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Verse To Memorize
“And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the
Philippians 2:11
We are in the midst of people today who make money and pleasure as gods of their lives
and unfortunately, we even find some believers who are busier attending to their own
needs and pursuing their careers than serving God. Today, we need to declare that Jesus
is Lord and that He deserves to be known by all men and served by His own children.

1. Jesus is the Lord of Creation (Ps. 19:1-4; John 1:1-4; Genesis 2:7). The Bible says,
“..without him was not any thing made that was made.” The entire universe and all things
both in heaven and in earth were all created by the Lord Jesus Christ!
2. Jesus is the Lord of the Bible (Ps. 19:7-11). The prophets declared, “Thus saith the
Lord…” The Bible is the very Word of the Lord. As you read and listen to the Bible, you
are actually listening to the Lord.
3. Jesus is the Lord of Salvation (Acts 2:36).
3.1. There is no other salvation apart from the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12);
3.2. Apostle Paul at his conversion recognized Jesus as his Lord (Acts 9:5-6);
3.3. Apostle Paul told the Philippian jailor, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.”
3.4. Apostle Peter preached Christ to be Lord (Acts 2:21, 36); and
3.5. Eternal life comes only from the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:21; 6:23).
4. Jesus is the Lord of this Church (Col. 1:15-19; Eph. 3:21). Here in our church, we
strongly and emphatically declare that Jesus reigns and that He alone is the Lord of this
Church! Every ministry that we have is Christ-centered and there is no place for inter-
4.1. Jesus is the Lord of the Pastor of this Church;
4.2. Jesus is the Lord of every worker, teacher and staff of this Church;
4.3. Jesus is the Lord of every family in this Church; and
4.4. Jesus is the Lord of every member of this Church.
5. Jesus should be the Lord of your home. There is no other way for that home to be
harmonious, peaceful, filled with love, fruitful and blessed but Christ! He should be the
Lord of every Filipino home.
6. Jesus should be the Lord of your life.
6.1. He should occupy the throne of your heart;
6.2. He should be your Lord in every decision that you make;
6.3. He should be your Lord in your business, career, job and studies; and
6.4. He should be your Lord in your service and giving. He should be the Lord of all your
material blessings, treasures and finances.
You may refuse Him as your Lord today, but someday, you will declare that He is Lord!
My friend, that might be too late for you (Phil. 2:9-10). Not everyone that calls unto the
Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven.

If Jesus is the Lord of your life, then He must be first and on top of all your priorities. He
must be your very life! There are four paradoxes when Jesus becomes your Lord:

1. We must surrender to win;

2. We must give away to keep;
3. We must have to suffer to get well; and
4. We have to die to live.

And there are four main attitudes that would be very noticeable of you when you have
Christ in you and in your life:
1. Humility;
2. Teachabilty;
3. Contentment; and
4. Joy.

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