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© Copyright 2020 | Ted McGrath Brands| All Rights Reserved

The world is changing in exciting ways for artists and entrepreneurs who
want to create recurring income for themselves and their families. Now, more
than ever, people are looking to virtual alternatives for almost everything. From
shopping, to education, to tutoring services and even artistic lessons.

That means the climate is perfect for you to create your virtual start-up, and
this guide will show you everything you need to get started.

Here is what we will go over:

1. Decide What Your Business Will Do or Sell

2. Create a Name for Your Business

3. Create a Logo and Branding for Your Business

4. Make a Website for Your Business

5. Create Social Media Channels For Your Business

6. Start Organic Growth For Your Business Through Friends

7. Create an Email List for Your Business

© Copyright 2020 | Ted McGrath Brands| All Rights Reserved

For any business to create profit, it MUST provide a product or service to sell
in exchange for income.

Are you an artist?

Have experience in a specific field?
Have a skill you want to teach?
What do you love?
How can you provide your knowledge and share your experiences with people?

Once you have answered these questions for yourself, you can take the first step to
creating your virtual business - deciding what your business will sell or provide
to its customers.

© Copyright 2020 | Ted McGrath Brands| All Rights Reserved

Now that you know WHAT your business will provide, the next step is to pick a name
for your business!

If you’re an entrepreneur or artist, this may be the easy part for you. Self names
companies make sense, and are an easy way to distinguish yourself in your
niche and to establish authority with your brand.

If you have another type of business, this process is a little different. Here are a few
tips you can use to make sure you choose the perfect business anime for your virtual

Avoid hard to spell names

This may make people searching for your business confused
Hard-to-spell names can also be harder to remember!
Avoid extremely generic terms
When most people look for your business, they will use google. If you use an
extremely generic term (or common word), it may be difficult to find your
company or brand when people search for it!
Avoid names that are too niche (because you will grow!)
Imagine if Jeff Bezos had picked the name “OnlineBooks”. You don’t want to
select a name that will limit you if your services or company vision changes. So
avoid names like “Michelle's Wedding Cakes” If you might sell cookies and
other pastries later
Make sure the name isn't already taken
Research your competitors to make sure your name stands out
Keep it simple
A simple name is easy to remember, and should create positive emotions
regarding your brand. Complicated names can turn people away from your
business, so simple works!

© Copyright 2020 | Ted McGrath Brands| All Rights Reserved

Branding is important, and one of the first steps you will want to take early on
in your business is to establish branding materials. These branding materials
will create familiarity and establish your rapport with your consumers.
They will know every time they see your logo, that it is a product or service they
can trust.

One of the best ways to accomplish this is through the use of a LOGO.

Use these simple tips to ROCK your logo:

Your logo should be simple and clean.

Your logo should look good at any size (thumbnail to t-shirt)Use color
Make sure your logo reflects your brand.
If you use different fonts, choose CAREFULLY
Make your logo scalable! Meaning you have an abbreviated, small version
for small applications such as social media icons, and have versions that
can be scaled in size!
Do your research! See what logos in your field look like so you can do
something similar

© Copyright 2020 | Ted McGrath Brands| All Rights Reserved

One of the most important parts of launching your online business is to create a
website to which you can direct traffic, create sales funnels, and broadcast
your message to the world.

But where to start?

Here are the steps you need to take:

1. Decide on a Domain Name

a. This will be the ultimate representation of your business, so choose
b. Make sure your domain is easy to spell and easy to remember!
2. Purchase Your Domain
a. You can purchase your domain from a variety of places.
b. You can purchase a domain in annual increments.
3. Get web hosting
a. There are many big name companies that will host your website for you!
b. Often times web hosting and domain purchases can be done together.
4. Design Your Landing Page
a. This is usually done through website editors in your web hosting.
b. You can also create your own code with CSS and HTML (if you know how),
but most web hosting will have drag and drop editors you can use.
c. Select images that represent you and your brand.
d. Write copy explaining your purpose, product, or services.

This is the bare minimum you need to get your website started. Once you have
established your website, you are almost complete with starting up your virtual
online business.

© Copyright 2020 | Ted McGrath Brands| All Rights Reserved

Social media is the way of the future. The best way to cultivate meaningful leads,
both organic and paid, are through social media pages. I have tens of thousands of
followers and subscribers who help me to generate millions of dollars in income a year.
Setting up social media is an essential of any virtual business, and you can use it to put
your ads and your message out to the world.

Make sure you use the following social media platforms:


© Copyright 2020 | Ted McGrath Brands| All Rights Reserved

When I first started Message to Millions, my closest friends were my first supporters. If
you’ve been a member of my community for a while, you now just how important word-of-
mouth marketing can be. Have you ever tried a restaurant or purchased something
because your friends suggested it? Then you know exactly how word-of-mouth
marketing can impact your business.

Start with your friends and family, and you can start organic growth for your virtual
business ASAP (and it costs nothing).

Ask friends and family to share your social media sites.

Ask your friends and family to purchase your product or service and write testimonials.
Reach out to community members and neighbors to market your business locally.


Once your website is launched, and your social media is up and running, the last step
to starting your virtual online business is to start cultivating your email list.

Lead generation is CRUCIAL, because the leads you generate today will be your
returning customers of tomorrow.

Select an email platform to connect with your website.

Create opt-in pages on your sales funnels and websites.
Create links to your opt-ins for your social media advertising.
Use effective email templates.

© Copyright 2020 | Ted McGrath Brands| All Rights Reserved

In this guide you will find the essentials you need to start your virtual business.

Through careful cultivation, nurturing and visions you can establish your
financial future by taking these steps today.

I spend my life reaching millions and teaching my story and my experience to the
world. You can do it too.

Ted McGrath is a theater performer,

speaker, and best selling author. He
has created 5 household brands and
made millions teaching Coaches,
Speakers, and service based Business
Owners how to turn their life story and
life experience into a lucrative business
that impacts millions and makes

Ted brings a unique approach to

coaching, speaking, transformation,
and information marketing by
combining his business/marketing
strategies and his transformational
skill set with his talent as a performer.

He has devoted his life to

transformation, storytelling, and
helping others share their true
message with the world. What’s your

© Copyright 2020 | Ted McGrath Brands| All Rights Reserved

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