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20201204-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.



As a CONSTITUTIONALIST my concern is the true meaning and application of the

* Gerrit, isn’t that your trademark?

**#** INSPECTOR-RIKATI®, indeed it is however I view the time has come that everyone
around the world should even so being independent should gear up as a force to be recon with.
Check out the link:
John Hopkins University - Covid Death Figures
What is indicated that the about 250,000 COVID-19 deaths really are re-listed instead of heart
attacks, influenze, common cold, etc.
All those dictatorship demands such as masks wearing, curfews, social distancing, isolation,
lockdowns to me simply were nothing more but con-job issues to cause fear to the weak minded,
etc, as to implement a plan that has been for decades on the books. In Victoria a stretch of about
30 days so far of no infections, no deaths, etc, as if COVID-19 went on long service leave. Well
it doesn’t work that way. People are still dying just not now classified as COVID-19 death but
likely to the real reasons they died from. So now if a motorist dies in a car accident they likely
actually will show death by motor car accident instead of COVID-19.

* I take it that you view that this COVID-19 issue was a elaborate con-job involving the many
around the world?

**#** What ever you desire to call it, being it COVID-19, common cold, influenza, or whatever,
we should never go down the same path with this computer modeling about global warming
(now referred to as “climate change” that actually always existed even before huimans
commenced on this planet to live.), but we seems to have done so far. While they renamed it
climate change the argument is not about changing the climate but about “control” and that is
really what COVID-19 is about. To subject people without having committed any crime to
basically house arrest, etc. Any computer modeling relies upon what you put into the computer
as data. If therefore you exaccerate the data you are going to get some absurd computer
SCHOOL FAILURES-PINAL GLAND measuring (The Ingraham Angle)
A national scandal is unfolding before our eyes

This video shows how they are checking children with pointing a temperature gauge upon the
children’sd forehead that can when repeatedly done as I understand it cause calsification of the
pinal gland. They should point the insturment to a pulse of the child, that is in fact more accurate.

p1 4-12-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at
* Did they ever do it to you?

**#** Actually they did when I was attending to a hospital and I felt very uncomfortable about it
and now I insist they do it to the pulse.

* And they do it then?

**#** So far they do and I do get the response at times they didn’t release this was dangerous to
point at a forehead.

* Ok you desire people of all over the world to work together, how do you think that can be
done, considering there are numerous different countries involved.

**#** We alweays must remain positive minded and not cave in to those who prefer to terrorise
others. As such, we, around the world, all should have in common one principle, and that is to
hold those we elected to be political/legally accountable. To start with, we must avoid voting like
some brainless person for some political party, but must take the time to discover what a
candidate stands for, and pursue they will not support this kind of terrorism implemented under
the cover of COVID-19.

*.But is anything in the USA it shows they are hijacking the election poswers of electors big

**#** Well, then people should demand that before an election is held politicians will pursue the
proper application of the electoral system and only paperwork voting, excluding electronic
systems for counting of votes, and failing that they will not get the votes to be a successful
candidate. The same with politicians who support any draconic/distatorship of COVID-19. If you
can get enough people to vote for those who oppose fraudulent elections and oppose COVID-19
draconic measurements then you may find a landscape change of politicians.
In the USA I understand a judge issued certain orders to preserve the electronic voting counting
computers but then the Secretary of State got the judge to rescint the order on the basis that those
electronic voting equipment were in posession of the counties. However, after that the judge
reinstated his original order being made aware that the Secretary of State had misled the court in
that the State was the actual owner of the equipment. In my view the judge should have dealt
with the Secretary of State for perverting the course of justice. But then, as I now understand
from a report, allegedly “accidentally” the sole technician looking after this equipment crashed
the server due to incorrectly backing up data back onto the server. So, you got only one
technician working on this equipment, and as such may assume to be an IT expert, and then he
accidentally destroys it all? Further, they have crushing trucks collecting electronic equipment to
destry the electronic equipment, this, despite by law it all must be kept for at aleast 22 months. I
discovered the same when the AEc in AEC v Schorel-Hlavka litigated against me and the
barristor for the Commonwealth claimed there was “truck loads” of evidence while in fact I
understand they had already destroyed it all years earlier.

*. If this kind of conduct are serious criminal offences (in the USA) then why would they
nevertheless get involved in this?

**#** Well, if they can by this ensure that Joe Biden becomes President then they likely will be
pardoned by him and so they really can do whatever.

*.And what if at all does this relate to COVID-19?

p2 4-12-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at
**#** I watched this video where the now retired U.S.A General made clear that China despite it
might on large scale army engages in a war with numerous countries using finances and political
issues. If anything the revelations about Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden, allegedly having
sold or enabled the sale of militairy equipment to Chine is a serious matter.

*.How could he have engaged in such a conduct?

**#** I understand from the many videos I downloaded that Hunter Biden has been seriously
incriminated to not just about peadephelia but also with torturing young girls the Chinese all
recorded. Allegedly, even Hunter Biden’s own hard drive contained this material. And when Joe
Biden was Vice President, somehow he constantly seemed to fail to hold China to account, such
as spreading its power creating islands in oceans, etc. Allegedly, he is compromised and so do
what he is instructed by this Chinese CCP masters. This whole large scale of lockdown of States,
etc, appears to be because China’s CCP directed this to the Democrats.

*. And how can this apply to Australia?

**#** There are ample of reports by scientist and medical practitioners that this whole COVID-
19 is a scam. Not because COVID-19 is not some serious disease but because of how it has been
used to apply the New World Order dictated in the main by China’s CCP. As I understand it, the
virus itself is merely one of millions if not billions of virusses that humans are encountering in
their lives. It is not the virus, but when there is a bacterium that combines itself using the virus as
some vehicle to invade the bodies immune system where the danger lies. As such, preventing a
virus to go around is a sheer waste of time, at least in my view, as it is present already but the
real culprit is the bacterium that is the real cause of death of many, in particular nursing homes.
That is why you never should place a person who is infected in some nursing home or some
hospital, but must place such a person in isolation in a “quarantine” facility to prevent others to
be contaminated. I understand that in the United Kingdom one patient infected 17 medical staff
and some doctors reportedly have permanent injuries/dissabilities that they never again can work.
While the Government refers to medical workers as “hero’s” reality is they are like soldiers led
to their slaughter.

*.Why on earth would they do such a horrendous thing?

**#** Reportedly G. W. Bush appointed John Roberts a “conservative” as Chief Justice of

SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the U.S.A.), but alledgely he is apparently deciding cases more
like a liberal (like communism). I understand that John Roberts allegedly is compromised
because of this Epstein Lolita Express paedophelia issue and so is under control of the “Deep
State” in the USA. Hence, it is alleged that because of this rather then making decisions as a
conservative he too often rules contrary to this. As such, I understand being told by his masters
how to decide matters. When then recently a judge died President Donald J Trump immediately
replaced her with a Judge Amy, a conservative. This obviously has a considerable impact on the
Court. This, because before there were 4 judges who were conservatives and 4 judges liberals
(Siding with the Democrats) and well reportedly John Roberts siding with the Democrats then
caused decisions to be in their favour. Now with Amy this dramatically shifted that now 5
conservative judges are on SCOTUS and John Roberts now is in that regard sidelined.

*. And how that this have any meaning?

p3 4-12-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at
**#** Well, there was undoubtly consider the material I read and watched a gigantic set up to
steal the Presidential 2020 election and they had counted upon it that even if President Donald J
Trump would go to SCOTUS then with John Roberts siding with the Democrates it would fail.
However, now with Amy this no longer is applicable, and so what they had planned and
executed is falling apart. While the media is claiming that Joe Biden is President Elect, and
Kamala Harris Vice President Elect reality is, that Kamala Harris has not resigned her seat in the
Senate. This, because she is well aware that if President Donald J Trump end up being re-elected
she would no longer be a member of the Senate is she resigned her seat now. As such, she is
playing a game to be Vice President elect while in reality keeping her seat as a Senator just in
case it doesn’t work out. When then we get to Australia, I have exposed how I view the High
Court of Australia has made judgments which I view are treasonous judgments. I understand that
former Senator Bill Heffernan in the Seante named allegedly 28 paedophiles, including
politicains, judges, etc, which allegedly is ordered to be kept secret for 90 years. Now, why
would this be so if this involved serious crimes? And this may be why some judges are
compromise and hand down what I consider treasonous judgments because they are told by
Australia’s own “Deep State”. I understand from reports that Prime Minister Scott Morrison is
compormised regarding paedophilia involvement and left Victoria for this. Let us be clear that
despite the Nuremburg and other decisions he nevertheless applied the “No Jab, No pay” system,
which I view is in violation of this human rights protection.

BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL No 7070 Volume 313: Page 1448, 7 December 1996.

Introduction The judgment by the war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg laid down 10
standards to which physicians must conform when carrying out experiments on human
subjects in a new code that is now accepted worldwide.

This judgment established a new standard of ethical medical behaviour for the post World
War II human rights era. Amongst other requirements, this document enunciates the
requirement of voluntary informed consent of the human subject. The principle of
voluntary informed consent protects the right of the individual to control his own body.

This code also recognizes that the risk must be weighed against the expected benefit, and
that unnecessary pain and suffering must be avoided.

This code recognizes that doctors should avoid actions that injure human patients.

The principles established by this code for medical practice now have been extended into
general codes of medical ethics.

The Nuremberg Code (1947)

Permissible Medical Experiments The great weight of the evidence before us to effect that
certain types of medical experiments on human beings, when kept within reasonably well-
defined bounds, conform to the ethics of the medical profession generally. The
protagonists of the practice of human experimentation justify their views on the basis that
such experiments yield results for the good of society that are unprocurable by other
methods or means of study. All agree, however, that certain basic principles must be
observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts:

p4 4-12-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the
person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be
able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force,
fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and
should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter
involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter
element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental
subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the
experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and
hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may
possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each
individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is
a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society,
unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in

3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal

experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem
under study that the anticipated results justify the performance of the experiment.

4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental
suffering and injury.

5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that

death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the
experimental physicians also serve as subjects.

6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian
importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.

7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the
experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability or death.

8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The

highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of
those who conduct or engage in the experiment.

9. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the
experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of
the experiment seems to him to be impossible.

10. During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to
terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of
the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him, that a continuation of
the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.

For more information see Nuremberg Doctor's Trial, BMJ 1996;313(7070):1445-75.

p5 4-12-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at

*. From this it appears to me that the “No Jap, No Pay” is a form of terrorism.

**#** As I understand it PM Scott Morrsion boosted about having introduced this system Well,
this might in my view underline that he couldn’t care less about his legal obligations toward
Australians, and may be acting whatever “Deep State” dictates him to do. Just consider this. As I
understand it he has made clear that he pursues to find a way like the “No Jab, No Pay” system to
force COVID-19 vaccinations. Then consider that reportedly this COVID-19 vaccination is
specifically designed to steralise females. Meaning, this bloke may not care less his own
daughters could end up being steralized. To me that is not the conduct of a caring father.
This whole COVID-19 vaccination issue reportedly is about seeking to protect those with a
“mild” infection. Not those who have servere infections. Now consider this, those with a “mild”
infection will recover without any vaccination, then what is the purpose to vaccinate in the first
place. It is because too many politicians, judges, etc, were entrapped by paedophilia conduct, etc,
and as I wrote previously the Chinese made clear they got ample against politicians, judges, etc
from around the world. So they systematically build up an arsenal of incriminating information
about politicians, judges, etc, and now deploy this to pursue the New World Order. And, as the
Minister for Health as I referred to previously openly stated to pursue the implication of the New
World Order then this is not some fiction of my imagination but has been openly admitted by a
Minister of the Crown.

Head of Pfizer Research: Covid Vaccine is Female Sterilization
The vaccine contains a spike protein (see image) called syncytin-1, vital for the formation of human
placenta in women. If the vaccine works so that we form an immune response AGAINST the spike protein,
we are also training the female body to attack syncytin-1, which could lead to infertility in women of an
unspecified duration.
Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon request a stop of all corona vaccination studies and call for co-signing the




Instead of the (Australian) Federal Government should be insisting that Big Tech companies like
Google, Twitter, etc, are not blocking such kind of articles/video’s as it prevent FREEDOM OF
SPEECH, you find that Scott Morrison is doing no such thing. To the contrary, he even pursues
to deploy foreign troops into Australia, who then cannot be held legally liable for any crimes
they may commuit in Australia, while on the otherhand holding Australian soldiers legally
accountable for alleged crimes they committed in Afghanistan. Why apply DOUBLE
STANDARDS? Well, if this Bill is given Royal Assent then he could deploy foreign troops like
those from the CCP (China) to take over Australia. Or the so called White Helmets to do
whatever and force anyone to be vaccinated regardless of the harm to those persons being


p6 4-12-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at
Amends the: Defence Act 1903 to: streamline the process for calling out members of the Australian Defence
Force (ADF) Reserves, including for the purposes of responding to natural disasters or emergencies; and
provide ADF members, other Defence personnel and members of foreign forces with immunity from criminal
or civil liability in certain cases while performing duties to support civil emergency and disaster
preparedness, recovery and response; Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act 2001 to ensure that Reserve
members who are subject to a Reserve Call Out Order will continue to receive the existing protections; and
Australian Defence Force Cover Act 2015, Australian Defence Force Superannuation Act 2015 and Military
Superannuation and Benefits Act 1991 to ensure that Reserve members rendering continuous full-time
service will receive the same entitlement to superannuation and related benefits regardless of whether it was
voluntary or not.

I personally see absolutely no justification to have “Foreign Troops” being allowed to commit
criminal offenses. It appears to be obvious that they likely will then be deployed to enforce
compulsory vaccinations and cannot be sued for this violation of constitutional, human and other
legal rights.

Hansard 10-3-1891 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
Australasian Convention)


The question of creating a standing army is one which, to my mind, is almost more repulsive than the
question of readjustment of territorial boundaries. It means the existence in our midst of a certain
number of idle men-men sharpening their knives and their swords for the first fitting opportunity of
fleshing them on the people of their own country, because we have no other enemies. We, in Australia-
federated Australia, I may take it, because the matter is one which applies to the whole-have no enemies
within our borders; we have no Indians to dispute with us the possession of the soil; we have no powerful
Maori race, to fight, as was once the case in New Zealand, for the territory the right to which belonged to the
Maoris themselves. We have no enemies within, and the only thing we have to fear is the possibility of
any assault on the mother country by her enemies from without, unless indeed the creation of a
standing army proves a menace to the people of Australia by the existence of an armed force for
unlawful purposes. This question of the creation of a military force is one of the blots upon these
resolutions. We want no military force within New South Wales. All we want to do is to make every man
who is either a native of the soil, or one of ourselves by reason of his taking up his residence amongst
us, prepare to resist possible invasion from without. Who are our enemies? Who are our enemies but the
enemies of England, and they, so long as we remain under the Crown, will be dealt with by an outer
barrier, an outer bulwark in the defence of Australia, in the shape of the navy of Old England. But we
have no enemies within, and there is no necessity to fasten the curse of a standing army upon us. As was
pointed out by the hon. member, Sir George Grey, yesterday, in his interesting speech, we have no necessity
to keep a large standing army at a large cost to the people of the country, [start page 185] when we have no
enemies with whom they will have to fight. Our own police are quite sufficient for the preservation of
order within. In the event of invasion from without, so long as we remain under the Crown, our enemies,
being the enemies of England, will be dealt with before ever an attempt is made to invade these shores; and
when the day of invasion comes the people of this country will rise as one man to defend their hearths and
homes from any possible aggressor. I look upon the question of the creation of a military power within a
territory under the Crown as a menace to the people who are to continue as British subjects. We have been
sent here by our various parliaments to frame a constitution under the Crown-under the Crown, bear in mind.
That is the idea which has been put forward in every speech that has been made. I presume, then, that the
members of the Convention are prepared at once to give the go-by altogether to the idea of imperial
federation. So long as we remain in our present position as individual colonies, we are imperially
federated, and we can be imperially federated in no stronger manner than in connection with our
relation to the mother country. We are as much imperially federated as the people living in the cities of
London, Liverpool, Manchester, or other large centres of population. We are a portion of the British
Crown, joined together by the most solemn ties and obligations; and we have to bear the brunt of any
p7 4-12-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at
misfortune which may fall upon us in connection with any attack upon our shores by reason of our
enemies being the common enemies of England. We have already made certain provision, partially of a
federal character, to assist the Imperial Government in the protection of our shores from without; but let us
set our faces as a young nation-if I may use the word "nation" in advance-against standing armies; let us set
our face once and for ever against the creation of anything like a military despotism.


It ought to be clear that “Foreign Troops” never should have any authoriation to be in the
Commonwealth of Australia other then those who in very limited capacity are deployed to work
with the Australian Defense Force, but not engaged against Australians themselves. And
excluding Australian Troops also from criminal liability I view neither can be permitted.

To me every parliamentarian who voted for this Bill to allow Foreign Troops to operate without
any possible legal accountability is a traitor against the constitution and should be deemed by the
provisions of S44 of the Constitution to be aiding and abetting a foreign enemy, and so be
deemed to have vacated their seats when voting for this Bill. This also includes anyone who was
promiting this Bill prior to or after the respective viotes were taken.
Likewise I view that any judicial officer who handed down judgments in violation of the
embedded legal principles of the constitution also must be deemed to have betrayed their
oath/affirmation of Office and be deemed to have nullified their appointment/commission to their

*.To say you are at war with all so what appears to me treasonous person is an understatement!

**#** I, as an emergency, applied to the High Court of Australia via email, and this was (twice)
rejected bythe Registrar, even so he is not an Officer of the Court and cannot exercise such
authoririty unless confirmed by a judge of the Court. I filed complaints with the Chief Justice of
the High Court of Australia and despite months having passed have not had any response. To me
this has severely compromised the Chief Justice.

When it comes to foreign volunteer fire fighters they cannot be deemed to be “Foreign Troops”
as they do not have this kind of position as some fighting force.

‘The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the
second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the
legalized version of the first.’

Thomas Jefferson

*. I understand that by a joint sitting the Parliament can remove a judge from the bench for

**#** Well, if those in the Parliament are compromised and acting for and on behalf of “Deep
State”, and so for a foreign enemy state, then they are unlikely going to get rid of any judge who
is playing their sickening illegal, unconstitutional game. So, then we must invoke constitutional
legal principles embedded in the constitution as an alternative to clean out this treasonious group
of persons.
Much is argued against President Donald J Trump that he defies the constitution but reality is
that to my own views he is actually pursuing the proper application of the constitution. For
p8 4-12-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at
example on 12 September 2018 he issued an Executive Order regarding foreign interference with
elections. And, if one were to consider what lawyer Lin Wood (Who works with lawyer Sidney
Powell) made clear he has to report within 45 days to the President. And this is because the 12
September 2018 Exerciutive Order does require him to report to the President within 45 days
after an election has been held. When President Abraham Lincoln had a similar problem he
closed down the media that were as I understand it undermining his Presidential powers. In my
view President Donald J Trump can in fact now close down CCN, Fox News, and numerous
other media and Tech Giants like Twitter and Google. This power is contained within the 12
September 2018 Executive Order. As has been reported, President Donald J Trump was all along
aware of the corruption in the election system, and so he so to say prepared for it all. As one IT
specialist made clear he was already engaged in August to monitor issues. As such, President
Donald J Trump already had IT technicians working months before the election to prepare for his
onslaught against those pursuing to steal the 2020 Presidential election. In my view Scott
Morrison congratulating Joe Biden for being President Elect, when Joe Biden has not at all been
elected as such, was utter stupid for him to do so. Candica Owens had her claim that Joe Biden
was not President Elect fact checked, and then subjected to that it was untrue. So, she engaged
lawyers and well it was then acknowledged that Joe Biden in fact was not at all President Elect.
So, why did PM Scott Morrison congratulate Joe Biden?
Actually, there was a German Specialist who had published a report about COVID-19, and this
was claimed to have been fact checked and to be untrue. So the Specuialist is now suing for
“deformation” and the Fact Checkers now have to prove that it indeed was untrue. For long
Google and Twitter have been claiming to do Fact Checking while in fact this was against those
opposing the New World Order, and exposing the rubbish about COVID-19, whereas the real
lies such as the Russion collusion never was fact checked.
We, in my view, got a Prime Minister who I understand is compromised and is willing to betray
Australians and his oath of office. That, I view, we cannot tolerate. In my view the “Foreign
Troops” Bill is in violation to the embedded legal principles of our constitution, and if Scott
Morrsion or anyone else desires to cuddle up with some communist regime then well they can
always travel to that country and join them. However, while they (any Minister) are a Minister of
the Crown I expect they will act honourably and appropriately, and if they are compromise
resign their positions. The same I view should be applied to any judge who is compromised. The
Framers of the Constitution recognised that anyone can make an error is life and once that person
paid the penalty then be allowed to return to being a member of the community. However, what
appears to me to be the case now is that we appear to me having persons compromuised in what
they did and they rather so nto say are traitors seeling us out to foreign powers then to accept
legal consequences so they might one day be able to be trusted again. This is why I view we as a
sociaty and so every other society in any other country should individually and combined seek to
act to reclaim our constitutional, human and other legal rights.
I understand that Bill Gates was involved in sterialisation of millions of women in the past and
this was allegedly decided by a court already. Well, in my view no Minister of the Crown let
alone any scientist or medical doctor should pursue some vaccination program where not only it
is unknown what the after effects might be but that it might be designed for population control to
sterialize females. Is this the end of human society at large that if females become sterialised then
their ofsprings will so also be? Meaning, the end of human society for so far they were

Darren with his “BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL No 7070 Volume 313: Page 1448, 7
December 1996.” exposure iought to be thanked for his work to assist others to be aware of their

p9 4-12-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at
In my view, if PM Scott Morrison is not compromised in what I understand he might be, then he
should immediately get rid of the “No Jab, No Pay” system he implemented. He also should
immideately give notice to Google, Facebook and the media that if they fail to provide for
FREEDOM OF SPEECH and continue to conceal certain articles/video’s merely because it is
not to their likings then they will be forced to close down and/or not operate in Australia. Also
they should face a severe penalty for each day they defy the rights of Australians.
All sale or leasing of Australian Ports to foreign ownership must be deemed in violation of
constitutional principles (as I wrote extensively about in the past, and so no need to repeat the
same), likewise all such sale of essential services, like gas, electricity, telecommunication, etc.
I understand that most of Joe Bidens transition team are associated with UGS a Swits company
allegedly owned for 51% by the CCP. This is the kind of CCP take over of any government. And
we have seen with Chairman Dan that he too appears to have made deals such as the Belt and
Road Initiative to undermine Australians independence.

Hence, the time has come, in my view, that we lack any trustworthy government and so we now
must start using our legal powers. This includes to not vote for any person who is compomised in
any manner. Those who voted for the “Foreign Troops” Bill I view cannot be trusted!

We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.

Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)

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