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Shamira Coye
Dr. Loskot
ENGL 105(02)
May 31, 2020
Research questions on the story The Representative
In the story “The Representative” we can see how the themes are explored through the

events and characters. The theme of power and corruption is explored throughout the story and is

high lightened by the character “Honorable Jonas Parker”, the area representative. As a politician

he has been misusing the power given to him. All through the story we can see how the

character, “Honorable Jonas Parker” is presented as a greedy individual and corrupted politician

who has no interest in the welfare of the citizens of Belize. Another theme seen is poverty which

is presented at the very beginning of the story. Dr. Young uses a historical allusion referring to

the 1920’s when only vats were used in Belize. As they continued describing “that side of the

city” we can visualize the deplorable condition in which the people lived. The streets were dusty

with lots of potholes and the houses were referred to as “shanty.”

Dr. Young includes the Creole language in the story to portray the Belizean culture.

What captured my attention the most of this story was the Creole proverb used, “Mary livin’ well

while Martha ketching hell.” Therefore, this led me to want to explore and analyze more on how

political corruption affect the Belizean society? Under this research question I would like to

analyze what are the political and social issues presented in the story? In addition, I would also

like to analyze how does the story “The Representative” portrays the political system and

Belizean culture of today. In order to further interpret and analyze Dr. Young’s story, “The

Representative” I will use both Political and Socio Cultural Theory.



Young, C.N. (1991). Pataki full. Benque Viejo del Carmen, Bze: Cubola productions.

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