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Cornerstones of Champions

By Dietrich Buchenholz
As a lot of you already know, reflexive-firing isometrics(RFI) and oscillatory-
isometrics(OI) are two very powerful training tools. Aside from RFI being a direct
"neuro-rate" development method and OI being a direct "neuro-duration"
development method, both of them can be qualified as "short range of movement
reflexive firing methods that exploit the benefits of the reactive regime." Both of
them teach movement efficiency. Both of them yield a considerable rise in nervous
sytem output (compared to their same-modality counterparts). And if it weren't for
the "neuro-magnitude" modality, you could basically connect the two directly as
being a continuum- with load being the obvious difference between them.
Think of it this way; RFI and OI work feed into proficient development of the
reactive(REA) method of work(not to be confused with the general categorization of
"reactive contractions"). Moreover, REA work is a great "feeder" into reactive-
acceleration(RA) work- such as auxometronics(AMT). And as many of you have
already experienced, AMT can be quite a jolt to your sporting performance!
So let's take a moment to examine these two "Cornerstone's of Champions" a bit
more- taking a closer look at what they are, what they do, and even discuss sub-
methods for each.

Reflexive-Firing Isometrics
Reflexive-firing isometrics exploit the "plyometric effect" of movement proficiency-
but so do a lot of methods! So, what really separates this method from others is it
teaches your system how to rapidly "turn on" and "turn off" via highly concentrated
bursts of neuro-electric activity and tension recruitment, alternated with a proficient
release of tension as it relates to "neural energy sparing." All of this traces back to
intricate functions of the nervous system that make-up contraction rate(CR)
ability(i.e. this aforementioned 'rapid-fire' cycle)- interval rate(IR) and transmission
rate(TR). That is, not only is it important to recruit what is needed, when it is needed,
but the conservation-of-energy effects of this method perpetuate a longer terminal
capacity function to be realized(i.e. how long you can keep up intensity of effort
before realizing a drop in function).
You really don't have to look far to see all of this pan-out in the real-world, either.
Take sprinting, for instance. How many times have you seen an athlete pull a muscle
as he takes off in a sprint? Poor TR function (and/or poor neuro-dynamic
patternization ability). How often have you seen an athlete pull a muscle in the
middle of a sprint? More often than not, this is resultant from poor IR function
(and/or poor neuro-dynamic patternization ability). In "The Sports Book: Best
Training Ever!", I more accurately describe these deficiencies- TRP and RFP. Meaning,
it is the onset of tension and the control of this tension(OTC) that will allow you to
possess the sought after combination of movement efficiency and movement
proficiency. One without the other is like having cookies with no milk. 
And in keeping with the same example; How long can you up-hold peak sprint
velocity before you begin to slow-down? Many sprint training "experts" will define
this in seconds- 2 seconds, 3 seconds, 4 seconds- and they base their opinion strictly
off of what they observe- no more, no less. Well, that's all fine and dandy, but unless
we all throw paper bags over our heads we are all still unique individuals(right?)! I
have seen athletes maintain peak velocity for 9 seconds, or more, and others
struggle to maintain speed for even a few seconds. And the only way to know for
sure is to test it out. And, remember, poor performance can just as much mean over-
training as it does under-training, so you always have to associate the results as
being relative to the athlete and relative to his training past and present. Instead of
making the mistake of giving you a "cookie-cutter" guide to follow, let me do you one
better. Bottom line is this- it's all manipulative! Just as you can make an athlete
stronger, you can raise a sprinters terminal capacity- how long he can maintain peak
velocity. And you want to talk about putting theory into practice- try RFI work on for

Similar to how RFI work is directly beneficial for a speed-seeking athlete and
indirectly (supportive) beneficial for a strength-seeking athlete, OI is directly
beneficial for a strength-seeking athlete and indirectly (supportive) beneficial for a
speed-seeking athlete. Did I say all that correctly? Okay, good...now we can move on.
Built on the same stone as RFI; OI work enhances onset of tension control(OTC),
develops movement efficiency via the installment of energy conservation, yet still, it
develops proficiency of neural output, magnitude of tension recruitment, and
escalates force development. Quite a gift to come all in one package, wouldn't you
say? And just like RFI, it's something that you shouldn't use all the time but, when
you do, let's just say that you're not going to turn down the results! It will make your
movement more efficient; meaning, terminal capacity can be raised. However, with
the applications presented in this article, the first thing you'll notice is that you won't
have to "maintain the strain"- you'll be able to blast through sticking points with a
vengeance. This is because your system will learn when and how to "turn it on"- a
little or a lot- in order to complete the lift with relative ease.

Release Methods
When "energy sparing" between contractions is sought out, this sub-method works
wonders. It can be used with RFI and OI work, and it really taps into interval-rate and
transmission-magnitude functions of the neuromuscular system. In order to
accomplish this, it entails that a "peak relaxation" phase will lead into the "reflexive
firing" phase of the movement. This will allow you to "rebound" out of the reactive
contraction phase powerfully, yet, with little "voluntary" strain. Ever get startled bad
enough while you were sleeping that it almost caused you to leap through the
ceiling? Well then you know the powerful effects that can result in combining
relaxation with reflexive-firing methodics! Think about it; When have you ever
jumped that high before...let alone after someone just whispered your name! In
sports/training, we are talking about the optimization of the 'plyometric effect' via
static-spring mastery. 

RFI-Release Samples
· RFI-Release Stability Press: Lower yourself into mid-range push-up position on a
mini-trampoline or a spring board. From there, you will essentially "run" in place
with your hands, firing each hand into the tramp in rapid-fire sequence. Your goals is
two-fold; don't allow your torso to rise or fall during which time you will move your
hands as quick as you can. 
· RFI-Release Squat Sprints: Same concept as above; squat down on a mini-
trampoline into mid-range position with your heels high off the spring board. Then,
without allowing your hips to rise or fall, quickly sprint in place, maintaining dynamic
minimization of the plantar flexors. 
· RFI-Release Lateral Raise: Sit down on a bench, grasp a dumbell and raise it with
your shoulder musculature so that your arm is in-line with your shoulders. From
there, you will release the dumbell. After the release, quickly raise your hand before
chasing the dumbell- this will further intensify the rapid-fire functions you seek.
Catch the dumbell, allow a quick but effective transition, of which proper absorption
will cause the dumbell to virtually spring back up to the start position on its own
account(i.e. reflexive firing). 
· RFI-Release Lateral Barrier Jump: Set a barrier at about knee level. Stand on one
side to start. Keep your hips the same distance from the ground as you jump over
the barrier and back, repeating this right-left-right-left-etc sequence as rapidly as
possible. As you get going, you will find that it is most efficient to position your hips
over the barrier and let your feet do all the moving from side to side- that is
· RFI-Release GHG: On a glute-ham machine, extend yourself so that your body is
parallel to the ground. From this position, you will come up about 1/3 of the full
range of motion for this movement, flex for an instant at that point, then drop down
into reaction. That is, you want to see how quickly you can perform repetitions in
this limited range, with movement efficiency being found when you relax your
system during the drop and "fire" it in harmony during reaction. (note: proper
reaction will spare voluntary effort on the positive stroke). 

OI-Release Samples
· OI-Release Pectorals: Lay down on a bench with dumbells in each hand, likened to
"pec fly" position. Then as your arms are relatively parallel to the ground(or as high
as you need based on your joint mobility) you will achieve basic OI principles: peak
voluntary/isometric contraction(flex "stronger" than the weight demands), peak
relaxation(relieve as much tension as possible...this will cause your feet/knees to fly
up into the air), followed by a rapid, efficient reactive sequence(absorb, stabilize,
rebound)- at which time your feet strike down to the floor. Each repetition will follow
this exact sequence of events. 
· OI-Release Elbow Extensions: With a neutral(palms facing) grip as you lay on your
back in triceps extension position(upper arms perpindicular to floor, lower arms
parallel to floor), you will achieve peak tension, peak relaxation, and efficient
reaction for each rep induced. Range of motion should be only 1/4-1/3 of the total
triceps extension range of movement. 
· OI-Release RBR: On a reverse back raise(RBR), you will flex the weight up to parallel
position. Then, achieve as much tension as you can, voluntarily, followed by a rapid
release of as much tension as you can, which leads into the efficient reactive phase.
If done properly, the only effort you should feel like you are expending is during the
voluntary contraction phase- the rest should come almost automatically(i.e.
efficiently) if done properly. 
· OI-Release GHG: In parallel position on a glute-ham machine, perform the same
sequence as noted in the RFI version except that you will contract much longer and
stronger during the initial isometric phase for each repetition. The release during the
fall will remain the same, as will the reactive sequence at the bottom. Again,
movement range is only about 1/3 of normal(full range). 
· OI-Release Split-Squat: Standing with a barbell on your shoulders, in split-squat
stance(one leg in front of the other on the same plane), you will lower yourself so
that you have a good stretch on your front hip and rear knee extensors and toe
flexors. From that position, flex as strong as possible- beyond the requirement of the
load. After that has been completed, release all tension(free fall), then react out to
the start position. 

Manual Methods
In sacrificing transmission-magnitude a little bit, and in flushing interval-rate down
the toilet, so to speak, you can drive-home transmission-rate ability as it relates to
OTC with this sub-method, all in a way that will make other training methods that
much better! Even though, neither, manual RFI or manual OI work are devastatingly
effective by themselves, they were designed specifically to make other training
methods more effective- so they really don't need to be a great singular method. For
instance, on the "neuro-rate" side of the coin we may alternate manual RFI work
with, say, RA work in order to increase the athletes stability and muscle-stiffness so
that his neuro-pattern development at the transition phase of the RA work will
increase. Most of the time there are only two ways that we do this: 5 seconds of
manual RFI followed immediately with 3-5 reps of RA work in the same set; or 5
seconds of manual RFI alternated with 5 seconds of RA for a total set duration of 30-
40 seconds. The former combination is if the RA loading is of neuro-magnitude
parameters and the latter combination is used when the RA loading is of neuro-rate
paramters(note: the manual RFI loading is always neuro-rate). Likewise, we may do 5
seconds of OI work followed by 5 seconds of ISO work(and repeat this cycle as we
please per set, 0-4 times), on the neuro-duration side of the coin, if we want to fine-
tune our static-spring effect as it relates to strength development and/or peak force
development(note: we may even use it as a distant build-up to sky-rocket power or
speed development, too- it all depends on the athletes needs). 

Manual-RFI Samples
· Manual-RFI Internal Rotation: lay back on a bench with your arm abducted 90
degrees, elbow flexed at about 90 degrees and with your arm extrernally rotated
about 90 degrees(i.e. forearm and upper arm parallel with ground). Strive to
maintain stability in this position as a partner/coach quickly throws your arm down
from the wrist as rapidly as you can rebound your fist back up. 
· Manaul-RFI External Rotation: sitting upright on a bench, abduct your arm 90
degrees, and flex your elbow 90 degrees so that your upper and lower arm are
parallel or the floor with your elbow pointing out towards your side and your
forearm directed in front of you. Try to allow as little arm movement as possible as
your partner/coach throws your arm down towards the floor, with the force being
applied near your wrist. 
· Manual-RFI Bench Press: holding roughly 36-37%AW1RM of your bench press in CJC
position in the bench press, try and stabilize the bar as your partner/coach rapidly
throws the bar towards your chest. Again, your goal is to not let the bar move. But,
since bar movement is inevitable, you will try and spend as much of the set duration
at the start position as your coach/partner tries to force you to spend as much of the
set duration out of this position. Consider it a contest between you and your
partner/coach; the less time you spend out of your start position, the more bragging
rights you have left when the set is over- not to mention that your training effects
will be that much better. 
· Manual-RFI GHG: position yourself in a glute-ham machine so that you are virtually
parallel to the ground. Then perform this exercise one of two ways, depending upon
if you need more knee flexion or trunk extension development: (1) with slight flexion
in your knees and with your partner applying force to your tail-bone, directed
straight towards the ground, you will try and minimize knee extension movement as
your partner/coach tries to maximize knee extension movement via applied force.
However, these pulses of force should be performed as rapid as possible(i.e. it's not
a push versus pull match but, rather, a task of trying to get as many reps as possible
in a set time frame). (2) force is applied at your upper back so that the greatest
training effect will occur with your spinal erector and hip extensor muscles.
Redundantly speaking, try and minimize movement as your partner tries to rapidly
throw your torso down, in powerful bursts of applied force. 
· Manual-RFI Abs: in HF Abdominals position, torso parallel to floor, you will stay as
rigid as possible as your partner/coach applies rapid pulses of force to your
sternum(or off-set version, etc). Again, quality is assessed by quantity- generally the
more reps the better. 

Manual-OI Samples
· Manual-OI Biceps: laying back on an incline bench, and elbows and shoulders flexed
in a way that sets your forearm parallel to the ground, and as you hold appropriated-
weight(AW) that signifies neuro-duration work(generally 63%AW1RM or greater),
you will try to not let your hands move as manual force is applied to your forearms
(close to your wrists) or on your hands themselves. Again, if you try and dis-allow
movement then you will most likely achieve as many reps as appropriate, which will
lead to you performing the skill execution correctly. 
· Manual-OI Squats: in deep squat position you will have a partner throw you down
from the hips(if hip and knee development is sought out) or from the bar(if upper
back, lower back and abdominal development are sought out). 
· Manual-OI Abs: similar to the RFI version, except that this time around you use
greater appropriated weight(AW) for neuro-duration development. 
· Manual-OI RBR: in parallel reverse back raise position, have secondary force applied
so that you have to brace your hips into extension. The less movement you allow
with the greatest applied force, the better. 
· Manual-OI Bench: set the weight in the neuro-duration modality, then fight agains
the force pulses applied by your partner/coach so that movement is minimized as
much as realistically possible. 

Final Notes
Even though all four methods develop static-spring functionality, they do so from
intricately different "angles". For instance, the choice between manual versus
release integration rests on the need for TRP development of OTC(i.e. how much
energy sparing development is necessary or appropriate for a particular athlete and
particular point in time). All four generally develop RFP(even though RFP is
inherently greater with neuro-rate methodics than neuro-duration methodics).
Another consideration for inclusion is based on how the work is
integrated/structured in a workout(i.e. manual used independantly or as a
compound hybrid set). Which reminds me, RFI work is set up based on reps achieved
per unit time- "failure" is not a major factor. OI work, however, requires that an
"initial" set be determined from momentary fatigue/"failure" with a given weight
within a desired time bracket. These principles result in RFI maintaining reps with a
drop in time for AREG and OI maintaining reps with a drop in weight for AREG. Not
only are these "cornerstones" essentially important for any athlete to integrate into
his routine at critical stages within his training plan, but the coach can use these
powerful tools as "diagnostic" tests as well(i.e. locate intricate neuro-dynamics
profiles in order to determine what to train/develop next). Performance
enhancement, injury prevention, and means for locating neuro-dynamic
deficiencies...what more could you possibly wish for?
What is torsion training?

To explain Torsion training correctly one needs a lot more than just a short article in
order to do it justice. This article therefore is only going to cover the basics of all the
many different considerations that need to be taken into account when designing a
correct Torsion training program.

We have to start somewhere so the best place is to consider professional athletes who
rarely run in straight lines. Like baseball players that swoop out to round the bases
well before they reach it. Stealing a base requires a rapid pivot on the start. In fact,
athletes who don't train this will not develop this.

Many track burners turned baseball players commonly find themselves not recovering
from the problems that exist during that simple pivot and sprint movement on the
basepath until they are about ready to slide into the next base.

Throwing a baseball, hitting a baseball, an outfielder making an effective break on a

baseball, etc. are all examples of the need for "torsion training". Another example is
the football player on the field has to control his body in non-linear mechanical way.

For example spinning to avoid a tackler or to juke a blocker; rushing on angle of

pursuit by an outside linebacker; twisting under control to hand off the ball; making
an effective cut as a wide-receiver to gain separation; making an effective cut as a
defensive back to hug the receiver; etc. all more examples of the need for "torsion

Any athlete needs to learn how to control his body as early on in his sports training
efforts as he can. This involves two major criteria: He must be able to move many
different ways(horizontal, rotational, vertical), AND he must be able to generate a
great deal of force when doing it.

As mentioned above the true Torsion training would take a lot of text to explain
correctly but in summary here is an example of the specific type of training that would
be done to enhance the athletes ability to control his/her sport effectively.

You should only use one or two movement(s) per session, thrown in with other
Neuro-Dynamic components of your training routine. Start this Phase with the first
exercise and exit to Phase 2 with mastery of the last exercise.

Down and Up Vertical Jump: you should be able to move your entire body in a
sequence of fluid motions in order to descend and then ascend into the jump, as well
as land softly and under perfect balance(i.e. like the perfect dismount of a gymnast).
Forward ADA Drop Squat: step forwards off a box height equal to your vertical jump.
Concentrate on enhancing your ability to land effectively.

Lateral ADA Drop Squat: step sideways off a box equal to your vertical jump height,
landing efficiently in squat stance. Backwards ADA Drop Squat: step backwards of a
box equal to your vertical jump height. Don't look for the landing; rather, prepare
yourself for the blind-side landing and then once you begin to feel it, quickly absorb
the impact and bring yourself into good jump-ready squat position.

Blind-Folded Vertical Jumps: seal off your vision completely using a soft cloth
material. Set yourself, then perform a down and up vertical jump. Once you can
achieve the same jump height as in your standard down and up vertical test, as well as
land softly and efficiently, then you can progress to the next Phase.

Phase 2: Intermediate Force Imposed Movements

This phase takes the basics of Phase 1 a step further. You will learn how to utilize
more neural energy and master exercises that have greater difficulty and much greater
carryover to the general sport arena (i.e. related to our goals of being able to respond
and react better, as well as cut, juke, and control your body with better overall

Forward ADA Split-Squat Drop: step forwards of a box equal to your vertical jump
height with one leg in front. Push off with your back leg in order to give you some
horizontal movement. Land in split-squat position, well balanced so that you could
explode out in any direction.

Lateral ADA Split-Squat Drop: get in staggered-stance position on top of a box equal
to your vertical jump height, with your leg closest to the side you wish to drop-off of
in front. Take your front leg/close leg and reach it out sideways, effectively stepping
off the box laterally. Land in split squat position, with the step off leg in front. You
should be controlled in the landing, building energy throughout your system so that
you could explode out in any direction if needed.

Backwards ADA Split-Squat Drop: using a box height equal to your vertical jump
ability, step off the box backwards and land in a split-squat. Be sure to have your feet
make contact at the same time, stress good plantar flexion dynamic minimization of
the rear leg, and be in ready position to move in any direction required.

Single Leg ADA Landings: performed from a height equal to 40-55% of your vertical
jump height, this is actually 6 movements rolled into one. That is, landing on one leg
with your free floating leg held behind you for one version and in front of you for the
other version, you will master landing on each leg for each step off(forwards,
backwards, and sideways). A deficiency in either one restricts you from further

RA Squat Jumps: using the same format listed in my reactive jump appraisal, find
your peak reactive jump ability for a two-legged squat-style forwards reactive jump,
sideways reactive jump and backwards reactive jump. That is, step off in each
direction, land as you have learned in the previous steps, but this time you will react
out into a vertical jump.

There is a phase 3 as well which is just a more specialized and more specific to the
specific sport chosen. But the key is to learn how to manage force in any
circumstance, regardless of what position your body is in, and regardless of how it
ended up in that position.

You don't have time to think about it in sport. You have to be prepared to handle
anything that comes your way. You can't shy away from the nasty situations you will
get in on the playing field, you have to attack those head on with intelligence.
Squatting off-balance is definitely not the answer, as anyone with any Modality
understanding knows this. And beach-ball workouts don't cut it either, unless you are
preparing for the circus.
Got Bench? 
By Dietrich Buchenholz
For EliteFTS.com
I don't care what gym you train at there's always that one question that, essentially,
is used as a measuring stick of your masculinity; “How much do you bench?” And
regardless of whether you weigh your bench in kilograms, pounds, or even buckets
of galvanized nails, more is always better! You see, sometimes it doesn't matter how
well you can debate on matters of scientific reference. Sometimes it doesn't matter
what you know about “correspondence carryovers” to sport. Sometimes it is
required that you seal your lid, grip the bar, and see how well you fair in the real
world. It is times likes these that no one cares that you're a professor of sports
science. No one cares about what you think you know. And, surely, no one listens to
the smack you talk. The only thing that does matter is who wins the fight- you or the
bar! The proof is in the pudding, friends, and this article is about giving you what it
takes to become a bench press beast! 
One-plus-One Equals Three? 
As the readers of my book,”The Sports Book: Best Training Ever”, are fully aware, the
bench press relies on a number of trainable factors rooted in the nervous system for
utmost proficiency. The two most dominant are “neuro-duration” and “neuro-
magnitude” functions of the athlete's “neuro-dynamic” system. This means, the size
of your bench press depends on the size of your nervous system output and how
long you can maintain that strain. 
A neuro-duration dominant athlete can fight the lift for 5.5 - 9.0 seconds, or more,
until lockout is achieved (clocked from start to finish of the entire lift). But, their
system has been converted to be so efficient that the measure-of-output factor
(neuro-magnitude ability) will be dumped to the wayside in order to make room for
this efficiency adaptation. That is, you can't put out maximally for a maximal amount
of time. In this case, one plus one equals two. 
There is no doubt an athlete can be “hit or miss”. A neuro-magnitude dominant
athlete will be programmed to fire on all cylinders, but this comes at the expense of
time (i.e. neuro-duration ability). This type of presser will either hit the lift seemingly
without effort or miss the lift when just about any significant strain comes into play.
And, neuro-magnitude dominance/ neuro-duration deficiency increases as the time
to complete a one rep max bench decreases below 3.5 seconds. In this scenario, also,
one plus one equals two. 
However, if the athlete can set up the proper training means to predominantly attack
his deficiencies whilst preserving his strengths, the ultimate balance between output
magnitude and available strain time exists. This is precisely when results are at their
best! In other words, this synergistic effect allows one plus one to equal three! 
The Split 
There are a number of tests a practitioner can use to assess neuro-dynamic functions
or profiles. But, in keeping with the scope of this article, only one test will be
discussed. How long does it take you to lift a one rep max? If you're thinking that an
increase in load will result in an increase in rep rate then you are only partially
correct. At the individual level, this is true; the heavier the load, the slower the lift.
But, and what is critically important, is that these are no reliable standards to go by.
Every athlete will press the bar out in a different time frame. After coaching athletes
for over 30 years, I have found that 4.5 seconds is the split; as time frames spread
from this value, greater neuro-dynamic deficiencies exist. Also, keep in mind that a
“deficiency” may show its' ugly head for one of two reasons: neglect or over-use.
That is, the direct avoidance of particular training means can create a deficiency just
as much as the over-use of particular training means. In other words, if you avoid
neuro-duration work or over-train neuro-duration work then you will test to have a
deficiency in the neuro-duration function. This is precisely why NO programming
advice can be given or received without full appreciation and mastery of Auto
Regulatory training management methods. Moving on, every athlete will fall into one
of three categories: neuro-duration dominant (5.5 seconds and above), neuro-
magnitude dominant (3.5 seconds and below), or indiscriminate dominance (3.5-5.5
Training Programs 
The best way to understand this concept is to visually express these terms and allow
you the change to practically apply these fundamentals.
Neuro-Magnitude Emphasis 
The first program we'll take a look at is for the athlete who is neuro-duration
dominant. Meaning, he can strain for a long time but the supportive output to this
strain time needs to be re-charged(i.e. intensified/magnified). A sample 26 day
routine may look like this: 

Session I:
RA: Bench Press (throws)
N x 15-25 cm
RA Bench Press(throws) 
N x 35-45 cm
Iso SG Low Pulley Rows 
N x 25-40 sec
OI Triceps 
N x 25-40 sec
OI Biceps 
N x 25-40 sec

Session II:
OI Pectorals 
N x 25-40 sec
Iso Sub-Scap Pullup 
N x 9-25 sec
OI Front Raise 
N x 25-40 sec
Notes: 6% drop-off, 4 day scale; 5:1 toleration; d.o. rotation sequence as per usual.
As you can see, the emphasis is on bar speed, acceleration, and peak nervous system
output via reflexive firing and reactive contractions.
Neuro-Duration Emphasis 
Notice the difference between that program and the following sample program
which is geared towards raising neuro-duration ability for the neuro-magnitude
dominant athlete: 
Session I:
Iso Bench Press 
N x 0-9 sec
Iso Low Pulley Row 
N x 0-9 sec
Iso Bench Press 
N x 25-40 sec
Iso Low Pulley Row 
N x 25-40 sec
IPM Biceps 
N x 15-20/15-20/15-20 sec

Session II:
Iso Pectorals 
N x 25-40 sec
Iso Prone Scap-Retractions 
N x 9-25 sec
Iso Front Raise 
N x 25-40 sec
Iso Triceps 
N x 25-40 sec
Notes: 6% drop-off, 4 day scale; 5:1 toleration; d.o. rotation sequence as per usual.
Hopefully you can see that time is not the discriminate factor but, rather, the
method of execution. Remember, as shock loading decreases neuro-duration
function increases.
Mixed Regime 
Of course, many trainees don't fall directly on one side of the line or the other. In
instances such as these(i.e. 3.5-5.5. sec press) it is important to share the point of
emphasis among training means. The following example better illustrates this
Session I:
PIM Bench @ 74% AW 1RM 
OI Barbell Row 
N x 0-9 sec N x 5 sec
PIM Bench @ 63% AW 1RM 
N x 5 sec
Iso Low Pulley Row 
N x 25-40 sec

Session II:
IPM Bench 
N x 15-20/15-20 sec
IPM Row 
N x 15-20/15-20 sec
PIM Triceps 
N x 25-40 sec
PIM Biceps 
N x 25-40 sec

Notes: 6% drop-off, 4 day scale; 5:1 toleration; d.o. rotation sequence as per usual.
Notice that this last routine splits neuro-magnitude and neuro-duration emphasis
into separate workouts so that concentration of each can be made.
Wrap and Release 
Future articles will discuss how intricate examinations of work capacity detail will
allow you to further select deficiencies that may or may not be present in the time-
to-completion test. At any rate, individual training prescriptions, such as the ones
above, will easily put 60 pounds on your bench in the next 60-90 days! That, my
friends, is the power of individual specificity, of which cannot be found in special
gadgets or gizmos alone. Release your potential- starting today!

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