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Christian Roy R. Villacorte G12-St.

Martin Philosophy



How the branches of philosophy are inter related to each other?

 The branches of philosophy are inter related to each other because each branch
of philosophy is entirely autonomous and study about the general and
fundamental problems, such as those connected with existence, knowledge,
values, reason, mind, and language . Epistemology, Logic, Metaphysics, Ethics,
Aesthetics, Political Philosophy. These branches originate from basic
questions.  What do I know? How do I know it? Where do we come from? What
is good? What is beautiful? How do we act?

Activity 2

What is the value of doing philosophy?

 The value of doing philosophy is that it broadens your world, it trains your mind,
it challenges you, and it makes you careful. Philosophizing is pleasurable. We find
joy in asking questions and considering possibilities. Lastly philosophy helps us
develop these various important skills.

Activity 3-Group Sharing

What personal qualities that I’ll be identified as Filipino?

 Kagandahang loob
 Kabutihang loob
 Kalooban
 Loyalty
 Hospitality
 Camaraderie
These are some of personal qualities that they can identify us a Filipino. We
Filipinos firmly believe that our country has the best values in the world.
Christian Roy R. Villacorte G12-St. Martin Philosophy

Lesson 1

Activity 4 (Sharing)

Why an act is morally right or wrong?

 Morally right is when an act necessitates that all three elements (object,
intention, circumstance) be good and morally wrong doing something that you or
others would think is wrong and to do something against society's moral values

Teachers born not made or are they made not born?

 Teachers are made, not born. However, a person must have the natural desire to
be taught. A good teacher is first of all teachable himself. This people have an
affinity for the job and others do not have that natural gift. Such teachers learn
through personality, intelligence, knowledge, and experience.

Activity 5: Think about it…

1. What is the importance of the subject philosophy of human person?

 The importance of the subject philosophy of human person is you can clarify
what they believe, and they can be more aware to think about questions. It
concerns itself with trying to respond to those deepest and perennial questions
about human beings-questions that have plagued human ever since history

2. Why God play a vital role in the existence of man?

 God plays a vital role in the existence of man in such a way that we believe God
existence and God is the reason why humanity does exist. God serves as the
origin and end of all creation.

3. Why should we study the basic concepts of philosophy?

 We should study the basic concept of philosophy because it tells us the ultimate
nature of existence, reality, knowledge and goodness discoverable by us human
Christian Roy R. Villacorte G12-St. Martin Philosophy

Lesson 1

Activity 6: Lifelong learning…

Matthew 5: 13-16

If you are a follower of Jesus living the beatitudes, you matter. You have an
important role to play because you are the salt of the earth. Salt preserves and
Christians help preserve what is good in the culture.. A soldier who didn't carry out his
duties “was not worth his salt.” You are a seasoning agent. In a sense, you can bring
the distinctive flavor of God's values to all of life. You can make life palatable. The
presence of Christian’s is like a light in the darkness, it is not only in the sense that the
truth oh God’s word brings the light to the darkened hearts of a man. The light must
shine before the people in order to see the good things you do and praise our Father all

Transfer Goal

For the last months, in every country, on every continent, politicians,

policymakers and scientists have been convulsed by trying to locate and then do the
‘right thing’ in the face of COVID-19 and very often, apparently, they have been failing.
But one thing has not changed. At goodness matters, we have the leaders in
attendance that they are the most important people in their countries right now. And
we believe that’s truer today than it’s ever been.  As we navigate this uncharted territory
together, we’re going to have a lot of things. Re-think, re-visit, re-invent and most
importantly is re-purpose. In the end we are the holders of hope and we need to brave
enough and bold enough to reframe out mindsets.
Christian Roy R. Villacorte G12-St. Martin Philosophy

Lesson 2

Activity1. Opinion vs. Fact

1. Opinion

2. Opinion

3. Not

4. Not

5. Not

6. Opinion

Activity 2- Fallacy

Module: Pre-Assessment

1. True

2. True

3. False

4. True

5. True

6. True

7. False

8. True

9. False

10. True
Christian Roy R. Villacorte G12-St. Martin Philosophy

Lesson 2

Activity 3: I create



1. A 2. B

3. C 4. A

5. C 6. A

7. C 8. A

9. A 10. D

11. D 12. C

13. B 14. C

15. C 16. A

17. B 18. C
Christian Roy R. Villacorte G12-St. Martin Philosophy

Lesson 2

Activity 4: Lifelong Learning

If we do bring God into our everyday life, then everything we do is

blessed. I can remember a time when I did turn away from God. I was
angry and sad and didn't know why he would allow such a thing to happen
to me. I did not like going to church and I did not like praying. However, I
realized that I was not becoming any happier by being mad and by
blaming God. Nothing made sense without him. Eventually I realized that it
was not God's fault and everything happens for a reason. I turned back to
God and have looked at life differently since then. If we don't bring religion
into our daily lives, then we could be on one of the branches that do not
bear fruit. God created Jesus, just as he created each of us, but without
Jesus we would not be connected to God, our Creator.

Transfer Goals

1. I can imagine myself being a successful Dota2 player and was being
recognized by the people and I successfully achieve what I what from the
beginning and most of all I have my family that supports me.

Christian Roy R. Villacorte G12-St. Martin PR2

Lesson 3



Christian Roy R. Villacorte G12-St. Martin PR2

Lesson 3


1. C

2. C

3. C

4. W

5. W

6. W

7. C

8. W

9. W

10. C
Christian Roy R. Villacorte G12-St. Martin Physics 1

Sir.Ron Galvano

Activity 5: Laws of the land


1. Which marble was thrown the farthest?

 The marble that was thrown the farthest is the large marble

2. What factor affects the distance travelled by both marbles?

 The factors that affect the distance travelled by both marbles is the mass and
the speed of the two marbles.

3. What does this experiment shows about riding in cars and wearing

 In my own explanation, there is a possibility that the passengers who wears

seatbelt has a safety assurance and the one who did not wear would be possibly
thrown away or in worst case scenario, the passenger will die.

4. Write a conclusion of the experiment and attach some photos for


 I therefore conclude that the larger the object is, the farther it rolls due to its
advantage which is the mass

1. Create an article explaining the importance of wearing seatbelts.

Safety belts can keep you from being knocked unconscious improving your
chances of escape. The job of the seatbelt is to hold the passenger in place so
the passenger is almost part of the car which prevents the passenger from flying
forward as the car stops abruptly in the case of a collision. It provides safety to
everyone in the vehicle and other motorists. Seat belts save lives, and this is a
fact that has been proven through countless studies and research, even if you
have an older model vehicle without airbags. As you can see, wearing your seat
belt just makes sense to keep everyone on the road a little safer.
Christian Roy R. Villacorte G12-St. Martin Physics 1

Sir.Ron Galvano


Part One


2. The velocity of the first car is 80km/hr and the second is 100km/hr. To get
the velocity you need to add the two velocity of the car because they are
moving in opposite direction. So it is 180km/hr.

3. at the back

Part Two

1. Here is an example that illustrates the newton’s third law of motion, a

bird while flying pushes the air downwards with the help of its wings.
Consistent with Newton’s third law of motion, the air pushes the bird

2. The golf-ball will go farther because of Newton’s 2 nd law of motion, the

more mass of an object has, the more force needed to move it. The bowling
ball has more than mass than a golf ball so it needed more force to move it.

3. The real purpose of the study of projectile motion is that it is a good way
to practice and learn some aspects of general problem solving and
understanding concepts in physics such as water in a fountain where it is
trying to reach its maximum distance.
Christian Roy R. Villacorte G12-St. Martin Physics 1

Sir.Ron Galvano

Reflect Upon

1. Just like two-dimensional motion with horizontal and vertical

components, your life also has many components or aspects. These
include physical, social, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Which one do
you give the most importance? Why?

 The thing that is most important for me within the given aspects is the spiritual
aspect because in life I do always believe in God and he purposely does things
well and bad for the sake of our personal good. It weighs more than the
physical, social and emotional aspects because it is the foundation of our faith.

2. Centripetal acceleration keeps an object moving around and a circular

path. In the circle of life, what keeps you moving around? Explain.

 For me, the thing the keeps me moving around is that we all know we seek
continuity towards our goal, relationship, and mostly our career. We do have lot
of dreams we wanted to that why we keep moving and looking forward to it .
Christian Roy R. Villacorte G12-St. Martin Thermochemistry

Sir.Ron Galvano


1. E

2. D

3. B

4. C

5. A

Activity 1

a. Energy- is the ability to do work

b. Work- is force multiplied by distance
c. Kinetic Energy- form of energy that an object or a particle has by reason of its motion
d. Potential Energy- energy that is stored in an object due to its position relative to some
zero position
e. Heat energy- result of the movement of tiny particles called atoms, molecules or ions
in solids, liquids and gases
f. Exothermic Change- chemical reaction characterized by or causing the liberation or
release of heat.
g. Endothermic Change- chemical reaction that is accompanied by the absorption of heat,
or an organism that generates heat to maintain its temperature.
h. Heat Capacity- the number of heat units needed to raise the temperature of a body by
one degree.
i. Specific Heat- the amount of heat per unit mass required to raise the temperature by
one degree Celsius.
j. Calorimetry- the process of measuring the amount of heat released or absorbed
during a chemical reaction
k. Heats of reaction- the amount of heat that must be added or removed during a
chemical reaction in order to keep all of the substances present at the same temperature
l. Enthalpy- the sum of the internal energy and the product of the pressure and volume of a
thermodynamic system.
m. Thermodynamics- branch of physics that deals with the relationships between heat and
other forms of energy.
n. System- quantity of matter or a region in space on analyzing a problem.
o. Surroundings- re everything else; the rest of the universe. 
p. First Law of thermodynamics-Law of conservation of energy- This means that heat
energy cannot be created or destroyed.
Christian Roy R. Villacorte G12-St. Martin Thermochemistry

Sir.Ron Galvano

Activity 2

Physical Change Chemical Change

1. solid dry ice vaporizes  1. Boiling an egg.

2. Boiling water evaporating  2. Baking a cake.

3. Boiling water evaporating  3. Milk going sour.

4. Bending wire 4. Chemical battery usage

5. Freezing water to make ice cubes 5. Mixing acid and base

Transfer Goal
Christian Roy R. Villacorte G12-St. Martin Thermochemistry

Sir.Ron Galvano


1. Energy can take different forms such as chemical energy, electrical energy,
sound energy and many more. Each for can be converted into another form.

2. From think to lifting weights it does requires energy to fulfill the given

3. Photosynthesis requires energy from the sun because the energy of the
sun is capable to change the water and carbon dioxide into a sugar called

4. After working out, your body will go to growth mode. It seek to replace all
the energy you used during exercise and for me the energy is just used up.


6. Another way of stating this law of chemistry is to say the total energy of
an isolated system remains constant or is conserved within a given frame of
reference. For example, a stick of dynamite explodesthe chemical
energy contained within the dynamite changes into kinetic energy, heat, and


8.  Kinetic energy is the energy of motion of an object or particle,

while potential energy is the energy associated with the position of an
object or particle.
Christian Roy R. Villacorte G12-St. Martin Thermochemistry

Sir.Ron Galvano


Energy is an important part of our lives and we use

energy at home, work, and on the road every single day.
The biggest source of energy namely the sun because
plants need sunlight to grow. Animals, including humans,
need plants for food and the oxygen they produce.
Without heat from the sun, earth would freeze. Energy
powers machines and moves our bodies. It is exchanged
in every interaction. Energy is the unseen force necessary
for growth, development, and change. When you
understand what energy is, how energy works and how to
manage it, then, you can choose your thoughts and
emotions, and therefore your actions and interactions.
Learning how to manage energy means learning how to
manage your life. Lastly it is essential that we choose
our energy sources carefully.
Chrisstian Roy R. Villacorte G12-St. Martin Literature

Ma’am Jelyn Rios



1. A 2. C

3. A 4. D

5. A 6. C

7. B 8. D

9. C 10. B

11. C 12. D

13. B 14. D

15. C


1. P 2. P

3. L 4. P

5. P 6. P

7. L 8. L

9. P 10. P
Christian Roy R. Villacorte G-12 St. Martin Filipino12

Ginoong. Clark Dequeros

Aralin4: Pagsulat ng Panukalang Proyekto

Gawain 1: Pyramid Diagram

Christian Roy R. Villacorte G-12 St. Martin Filipino12

Ginoong. Clark Dequeros

Aralin4: Pagsulat ng Panukalang Proyekto

Gawain2: Pagsulat ng Journal

Gawain3: Pagpapahayag ng Saloobin

Christian Roy R. Villacorte G-12 St. Martin Filipino12

Ginoong. Clark Dequeros

Aralin4: Pagsulat ng Panukalang Proyekto

Gawain 4: Panukalang Proyekto









Christian Roy R. Villacorte G-12 St. Martin Biology

Sir. Florie-Jie G. Salasa

Module: Pre-Assessment












Christian Roy R. Villacorte G-12 St. Martin Biology

Sir. Florie-Jie G. Salasa

Activity2: Protein Structure

Primary Structure:

Secondary Structure:

Tertiary Structure:

Quaternary Structure"


Guide Question


Christian Roy R. Villacorte G-12 St. Martin Biology

Sir. Florie-Jie G. Salasa

Activity 3: Biotechnology News

Title of the Article:




1. Main Idea:








Christian Roy R. Villacorte G-12 St. Martin Biology

Sir. Florie-Jie G. Salasa













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