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Colegio Belgrano 6°B 13/10/20

Present Perfect:

- Lo usamos para contar experiencias que no específica tiempo.

- Para eventos que tienen resultados en el presente. Comienzan en el pasado y continúan hasta hoy o veo
sus consecuencias.
- Already: oraciones afirmativas, va entre el verbo HAVE y el participio. Significa YA.
- yet: para oraciones negativas y preguntas. Va al final de la oración. Significa TODAVÍA en la
orac.negat. y YA en la pregunta.
- just: RECIÉN. va entre el verbo HAVE y el participio.
- never: nunca
- ever: “alguna vez”, va en la pregunta.


1 ever seen / seen

2 ever ridden

3 never eaten

4 learned

5 never driven

3) 2 just 3 yet 4 already 5 already 6 yet 7 just 8 yet

Present Perfect


Key words: just, already/ yet, for/since, ever/never, recently

-Se usa para acciones que comenzaron en el pasado y se extienden hasta hoy o veo sus consecuencias.

-También se usa para contar experiencias en las que no especifico ni hago referencia a tiempo. Cuando hago
referencia a tiempo pasado tengo que usar Pasado Simple.

I have climbed the highest mountain.

I climbed it two years ago.

1 Simon has just arrived at the bus station

2 Diana hasn’t phoned from the airport yet

3 I have already spent all my holiday money

4 Have you ever written any postcards?

5 My parents already have come back from holiday

6 She has already booked the fly

1) Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or Present Perfect.

Andres and Francisco have been (be) friends for six years. They met (meet) at school when they were (be) three
years ago. They have studied (study) music for three years because they want to start a band. They have thought
(think) about a name for a long time and they have just found (just /find) it. Last week they saw (see) a small
squirrel in the park and they have just decided (just/ decide) the name of their band would be Squirrel. They
have just organized ( just/ organize) two festivals to help the oldest people in their town. They have already
invited (already/ invite) a lot of people.

2)Complete the story. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or Past Simple tense.

A sad story of a sad man

One Sunday evening two men met (meet) in a London pub. One of them was very unhappy.

“Life is terrible, everything in the world is really boring”, he said.

“Don’t say that”, said the other man. “Life is marvelous! The world is so exciting! Think about Italy, it’s a
wonderful country have you ever been (be) there?”

“Oh, yes. I went (go) there last year and I didn’t like (not like) it.”

“Well, do you traveled (I didn’t understand nothing, I think that It might be an error so I did whatever I think)
(be) to Norway? Have you ever seen (see) the midnight sun?”

“Oh yes! I went (go) in 1984 and I saw (see) the midnight sun. I didn’t enjoy ( not enjoy) it”.

“Well, I have just returned (return) from safari in Africa have you visited (visit) Africa yet?

“Yes, I went (go) on safari in Africa last year and I climbed (climb) Mount Kilimanjaro. It was really boring.”

“Well”, said the other man, "I think that you are very ill. Only the best psychiatrist can help you. Go to see Dr
Greenbaum in Harley street”

“I am Dr Greenbaum” Answered the man sadly.

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