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ReturningtotheChurch JesusisBuilding

Return of the Virgin Church
Returning to the Church Jesus is Building
Dr. Don Nori, Sr.
© Copyright 2016—Dr. Don Nori, Sr.

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are taken from the King James Version. Scripture quotations marked TPT are taken from The Passion Translation, Copyright ©
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Table of Contents
What is the Virgin Church? ................................7 You Are the Standard ......................................... 11
Authentic Believers Stand Out...........................13 Some Must Enter................................................17
You Are the Anchor ............................................21 Greater Than Solomon
.......................................25 Fear No Evil .......................................................29 Defining the
Foundations ...................................31 Slipping Away ....................................................35 You Are
More Important Than You Know .........37 Love or Law? .....................................................39
Remember the Pit ...............................................43 Love Demands Response ...................................45
Repentant Lifestyle ............................................47

The Ultimate Adventure .....................................51

Thy Kingdom Come ..........................................53
We Are About to Experience the Return
of the Virgin Church .....................................55
Man’s Destiny and God’s Heart .........................57
No Shotgun Wedding Here ................................61
Who Remains Faithful to Their Experience? .....63
Authentic Discernment ......................................65
Where Discernment is Made ..............................69
The World is Looking For the King...in You .....73

What Is the Virgin Church?

Jesus is building His own Church. He told us that Himself when He walked
the earth. It would be unlike any institution of man. It would not be built by
man’s wit or wisdom. It would not require man’s charisma, talents, or
persuasive abilities. The Church that Jesus is building is His own vision of
what the earth and her inhabitants need for personal fulfillment and abiding
peace. This church would be the manifest Body of the King, visible among
men and powerful among angels. It is a refuge, a hiding place, as it were,
from the destructive
The Return of the Virgin Church

storms of life. It would be a place of healing, hope, and safety. It would be a

place where the masses would find their reason to live and the abandoned
would discover a love undeterred by the whims and fickle passions of mere
mortals. This church is where the King, Himself, would live, move, and
function among men. It is through this church that the world would see the
King and come to love His appearing. This church is the beginning of an
adventure that lasts an eternity but has its awesome launch right now and its
fulfillment every day of your life. Your Divine destiny begins when you
say, “Yes!” to the King.

This is the Church Jesus is building. He does not need man to instruct Him,
guide Him, or collect money for Him. He needs one thing from us—
surrendered obedience, death to ourselves, to our selfish passions, and our
secret ambitions. This is where the King lives. It is through this agency that
He shines, is visibly seen, and ultimately rules the nations in love,
compassion, and mercy.
Returning to the Church Jesus is Building

There is no denominational shingle hanging from it. There is no special list

of doctrinal positions that need to signed, no rules of mere mortals that
muck the Living Waters of His Life. This church is truly, authentically, and
in every practical way, His Body on the earth. He is literally looking for the
broken, the soft, the compassionate. He will fill them, teach them, gather
them, prepare them, and send them. For you may not understand, but you
are the standard He is raising up in these last days. You are the answer, the
hope, the visible manifestation of the King among men. You are the church,
the Virgin Church.

You Are the Standard

For those who have a passion to be a part of this Jesus-built spiritual

habitation, there would be a need to return to the foundations of His Life
that drove Him to leave the sanctuary of heaven and live on this mortal
plane among mankind. Man would need to abandon his own ways, his own
selfish desires, his fleshly claims, and earthly rights. Here, in His church, is
the rhapsodic release of all things earthbound to be replaced by all things
spiritual. These folks will have changed their orientation from earthly things
to all things Christ. Their orders, their focus, their plumb line is no longer
man, his religion, his politics, or his personal cravings. Their passion is not
the requirements of a system, dogma, or doctrine. Their connection with the
King transcends the entrapments of man and his personal need for visibility,
control, and fame. Their only desire is the will of the King. That is why
they stick out like a sore thumb. That is why the nations rage against the
authentic nature of the King. Whilst it is true that religion has caused much
of the rage against our King, it is the surrendered ones, the disciples of the
King, who will demonstrate the authentic Christ among men. These will be
resisted at every turn. If you think persecution against religion is bad, just
wait until the Living Christ appears through the lives of the broken, the
yielded, the humble. The unveiling of the King among men will be the most
disturbing time in human history. For then, the Divine is ultimately resisted
by the evil one. The holy will be clearly distinguishable from the unholy,
and the religious, easily identifiable from the righteous.

Authentic Believers Stand Out

There is no doubt that folks who make up the Church Jesus is building will
stand out from the culture. These do not sound like, look like, or act like the
world around them, no matter what pressure is brought on them. They are
the nonconformists. They do what mere mortals do not, howbeit, cannot
see. They are driven by a power not of this world to deliver a message few
understand. They are not swayed by the pressures of media, entertainment,
sports, or religion to conform to the body politic of a society that follows its
own paths toward fleshly fulfillment and personal gratification. These
forces have duped man into abandoning the very nature of who they are,
forcing them to deny the makeup of their own bodies and demanding a
lockstep acceptance of these things that even nature itself teaches to the
contrary. Business, politics, art, sexuality, and education have been
captured, taken prisoner, as it were, by those who know not their destiny
and care only for their own needs and selfish desires. They forget that the
reign of the King within is the force of deliverance, power, and love that
can overcome the darkest of passions and the most destructive of thoughts.
Rather than returning to the King for help, hope, and wholeness, they
redefine what it means to be human and permit everything that gratifies the
cravings of man.

We are now at a most difficult, unprecedented point in time. Amazing as it

seems, it is difficult to understand what society considers wrong. Politicians
break the law with impunity, businesses subjugate the working class for
their own profit, the most vulnerable are left to be murdered in the womb,
while others rot in a prison cell. The poor are just a voting bloc, and
Returning to the Church Jesus is Building

the displaced, merely pawns for political expediency. Drugs and alcohol
rampantly destroy millions, and sexual and political pandering attacks the
very DNA of humanity itself. Man has truly lost his collective mind.
Without the authentic church standing in the gap, there is no hope. Without
the authentic company of believers holding fast to the character of Christ,
there will be no return. The dystopian prophecies from Hollywood
concerning tomorrow’s world will be fulfilled if simple believers do
nothing. I am telling you the truth, they are betting that believers do not
have the courage or resolve to stand.

No longer will believers be able to hide behind brick and mortar buildings,
no longer will they be safe as they hunker down behind their computer
screens to judge the world and justify themselves. The church is a living
organism made up of those who live, see, and respond to the King who lives

Some Must Enter

These are the ones who will surrender to the King. There are some who
discern Divine love in the midst of suffering, compassion in the midst of
pain, and hope in the midst of destructive ideologies. This is the simple
representation of the King as He truly is living through those who have
surrendered to Him. His love is focused, sure, predictable. But it is a mature
love, a discerning love, a love with an eye to destiny. Every time a parent
teaches, corrects, or disciplines a child, are they not loving with an eye
toward destiny? Are they not preparing them for situations, circumstances
in the child’s future when the current lesson will prove invaluable? God’s
love is no less determined, no less focused on humanity becoming all it was
meant to be as our Father carefully and lovingly wove us in the womb of
our mother. This kind of love is not understood by the immature, just as a
small child does not understand the correction of a parent. Nonetheless,
authentic love is as necessary as it is compassionate. This is authentic
Divine Life, and it is authentic love in His desire to see all men rise to their
God-breathed destiny.

This is a far cry from the antics of the religious who enslave folk to their
own bondage and prevent them from finding and making their contribution
to the planet. Using the Scriptures as a battle axe does little to show the
world the eternal love of God and most likely turns the hearts of many away
from Him. Personally, I can think of nothing more reprehensible than to
have inadvertently misrepresented my King to another human being. The
profound nature of His love toward mankind should be reduced to a fleshly
game of control and intimidation. Such is the profound
Returning to the Church Jesus is Building
responsibility we hold toward all men to accurately represent the King.

But this is no easy task. It is not for the faint of heart. The torch of His
Divine love needs to be presented to a new generation. Things will be
required of believers in this generation that have not been required in the
past. But it is precisely for this time in history that they are born. If they are
unwilling to hear, the leading voices of yesterday become today’s echoes as
ageending events and truths from the heart of the Father are released
through today’s fresh voices. Nonetheless, the King arises in the faithful,
the broken, the soft, the repentant, the surrendered. The trials of life lead to
brokenness and maturity in the love of God. Like Jacob, we walk with a
limp that reminds us of the futility of our rebellion against the King. This
Brokenness keeps us attentive, malleable, compassionate, and openhearted.
The nations will run to this message, this Life. As they see Him in you,
through you, they see Christ in all His glory in humanity. This church, the
Church Jesus is building, will change the world. Its foundation is Christ
Himself. The foundation is in you.

You Are the Anchor

Most are aware of the free-fall in societal norms around the world, and in
the USA in particular. The folks I address here will need little convincing
that this is happening. But many do not realize that the nation is merely a
reflection of the church system. As goes religion, so goes the nation.
Although much of religion’s secret failures will never be seen publicly, the
ramifications of its actions are as real and tangible as picking up a
newspaper or going to your favorite news web page.

My concentration here is on the solution. The Return of the Virgin Church

is the return to the Life of Christ that flourishes and flows within. It is not
the return to a philosophy or a rule book that encodes the rules of
engagement of religion. To be sure, it is obvious to even the most casual
observer that these rules have no convincing power in the culture that is to
be influenced and guided by her witness. The external application of law
without the internal inner transformation of the heart does not provide the
authentic conscience-piercing check that believers call “conviction.” It will
require something far more powerful, far more engaging than an hour-long
service on a Sunday morning and Wednesday night. If the so-called church
does not provide that, God will most certainly send judgment to get our
attention. For a reality that has the power to change the heart is the reality
the world awaits. A transformed life speaks volumes all the time without
saying a word. Those who do not believe this have simply not experienced
it. The anchor of our soul is the King. You are not the only one on this
planet who needs it.

When we do not hold to the ancient foundations, we find ourselves creating

Returning to the Church Jesus is Building
to our own liking, accommodating our own weaknesses. Thus we are
satisfied, justified in ourselves. The goal is to somehow silence the gentle
conviction of the Holy Spirit who would lead us into all truth, given the
opportunity. Nonetheless, the conscience will never let us rest until we
acknowledge our sin and find heartfelt repentance and inner transformation
by the work of the King in our heart. Conviction of sin should never be
confused with condemnation, but neither should it be ignored or explained
away. Our lives are far more than the limited scope we allow ourselves to
experience, and our future is far more relevant, far more impacting when it
is submitted to the will of our King. Our smallness of stature cannot
compare to the impact we have in Spirit as we hold fast to things we know
are true.

Greater Than Solomon

Without doubt, something far more convincing is here. The inner working
of the King constructs His Kingdom in the hearts of the willing. That
authentic, immovable anchor of His Life is being established in the lives of
believers all over the world. They are the products of His personal
handiwork. They are the keepers of the torch. But not just any torch, they
are the keepers of the torch of Divine love, compassion, and hope. No, they
do not pander to sin, but they do forgive it, as Jesus did time and time again,
along with the solemn admonition to “Go and sin no more.”

The Return of the Virgin Church is about returning not just to our first love,
The Return of the Virgin Church

Christ, but to the first principles that are the foundations of why we are who
we are and what it is that is supposed to make us different than everyone
else. If our light does not shine, it just might be because we have withheld
ourselves as the wick in the Lamp of our Lord. Of course, some will
correctly argue that it is impossible to return to our first love without
returning to the character, attributes, and principles that actually are the
evidence of the present reality of the King’s reign within. Further, it is not
the mere words that make us the light of the world, nor is it a simple
testimony about how our King at some point brought us to a personal
conviction of sin. Our surrender, our repentance, our yieldedness to the
King is the wick upon which the flame of His presence burns so brightly.
The surrendered wood, hay, and stubble of our lives keeps His flame within
us eternal. Authentic, Divine Light comes from only one source— authentic
Divine fire through the lives of the surrendered ones. A testimony, a
philosophy, a dogma—none of these alone will bring
Returning to the Church Jesus is Building

the world to a place of trust and hope in the King. Evidence, indisputable
evidence, is the foundational key that draws the masses to Him. It is a
difficult truth. Unless Divine Light radiates from the life of anyone who
confesses Him, we are likely to do little to authenticate the inner
transformation we are confessing.

Fear No Evil

There is no doubt that the press of the culture is having devastating effects
on those who name the Name of the Lord. The backlash against people of
faith is vicious, brutal, and, most certainly, relentless. Politically correct
media outlets, entertainment and sports broadcasters have changed the
hearts of the average person, even tainted the hearts of many believers. The
overarching political ramifications are not the topic of this book, but suffice
it to say that those who will not be moved from their core foundations are
marginalized and persecuted. Soon, you will see them imprisoned as haters.
This is no small matter. The Church that Jesus is building will stand firm in
her position to love first, but will never condone or approve of the reign of
sin in themselves, their families, their church, their community, their nation.
Our common need of a Savior, a King who can deliver us from our personal
kingdom of darkness, should compel us to love instead of judge, gather and
not condemn, not giving the enemy any opportunity to accuse His
ambassadors of hate. Who knows, your love might just come through to
someone as His love through you, allowing His own Life to draw men to
the King, Himself.

Defining the Foundations

One cannot protect a lie with a lie. The first lie? “Sin is acceptable.” The
second lie? “Those who stand on the principles of God are haters.” Both
lies have been bought completely by an undiscerning population who will
believe anything the media feeds them. Unfortunately, even believers are
being swayed to this line of thinking. Millions of believers in the United
States have altered their beliefs, their conversation, their actions to
accommodate this barrage of anti-Christ thinking. This has turned brother
against brother, sister against sister, weakening the faith, the strength, and
power of a united family of believers. These meandering belief systems
have clouded the brightness of His appearing in some and hidden it
completely in others. This is not a political issue. I personally push back on
anyone who tries to make it one. This is an issue of faith first. But it is also
an issue of our humanity itself. Permissive cultures in the past have never
survived the onslaught of evil brought about by dismissing morals within
their cultures. Ours is no exception, neither will it survive. Yet it is the fear
of repercussions that have many sacrificing their core values to a more
“inclusive” definition of faith. On the surface, it may look correct, but
underneath is a malicious attempt to redefine the person of Christ into a
more “inclusive,” howbeit corrupt and unholy, god. This is a subject of
another book, but is mentioned here as a point of reference for those who
believe this new definition of faith is authentic.

But as more believers fall victim to the world’s morality, it is more than just
our faith that suffers. It is the planet that suffers under the weight of sin and
its destructive forces. Nature itself groans, buckles under the weight of
humanity’s flagrant disregard
Returning to the Church Jesus is Building

of the spiritual and natural order of our existence. We must never forget that
the Scriptures we love, taken in the context of Divine order as He defines it,
create a model of life for everything that lives. They create an environment
of wholeness and peace, growth, and fulfillment. Anything less opens the
door to the destructive forces of selfish, hurtful human desires and
unchecked passions.

Slipping Away

In truth, we are all often beset with an iniquity that we cannot overcome.
No matter how much we repent, fast, pray, rebuke, that temptation and the
subsequent giving in to that temptation is a frustration that few can live
with. Jesus said we must forgive “seventy times seventy” times, yet we
grow weary of asking our Lord, once again, for forgiveness. Our inability to
control what we do is a frontal attack on our perceptions of spirituality and,
ultimately, our pride. We find it difficult to admit to ourselves, not to
mention God, that we have once again, for the umpteenth time, sinned. This
poses a dilemma for us. We come face to face with our humanity, our pride,
our weakness, and our God whom we love so dearly. What do we do? For
too many, “wiggle room” is the answer. That is, some simply reexamine
their belief system to find a flaw in their doctrine, thus making their own
weaknesses acceptable. As we shall see again and again, altering the ancient
foundations erodes the sanctity of human existence. The Divine Light
grows dimmer in the world with the decision to accept our sins are normal,
a weakness, a thorn in the flesh. As Divine Light dims, the world’s dance
grows more abhorrent.

You Are More Important Than You Know

It is just way too easy to assume that the individual has so little impact on
the world or its systems. If that were true, those forcing change would not
be so aggressively pushing their godlessness through so many venues. The
average person is continuously being bombarded by nearly every source of
information. From the largest international news agency to the local
biweekly newspaper, our beliefs are attacked, ridiculed, challenged, and
marginalized. If the individual cannot be worn down, the masses will never

It is the solemn responsibility of each one of us to take his sonship

seriously, to understand the need to resist the tides of change when that
change destroys our moral and ethical cornerstones. You are more than you
have been allowed to believe. Your stalwart determination to not be a
puppet of the political, religious, and cultural establishment is the standard
that our King is raising against the flood of evil, hate, and slavery.

You are a vital part of the spiritual, natural, and emotional strength of
Christyielded righteousness that will preserve our lives in these perilous
It is as though we fail to remember that He wants to live His resurrected
Life through us. This cannot be “reckoned” by faith when our King fully
expects us to allow Him to actually live His Life in time and space through
us. It is not a theology. It is not a doctrine. It is a reality of our
multidimensional God who has truly come to express His love, His
compassion, and His power through the likes of you and me.

Love or Law?

It is disingenuous for some to accuse the Bible of fostering hate. These

folks need to press an agenda, and so find it convenient to blur the lines of
our faith. Nonetheless, let’s be honest. It is true that some of the most vocal
religious leaders have not helped the cause. In their religious zeal, many
condemn with hate-filled words those who are caught in sin of one kind or
another. This does not justify the sinner, but it makes it more difficult to
distinguish the role of the believer from the role of God. Our job is to love
all men, no matter what they do, what they believe, or what they say about
us or even how they treat us. This is difficult for the unsurrendered
ideologue, but it is normal for the one who is yielding to the King within
him. The fleshly man cannot separate the man from his actions, but the
spiritually minded must. For such were some of you, slaves to sin but
nonetheless loved by God. The only righteous thing to do is to treat others
the same way.

But my love for all men does not excuse me from my responsibility to hold
fast to the foundations of our faith. Within the pages of Scripture, the
transformation from a Christless, law-bound struggle found in the Old
Covenant to the love-filled reality of the Christ of God in the New
Covenant cannot be more striking. We are exhorted again and again to
“speak the truth in love,” “love your enemies,” “bless those who persecute
you.” We are told, “Love is patient,” “turn the other cheek,” as well as
many other exhortations to follow the faith of our King. But love does not
replace what is foundational; rather, it is enhanced by it. For where Divine
love flourishes, the people also flourish in joy, fulfillment, and peace.
Because I love, I hold
Returning to the Church Jesus is Building
fast to my confession of faith and genuinely love others into that same

My life is a life evidenced by love and hope. With the King abiding within
my heart, I see into the hearts of many of those I meet. I can see their pain,
their hopes, their desires, and their fears. I can sense their search for love,
purpose, and peace. Who cannot help but love those whom you see through
His eyes? Who cannot help but exude patience, compassion, and
understanding? For without doubt, I was also at one time lost, aimless, and
far from the Cross. I was also one who needed love, compassion,
understanding, and prayer.

Remember the Pit

Am I the only one who remembers life without our Lord and King? Am I
the only one who has not forgotten the terror of hopelessness, the fear of
death, of life apart from God? I think not. Those days were terrible. I
remember the pit from which I was delivered. I was literally loved into the
Kingdom. The folks God sent to me looked beyond what they saw and
found me, lonely, frightened, and lost. They gathered me, brought me
before my King, who stretched out His scepter to me and invited me to His
banqueting table, where I was loved, nourished, and transformed. Of
course, not many understood it at the time, but I did! I had found peace,
fulfillment, and Divine love. Those around us deserve the same love,
kindness, and patience shown to you and me.

But our ability to decrease that He may increase is the result of the
brokenness we had at that moment of initial surrender and then developing
that surrendered attitude as a lifestyle. If we remember our initial
beginnings, how then can we approach others with a judgmental hatefulness
that separates and reinforces their already skewed and fearful view of God?
There is no doubt that the saving hand of the Lord will extend to everyone
who comes to Him in authentic repentance leading to inner transformation
of heart and life. I have dedicated my life to the King, to be used of Him to
gather the lost into His sheepfold. I hate the thought of doing anything that
would cause someone to have a more frightened view of my Lord than they
already hold. You should too.

Love Demands Response

But it is exactly this churning Divine love within that compels me to hold
fast to the principles, those attributes that are the real King within. For to
deny these ancient foundations is to deny the King Himself. Yet in the name
of ecumenicism, in the name of political correctness, many deny themselves
by abdicating their deepest experiences with Divine Life. It is amazing as
well as deeply troubling that very many believers so easily abandon the
fabric of who they are. It seems the fear of rejection, at least, and economic,
social, educational persecution, at worst, are more than some can bear. As
stated before, each time we allow our experiences to be denied, the Light of
His Life within fades a little bit more. In an attempt to avoid standing out as
argumentative, uncooperative, or hateful, even the most dedicated of
believers find it difficult to maintain their foundational experiences. Of
course, this is the difference between an ideology and an authentic
relationship with the King. The more regularly you see Him, experience
Him, and sense His mighty love within, the more difficult it is to deny Him.
There is more than just your own salvation at stake: The salvation of the
entire planet is at risk. Although it is difficult for some individuals to see
their own importance in these matters, the spiritual ramifications of
surrender to man rather than to God cannot be underestimated. Your life,
your decisions matter. How many raindrops can evaporate in despair, each
thinking its own existence is unnecessary among billions of drops out there
before the land is not watered? How many snowflakes make up a storm?
How many flowers make up a spring meadow? You matter. Your life
matters. Your faith matters.

Repentant Lifestyle

Believers should not cover sin, make excuses for it (walk in darkness). We
should confess it, repent from it (walk in the Light), and even when the sin
is iniquitous, believers need to keep confessing it to God, humbling
ourselves and dying to the sin and our pride each day. The legal issue of our
sanctification may have been taken care of at the Cross, but if it is going to
be manifest in my life, I have to die. I have to surrender that point of
separation to the King. There is no other way. The Cross made my
sanctification, my holiness, possible, but I must confess, repent, and change
in order to see it tangibly in my life. “Reckoning” or “appropriating” the
work of the Cross in my life without death to self is just a self-righteous
religious exercise that never changes the heart. The power of the Risen
King Jesus is in transformation of the heart, beginning with mine. Only
when I face myself and the struggle to relinquish those secret sins I seem to
fall into, can I have compassion on those with whom I meet.

“Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise
also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless
him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and might free those who
through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives. For assuredly
He does not give help to angels, but He gives help to the descendant of
Abraham. Therefore, He had to be made like His brethren in all things, so
that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in things
pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people. For since
He Himself was tempted in that which
Returning to the Church Jesus is Building

He has suffered, He is able to come to the aid of those who are tempted.”
Hebrews 2:14-18

“This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God
is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with
him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if
we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one
another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say
we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we
confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse
us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a
liar, and his word is not in us.” 1 John 1:5-10

The Ultimate Adventure

The Church Jesus is building prepares humanity for the greatest adventure
of all time: to be the dwelling place of God in this life. This is not a
philosophy, nor are these intangible principles. This is about recognizing
and surrendering to the King, Jesus Christ, whose desire it is to live and
move and have His existence in us and through us, to the glory of God and
to the redemption of the earth. This is the appearing of the Lord in the earth.
While many await His appearing in the sky, the world awaits His appearing
in us, who authenticate His Word by the lives we live right now. When will
He appear in you? He appears the moment you surrender.

Thy Kingdom Come

There will be an accurate representation of our King in the earth, but it will
not be through denominational control or with the intimidation of the
priesthood of the King. Through the brokenness of the lowly, the King will
emerge in all His elegance. He will not have to wrest control of His
Beloved children from the hands of those who have enthroned themselves
above everyone else. He will not have to deceive, intimidate, or in any way
muscle His Will into the hearts of His people. His own will arise with
authentic discernment, piercing compassion, and overwhelming love for
mankind. It will not begin at the top of anything, but at the feet of the poor,
the orphan, the needy, the sick, and the diseased.

These walk in genuine purity and are brought to Life by the forgiving
power of the Christ of God. These humble folk have allowed their pride to
be shattered, their arrogance to be crushed, and their will to be surrendered
to the One Whose plan for them far exceeds their own. These lives change
the world as they themselves are transformed.

“Gather My godly ones to Me, Those who have made a covenant with Me
by sacrifice.” Ps. 50:5

We Are About to Experience the Return of the Virgin Church

The Virgin Church is that spiritual habitation of God without spot or

wrinkle. It has no makeup, no artificial enhancements anywhere, no plastic
surgery. This church is authentic to the very core of who she is. She does
not need to “move the ancient foundations” for she embodies these
foundations on the earth. They are who He is, and they express the very
nature, attributes, and attitudes of the King among men.

The ancients saw these foundations and recorded them for all time. Their
words are the very Voice of the King through the millennia. They are the
immutable laws of nature and eternity that hold us together both naturally
and spiritually. When people lived by them, they prospered. When people
ignored them, changed their definitions, they always suffered. But the
suffering was not because God did not love them; it was because these
eternal principles cannot be violated without natural consequences.

God is not legalistic any more than a parent is legalistic in not allowing
children to touch a hot stove top or to play in a patch of poison ivy. God’s
Word guides humanity through the paths and pitfalls of life that will keep
them in the flow of His Life and love.

Man’s Destiny and God’s Heart

Man’s destiny and God’s heart are one and the same. God has woven His
dream for each person into the natural and spiritual DNA of who we are
individually. He has made us according to the destiny He has prepared for
us. It is in the adherence to these foundational constructs that man
flourishes both naturally and spiritually. For it is within the eternal
boundaries of His plan that we find our individual and corporate fulfillment.
For it is not God who limits destiny, but man that resists God and His
mighty purposes for himself in particular and mankind in general.

When human nature is allowed to dominate destiny, there is consistent and

unavoidable frustration with life. Why is it that many feel such emptiness,
such a void, almost aimlessness in spite of doing the things we know are
right to do. As awesome as they are, just doing good does not provide the
authentic reality of inner peace and the tangible sense of human fulfillment.
When Divine destiny is ignored, downplayed, or resisted, our hearts are not
fulfilled, and we secretly struggle within the privacy of our thoughts. That
inevitable clash of of Divine purpose and human nature creates a spiritual
conflict that is only resolved by surrender to the King. For more than
anything else, in the deepest part of the heart, man wants peace with God,
fulfillment of destiny, the knowledge that they are making their contribution
to the growth of humanity as a race.

Humanists call this need for selfdetermination the hallmark of human

existence. Unfortunately, human nature and its self-determining ways have
left our species, our planet in a state of drift, hopelessness, and poverty of
soul and spirit.
Returning to the Church Jesus is Building

Man will always determine the state of the world through his own lens of
experience, expectation, and moral compass. These inevitably affirm the
one observing such things, approving his own ways whilst tending to
condemn those whose value system does not match their own. In essence,
those being observed are the culprits of all things awful, while they see
themselves as the hope of things awesome. But once again, it is the nature
of the human species to protect himself whilst placing the blame squarely
on the ones who do not share the same ideology. It is most difficult, indeed,
to see the good in the ones you oppose whilst recognizing the flaws in
yourself. It behooves us all to carry the mirror of self-examination as the
companion it can be to save us from many an embarrassing situation. We
must allow others to grow, to change, as we would want others to allow us
to grow and change as well.

No Shotgun Wedding Here

God has not, does not, and never will forcefully subjugate humanity to His
Will. His plan is to have a people who honestly and objectively examine
their own ways, their own solutions with the corresponding results of those
decisions and then voluntarily surrender those ways to the destiny of the
King. The decision is left to each one of us. There is no joy in shotgun
weddings and there is no joy in a relationship based on fear or intimidation.
When a person turns to the King, it is done as a result of personal
examination and responsibility. We cannot blame God for the results of our
bad decisions. Yet human nature will never take responsibility for its own
failures and bad judgment. God is the perfect scapegoat, or so we believe.
For it is far more convenient to blame one whom we cannot see than it is to
face the consequences of our own waywardness. Nonetheless, He is always
patiently waiting for those who will come to Him willingly.

“There is a kind who is pure in his own eyes,Yet is not washed from his
filthiness.” Prov. 30:12

“This is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats and wipes her mouth,
And says, “I have done no wrong.” Prov. 30:20
Who Remains Faithful to Their Experience?

“Set up for yourself road marks, Place for yourself guideposts; Direct your
mind to the highway, The way by which you went. Return, O virgin of Israel,
Return to these your cities.”Jer. 31:21

What is done in secret, the Scriptures remind us, will be shouted from the
housetops. The intent for evil, for personal gain, for moral expediency will
eventually come to the surface. History has shown it to be true many times.
The arbitrary disheveling of information for personal advantage cannot hold
up against time. Truth eventually finds its way to visibility. Those who
blindly follow the paths of dishonesty and betrayal will fall.

The true mark of maturity is the ability, the determination to stay true to
your convictions in spite of the press of those who will never accept you as
you are. Here is where a true sense of eternity is critical. I do the things I do
in light of eternity, not in light of the next ten minutes, the next ten hours, or
the next ten years. Friends come and go, but I must live with myself and the
decisions I make. I walk with God forever whilst those on this earthy plain
are like the passing wind. I cannot allow my life to be dictated by the wind,
the storm, the opinions of man, or my need for friends and approval. When
I stand for my own convictions I stand the tallest I will ever stand. I
accomplish more in this dimension and in the Spirit by maintaining my
integrity even when no one apparently sees. God sees. And He is all that

Authentic Discernment

“Buy the truth and don’t sell it.” Truer words have seldom rung through the
hearts of the surrendered more forcefully, adamantly, ominously as they do
right now. Everyone faces the scrutiny of Divine authenticity through those
whose discernment is pure, motives are tested, and destiny determined. I do
not think many understand the importance of truly discerning the words that
are spoken by anyone, no matter how traditionally trustworthy they have
proven to be. Jesus trusted Himself to no one, the Scriptures say, for He
knew what was in man. Yet most rarely go any deeper than what the mind
can perceive when meeting someone. This is a great fallacy. Many miss
God’s best by believing man’s worst. Truth is not skin deep. It is measured
by the plumb line of the King who dwells deep within our hearts. The lazy,
the busy, the preoccupied, the proud will ironically miss the tool whose
specific purpose it is to separate the vile from the pure, the broken from the
proud, the good from the evil, the truth from the lie. But most opt to use a
much more shallow approach to the truthfulness of a person’s words. Some
look at appearance, some look at talent, position, wealth, religious
affiliation, political views, or personal popularity. But visuals are
misleading, words are deceptive. Visuals are often merely masks covering
the real intent of the heart. Words point you in the direction the speaker
wants you go, regardless of the truth. Seeing through the layers of humanity
to the heart is a spiritual endeavor that few take the time to develop. Yet
without it, we adopt as fact those masks that appear so real. That leaves
truth hidden somewhere where it may never be found. We all lose when we
fail to take the time, the personal responsibility to allow authentic,
Returning to the Church Jesus is Building
Divine discernment to be worked in our hearts.
Where Discernment Is Made

The truth of the Spirit is found deep within the spirit of man, not to be
trivialized or dismissed as subjective religious opinion. Authentic
discernment is forged in the fires of adversity where the intents of the heart
are exposed and hidden desires are tested. In this Divine crucible, man has
the option of broken repentance or angry rebuttal, surrender to His will or
hardness of heart. It is in these difficult times that our true intentions, our
true motives, and private passions are exposed to us and us alone.
Discernment requires a man to submit instead of argue, change instead of
The Return of the Virgin Church

and maintain a soft heart of confession before our Lord. Adversity may not
all originate from God, but it is certainly used of God to show us the places
within that contradict the confession of our mouth and the course we
adamantly claim we are on.

The consistent refusal to admit failure and the tendency to shift blame,
ignore conviction, excuse actions, or change our hearts fogs the vision of
our spiritual eyes and makes it more difficult to see our own needs, the
needs of others, and the warnings from heaven. Discernment is calloused by
our repeated unwillingness to see the need for inner change. The biggest
success of religion has been the subtle introduction of self-righteous
thinking into the mind of the believer.

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious
thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the
everlasting way.” Singing this traditional Psalm is not enough. We must
understand, deep in our heart, that it is I, Lord, standing in the need of
Returning to the Church Jesus is Building

Without broken repentance, discernment does not have a chance to teach us,
and we will, without doubt, follow the lead of the cultural playmakers as
they move forward unhindered and unchallenged. Who are those who are
determined to return the Virgin Church, the Church Jesus is building? This
is the church that will stand in the gap, refusing to allow themselves or their
families to follow the world’s destination to unashamed, uncontrolled, and
unrepentant death. Someone must maintain the ancient foundations.
Someone must not lose track of the mark. Someone must stay the course.

The World Is Looking for the King…in You

We are the lamp of His Anointed One. We are the carriers of the Light of
the World. If there is no lamp, there is no light. If there is no light, then any
direction can be the right one. The number one priority of the world’s
systems is the elimination of the lamps that carry the Light. This is not a
conspiracy of governments or secret organizations, although both are tools
in the hands of the true enemy of our souls. When satan can control men,
governments, media and entertainment, it becomes very easy to wear down
those who have made a commitment to be the lamps of the King.

As I write these words, I am not talking to religious systems, secular

opinion makers,
The Return of the Virgin Church
or humanists. I have no intention of trying to argue their deceptive positions
or answer their destructive accusations. I am talking to those who have
named the Name of the Lord. This is directed to those who have a covenant
with Him by sacrifice; to those who have not only heard the New Song, not
only have sung the New Song, but have become the New Song. You are the
targets of those who would have you silenced, worn down, destroyed. You
are the greatest enemy of the ones who despise the King and work for His
marginalization throughout the land.

When you stand in the face of resistance, the flame burns stronger within,
and the Light is more visible from your lifte. You are a snowflake, a
raindrop, a flower in a meadow. You are part of Someone far bigger than
yourself. You are the Virgin Church, and from your life, the world sees its
hope, embraces its destiny, and becomes the New Song that you have have
grown to love over many years. For you are part of that ever-growing, ever-
powerful company of believers who have made a covenant with
Returning to the Church Jesus is Building
the King by sacrifice. Your life will never, ever be the same.
About the Author

Don Nori, Sr. is a driven man. The same passion for Jesus that arrested him
over forty years ago is the passion that led him to start Destiny Image
Publishers in 1983 and is still the primary overshadowing power in his life
today. Along with Cathy, his wife of more than 43 years, they pursue life
enthusiastically in the beautiful Cumberland Valley of central Pennsylvania.
They spend much of their time happily spoiling their grandchildren and
enjoying their sons and their wives. Don will probably write as long as God
gives him breath.

Destiny Image Books by Don Nori, Sr.

The Voice
Supernatural Destiny
Romancing the Divine

Manifest Presence
Breaking Generational Curses Secrets of the Most Holy Place

Secrets of the Most Holy Place Vol. 2 Tales of Brokenness

The Angel and the Judgement You Can Pray in Tongues
The Prayer God Loves to Answer Breaking Demonic Strongholds So You Want to Change the World?
How to Find God’s Love
God: Out of Control, Out of the Box, Out of Time No More Sour Grapes
The Love Shack
The Hope of the Nation That Prays The God Watchers
Morning Prayer
The Forgotten Mountain

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