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Educational Science Basics Paper

Some Thoughts About Education

Compiled by Group 1:

 Iga rosari (20129293)

 Laras Sandi (20129301)
 Putih Hati Nurani (20129322)
 Wilda Khamisah (20129092)



Praise be to Allah SWT who has given us the facility to be able to
complete this paper on time. Without His help I would not be able to finish
this paper well. Blessings and greetings until it is poured out to the Prophet
Muhammad SAW who we are waiting for His intercession in the hereafter.
We thank Allah SWT for the abundance of His healthy favors, both in
the form of physical and mental health, so that we are able to complete the
making of papers as a task from the course of Learning the Basics of
Education with the Title of Human Nature and Education. I certainly realize
that this paper is still far from perfect and there are still many flaws and
shortcomings in it. We expect criticism and suggestions from readers for this
paper, so that this paper can be even better later. When there are many
mistakes in this paper I beg the greatest.

Padang, 24 November 2020




Table of Contents...................................................................................................3

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION............................................................................4
1.1 Background.................................................................................................4
1.2 Problem Formulation..................................................................................4
1.3 Purpose of Writing......................................................................................4

CHAPTER II ISI....................................................................................................5
1. Classic Thoughts......................................................................................5
2New Thoughts on Education..........................................................................6
3Inclusion Education......................................................................................11
4Implementation of New Thoughts on Education......................................... 14
5Implications of Classical Thinking, and New Carving in Education...........18

CHAPTER III CONCLUSION.............................................................................20

3.1 Conclusion..................................................................................................20

1.1 Background

Education is an inseparable part of human life. Education occupies an

important position in the development of a nation. Education has an impact on the
quality of Human Resources (HR) which greatly determines the fate of the nation.

The idea and implementation of education is always dynamic in accordance

with the dynamics of man and society. From the past, now, and in the future,
education has always undergone development along with socio-cultural development
and the development of science and technology. The thoughts that lead to educational
reform are called the streams of education. The currents of education have begun
since the beginning of human life, because each group of human beings is always
faced with the younger generation of their descendants who need a better education
from their master. In various libraries on the currents of education, the thought of
education has existed from ancient Greek to the present (such as: Ulich, 1950)

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. How do classical thoughts express about education?
2. What do you think about new ideas about education?
3. What is inclusive thinking?
4. What about the implementation of new thinking about education?
5. What about the implications of Classical thinking, and new thinking in
1.3 Purpose of the Author
1. To find out some thoughts about education.
2. To find out how the classical thinking about such education.
3. To find out new ideas about education.
4. To find out what inclusive thinking means.
5. To know the implication of new thoughts about education.
6. To know the implications of classical thinking and new thinking in education



2.1 Some thoughts on Education

1. Classic thinking
The classical trends in question are empiricism, nativism, naturalism,
and convergence. To this day the flow is still often used even with
developments that are adapted to the development of the times.
a. Empirism
The flow of empiricism departs from the Lockean Tradition
which emphasizes external stimuli in human development, and states
that human development, and states that child development depends on
the environment, while instinct is not important. The experience gained
by the child in daily life is obtained from the surrounding world in the
form of stimulants. This stimulation comes from alm bebaqs or created
by adults in the form of education. His pioneer figure was John Locke.
b. Nativism
The trend of Nativism departs from the Leinitzian Tradition
which emphasizes the ability in the child, so that environmental
factors, including educational factors, are less influential on child
development. The outcome of the development is determined by the
traits that have been obtained since birth. Environment is less
influential on and education of children.
c. Naturalism
This trend was pioneered by JJ Rosseau. Rosseau argues that
all newborns have a GOOD attitude. Good behavior will be damaged
due to environmental influences. The education given by adults can
even damage the child's good behavior.

d. Convergence
Convergence was pioneered by Wlliam Stern, who argued that
a child born into the world is accompanied by both good behavior and
bad behavior. The process of child development, both innate and

environmental factors play a very important role. The talent brought at
birth will not develop well without the appropriate environmental
support for the child's development.
2. New Thoughts on Education
a. Teaching the Universe
The educational movement that brings children closer to their
surroundings is the environmental teaching movement, the pioneer of
this movement is Fr. A. Finger in Germany with heimatkunde, and J.
Ligthart in the Netherlands with Het Voll Leven.
b. Teaching Center of Attention
The teaching of the center of attention was pioneered by
Ovideminat Decroly of Belgium with teaching through centers of
interest, in addition to his views on global teaching. Decroly
contributes two very useful opinions for education and teaching,
namely: Global Method and Center d'interet.
c. Work School
The work school movement can be seen as a culmination point
of view that emphasizes skills education in education. JA Comenius
emphasizes that education develops the mind, memory, language, and
hands. JH Pestalozzi teaches a variety of exchange subjects at his
d. Project Teaching
Ordinary project teaching is also used as one of the teaching methods
in Indonesia, among others with the name of project teaching, unit
teaching, and so on. It needs to be emphasized that project teaching
will develop the ability to view and solve problems comprehensively.
The multidisciplinary approach is becoming more and more important,
especially in developed societies.
e. Home Schooling
Homeschooling is an alternative education system for children
other than in school. Where it is currently beginning to develop in
Indonesia, and its existence is legal and guaranteed by law.
Homeschooling began to be the choice of the community as an
alternative method of education due to several reasons, such as the

desire of the community to be more flexible in educating children,
providing a more educational system for child development,
This is due to the desire of parents to provide education to
children that is more in line with the child's talents and interests, or
because of the conditions in the conventional education system that can
not satisfy the parents' desire to educate their children, such as cases of
violence against children , as well as the mass education system that
results in the potential of children being less digged to the maximum.
f. Natural School
The failure of the education system in Indonesia stimulates the
growth of alternative schools that are believed to have a better quality
of education than regular schools. One of the alternative schools that
are now very popular is nature school.
Nature school conceptor Ir Lendo Novo explained that the
nature school he pioneered was a reaction to the failure of education in
Indonesia. The quality of Indonesian education is still far from other
countries, even under Vietnam. This means there is something wrong
with the education system in this country, said Lendo Novo in Jakarta,
More than 1,000 nature schools have now grown in Indonesia.
In the area of Jakarta Bogor Depok Tanggerang Bekasi (Jabodetabek)
alone now there are more than 50 schools. The natural school,
according to him, is a school that promotes the moral and mental
formation of students with the concept of getting closer to nature. The
learning methods applied are also different.
We strive to create a fun learning environment and make
children happy and feel that learning is a necessity and a pleasure, not
something boring and compulsory, explained the Chairman of Ciganjur
Indonesian Natural School, Novi Hardian.
Almost all existing nature schools have the main concept of
efforts to maximize the potential of children to grow into human
beings who are character, virtuous, knowledgeable and ready to be
leaders. Natural school teaching methods also make school more
enjoyable and children do not feel imprisoned.

Natural schools also encourage children to be active and
creative and not just get the material provided by the teacher. At
Sekolah Alam Indonesia, Ciganjur, for example, the learning process is
done more through discussions and games.
Knowledge is not only experienced by teachers, but children
are also actively exploring. This trains the courage to express an
opinion, Novi explained. Thematic Concept Similar things are also
done by Depok Nature School in Sawangan, Depok, West Java. The
school, which has a level of Pre-School, Kindergarten, and Elementary
education, also encourages its students to actively find answers to
various questions through books in libraries and other sources.
According to the Founder of the Depok Natural School Edi F
Rizal Darma, the birth of the nature school is because it wants to create
an unrestricted learning relationship between teachers and students. So
far, the direction of learning in school is always from teacher to
student, so there is a distance between them. This natural school
emerged as a non-classical and unrestricted school, explained Edi.
Natural schools generally use thematic concepts. Each theme is
discussed from various aspects of morality, art, language, leadership,
and science. Each level has a number of different discussion themes.
In addition to having different methods and visions from the school in
general, according to its name, the atmosphere presented also brings
students closer to nature. The lush vegetation, land for gardening, and
even a number of livestock such as geese and ducks are part of the
natural environment in nature schools. Classrooms in the form of
cement buildings and partitions do not exist in nature schools, there are
only study shelters made of wood measuring 5 x 5 meters and thatched
According to Edi, shelters as a place to study in addition to
being closer to nature, also as a characteristic of the Indonesian nation.
In addition, the construction of shelters is also cheaper than building
air-conditioned concrete rooms.
Lendo Novo explained that the concept of nature school with
shelters is suitable for Indonesia, which has a tropical climate. School

does not have to be in the classroom. Thus, studying in shelters without
tables and chairs will create a more independent atmosphere for
students, he said.
However, the student learning process is not only done in
shelters, but also in the garden or study outside, by visiting a number
of places related to the theme of learning. Children learn Physics,
Biology, Mathematics and other subjects directly by practicing them
from nature. By using the learning by doing system, the absorption of
material by students can reach 90 percent, explained Lendo Novo.
The same thing was also expressed by Novi. According to him,
by being close to nature, students will be wiser because they appreciate
nature and get closer to the Creator. It is hoped that our school
graduates can be environmentally friendly children and no one will cut
down trees indiscriminately, he explained.
Lessons in nature schools are also packed with religious
material. At Sekolah Alam Depok, in the morning and before returning
to school, students perform tahfidz, which is to launch memorization of
the Al-Quran. According to Edi, those various advantages are what
cause a lot
parents who trust their children to attend a nature school.
g. Boarding School

Boarding School is the best alternative for parents to send their

children to school under any circumstances. For 24 hours children live
under the total monitoring and control of managers, teachers, and
caregivers in boarding schools. Children are properly prepared to enter
the real world with enough capital, not only academic competence, but
other skills are prepared so that they have powerful weapons to enter
and conquer this world. In boarding schools children are required to be
able to be human beings who make a significant contribution to
humanity. They not only live for themselves and their families but also
have to do for the nation and the State. Therefore the support of the
best facilities, quality teaching staff, and a conducive environment
must be encouraged to be able to achieve these goals.

h. Pesantren Modern
According to Zamakhsyari Dhofier explained etymologically
pesantren comes from pesantrian which means the place of students.
Mastuhu added, pesantren is a traditional Islamic education to
understand, appreciate and practice the teachings of Islam by
emphasizing the importance of Islamic morality as a guide for daily
According to Dr. Ziemek has three characteristics of pesantren:
a) Kyai as founder, executor and teacher;
b) Students (students) are personally taught based on classical
Arabic texts on Islamic teaching, understanding and belief;
c) Kyai and santri live together for a long time forming a
community like a dormitory (hut).
In addition, in pesantren educational institutions there are
usually 5 inseparable basic elements, namely pondok, masjid, santri,
teaching of classical books and kyai.
As an education system, pesantren have made many positive
contributions to the development of the Indonesian nation.
Abdurrahman Wahid explained that the role can be categorized as a
purely religious role and a role that is not only religious in nature
(socio-economic - political culture).
3. Inclusion Education

The term inclusive or inclusive education dates back to 1990, when the
world conference on education for all, was followed by a salamanca statement
on inclusive education in 1994.

The concept of inclusive education emerged intended to provide

solutions, the existence of discriminatory treatment in educational services
especially for children with disabilities or children with special needs.

Inclusive education has the basic principle that as long as possible, all
children should learn together regardless of the difficulties or differences they
may have.

Inclusion education is education that includes all children together in a
climate and learning process with appropriate educational services and in
accordance with the individual needs of learners without discriminating
children from ethnic background, social conditions, economic, political,
family , language, geographical (isolation) of residence, gender, religion, and
differences in physical or mental condition.

Meanwhile Sapon-Shevin (O Neil, 1995) states that inclusive

education is an education service system that requires all different children to
be served in nearby schools. Through inclusion education, children with
special needs are educated with other children (normal) to optimize their
potential (Freiberg, 1995). this is based on a fact that in society there are
normal children and abnormal children (special needs) who can not be
separated as a social community

In the national action plan, disabled has been announced since 2003,
one of the items of the national action plan is inclusion education. What is
meant by inclusive education or inclusive education is education that can be
reached by everyone and responsive to all learners including being disabled

The basis of the law of inclusion

Inclusive education has become the concern of the world community.
Several international meetings underlie the movement towards quality
education for all children through inclusive education. The legal and
conceptual foundations are the foundation for the movement towards inclusive
education. Including Indonesia, among them are
a) declaration of human rights, 1948
b) convection of child rights, 1989
c) world conference on education for all, 1990
d) Equality of Opportunity for Different Persons, 1993
e) salamanca statement on inclusion education, 1994
f) basic commitment to education for all, 2000
g) Bandung declaration in 2004
With the commitment of "Indonesia towards inclusive education"

Inclusion education
1. inclusion of the blind
2. inclusion of deafness
3. inclusion of tuna ddaksa
1. Deaf inclusions are inclusive education for children with visual
impairment or visual impairment (total blindness). This blind inclusion
education learners are given JOS software aids installed on a PC or laptop,
so that all writing can be converted into sound by the software.
2. Deaf inclusions are inclusive education for children who have lost all or
part of their hearing so that they have difficulty communicating verbally.
For the aids used is to use mimic language or sign language
3. Incompetent inclusion is inclusive education for children with physical
disabilities in the form of not having limbs (hands and feet) or if they have
legs or arms can not function properly
The benefits of inclusive education
The implementation of inclusive education will be able to
encourage a more positive change of attitude from learners to the
differences through education conducted together and in the end will be
able to form a community that is not discriminatory and even
accommodating to everyone
Some of the benefits derived from the implementation of inclusion
education are
1. for students
1) from an early age students have a good understanding of
differences and diversity
2) the emergence of empathy in students naturally.
3) the emergence of a culture of mutual respect and esteem among
4) reduce the occurrence of stigma and labeling to all children,
especially to children with special needs and the disabled.
5) the emergence of cooperative and collaborative culture in
students so that it is possible to help each other
2. for teachers
1) more challenged to develop various learning methods.

2) increasing the ability and knowledge of teachers about student
diversity including uniqueness, characteristics, and at the same
time their needs.
3) The establishment of communication and cooperation in
partnerships between teachers and teachers of other fields.
4) develop a teacher's empathy towards students including
students with disabilities / students with special needs
3. for schools
1) makes a huge contribution to compulsory learning programs.
2) provide opportunities for equitable education for all groups of
3) using relatively more efficient costs
4) accommodating the needs of the community
5) improve the quality of educational services
4. Implementation of New Thoughts on Education
The New Education Movement and Its Influence on
Implementation in Indonesia
New movements in education are generally efforts to improve
the quality of education in only one or more components where the
components affect each other. Some of these new movements focus on
improving and improving the quality of teaching and learning activities
in the school system, such as environmental teaching, attention center
teaching, work school, project teaching, and so on.
a. Environmental Teaching
The educational movement that brings children closer to
their surroundings is the environmental teaching movement, the
pioneers of this movement include: Fr. A. Finger (1808-1888)
in Germany with heimatkunde (environmental teaching), and J.
Lightart (1859-1916) in the Netherlands with Het Volle Leven
(his real life). Some principles of hemaitkunde movement are:
1) With the teaching of the environment, teachers can
demonstrate directly.

2) Environmental education provides as many opportunities as
possible so that active or active children do not just sit, listen,
or record.
3) Environmental teaching makes it possible to provide totality
4) Environmental teaching gives children strong intellectual
and non-verbalistic material perception material. What is meant
by intellectual perception is everything that has just entered the
child's intellect.
5) Environmental teaching provides emotional apperception,
because the environment has an emotional bond with the child.
While J. Lightart presents the holdings in Het Volle Leven as
1) The child must know the item first before hearing the name,
not the other way around, because the word is just a sign of
understanding about the item.
2) Teaching should indeed be based on further teaching or other
subjects should be centered on that teaching.
3) There must be a journey to enter the real life of all majors, so
that students understand the relationship between various fields
in their life (environmental teaching).
By using the environment as a source of learning, children will
appreciate, love, and preserve their environment.
b. Teaching Center of Attention
The teaching of the center of attention was pioneered by
Ovideminat (1871-1932) with teaching through the centers of
interest (centers d'interet), in addition to his opinion on global
teaching. Education according to Decroly is based on the
motto: Ecole pour la vie, par la vie (school for life and by
living). Children must be educated to be able to live in society
and be prepared in society, children must be directed to the
formation of individuals and members of society. From diligent
research, Decroly contributed two very useful opinions for

education and teaching, which are two distinct things of
Declory, namely:
1) Global method (overall). This is based on the psychological
principles of Gestalt. This method is video visual because the
meaning of a word taught is always associated with a sign or
writing, or a picture that can be seen.
2) Center d 'interet (centers of interest). Teaching should be
tailored to the spontaneous interests of each child. Children
have spontaneous interests in themselves and those interests
can be distinguished into:
(a) Self-defense
(b) Encouragement to find food and drink
(c) Self-preservation encouragement
While the interest in society (biosocial) is:
(a) Encouragement is busy playing
(b) Encouragement to imitate others
Education and teaching should always be linked to these
centers of interest. Concentration in teaching is usually done
not only at the opening of the lesson, but also at each time will
discuss new sub-topics.
c. Work School
JA Comenius emphasizes that education should develop
the mind, memory, language, and hands (skills, craftsmanship).
It should be noted that the work school departs from the view
that education is not only for the benefit of individuals but also
for the benefit of society.
According to G. Kerschensteiner the goals of the school are:
(1) Increase the child's knowledge, that is, the knowledge
gained from books or other people, and that gained from one's
own experience.
(2) So that the child can have certain abilities and skills.
(3) So that the child can have a job in preparation for a position
in serving the country.

Kerschensteiner argues that school duty is to prepare children
for work. Therefore, work schools are divided into three main
(1) Industrial schools (barbers, printers, carpenters, butchers,
machinists, etc.).
(2) Trade schools (food, clothing, banks, insurance,
bookkeepers, porcelain, knives, and scissors from iron, etc.).
(3) Household schools, aimed at educating prospective mothers
who are expected to produce good citizens.
Kerschensteiner's followers include Leo De Paeuw. Leo opened
five types of work schools:
(1) School of handicraft engineering,
(2) Agricultural school for boys,
(3) School of commerce,
(4) Urban household school,
(5) Rural household school.
The idea of a working school strongly encourages the growth of
vocational schools in every country, including in Indonesia.
d. Project Teaching
The philosophical and pedagogical basis of project
teaching was laid by John Dewey (1859-1952). Dewey
emphasized that school should be a microcosm of society,
therefore education is a process of life itself and not a
preparation for future life.
In teaching a child project is free to determine his / her
choice (of the job), design, and lead it. It needs to be
emphasized that project teaching will develop the ability to
view and solve problems comprehensively; in other words,
develop multidisciplinary problem-solving skills.
5. The Influence of the New Movement in Education on the
Implementation of Education in Indonesia
New movements are not fully adopted in a particular
society or country, but the basic principles embody the
educational policies in that society or country.

The study of educational thoughts in the past will be
very useful in expanding the understanding of the ins and outs
of education, as well as fostering the historical insights of every
educational force.

5. Implications of classical thinking and new thinking in education

The influence of classical trends on the thinking and practice of

education in Indonesia.

Although in certain respects the talents and other potential of

the child are given priority, but the effort to create an environment to
develop the talent and ability is also optimally tried. In other words,
although the role of empiricism and nativism is not completely
rejected, but the acceptance is done with a functional existent approach
that is accepted according to need, but placed in a convergence
perspective such as has been put forward, flourished, human beings
influenced by various factors, namely heredity, and grace. The last
factor is a reflection of the recognition of the existence of power that
also determines the fate of human beings (Sulo lipu la sulo, 1981: 30-

A new movement in education and its influence on the

implementation of education in Indonesia

Education as a complex activity guides the grower to improve

its quality, both as a whole and in certain components only. New
movements in child education should be subjective and objective.

The influence of the new movement in education on the

implementation of education in Indonesia

It has been stated that the new movement in education is

mainly related to teaching and learning activities in schools; but the
basics of his mind certainly reach all aspects of education, both
conceptual and operational.

It should be emphasized again that the educational thoughts of
the past will be very useful to expand the understanding of the ins and
outs of education as well as cultivate historical insights from each
educational staff.



3.1 Conclusion

Education is a system to improve the quality of human life in all aspects of life. In the
history of mankind, there is almost no group of people who do not use education as a tool
of culture and quality improvement. Education is needed to prepare human beings to
support their role in the future. Educational efforts made by a nation have a significant
relationship with the engineering of that nation in the future. Thus, "education is the best
means to create a new generation of young people who will not lose their connection with
their own traditions but also do not become intellectually stupid or backward in their
education or do not realize the development in every branch of human knowledge"

Education is a cultural process to enhance the dignity and dignity of human beings that
lasts a lifetime. Education is always evolving, always facing the changes of the times.
Therefore, whether you want to or not, education must be designed to follow the rhythm
of change, otherwise it will be left behind. Thus, the cycle of educational change is
always following the changes of the times.


(ant-45) Source: Suaramerdeka.Com

Tirtarahardja, Umar and SL La Sulo. 2005. Introduction to Education. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta


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