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Instrument of Data Collection

5th Group
Alvina Juniati 1808103036, Dhea Miftahul Huda 1808103200, Fatimatuzzahro 1808103033
Fitria Alfi Qotrunnada 1808103106, Nurul Aenni 1808103055


One significant factor of research is the research instrument.The research instrument is a

tool for a researcher to conduct the collection of research data.The use of quality research
instruments and the quality of appropriate data collection can have an impact on the quality of
the results of the research itself.The research instrument is a method used to collect, quantify and
interpret data from subjects specific to the research topic. The instrument you are performing
must be decided by the sort of research you are conducting: quantitative , qualitative or mixed.
You can opt to use a questionnaire in a quantitative sample, for example, and you can use a scale
in a qualitative study. If it helps to use an existing instrument, you can use a new instrument or
even develop your own if appropriate. As its effectiveness is already established. The tools in the
methods portion of the paper must be identified. According to Patrick Ngulube (2020), stated
that instrument is tools used by researchers to actually gather data during the testing process.
Popular methods for data collection in research include interviews , questionnaires, documentary
study and observation.

Then is about the data collection technique is the most strategic step in analysis, since the
goal of the research is to acquire data.Without understanding the techniques of data processing,
the researcher would not be able to gather data that fits the specified data requirements.Data
collection techniques include interviews, feedback (direct and participant), questionnaires and
related documentation [ CITATION Yin14 \l 1057 ]. As analyzed from the data base, the data set is
separated into two categories of data, namely primary and secondary sources.Primary sources are
direct data sourcesprovide data to data collectors, while secondary sourcesis a source that does
not directly provide data to collectors data, for example through documents, or other
people.Indeed, as recognized from Data collection approaches or techniques, data collection
techniques may be utilized by observation (observation), interview (interview), questionnaire
(questionnaire), recording and a mixture of four.
The data tool is a tool which is used to calculate the collected data. In fact, this data instrument is
independent of the data system. The tool is an open / unstructured open interview where the
interview process is in-depth interviews (in-depth interviews). If the type of data observation is
observation, observation, the current observation or open / unstructured observation is the
instrument. Similarly, the instrument is a library format or paper format if the data teaching
approach is documentation (Ardianto, 2010). Operationally, measurement is a method of
comparison of attributes determined by measurement instruments (Firdaos, 2006) The priority in
research using a standardized test or questionnaire is the answer that can be quantified so that it
can be statistically processed, whereas those that deviate from it are ignored. With humans as
resources, attention was paid to the odd, deviant answers. Other reactions are optimistic,
sometimes conflicting, to increase trust and the degree of awareness of the element under review.


Instrument of Data Collection

The data collection instrument is indeed a tool preferred and used in the collection of
activities by researchers in order to make these activities comprehensive and simpler [ CITATION
Ari04 \l 1033 ]. In general, according to Djaali et al (2000) in [ CITATION Mat09 \l 1033 ] an
instrument is a tool that can be used as an instrument for calculating a measurement object or
collecting data in a variable because it accomplishes academic requirements. In addition, it is
mentioned that the instruments can essentially be separated into two types, particularly regarding
tests and non-tests. The test instrument is a collection of questions, worksheets or the like that
can be used to measure testing subjects' research, abilities, strengths and skills. In the context of
this test, the instrument sheet includes test questions composed of question items, whether in a
questionnaire, in an observation or in an interview. Examples involve formative tests, both
objective (multiple choice) or experimental tests.

In comparison, the non-test instrument is such a tool other than the question form, it is
typically in the form of a portfolio documentation. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) is introduced,
according to an author, specifically data collection techniques that are normally carried out in
qualitative research with the goal of discovering the significance of a theme according to a
group's interpretation [ CITATION Noo12 \l 1033 ] . This includes group assessments, such as
learning achievement tests, intelligence tests, aptitude tests, while non-test tests include interview
manuals, questionnaires, observation sheets, checklists, attitude scales, rating scales, and so
forth. Ultimately, Weitzenhoffer in Nur (1987) suggests, as far as measurement is concerned, the
measurement by the observer on the physical domain is carried out. For example, trying to
measure the results of learning, intelligence, behaviors, enthusiasm for accomplishment, and so
forth [ CITATION Mat09 \l 1033 ].

Matondang, also notes that an instrument is an important tool that is used to calculate a
measuring object or gather data from a variable as a tool. An instrument, whether it is valid and
reliable, is considered to be good. Additionally, according to [ CITATION Suk02 \l 1033 ], a valid
instrument is also a tool capable of measuring what should be measured, such as the fact that a
ruler can be a valid instrument for measuring length, not about measuring weight. In the
meanwhile, a reliable instrument is an instrument that is consistent in calculating what should be
measured (precise / accurate). In essence, a writer claims that if the measuring device can
measure what will be measured correctly and consistently if the measuring instrument is checked
on the same community at different times or occasions, it can be argued that a measuring device
is legitimate if it can provide relatively the same outcomes [ CITATION Nur92 \l 1033 ]. Briefly,
data collection instruments are tools used in a study to collect various kinds of information that
are processed quantitatively and arranged systematically.

Technique of Data Collection

1. Interview Techniques

The interview is a technique that can be used to collect research data. In simple terms it
can be said that the interview (interview) is an event or a process of interaction between the
interviewer (interviewer) and the source of information or the person being interviewed
(interviewee) through direct communication (Yusuf, 2014). The interview / interview method is
also a process of obtaining information for research purposes by means of face-to-face question
and answer between the interviewer and the respondent / person being interviewed, with or
without using the interview guide. In these interviews, it is usually done individually or in
groups, so that orienting informatic data is obtained.

Interviews aim to record opinions, feelings, emotions, and other things related to
individuals in the organization. By conducting interviews, researchers can obtain more data so
that researchers can understand culture through the language and expressions of the rights being
interviewed; and can clarify things that are not known. Data obtained from interviews are
generally in the form of statements describing personal experiences, knowledge, opinions and
feelings. To obtain this data, researchers can use the standardized interview method (Schedule
Standardized Interview), standardized interview (Non-Schedule Standardized Interview) or
informal interview (Non Standardized Interview). These three approaches can be done with the
following techniques: a) Before the interview begins, introduce yourself politely to create a good
relationship b) Show that the respondent has the impression that he is an "important" person c)
Get as much data as possible d) Do not direct the answer e ) Repeat questions if necessary f)
Clarify answers g) Record the interview (Chairi, 2009).

The interview technique can be carried out systematically or unsystematically. What is

meant systematically is that the interview is conducted by first preparing the interview guide
instrument. Called unsystematic, the researchers conducted direct interviews without first
developing an interview guide instrument. Currently. With advances in information technology,
interviews can be conducted without face to face, namely through telecommunications media. In
essence, an interview is an activity to obtain in-depth information about an issue or theme raised
in research. Or it is a process of proving information or information that has been obtained
through other techniques previously. The interview must be recorded, the recorded interview
provides added value. Because, the recorded conversation will become authentic evidence if
there is a misinterpretation. And after that the recorded data is rewritten and summarized. And
researchers provide interpretations of the data obtained through interviews.

In essence, an interview is an activity to obtain in-depth information about an issue or

theme raised in research. Or, it is a process of proving information or information that has been
obtained through other techniques previously. Because it is a proving process, the results of the
interview may be in accordance with or different from the information previously obtained. In
order for the interview to be effective, there are a number of stages that must be passed, namely;
1). introduce myself, 2). explain the purpose of arrival, 3). explain the interview material, and 4).
asking questions (Yunus, 2010: 358).
a. The advantages of interviewing techniques in collecting research data are as follows:
1) Obtaining a high response from informants, when compared with the use of a
questionnaire that may not be returned to the researcher.
2) Can clarify the meaning of the question, because it is directly dealing with the
3) Can simultaneously make observations of the things that are needed.
4) Flexible, can repeat questions to prove answers.
5) Can explore non-verbal information.
6) Can ask questions spontaneously.
7) Can be sure to get answers.
8) Can submit various forms of questions.
9) Make it easier for informants to understand complex questions.
b. The weaknesses of the interview technique compared to the interview technique
compared to other techniques in collecting research data include the following:
1) It takes a lot of time and money
2) Researcher's subjectivity factor in capturing meaning through interviews is very
3) Under certain conditions, it can make the interviewee feel uncomfortable.
4) There is no standardized question model.
5) Difficult to find informants who are willing to be interviewed.

2. Observation method

Observation is part of data collection. Observation means collecting data directly from
the field (Semiawan, 2010). Meanwhile, according to Zainal Arifin in the book (Kristanto, 2018)
observation is a process that is preceded by observation and then systematic, logical, objective,
and rational recording of various kinds of phenomena in actual situations, as well as artificial
situations. One of the techniques that can be used to find out or investigate nonverbal behavior is
by using observation techniques. The method of observation or observation is a human daily
activity using the five senses of the eye and assisted by the other five senses. The key to the
success of observation as a data collection technique is very much determined by the observer
himself, because the observer sees, hears, smells, or listens to a research object and then he
concludes from what he observes. Observers are the key to the success and accuracy of research
results (Yusuf, 2014).

One of the advantages of this direct observation / observation is that the analysis system
can be more familiar with the physical environment such as the layout of the room and the tools
and forms used and is very helpful for seeing business processes and their constraints. In
addition, it should be noted that this observation technique is one of the most effective data
collection techniques for studying a system (Sutabri, 2012). There are several forms of
observation, namely: 1). Observation of participation, 2). unstructured observation, and 3). group
observation. Here's the explanation:

a. Participant observation is a data collection method used to collect research data through
observation and sensing in which the researcher is involved in the daily activities of the
b. Unstructured observations are observations made without using observation guidelines,
so that researchers develop their observations based on developments that occur in the
c. Group observations are observations made by a group of research teams on an issue that
is the object of research.

3. Method of documentation

Apart from interviews and observations, information can also be obtained through facts
that are stored in the form of letters, diaries, photo archives, meeting results, souvenirs, activity
journals and so on. Data in the form of documents like this can be used to dig up information that
occurred in the past. Researchers need to have theoretical sensitivity to interpret all these
documents so that they are not just meaningless items.

Documentation comes from the word document, which means written goods, the method
of documentation means the procedure for collecting data by recording existing data. The
documentation method is a data collection method used to trace historical data. Documents about
a person or group of people, events, or incidents in social situations that are very useful in
qualitative research (Yusuf, 2014).
Documentation study is a method of collecting data through archives and including books
on opinions, theories, arguments or laws and others related to research problems. In qualitative
research, the main data collection technique is because it proves the hypothesis that is proposed
logically and rationally through opinions, theories, or laws, both supporting and rejecting the

1. Documentation as a research collection method has advantages and disadvantages, namely

(Dimyati, 2013):
2. The advantages of the documentation method
a. Time efficient
b. Efficient in terms of energy
c. Cost efficient

The documentation method is efficient because the data we need is just to quote or photocopy
existing documents. However, the documentation method also has its drawbacks

2. The weakness of the documentation method

a. Low data validity, doubtful,

b. Low data reliability, still doubtful.
c. Questionaire (Questionnaire)

Questionnaires have a similar function to interviews, only differing in their implementation. If

the interview is delivered by the researcher to the respondent orally, then the implementation of
the questionnaire is the respondent filling out the questionnaire compiled by the researcher. The
results of this questionnaire data are not in the form of a lift, but in the form of a description. No
data collection technique is more efficient than a questionnaire. The instructions for making a list
of questions are (Sutabri, 2012):

a. Plan in advance what facts / opinions you want to collect.

b. Based on the facts and opinions mentioned above, determine the type of question that is
most appropriate for each of these facts and opinions.
c. Write down the questions that will be asked. The question should not contain errors and
should be clear and simple.
d. Test the question with several respondents first, for example 2 or 3 people. If the respondent


In Conclusion, we know that the research instrument is a tool for a researcher to conduct
the collection of research data. Collecting data from a study conducted by various research
methods such as observation, interviews, literature study and documentation, requires tools as
instruments. The instruments in question are cameras, cell phones for recorders, pencils,
ballpoints, books and picture books. Cameras are used when the author makes observations to
record events that are important to an event either in the form of photos or videos. Recorders are
used to record sound when collecting data, either using the interview method, observation, and
so on. Meanwhile, pencils, ballpoints, books and drawing books are used to write or describe
data information obtained from sources. The instruments used were observation and interviews.
Observations made by researchers include what the focus of the study under study is.
Meanwhile, through interviews / interviews, researchers prepare several questions to be used as
data material or relevant sources in the research.

Furthermore, the process of collecting data on a research conducted by the author must
have a method or technique to obtain good and structured and accurate data or information from
what is researched, so that the accuracy of the data information obtained can be accounted for.
There are 3 method of collecting data; observation method, interview, and documentation.
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