photoelectrons reaching the anode.
The potential energy U due to this retarding voltage Vs now equals
the maximum kinetic energy Kmax of the photoelectron.

U  K max
eVs  mv max
The variation of photoelectric current I as a function of the voltage
V can be shown through the graph in Figure 4 below.
Einstein’s theory of photoelectric
A photon is a ‘packet’ of electromagnetic radiation with particle-
like characteristic and carries the energy E given by

E  hf
and this energy is not spread out through the medium.
Work function Wo of a metal

Is defined as the minimum energy of EM radiation required to emit

an electron from the surface of the metal.

It depends on the metal used.

Its formulae is

Wo  Emin and Emin  hfo

Wo  hfo ..........
where fo is called threshold frequency and is defined as the minimum
frequency of EM radiation required to emit an electron from the
surface of the metal.
Since c=λf then the eq. (2) can be written as

Wo  ..........
where λo is called threshold wavelength and is defined as the maximum
wavelength of EM radiation required to emit an electron from the surface
of the metal.

Table 1 shows the work functions of several elements.

Table 1
Einstein’s photoelectric equation
In the photoelectric effect, Einstein summarizes that some of the
energy E imparted by a photon is actually used to release an
electron from the surface of a metal (i.e. to overcome the binding
force) and that the rest appears as the maximum kinetic energy of
the emitted electron (photoelectron). It is given by

E  K max  Wo where
E  hf K max 
and mv max
hf  mvmax  Wo
. (4)

where eq. (4) is known as Einstein’s photoelectric equation.

Since Kmax =e Vs then the eq. (4) can be written as

hf  eVs  Wo ..........

where Vs  stopping voltage

e  magnitude for charge of electron
1st case : hf  Wo OR f  fo

2nd case : hf  Wo OR f  fo

3rd case : hf  Wo OR f  fo

Cadmium has a work function of 4.22 eV. Calculate

a. its threshold frequency,
b. the maximum speed of the photoelectrons when the
cadmium is shined by UV radiation of wavelength 275 nm,
c. the stopping potential.

(Given c =3.00x108 m s-1, h =6.63 x 10-34 J s, me=9.11 x 10-31 kg,

mp=1.67 x 10-27 kg and e=1.60x10-19 C)
A beam of white light containing frequencies between 4.00 x 1014 Hz
and 7.90 x 1014 Hz is incident on a sodium surface, which has a work
function of 2.28 eV.
a. Calculate the threshold frequency of the sodium surface.
b. What is the range of frequencies in this beam of light for
which electrons are ejected from the sodium surface?
c. Determine the highest maximum kinetic energy of the
photoelectrons that are ejected from this surface.
(Given c =3.00x108 m s-1, h =6.63 x 10-34 J s, me=9.11 x 10-31 kg,
mp=1.67 x 10-27 kg and e=1.60x10-19 C)
Graph of photoelectric experiment
Variation of photoelectric current I with voltage V

for the radiation of different intensities but its frequency is fixed.

From the experiment, the photoelectric current is directly proportional
to the intensity of the radiation as shown in Figure above.
for the radiation of different frequencies but its intensity is
From the Einstein’s photoelectric equation,
For the different metals of cathode but the intensity and frequency
of the radiation are fixed.

From the Einstein’s photoelectric equation,

 1  hf 
hf  eVs  Wo  Vs    Wo   
 e  e 

y m x  c
Variation of stopping voltage Vs with frequency f of the radiation

for different metals of cathode but the intensity is fixed.

Reason: Since h W

hf  eVs  Wo  Vs    f  o
e e
if Vs  0  hf  e(0)  Wo
Wo  hf
Failure of wave theory of light
Table 2 shows the classical predictions (wave theory), photoelectric experimental
observation and modern theory explanation about photoelectric experiment.

Classical Experimental Modern theory

predictions observation
Emission of Emission of When the light
photoelectrons occur photoelectrons occur frequency is greater than
for all frequencies of only when frequency threshold frequency, a
light. Energy of light is of the light exceeds the higher rate of photons
independent of certain frequency striking the metal surface
frequency. which value is results in a higher rate of
characteristic of the photoelectrons emitted.
material being If it is less than threshold
illuminated. frequency no
photoelectrons are
Hence the emission of
photoelectrons depend
on the light frequency
Classical Experimental Modern theory
predictions observation
The higher the Very low intensity The intensity of light is
intensity, the greater but high frequency the number of photons
the energy imparted radiation could emit radiated per unit time on a
to the metal surface photoelectrons. The unit surface area.
for emission of maximum kinetic Based on the Einstein’s
photoelectrons. energy of photoelectric equation:
When the intensity photoelectrons is
is low, the energy of independent of light K max  hf  Wo
the radiation is too intensity.
small for emission of The maximum kinetic
electrons. energy of photoelectron
depends only on the light
frequency and the work
function. If the light
intensity is doubled, the
number of electrons
emitted also doubled but
the maximum kinetic
energy remains unchanged.
Classical Experimental Modern theory
predictions observation
Light energy is Photoelectrons are The transfer of photon’s
spread over the emitted from the energy to an electron is
wavefront, the surface of the metal instantaneous as its energy is
amount of energy almost absorbed in its entirely, much
incident on any one instantaneously after like a particle to particle
electron is small. An the surface is collision. The emission of
electron must gather illuminated, even at photoelectron is immediate
sufficient energy very low light and no time interval between
before emission, intensities. absorption of light energy and
hence there is time emission.
interval between
absorption of light
energy and
emission. Time
interval increases if
the light intensity is
Classical Experimental Modern theory
predictions observation
Energy of light Energy of light According to Planck’s
depends only on depends on quantum theory which is
amplitude ( or frequency. E=hf
intensity) and not on Energy of light depends on its
frequency. frequency.

Experimental observations deviate from classical predictions based

on wave theory of light. Hence the classical physics cannot explain
the phenomenon of photoelectric effect.

The modern theory based on Einstein’s photon theory of light can

explain the phenomenon of photoelectric effect.

It is because Einstein postulated that light is quantized and light is

emitted, transmitted and reabsorbed as photons.
a. Why does the existence of a threshold frequency in the
photoelectric effect favor a particle theory for light over a wave theory?

b. In the photoelectric effect, explains why the stopping potential

depends on the frequency of light but not on the intensity.

Solution :

a. Wave theory predicts that the photoelectric effect should occur at any
frequency, provided the light intensity is high enough. However, as seen in
the photoelectric experiments, the light must have a sufficiently high
frequency (greater than the threshold frequency) for the effect to occur.

b. The stopping voltage measures the kinetic energy of the most energetic
photoelectrons. Each of them has gotten its energy from a single photon.
According to Planck’s quantum theory , the photon energy depends on the
frequency of the light. The intensity controls only the number of photons
reaching a unit area in a unit time.

In a photoelectric experiments, a graph of the light frequency f is

plotted against the maximum kinetic energy Kmax of the
photoelectron as shown in Figure below

Based on the graph, for the light of frequency 7.14 x1014 Hz, calculate
a. the threshold wavelength,
b. the maximum speed of the photoelectron.

(Given c =3.00x108 m s-1, h =6.63 x 10-34 J s, me=9.11 x 10-31 kg, mp=1.67 x 10-27 kg
and e=1.60x10-19 C)
a. By rearranging Einstein’s photoelectric equation,
1 W
hf  K max  Wo  f    K max  o
h h
f  K max  f o

y  mx  c
From the graph, fo = 4.83 x 1014 Hz
Therefore the threshold wavelength is given by:
o 
3.00  108

4.83  1014
 6.21  10  7 m
f  7.14  1014 Hz

b. By using the Einstein's photeelectric equation, thus

hf  mv max  Wo

hf  mv max  hfo

mv max  h( f  f o )

(9.11  10  31)vmax  6.63  10  34 (7.14  1014  4.83  1014 )

vmax  5.80  10 5 ms 1

“Creativity Is Intelligence Having Fun.” – Albert Einstein

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