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SEO Assessment:  
Analysis and Planning 
WEBSITE: https://myidealva.wixsite.com/virtualchaa 

SEO Analysis 
Page analysis 


Mobile compliance 

Site compliance 

INTERNAL LINKS​ - ​Total links:10​ [Follow:10 No follow:0 Images:0 Text:10 Forms:0 Frames:0] 
EXTERNAL LINKS​ - ​Total links:7​ ​[Follow:1 No follow:6 Images:4 Text:2 Forms:0 Frames:1] 
KEYWORD DENSITY​ - ​Total words:174​ ​[2-word phrases:6 3-word phrases:0 4-word phrases:0] 

SEO Planning 
1. Site Optimization 
a. add 160-300 meta description 
b. add meta keyword 
c. add more keywords on HTML heading [H1, H4, H5, H6] 
d. Optimize ALT text in image 
e. Adding a lot more text to website at least 15% more 
f. utilize ​Schema.org​ markup using ​Google Structured Data Testing Tool​. 
g. Include XML sitemap to strengthen my SEO. 
h. Taking advantage of Google™ Analytics to monitor my site 
2. On Page Optimization 
a. Need to increase internal links from 10 to at least 50 
3. Off Page Optimization 
a. Need to increase external links from 7 to at least 50 
4. Keywords 
a. Optimize the Title, Headings, Contents and Images with the main KW’s 
i. General Virtual Assistant 
ii. Virtual Staff Philippines 
iii. Freelancer 
iv. Social Media 
v. Hire a Virtual Assistant 

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