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DISTANCE (an official Covid19 film) In the Midst of Pandemic, there is Hope.

a) What is our easiest message of Pandemic new normal:

-In the short film “Distance”, there are two general messages of Pandemic to the world. The fist one is
appreciate everything that you have while it is still there and the second one is, when everything is
gone, there you’ll appreciate even the slightest simplest act of kindness that could change your
perspective in life and evangelism, like a simple card saying “I am scared too, but you are not alone. I am
here for you”.

b) What is the Introspection message of Pandemic to our Evangelism today:

-For me, the introspectional message of this to our evangelism as a Christian is to “Trust God’s plan
in any situation that you are into”. Trust God when everything is failing, trust God when life is throwing
you rocks and thorns. Because when you think all hopes are gone, and you feel like you’re drowning
onto problems, God will keep you afloat. He will make little miracles that only those who have faith and
believe in him could see.

c) What impact are really important to Evangelism today:

-Now that our faith is being tested and the kind of life we used to have had drastically changed, we were
given a chance to focus ourselves to the more important things in life. I recommend focusing more to
our faith to God, our evangelism and act of kindness to people. Reaching out using helping hands and
God’s words especially this new normal to give back everyone’s evangelism is our vital role as church
leaders today.

d) How can a family be an agent tool or Evangelistic arm of Church growth:

-Just like the family featured in the film, each household in the world today is experiencing stress and
depression because of the pandemic and its effect to our business, education and life in general. For the
first half of the film, the Mother, the Father and the Son are arguing and shouting at each other due to
stress caused by the Covid19 but later on realized that they should look for the silver lining of the
situation and find what God wants them to do instead of drowning themselves to their personal
problems. Using what they have showed us in the film, we can be an agent tool of the Church to bring
everyone’s faith and evangelism. We could send letters, tap other people or encourage them to attend
church to show them that they’re not alone and that God is looking after his children.

e) Give (7) Effective move of family in Evangelism in our country amid of corona virus pandemic.

1. First, be an example. Sometimes, you don’t have to say anything but be a role model about your
faith and evangelism is enough to help people help themselves.
2. Bring impact or raise awareness about God by sharing his words and good deeds. We could
make some phone calls and zoom group sharing to have a more accessible evangelism even in the
comfort of our homes.

3. Organized a Social Service such as online sharing that is open to all, especially those people
experiencing depression and loneliness. With these programs, we could take action to their emotional,
mental, and spiritual (faith, evangelism) needs.

4. Reach out to your distant relatives especially those relatives that are already losing their faith
because of Pandemic. With the proper protocol, you could invite them outside or you could visit them to
their houses and spend a good amount of time doing bible study.

5. Since our access to the outside world is limited, people in new normal are active in their social
media, as a family, sharing bible verses, posts and/or videos about God and his words could help people
all over the globe

6. Have care not just for yourself but also to other people

7. You should appreciate your life, because we just live once. So do a worthy and good deeds just
what God wants us to do. Accept God as our Lord and savior before it is too late.

f) How can a family approach a Pastor or deaconesses and church leaders to make solidarity and
collaboration in Evangelism?

-Nowadays, numbers of deaconesses and pastors are high and it is not hard to approach one if you want
to collaborate especially about evangelism. Pastors are very open to ideas and collaborations and you
could easily approach one. You can simply walk to the church and ask directly or use social media like
facebook messenger to open idea of collaboration in evangelism. Some pastors are even asking their
members if they have ideas to share about evangelism thus, this makes it easier for the families to
present their collaboration request.

g) Make an OARRCAR

(Observation, Analyzation, Recommendation, Reaction, Conclusion, Application, Reflection)

-The short film “Distance” is representing all the families all around the globe this pandemic. In the
center of chaos that’s happening, people are too engross to their personal tribulations to be concerned
about what other people is going through. When everything’s falling apart, that’s the time God sent the
little girl to give hope using her innocent letters she wrote for her family. When all adults are too
focused with their problems, she observed what these people really needs deep inside. Some are afraid,
some are lonely and feeling alone. And for me as a pastor, this is what we need to focus on during
pandemic. Let’s focus in giving hope to the people. Let’s act like this little girl. And when you give, the
world will reciprocate, maybe not directly to you, but every good deed that you’ll do, you’re saving
other people’s lives without you even knowing it. Take Jeb and Norman for example, the letter given to
Jeb help him saved his father doing the unthinkable in a time of need. Let’s unite the world with a
simple act of kindness. Trust that God is within you.

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