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Lesson Language Arts (Grade

Class #: Grade 3-4 (30 Minute Lessons) Course
Title/Focus 4 Reading Level)


 Comprehension strategies
 Making connections
 Synthesizing Texts
At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1. Thoroughly demonstrate an understanding of what they have read through written reflection.
2. Make connections between real world examples in relation to what leads animals to becoming
3. Interpret the provided information in thoughtful, comprehensive ways.
 Language Arts workbooks
 “Extinct and Endangered Animals” by Leonard Karauna
 Endangered animals word scrabble activity
 Endangered and extinct animals matching activity
 Paint and brushes
 Canvas
 water
 Ensure students have easy access to workbooks and supplies for writing.
 Have the books ready to go each day for reading on indicated days.
 Ensure daily activities are well thought out and explained thoroughly.
 Have endangered animals’ worksheet ready to go for Tuesday.
 Have painting supplies ready to go on the Thursday.
 Discuss the differences between endangered and extinct animals.
Introduction: Monday Time
 Have students reflect on the activities from the previous week and discover
which things they enjoyed and which they struggled with.
 Discuss the differences between endangered and extinct animals prior to reading
the book.
 See if students can provide examples of both kinds of animals and explain why 15 min
they may have gone extinct or why they are endangered.
 Lead discussion with the students seeing if they can relate the book, we are going
to read with what they are learning in social studies with natural resources and
science with waste.
Body Time
Guided Reading 1) Have the students take turns reading page by page.
(Monday) 2) Ask probing questions throughout that will help the
15 min
students comprehend what they are reading and
synthesize the important information.
Endangered 1) Students will complete a worksheet that has them 10 min
Animals word taking letters from the word endangered and making
scrabble up the names of the depicted animals below.
(Tuesday) 2) This will allow students to develop a greater
understanding of why animals become endangered
and how we can prevent them from going extinct.

Endangered or 1) Students will be given twenty animals ten of which are

Extinct Animals extinct and ten of which are endangered and must
matching activity decide where each animal fits.
(Tuesday) 2) Following the matching students will be given
information based on where the animals lived or live
and what resulted in them either going extinct or being 20 min
3) Students will also be asked to relate certain animals
from the extinct and endangered categories and see if
they come from the same family tree.

Guided Reading 1) Students will the start the lesson by being asked which
(Wednesday) endangered animal they would like to paint the
following day.
2) Have the students take turns reading page by page. 30 min
3) Ask probing questions throughout that will help the
students comprehend what they are reading and
synthesize the important information.
Ideal Ecosystem 1) Students will spend the lesson painting the ideal
Painting environment or ecosystem for their endangered
animal of choice.
2) Throughout they will verbally explain their reasoning 30 min
behind why they choice their animal and ecosystem
and relate it to how waste and natural resources can
affect these animals’ homes.
Conclusion Time
 Any time remaining will be used to see what kind of book the students
would be interested in for next week.
 Additionally, ensuring that the students have retained the information and
drawn thought provoking conclusions from them.
 The guided reading throughout the week demonstrates formative assessment by ensuring
the students are keeping up with their reading skills and making observations in what
they are reading, to ensure they are retaining the information.
 The endangered animal word scrabble and the endangered and extinct animal matching
act as forms of formative assessment because it will demonstrate to me, they can tell the
difference between the two groups and relate them to modern day examples.
 The painting of an ecosystem activity acts as more summative assessment because it will
be used to evaluate that the students have grasped the concepts of the week while pairing
it with verbal questioning. This tells me they can comprehend the text and synthesize it
into their daily lives.

Additional Notes: TQS Standards:


Developing a Professional Body of Knowledge

Establishing Inclusive Learning Environments

Fostering Effective Relationships

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