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Islamic translation; Problems, benefits, and translators: Annotated Bibliography
Amjad, F., & Farahani, M. (2013). Problems and Strategies in English Translation of Quranic
Divine Names. International Journal of Linguistics, 5(1). doi: 10.5296/ijl.v5i1.3301
This study by Amjad, an Associate Professor of English Language at Kharazmi University in
Tehran, Iran and Farahani, an MA graduate in Translation Studies at Kharazmi University in
Tehran, Iran involved an attempt to identify how three professional translators translated Quranic
Divine Names (DNs) to English. This was a secondary analysis aiming to explore the problems
encountered by translators in terms of lexical adequacy and semantic equivalence. This article
provides useful knowledge that can be used to understand the problems of translations from the
perspectives of different translators. However, the benefits associated with the translation are
unclear. Also, the article uses only three translators who are not in moderns times. All in all, the
article is still important to my research topic as it provides clear explanations of the problems
associated with Quran translation. As a result, I can use the article to write the evaluation part of
these problems in order to reach a better conclusion regarding Islamic translations.
Jahanshahi, M., & Kafipour, R. (2015). Error analysis of English translation of Islamic texts by
Iranian translators. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, 2(3), 238-
The research by Jahanshahi, a Master’s graduate in the Department of Translation Studies,
Science and Research Branch at the Islamic Azad University in Marvdasht, Iran and Dr.
Kafipour, also a staff in the International Branch of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences in
Shiraz, Iran aimed to analyse errors in Quran translation to English in terms of type and the
frequency of errors. The researchers selected 9 Islamic texts alongside their English translations
for secondary analysis and used Morgan’s table to obtain the sample size. This research article is
quite useful as it portrays the errors (problems) encountered in translating Islamic texts.
Nonetheless, the research fails to consider other factors that would affect the research outcome
such as the background of the translators. Also, the research uses only 9 books which seemed
few to achieve a large sample to increase the validity of research findings. Despite this, the
article is still useful to my research in terms of providing more content in the area of problems
encountered by translators of Islamic texts to English.
Amjad, F., & Farahani, M. (2013). Problems and Strategies in English Translation of Quranic
Divine Names. International Journal of Linguistics, 5(1). doi: 10.5296/ijl.v5i1.3301
Jahanshahi, M., & Kafipour, R. (2015). Error analysis of English translation of Islamic texts by
Iranian translators. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, 2(3), 238-

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