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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter

February 8, 2011

Pastor’s Notes

As I write this, I’m sitting in a

hotel room in Aiken S.C. I’m
here for the annual Church of God Prayer
Conference. Although the worship has been
great and the Word was timely, my mind and
heart is in Woodruff. I can’t seem to get the
services from Sunday off my mind. I am still
overwhelmed at God’s presence and His constant desire to let us know how much He
wants to pour Himself out on us. I thought Sunday morning was good, but Sunday night
was AWESOME!!!! When we actually do what the Lord has wanted us to
do….WORSHIP….we see the evidence of what He wants to do. His Holy Ghost
presence was there and conviction filled the room and at least 1 person committed their
life to Christ. While the worship was going on, a person with a bad back and could
hardly walk, began to walk around the sanctuary and was healed by the power of God..
There was other prayer made that I’m confident is going to result in GREAT THINGS!!!!

When one of the messages in tongues went out, I had this though go through my
mind….God was one more time wanting to tell us that we had only scratched the surface.
He’s told us that many times and I felt like He was trying to say it again. I truly believe
that this is only the surface and that the intensity level is about to turn up many notches.
BUT….. We cannot let up what we are doing!!!!! The reason these things are happening
is because the people of God are beginning to get serious about this. We are
FASTING….. We are PRAYING….. We are CONFESSING….. We are doing the things
that are necessary in order to see God move. But we cannot be satisfied with what He did
Sunday. Tomorrow is a new day and that means another opportunity for another wave of
His glory!!!!!! I’m so ready for God to reveal Himself in unprecedented fashion!!!! So
keep on FASTING, even when the going gets tough! Keep on praying, even when the
flesh isn’t so willing! Keep on confessing, even when it hurts your pride. KEEP IT

We are not quite half way with our 40 day fast. God
is already answering prayers!!!!! Revival seems to be
churching…. Somebody’s mother was prayed
through to salvation…. Don’t loose your focus and
allow yourself to slip from your commitment to fast.
so worth it!!!!!!
Sitting in church Monday night of Prayer Conference, I
felt the Lord to prod me to call for prayer to be made on
our new property. I believe that we need to began forging
forward in the endeavor of building the building and
relocating. I was reminding tonight in church just how
powerful prayer is. So this Saturday, at 10:00 AM, I’d love anybody who would love to
come and spend some time praying on the new property to come and join me. I plan on
having our church board meet at differing times as well. I’d love to see some youth
groups out there praying, youth boards, children’s boards, children’s teachers & workers,
choir & musicians, etc….. The Bible says “Where there is no vision, the people perish”.
Let us keep the vision before us and use the power of prayer to see God move on our
behalf. Hope to see you Saturday at 10:00 at the new property on Hwy. 101.

Special Children’s service is scheduled for February 20th at 10:30 AM. Our children’s
ministry is really growing, both numerically and spiritually. They are having children in
the altars, weeping because of feeling the presence of the
Lord. God is moving!!!!! We must allow them opportunity
to share their ministry with us and to expose them to “big
church”. We are so thankful for Donna Burdette, her
husband Garren and their staff of teachers and workers.
Special thanks also to all the van drivers and workers and to
Sis. Betty Ball and her staff of the Kidz Kafe!!! Our
children’s ministry is MOVING FORWARD. Please make
your plans to be in the service on Feb. 20th and invite your friends and neighbors. Hey,
invite some of the neighborhood kids to come!!!!

Baby dedication is still planned for February 27th. Please call the
church office and give us the name of your child and the other
needed information. We will have a section reserved for the
families and friends of the children being dedicated. This gives
you a special view for those cherished photos. Please don’t forget
that we video the services and you can purchase a DVD of the
service that morning as well.

Please don’t forget our REVIVAL DATES:

Praise service to end the fast: March 5
March 6 - Sun. - AM & PM
March 9 - Wednesday - Children & Youth to have their own revival service
Adults will meet in the Sanctuary to have a Worship & Prayer Service
March 12 - Sat. - Revival Service
March 13 - Sun, - Revival Service AM & PM
March 16 - Wed. - Children & Youth to have their own revival service
Adults will meet in the Sanctuary to have a Worship & Prayer Service
March 19 - Sat. - Revival Service
March 20 - Sun. - Revival Service AM & PM

Choir- Don’t forget to wear “Valentine Colors” this Sunday, February 13th!

PRAYER LIST: Ronnie Richards, Linda Johnson, Diane Arnold, Debbie Waddell,
Ronnie Durham, Peggy Abercrombie, Juanita Simpson, Rose Richards, Sandy Hylton,
Mike Cobb, Mike Nobles, Bill Seay, Lynda Alexander, Carol Hopson, Lillian Caldwell,
Denise Manley, June Vassey, Dale Lollis, Larry Trotter, Grace Couch, Melissa Carlton,
Lane Whitson, Joyce Sloan, Shut Ins, and Those in Nursing Homes

Friday February 11, 2011 Princess Night out 6-8 at CLC.

Saturday February 12, 2011 Kidz Fun day Roller Skating be

at church at 11:15- will return at 2:30.

Sunday February 13, 2011 Praise and Worship practice at

4:30 and Drama at 4:50 both ages groups.

Children’s Board Meeting reschedule to February 20, 2011 at 4:30.

Fundraiser: Carolina Girl t-shirt to order one see Donna or Garren Burdette.
The shirt order and money is due February 23, 2011 make all checks to WCOG.

Registration is now for Kidz Jam see Donna or Garren Burdette to get your child

JOY Club News

Note to all those 50 and over: Please mark your calendar now for Feb. 24. This is the
date of our next Senior Adult Fellowship meeting. The time is 6 PM. This will be a
special vision casting meeting and we hope that every senior adult will get involved in at
least one area of ministry. This will not be an eating meeting. We may have a snack for
you but noone is asked to bring food. We look forward to sharing this time with you. Go

The F.R.E.E.D. Group Meeting will be Tuesday, February 8th at 6:30 under the
sanctuary. If you have any questions, call John/Jeanne Nemitz at 476-2819.
WinterJam 2011 - The youth will be going to WinterJam Friday, February 11. We will
need to leave the church at 4:30pm. So please be here at least 10 to 15 minutes early.
The concert will cost $10, and please bring at least $10 to eat. So that is $20 total. There
will be artist merchandise there is you want to buy a T-shirt or CD.

Youth Drama Sunday at 4:30. Please be on time and present for this practice. We will
be leading in worship at Saluda Church of God on Friday, February 25. This will be a
very important time of practice.

Jamaican Mission Trip - The following people are going on the Jamaican Mission Trip.
Please remember to pray for and help sponsor this endeavor. If you would like to sponsor
any one of these please see Pastor Jason Fowler for details. The following people are
going on Jamaican Mission Trip; Pastor Jason Fowler, Leslie Arnold, Steve Collins,
Karen Rhodes, Korey Hawkins, Brooke Terry, Jeremy Greene, Brittany Freeman, Joshua
Rhodes, Beth Arnold, and Rob Laster. Please pray for each of us, and support us
financially so this trip will become reality! Trip dates are July 17 - 23.

 Greeters - Todd & Karen Rhodes

 Sunday School Greeter - Robert Sloan
 CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg
 Head Ushers - Charles O’Shields and Bobby Brown
 Usher Team # 3 - Robert D. Sloan, Larry Young, Michael Brown
 Dennis Crocker, Rick Priester, Brian Arnold
 Finance Committee - Ryan Ballard and Walter Housand
 Van Drivers - Van 1: Garren Burdette and Brian Hellams
Van 2: Tim Vassey and Tabitha Hellams
 Nursery - Wednesday - Pam Strickland
Sunday A.M. - Ann Knight and Pam Strickland
P.M. - Genise Watson
 Kiddie Church - Donna & Garren Burdette
 Music - Wednesday - Kathy Arellano
Sunday A.M. - Brantley Burnett
P.M. - Pam Garrett
 Praise Team - Gold

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