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Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 1915–1929


A simplified procedure for assessing the seismic capacity

of masonry arches
Antonello De Luca , Aldo Giordano, Elena Mele
Dipartimento di Analisi e Progettazione Strutturale, Università di Napoli ‘‘Federico II’’, Piazzale Tecchio, 80, 80125 Napoli, Italy

Received 21 July 2003; received in revised form 20 July 2004; accepted 20 July 2004


In this paper, a simplified procedure for assessing the seismic capacity of masonry arches is proposed. The algorithm couples
two quite simple analysis approaches, i.e. FEM linear analysis and limit analysis applied following Heyman’s hypotheses to a pre-
chosen failure mechanism. In particular, linear analysis is used for detecting tensile and compressive stress zones in the masonry
element and for identifying a probable class of failure mechanisms for which the collapse multiplier is then calculated taking
advantage of a standard parametric CAD program. The procedure is iterative, since within the selected mechanism class, the pos-
ition of the hinges has to be varied in order to minimise, in the kinematic approach, the collapse multiplier. The proposed simpli-
fied procedure is then applied to three triumphal arches of Neapolitan churches, verifying the results against non-linear FEM
analysis using smeared cracking approach as implemented in the computer software ABAQUS. The three case studies considered
in the paper are actually quite different in geometry. As a consequence, the structural behaviour and lateral strength are also
expected to be fairly different. Despite the different geometry and the quite scattered values of lateral strength, a similar mech-
anism is identified for the three structural schemes. Also, the values of the lateral strength become closer when the total vertical
load W is used for normalisation. This non-dimensional strength capacity can be directly compared to the seismic coefficient
(non-dimensional strength demand), so that the results herein obtained can be useful for an evaluation of the seismic safety level
of single structural macro-elements and, if their proper combination can be derived, of the church it belongs to.
# 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Keywords: FEM structural analysis; Limit analysis; Seismic actions; Masonry; Churches; Triumphal arch; Strength capacity

1. Introduction From a geometrical point of view, the triumphal

arch is a masonry wall panel, with either a single
The triumphal arch is a recurrent structural element arched opening and quite large abutment piers, or a
in churches, particularly in the basilica-type churches, main arch flanked by two lower and narrower open-
and is defined as the element separating, or connecting, ings. Due to its arched shape (semi-circular, pointed or
the zone of nave and aisles (hall) from the zone of elliptic) and the generally very large dimensions, this
crossing, transepts, and chancel. In several cases, when element evokes the triumphal arch of the Roman
the church features a dome, two or four triumphal Empire, giving rise to its name. In general, the tri-
arches can be identified in the church, namely the arch umphal arch is either made of wall-facing wedge-
shaped stones or of masonry decorated by mosaics,
between the hall and the crossing/transepts, and the
marble elements, enriched mouldings, stucco finishes.
arch between the crossing/transepts and the chancel, This element has special importance in the seismic
and possibly the two facing the lateral branches of the behaviour of basilica-type churches. Damage surveys
transept. conducted on churches subjected to earthquakes [5]
showed that very often the triumphal arch experiences

Corresponding author. Tel.: +39-081-7682442; fax: +39-081-
severe damage resulting from in-plane horizontal
5934792. actions, which can lead to partial or total collapse.
E-mail address: adeluca@unina.it (A. De Luca). This effect is mainly connected with the structural
0141-0296/$ - see front matter # 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
1916 A. De Luca et al. / Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 1915–1929

scheme of the basilica plan churches, characterised by ment of a skew-symmetrical mechanism, with forma-
high stiffness concentration at the intersection between tion of four hinges. The straightforward application of
the nave and transept, so that high seismic forces are the limit analysis to masonry structure is quite cumber-
attracted in that zone. some since it requires the evaluation of all possible
In this paper, a simplified procedure based on FEM kinematic multipliers or the evaluation of at least one
linear analysis and limit analysis is proposed and its static multiplier. These procedures are not commonly
results verified against FEM non-linear advanced found in computer programs. For this reason, a simpli-
analysis. The procedure is applied to three triumphal fied approximate procedure is proposed, more user-
arches of Naples’ churches, chosen on the basis of geo- friendly to designers, since it starts from the elastic
metrical characteristics and availability of precise analysis of the structural element. As a term of com-
description and material characterisation. The results parison, the three arches are then ‘reduced’ to simple
herein obtained provide useful indications about the portals, for which the closed form expressions of the
seismic capacity of these important structural elements. collapse multiplier for the different mechanisms can be
easily derived.
2. Non-linear and limit analysis

Structural analysis of masonry structures has always 3. Proposed procedure

been a very demanding task. As a matter of fact, on It is well known that the collapse under horizontal
the one hand the typological characteristics of masonry load of a simple arched element, like the one herein
buildings do not allow to refer to simplified static examined, implies the development of a skew-sym-
schemes, on the other hand the mechanical properties metric mechanism, with formation of four hinges. The
of the material lead to a widely non-linear behaviour mechanism and, more generally, the collapse mode
whose prediction through numerical means can be very depend on geometrical and mechanical factors. For the
tricky, unless proper material parameters and solution generic arch, three mechanism types can be activated: a
strategy are provided. In this regard, the possibility of local mechanism, which is characterised by the local
comparing the result of sophisticated numerical analy-
failure of the arch only, with no hinge occurring in the
ses with simplified schemes turns out to be very useful
piers; a global mechanism, which is characterised by
from a practical point of view.
the presence of two hinges at the base of the piers and
Within simplified approaches, the limit analysis, firstly
two hinges in the arch; and, a semi-global mechanism,
applied to masonry structures by Heyman [7,8], has to be
characterised by the presence of one hinge at the base
mentioned. It represents a particularly effective tool for
of one pier and by three hinges in the arch. The local
estimating the collapse load of structural systems [1,10],
mechanism occurs when the pillars are very stocky
since it provides a bound of the horizontal capacity.
(H=B < 1), while the global one is typical of more slen-
As sketched by Heyman [7], the hypotheses on the
der structures. For instance, the abovementioned failure
masonry behaviour are: no tensile strength; infinite
mechanism for a typical simple arch can be represented
compression strength and absence of sliding at failure.
as in Fig. 1, in which the mechanism pattern is shown
Under these hypotheses, the masonry material becomes
along with the relevant kinematic chain. From this last
an assemblage of rigid parts, held up by mutual press-
one, the displacement components are derived. Such
ure, and the collapse of the structural elements is char-
components are used in the equation of the principle of
acterised by the development of non-dissipative hinges
the virtual works to calculate the horizontal collapse
transforming the structure into a mechanism. The term
multiplier. In particular, with reference to Fig. 2, let Fi
‘mechanism’ indicates a displacement distribution in
be the generic concentrated load, and Wj the weight of
the structure produced by inelastic deformations (the
the single part forming the mechanism.
formation of hinges) which occur in a finite number of
Besides, let Svi and Shi be the vertical and horizontal
sections due to disconnections and cracking.
virtual displacement component of the load application
In this paper, the collapse multiplier of a distribution
of horizontal loads (which simulate seismic-type loads) points, respectively, and Svj and Shj those of the weights
has been evaluated for the selected triumphal arches. Wj, univocally derived from the kinematic chain. The
The analysis has been carried out by applying the kine- principle of the virtual work equation is then:
matic theorem to the structural element, subjected to X X X X
the vertical loads deriving from the self weight and the Fi  Svi þ Wj  Svj ¼ k Fi  Shi þ Wj  Shj ð1Þ
roof loads, and to the seismic-type horizontal load dis- i j i j

tribution. In a generic arch under horizontal loads, the Since all displacement components depend on a sin-
structure being symmetrical and the load condition gle arbitrary lagrangian parameter, the above equation
skew also symmetrical, the attainment of the collapse turns out to be a homogenous equation in the only
according to the limit analysis requires the develop- unknown k. Actually, either h1, h2, or h3 (Fig. 2) can be
A. De Luca et al. / Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 1915–1929 1917

Fig. 2. Determination of displacement components.

procedures. This allows to detect the pattern of com-

pressive and tensile stresses due to the actual vertical
loads and a chosen distribution of horizontal loads.
Fig. 1. Possible failure mechanisms and relevant kinematic chains.
Then, taking into account the result of the previously
mentioned numerical analyses, the limit analysis is
chosen as the lagrangian parameter, so that the values applied following the algorithm outlined here.
of the displacement components are calculated from On the basis of geometrical considerations and tak-
the product of the rotation h by the distance from ing into account the tensile/compression stress dis-
rotation centre. tributions obtained through linear FEM analyses, the
For each collapse pattern, let C1, C2, C3 be the zones where the hinges may occur are detected, so that
absolute rotation centres, and C12, C23, C13 the relative the most probable class of collapse mechanism can be
rotation centres. Such points are determined using the identified. Then, by varying the position of each hinge
condition that when a virtual displacement field is within the above defined zone, an array of collapse
onset, then the absolute centres of any two parts must multipliers is calculated by simply applying the prin-
be aligned with their relative centre, and also any three ciple of the virtual works in a procedure which takes
relative centres must be aligned. In the case of the arch, advantage from a parametric CAD (namely AUTO-
in which three virtually displacing parts form the mech- CAD1). In particular, for any hinge position, the char-
anism, if Fk, Fl, Fm are the forces applied to parts 1, 2 acteristics of the single parts forming the mechanism
and 3, dvk,l,m and dhk,l,m the distance components of the (area, centroid, relevant load) are automatically calcu-
applied forces from the absolute rotation centre of lated within the CAD environment. Similarly, for the
the part they belong to, and dvj and dhj those of the centroids and load application points, the horizontal
weights Wj, then Eq. (1) can be re-written as follows: and vertical displacements, univocally derived from the
3 kinematic chain, are easily found. The determination of
h1 Fk dhk þ h2 Fl dhl þ h3 Fm dhm þ Wj  hj dhj such a kinematic chain is also carried out using
k l m j¼1 AUTOCAD. The application of the principle of the
X X X virtual works is then a matter of a few spreadsheet
¼ k h1 Fk dvk þ h2 Fl dvl þ h3 Fm dvm lines. The actual collapse multiplier is selected as the
l m minimum among the computed ones.
X The procedure is iterative, since the position of the
þ Wj  hj dvj ð2Þ hinges has to be varied. To clarify this, Fig. 3 shows
j the different failure shapes obtained for the global
In the approach proposed, the selected structural ele- mechanism with hinge positions varied in 30 steps,
ments are first analysed linearly, using standard FEM measured clock-wise with reference to the centre of the
1918 A. De Luca et al. / Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 1915–1929

Afterwards, in order to derive comparative infor-

mation, advanced non-linear analyses are carried out
using a properly calibrated constitutive model, as illu-
strated in paragraph 4. The results of such analyses, in
terms of force–displacement curves, are then compared
with those obtained through the proposed application
of the limit theory.
It is not pointless outlining that the approximation
of the procedure, besides the standard hypotheses
assumed for limit analysis, is mainly due to the a priori
choice of an only class of mechanism shape. For this
reason, the obtained collapse multiplier might not poss-
ibly be the smallest, though it is assumed to be the
most probable, since the hinge position, that identifies
the actual mechanism, is compatible with both linear
and non-linear analyses. This aspect also represents the
main appeal of the procedure, in which a large number
of algebraic calculations, that would be necessary for
deriving the multipliers for all possible mechanism
families, are bypassed.

4. Non-linear fem analyses

A smeared crack model has been used for accounting

the brittle behaviour of masonry, as implemented in
the computer code ABAQUS [9]. In such a model, the
cracking process is completely introduced via constitut-
ive law, by affecting the material stiffness at every inte-
gration point. The well known ABAQUS ‘concrete’
model uses damaged elasticity to account for the crack-
Fig. 3. Failure shapes for step-wise incremented hinge positions. ing, the occurrence of which is defined by a so-called
‘crack detection surface’, whose shape can be con-
arch. In the figure, the first row shows the mechanisms trolled via user parameters.
named Ai, in which the first hinge in the arch is posi- The model basically requires the definition of: (i) the
v v v
tioned at 0 and the second successively at 30 , 60 , stress–strain curve in compression, in tabular form, as
90 , etc. Similarly, family Bi mechanisms have the first a function of plastic strain; (ii) the shape of the failure
v v
hinge in the arch fixed at 30 and the second at 60 , surface via the ‘failure ratios’ option; and (iii) the post-
90 , etc. In this manner, the generic loop, using polar
cracking tensile behaviour, defined by the ‘tension stiff-
coordinates and identifying hinge positions with their
names Hi, can be represented as follows: ening’ option. This last feature may seem nonsensical
for masonry, though a small amount of tensile strength
H1 ¼ p should be anyway provided to avoid numerical insta-
for i ¼ 1 5 bility problems.
H1 ¼ H1 þi p=6 In order to calibrate correctly the model parameters,
for k ¼ 1 to (5i) a curve-fitting procedure has been adopted using the
H2 ¼ H1 þk p=6 results of various experimental tests performed on tuff
Calculate ith areas/weights masonry panels [6]. It is worth pointing out that all
Calculate ith centres positions case studies herein examined feature tuff masonry
Calculate ith virtual displacements blocks, as typically occurring in the historic buildings
Evaluate Eq. (2) which gives: of Naples.
) ki Table 1 reports the selected values for the model
k ¼ minfki g parameters.
A. De Luca et al. / Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 1915–1929 1919

Table 1 abutments. Due to the highly different geometries, con-

Parameter values for the ABAQUS model
siderable differences in the structural behaviour and
Tuff stone failure mode are expected among the three elements.
Weight per unit volume (kg/m ) 1700 Therefore, the selected sample of case studies, though
Young’s modulus (GPa) 1.1 not extensive, can provide a significant validation of
Poisson’s ratio 0.2
the efficacy of the proposed procedure.
Compression strength (MPa) 3.3
Tensile strength (MPa) 0.33 Since the application may be repetitive, the pro-
Failure ratios 1.12, 0.08, 1.33, 0.28 cedure is extensively illustrated only for the first case
study, while the other two are considered as validation
5. Application of the procedure

In this paper, three triumphal arches are examined 5.1. The triumphal arch of the San Ippolisto Martire
using the above described procedure. They belong to church
three basilica plan churches: the church of San Ippo- The San Ippolisto Martire church in Atripalda
listo Martire, the church of San Giovanni a Mare, and
(Avellino, Italy) was built between 1584 and 1612, on a
the church of San Giovanni Maggiore. While the first
previous paleo-Christian basilica of the IV century AD
church is located in Irpinia, the others represent two of
[14]. In the XVIII century, several additions and
the several basilicas in the historic centre of Naples,
restorations were made, including the two order faç
which are currently being analysed by the authors in
the context of a wide research activity [11–13]. Beyond ade, which presents a semi-circular arched doorway
the historical, architectural and social values of the and a triangular tympanum, with a central rose win-
churches chosen for the analysis, the choice was also dow, imposed on the top. The plan of the church is
made because of by the significant differences in the sketched in Fig. 4, while in Fig. 5 a photo of the façade
geometrical layout of the triumphal arches, which have is provided.
stimulated the structural study: in the first case (the
church of San Ippolisto Martire), the triumphal arch is
a slender, single opening element; in the second case
(the church of San Giovanni a Mare), the triumphal
arch is a non-symmetrical element, with a main
semi-circular arch, flanked by two lower and narrower
pointed arches; in the third case (the church of San
Giovanni Maggiore), the triumphal arch is a large
semi-circular arch with very wide and stocky lateral

Fig. 4. Schematic plan of the San Ippolisto Martire church. Fig. 5. Façade of the San Ippolisto Martire church.
1920 A. De Luca et al. / Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 1915–1929

Fig. 6. (a) Geometry, (b) FEM mesh and loads of the triumphal arch model.

The nave of the church is 11.6 m wide, 28 m long stress state in the element, characterised by tensile com-
and has a maximum height of 16.5 m, while the aisle is ponents at the left side of both pier bases, at the
5.0 m wide and 8.5 m high. The masonry walls have
thickness varying between 1.0 and 1.2 m, the columns
of the nave arcade have a rectangular section of
1:2 1:2 m. The chancel has a rectangular plan shape,
8:8 11:6 m, and the height varies between 14.8 and
18.0 m. The structural elements are made of tuff
masonry. The roof structural system of the nave is
king-post timber roof, while the lateral aisles are cov-
ered by quadripartite vaulting systems with four diag-
onal ribs.
Following the 1980 Irpinia earthquake, the crossing
and transepts of the church, which were surmounted by
heavy reinforced concrete roof system built after a pre-
vious earthquake of 1930, were destroyed.
In Fig. 6(a), the main geometrical dimensions of the
triumphal arch are provided. It is worth pointing out
that this arch is a quite slender structural element, due
to the small arch thickness at crown (s ¼ 1:9 m) and to
the slenderness of piers (H=B ¼ 2:96). The semi-circu-
lar opening is quite large, equal to 46% of the total sur-
face of the element.
In Fig. 6(b), the FEM mesh, with the vertical and
horizontal load distributions considered in the analyses
is provided. An opportunely fine 2D mesh, consisting
of 998 shell elements (S4R), has been used to model the
element, which has been subjected to vertical loads
deriving from the self weight and from the roof loads,
and to a horizontal load of increasing intensity, con-
stantly distributed along the height of the element.
In Fig. 7(a), the deformed configuration at the last
load increment of the analysis, with the vertical stress
contour superimposed, is shown.
In Fig. 7(b), a vector representation of the principal
stresses is provided, which clearly shows the stress flow Fig. 7. FEM analysis: (a) vertical stresses; (b) principal stresses with
in the element. Both plots allow for evaluating the possible hinge positions.
A. De Luca et al. / Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 1915–1929 1921

intrados on the left haunch, and at the extrados on the these critical zones, the class of the kinematic multi-
right haunch of the arch. pliers has been defined, and the minimum value has
The stress state and the deformation mode resulting provided the collapse multiplier. Fig. 8 shows, along
from the FEM analysis have been used for selecting the with the collapse mechanism, the relevant kinematic
class of collapse mechanisms, namely the zones where chain, from which the displacement components are
the hinges are most likely to occur in the masonry. derived automatically.
Following the procedure described in paragraph It is worth noting that kinematic multiplier is affec-
3, on the basis of the results of numerical analyses, a ted not by large variability within the class belonging
global mechanism type has been a priori selected for to the same mechanism family. Thus, once the mech-
the element (Fig. 8), while the semi-global and local anism pattern has been chosen on the basis of FEM
mechanism types have been excluded. For the global analysis, the procedure may be rendered non-iterative
mechanism, four critical zones in the arch have been through a ‘one shot’ application, assuming any hinge
identified. By varying the position of the hinges in position within the zone of compression/tension,

Fig. 8. Chosen collapse mechanism and kinematic chain with relevant loads.
1922 A. De Luca et al. / Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 1915–1929

provided that a certain approximation is considered reporting about the church is dated 1186. Even though
acceptable. In this case, for example, the multiplier several additions and alterations have strongly modi-
connected to the selected mechanism is bound between fied the original plan of the church over the centuries,
0.28 and 0.35 (i.e. approximately 20% variability). the major features the basilica-type churches are still
It is also interesting that the mechanism fairly mat- recognisable.
ches the deformed configuration obtained from the The San Giovanni Maggiore church was erected in
FEM analysis (Fig. 7(b)). the 560, at the site of the ancient city of Naples which
In Fig. 9, the comparison between the push-over was previously occupied by a pagan sanctuary. It is
FEM analysis and the limit analysis is provided. In one of the more ancient sacral sites reported in the
particular, the non-dimensional force–displacement Liber pontificalis of Naples [2] and in other medieval
curve F =W vs. d=H, obtained from the FEM analysis, documents, and from its origin it has represented a ref-
is depicted in the graph, together with the horizontal erence church in the city. Also, this church has been
line corresponding to the collapse multiplier. In the modified during centuries, and was subject to several
graph, the horizontal force resultant (F), is normalised earthquakes (1456, 1732, 1805, 1980) which mostly
to the total vertical load (W), acting at the base of the damaged the transept zone.
element, while the horizontal displacement (d) of the In Fig. 10, the geometrical layout of the two tri-
arch’s top right joint is normalised to the arch height umphal arches is provided. Note that the two examples
(H). The comparison between the collapse multiplier are quite different in geometry and also in dimensions
(F =W ¼ 0:28) and the maximum load capacity (figures not in the same scale). Actually, the first one is
obtained via FEM (F =W ¼ 0:24) confirms that the for- characterised by a main semi-circular arched opening,
mer provides an upper bound of the element strength flanked by two lower and narrower pointed arches; the
capacity. second one is characterised by the presence of wide,
stocky abutment panels (H=B ¼ 0:91) and a relatively
5.2. Validation cases small thickness of the arch at crown and areas within
the element with different transversal thickness (central
The other two cases taken into account are the chur- part 2.4 m, lateral panels 1.8 m, infilled minor arches
ches of San Giovanni a Mare and San Giovanni Mag- 0.9 m) The global height of the elements is 13.30 and
giore, respectively. 20.3 m, respectively.
The church of San Giovanni a Mare is a classical In Fig. 11, the deformed configuration, with the vec-
Angevin style monument. It is one of the most ancient tor representation of the minimum (compression) and
churches of Naples: according to [3], the first document maximum (tensile) principal stresses superimposed, is

Fig. 9. FEM analysis vs. limit analysis results.

A. De Luca et al. / Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 1915–1929 1923

Fig. 10. (a) Triumphal arch of San Giovanni a Mare; (b) Triumphal arch of San Giovanni Maggiore.

provided. As in the previous case, these plots have been maximum load capacity obtained via FEM (F=W equal
used for detecting the critical zones where the hinges to 20% and 31%, respectively).
are likely to occur, and subsequently the class of collapse It is worth pointing out that as far as the arch of San
Giovanni a Maggiore is concerned, the value of the
mechanisms. By varying the position of the hinges in
collapse multiplier is quite close to the one which could
these critical zones, the collapse multiplier has been be obtained from the limit analysis of the single abut-
computed as the minimum kinematic multiplier. In all ment panel (F =W ¼ 0:39 for the single abutment
cases, the final collapse mechanism closely matches panel). This last consideration has stimulated a further
the deformed configuration obtained from the FEM simplification as described in the following paragraph.
Finally in Figs. 12 and 13, the comparison between
the FEM analysis and the limit analysis is provided, in 6. Synthesis of the results and discussion
terms of normalised horizontal force resultant, F =W
The analysis of the three triumphal arches, carried
vs. horizontal displacement ratio, d=H. Also in these out under vertical loads and horizontal seismic-type
cases, the collapse multiplier value (F=W equal to actions, and the application of the proposed simplified
22.4% and 41%, respectively) is slightly larger than the approach, have allowed to derive quantitative indica-
1924 A. De Luca et al. / Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 1915–1929

Fig. 11. FEM analysis: principal stresses with possible hinge position for (a) San Giovanni a Mare and (b) San Giovanni Maggiore.

tions on the strength capacity of the masonry elements. complex in the case of more composite geometrical lay-
Major outcomes and results deriving from the analyses out, as in the case of the triumphal arch of San Gio-
are stated in the following. vanni a Mare. Nevertheless, the ‘weak’ points, where
The geometry of the structural schemes of the ana- hinges are likely to take place, occur at corresponding
lysed arches is quite different, as easily derived from locations for all the structural elements.
both Fig. 14 and from some major geometrical para- The comparison between the simplified limit analysis
meters reported in Table 2. Since the structural behav- approach, based on the a priori selection of the col-
iour of nearly no-tension material under horizontal lapse mechanism, and the results of FEM non-linear
actions is strongly affected by geometry, quite different analysis show that the proposed procedure provides
values of the lateral strength capacity were expected quite reliable results. Some major scatters, though,
and, in fact, FEM analysis has provided scattered occur when the geometrical characteristics drive the
results (Fig. 15). element into such a mode of failure that do not show
Despite those aspects that differentiate the three an extended softening branch. This is the case of San
cases, a similar mechanism shape has been observed for Giovanni Maggiore church, where the collapse features
the structural schemes, namely a ‘global-type’ mech- of the triumphal arch are strongly affected by the
anism, involving hinges both at the pier base and in the behaviour of the very stocky, variable thickness, abut-
arch. Quite obviously, the hinge pattern appears more ment piers.
A. De Luca et al. / Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 1915–1929 1925

Fig. 12. FEM analysis vs. limit analysis results for San Giovanni a Mare.

However, it is worth noting that in this case, the non-dimensional values when the total vertical load W
FEM non-linear analysis is not able to follow the load– is used for normalisation. This point appears to be
displacement curve in the softening branch, due to con- particularly significant from a seismic point of view:
vergence and numerical instability problems, deriving the global seismic strength demand on a building is
from the well known localisation phenomenon. typically expressed in terms of normalised base shear,
The quite variable values of the horizontal strength Vb =W , as well as the demand on the single structural
F, equal to 1220, 927 and 5050 kN, respectively, for the elements, Vbi =Wi . Therefore, the normalisation to the
triumphal arches of San Ippolisto, San Giovanni a vertical load also provides values which can be
Mare and San Giovanni Maggiore, give rise to closer straightforwardly used for an immediate seismic safety

Fig. 13. FEM analysis vs. limit analysis results for San Giovanni Maggiore.
1926 A. De Luca et al. / Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 1915–1929

Fig. 14. Geometry of the three arches in the same length scale.

assessment through a direct comparison strength collapse multiplier for each possible mechanism, the
demand vs. capacity [11,13]. following simple formula has been proposed:
As a further simplification, we can assume that an   
arch might be virtually represented by a simple rec- F B WB B
¼ 1þ 0:5 þ ð3Þ
tangular portal, having suitable geometrical ratios. In a Wtot 2h Wtot D
companion paper [4], the authors have proposed a sim-
The geometrical quantities appearing in such an
plified expression for the evaluation of the horizontal
capacity of masonry portal frames. In the paper men- expression are explained in Fig. 16, while WB repre-
tioned, after deriving the closed form expression of the sents the weight of the horizontal part (ideally ‘Beam’)
and Wtot the total weight of the portal element.
The proposed formula includes the three main
Table 2 aspects that have been found to govern the value of
Geometrical and structural parameters of triumphal arches F =W for the portal. In particular:
San San San
Ippolisto Giovanni Giovanni B
represents the collapse multiplier of the column as
a Mare Maggiore 2h
Htot =L 0.83 0.71 0.58 a single element
h=B 2.96 2.5–4.85 1.59  
W (kN103) 5.17 4.72 16.56 WB
F (kN103) 1.220 0.927 5.050
1þ is the stabilizing effect of the ideal beam
F =WFEM 0.24 0.20 0.31 B
F =W expression (3) 0.205 0.18 0.395 0:5 þ is the effect of the opening
A. De Luca et al. / Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 1915–1929 1927

Fig. 15. Force–displacement curves for the three arches.

The errors obtained with respect to the exact closed the direct possibility of superimposing the portal
form solution for the portal are generally below 6%. scheme.
In the case of the analysed arches, superimposing the As a summary of the main features herein discussed,
portal scheme onto the geometrical pattern, as shown in Table 2 the following geometrical and structural
in Fig. 17 for San Ippolisto and San Giovanni Mag- parameters are provided for each arch: global slender-
ness, defined as the ratio of the total height to the
giore, we have obtained for the three arches 0.205, 0.18
maximum width (Htot =L); pier slenderness, defined as
and 0.395, respectively, (Table 2), which are different the ratio of the pier height to the pier width (h=B);
but not far from the values obtained with the proposed total vertical load acting at the base of the element,
procedure. given by the sum of the masonry weight plus the sup-
Note that the value for San Giovanni a Mare is less ported roof loads (W); average compressive stress level,
meaningful due to the complexity and not because of given by the ratio of the total vertical load to the area
of the element base (rc,av.); lateral strength capacity,
F, obtained as a result of the FEM non-linear analysis;
non-dimensional lateral strength capacity (F =W ); non-
dimensional collapse multiplier derived from the
approximated expression (3).
This last consideration confirms the close behaviour
detected, notwithstanding the different geometry. Also,
it provides an immediate, though roughly approxi-
mated, index of seismic capacity.

7. Conclusive remarks

In this paper, the structural behaviour of the tri-

umphal arch is studied. A simplified procedure, which
couples FEM linear analysis and limit analysis, is pro-
posed. In particular, linear analysis is used for detecting
Fig. 16. Portal geometrical quantities. tensile stress zones in the masonry element and iden-
1928 A. De Luca et al. / Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 1915–1929

Fig. 17. Superimposition of a portal scheme onto the selected arches.

tifying the most probable failure mechanism class. cases can be very unstable, due to the intrinsic char-
The calculation of the kinematic multipliers is then acteristics of non-linear constitutive models.
carried out taking advantage of a CAD program, so Though in the cases considered significant differences
that the quantities (area, centroid, relevant load) in the structural behaviour, collapse mode and collapse
involved in the virtual work equations are automati- multiplier could have been expected, a similar mech-
cally calculated. Non-linear FEM analyses are then anism has however been observed. Furthermore, the
quite different values of the horizontal strength, F, lead
performed on the structural element models.
to closer-than-expected non-dimensional values F =W ,
The application of the proposed procedure can be
bounded between 0.20 and 0.31. This result appears to
considered as a worthy tool for an approximate assess-
be particularly interesting from a seismic point of view,
ment of the seismic capacity: the linear analyses allow since it provides an order of magnitude of the base
to choose ‘a priori’ the most probable failure mech- shear which triumphal arches might carry under earth-
anism classes, so that the calculation of the collapse quakes.
multiplier is simplified, not having to take into account In conclusion, the proposed procedure provides indi-
all the possible mechanisms. cations that may be very valuable in the seismic assess-
Besides, the limit analysis turns out to be very effec- ment of churches and also in the design of retrofit
tive in checking the numerical results, which in some solutions.
A. De Luca et al. / Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 1915–1929 1929

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