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Between Two Sisters

Tuesday 10-20-2020
6:38 p.m.

Between Two Sisters

Chapter 1

It’s Wednesday about nine o’clock in the evening on October 14th, 2020. We just
finished eating dinner and I’m lying down in the bed looking at television. I’m usually
watching a movie from my phone, and the phone rings. It’s my little sister that lives in
Texas also, from the Houston area. “Hi” I answered, and she immediately replied with
laughter and said “Wait, wait let me get my voice right, I got to sing this”. Then she
belted out the lyrics to one of my songs “Let me tell you ‘bout a place called New
Orleans…ha-ha-ha!” “I listened to it four times already, and I love it!” “It’s so-o-o Cajun,
you’re so-o-o Cajun”. “Oh sis, it’s really nice” “Thank you” I said to her. “It’s a fun
melody, and I’m happy that you like it”
“How do you do that?” She asked. “You talk just like daddy and the song is naturally
New Orleans”. Then she said “You know I saw that movie. The one filmed in New
Orleans about the Prince and the Frog” “It’s really good!” “Oh the scenes, how
wonderful it was to see the city again” “I cried all the way through it” “Yep, I was just
sitting on the couch weeping feeling very home sick” (she and her kids watched it
together). She went on and on “It was so-o-o accurate, the food, the language, the culture
etc… “Have you seen it yet, sis?” “No, but now that you’re telling me how exciting it is,
I am going to” I replied. “It’s really good, really good” She repeated.
It was nice to hear from her. She was at home for a few weeks in quarantine with a
nasty cold. Stayed in bed the duration of that time, a well needed vacation from her job as
hotel manager. “You sound good little sister” I said to her. ‘Thank you” She answered.
Then something amazingly wonderful happened. This wasn’t an ordinary phone call; it
was one of those very special moments shared between two sisters. We talked for the
next four hours, and it was great! Yep, we were chattering like women do, about
Subjects such as; the Louisiana French Cuisine, our careers, asked about our kids,
family matters, relationships and marriages, and etc. remembering the quality years we
had with Dad. “I just loved his cornbread cake! “Holly said. “Yeah, me to” I replied.
“Every time I went over to his house he had cornbread on the stove in that cast iron
skillet, and I remember eating plenty of it” “It taste just like cake!” Holly then said “You
know sis, when I think of Popeye the sailor man (the cartoon character) I think of Dad.

“Yep, he was this big strong guy who protected me and made me feel safe” “I sure miss
And speaking of Popeye, “I could go for some of that delicious fried chicken and food
down their in that Crescent city”.

Chapter 2

…and we’re still talking

She told me that her son (my nephew Ja’Bori) has real talent. “He has a voice!” She
proudly said. “When he was just a tot, he would hum the tunes, and now he’s putting
words to the songs” “That little boy has a nice voice, he’s a singer!” and enthusiastically
was her tone. “Wow! I’m happy to hear that” I told her. “It runs in the family” “Yeah”,
she said “I know dad use to sing also”. We then began remembering the music dad
listened to and sang in a nostalgic kind of way around the house. As young girls how it
made us laugh and giggle. And as his daughters we just loved it, was great to be in his
presence. His spirit was constantly joyous. And his soul was always happy.
Then we started talking about our kids, personal relationships, and marriages. She tells
her two daughters Ashley and Glennice are doing quiet successful in life. One attends
college in Houston, Texas and one now lives in Atlanta, Georgia. They’ve grown into
beautiful young ladies, and I love them both and am extremely proud to be their auntie.
“How’s Cookie?” Holly asked me. “He’s fine” I answered. “Do you ever hear from him
sis?” she said. “No not really” I told her. “He’s kept in touch with my other siblings, and
has a very close relationship with the entire family (everyone except me, duh!)”. They all
talk regularly. He’s the godfather to my niece’s first child. He’s there, for every special
occasion…he’s family. “Huh?” Holly said. “Yep” was my response.
“Where’s your boyfriend?” I asked her. “Girl he lives in Dallas!” “Well, he must like
you a lot, if he drives from here to there to see you” I said. “I don’t know sis, I’m just
enjoying being me” “I’ve been married and divorced twice and I’m not putting up with
any foolishness from any man” “He better be good to me, if he want all this!” I started
laughing and said “I know that’s right!” then she added “And I’m not playing house with
him nor am I shacking up” “If he want all this Creole beauty, we’re going to be married!”
“I get it now sis, I know why some folks marry so-o-o many times in life, because they
got to get it right!” “Yep, men aren’t going to waste my time anymore!”
“Yep, they’re to-o-o much work!” I replied. “Who cares about their good protocol?”
We continue to reminisce a little more about her employment in the hotel industry. She
was working downtown in New Orleans, and some amusing and hilarious things went on
there. “Yep, girl he was ducking and hiding from her” “Call security, call security” He
asked her. “We all would laugh!” “You had to be there to see it sis” Holly said. “I didn’t

know that he was her boyfriend?” I told Holly that they’ve been together, a couple for a
long time.

Chapter 3

The conversation continues…

Its Sunday 8:30 pm November 1, 2020. I got another call from Holly. “Hi sis, how are
you?” She asked. “I’m good, and you?’ I answered, “What are you doing?” says my little
sister whom I haven’t seen in twenty-five years. She is the youngest of both families.
Like the link in the chain that’s needed. We share the same father, and have an
independent rather large amount of siblings. Holly’s one of eight children, and I’m one of
ten, a biblical parody, ha-ha-ha! (yep Abraham, Isaac, and Hollis). “And I shall multiply
your seed from generation to generation” the word of God says. And daddy took God up
in that promise.
I learned that growing up in New Orleans for Holly was filled with questions about her
identity, her ethnicity and heritage. As a kid she knew that she was of the Creole culture
“Ms. Lebeau”, but inquired reasons why she didn’t resemble the other siblings in her
household. “I didn’t look like them” She said. “And I’ve always wanted to know why
not?” It had to be a confusing time for young girl. (A topic that sounds all too familiar to
me). Said that she felt out of place and couldn’t understand as a child why daddy didn’t
live in the same house with her mother, Mrs. Margie. “It bothered me plenty” said Holly.
“And I just wanted answers” “I just wanted a normal life as a child”
She then shared a funny story with me about her elementary school days. How the
educator (Teacher) of her class debated with her about the correct spelling and
pronunciation of her name. It’s all lagniappe. There’s actually no right or wrong way to
either. The Cajuns have their dialect, the Creoles have theirs, and some people simply
don’t annunciate, but we know what you mean. We were having a great conversation. I
then told her how goofy I walk when wearing flat shoes and she laughed in a puzzling
sort of way. “Huh?” “Is that so?” Holly asked. “Yep, I got my first pair of high heel shoes
when I was sixteen years old, and it’s all that I am use to” “It’s a very silly and true thing,
go figure” I’m fifty-nine years old now. And I still wear them.
I also told her that I’m a writer and she said “You could write a screen play sis!” “You
could be the next Tyler Perry!” “Millions could come from this!’ “Oh my God, that is so
good!” She was excited and encouraging, and I loved it. It was a great compliment.
Talking with her again, after many years apart is emotional for me. I hold back the tears
as I listen to her voice over the phone. I put on this armor of bravery because I am the big
sister. It’s the order of things you know. She’s precious and delicate and has endured

plenty in this world. Now that we are reconnected again, I would like to continue to cross
as many bridges together with her when we get to them.

I dedicate this little book to my darling little sister Helena LeBeau whom I love dearly.
You’re beautiful and a breath of fresh air.

To all my readers
God bless and prosper,

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