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for Te Ani How The Mandate of Leadership and the Decision-Making Process ‘As negotaons between the Crown snd the tibes of Aotesosincrewe and st leaden on both sides ponder the queone of how cfeotanshater cn he achieved, ever imporant ies ase which reqeateaton, The hint of ‘ese has to do withthe hae of ler? mondat ot the unpadineegs of lender. Am enn pt ofthe mands i foted upon te wlsurond pte of lade. Toe expectaions of wo key 19th canary Misr expera ne ox, lore in some desi ands profile ofthe ies madidonal ender desabed, From hee the diction tamsto how decions were made in tadtdonal tines and Nghighs the calle the leader An operant pres identied~ he mange o densoayprinipl, The mado leer esas ‘xpered to Lnow how to hand tnd manige dpe, Ther ot Eocene ‘on ts importa role o's lender ‘The concluding section ofthe piper examine the man f ion, dacuses tei acceptance by the people and rises wome quesdons. Te importance ot ‘the rnage rnp nf ecase without theres eBecere hock ment of he pel i dein making. Rangatiratanga or Mandate ‘The quenion sed today i this Ws is hat penn’ mandate to repcien thei people? How was dat mandate given and whats taed oa) 18S ‘Te Ranglahete wked s ilar qusson He ba te ranging ts tna? (What i the bas wch 4 man's tobe ko (ne season of shame 6 app. Teo much sasuke sare and ol ving th comicy orn wham (wii) WHS oh Yet it poten of conaadon fad led Too ele woul! not be reich ate Cnymen or theese) -The meron by Aptana Mahia tat he adhe sere and ones Toe sen see te people, coupled wih Tika’ eran (en) tere aed nt spect Ot any emer eT ee There wo oeant in he Ue © PPT eee oO ceed anys ot how minot gevancs were dierensact er a in lesser ek wo 0 weet he sppopite Precedent the Peo Pcie immediate wide supper fom the community. The Mana of a Decision ncn pps the bas of the mandate of swan Ide ws ee tas Tre PSemena Weed. A leader who sis the ees 24 se que len a epee cep 7 OS pe heme Toe serene elder we seeped BY SP ‘prepreg hei vie cepa and sppo depend upon a proces of connung vin Oy Ae Se people not on im her omens of ps np Dt Te at Si esa ints anppolzenent Sars 2nd ek THe em ee te people togtetw dics wes where 28 ve ed Tite rnsngnponiple mended By THs nit gp lens and kes tie 13 “The letde's mandste evaded snd confirmed by he hana les pipe (being seen a person song the people) and by Te Rangiabeke' range Brinciple or democrcy principle where the people share in the shaping 6 ‘eis decisions, which they have to live by and sceep a Being best fr them, Tess of adequacy of both principles ste open to’ imerpreson. How Sequentiy mut the hades fae be sen among the people? When the rings ‘riniple propery fled? What proporton ofthe people should be con- sulted? Who among the people shouldbe pene st hu? Is one long bi ‘daquate? Is one pumila hui ouside ad in Gont of + rumangs Rowse dequate? Do the people fel that they have been adequately conse nd laformed? ‘The Key Gctor ite manga pple which alin demaccy te wok and te secs to be woking. Eventual the e€ecivene 03 lade in today's wordt ‘measured by the degree to which the rungs principle i ppled. The al Jigs ae the people If they sre not tnaled in the decizon ofthe they wil be dase both with the enerhip and withthe ck ofemo= crazy. Expecting th people to make buried éelons, because Goverment tas imposed 2 denne, subvers the rurang pnp. Time mt be piven for mane-bsed democracy to work Finally, the tendeney In edonsl timer wat for gener ches and to ern on eon ry many Dap er a chan or specials were recognised x letden and decbion maker st oo ‘ore ofen tan not the chief wa the builder, the canoe expert the genera, And the ontoe. Ar emphaived by both Te Rangtaheke and Tir chief wns expected to hve many alent. A consequence of ch valve was at leadership roles athe level of chet ot rangear were resructed with ea dency to foews upon one “paramount chit. In this type of ster theres ‘one reference point for decisions one peron to consul and one penon to represen the group. The ehiet speak forthe people, i ofthe people, looks sfler their sree and development, and is sya of people Bibliography ‘Andenon, Athol}, 1980 “Towards n Explanation of Potohitode Social ‘Orpaisaion snd SeriementPatems Amongse he Southera Nat Tahu" New Zealand oumal of Arharoy Vol 2 pp 3-23, Best, Eldon, 1941 The Mas (2 vol) The Polynesian Soceny he, ‘Welingeen Best, Eidon, 1972 Tule, Chie ofthe Mit (Reprint Eon) AH & AW. ‘Reed, Wellington Buck, Si Peter (Te Rang Hires), 1987 The Coming ofthe Maw: Mao Purposes Fund Board, Wellingon Finh, Raymond, 1959 Ezsnumis of he Nev Zend Maori Government Pinter, Welingron (rove, Nei, 1985 Te Wham: Tilitial Moo Leader MA Theti, Victoria Univenity, Welington Hiawon F, All & Lovie Hanson, 1983 Counerpine in Mzod Culture, ‘Rouedge and Kegan Paul, London ‘Mahuik, Api, 1981 “Leadership: Inherited and Achieved" in Te Ae “Harr The Word Moves on Edited by Michael King, Longin Pel, ‘Aveklind ‘Nene, Sit Apirna, 1940 “Tribal rgaiacon” in The Meer Pele Teday Edited by LLG. Suthesand, NZ Init of Incenatoal RB ant ‘The New Zenland Counell or Educstenal Reich Simmons, D.R., 1986 Ta Mate, The ro Maot Tato, Reed Methuen Publahers Ld, Aueland ‘Winns, Mahan, 1956 “Lesdenhip in Pre-European Mao Series™ Juma the PolmaienSeiey 1968:212-31

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