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What does lux mean?

An Example
I am currently sitting at a desk and there are 450 lux on the desk surface (measured by a light
or lux meter).

I have two lights shining on the desk and if I turn one of them off, the lux level goes down to
290 lux. In effect, my desk surface gets darker and I can’t see as well.

So lux levels are all about how much light I feel around me. If it’s dark, lux levels are low. If it’s
bright, lux levels are high.

This is a good day-to-day definition of lux.

How do you measure lux? LED lighting surveyors will use light meters to measure lux. They
will take lux readings from various points in a room, to gauge how lux levels vary across the
space. Using DIALux software, you can then present a ‘before and after’: showing the
customer the lux levels with current lighting and then what they would be with LED lighting.

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