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T. Perlie 

My E
​ MTECH​ Adventure Begins ! 
Park, Hyunho (Eric) - GAS 12 
EMTECH Reflection #1 
ICT, I absolutely remember what it stands for, Information Communication 
Technology. It is a memorable word for me, I still have vivid memories of being 
embarrassed because I did not know what this word stands for in 7th grade class. My own 
knowledge about ICT is how you and me communicate without face-to-face interaction. 
Like an e-mail, mobile or even a call, we can establish a communication and the 
technology used to communicate is ICT based on my memory. I cannot definitely 
remember the exact definition of ICT, but if I remember it correctly, what I have written 
is all understanding about it. 
Since I never had an Empowerment Technology subject in my whole life, so it was 
my first time hearing this kind of word. By the time I heard about this word, the first 
thing that came to my mind was that this is all about technology used to have something 
and since this is all about Emtech related with ICT, I got that this technology is also 
connected to mobile phones, computers and other digital devices. So ICT is a technology 
used to communicate with other people, then Emtech would be a technology that used to 
deal with the use of different communication technologies. 
Before I get any lessons, I am actually afraid of this subject because studying 
something or trying something new is always scary at the beginning. But that is why, my 
expectation for this course is also high. I am a bit excited about getting new knowledge 
from new lessons and I truly hope that by the end of this school year, I want myself to 
master this course and when the younger graders ask me about the Emtech subject, I 
expect myself to reply to all the questions without being stumpt. 
To put a standard of successful course for me, it would be whether I can get 80% 
correct answers in the test or not. Trying my best is also part of a marker of a successful 
course for me, but it can not be proved by others. For students like us, we are putting our 
efforts a lot for us to understand all the lessons to get high grades. High scores bring a lot 
of benefits, so to relate with what I have written about my expectations, I want to get a 
satisfied grade and that is my standard of successful course for me. 
The importance of ICT in 21th century is countless. It seems I need 150 pages for 
me to write all the advantages and importances of ICT in today’s world. For me to point 
out one biggest importance, the education system. Most schools right now are having an 
online class because of the pandemic happening nowadays. In this situation, students and 
teachers are having a class which is a technology used to communicate between students 
and teachers utilizing computers or I-Pad, whatever digital devices, we can clearly see the 
importance of ICT in 21th century. Aside from that, simply calling with others. When my 
parents were my age, they couldn’t even think of establishing a communication with 
something else aside from face-to-face communication. Comparing their life with now in 
the 21th century, in fact it is not possible to live without any digital devices nowadays. 
How important are they? If we need to separate ICT with necessary things to live a life or 
desire things to live, then ICT must be involved with necessary stuff. If we never 
experienced a life with those technologies, then it won’t be necessary, but we already 
know how ICT makes our lives comfortable right? Then rather than saying whether 
necessary or not, it is indispensable in 21th century. 
Some students who are planning Engineering for their future job would be really 
important to have ICT in school because to get at least some understanding about ICT 
will affect their future career a lot. But I am not saying that only Engineering courses will 
be affected to have ICT subjects in school. Whatever the future career is, ICT is involved. 
Even when you need to explain your thoughts, getting this subject in teenager would help 
us a lot in the future. Students at my age now have to send documents to the university 
they want to hope for and prepare to go to society, and learning ICT at school is a bright 
class for the future because studying that subject is actually hard to do, but all these 
things can bring us closer to the job we want in the future.  
So to sum up, It will be challenging for me to understand and get all the lessons, 
But I will always do my best now because the effort I make now is helpful in my future. 
By having this subject, I hope to get the points that the teacher is discussing all the time 
and I strongly believe that there will be a huge difference between studying this subject or 
not. I trust it will make a better quality of my life. 

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