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 Food Commodities

Food commodities generally refer to ingredients required to produce different varieties of foods. They are
mostly raw/ core form of edible materials which help to become a complete recipe of the dish as per the
menu offered, although, some ingredients come in the ready form to consume. Some of the essential
commodities are discussed under:

Food Commodities

Animal source Plant source

Meat Fats and Oil (Plant

Egg Vegetable
Poultry Fruits
Fats and Oil (Animal source) Pulses
Game Cereals

 Eggs
Eggs laid by females of many different species, including birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish, have probably
been eaten by mankind for millennia. Bird and reptile eggs consist of a protective egg shell, albumen (egg
white) and vitellus (egg yolk), contained within various thin membranes. Popular choices for egg consumption
are chicken, duck, roe, and caviar; but by a wide margin the egg most often humanly consumed is the chicken
egg. Mainly the egg consists shell, yolk and white part .

 Quality of eggs
 The shell should be unbroken, clean, strong and slightly rough.
 The yolk should be round and Firm.
 There should be no air pocket or only a very small one.
 The white should be clear and not watery.

 How to test eggs - The quality and age of eggs is tested in two ways:

 Candling: The egg is held against a strong tight or with the use of a candle and defects can be
seen as well as the size of air pocket and position of egg yolk.
 Salt water test: The egg is dropped in a solution of salt water at the bottom. If the egg floats in
the solution it means it is stake / old.

 Storage
 Eggs must be stored in their packing trays with the pointed end facing downward.
 Always store in a cool room at 2°C to 5°C.
 Keep away from strong smelling food such as cheese, onions, garlic, ginger, fish, etc.
 Egg should never be washed before being stored, as washing would remove its natural
protective coating.
 Do not stock eggs for more than a week.
 Always adopt FIFO method.

 Grading of eggs by weight

 Large grade: 65 gm. and above.
 Standard grade: 50-60 gm.
 Medium grade: 45gm.
 Small grade: 40gm.

 Poultry
It refers to any domestic bird’s uses for various dishes like chicken, turkey, duck etc. It contains protein, fact
and provides heat and energy. It helps in building and repairing the body.
 Storage
Fresh poultry must hang indrawn for 24 hours in a cool room. It will keep in fridge 4-5 days. For longer storage,
the poultry must be frozen.

 Quality of poultry
 The breast of chicken should be plump.
 The breast bone of chicken must be pliable.
 The flesh must be firm.
 The skin must be white and unbroken.
 The leg must be smooth, small scales and small spurs.
 The feet and bills of duck should be bright yellow and web feet easy to tear.
 The legs of turkey should be black and smooth.
 The breast of turkey should be large, the skin undamaged with no sign of Stickiness.

 Food value
Poultry is easily digestible than other meat and fat content is very low. It Contains proteins and fat, which
provides heat and energy and it helps in building and repairing body tissues.

 Uses
Roasting, grilling, braising, stew, curries, snacks etc.

 Game
Certain wild birds and animals, which are hunted for sports, are called the game. Feathered game includes
pheasant, wild duck, partridge, woodcock, grouse, snipe, quill etc. furred game includes venison. Hare, rabbit,
boar etc.
 Meat
Meat we eat come from animals, including beef, veal, lamb, pork and chicken. Most of these meat come from
farmed animals. They are raised until they reach a target weight, then are slaughtered (killed) and butchered
(cut up) for us to buy, cook and eat. Meat from animal source are high in protein, they usually are also high in
fat. Vitamin B12 and vitamin D are also present in many animal meat.

 Some foods are produced from the flesh or internal organs of animals, such as:
 beef, lamb, kangaroo, pork and mutton (red meats)
 chicken and fish (white meats)
 heart, liver, kidneys and brains (organ meats).

 Fats and Oil

Fat and oil is essential food commodities that are available in many forms. Fats at solid in a room temperature
and melt when heated. Oils are liquid fats. They are liquid at room temperatures but it gets solidify when cool.

 Quality
Fats and oils should contain little or no moisture, otherwise, they splutter, fats, and should have a pleasant
smell or no smell at all. The best Oil is olive Oil, because of its taste

 Storage
Fats must be stored in a cool place. Butter-margarine in the refrigerator and oil in closed cans. They should be
stored carefully, away from direct heat. Fats that are old become rancid and cannot be used any more.

 Types of Fats
1) Animal fats
a. Dripping: It is produced from the rendered down fat of beef and pork carcass.
b. Butter: Butter is made from the fatty parts of cow's milk. It is used mostly for its
pleasant flavor.

c. Lard: Lard is produced from rendered far from pigs.

d. d) Suet: Suet is the hard solid fat, deposit around the kidneys of animals. Beef
sure is the best then other animal's suet.

2) Vegetable fats
a. Pastry margarine: It is a semi-hard Fat blended, especially for pastry making
b. Block margarine: It is a hard and semi-hard fat for use in sauces.
c. Table margarine: It soft fat used as a substitute for butter in sandwiches.
d. Vegetable oils/shortening: Those are liquid fats, which is obtained from soybean,
sunflower, sesame, corn, mustard, olive, almond, peanut etc.
 Uses
Used in roasting, frying, baking, pasta, soup, shallow frying, deep frying, dressings etc.

 Vegetable
Vegetables are good for the diet because they provide a valuable source of vitamin, protein carbohydrate and
minerals. They have an effect on the flavor, color and general palatability of cooked products. Vegetables are
plants or parts of plants served as the main course, appetizer or as an accompaniment to the main dish. All the
amino acids needed to synthesize protein are available in vegetables. Fresh vegetable quickly age and spoil,
but their storage life can be extended by some preservation methods as dehydration, canning, freezing
fermenting and pickling. Vegetables are classified according to structure, composition flavor or color. The
quality of a vegetable depends on:

 Quality
The quality of a vegetable depends on flowing things
 Climatic conditions in growing me
 Size of vegetables
 Vegetable growing season
 Stage of maturity period
 The manner and me of storage before cooking
 The variety of vegetables

 Storage
 Leafy and fruit vegetables loose in bins or racks.
 Root vegetable-loose in bins or racks.
 Green vegetable-on well- ventilated racks.
 Salad vegetable in containers in a cool place.
 Leave potatoes in sacks.
 Leave mushrooms in containers. Remove any vegetables that show decay.

 Vegetable preparation
 Properly wash vegetable before cutting.
 Vegetable should not be soaked in water.
 Use as li le water as possible in cooking. This prevents the loss of vitamins, minerals, flavor and
texture of food.
 Baking powder should not be added while cooking, but salt may be added.
 Cook or bake vegetables in their jackets.

 Fruits
Fruits are very useful food and matured ovaries of the plants, which may contain seeds. They are rich in food
value, containing cellulose minerals and vitamins. It is an important source of fiber too. They come in various
textures, colors, flavors and aromas. Fruits are important sources of Vitamin A and C. Each of these varieties
can again be eaten in many different ways. Most fruits are delicious and refreshing. They are served as dessert
after the main course or for breakfast. Fruits are used in hot or cold pastry and sponge based dishes. Ripe
fruits can also be cooked, stewed, jellied, and can be preserved as jam and marmalade.

 Classification of fruits
 Soft: Strawberry, raspberry, and gooseberry.
Convenience product: Jam, syrups, squash, jellies, canned, frozen pie, filling, etc.

 Hard: Apple, pear, cherry and olive.

Convenience product: Solid pack, canned, frozen, dried rings, flakes, and juice.

 Citrus: Orange, lemons, grapefruit, sweet lime, lime, etc.

Convenience product: Marmalade, jams, juice, canned, jellies, and segments.

 Tropical: Pineapple, melon, banana, date, guava, leeches, mango, papaya, etc.
Convenience product: Canned, juice, jam, Jellies, frozen, dried.

 Storage
 Hard fruits are left in boxes and kept in a cool store.
 Soft fruits should be left in their pun nets or baskets in a cool room.
 Stone fruits are best placed in trays so that any damaged fruit can be seen and discarded.
 Citrus fruits are left in their delivery trays or boxes. Bananas should not be stored in too cool a
place because the skin turns black.

 Pulses
Pulses are the edible seeds of plants in the legume family. Pulses grow in pods and come in a variety of
shapes, sizes and colors. Pulses, also known as grain legumes, are a group of 12 crops that includes dry beans,
dry peas, chickpeas, and lentils. They are high in protein, fibre, and various vitamins, provide amino acids

 Buying and Preparing Pulses

Pulses are available in grocery stores in different forms, including canned, in plastic bags and/or in bulk. You
can find chickpeas (garbanzo beans) with other ready-to-use canned beans. Lentils and split/whole peas are
available dry and usually are near the rice and dry beans.

Pulses should be cooked before eating. Unlike dry beans, lentils and split peas do not require soaking prior to
cooking. Use unsalted water because adding salt may cause the lentils to toughen during cooking. Add acidic
ingredients (such as tomatoes) later in the cooking process because they may slow cooking.

 Storing
Store dry (uncooked) pulses in a sealed container in a cool, dry place. Pulses will keep indefinitely. Although
the color may fade slightly during long storage, the flavor will not change

 Cereals
Cereal crops are mostly grasses cultivated for their edible seeds, also called grain. Cereal grains are grown in
greater quantities worldwide than any other type of crop and provide more food energy to the human race
than any other crop. Cereal grains contain, along with traces of minerals and vitamins, carbohydrates -mainly
starches (comprising65-75 percent of their total weight), as well as proteins (6-12 percent) and fat (1-5
percent). Cereal example is Rice, Wheat, Barley, Maize, Rye, Oats etc.

 Elementry Nutrition
Nutrition may be defined as the science of food and its relationship to health. Nutrition also called
nourishment or aliment is the provision, to cells and organisms, of the materials necessary (in the form of
food) to support life. It is concerned primarily with the part Played by nutrients in body‘s growth, development
and maintenance. The chemical components of food, which perform these functions, are called nutrients and
the study various nutrients, their functions, food sources and their utilization by the human body their effect
on human wellbeing is called nutrition. A food is any substance, liquid or solid, which provides the body with:
 Heat and energy
 Growth and repair
 Regularize the body processes

 Types of Nutrients
 Protein
The word protein is derived from the Greek word ’Proteins’, which means “principal" or “Prime". Proteins are
the principal components of all living cells and are important practically in all aspect of cell structure and

Proteins are composed of carbon, hydrogen (Water and Oxygen), nitrogen and sulphur in varying amounts.
Proteins are built from 23 or more amino acids present in plant and animal proteins, and they function to
build, repair and maintain body tissues with numerous chemical reactions in our body.

 Function of Protein
Protein is composed of different amino - acids needed to build, repair and maintain body tissues. It has other
functions as well, such as making antibodies fight infection, building enzymes, hormones and red blood cells
that assist with numerous chemical reactions in our body.

 There are two sources of protein

A. Animal protein: Meats, fish, poultry, milk, cheese, and eggs are some of the best protein
sources which contain all essen al amino - acids.
B. Vegetable protein: Vegetable protein is found mainly in the seeds of vegetables such as pulses,
grains, nuts, and cereals. The propor on of protein in green and root vegetable, e.g. peas, beans
such vegetable protein contain more amino - acids.

 Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are energy sources for our body muscles, brain, and nervous system. Carbohydrates that are
not used immediately by the body for energy is stored as fat. On the other hand, if our body does not get
enough carbohydrate to supply its energy needs, it will bum dietary or body fat and protein for energy. This
robs our body of protein that it needs for report end maintenance.

 There are three main sources of carbohydrates:

1. Sugar
 Glucose: Found in the blood of the animal and in fruits and honey.
 Fructose: Found in fruit, honey, and cane sugar.
 Sucrose: Found in beet and cane sugar.
 Lactose: Found in milk.

2. Starch
 Whole grains: Rice, barley, rye, and oat.
 Powdered grains: Flour, cornflower, and arrowroot.
 Vegetable: Potato, turnips, peas and beans.
 Cereals: Cornflakes and shredded wheat.

 Cooked starch: Cake and biscuits.

 Pasta: Spaghetti, macaroni, and noodles.
 Fruits: Banana, apple, and pears.

3. Cellulose
Cellulose is the coarser structure of vegetable and cereals, which is not digested but is used as roughage in the
intestine to aid digestion. It is often referred to as dietary fiber.

 Minerals
Minerals are inorganic elements that are absorbed by the body and they are indispensable to our health.
There are 19 mineral elements, most of which are required by the body in very small quantities. Some of these
have important physiological or biochemical roles to play.
 The functions and sources of minerals:
1) Calcium: Helps to make strong bones and teeth.
Sources: Milk products, leafy vegetable, fish bones, cereals, and millets.

2) Magnesium: It helps bones and muscles to use certain vitamins.

Sources: Nuts and seeds, dark green leafy vegetable and whole grain products.

3) Iron: Carries oxygen to the blood.

Sources: Meat, offal, egg yolks, wholemeal flour, green vegetables and fish.

4) Phosphorus: Work with calcium in making bones and teeth.

Sources: Liver, kidney, eggs, cheese, bread, and fishes.

5) Iodine: Helps to make hormone produced by the thyroid gland.

Sources: Seafood, iodized salt and vegetables from the sea.

6) Sodium / potassium: Keep the water balance in cells.

Sources: Fruits and vegetables, milk product and salt added meat and fish.

 Fats
Fat is an essential part of our body. Fat is a substance which contains carbon, oxygen, hydrogen in form of
fatty acids. Fat is not water soluble but solidifies if keep at room temperature or below. Fat is the sources of
energy and is of 2 types. They are solid fat and oil fat. Healthy fats are good for health.

 Functions of Fats
a) Provide heat and energy.
b) Protect vital organs.
c) Aids in absorption of fat.
d) Essay the flavour of food and help to maintain the body temperature.

 Sources
1) Animal fat: Butter, suet, lard, cheese, bacon, meat, fat oily fish etc.
2) Vegetable fat: Margarine, cooking fat, nuts, soybean etc.

 Cooking of fat
The nutritive value of fat is not affected by cooking. During cooking process, a certain amount of it may be lost
from food when the fat melts. Cooking fat makes it more digestible.

 Vitamins
Vitamins are organic substances that our body needs but cannot make inadequate amount. Vitamins must be
obtained from food or nutritional supplements. Some of the essential functions that vitamins fulfil are. To help
convert the fats and carbohydrates in food into body energy, assist in the formation of bone and tissues and
promote tissue growth and repair.

The 13 vitamins our body needs are either fat - soluble or water - soluble. Fat - soluble vitamins are A, D, E, &
K. They cannot be stored for future use by the body. Water -soluble vitamins are B complex and C. They
cannot be stored and should be obtained daily.

 Vitamin 'A’
1) Assists in children's growth
2) Helps the body to resist infection
3) Good vision, strong bones, healthy skin and help to heal wounds.

 Sources
a) Animal food: Halibut, liver oil, cod - liver oil, kidney, butter, cheese, eggs, milk, and
b) Plant food: Carrots, spinach, tomatoes, pumpkin, papaya, mango and apricots.

 Vitamin 'B'
Keep the nervous system in good condition. Enable the body to obtain energy from carbohydrates. Encourage
the growth of the body.
 Some foods containing Vitamin 'B'
1) Thiamine (B1): Yeast, bacon, peas, oatmeal, wholemeal, bread, almonds, groundnuts, etc.
2) Riboflavin (B2): Egg, cheese, liver, meat extract, yeast, milk, etc.
3) Nicotinic acid: Beef, kidney, liver, brewer's yeast, meat extract, poultry, fish, groundnut, etc.
4) Pyridoxine: (B6): Liver, meat, dairy products, egg, fruits, cereals, etc.
5) Pyridoxine (B12): Liver, kidney, meat, fish, egg, milk and cheese, and vitamin B12 are not
found in food of vegetable origin.

 Vitamin 'C' (Ascorbic acid)

Vitamin 'C' is necessary for the growth of children. Assists in the healing of cuts and uniting broken bones.
Prevents gum and mouth infection.
 Sources
Ascorbic acid is found in grapefruit, lemon, orange, banana. Blackcurrants, strawberry, tomatoes, cabbage,
spinach, guava, radish, and cauliflower.

 Vitamin 'D'
Vitamin 'D’ controls the use of the body to make calcium. It is, therefore, necessary for healthy bones and
 Sources:
Action of sunlight on the deeper layers of the skin (75%) and other are fish - liver oil, oily fish, egg yolk, dairy
products, etc.
 Vitamin 'E'
Preserves cells and tissues, and make healthier skin and hair.
 Source:
Found in a variety of foods, e g. vegetable oil, whole grain etc.

 Vitamin 'K'
It helps in clotting blood
 Sources:
Dark green leafy vegetables.

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