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Why Must We Read Quran?

The answer to this question seems obvious. For Muslims, Quran is their
scripture, their holy book. Therefore, of course they should read it and
know its contents. Even so, you will find that there is a pronounced lack of
emphasis on Quran in the Muslim’s religious literature. Quran is quoted,
more likely half-quoted, and that quote or half-quote is then taken and its
meaning completely changed by the explanation. As such, Quran’s own
voice is usually stifled or completely silenced.

In this essay, we take a practical route. Why should we read Quran? Is there
any actual benefit to be enjoyed or should we simply read it blindly because
we are told that it is a ‘holy book’. In this, we are fortunate because whoever
authored Quran did not leave us without the answer. On the contrary, the
answer is given and repeated so the reader does not forget. The answer is
undoubtedly crucial to the author.

So from this point of view, that is the point of view of Quran itself, why
should we read it? There are many ayat which talk about this but for the
purposes of today’s discussion, we will focus on one and that is chapter 17,
ayah 9. In this ayah Quran declares about itself:

This Qur’an guides to that which is more established, and gives glad
tidings to the believers who do good work that they will have a bountiful
reward (Quran 17/9)

The first word we would like to focus on in the above ayah is the word
‘guides’ (yahdee). Quran says that it guides to what is more established. It is
God’s guidance (referring to 55/1-2 since it is God who taught Quran) and
God’s guidance, if followed, is declared to have the following results:

….so when the guidance comes from Me, then whoever follows My
guidance, they will have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve. (Quran
So whoever follows God’s guidance, his life will be a life free from fear or
grief. Therefore, a practical reason for reading Quran is to have a blissful

The second word we will analyse from 17/9 is the word ‘more established’
(aqwam). What does it mean when Quran says it guides to the more

We have sent Our messengers with clear proofs, and We sent down with
them the Scripture and the balance to establish humankind with justice…
(Quran 57/25)

In 57/25, we are told that the messengers are given ‘clear proofs’ (bayyinat)
which is shown to be from Quran (Quran 98/1-3) in order to establish
humankind with justice. The word ‘to establish’ (liyaqoom) which is used
here is the verse same used in 17/9.

So we have another reason for following Quran, to establish ourselves, to

find firm footing, to stand upright (these meanings are contained in the
word ‘aqwam’ above).

However, referring back to 17/9 above, it is clear that simply reading Quran
is of no use. 17/9 above continues by saying ‘and gives glad tidings to the
believers who do good works that they will have a bountiful reward’

It is very interesting that this ayah which talks about Quran and its purpose
ends with the emphasis on believers. Believers are people who ‘hear and
obey’ the commands of Quran (2/285). Not only believers but believers who
continuously do good works (ya’lamoona as-salihaat). Only then do they get
a bountiful reward.

To summarise, Quran does talk about itself and its function for humankind.
It aims to alleviate us from suffering and also to establish us and give us
upright lives. However, this can only happen if we follow its
commandments and continuously do good works. Therefore, there is a
practical reason for reading Quran and that reason is the very betterment of
our human existence.

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