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HEALTH PROBLEM: They do not have proper storage for food like a refrigerator or food cabinet, thus, their

food is prone to
contact with flies or other pests which might cause diseases.
Criteria Standard Score Weight Actual Score Justification
Nature of the It is a Health threat
problem 3 because it may cause
Health Deficit health problems such
Health Threat 2 1 (2/3) x 1 = (2/3) as diseases and
Foreseeable Crisis 1 poisoning if the food is
left without proper
Modifiability of the The problem is
problem Removable 2 removable because
they can change their
Partially Modifiable 1 food supply with canned
Not Modifiable 0 2 (1/2) x 2 = 1 foods which are
cheaper and easier to
store, until they are able
to afford a refrigerator.
Preventive Potential Preventive potential is
High 3 High because they can
include or change their
Moderate 2 1 (3/3) x 1 = 1 food supply to canned
Low 1 foods

Salience of the The problem needs

problem Needs Immediate 2 immediate attention
because it is a health
Attention threat with immediate
Does not need 1 1 (2/2) x 1 = 1 effect.
Immediate attention
Not a problems
Score: 3.67

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