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(Chapter 6 - Hughes Electrical Technology)

Dr Andrew Cruden
Electronic & Electrical Engineering
(Centre for Economic Renewable Power Delivery)

• Objective: To instil an understanding of the principles of
electromagnetism and its potential application to electrical
transformers and machines.

• Electromagnetism explains the relationship principally

between electric current and magnetic field and
subsequently develops relationships with mechanical force
• The fundamental concept behind electromagnetics is that
when an electric current flows it produces a magnetic field
as well

Current & Magnetic Field
• Magnetic poles exist as a pair - a North (N) and a South (S)
• Like poles repel
• Opposite poles attract
• A simple detector of magnetic field: a compass
• Oersted discovered that an electric current produces a
magnetic field - arrange for current to flow in a wire and
noticed that a compass needle, lying at right angles to the
wire, was deflected

Example of a Solenoid
• Consider the solenoid (coil)
• When the coil is energised the
compass needle is seen to be
attracted to the coil

• The solenoid can be represented

by a bar magnet as shown
• From this the relationship
between electric current and
magnetic field can be deduced

Right Hand Screw Rule
• From the solenoid the
relationship between magnetic
field and electric current can be
• The illustration shows an
electric current into the board
(illustrated by a cross) and the
magnetic field associated with
this current sets up a magnetic
field in a clockwise direction
around the conductor
• Right hand grip rule or screw
used as an aide memoir

Using Electromagnetism
• Appreciating that an electric current produces a magnetic
field is a key concept in electromagnetism, but how can
that be used in electric motors (to produce a mechanical
• Previously it was noted that either forces of attraction or
repulsion could be created from opposite or similar
magnetic poles
• Can a force be created by the interaction of an electric
current (and its magnetic field) and an existing or external
magnetic field?

Force on a conductor
• Consider the situation below - a sliding conductor, of length L (m),
mounted on rails has a current, I (amps), flowing in it in the presence
of a magnetic field, having a flux density of B(tesla)
• This produces a force, F (N), on the conductor in the direction shown
causing it to move to the right
• From examination it was found that FαBαΙαL, giving the relationship

Sliding Conductor

I Rails

Morton Football Club!
• Use the left hand rule to
establish the direction of force
LEFT HAND RULE created by a magnetic field and
a current
(Football -
Current First Finger)
(Club -
Second finger)

(Morton - Thumb)

Electromagnetic Induction
• With a magnetic field and an electric current it is possible to create a
mechanical force. Can an electric current be created by a magnetic
field and a force (motion)?
• Consider the situation below where the conductor is pulled to the right
by a force, F(N), in the presence of a magnetic field, flux density (B).
• If the circuit is complete a current, I (amps), flows in the direction
shown. (Compare with the previous illustration)

Sliding Conductor

I Rails

Lenz’s Law
• Lenz’s Law states:
“The direction of an induced emf (electro-motive force) is
always such that it tends to set up a current opposing the
motion or the change in flux responsible for inducing that
• What does this mean?
• Consider the previous illustration. As the conductor is
moved through the magnetic field in the direction shown
an emf is induced causing the current to flow as shown.
This current flow will cause a force tending to oppose the
applied external force

Fleming’s Right Hand Rule
• The direction of the induced
emf in a circuit can be
understood using Fleming’s FLEMING'S RIGHT HAND RULE
right hand rule Field
(Football -
• The first finger of the right hand Motion First Finger)
points in the direction of the (Thumb)
magnetic flux (field)
• The thumb is pointed in the
direction of the conductor
relative to the flux
• The second finger then
EMF (current)
represents the direction of the (Second Finger)
induced emf

Induction - continued
• From the direction of current flow there will be a magnetic force,f, in
the opposite direction to F to counterbalance F of strength f=BIL=F
• The mechanical power of this force, f, is pm=fv, where v is the velocity
(ms-1) that the sliding conductor is moving to the right at.
• The electrical output power of this circuit pe=eI, where e is the induced
emf (volts)
• Assuming there are no losses then pm=pe and eI=BILv

Sliding Conductor

I Rails
e L B

Induction - continued
• Therefore e = BLv
• However, v = d/t, where d (m) is the distance moved by the
sliding conductor in the magnetic field in a time, t
• e = (BLd) / t
• Ld is the area, A (m2 ) that the sliding conductor covers as
it moves in time t seconds
• From previous, the magnetic flux, ϕ (webers), is given as ϕ
= BA = BLd, and is the amount of flux the conductor cuts
or passes through in time t.
• e=ϕ/t

Induction - continued
• The expression e = ϕ /t , explains that the induced emf in a
circuit is governed by the rate of change of flux that is cut
by the circuit (in this case the sliding conductor)
• It is more commonly written as
e = δϕ / δt
• This is known as Faraday’s Law, and plays a large part in
the theory of transformers
• For a coil in air, with N turns, the magnitude of the
induced voltage, e, would equal
e = N.δϕ / δt

A sliding rod, AB, is in contact with rails AD and BC. There is a uniform
magnetic field of 0.5T perpendicular to the plane of the diagram
1) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the emf produced if the rod
moves to the right at a speed of 4ms-1
2) If the total resistance, ABCD, is 0.2Ω, find the force required to keep the
rod in motion (neglect friction)
3) Compare the rate mechanical work is done by the force with the rate of
development of heat (I2R).
Sliding Conductor


Flux Density B=0.5T


Example - continued
1) Induced emf, e = BLv
⇒ e = 0.5(T)*0.5(m)*4(ms-1) = 1V
Use Fleming’s Right Hand Rule to determine the direction
of the induced emf
2) The force, F = BIL. Need to determine the current, I.
The current, I = e / R = 1(V) / 0.2(Ω) = 5 Amps.
⇒ F = 0.5(T)*5(A)*0.5(m) = 1.25 N
3) The rate of mechanical work = power
⇒ Pm= Fv = 1.25(N)*4(ms-1) = 5 Watts
The rate of heat development = electrical power = I2R = eI
⇒ Pe= 52*0.2 = 1*5 = 5 Watts
Pm= Pe because losses are neglected - not a real case!!

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