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Richard Kent
November 8, 2020
Andi Hess
This power point is a thematic analysis and personal
vison and mission. It will demonstrate a qualitative
research approach that will provide a theme based self-
assessment. The presentation will focus on several data
sets that will provide context and facts related to the
themes provided here. In explaining each theme there
will be evidence to support the findings along with
contradictory evidence and a reflection. Each theme will
provide a glimpse into who and what I am about.
Below is how a came about finding, retrieving and • After reviewing the themes, I began the task of
categorizing my data in order to support the themes labeling each theme into categories and their
that will be presented here. respective assessments. I assigned each a letter
and number so that I could organize my thoughts
• First was to refamiliarize myself with all the
assessments and exercises I have done within my into a cohesive document.
academic and professional career and eliminating
all those that were not pertinent to my research. • After categorizing the data several themes
The useful data came from the Three questions, immerged from the coding process.
Values and Dreams, Life story personal narrative,
Career Anchor assessment, Kuder Career Interests • I put these themes into groups to then extrapolate
Assessment, Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment, the data into supporting and contradictory
Super’s Work Values Inventory, Big 5 personality themes.
test, and the Workstyle pattern Inventory.
This was challenging in that I had not put this much
• Upon refamiliarization I looked at all of them and data together before, but the coding process helped
started writing down singular themes and which tremendously. I found that several themes emerged
piece they came from. I looked at both the major from the data. Values, Culture, and Family just to
theme and the lower themes taking into account
that the lower themes might make a pattern as name a few. Each offered a unique framing of myself
well. and the data will show that these themes are
paramount to my career and self.
T h ree q uestions ( 3Qs)

The three questions are what gives me joy, what am I good at, and what does the
world need me to do. In answering these three questions it is likely that a person
will find the hidden meaning and be able to extrapolate a theme from each of the
questions. At the very least the subject will be able to draw a clear meaning from
each and hopefully find a direction from those meanings.

Va l ues a nd Dreams ( VA D)

This was a two-part assessment. One assessment, values, focused on a checklist

of values which helped you get to the last and most meaningful value based on
your choices. It asked you to rate your values of importance by eliminating them
until you were left with one. This value was to be your most cherished value. The
Dreams assessment focused on writing down what it is that you truly desired.
Again, it used an elimination process to find your top five desires. It then made
you reflect on the why aspect of each until you discovered its true underling

Li fe s tory personal n arrative (LPN)

The life story personal narrative was a first-person reflection of your meaningful
points in life from birth to present. Similar to an autobiography, but, for me, it
focused on what made me who I am. It extrapolated the pain and joy of growth
over my lifetime. It helped bring out the reasoning of my personality, leadership,
and values. The paper focused on underlying themes of my life having me pick out
what made me who I am.
C a reer A nchor Assessment (CAA)

The Career Anchor Assessment involved a serious of self -rated questions on a one to ten scale. It rated
them on importance and truthfulness across several questions. The questions focused on career type
questions. In the end it rated the questions across several career topics to include life -style, managerial
competence, autonomy, and several other categories.

Ku d er C areer Interests Assessment (KIA)

This assessment was a series of questions to discover where your interest lay. The questions pertained to a
series of interests and at the end it scored the varying interests into six distinct categories. Each category
pertained to a type of interest including my top three which were ECI., Enterprising, conventional, and
investigative. These signified the type of work I may be interested in and it provided several career choices
that I may be interested in pursuing

Ku d er S kills Confidence A ssessment ( KCA)

In the Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment the questions were given in a similar fashion as the career
interest, but their area of focus was on actual skills. This differed from the preferences found in the
interests’ assessments. The assessment results were a combination of the same five result categories
found in the career interests’ assessment. Again, I scored high in EC, but I also scored high in Social which
offered different results in career choices and in areas of skill.
S u per’s W ork Values Inventory -revised ( SVI)

Although this was part of the Kuder assessment it differed greatly as the questions asked where of a different
style. The results were also presented differently in bar graph form. This assessment focused on values at
work and what was most important to the user. IT ranked your answers and responses across several
categories, and I received the highest score in lifestyle. And my lowest was security.

Bi g Five p ersonality test ( BFP)

The big five personality test is a test which has the user select multiple questions in agree, neutral, and
disagree format. The questions are based on types of personality. The questions are then deciphered in order
to measure you across five basic personality types. Scores are assigned to each type to show where you fall on
the spectrum between two differing types such as introvert and extrovert.

W o rkStyle P attern Inventory ( WSP)

The WSP is an inventory that is not designed to be a test. It was designed to give you honest feedback as to
what work preference you have vs what your actual is. Basically preference vs. actual. It also outlines stress in
those preferences and the underlying cause of the stress between the two. The WSP is setup using multiple
test types to extrapolate this information. It offers at minimum a fifteen -page result outlining your
preferences, your actual, and tips on where and when to avoid or challenge the stress that it results in.
C ulture of a company and how it aligns with my values is at the top of my selection criteria
when choosing a company to work and apply for.

D ata:

• In my top five selections on my D reams and D esires (VAD ) assessment was the culture of
a company. In specific was the alignment with the culture and my values of growth,
honesty, and ethical business practices. Also, on that list, but not in the top five, was
loyalty within the business structure. This is another aspect in which is within the theme
of culture.

• My LPN highlighted the theme of culture during my time spent in the marine corps as a
life defining moment. This defining moment was derived out of the culture present within
the Marine C orps. Going back to the VAD this dream and desire for the theme stretched
from being exposed to the culture in the Marine C orps. The culture exemplified what I
wrote in the VAD which was growth, honesty, and ethics.

• The WSP formalized the theme of culture in that my results where of the category
manager. In this category it highlights that “managers look beyond the work to the
environment in which they perform” (WSP). This is referring to not only the physical
environment but to company culture. Another piece of evidence from this inventory is that
it states as my result that “ a manger takes pride in the organization and its work culture”
Contradictory evidence:
I only found one piece of contradictory evidence
and that was also in my LPN. I wrote that in my
early stages of my career I would just take a job
to pay the bills. This is in direct contradiction to
theme presented here. I feel that my priorities
have changed as I have grown in both my career

goals and aspirations and personally.

I have found significant evidence to support this
theme. It has impacted many career aspirations
and I have found that it has impacted my
personal life as well. I have become sort of a
detective when interviewing with companies to
the point where I have rejected job offers
because of the culture. This theme and its
findings have made me more vigilant in finding
the right culture for my values.
Finding a company with growth and opportunity to become a CEO is
important to my career aspirations.


• In the second position on my VAD is to become a CEO or VP. This was

debated on for a while as to its position as I have valued it for a long
time. This exercise made me pinpoint exactly where my priorities lie, and
it was just behind family in my dreams and desires. Growth was the
number on value in my values checklist and this was supported by this
theme. In selecting growth as my final value, it helped clarify the theme
of CEO.

• In my WSP one of the selected suggested positions was that of CEO. In

deciphering the data, I discovered that this was supported by many
avenues of data including both my preference and actual work style. In
both it highlights that I have the qualities and abilities to lead at this
level including the stress level compatibility. It goes on to list the
characteristics of a CEO and how they match the preferences I have
selected and my actual preferences. It notes that I am high in M/O or
managerial and organization while even in other categories. This data
points to the desire and ability to be a CEO.

• In both my KCA and KIA I scored EC in my first two category’s in my

holland code. In both instances it was noted that CEO was recommended
in career paths. This was followed by similar roles such as chief
sustainability officer which is an executive level position. In each of the
respective categories, enterprising and conventional, It notes several
standout qualities of a CEO position. Those include working to achieve
economic gain as well as personal or organizational goals. (KIA)
Contradictory evidence:

In the SVI It noted that I was highest in lifestyle far and surpassing
achievement and supervision which are hallmarks of a CEO. This
would suggest that I might have an aversion to becoming a CEO if it
consumed all of my free time especially with my family. It also notes
that work life balance is essential to my career interests which may
not be available as a CEO.


My passion for becoming a CEO has been reignited with the research
of this theme. It has inspired me to continue as it has helped me
take a closer look into my personality and career aspirations. This
helped support the theme of choosing the right fit for me in growth
both personally and professionally.
Lifestyle and work life balance has become paramount in making career

• In the CAA my top assessment rating was in life-style integration. The score
of 78 was the highest in any category save for managerial competence.
This data points to the fact that I seek and desire a solid work life balance.

• Mirroring the data from the CAA the Super’s work value inventory also had
at the top lifestyle. Upon further data gathering the positions had changed
from the other Kuder assessments to point to different roles that allowed
work life balance. On such career path was Judge. This offered extensive
off time to include weekends and holidays. This supported the theme in
that this provided the work life balance.

• The number one dream on the top of my dreams and desires list was to
spend more time with friends and family. This confirmed that I value
spending more time with them than in my career. It also made me choose
which desire I held at the top. This soul searching is what provided the data
for this theme.
Contradictory evidence:
The contradictory evidence is provided by the growth value in both my CEO
position in my WSP and KIA. In both assessments I assessed into career
paths that would draw me away from the work life balance. This data
represents a clear contradiction to this theme.
I feel that work life balance is key in both my personal and professional
life. It has only been recently that I have made this choice. Often, I have
sacrificed my family at the gain of my career but have found that in so
doing I have struggled with not only my family but in my career. Balance is
the key in making both of them successful.
Mentors have played a pivotal role in my career and personal life and will continue to be a
part of my success plan.

D ata:

• In my VAD my top value was growth. In so doing one of the main reasons I choose this
was the many people that have helped me along the way. This value directly points to
those mentors that have helped me grow. This is not inference; it is the fact that the data
shows that the reason I can grow is directly related to those that have shared their
experience and expertise along the way.

• In my 3 Qs I note that the growth in the Marine corps, and in my career, was due to the
mentors that provided me guidance. The data shows that it was the ability to be guided
that helped me make strides in growth. It was also noted in my WSP That as a manger
orientation I seek guidance from those in expert positions. This was mirrored in the Kuder
assessment stating “looking to authorities for advice and counsel” under the
C onventional holland code.

• The LPN reflects the data that mentors have made me successful in both my professional
and personal life. I talk about how I received help in both logistics and in finding out that
it was the right choice for me. This was help from mentors in both my profession and my
personal life. The data suggests that they played a pivotal role in decision making.
Contradictory evidence:
There is no contradictory evidence. I believe this is because the
assessments mainly focus on the taker and not on external factors such
as mentors.
Upon reflecting mentors have played pivotal roles in my development and
will continue to do so in the future. The data shows that I have continually
sought out mentors and they have helped make me successful.
I am a highly effective supply chain manager.


• In both Kuder assessments I was given Enterprising and Conventional. Under

Conventional it states, “interest in activities that include ordering data, keeping
records and applying established guidelines” (KIA). This directly points to the supply
chain position and what I do every day. He data point clearly exemplifies the skills
necessary to perform a supply chain manager’s daily tasks.

• The LPN develops the theme further by showing that I have been in the field for over
13 years. It also shows the pattern and progression of the position. It starts with an
entry into the position while in the Marine Corps. It further shows the progression by
change of position in and out of supply chain management. It then goes further to
show the direction of getting back into it despite choosing another career path. This
further strengthen the point that I am effective and seek positions in supply chain.

• The WSP builds upon that data by also exemplifying that I strive to be effective in
that field. The key aspects to the position is managerial competency and the ability
to delegate. The WSP states that delegation is not only something I seek but it also
something I actual do. This is part of the supply chain field with buyers that work for
you. Delegation is part of the profession.
Contradictory evidence:

There is no contradictory evidence for the theme. It is

probably due to the specificity of the theme.


Upon reflection I have sought this field out several times due
to my proficiency in the field. I hold myself to a high standard
and being the best in my field is one of those standards. The
data showed that I not only seek out the position but that I
enjoy it and I am effective within the field.
Leadership in my career has always been an aspiration.


• In both Kuder Assessments in notes that I was enterprising.

Enterprising states that those that are in this category are “confident
in leadership” (KCA). It goes on to state that each career path chosen
for me is in leadership. Not only mid-level but upper level leadership.

• The WSP profile has me as manager and supervisor actual. This

states that those that are in these categories seek to provide
exemplary leadership skills. They seek out growth and provide
leadership counseling. Leadership ability is the hallmark of this

• Seeking a high leadership position was in the top 10 of VAD. This

means that as a data point I provided much deliberation over the
placement of this. Leadership has and does mean a lot for me and
deserved a placement in the top 10.
Conflicting evidence:
There is no conflicting evidence. I have sought many positions
in leadership and continue to make strides in my leadership
abilities there is no data to suggest otherwise.
I have sought growth in leadership since my first position. It is
no surprise that the data would point to this, but I needed to be
sure of this theme and I will continue to explore the data as my
career progresses.
My values have made my career decisions clearer and has helped clarify my
vision for myself.


• The most important overall theme in my VAD and in my 3Qs was growth.
My top value had many implications but the data from this point was
overwhelming. I had to eliminate all but one value and this value stood
above all. This value was reflected in many of my works and in my career
decisions. It has affected many of my posts including the 3Q’s post found

• The WSP is a reflection of my values of growth. In completing the WSP

many of the questions were based on projected growth. The value has
clarified my decisions and career path based on its influence on my life
and career. This is why I scored Manager on my WSP.

• My LPN describes in great detail my values and ethics as it pertains to my

career and themes. One theme is that I am guided by my values and will
not compromise on them. It can be seen in the career choices as well as
the scenarios played out among the stories. The overall them is that I
hold theses values above all.
Contradictory evidence:
I could not find any evidence to the contrary, I suspect that is because I let the
data guide me and I could not find any data against the values theme.
This theme has reaffirmed my values and provided me with hard data
supporting my theme. The data showed, especially in the LPN, That I hold values
in making decisions and those decisions should not be in conflict with those
The products produced at my company are just as important as any
other aspect.
• In the 3Qs post I noted that the products of my company are a
necessity that the world needs me to do. I took ownership of the fact
that what the company produces I identify with. The second point
was that I mentioned that logistics and the services that it provides
was something that I sought after.
• In the WSP in the first line of the results of the assessment it states “
this profile enjoys experiencing how the product or service fits into
its total context” (WSP). It goes on to note that problems and context
of the product or service is also part of that equation. This to me is
data that supports the theme in that the leader has to support the
products being produced by the organization.
• The VAD also supports this theme in data that shows that products
produced are inline with my career path. In the top 5 position for
desires in my career working on a product that I find useful to the
world was in that list. This data means that it is important for me to
establish that I am going to be producing a product that I can get
Contradictory evidence:
There are several pieces of contradictory evidence in my LPN.
These include positions that I have taken where I was not
producing something, I was behind. In each of these scenarios I
remained at the position to provide but It was in contrast to this
The data shows that I desire this position in both my
professional and personal lives. There are some contrasting
differences through the theme so I should clarify my position
with continued assessments.
Providing for a global market while growing food brings me joy.


• The biggest data from this came from the 3Qs assignment.
In this assignment We had to state what brings us joy and
this was at the top of my list behind family. I went on to
support this with not only my statement but with my job
choice which includes working in the dairy industry and
providing milk and soy to the world. This marrying of my
supply chain background with the agriculture industry is the
data to support this theme.

• The LPN goes one step further and outlines my career path
to this point. After getting accepted to the University of
Wisconsin for Agri-business, which was my joy, I went on to
work in the dairy industry doing what I did previous, supply
chain, but for the agriculture industry.

• The Big 5 highlights this change to joy by showing my

openness to try new things. In this assessment I scored very
high in my willingness to try new things. This was one of
them. With little background in agriculture my willingness to
try it was outlined by the data from the assessment.
Contradictory evidence:
My time in business supply chain especially as outlined
in the LPN would offer some contradictory evidence, but
I think that the career movement also within the paper
would offer evidence to support the theme.
Upon reflection I find that the joy this theme brings me is
supported by the data found here. It is with that, that I
plan on pursuing more of it in both my professional and
personal life.
People in c ompanies are the greatest asset.


• In the W SP I sc ored supervisory in my ac tual profile. The differenc e between my preferred and
ac tual was the people aspec t. In the managerial aspec t it foc used on the organization and its
profits for ac hievement, but in the supervisory profile it foc used on the c ommunic ation and
people aspec t. It states that a “ person in this position should be the first to offer advic e,
express c onc ern, or suggest ways to improve c ommunic ation” ( W SP) . This is data that supports
the theme of people as an asset. It expresses the need the people c reate produc ts and

• In my LPN I express my c ommunic ation with my mother. This is not a data point on the surfac e,
but it does show my interest in c ommunic ation even in the fac e of extreme c onflic t. This data
shows that although I do not want to c onversate I am keenly aware of my duties and my
position as a leader of my family. This data shows that I am willing to look beyond myself and
establish c ommunic ation even when I don’t want to. This supports the theme that people in
c ompanies are the greatest asset in that we must all work together despite our c onflic ting
differenc e to ac c omplish the greater goals.

• In the Kuder Skills Confidenc e Assessment I rec eived an S in my holland c ode signifying Soc ial.
In this data point it expresses “ developing and growing human relationships” ( KCA) . It goes on
to state solving problems with empathy ( KCA) . This is data derived from a skill whic h signifies
that I do value people as an asset. I invest time in them whic h in turn helps both them and the
organization. This signifies that they are in fac t a great asset.
Contradictory evidence:
There is no contradictory evidence. In each assessment I could not find any data
supporting evidence to the contrary.

I have found that throughout my career that if you treat people well the sales will come.
As you treat people the way you want the customer to be treated you set the example
as the leader. The data here shows that I have held this belief throughout my career
and in my personal values.

I will serve others and be humble in my

approach. I will seek growth and strive to
gain a mastery in all that I do. I will
balance life and seek god in all things.
My vision statement is a combination
PERSONAL of values, ethics, and religion. All
VISION things that inspire me be better. In
creating the statement, I looked at the
STATEMENT- things that made me what I want to be
REFLECTION at all times and that I hope that I will
remain at all times.
I will continually seek to serve others and their needs. Providing for the poor and
disenfranchised and to provide shelter to those in need.

I will be humble in all things to include service. I will continually monitor myself and ask others
to remind myself to be humble in all of my accomplishments. I will continue to do for others
regardless of the response.

I will constantly seek growth. That includes F amily, career, and personal goals. I will not settle,
and I will not give up when the going gets tough. I will perceiver and I will grow.

When I set my mind on something, I will master my craft. I will not falter in adversity but
instead remain focused and keep trying even if mastery does not come.

I will seek balance and harmony in my life. I will make time for all of those that make time for
me. I will seek those that do not and offer an olive branch. I will spend as much time with my
family as I do my job. I will prioritize family over work.

I will praise god for all that he has given me. I will make sure to make time for him and those
that worship him.

I have learned a great deal about myself using the data provided by
these assessments. I have learned that I am much more focused
than I had originally thought. This presentation helped clarify what
true themes are in my life and what may come of them in the
future. It has been an eye opener that I could extrapolate and apply
this much data from my life.
Big 5 Personality Test. (n.d.). Retrieved November 08, 2020, from
Career Assessment, Pathways Planning System Login: Kuder Journey. (n.d.). Retrieved November 08, 2020,
from https://journey.kuder.com/home/dashboard
Discover Your Full Work Potential. (n.d.). Retrieved November 08, 2020, from
Kent, R. (2020). Life Story Personal Narrative. Arizona State University.
Kent, R. (2020). The Three Questions Module 1. Arizona State University.
Kent, R. (2020). Values and Dreams Module 1. Arizona State University.
Unsplash. (n.d.). Beautiful Free Images & Pictures. Retrieved November 08, 2020, from

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