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International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)

Volume 10, Issue 09, September 2019, pp. 54-59, Article ID: IJCIET_10_09_006
Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijciet/issues.asp?JType=IJCIET&VType=10&IType=9
ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316
© IAEME Publication


Fernando Jove Wilches*
Faculty of Engineering, Universidad de Sucre, Carrera 28 No. 5-267. Sincelejo, Colombia,

Rodrigo G. Hernández Ávila

Faculty of Engineering, Universidad de Sucre, Carrera 28 No. 5-267. Sincelejo, Colombia

Jhon J. Feria Díaz

Faculty of Engineering, Universidad de Sucre, Carrera 28 No. 5-267. Sincelejo, Colombia
*Corresponding Author E-mail: fernando.jove@unisucre.edu.co.

This research aims at estimating a correlation equation between California
Bearing Ratio (CBR) and Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) for the specific case of
subgrade fine grained soils, classified in the Unified Soil Classification System as high
compressibility silt (MH), for Sincelejo city in Colombia; so that support capacity of
these subgrade soil types could be quickly and economically estimated. Twelve sites
located in the city’s southern part were selected, where in-situ tests (DCP) and
unaltered samples were taken for laboratory CBR estimation. After obtaining the
dispersion plots and corresponding correlation curves, 80%, 85% and 85% estimation
coefficients resulted for the correlation equations found from the penetration rates
and CBR values at 0.1", 0.2" and minimum CBR, respectively. Therefore, the
equations found have a good data representation of the tests carried out.
Key words: California Bearing Ratio (CBR), Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP),
correlation equation, soil characterization.
Cite this Article: Fernando Jove Wilches, Rodrigo G. Hernández Ávila and Jhon J.
Feria Díaz, Estimation of a Correlation Equation Between CBR and DCP for Silty
Soils from the MH Group in Sincelejo City, Colombia. International Journal of Civil
Engineering and Technology 10(9), 2019, pp. 54-59.

The geotechnical research program is one of the essential tasks for a pavement project,
seeking to identify, classify and characterize subgrade soils, to obtain knowledge, as complete
as possible, about subgrade conditions along a road corridor [1]. To this end, field and

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Estimation of a Correlation Equation Between CBR and DCP for Silty Soils from the MH Group
in Sincelejo City, Colombia

laboratory tests should be carried out to estimate distribution and soil physical properties [2],
[3]. One of the most widespread tests to determine bearing capacity of subgrade floors in
Colombia is the CBR (California Bearing Ratio) [2]. This test allows to establish bearing
capacity of a soil to be used as a subgrade layer or base material in pavement construction [4]
and his parameter does not correspond to a constant soil characteristic, since it represents the
strength relative to the soil’s shear stress, under humidity and density conditions [2], [5], [6].
Over the years, other ways of estimating subgrade soil strength have been implemented,
with equipment such as the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP), a field device used to
estimate strength of both unaltered soils and compacted materials [7]. Dr. DJ Van Vuuren
initially developed the equipment in South Africa aiming at quickly and easily estimate in-situ
bearing capacity of subgrade floors, as well as the layers of untreated materials making up the
pavement [8], [9]. Subsequently, Kleyn in studies conducted in 1975 for the South African
Highway Department, managed to obtain a correlation equation, with a very good fit, for CBR
estimation based on DCP [10]. This field test consists of penetrating a conical tip rod on the
ground to be assessed and recording accumulated penetration whereas an 8 kg mass from a
height of 575 mm is dropped on the upper end of the rod. [11]. Results obtained in the DCP
test are represented through a curve where penetration evolution (ordinate) with respect to the
number of accumulated blows (abscissa) is recorded, taking as a representative parameter of
soil strength, the average slope generated through the curve, called the Penetration Index,
defining the degree of strength, in terms of depth reached (in mm) for each blow [12], [13].
INVIAS, the National Roads Institute, the entity responsible for managing most of
Colombia's primary road network, has taken as a reference to establish a theoretical
correlation between blow penetration (DCP) and CBR, the following expression
recommended by the United States Army Corps of Engineers [13]:
Notwithstanding, it has been considered appropriate for this study to show a correlation
equation that fits the conditions of subgrade fine soils from northern Colombia, and
specifically, for those within the System Unified Soil Classification grouped as high
compressibility silt (MH); in such a way that CBR values can be more accurately correlated
based on results obtained from the DCP test.


Field tests and soil samples analyzed for this research study were taken from the southern part
of Sincelejo, located on the north of Colombia [12]. For this purpose, 12 sites were randomly
selected within the road network of the area under study and, to obtain the DCP curve and the
Penetration Index characteristic of each soil tested in situ, the procedure established by the
American Standard Testing Materials was applied [11].
To take the unchanged samples for CBR, the respective molds were inserted in each
selected site, to be subsequently conditioned and tested in a press for CBR, being careful not
to alter moisture contents of the samples taken before being tested. With the obtained results,
correlations were estimated from penetration rates and CBR values at 0.1", 0.2" and CBR
minimum [12]; where CBR values for each mold were obtained following the procedure
established in the reference test standard for Colombia [14]. On the other hand, soil
classification, according to the classification systems of the American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and the Unified Soil Classification System
(USCS), was carried out based on the grading tests and the liquid and plastic limits of the
analyzed samples.

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Fernando Jove Wilches, Rodrigo G. Hernández Ávila and Jhon J. Feria Díaz

To estimate the correlation equation, the Microsoft Excel application was used, from
which the dispersion plots were generated, in accordance with the results of DCP in the
abscissa axis and those of CBR in the ordinate axis, finally obtaining, through linear
regression, the best fit curve from a potential type equation.


Table 1 shows results obtained from the soil characterization tests carried out.

Table 1. Results of soil characterization tests

Depth W Clasif. Clasif. Ɣh Ɣd
Sample LL (%) PL (%) PI (%)
(cm) (%) AASHTO USCS (gr/cc) (gr/cc)
1 26.0 - 39.5 56.4 54.9 1.5 15.1 A-5 MH 1.9 1.7
2 23.5 - 39.5 64.8 34 30.9 23.5 A-7-5 MH 1.8 1.4
3 52.0 - 74.5 73.7 38.3 35.4 35.5 A-7-5 MH 1.8 1.3
4 26.5 - 48.0 66.6 36.6 30 27.5 A-7-5 MH 1.8 1.4
5 45.0 - 66.5 87.5 44.4 43.1 28.1 A-7-5 MH 1.8 1.4
6 57.0 - 72.5 60.3 33.7 26.6 20.5 A-7-5 MH 1.8 1.5
7 21.5 - 38.0 71.1 39.8 31.3 28.4 A-7-5 MH 1.8 1.4
8 22.0 - 37.5 60.1 53.8 6.3 31.8 A-5 MH 1.8 1.4
9 19.5 - 34.0 66.6 41.5 25.1 44 A-7-5 MH 1.7 1.2
10 34.0 - 50.0 70.4 35.6 34.8 41.1 A-7-5 MH 1.7 1.2
11 15.0 - 28.0 63.2 33.8 29.5 15.4 A-7-5 MH 1.9 1.7
12 16.0 - 34.5 71.1 39.8 31.3 26.1 A-7-5 MH 1.7 1.4
Based on the results and according to the AASHTO classification system, most of the
soils tested belong to subgroup A-7-5 (83.33%), and to a lesser extent, to subgroup A-5
(16.67%). On the other hand, according to the Unified Soil Classification System, all soils
tested correspond to the high compressibility silt group (MH), in which high values can be
observed both in the liquid limit and in the plasticity index. They are soils where poor
behavior is expected as subgrade material.
Table 2 shows results obtained, in accordance with the field and laboratory tests
performed, for obtaining DCP and CBR on unaltered samples, respectively.

Table 2. Results of laboratory tests (CBR) and Dynamic Cone Penetrometer

DCP CBR (Laboratory)
Samples (mm/blow) (%)
0.1" 0.2" Minimum
1 26.0 - 39.5 22.5 8.6 8.3 8.3
2 23.5 - 39.5 32.4 7.6 7.0 7.0
3 52.0 - 74.5 74.0 3.4 3.4 3.4
4 26.5 - 48.0 72.0 2.8 2.8 2.8
5 45.0 - 66.5 107.5 2.7 2.6 2.6
6 57.0 - 72.5 51.5 6.3 5.0 5.0
7 21.5 - 38.0 55.5 4.1 3.6 3.6
8 22.0 - 37.5 38.5 4.8 4.4 4.4
9 19.5 - 34.0 48.0 4.9 3.7 3.7
10 34.0 - 50.0 53.5 5.4 4.4 4.4
11 15.0 - 28.0 32.5 9.9 8.0 8.0
12 16.0 - 34.5 45.5 6.2 4.9 4.9
In Figures 1, 2 and 3, scatter plots for the points obtained and the correlation curve
between DCP and CBR are shown for 0.1”, 0.2” and minimum, respectively. Similarly,
correlation equations obtained for each case, as well as the corresponding determination
coefficients, can be observed.

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Estimation of a Correlation Equation Between CBR and DCP for Silty Soils from the MH Group
in Sincelejo City, Colombia

Figure 1. Scatter plot and correlation curve between DCP and CBR for 0.1”

Figure 2. Scatter plot and correlation curve between DCP and CBR for 0.2”

Figure 3. Scatter plot and correlation curve between DCP and minimum CBR

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Fernando Jove Wilches, Rodrigo G. Hernández Ávila and Jhon J. Feria Díaz

As it can be observed, the curves shown have a good fit, with estimation coefficients
ranging from 80% to 85%, an indication that through the calibration curves obtained, a good
correlation can be established between the laboratory CBR value on unchanged sample and
the DCP, for the case of MH soils.
To obtain conservative values at estimating the CBR as a function of DCP, it is
recommended for this study, to take as a reference, the correlation equation resulted from the
dispersion plot from Figure 3.

From the results of this research study, it was possible to estimate a correlation equation that
can be used to calculate CBR according to DCP, for those cases in which it is required to
estimate CBR under humidity and density conditions that the soil has in situ and where they
are classified as high compressibility silt (MH) according to the USCS.

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Estimation of a Correlation Equation Between CBR and DCP for Silty Soils from the MH Group
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