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of Maifter Chrifto-

pher Qatpltn (jentlcman.

WitU the Wheclc of Pythagoras:

ajf 'Boofy no lefiepleajant and recreatiue,

then of a wittie inuention>to know ail things
paftiprcfeatjand to come..
Nraly ttrrefltd, *ni tnUrgedf whkmaty rtteejfmeand

Traoflated out of French into our Englifh tongue:

By Frutkii Spurtj.

LO N V 0
rrinttdby E. h,for Edward White, andtretebefeldtAt
his Shopneercthclittle North dooreof Saint Paules
Cliuic)),atlhe Signe ofthc Gun.
i 6 o a
7b the jLor^Nicot.Lott/o/Bofnay, and
of Chefney,onc of the Kinges Counfailc,and
Maifier of the Kequejls ofthe Houjhelde.
Y good Lord.aftertliccreationof thingesof
thi»woild,8c thcflablifhinft oftlicmin (heir
courfet and place;, God hauing made man
likevnto bil owne femblance, and alfoma-
king him the beholder ofthis great work,by
anoDyhelefcvntohicnfotetuenta will and
defire t continually tofeauhout tbingea
that he could ncuer be put from that d<litet
by anydifficulticorweannefle, how hard or fecret foeucr (lie
thinget that hee foueht for were: and rhen perceiuing
himfclfecobeprouidedofafpirit.whichmadcltimcapable of
the vndcrdanuing ofthe worftemlthfliip of his God, hath indc-
uourcd himfclfe to (earch out thingi fuptmaturall, 8c aboite
him.andalfo tbemtelligence of thole thingee which bee vnder
tbcir powers. Wherefore hauing found by difcourfc that there
befourelilemcntsand foiieraignc Princei>each oncofthemha-
uingafciicralliitiallitie.andbemgpriuately in theother things
properanddonicfliclc: andthat by theconiunflionof (heinjall
tilings do proceedr.yct cuerieoneinhiiowneafpift and ciualU
fie.wliereby they begouerned vndcroneor other of thefe Prin-
h ccS)He hatn at the bi ginning entrid fo farre, that he hath difco-
uercd the eflenie^onllitutionjand mixture of the moflcpart of
things made, the proportions^onueiiicestfc diflercticesoftlicm,
& the being & ptogtellc of the faculiics (hereof, touhatcdcfU
they do come, bringing foi th thecaufcsand rcafonsfo manifelf,
that they cannot be diiproiied.Froin this degree hee is mounted
vptothc knowledge of (he Combination and nuinber of the cc-
i leliiall Oibcs,theniouementsand rclolutions thereof, the pow-
ers andiiillucnccsofthe Planets and Starres, and theparticnlcr
domination which each ofthemhath by itfclfc oner fomeof
thefe thingtinfcrioritandfmnlly, by thediuinecapacitie jnd
A a ConopiMM'
The Epiftlc Dedi&torie. ^
COmprelienfion wliich i« in him.ptefcqtinghirBfeJfcin hkipirif
en en all alike.and feeing that al I which ij inclofecl 111' tficih, ii fd
'tempered by a cotrefpoiideoc'c of nat'ufe ,'that thoftfthingtt
whiciibefarrediftaiitofqualiey.doe dotaealtogcthei: to'make
nn\niiicrfall harmony andbeaotie ofthii great engine,hec bath
comprehended ihcdignhicscftabljihedatftDngflthingcs, and
the dominations and feniitndeJ, whichGodby hiimetuailout
wifdome hathordained fro (heir very cteatfoii,6t hath brought
togeth cr & placed in their (hu,tl)e taufes.Sc Combination thet1*
offofarre,that by wifdome and natUfallmagickchehathcoinT
prehended them. Now being fopronidtnt1 and c«ripu^of
jifr(at it iadaily feeiie)lie apply ecn allhjr mdeuovr^o
modi ties aid vlagcs.Sometime difcourCngvppbnthhpuVii^
iiniple wot king of the Starr, fometime applying ihcmio thefcif
cncc which may be vnder each df thefe foure £lemcnti,aj,'7>*« f
Tom4ticit,Acrtmiincie» H«i!r»»;(V<»e,and(7f«»iwr/V. Sometime
with tsifirnUxjn it felfe,comtninefoncare vnto htmfclfoatmay
be by tbcPliy lofophyjng voon cne coiaplliuion,lineiatid pro*
prnion of the handet,or or the body andrvifage.Erom whence
p rocecdeth Chinmimcie, Mttt'pti cepit, & P b}Jiog»o'nic,fk vfing
in al thefc the reafona moitenident & piofoundofnatubctvpon
theiriieprinceiorprinciplesthathemay pofliblc, andfochaa
onemayreafonably fay(that iftheeffeft ofthecaufeswhichbfl
wrought for, dotakenopIace)itifnot the fault of the worker;
but anattofthcplainc diuinepuiffance,difpenfingrliofeprof-
perouscaufei, to bring effe fts which bee attributed vmot hem
natnralland proper:theprofciTionaof ihePjihaKt/?^ Sorcenni
SoithfUitriiffiflardi.'BiHiatribythcbQwehofbeaftes, H'itcbetA
Trephttj/nwc/ithnifAfc'PrtpljtUiindothcttof that rabble, of
whorne the writers as well diuine as propliano docoftcn times
makemention inmany and(undrievvaies,ncitlicrtheprofellion
ofthatold Womanof 'BtttfnU in Julit, of whomr your honor
bathmany times heard fpokenol^whichgaueanrwercoftliings
paft.andofthinges to come, by the fundricmooning of foare
pajrc ofconguci.For all thefe be fo vaineandfalfe , that their 'r
great abufeii (pdte contra rie vnto our Chriflian Religion a and
tor thatcaufc notoncly baninied, but alfo ahhominablj^
withgeratcuifcsaiidpaiiics . Uut asf'or the other afore fjipj'
The Epiftl&Ded&ator lei
V<n of (ttaycfcnfiftoither in thinpfp genatO\, (bit thereiis net'
thing created,ixitit hatli fotnethingofthero.and'theydo pne-
tlfe in foiTiething,they doeprcfcnt u tliefourefirftbe,ot elfein
particuUn or partcs dcuidcd.and go nofurthcr then to the partc
which tlie.caufe rcquireth^t ye fee by the two lall^andthctforc
theydoF ncuctpafle farrafromthc comcitiplatidn pfthcnalUie
ofth<;thingcfcieated,fuch a<: k hathPleafcdGod the maker
to gipe vuto them: which thing hatn betne fo well rcccl-
ued and eneemed by many old and young excellent perfonages
that they haue thought goodtp imploy their time, and takcthe
paincito IcaMevptovt in wtiting.thofcihingii whichiheyhaue
/oundfcattercdhtreiScthere,andthaewhith theyhautuiendtd
feu rc and vnp«rfit,by the ignorance & rafltneiTeof thofc>whkh
hauiog noexperkneeofenttrprifed by theifftout-
peile to oieddje therein rbut i ampngft a) lothdr^Tir^epirr C<r-
mw aGentJ<piidn(&ni*n pfwineain theChirtpion Countric of
thcLPrd 7^M;dePa^td)bcing wifejand praitifed in the Scien-
ce! which belong thereunto, hathbroughtSc put it intoher per.
feftion i Aticaflwifc^ieiiathcoinelo nea're tothetouchflone
thereof,thatasyctallhitdppk\&t profper: which hath giuen
nieeoccafionto defirethefameby a Booketheieofgiuenvnto
.njeby a friend ofniine>tooucr-rookefroin theone end vntothe
otiier.and to publifh the fame,andjop_utit into mens handcs>&
by this;nc3ner^OptaiBjWJff<trfie(f t»^?u,eoccafion of honert
panime^plcafure&jNjtre^pn^twllli^dldone this long time
erc now,h<fd it not^bieathifipg^i(heigdorantc in this Attc which
was in him that to^Utwy Opppyatmy htindei '• by mcanes of
whofe ignoranod^l^rSwereathoufartdfitultl.VVhich to amend*
and as much as in prc^ipoftible (ppluckhnt, 1 had as much
or more painc then ifl hadimicntcd and dilpofed the workc ic
felfe. i ,
But neuerthclriTe, 1 hauc.^plie what I can to the vtmoft
ofmy power,to takeaway the faultes , and tore (lore it to the
former c(late>&haue alfo added thcruntomany figures at tou-
ching Adtologic, fcruing much to the matter, and haue
Xbrought it iiito a language more calie to bee vndcrftood
A j then
1 HcEpifllc Dedicator tei
<heiv the firft Ckj^py was it was vcrifct)tjfcilre,in ttiiHf
placetdifttoiilt and mayinetliand more Iialian then French, by
reafonthattheAuiliorthcreofwasof that nation, and fpake Ita-
lian,and but Httleprafiixed in our French.
Batnowray Lord.tKtTvorkebein^CuchjtharitdediCateth it
felfe to you,to be the man which doe alwaies,andhalie fuiindly
& well taken tlioend.vlagejprofifj&commoditfeof the fciences
andknowledges,8cofthofe whereof this worke rccytcch : and
that you beinginltalicandSpaine.hauehad aparticuleraffclt*
ion(othehauntandcompany of fundric learned and excellent
pcrfqns which prof«(Ied tlie fame,I thought it good to p ut it vn<
der your name, and do doe the like which the Author himfel fe
Should hauedone.ifbe had benealiue,andknow£ieybti!ihatis. to
prefent it to you, and put it vnderyour tution,being ailured, that
it (hall be wed receiued of you,and that you will accomptit a-
mongft thenumberofrhofc which haueobtained the reputati-
onof good and excal lent Authoriin thofe thiriges they
haue wtitrenof. And thus 1 end,praymgG<!)d
to kcepcyou,and aiue you hit grace, ahd vnto
mcyourSeiuanN '
i -AtfteW; 11 '5
77;^ Epittle totbc Reader.

.'ii) j, ^Vi »■*<]FrilltRt&lerjiitno^AeeJefiiltTO gioev»>-

to yptl any more expreflii lhe vnderftan-
t 1 s c ence
'' ^ ' ' ^of '1 fe'f® itii aflbciated
i^smnpi^l with fiKh a ^«ntltbt(Tcbf fpirlt y that no
roan can attaint yWft it, VnletTa he 'Lee df '■
good birth^ndwhich itnotofgentleheart. Por,thit>gcs
gcntte>pretious and lightfome, cahndtbee deiircd but of
geutltcourages,whichgiucthmcoctafion greatly tocorai-
mend Forturl^yvhjch hit h bene To fauotitdblo vnlome, to
take rnt, pr tfented vnio her by a friend'o'fnjint, ai'a wori
thyfubieffto hauethehieaiie howtoptit in euidence the
inclination.whlthldOfoftiufchbearevnto thingsworthy,
andofvalpurtodoe pleafUri; and feruicft to all perfonJ of
gPodfpirirt, arddefitbul dftlictliiiigcjVtitOthein cortef-
poildcM. '' '• ''
And although that I be oneof th^leafl of tlidfh jWhbmd
aftudiouiman might giueirepp rtof, for fucha good thing
asthia workedptn prefehtwifbr,'! ahifure orheartand
willbfcachmanofgoodfpidtfWhichilthecaufeto incoui
rage nte in othercvorkn which blje ih' niyhandc i whlth
thingesbe fcquifueformcnofinyprofenioh.Foraifbrltiy
heaicbtisfo good and affeftionatedto all fuch perfonSjthat
itii not pofTible to be more» the Which I hopcto make yoit
fbperfitl^ vnderftand by the labour and trauell which J
liaudrakeninthis Worke, btfidcitheinuetition tifthe Au-
\ tlioritliatnone (as I thinke) afttt thevndcrlhntliiigand
reading thereof will bcenyfco(it(;nt (joconfclTe thatrnauc
giucnliimoccafion tobpbonndfecfp'ctually vntomfeifor
this tny labour.
The tnamtrhoft iopratlife (Jeethmcie.
NOwastothofe things which doe touch tl.cpsaflifc of
Geoinai:ic(forthefpecuJation thesof iipcricflly trca-
.m •.^VToflidRfiider. V
tedofinthcfiirtbookcoftliisworkctisvcryealir, know*
iBgtfculiiinlAS^on^Qooktbcccpmjined the tweluehou-
fcsofcSfZodiauk^tbe declaration whereof is declared at
hrgclnthcoi^lHandt'ljIaicClupcerof thc furt Book^ c*
.wcrieoncwlitreflf.ieftriraiiietlnhc mieSionf aitddemaundi
■whichnv^'be jPrdinKiiyrcq^reOiiandinay be propoun*
dod iftitll ihioget do.ubtfuU and yacctoitic. If therefore >f«
terthat theligure hathbeoe made according to thy de«
maundi tlioii wouldeft knowe whether it ilwll come to
goodrffeilor/io^youcnunhttt.leekeoutthchoure ,'and
SaenutnbtriDlhpordcr^fthe denfljuotjep wherethyque*
AiatilWdprhajpdjia cpotaip^d i Thfa^keepingthetwo
nunibcuiir)'curtnindf,tlieoheofthclioi)ie , and thepther
oP.tliedeniaundci, hauf recqurfcvnto the figure formed of

you inthclirltuookejyou Ihail examine accordiog as ye

AaUfindeiit thefirfi hpufe tlte thrnges making to your dei
roaund, txthey goodorill: and fqihall yedoofallthco*
iher^ures.eachoneaccordingtohishoufe, order and
degree. Afterwardeiymiflulfiopjce torhegencrallfnle*
pflhisAttecOnteiqedmrhf rhirdPoOke , by theevhich,
with the kE^Yledgeano pra^ife whichyou may haueof
jiftrottye, and thy. o wn£.gp<jd wit > tfiou mayed iudgc the
faidcfigureiandfofiiaflyouknowe this Science.
Av f'fa '*{(** fanftt
,,, 11 ■ ■■ fifthtZodUc^.
But forafmuch as thcdjfcourfc ofthefe houfis^contalned
inthefecondhoufcis verifclong. Fortlieeafierkeeping of
them in memo tie, I thought i tgood here to abridge them to
you,after the manner of jtftr«>i»mer>tMd th c Alathtmdicnil
Profcflbrsof the ludiciall Hore/ceftind /{(Irakgit.
Thefirft lioufc is commonly called the Horofcope or
Angle of the Orient, and his afcendant figuifieth all the
^(jjomflgioflife^Bdofall workes.
The fccendhoufeiiche fucccdctit of (he Angle of the
Oricnt>andfignificth rubftanoe,tiaiHckcf1ntchctIando>
ihcr thingetncccfEiriefor the life.
_ Tit tbird htttfr.
' Thcthirdjiwhkliisthc Cadentfrora the Angle of the
Oiicni (ignificth|biinther5)Sillcrs,Counns« Kunfolket*
andaiTociatci.Indgeiand Prelates.
Tbtfturib km/*.
The fourth called the Angle of the earth, or the fepten*
trionall.hath figr.ibcations ofFathers and Mothers, puf-
feflions.Hcrctagcsyhourcs.trcafurcs hid,and things fcctct.
Till fift ijHtfe,
The fift,which is the fucccdent ofthe Angle of the fep-
i ifnmonal.otherwife called the good fortun.fignifieth in-
fants, daughters,Nephcvrs,and their inclination^Beffegts
(wbaiTagcsiand profit oi Heritages.
Thefijct, which it the Cadcnt from the Angleofthc
fcptenerionalljCalled the il fortune, fignifies baniihfDcnts,
bondages,rickncircs,fall'eaccu(ationidc witmilci.
Tht Ittntwih kinft.
The feauenth,callcd the Angle ofthe Occidcnt^gnifi.
ethmanages,'weddings,woraen, quarrclle^warrcs, and
things Ion.
Theeight,which is tbefuccedentfroin the Angle ofthe
Occident,ethcrwifecalled the houfe of death, hgnifict h
heauinc (Ic.fadncfle, en eniics,long torments, iiuprifonnict,
and thequahtieof death.
Tit mm h koufe.
The ninth, which is theCadentfiom the Angleofthc
OctidentHtthetwifecalled tlic houfe of God, figni(icti>,
voyages,nauigationS)fairh,ReIigioi.rcrcmonies, c'iumati-
ons,drcanics,wos>derr,and tokem of Gods wratli.
Tolhe Rendtr.
Thmtlh koufe.
Tlie tentlijcnlledthclieartcfHeaucni ortlic Mctidio.
nail Aiigle,{i^nifittli honourSjdignititSjSc goueinrnenti
Tht tlmentb heuftt
The eleiienthyw Inch it tlicfucccdi ntor the Ain;le,me-
ridional,otlicrwi(ccalledtliegoodAngelljfigniHeth a.
The ttre/fehom/e.
Tlictwclfe,wliicli istheCadentofthc fucccdent ofthe
Meridional Angle,otherwifecalledtheeuillfpirit,figni-
fieth.fccrct enemies,prifontjcaptiuei.vSgtanccs.treatons,
deccites jhorfes to be folde,and the end ot'a perfon.

ytn tdHtrtifcmiHt,
Thefebethefignificationsandpropertiei, wliichthe ,
twClue lioufes ofheauen hauej which 1 thought good here
to ilicw vnto you brieflic.to the end that you may the more
cahly comprehend them, and Iccepethem in your mindc,
and tliatyoumay quickly knowe, in which ofthehoufes
the qucllion that it propounded toyou i> contained,to the
end tohaueaprcfentrefolution: not that 1 would thereby
that you (liouidfayjandinferre.oraffirrne.to flay vppon
thii ai a thing certaine and vndoubied. For,to beleeue To,
and to giue too much confidence therein,or, if the thinget
come to paflc,as the fi guredoth fliew.ffor it cannot be^ut
infomany demaundci, fomeofthem will come toeffeft)
to makeitas it were a confequent, it w ere an error, and
direftly againfl the (irft cdoaundement ofGod,by whom ^'
allfupermtioutand vndefcreetobferuations bee forbid<
den, & to him appertaincth allhunour& •'lorie,who can*
when it pleafeth him,dirpofc^change.and alter the eftefti
ofthingiprofpcroint whereupon this Science, and Arte,
wai founded,asthe Authourof thit workehathprotcflad
in many placer,thatin makingthis worke, hii intent wa!
to none other purpofcjbut by things wiitie & wel fprited,
togiueplcafure&rcctcatronto the fludiouiandlouers of
Tethe Render.
ihii ArtcnndScience. Andamongrtothfr(/1i'o«»)/J'/«>' dt
7'/;4Mdcpartcd)l)isLoi'dan(lMaiftcrvcriedenrous ■> and
expert in (his Artc,with a larre argument toopen&fhar-
penagoodfpirite,and exticife theScienceof Adrologic
& other Sciences therunto belonging: & by thefe meant
to know the fccrct force],pro|>ertiej,elF<ifK's, and venues
of things of nature,to be fo variable anildiuers,as they be
Cubicft to diners and variable Starres and images celcfli-
dll. And how,by the diners natures and influences which
thcPlanetsand Stains hauc with their lights (meaning
the cclelliall mooiiing)docaiife in thcfcinferiour tilings,
which bee particularly vndcr their dominion particular
-vertuct.fomeonemoic then another, be they humane,ter-
rcine,aquatical,or airie. But fomc of them doabomid with
fecretvertues and properties, by theinfluenceof fundry
, flarrcs,which beof more greater efteft& nrength,wlicn
that the elemental qualitiet of thefe things be not repug-
nant or contrary againlhhcm,
Andto the end that ye may the better vnderffand this An ntampk
reafon,! will giueyou example! of all'the Planets in their
order and degrees, Touching the properties and vertues
which they do giueinto fundry things here in earth,more
then vntoothcrs.
Pirll we fee by common experience before our eies, that Pi1" ^one.
the/^rry?Mf by forccofthe Planet Sumntt hath vertue '
to mitiigite Xi.mli of tb «f1efh,and to flanch blond, com-
niingatthenore,oratanyotherpartof the body ofman.
By thcinflucnccofthePlanct fnpiitr, thelacinft Hone hdnft.
Nhath property to defend againff thundering : whcrclbre V-
thofc which haucheretolore written, do fay, that it is good
that a man dobcareitabouthim.
J.ilcc v\ jfc the C«rrw//and the C/tUrdinjlie of like cfTeff, Comll.
wliicliconimetli totheni by the particular in(Jucnreof/«- Cilcclcny.
w'lrr andUcv*,. /«p/(fr giuctb alfo vertue to to with- S. V
Band the Palfey/ 'B'-
Some w i itc, thai the hagle is fubiefl to the Snnne, and ^ •
fomc fay loJuvitni and from /npiter he hath this proper- q ^
■S • B 2 tic,
ly.that he n neutf hurt by thunclw,but by tht influence of
O thcSunnc(heliathamcruai]ouapropc[tic,whichiittobe '
Lady ofall other birdci, and to oe feared of them, aindto
hauemoieclearcr iiglitthcnanyothcrbird: yeathefea.
thersofihe Hagie doe cat and confume thefcatherjofo.
t therbirdes>iftheybemixcdtogethcr.The/<«efWfbythe
influence oftheSunne,vntowliomfieis particularly fub-
ie^and to/waiter I ikewife, hath thii propeitie , that if a
man beatc it about him,and that it do neuer To little touAt
thcfle(h,it preferuethagainft all venome, andagainft all
cuill vapours and corruption! of the ay re, apd dqoth alfo
comfort the heart andtncfpiritiandnirthcr,iaakith per*
fon* verie amiable and wcllwilling.ThcproperueioLiW/-"
rtbiUn be infinite,they cooferue and preieruc the life ofall
thofewhich doeoftcntimeseattherofjthey prolong youth
and flrcngthen thefpirit* and fences ofnui^and giue good;
rnemoric,comforttheflomacke,aitdlighten the hearts all
thcfc venues and properties come by the influence of/«>
V 2 fii*rt iadiMtrcurie, as many wife and leamcdsncohaue
written. The vtitueof CttvU*e»Bd /M*ftick,by the nature
whlchthry haucof/«/i/#rand purge thehumouf
tnelancholike,orelfcby the Scarrecalled the Lyoiu heart,
orStarreRoyall. TbcTtfttindthcTrnffh, hauepower
of Chaflitie.and tofubduethe flefh , andto make them
light Come which bearethg} & this venue they haue by the
natureofcJHrfrsdc Vtnm, crof the Starre ailed Alphtut
orCrownefeptentrionall. ThcAmntift, audthehearbe
called Ajlroioti* or StrtHmi, haue force to make faire,
colour,& quicken thefpirit of them which bearcthemiSf
& tluy alfo driuc away wicked fpirits I and this their vet-
cue commeth of the nature of7*;« er & Mart, or of the flar .
called the Scorpiom hturi. The^a/rei* hath power for to 1
quicken the fpirits and the venue thereof peirceth by and
by to the hearr.prouoking laughter and mcrincs :and they
fay, that thcfc properties come by the influence of the fun
vnto whorue itisiubiedfffoin wnom Ihte is ayded by hit
fubtilnature, briglitandfwcetefnielling. ThcAhrretS*-
ancftBdMffjiliti and^i^MunJibcfubicA vntotbcSitn.It
it furtherfaid,that Qolde»by the nature which he hathof
tbcSunnc»hathaycrtuc to comfort e andlightfomethc
heart,andis alfofhiningsalfo theSunnegiueth vertiieto
the Ctrbunclt to fhincby idghtiand to be a rcmcdie againfl
venomet Whofoetie* touchtlie hearbecalled that fiony.
which iJtheroile.heihallbe defended from the falling
fickneffowhich cometh by the influence of the Sunnc,
vnto whonithiihearbiiSubiert,b)r thevertue which the
Sunhehath in Ginger,ifitbe eaten inmeate,itiigooda- .. B o
tainfl theweakenefle ofthe flonuckandvomiting.Thofc q
eallt whkhbcfubicfitotheSunnci and take vertueor-
Gring Lord(hlp«andtohaue doounion ouerotheis:ani6g(l
whom the Lyon ii more thenrheothers,the Cockcdril,3c
thcBulhAnd aroneflarichathmoreinfluencethcn ano-
thervpon any beaflerothcrthing/o hath thatthing,recei<
orBeaflifubicft vnto that Planet.
And markejhow commeth itthatthe Lyon feareth.and
flicthfromaCocke,andyet both fubieft vnto the Sunnc?
Thereiialfoakindeofalacinftcalled the Crirollte,& ii Cnfolite.
like vnto a grcenilh colour,and hath hit vcit ue ^artlie of
the Sunnc r wherefore it is good againft ficnflc and
the melancholic humor, 8t againltall fanrafles and wicked
fights. The (lone whichisrnthe Eaglcsneaft , amongft: The (lone in
theoihervcrtuet,itiimaruelous goOdfbrthetrauelof wo-''lc^'^"
mcn,ifthatin(heirtiaucl they be touched therwith, which ""
commetli by thevertue of & Lttnu. foyiifaith, that
he prooued it,and 'P*/i«if,and all other wtiters fay,that the
(tone Agattebythe dominion which it hath of'Mercury 2
Itclpeth thefigntofthem whichbcareit.andmakcththem
fpcake wcl Si deliheratcly,& it is alfo good againft poi foti.
And Mercury for tlicinfluence which he giucth vnto
fomc bcaltcs whidi be vm'et his dominion,as Dogs. Apes,
Foxcj,audfucliothcrbeJftj,theybe nicruailomfubtill & g
wilye. ThcMoone giueth fnch vertue tot he Itonc, which
B 3 »»
to the Render,
SAn.mc, isfuund in Arabia called the which, both
•J>}wie!kSelon<\o fpcal^that wiibin thebody ofthis ftone
the Moonelhewcth hrrfc'.fe, & incrcafetli & dccreafeth
Recording toiliecourfcof'thehcjuen. The Cats alfohaue
.ibis property by the fubieflion that the Moone hath oner
thcnijthat theircie-browsdoincteafcordecrcare each day
■according to thccourfc ofthe Moone & her atpcrts,which
tiling isdayly fecntohimthat liftcth to fee the experience
ilici of.TheMoonchathlilfe dominion oner many things
and cfpecially things white,and green,andofjnctalles,©-
iierfilucnand for tniscavife the trees, in thcmcrcafeand
decreafeoftheMoone.to nicado,ir,andalforc(lrain their
force or hninorialfoallllirds which line in riucrsanJ wa-
trieplaccsbefubicflvntotli'iMoone, And like wife the
Camclion.whofc property is,to change and alter her co.
lour,accordingvntotliething thatiincxtvntoit. There,
be many other properties very great and mamclous, and
many excellent qualities,which thcPlancts^c jirincipall
Starres,being i n the Circles of Hcaucnjdo giuc & difpofc
vnto theinferiour things in order,by the wil of GOD the
creatoi iwhlc h we may (peake oh,and recite (after the great
Authors; of the which 1 hauc taken thefc,
Albert theorem,Solinet A1el,t,,Str*bM,Eli*Mt and otherst as
well auntient.a ifor our time,which hauc writtenas well of
the natureof things as of Regions,andof tlicfcituationsqf
places) but that Ifearc weeihouldftay too long ouerthis
jnaitcr.Alfotlie amitient Philofbphcis and Alfrologians
conlidtringthcdiueisand contrary effeAs of thefc inlhi.
ences,which the Planets and Starreidoccnufein tliingsof
nature hy themooucmcntSt courfe, haucgiuen vnta tlietn
diners qiialitie],& likewifecnmity and fricndfliip amon-
(>clhlieinfclues on fuch wife,that Jand ? he enemies to
V:U&? beftiendsjoand a likewife,a!l the other Pla-
netshefriends vntoV : <? onlyexccpted,which iscnemy
vnto all,butoncly to 2 s j; andibe friends ni(ho:and his
eoemics arctf. S.and 0 : 9ii friend vn toal failing to Ijithis
is the enmity Scfncndihip wlHcliisamonglhhel'lancts ,
To the Reader.
andtfiat istlifltaufcwhy there iidrfcord or accord in t lie
fiSurcsofC7<'ow/<»c/l\vliich obtain 8c liaue fignification.as
is largely Oievved by al this Boelmvhicli thing being thus,
weniiiftofneceHity conclude & fay,that thofe iliingj iliat
be vndcr the order andgoucrnmcn t of thefe (torret or Pla-
nets, ninflby natnrallinclination be friendes or foes vnto
tliofc that be vnder fubieftion ofanother Planet or Signe,
orCoriftellatioi^accordingto the conformitie or enmitic
w hich is betwrne the Starresgouerning thofe things. And
this enmity is greater &more ftrongcr when between the
naturcsandqualitiesoftliePlancts to whom they befub-
jett.thereisagrcatrepugnancie. And contrariwife,thea<
miticis thehettcr.when the conformity isgreat amongfl
thePlanetSi all which thine extendeth afwell vnto man as
bcalh True it is, that men being of a francke and liberall
wibalthoughthey feelc inthemfelues this repugnance and
inclination, they may by grace withdand it. fcut Dealles
whichbedepriued & exempted out ofthispriuiledgc,they
yeeld themiel ucs to be gouerned by thenaturall iuclinati-
on,and put the famein effefi as much as they can: and the
like do herbes & plants. As touching the amitie and good
will whichisamongd men,the Aftiologians doefay.yea
Ttohmy their Prince1that thofemen,wnich in the time of
their natiuitie hane one very figne for their afceildent,dial
loue together.Andhllewife thofe which haue O
d8 in one figne wil loue togethcr.They f urther fay» that
thofewhichhaueone very figne for goner nor in their na-
tiuitie,that ingendreth between them a natural! lour, and
conforniitieofna'ture. Andalthough that this be one veric
Planet jin'salfofulficient if there were two.lb that they
were fricds, & not foes,or els be in onegood afpefhwhich
thing yon may know,in making the figure ofthenatiuitic
oftl'.eone andofihe other. And thisalfo maketh much to
theirconformitir, thatis.ifthattheparteof Fottunebrein
oncSigneor Houfe, and that the Houfeor Signc where 1
fhalhc in thenatiuitieofthcone,bcin good afpeft to theo-
the r:('or according as they haue more or leffe of thcfc con-
U4 diciom,
Tetbt tit&Z
ditio»»,fofliall thethemturtllloue bcnorebr lafte that
ilial be between thftwhich is the caufe that a. men hauing
to do in one very nutter,the*newil bcarc great loue&aN
feftion to the other,& cfitrariwife the other will hate him
&yct uoeaufe why between the: which thingmay come,
forthat in their natiuitict their fignisafccndants wercc6>
trjrieinqnality)&of contrarietriplicitie.andthe planets
lordsoftlicirna:it'ities,c6trarits&cnemiesai q&ninf
& diuers figns,& that they oftheone natiuitic behold the
other by an ill afpcfhlor thefe things&otlicrs which we
ei dcclare^re the caufe that one mS feeing another in plea*
fure or hie difpleafurefas iteppearita feeing two mcplay,
difputeor fight together) thatthenamanbeingno more
boudento the one the to theother.ncitherknowingwho
theybcftandingby.willbemorcalTe/fionatcd to ineone
then to the othcl;Herebehold(gcntlc Reader) what I haue *'
faidofthevcrtues&properties which the inniienceof the
fiarsdo gitte to the inferior things sto giue.yca to vnderffad
how much Aftrologiciitobcpraifcdj&conrcqucntly her
daughter which is Gcomaney ,if it be well taken & v ndcr-
flcoj, ardpraAifedtotheveriepurpofcandcnd that it
was inuented in oldc time: & by thismcanes how bethofc
to be reieAcd which clleeme not thisaffinitieSc influence
whic h the fuperior lights caflto theinferior thingsin them
felliesiiiot confld eiing the law ofnature which they fcele,
flc continually do proue worthy by this mcanei.tobeevt-
terly depriuedofal light.forfomuch as al this doth butad-
moniih viofGodj&oftheimmortalititoffoulec.Foritcl- ■
notbc^uctliattlievnderflandingofmanmufl think,that '
there is iomr prouidfee which gouerns all things when it
hathrefpeft to iheordainedcourics&thelawei ofthefe
great Orber & Stars , and which bdeeueth net that thofe
influences^arces.and effe fts and propercies.cannot be, nor
Hand cafually ,or by any other force then by the diuinc pro*
uidence.Tocondude,ldelireyoutohold me cxcofed.if I
haue flayed too long forthcthingil fclfcdotli to require,
ibr the more ample declaration otthiiSciencc.
7 he Preface of the Author vnto the
' His prdcnt Booke of Gcomancic, is to
know and vnderltaiid(b)* way of dircdi-
on and pa(timc)all tilings vnccrt,line,pre.
icnt.paft & to comc.-^c vpon tlicin to giuc
mng of tlic figure well and diligently,
ivhuli liath beenc made vpon each dc-
maund that hath bccnc made,Iollowing the rules which Wee
will put licrcaf tci .Wcwill thcteforc now deuidctliis workc
into three Buokcs.
In the firflvvhereof fliall bcontly treated,ofthenaturc
and (juahtic ofthisArtc , and for what intent and profitit
was inuentcdin the olde time ,trnd vnto what part olPhilo-
fophic i t may be atti ibutcd, and how it mull be formed and
Inthefecond booke fliall be treated of thetwcluchoiifes
of lieaucn.ainl what fignifkations die figures luuc in them,
wiih other difcourfcsappcnainuigtotlic laid iioufes.
In the third fhall be liiewcd thenianncr how (o.iudgcthe
figures,following tlieduiiamids & rjaellions for thewjmh
they wcremadc.And we will put foiuc figures for the cxani-
. pic and manner how to praflife this Artc,which luuc bene
made and iiulgcd by vsior the time that wee were deftred 3c
prayed to inakc tlicm, by fome of our maiftcrs & friends.
And fojic that wil in way of paliime & rccrcatio giuc luni-
fell to the knowledge ol this fctence.ruay tberby more ealier
Copvchend the raiiic,thcn if they were treated oi in a hooke,
Bnt tl there be any perfon ol jo pcrucifc & corrupt judge-
ment which wil fay,that this Science is ilband for that caufc
ought to be prohibited,forbidden,& rcie^ted from arnongft
men as a thing pernicious and damnable, and treating of di-
uination , Idclirc him not toiudgc fbl'ghtly of Sciences
( which 1 call not foohfidy and rafldye) before that bee
haue firll readoucr tliis worke, and then (asl tbinke,)
hec iliall know his fault : for this Science is. nn Artc
, of Inthantrie, as fomc may fuppofc it to bee, or of
C diuuiation,
of diuiiutiorti wlifchii mideby Rubolikc iniiocation.but
itij jpsrtot' natural!M»gickecalledormany wortliie m n,
tlio daughter of Artfolo^k^ andtheabrcuiition thereof And
S> Tlwmtiot/iquinrhwMfci aDoftonr of the chnrchofno
fmall edimation, faith inhisJ^'e/^'Mhatitmay bee «Jmlt-
tedtbecaofe it doth participate with A(>rolo^ie,anJ is called
lurdaughter • And lat the prayer andrcqucd o'tmy Lvd
7"/>«i/)agrcat f.uourcrofthis Science, beita.;hii(ouldierii<id
fernant.'to doehiiuplcafure, compiled this workc for his
purpofe, or for him tobefto.* at his plcafnrc. Not for that I
would thatheorany otherniouldgtuc credit vntoit, atvnto
'an vndoubtedcertaintie , but to giueviato good fpnita an ar-
gument to pallime and recreation in matters ofeatneft tandit
cannot bee praflifcd but with diligence of fpirit, and no ftnall
inuention,for the Science of Aftrclogie,andothers which are
treated of in the lame,and thofe which will meddle with this
Arte,mulf hauefome fight in them. Tncondude, Ihopefby
thehelpeofGod)that flaortly aftT that this worlceisenaed, I
willfctout tivjothcr,theoneofPhiliognomic, andiheothcref
Chiromancie,alwaiet to giuefome occafion to the wittie fpi-
riti,tobce*ercifed inforathing courteous and gentle.
DutastouchingCeaaMitfiV, amjugfl all thofe whichhaue
written thereof.at tlie ArnWmn,
Grttkjs,Ej*ptttoifin& LaiintiJ. finde none w tiich be oiimpor-
tancebutthree.whichbe amongdmeu atthisday : one mule
by the luMtm beginning thus, Elhrn-tMerum In U, the other by
the //r£re>W/bcginningth'jt,f/«'r/-<e«i.r/?re>aiid die third made
by aLatine An'hor named B inbeb'ufwdc Pinr.\n fine (gentle
Readcr)ifyoii finde any faidtes in this my Bookc. I pray you
thinketbatwekeallbiitraen,andthereliymayerret and that
inlong workes as this is.The which (if!may franckly fpeahe
it)is a little too high fur my capacitie.bcingbut little praflifed
in good Sciences,due andrequifit vnt > bias which would treate
of this Arte: but hold mecxrufediif itfo pleafe you,
and thus farwell (Gen tic Reader) and God
haueyouin keeping.
Geoimncie ofMaifter Chrilfophcr
CaccaB Gentleman.
Thcfirlt Bookc.
What Gcomancici»tand vtiicrcfbic it is focallcd,
Chap. I
tomancic is a ^cicnccanoatttoVcticonOff-
stb of (Joints ^icites^no lines aitatic in (tcaDe
yfcwyxM oftftcfouicClcmcnts. anoofttjettacccsanD
^lanctsofl^eauen.calleo tbcdcienceoftbs
QDartbibccaufein tunes patt it boas muoe on it
leA -fflBeSy as tue toil! b»eteaftet oedate. flnti tbus eue-
tie p)ictte ngnifictb a ^tacce.ano cuccie line dn^lenientxinD
enctic figuee tbe foute quattcw oftje Uiotlo.t^iat is to fap, ibe
Cjtt.aHeft.feoutb.ano ^ojtb.Mbetefoteit is eaGetaltnotu
tbntCDcomancieisnonc otbtttbingbut4ttcolofi[ie,nnon tljito
meane.tbati3tofae,pattuipatingof tbooi tsbubio Alqucmy.
Gcomancy is calleOGy a ODceeh toojo.Wliitb Ggnifietbeaitb =
anDMancictobicbisiofarUnonslcBse. d5; Definingitino;e
ptopnlp, it is ocriueDof GyosanoMagoi, bibitbagttiftetb
tuiotoleoge of eactblp tbingSibp tbepolueeof ^ fupetiojbobies,
of tbefouceClements^befeaaenplanets > anooftbetloelue
fignesofbcAuen. anbtbisSctemapbeniaOebpontbcOactbj
oiinU)bitcl9apec>oJbpponanpotbettbiH3 • taibeceonikniae
toinntoDioudw bseoanci To tbat tbtpjttisanbKneanmp be
2 T-hefr^Bool^ .
OfiliclicingjCtTcncCjand naturcof this ArtCj.inil end
Tipcnature oftbffl 9rtf trnD bisrlTcnte.ta noneothtrHititg,
bnttlir cogitation of tlieljcirt oftljc jJcrfcn.nnD Ibc Unit to
Itnotu (be thing bnccttame: oj to (rll mojc truer.It tstbcpjopcc
nnDnatunllniooiiiiig oft'jc bosteo fupcrMll nuS crlrQiatt. Sfi
to tbccntianstntentioiitbcreof, it/Dtotahe coinifcllanl ntulfe,
as Uiell of tbirgee publlttc <10 pjiuatc.nnc t(jf p/oftt lublcbcom-
tnetl) tbcreof, lo to imolunnDtobauc PntiertTatiCing offbings
DoubtfullaiiObnccttaiuc. ifo^ftlitngecccttcitnetberencfDUb
notaupDoubt,qtKflton ojDeinonno. £l;ls Grfc lo nlfo( as
Uie bRuialrcAbietourbcD) putanfiriumbirDan-ioiiQtt tlje parts
of pbilofopbte: fej ptillofopljic to none otbrr tbtng but n ttHofu<
tctfae rtiDloue of&ciencc,anD tljcrcfojc (t to not to bee (ifptfcb 0)
reiettco^nfl fduieifi'lojniiteul beatifDaiiDrnfljnitnlulllfdp.ant)
ftai^Wy. jyo;a8 Aii(totlcfaitb,Omiiiluisfci:iuuell dege-
ncie bonorum, that(0,311 liHofuleDjc (a of (benumbcrot
gooDtbitijcB: anbtbls loiislnacntcb toltnolubponorubbnln,
alltb(nBefl,p(itf,pjcffntnnti tocome, bccaufethat bp iitlroleg?
tbtngescamiot bee Itnotone nno bnPcrflooD.lut uut!) great
panicnno BifTlrultie , anblong fpnee oftlnir, aolucll fojtlic
(nttrumcntsaibtcb btrfn.utlitetncrcunto^natljcfllh'olobe Hie
fillaaojan 0; Dpn!l,anDn great number ofboolifa.tuljicl) bp the
lOiuitant) lacbe of tljefunitcmnnptintcsoarhncb, nnb not rail-
Ing bis ben mes bp pon tbc rnrtb. bp renfon of tbe crbnlnt to 1; 0 mib
bapojfl tbcreoflubfcbbinberbioligbt.bcn&cotbc ttff.cultic ano
latfourtorcckon tbc bourro.mtnufco nnb points.UBiitaofoMbta
fcclencc (tnecbsnct to murb pain.nnrrofcnrcbfo many tbuigs
011 fucb Uiirr.tbat nt babatttme 01 bourra man lull be inappiac<
tifctbtsifrtc, lubcrcfoit It to rallco tbesDaiiabtcvof $lQrolo«
gte. '£bc bcgtnn:ngantio}tglna!l oftbts flrtc mine from tbc
Indians.tubtcbfounMtbrfoie tbcUoiloiuaa CioumrD, as pec
ntappcrcftuebpnboohcnllcaCgcD brrr befoje lultfcbbcgumctb
(bus, hllim.iuenint InJn.flbig 3r(cinapbcpM(tircDluticnfo-
uer tbatnmaniullhnccoatntigto (bcbcinnnnotbattB inaDc.bcit
nigbt o) Mp.falre bxntbtr o)folBtc1rnine 0; turn c: ano pe mull
notc,tbatfo} tbe Qutilion o;6cmflunD tbat you uiojkc tljistfrrc,
of (jeomancic. ^
tlienaurcmnttbfetnatic but onetime: (juttenrliigdjc Ogure,
nnbfsiBcttiniitlicmDcf incut inljicf) tDnafirttmiioe (tfann fault
befoutbinttieDrniauiiD, o; uitbcfnit/fiBuce) then matte tmo<
tlKtinniiotljci-roitcnnomnnntr.auDiubgetlie feconatiiue nc-
(o;Cms ao pc flja llftuce pjtif figure.
Oftlicinfliumciuof this Aite,and of the mane t
fiowtonuktit. Chap. 3
Tt^e inQrumtnt of ttito flrtr fs n pennc^nrtte anD^npcr.oj
pon tbcgrounoiu ouQ^oj fanb toei puracO ano uiatiettcaiirjtnitb
jitntlcQitke, luiilc'i m tie bcrle maiuicr lotjlcb inaabfcD In tbo
oloctmie, brfoje tbnt juhe ano ]Daper lucre (micnttfi bp the
Cluldcans, Pcrliars , Ucbrewcs QUO ligyptians, lubeceof
that flrtebntolbf0O3pb()loetl>tljfnanie,miD(8 callcbfaa fcoec
fnltscbefoje) Gcomancic. iiSutnob)tbcbelt toapfotto pjnitlfe
tbc fAme,(s,luith fcJcnnciJnlie.nnb IJDaptr, foate toojfie It butth
flngcre.^eoitcoot otherBcalueatotbe mnnu t oftheairKian'
ces of Bologiua.tubentbcpiuoulti tuiQUi nclues of their tncnDa
abfent.anbao yet It iBbfrbthtoughautatl ltalie,lubtcl)miiinec
Cothnotpteaieme. neitbertstbat toai? fo certalnc as tbc otber.
£Bo)coucr,ycitiul1fnote,tbatVvbcntbtluoihemaii, to (rnnte
bioflgurcDootlitriabcp^cltfo, bee muttfojinefntire, tbcfirtt
Km to of ptlcltro title bnto tiir fcure flMQcra of tbc left bcmB,toitb'
out camittug tbc pjltltcc.fo (bat at (be lead tbccc be to the mitn»
beroffouretcciicpifchcolnciicne fiiigcr: tbc firtt ime thereof
mutt be fiifficiccut large, (iltr bntatbe firtt ruiger.talleo /ndcx,
the feconDliiiciitajclmgc^ini'atljIonot tbc fetono finger ealltb
Mcdius: tbctbirotms mote (I)oiter, likcbnto tbc finger cal Icb
M cdicus: nnbtlic foiirtb Ibic letter tbrnaup of the other,tibe bn-
to tbc littteilngercalleQ AiiiictdaristaiiOthuBtiamcn!! potico-
tbtrlmcsorpucheountotbe number of firtccuc,. aito bccnmft
notlapblobiiiD bpaittbc Pnpcc o;Enblc.eartbojfnuo.dublcl)
of tbtfc (oucrit pieafe bim to boojlte bp) till that lice b ub mace
the firttencnutii,almafco pcnorringinbiB bei'tt, moomngbio
bnuDjUjc nucttioniubcrctoicbc matittb the figurc.pc mutt fur*
q, ttefirft <Boo{e
fitttline ieattubutcotintof^e Fire,
l^e.feconb bnto tlje Ayre.tljc tljtiDfo (l;c VVatrr,nnD tbr fuuril)
to ttjc Eardi.^ no alfo',tt)at all tljcfc p;ttltr0 Qanifie one & taerc
ortbcfiniiaiiicul^nonliljofcliiicDoneCieuiciUjmio tljc route
ficttltncotl^cfitU element,lotjtcljiolbcFirrjtljcfccoiiofotiic
t|)crffcnoeiciiicnf,tot)it() ictljc Ayre, tbctljiiotouielmcs
tlje tljico eicmrnl UiMclyts ttjc Water, aito tlje fotire loft Itnco
tbcroiirtljClciiicntAutjKljio lljee.ittl).S1riOrtittljci'inoic,tl)e
fiiiDlaicfllir.ittcibtileDtlifonctotljc ih;icnf, aiiotlycc totlje
^outlj anctljcttottje^oitlj.anomiotljec totlje ^Clclt.iiiitu-
net ana ieynie as folloloetl):
i?tie Mine.
line >
>caafer 3.lineJ , 1 figtice
-Cattji 4.ltne^
_ if
at™ S3,re
**ltg < ®Iafee

r if ire 1 line-,
2 line/38,
S-liner ^
tdattj 4<UneJ
1.2 .tine?
Cwtp J mattc 3.line>4flS<ttt
4 line j

By (hit example you muft Icame to frame themlike vnta

Starrer if ye will,butitne«des not.
r-Jite lime
jaitc line?,o«.«
^te ^aaaue 3 line ^
* 4 line j

•^Olatee ^fljore

rJfi" 1 Kne^
C earth 4 tine 3
) aire 4flsm;e
) raatet

Tbe inannner how to ioinc the priclcei, and oft hem

to formcthefienrcsofchetwcluelinci >and
how they be jppiopiiated vnto the
tonrcparus of the world.
Cap. 4
Ajltertbsttlie 1 r;. lines o?tuieha banc bin ntaae, rou mntf
tahe tbe patches fro tmo bntottjo.iognins ttjem tojetber
tuitb a SroHe of your pennc. 9no tuljcn you tome to tbt eno of
the line, if ibe Ia3 p.ttchui be cuen > To let tbem there renuinc.
anoiftbcrcbcbutOiie.tetitfoitniioonenlonc, (uitboutanic
QrohcofyourpcnnebettBecne tlje iiuo latt in amc line >ti tljcg
fotcmnine cucn ojclfetotbconctljat ta foUuftcoto ftflnoa^
lone at the eno ofanyline^ aaappcaretbbg this example fob
I 6 Ihsjirfl "Books
C jfffre fe>eaib C()t fictt flflure
■v m c a<te
-X-* -X-X- *-X- -X-K- *-* *-* *-* *-*■ *-*
•X -k"(. cantor
Center iliojtlj
^-X—X--X—X--X—X--X—X--if—X--X—X--X—X- X X X X **
2 ©nrtb Mcft
W" V™ TTtv
y w ^^ "u un u* y" w" nw "u y" ™u -V^ -V
5f(re teoutl) CljcffCoiiDfiuurc
V ■X—X X—X X—X -X—X X X X—X X x X x x
* \ dire i^jiciU
->< tSfllater
5 ctartb Cfleft
iX—X-X-XX—X-X-XX—XX—XX—x '
iflre feoutb dbctbirbfifitire
C_y y. y y y 4/ v v y y v- y -y ^ y y y y is
^ e flire
* »> ttSlnter ^e;:b
^ Gartb ©Heft
f/ Ay Ay Ay yA y y y y y y T^rv
y y TT-^
y. ,y- y y ^T^^A
y u i,r* .l^

c if(tc feoutb ^befourtb figure

t n ^'rc ICtfcnt
x xa Cdlatrt $oitb
X \ X K X K X X X-X X K X X X X X-X X X X K XX
S Cartb CClttt
/ ya yy
a ^T^ay ya^^ay y y y y ay ayv-yy u tv^a
n a TT-TT ^ y. ^A au r*u
S$S Indians,Chalde ins,Hcbrewci, A tabiansiH py ptians
toitJjapiictortljeGrcck-cs ant) Latinos, Do ttcct ttjcir fjjjurcB
tnmannet^etcabouefljeloeD , becaufe tljat ttjafc ^ntiona
toeceatecontrac(tt)ntot)«,altl)os|it^aton tieconftaticloife
t(je?ninBectt(tanoatremt)lctbefaiDep;tcli0, asi'entau (st tn;
tbccramplifollotoinsj, totjicb tsanetutnuenteomnnKccto
toojhc ttjis Set,ant) man? at tj)i*Bag bft itaottjebcttcr nnb
caOet teas,but set tljeot^ac ta goob.batietcfojecnc!) niannmB
nmhttbefigHteaatjelittotb.eitberon tbe tifltjt (lane o; on ttjc
left (lanb^o; all(ommetb Vinto ontpurpore, toitbout anv tilt'
cultte eitbecof ttje one o)of tt)C otljet, bjete follotoetl) an cram'
r fin Irimb Ctieflgntc
1 W ^ t* w W \i U U U \J U \J W u \J W nU-* v k-
5 din 0;lont
rua#\jv>iWMW w—u »i w w ww w w »ii u u a/^v,
^ t"
»> matte jpejtti * *
W u u W fc/ W fc/ w a/w aiW aiW utl u >. % 4r
Tfrv T' ^
{Cartfj melt **
.The manner to frame this ^rte,andgitie to each place
his name, Cliap.'y
. A iffetftatpoHfjaiicfctpoutpnchcnintoIincBianDtfictcof
lAD;aU)ne out* fornieb tJicBgutCB ao luc Ijnue tljctocc tm-
jto pan: pou mutt tab t anb fet tfe foucc (Kft lincaof tlje fittt ti-
Curc,anb fet tbemaQocianD tfjia is calico tlje fi tttfScntc: t!;cn
mutt pon take tbifeconD of tl) eotljet fccono foucc ItncB.nno fet
ttjem bp tbe fittt,anb fo banc pe ttjen tluofigurct, conipaniotiB
nnb fittect ,anD tl)(n (ball Pt Bjato ttic tiiiiD figure of tlje otbcc
fourtlintsconfcquintlprollotmng.lputtljnt apart, niiotljat
is catleb tlje tbirb figure,anb finallp.pou (ball tnltc of tlje ot bcc
fourclatt lines,tbc fourth figure bobirl) (bnl br rallcb tbr 'omtb
jpotbcr.anb fet t|at bp tlje otljcr tljJcc, 5 fo fliall tbc tbiro anb
fourtlj be companions anb fitters,no vc fl:al hereafter fee: but
aboue all things take gob rcfpcct to pi nee tlje fi tit Uicl,touial:e
D tlje
8 ThefirJl'BoQfy
tijeotfcet to folloto nrtec.ano sou %ail put it OH^etiiJtitliant,
(U(o;tin0 tot^is ricatnplefoUotBinff#

Ieact^i mattt flice jf'te

4 3 i i
* * .
deleft I * * * + x + SCftetislit
{MHO * k * k * * t)AU9
tCteft jpoitl) gD>iciit ^>ontl)

is attciiuiteD to tfjc Jfire,tl]C fctoiiD to tlje flicc,§ tljico to
ti)c ca.ittf,tl)efoiittljtoti)e(£attt). £)ftljcrcfo(ircitiott)ct«
bt ingenojeo foucc DaugtittMjtfje fitttOausUfcc be tnbtng tfje
tppenuoQ toiofuaelliuclp ofpiiches (ftoma to L>) oftlje faio
foutemott)Ctfl,anDift^«e iianocutn(a8tt)»» .<)0^oD6f (.i»
tt)uti .)foplace tfjein in ttje flftplace o; itoufe. JEDIjefccotiO
taugtjtecia mgenoeteobp tAhinsinlike oiOectlje ncrt cob) of
p^ckeoCofttiermBe route motfjeujao ftomc, to<l.ano aatljep
(bal ftano cuen bjooo (ai atoefaio) to Cet o; place t|jeiH in tfje
fictljoufc. Xtw tblrooaugfjtecio libete(refo;mctt bp taking
ti)c tbiro rotoe oj pMcfcee.as ftom e to f- mto as tties bee founb
cuen of odd,to place tfjemin tye feauentfj boure. SEliefaurtb
MOlafloauffijtet isalfofo^mte bp taking tbefouttt) o; InS
totoeofp;tcbes as fcom g to h ofttje foioetoncemotbece, ano
asttieptbaUberounDeitenojoBoe > foplacetbemintbeeigbt
ptoreo; bouCtisKB foof tiie fburefict fi|cice«,comnionIp calico
tbefouceficit utetbKSjbemaBetbuce oaugbtecs, as pee (ball
rcebstbiseMniple:ontbe(igbtbAU0tobtKOf bee tberours
motbeesjMO tbe Utt pano (sun^Daugbtecs, as bt^afttc feU
$/ Geomttn^y* p
EHma^fera- SQitytta


Ofihefignification oftlie Motheri and of theDaughters^

and how Nephews be iogendercd of them.
Chap. 6
•y^c ffQutt^as totll lbs ^otbera tin tjii D«ns|tetn> line
1 fucbnaniflcattonm toi lanealceaoeio^tten: bntpet
tDbentt)eSberet(uthe()oiifei,(asit (ballbee nedateoin tba
feconDboolie) tbtpbaueotbecOgniBcatlsnatbentoee (t^na
jctfpBhener, fautbeueaftce (hallbtetceatetitbeteor.onfticb
tDire.tbattbeflsucelnbicbisretfoMbtfeintbiflftfyat tobicl
its ret to; tbe eaS .(baltbaue anotbec importance accoroing tmo
to tbe culetsbfrb 3 toillpMcebeereaflet:. flnonohitbercrore
tbat abauethebaeDpoubototofojmetbespotbetai oaugb'
tcrOrattDtbeicqualitieoaiotoceffetbitto oeclate tbcnmkins
oftbe j^epbetneo luitb tbett qnalitiee.Sbecforeto form tbcm
. sou mult flttt take tbe fittt prichen oftbcfitianDfecouDft-
gutca.ano rigbt bnoec tbcm.iftbc pjtckes be euen, make t loo
pjickcMnBtritlJCOD.inflhebutonc.ano roconrcquentlp from
tljc fetono line of tbe tlno ftgnrea.ano of tbe tbim nno fouctb to
VOuiballboeasiiiucboftbetbieoanDfonitbRsacee.aforme ••
. tlictciuUfiijmensveDiooftbefitftnnOfccono, tofounetbe
nintlj figmc: ano tljc like tltall pec ooe o f tbe otbec lines cud
figuico,tofiniiietbe eleucntb anottuelfib iiguteo: nno fo tbe
nscon (ball fccbcie bp cfnmple.
The frjl^ool^

» 7
k * I * *
k J k ic • * * ! -A: -A
* *j * * * * -A Si
* j * * | *■ * * -A n.
* *
* *

CmHJ saiatet ai« fire

CClctt flojtt). £);ient. ^OUtt)

How to frame tlie Witncdcs and the ludge.

Chap. 7
T^eteftoclueflgute# fo2meDanQnuDe(<i3 Ineelane hciete
ftetoeD to tou)noU) come* the qucftion IjoUi to tnalre the
tlDOtoitneffeB.aiiOthejuOBeoutofthcm. tohaueaccrtainc
terolution,renUi«e,anDtt45t)PPonthc qurQionp^apounoeo,
nn#of the Ditfeeence theieof. £>r thetohich ttoo SditneUc*,
that on theright hano engentecco of the ninth < tenth figuce*
ano that of the led hans commcth of the 11 .auo la.figiiceB, e
thcsmuttbemaoeanDfojnieDinmanecanD fo;niea* thenc-
PheUicstDeteranoifthelaSp^icheebecHen , poumuftptit
them euen.anb if thep be oddc^ou mutt put them oooe- iDf
thcfettoolMtnclTeBbgthc fame manner is male anothec (!•>
gHte,the tohlth is calico thciuDgc,bnto inhomeappectatneth
theinbgementanDDifculfionofallthcioholctigure, onfuch
tnifs.that if h(jiegooD,the DemaunD toillbe founo gooD,nnDtf
, ofGeomncy.
3 I 2 I
■* I ■* *
it, I * * * *
*i* * | * it * -a
■k Ij*it it | * it * *
io~ I S
* *

* *
it *
OTtGe names of the niuitci.
\ jftciloeehaut Dilicentlv! fhetoeDtinloTouthelun? to
/xmahetyep^icheo.tineaanlfiguvea, fojmetljespotheta
nno ctente ttjeSDousht^.ano inetnoei the nephctnes.nnt) to
attcihutc tljcm to ttje foutc <l!;Umint0,anO to the foute pntta
of ttjctooilo.anothcojoctiuhicljthc* ousht to tteepeinthcti;
DiQnitiesnnt)p;el)inhncnccs,ant)h!tt)e (httoeoljota tofenme
thehritncircsanotljeiuDgeinoUmttetbtotieclatc tintopou
the names tfiep Doe lieate.anD thenninbecof ttjem.Uiljcicfoie
pott mutt DnDctftniro, that tahth all the patne 1 tcauell that 31
(OmId tatic to fcaccb.to knoh)>anDfinDetanD tutne the pjiclto 1
lines entljlnap, 3 coulo neuec.finDajjIVtnt luthfetccnm
all: nno hetet'ollotn tijeic naittes.
* *
* *
* ^
■k *

Aquifitio Amiflio
(tinning (oat
* * , k
k k *
k k k
Y- * ' k

Lztitil. Triftitia, Puer* Puella

isp. faonefle. bop. USentb
* * * * ■( *
■k * ■k -k * if. k
■k * * + k k *
■k * ■k > * k

Coniunflio Via Populus Career

toniuRttton. (betoap Mopla pjifen
* * ■* * k k
•k * k k k *
•k •' -k k k k k
k * •k k k * V.'
Ofthcnatureandptopcrtieofrhe fonre HleraentJ, and of
their figures l ajidnrfi of the Firr^nd of liisfigures«
Chap. 9
"TJiDJttttoitKljaiof tt/ereflrfeetttfldawi.foniebi gtuen ant
ITjqtp^iuiatctfafbeifice* atliira tottieasje. otbrrstot^a
®attb,anl)fltt»wfot|i«Q5ffat«»,anfi)ealiinjjM bjiefle aa 31
tanpofftole, af (be natucs ano mopcctie if (be fataeroureele-
timt(«»3l toil stnttie tbi(e Sautes >f put (^ in o^et, to § ent,
(ooeftcouano linolt (a lutiicl) of tbe route ClemeNti ofttietn -
ofGcomncy. 1$
leBUII>t!)eot!)ftclenientar<ei in tbsput elemcntaticbee all
afltbefoutccleiJient0,aiiDt!)cCniplebob(e0 femaiuinficontl'
nualle fcom atneration anb co^uption:tba tia t o fapi tije Bn>

ao bnpecrcctitubitbbe colleo tye bobitewlyeo, ingenbetebof

IbematednUicctueinatucalUSmirion if tbefaia elements,
tjje tsbicb elements be fbure in number,fyauf ng as mutb of §
flrtt quolittes.tDbicb obtaine, anb baue bnoee tbofe elements
t^egoncrmnent anb Dominion,tbat is to Cap.bot, molff.roloe,
anDDne.anDbauebeQDestbefe qualities fucb a combination
tyltb tbe raiD<£lement0,tt)at|ot I e;.(eb<e a^iMpjiateD bnto
t be ftce: bot anb moitt to tbe as;e:colo ano moia to tbe to ater*
colee«nDo;ieto tbeeartb* AltbongbtbattbebeateooerteeD
in tbe gkmentof tbe ifice.ano moiitnes oftbe apje, colones
ii»tbeB«tatec,anODipne0lntbe fibattb, tobicbbeecalleotbe
cannot confiS in one berie Clement jtno tbat is tbe caufe tbo t
tbe jtire,Mateciapie nnD Cartb, beCelements one contrary
to another. Sbefice, as amongdalltbe stber Clements
moHrareanoUgbt, oootb obtaineanungi^ tbemtb e b'fibeS
place cuironinB tbeotbetlbwonailparfsi bnoertbeUibicbi
tbe apje mo;e beanie tbenbe>but ligbtec tben tbe otbec is ptas
ceDimmeoiatelp enuironing Uiitb a rouno Clobecomming of
tbetoater am eactb<t)i)titbintbe tobicba^M tbe Mateclatb
bis place, fo;rimutb as tbe boater is mojebeaufec tben tbe
BceanDar;e, but not To bcauic astbe eartbt tbe bobicb to; bis
beauineffe rettetb in one lamp (q tbe miDDeft of all tbe otbers,
anDiscetmnfreDabonton all floes boitb Matecitobicb Ma*
ter Dootb lp;caQ Dppon it in man; placesmm lunittetb of bis
tenrmcs ano coaffs appointeD be tbe p^ouiflon of 10% manvs
pattsoftbecartbbeingDircoueteDtopinftutbejealtbful bA'
fcitationoftboreuibicb line Dpon tbe fame IDbeflreis anCle'
went iub'cb giuetb ligbt oner all tbe loo;lD,beemgatbingDn-
fcnotonsfeccet.iaibenbeis alone .sreperateOftom tbeotber
flibftUejOn fucb toif^tbat it is (nuidble, I ioitbont meafure,
tnking nnb fjolbfng on cattle ttjfng lobutl Mmmeflineere bnto
it of tobat natuteo) qualitie foeutt It be. Ige is tenuins of nn-
tureanDgoetb fnbtillse, ano gretioetl) fettetlr ano alloafcs in
rtwoiiing cotb eatcb on altbinga ^no cannot be taken being bn
palpableonorfrbitiallanbbpnl, bnfUct)Wife,(aa Pliniefaitb)
tljatbeia alone,igeetbbenl. ^e ia in beautn inbjigbtneaI
clearenea.inbellfiupoineaanbDatltncB. anbintbemiDDlebee
botbtakepattofbotl). l^eia one in bimrilfe^inD mane be in
bi'tomnbiiicatfotianb oeufaini fotbat inmanetblnga tbete
bebiaetajFiera. b^eia alfo fou no in all t be etbeetbteeCle-
mtnta.jfirtl.itteattbfojnoptitblngtbetein, anbeatingOeepe
botontoatbitoe fee (moke tommjiigont (tarn it.aa in knotting
tbw ttottea anb Umeatosetbet loitb an eJon,tbeteof commetb
ifite . $f< ia alfo in Water .tobitb tippeatetb be tbe pita atib
I'l'iiiniii■/ nnwn jTuclri;ii.iV'Luur.m arrlrj^rriiriTTiTr',
tronbleOtoitb towoea.oatb becometBatwe. •» alfointbe
arie.tbjtoeioomanitimeareeonDfeeleittoacmei be (a (ibec
mire intbiiffiO bauftji llfp, tegetiueo; fenfftiue. Xbc fee ia
pt t eft ttt is Ltu*
n«tgbe untona toberofbi io be faite.cleaeiatbtning.c to giua
_(il MillTillliilil'fi 1
l I\TT *^ v' ■vM'TTuU? IIH 4 rioTTl i \ H TZ
tEiementilet bimeeaoetberalea of^riftotle, anb beetc be tb*
f gnceattbitb botbolo tbtcon(p(tttion,qaaUtie,anD natuce of
it ia not poffible (o iaige a flgnte fotmeo ano petfettlr plateb a •
Thefourtflgureiof thcHre.

Oftheayre andhijfigure. Chap.Io

r. taoil tSMga uittNiino^ant tbat&M it nUeo t^c fpidt

o^^to«n»t«)i(tttMM^cti^a^a5U]eUn^aMit mm.
titisibf, i0(i(tii^A4N;Min.iUri)«s4a(iiui«i, mttisttiaU
t^ig0,w0a ttMtftoriAiUbwfAHtikt^tltmtfiart^
^^rupeaajsinfein^attttt^itifiun ttreftttrnteucUtontiinir
Mlt tmtx bumifeitiaittwitttt* tip $t* alib

bwatt«taii»t£^a«ifln a(tf)tbe«tM oifobpipan ttw eoi^/un

tbtoehealiHpauia anamof dmea tobic^ Doetito be (oaoiie.
SbeiiiMnefBi^ibficaareltuita^«n fiomt^c^p^Mcaafttie
JTiUvaMat^JtlccHMiiapfi^ate^nraDrQaiiiitMt bw
fwtbwpiac*, imt ontlg lo; ttie bit tBB^noBCftBnWtttjor (t) e
natuco aao pjopectiewf ttje flsuwa oftlje Airc.Uibwbbent^
tnbuicD to tt)c piii nets auo J&isncs oftlje Zodiacke.oo ijtte
•aftetfljaUbctoutbW.. • •••;.• i
T|ic fourc figures of the Ayrc .,
* -A *
■* * it
* * * *
■A A A

Of the W»ter,and ofherfigurej.


A tl»o<eknietit«l»(.)wnerpoiutofton ftu^ toife.tlmtlw

mta« ceaCTetl not to bwh metnailla (n ^nntwSt^iv
m ctMttm uttftu* toiMmat Water.
iMrbefjtt&MpUNttf, «c(D»D<nglmto^itlimtnmorMa.
fei.to^d) fpakemGencfii, xntSOMtd
bjoagiitont lUlinitvtfiinea^^HwioatecBrgtMttcram
t|*R tti« (tartji.fiw ttut wt| not onlibiinfl fiwtt MtfeiW!
BmMtf IU^to^luuin|w(>lint«((DalUn(ti8ttRR8BAt'1
soeanti tu^epe tipoMtte
ttxtty* (panvloo^lppetfsttf, MmflmMaSodUM Hefi,!
odui,«noTfulei Milefiuiftp.ftntljll Watcf it t{ie
of«Ut|»»t|ec, i moS ftcongefUf «tl qyitxitt) torn*
mawoalltl) totter* an# it u ttdc nuOidlc, on ruc^tofc
t|ata«Plmi« foe^f^eDeHoatet^ttie eactt)i que«diet!)tjM
fljtm«or*te,HeOTOBHt{t|)(ntott»aice)ano he^ecttapaac^
ameftMUatiotu.to^tp dfe(tointt»e t«rth>^!n«xuitd|
tiirtofyt clou Dei) anOafttttDaEM bot()Oi®iantifHH)pi>nfii
Mtfti,a«oi«alwt!)twtl»flanoptatrti to grain. ^no^iTeiM
ThefourefieuresoftheWater. '
* A- *
* * A *
¥ * *
¥ * *

. , Of the Earth, and ofher figures.

A m^ofe tDbid)f)«tie totitten ofttje p;opettp of £ Earth,
.tiDotfept? ttucounb lihe Unto a ball; anttt&cleattffife-
<>f(feoqiaticie. 17
mentofallflrcoft)«c.iu Aicq tDiTett^att^e fsybece orttjeifice
it a tyoufano tiimt sceattc t^m 4at oftye f»rth, lutjlti) ie
tJiefounDationofall«(l)ec®UmfiUB,rulrifatoO£uoure i te>
fdueal tfjc iuQuences ortlje^eauent, i iaralleo t\)t motljec
of all tfia tuo^o.janfl oftlje faine tuaa man maoe »/ano all c
tjjecfMnijatoljufjbetontameDintljctounSM tyectof. ^on
mud flir(f)eci)noecdanQ]ttiat>lK(ifDf altljatioe^aue peffpo-
henofftjcft)uce<lElemcnffl,.boac«jolnfucf)o;Dec, tfiattfie
5FiceiB0teatlp^ote>anDme(tlEmoiS.ano tahetb^a moid-
nrireftomtbC'Sto.XCbeaite it terp nioiff,<mo meetlp botc,
anDtaftetbbiabMtinomtbeiFim. SDbe Matec isniucb
colseianbmeempinoiS^anbtaHetbbtc moiffntlTe ;of tbe
dice. CbeffiaitbflnallBjlBbernB^ofitfelfe, anofome-
tbin0colDe,aiiDtakefbbctcslDneire ftomfbi5Sfatec (as
3bflucfapoe)(b«iitbefeattofalltbeCUmcnts, ano like
. a Uttlefyotojpjicfeeintbe ttnnpACifbn of tbel^eauen .beins
buflUjeaUfflt^tawbntoit, anQleiTfc.tbtn anp^tacu
|»ou mutt taotne > tQaf fbece is notbino in tbis fooMb,
bnttbatlfwtonpouneeooffbere fbute ^lemmts.fbtones
btoftbe Euth,anb take mole of bet nature tben of tbe oiber
Cleinents.£bemettall0beoftbe fSEtatetianb takemme of
betilimgnatatetbenofaUtbeotbers. plants, bembesii
al liuinff tbin0S tabemoje pat te of tbe dice tben of tbe otbep
•Urtttntf ./peneettxleeal tbefe tbfnos tabepart of (beifiicj
anbtbat is tbe tanfe tbafamonod femt Oones (as tbe gteaf
btochsy tbep bentotf neater to tbe nature of tbe Ban h tficn
to tteotbec Elements: others ^moteof tbe Water tben of
' |be Earth .astbefC^daWSSicrelttanD^earles -.otbet par-
tiripatemoteoftbeaire, astbofebeiobieb SPeanoftoim
bppon tbe Mfatet anbneuer finOietotbc botteme.£Dtbcrs
boebolb oftbenatureoftbe fire,as tbeiltmeftoms,ano tbe
Sbunoer (fones.^no tbe like it araongft mettaills. lubcrof
fomebe»take moje patte of tbeEart h tben of tbe otbec C»
lements, asHra&ianb&iluct: otber»mo;c ofdtatce, as
' fllutcte Bluer: otljcrs mo;et)fthe aue> csCoppcriotbers
pattiripatemo;cof jitre , as ^jon < <5olse.2Lbelibentap

tDara?ofi0eaib0atti)3latiM:(tetoote»» byftftto tlifaW.'

hcfte take mole patto of t^e Earth: the teautl bp theft motif*
neffemoieofthetcratee : thcbloOjoniofbitheftltshtHeft
mo^ofthe flite: theftreeOee»bp teafonoftheit loneanb taA*
Comtionofttiesenetatiuefpirifew tl)em> takemoieorthe
jftte. Shnainuchh^tDefhdtenorthefbtite eftminti,
ano orthtftqualUieanb natncr*

The figurci aboueplaced be of the Earth.

The manner h o w to appro priate b eaflet ,and their pf opet.

tie» to the fours Elemcnti, Chap.15.

A iftetthattoeliatiea»»p;tatethe(taneo>metaU(«> aqk
/■Vplnnfa to theAwte C|emtnte; ft lhaUnot be fton^ f ^
pofeltketoefefocjiwopitatebealtolMftothem. dirbpfnutf
tmbetftanOjthatrome of them take nuwe padfttpatunoftjji
(Satfh theo pftbeotbetthiw.anbtttoeUUMtbfotheteartbjW
tooimee jbnakee^olee, anb man? othec .tohM) bee of tk
Hafiireof<£afth» JDthecebcof Mates 7 anbtufthoutk
cannot liuciftheo* others inhabite the ^fteanbUjithont that
cannot line,ao the Camclion. £>there inhabit thefice, anb
cannot line toithout itnW the &alainanoet.0no fomc othenl,
luhtch as the )9htlorophers boe fap>bo holoof thefirebp their
ptnne nature • fo; the great heatetuhich isiiitheui) mOK
ses. Sphere is likeUiife fome parts of them tohich participate
mo :e of the catthiae the bones.ilDthets nioic of the Ziu > ap
fheflc[l).£Dtheisiiio;coftheftcc, asthefpirftbitalb anoot
thers ino;eofthe Mater,as thehumo;s.
' . . HttWtfofct&fofroahbeamdwcdMaco the
»•.;t. jiyi .• '•

J- .Chap. 14 i.

^^efonfiwofinMibe Uwlotft.atttftutebDntv ti>«rouM

. X«ttnnmts , fi%^n»^ftdablnS^(inttbM)Rlbltt*tbi
£ii*t1$tjRt«(b«fcittQt|cAftc; t^int^iitdtionbHtb thi
ttaiatrt^nDtfjcfMKttistjntotticCirtti.anotbetihe wl\)0+
htnofttjefiucontUMKOfmrw stbefigbtid attttbuteo tintb

tot|ie An^Manrettietenetbetatisn 6f tijc alte

wttifttatttttttftfof: QeftnMlmb(MBncb<ittt(bnteb bhtd
the ttatccAMftnucti as toitbbut tontetnno moUhttfTe ttiera
canbenofattUo; fauonc •• ttye tMt^ing is atttttttUo bnto ti)i
<£(trtb ifl&tMtu IttotPlCiftim spMaHansofmans bee attti*
buteobntottjefoute^lmetrts»foittie moouiHgroftl^ana
Botoeiagiuento tye eattb.ftnce ant) ro)rotoetmto(t)B ®®a'
tec :3^>gcA(e ano maintenantetnto ttie Aite t angettfuiic*
anQbnquietiieirctMttottte^W. Jbfit)*ete ^auliauebjieflK
tjotn tijefe ttjinga be ottcibiitba to t^c fbuce Clententa.tutjict)
be Ujc booiea ftam tobfim all ttje otbec tome anb be tontpoun-
beDianDflltlitngsortljistoo^obeanDOoetontitt . intact)
tt)ingesU)elUonQDeceOibnDecttooB,e reatcbeooutjlinlgtue a
mnnifeft tnlti'iKtifln bnto tbcGcontancienitotuDgea figure
«itnht ,a(CO)Dmgto tbe route ClemejitB.j^oiri luilllcc fpenk
flftbt CcleltinllHegion, Ittyitl) m tt)c ottjcc pnrtofttje no;lD

Ofthe other Region or part of the world called

the Csclcfliall.

Chap. If
X K 7 C (jntte fnt'D[;etc befoje. IjJto tljat lljc ivoilb ta bcui^
V V ocomtotUiopartBjtljcoiicClcmcMtaiic.UtijeiofUJe
C 3 banc
20. Th* firJFSoofy
|wncf|)ofc«i,^eotl)ecCcUlK«U . to^eceof foeetofliitaioe
tceaU,to t^cn^atbeinaUitttntttOimtonli mt^igsna'
peno ^eceor» but aUb in % CeleSial m intbe ojbec anb ttuu
uingoftbe t^Muetu, the )Blantta wio ^fgnes .toitb tbe na-
ture, qualt tie.f conbition oftbem, toe mas ortertoato* tbe
ntoje eafiec glue iuD^mft orafieurt ortototo(ieme.£lat> al-
tbowrtttwtttbenotwqulflto,tbattbe Qcomancientmbec
ttanb aubperfitjels hnoto ttieSUwelogle, butonetstbatbebe
inSnuttf,« bme fame 8isbt tbecin>set it to tnitb>tbat a gesb
flfltotoBtontoUlkiogemttcb bettor ot a figure oftbto Sbct
gs>b8 reafoutbat tbtotorieme tofae toe bane raib)aiMttooC
fl(ttolog<eM(a« 3maytatbe«f»s)t|KbaugbtitofaiTrriogto,
fauentoo fbj toeuetto rafce.snbtreftoe ittbeUbe notbtog
Orange {ft tbepiupoTe, to fet be» a general figure oftbe Wb
parto oftbe towto (to tbnmue cafiet tmoerftaubtog ilmobM
tosge tbeteof.

Agcueiall figure of the twopartci of the vrorld^

that i» to toy^lementarie an4
Of(jeomanrie* 2,1


I *
mJtLl m

>h ii> %
i tfn» -v<\


" Of the firft Heauca
_, - J«fcu
Ghap, l£»

1 e(ff,b;MBe(t,laiv*tf^tto;eclM(e«b2i|}|)tttenalS itijce*
foi t^at ittafi bet? plan inflDetw of $ of tune <£(liMtr»a(tec
ttieopinlonofaU^e l^ottotite^bDell ^ebJclua ,
ntnia.M Ct);ittiano > edabltnjeo tnt^is bebalfe bppon a plan
aftfiejplc^utptute }i»tttte Hetituit felfc boetb face:
Theftrfffimty) \0
Coclummihifedc5e(l,& terra fubfclliunipedum tnconim,
Inljitowajmuc^fo; tofa?,n0 \0eau8tii0 mv fcatc, anDttjg
cat t (j is foodtopt^ttntiaklueDoor^m tjje p ianet totjict)
f)e [j tmfelfe tm&Uifi'tybijfaibti ©tecJj'attjntljc^eaueng,
l)nltounci)bet^n(tme4c< 19ut fiw toftt t{jisi^iauenappet-
taitictfj not (o otit putpofe: lot W dne(( (win ano bclecue as
i (engecftacins


j,a!•• . 1.1! I-

as it a|){)eUtd>l(t||,t|OilfMrb«Wsou t ptttpeTe mm tt)e bttfec bo
uxbau^uV iscbtWitow toiu^fy&pfo tijcrc.
ofat tbU; ttms^toOiiiiRie itto beodtn^ib^ tbb btutm^
anb MttlogtcttSiarib WfoiHonlClteabifDffti^jf imwwent
loljidj is tt)ei^«abt«tartbb tbtfttes^ooftiie l^eaucns oftfje
^lanetSiCart)onetnbisbegcceanoojbec. Jdnofoittjebcttet
bnoecdanbing ortbeiccoucteanonioouin^ou mult hnotoe,
nianfljip of tlje tooilb, as toell of tlje ipeauens as oftfje ®le»
nientstsalme : nnbtfjatmaUtbispUifjicl)fjauelife.tfjcte
is0ncmoouwgoftfjetotiole,ariOaitotfjccoftijepact0 tjietof.
32H>ecero38tbe totjoteCdeWaU too;he>b«b(s ptpnef wpwr
antinualtmooufng,' moouetbb^tbe&outij ftem tjje (£att
into tbe SCteft . rounb about all t)je ®att!j>a* about
ijts common ccntute ojoetI«e> anb Imttjout an? ceaHnflr
occompltQjmg bcc tutjole ceuolution in t|)e fpace of fbureanb;
tluentie boutcg equaUonb rommonSCbeinfjiclj mooutng.is.,
commmtite calico > tfe bailie oftfje common tiioomng^
tofGamdneit. 25
lwijitl>btj»cmeafBfeofonc natucall , o; mofluing,
fit it it tfet imonfagorfyt wtiolt twltt, Siting t|i« poles cat-
Uottxpoles of fyetrtjlt) t foipe tnntt ftnotoe j ttiatbpt^s
moouing .noneofttieraio iieanetts ooep^petl^ tttooocojtume
ofttjemrclucspartttnlatlp i s^ofliirafeiro , bat us pscteof
ti>eto!)Ole,cacb one of tyem being tsbett anotcanfjpojteotoge'
ttiettoitl)t»)ejfice,aiU)tbc rupertoutpacteoft^e^ice. ^ei>
tbet tiotbtbeWHateefetmetobe erempteDltonitbismoouinu,
totiirbiflpetteiueo, intyattyst Oje follotvetlittKOailpctuire,
bpi)»cgoingMiOcomm<ng,alty<>aB!) (boeumnot fullp actom*
plilb.anDfimajtoboltet&eraioe tenolution * annrotiie^atth
oiulie amonijtttliettiweotbct CUments ,betaafeof bet(itaut'
M(reanoatialmflit»int^wftoft)ie otbee !peaiimsant><E$e-
monts ftspetb anotettrtbintbewlooleofttiftoliolo tmintc
QtU.tix cttt tojietifis attMies nrctffatit fbe tbo ntooums or
tfc^eaasn , aaoCmtetb ano keepstb tbat ttis Uiboie ifut
nwiifo of ttiiifls bsnst tsrtfttmbSb. JCj^ teonoartatng
isoftbtlMbfefteOMacl) onebp i>mi«l(b»tDbitbb«ti>ep*tti
of all tbe^oatttn^batb one of ftxtrtittttiralai)? (as foes
mapfteaiuitoaiiaebMbbptbiiManeu qxmrelaes) bpflieic
ptomp»opKSMnguttUitM<on> 'twajjataao mattbtontra'
mtotbemooaingor^iftalip^rsbp tf)eSwot9fy ttoMtbb
«aftintatbeattdl>eatdebtiti|^t^pbl«s ■itobfartO^
fyetpl8dng«an» in otttec am oiutts (patesof titties, tlitit
tbofe oftbe toojlo actomplUbing tboietontfesanoretietutioiis:
ft;tbe>btactielj)eauen o) ^icmaimntmabetb bis tbntrefA
jffod. Egyptian peaces »eact) ottobiebptatrs ( affW Xfjt
CompotationofProloinie , tontafnttljjej.oaptonatutBIL
* bmaltetbbiscoturein 30. peaces, ^tnii pearta.cflna.
peaces, © in jff/, Dapes [natatall, anoalmctt <5. ijbttrteip
anoglikebntoo. finallp.sintB. oapes, ano ebbofteifibt
bouces.l t rcemet!), tfiat tfiis reconb ano pwtttulatrttttWnjfof
oftbe Bttt ano bniurcfaU.Uifiicl) is to tljt etio. tfjat(ontroip-
ingtbefooaineano biolent moouing of tlje bnittetfan, ac-
. ro;tungfo tije flDiftneffeofetbo frpbets, ttje fwitratfo b(olenrc
anofoowimicffe of generation, ano of life, is ttntyrcateO.
• jf Eljus
24- tThefirflyfaofy
IrttwftttiMictttnlari^.nfteclijat toe tjoue I^etoeoti^at goniM*
menttt^rnpetto;bo<HMt)aue ouu tfie initeto; booteg j nil'
teWtfctotetye tofem totoogeafigurerfGcomancic

How theiofcriorthingiare fubieltiand gqucrned by the

fuperioit' Chap.

npW» thing to ewtmne an® ant of oil oouM, t?«tf all % inft*
1 ctoucttihigabarubmt tottotbaftipectoae ano ipeautnUe
thmgw, in futhomi tbattbebeateofttw Fire it attetou-
trt!mtiO,lhafi«ttofH»£airthtogiae«to(f, 2 , atto)). jSM
thaaHatlMftittoaattmaBtomefttfrwof, toattntoiteoDii-
t» b* Claiilatoftoni tobeme thamoiamaeortbe Aiw nor
(Kbetb, to atfritoitea toito v. KbeifaaortyeWawtoat^
(nhHtabflton. SC^ebeantto oft^e(hbtanoa tobateofail
tytaga mi maae.to gtotti to ^VntttortortteiuittaiMiomifk
toattoUmteatottoV. flUMttoaffe ana (toiftmfitto apnahv
litofHito<rcn&9«9CtoconciinaraeorttNiigitoh. aitoiftba
toV^ioftbePt«lofe^l»m». totiiriiratttiuitbeflrtJBfflke
tfbtoltal^t|a*tbauilietioucbatoaaba{n<l(ti anb gotutteb
bf tbetopetiailboaiM, aatoabaneraio befiue rittto kail
laawClUtototogCbeapattat af tbe)bbllUmw atiDtffttotogi-
aito)tbatogo«euirtbtfiebeattantib(ai>orntan>anD<f btt
acaMtoeboinMontotbebeatttanooHect^ganitojiea- S^ie
caototobtobatb i»niifltonoii(ctbetieatt>tobnanto that A
tofbebaaCiaro,anbtbatYtobto epaltatioii,a>ttfd, aatoea
Mambfarpattoncei^iantbatanMn to D;anbm , bto beao
aifttWKtaaeakatanbtyenincbaSnabto gemtojlca to tone'
gectocototntor* b* tofllbefabetbpanbbg : anb bp bap^
topwcrtfeatoeefeemanpottxtriwebtoa fo; fanbjto beTeatof
befibMrtbtfc, H&ut To; bjtofetufi* fahr tore toill noto Qwake no
»wett#wf,bMttoWwtoc<>metotbename«9rt!>e ^Untto,
efGtmdncU* 15

tje^rtof Gcomanciettientljeotjec.,

Of (he namci and diffetencei of die rrtoea Planet f.

Chap, Jff.

kt tea bMUetHan&hoto tfc uidtnt pfadororttetitaUea

. 1 tiie)»lttttt«»aiU)tB^toiffiii9enttti(evmpntto tmotwe
tyemottetotnaMtyec , 3|ttmig)(t0Mbhmffi(eUCM one
s;tttio*tot!»enoe»tiNrtnof|^0lieomltteBitfNiii ncteffv
caUeo h tft*jftrttycoTtyt gotie , nn»t(inye(«bmcof(»um« j
ttime^asingttiattietiMilrlgtimwagnat Hoiti»rageiP^t'
ofmm.anoboloeningtftemin^enteivillinimhMtef half
lift snooeafy.
VJUtMlUoa jf«t|«!pBlping^M«itiiitt|w oloe time »tfte Iupittr
>tos of ^taom ^nnmdWc, botoe, bUgito»pieafaimt, awriafaft,
«»ieaWbU,«noof0oooiBiU,l)gneft<Jio»jo«taWe,faB8, ana ftttf
Mffiblff All OttetB In OMOtttflie.
J aetaHrtMauori.tottitliwwwehtofaStfle »««jrttieMar» ;
in inatreiblooor^fgiutifoumoe^tnaiut tofae fuboata»talu
ant in jUtmea, lhonfttarion*,tMant&U>toijomt nonetance-
. ltattiatiponU»eM|)im|ainne»|(evnttett>ooi»net|iemigi)tie>
ant tahett ftin^,<Stnpecoai(»^ma|aotentatM oot ortliehijpta-
cia.beiafto^otliMft » onogouemoMcofiHte^npUmetof
blooMna entotmaeth ana makettpattM people in fijj^t.
o il93aBraUetiiiftt)Colb(ittte Phoebus > Apoila »the. j
IUgl)t,nttouecoftintt,aniia«re of tame>ha(k, ana tott,
Utingimmoitall^ingourcalDbtattee, ahingihining , ana
goloen. gentle, honelt, roncteona^jHippp ,rage,anopjuDenf,
ijnight calleo Dionyfius.ano ApoUobp oap, aaputting
^aftacalUnillihtt iaaliocaiuo Vulcanc , betmife of the
jfx tioleme
^6 . clbe fir/l\Boo%e
ttiolcitfe > antt catching of if ite»t^ie Ciialdeam trftti A*
dad,t|)at 10 to fat>,£lU)nc •
Vcnui 5 a«aU«DawllEHaD^tobfteatn>ffute, ((jelatip of none
ana SBeautif.laby ofmen, ofiop.o ramitieiorplearanttieSie. of
aUijcatMiMgentitMbilabcoffitttie anomtmc* forces'
ftHjnottoootocU^noplearealltliuiBfl-.(^euitallco Hcrma.
phroditaittistiotorap^actiiheceruottihinDro, spaCmUne
ano Jfeininiiw,bctaafc^ciBm fjjeteactoboti) ofmen anbtau
raennbttaatTo cllteblabai (DOoejieUir>Diana>o;cattrtt Htf-
pcrui,Qati«Cof*g,tfetfetfbtac^tt» deamtiCemtbUgbfof
tbetoo}fo.«Bb»nO{p»tt»Ootode > fl^faieaUoB Photyborus^
tint i« torap,tl)e jitaiw,ano goaetnoat>anD leaooc of all tbUtgt
tOflOOD. If
itttcury. 'Slfcalleat^ifimneofioBtanksfBOott fpDfitgf»amMU«
caflet,Serpcntatiu»,toUp>ii»«witoto,iwiftiiabU, ftconglti
f^anotnUlire(t»taci(S9no(ailoofolinank>Upnmt» m
• » 3*talUObfnlgtitXucirai ana Profcrpina raobteOfoj
fliati^egootbanagfuetfiltgbtbpHgbtf anabf cea(bnof|dc
bee,«n»aHt^eeimeoano(£l(tnent«aoren»bet , anafoaMf
blaming alfecomnwrnaonenlouetaUbeattieMna rmMi
tourtmgtbricgnjtomg: anatbebcalleo tfietottieanafUbtor
ci.Sb<rebefbename«tobbt) tbe oto ^bilofopaew gbebnto
t>pianeuttoi^ a |mt>»^goob to pte« bm i fotWi
enacitbattbeGcomancicfl em not In tbenameo o;DtflRemt<
ewe of tbem, ana (OMk tfwt it to netefltefe tmto t^to toctem**
tio;lwntb«ttoootobepettttoeain. ettttoiU note talk* of t$o
'natmeanaptointtoof eat^e oftbeto fata planet* ana
fbtgnif * o;oartMoftt»retonapt<i**p«U Ctrde of ^oaaen
caUeat^eZodnckc, o;t{ie Ctcde Cdiptiqtse r ana attec
ttwt. toe toil! n*ake at largo of t|K Zodiackc » atiDof^a
' Of
yfyedmtineie. ij

OftheSunoe* Cbjp.aOv
n cH)ot,o;, an
\A/^. ^ ' ® ^wtoceMtoaimhe
,V V of t^e ncc tomaumic tefiwpe (torn b
frtmn*. mtMQfc
^^^tontw,<*4w,8t®cla* ai»krtttbe«j»awtu<^ ©,
WN* taw ttotMnm one* «U %
ptt)«*;®abertM< Brtlet moft amfltitt,tnt o (ifbebutetai*
btoadgbtmotftigtoWt mrtace ma pMmtit) iftiitUfibt
rttt tanttle of«U ,«« gtocortjiMi.: iFw#B^0
iPjwH«iKr W
iMUiniatamasbnom.lBt ^he«UMi(n^i^tkii*<«<rr<afp-
weut^anb of (tnitf^esOs

feme fafom of tfie mce <3 i« tm^ fwttec

,r nftlr iniwiiti ■
twyigm^toewtbtp^ & in

MmoafAcMrtucebiltKbab^ofatiMMetn § m* tmiKtbtii
to CO^WlWlt tOt»,»HaWC>': dBfetMftlMira to'Mf*

be«o«nDlh)Ouafa«rfmOT,TOOtoo^b^tt»I«ttonM» «nb
nntt t^ntoltal be t butymfc to'aUQ 'trnm noble
wibbto ey^Wion btflbet entite^ewofon? bt|>e» > bio

^^ano triplidtie auiittfaB «atotnjat tl#* pl«c

H'Ufil'.lltt■]. I'HM wij- f ii'M- H'K I'-fiTjC ill ./if »r»7»7iil TjT^I
to ni Ic ano gonecn^tno to fee aUtftingii to dm oober. V)e tmtfa

IfMttlieplaceoritotoBbditeoftf toatwuetli wtotweof ©,'

if 3 tjiat
%% fthtfirfttykify
^giutntoto VttufawiWaionof tjuJUalmt^bj^iitwiea;
Sooo^t»mpwat«fi«M»ifiot^i>fla^ ill ytftlttie intitei,
aflns oMtfeyirtWfriUiwIto
tnabaV a>lt^tt{)at|W»

M ? tflM^iicvcciUtt; ttWpjoftKof&te (oiii^olfea ,

potoecana antwttifetomewe.bn* anttftU, bs c<afont<xtt|a
^MUMtafs Umw.iteaocftntoo.qjmaa? ot^u:, tytWt
tniW»|ia»watadtt«rtttyituft>tfiMftt6itl offks tf
? ^«amo<Hifcttwianf« ort^ tommaoomenta wwUi
goet^ Utekstir f m , aoU
toijM tieftttctt»te ft*ttt$ UketnifctottlitjKiWjj. ana
bMK^t^nuwp. MMytanoanDftniiwn

;;.• '■! '.•:(; •! '.' • ■ : ) •• ■ . .

TfacpowaaadfiKultie^luchOhariiIivaU.tiM Signu
. i... andpnitietofiiHiZodtacke...
i»' •• ■ -i-a i.<i:.. .' ChaptStv ..' • .i •i.' .• • -J.:
ototoHtflwwTf.lntowtetot ft—r
ffi; tm*
o ^(a»,(inateoWaineato^e«oaetenttrmiM. esiirtnlwistetf

& ^mi^kKaatearvii^tat^tttifear?.
IniUor ftnatt tom> (bfln^ainifetfetateoibmOin? nfrcg,
•Mt| tde tiingattkMpaocaiMti^spaicSto anagtMtnM},
^iaalfo^nt^flsBtgaotaiittetwftiWi. Mfenfriain

anDt^pla^igafmMflaiUiiti!niminta,ana tsillbeflns^ mutt

o ^^e^pUafttrttebe tBtBannett, m* tofnuttifto

OntfcoatabringWti(5«.aaiiientie<«fa"^» beeeetirt^etMr
pltafute infongamnScalltanatafafianate ti$ nat^itv«jip)b
to DnMt&mb ana of attwai, tetttynit giafog in
U0^ta^|i»»5»^im«^eiir ,- wpicaf«r«)jftj>« bot^
vntmfpetiiiR^^Mti^cftMbrifwWiiaioMie <» o^

ib) lMft)|V"Ml»
tfflbenbewm^^eta gr«^,btgb«m#wflbtwj , an vat gcut o m:
bewtf nttlUtnctJmMbwatA, tocUiwatrttetartB cottte,
ad^tbiBinW»*ppaaM,anftl«i«»fMtbJ»^. aib«n1icc ^ ^
win ? ,!icto of jpnilq^imlAMDeiitittl i^^bttnWtetn-a 1
oat i^im(9t«ti^,ti>t«n^»S^)M «» ^ajpiiano to
ano lawn of hyawttt^te gprat lihinrfMil *n* jattwatftonBr
•(betMttltetaortofbbtatfMm< iwiM bittiponifttrwHt
ofwatefatitfi»hMptu yafemfag
^people. <«»«tbo<»iwi^tbobia<Mli»)wwbtw>wwun>Q «»
bins, ana btU;Utu»alMvt»> miar^to^KOtoiocaokMntbimtu,
anti fettotb own bt liiMif>tf> ibwWlaftWtfe W)an it t» in
"><, tetoaub to pU? > Ifan» o x
MMtetbnwibinoitiivanbDfiiA^i anblonatji all tyingta

The qualihc* an4 pp»vcHW[hichdieMooneh«h by all

tkeSigoeiofthe Zodiackc. .,■
, Chap*
~ V Tib (be Uatt of all tbe^lantt* (leapt s, fu|)idi ie Taio to b e
lleffettbenftc. a femtttfj Onto Oatoiwjjteat , becaufe
(titwncrtOntotjfl. |i(^ia ( aatoaeb««cfmoe behut)
®nftsnc-liwwtfifti|»l«<asBamoe»i>fi)t0fiweli3atDe, tuljicb
too » OntotobomfibMgtnettipoioei;, nux tbrnbntoania
otbec t to; be t|)e Kinitneito ano onrbnetretobirt) toe tctttuety
oftont>tbejbto{rt0|)auetbeicbeau(ie anb toining * tycit
bflrtitneffeanoobfturitic. s to ofbei: nature rolb ano nuito,?
waketji toe boeici owe tobctw toe bomintoitito be fat anb
* motto
.«Mttai»AW4U)««NwMtoto tt u^ psK nUar,,
wi frefroftfr 0Wn»nr«tt»».^iU(t« i.
tfc ttm* of<^3(«iBlff, Q»M>8aatnii«« nl»lM

•Mfmui^in^i tf4»fr»ftWtMn»^ririnetm >ygowti»

ttOfMHA IMtCDUtMtefi fWW ifftfif tftHliffh',
XQDiiMluuiu.anitBdl Mqtii(klFRngtu» cat»tt(^l«in^
CD0ii AuMneorqqtMtfmig^tu ce«lim>anftof goM) luting
n^,lit^g^irttoiein^« peart «iii<«aoqoaito,«tiot^
amtiait* mw ft nfiffl mi wiiillwHtfhflii't IwwHi refte (oy.

m -
s M I*W l|<tl»Wt)M
£s T?
mi hi K
wewwiy; "T fm
¥ mm«» S
•7^«T^Tl'«^ri 'T!s
kW is in'v^e 10 tetp metamftoUe ant pcifSue tflinrtoing , iu,
appncU^tanoclott)eO)lan^ig pith-ttxtnttiiant toing nothing.
(f;/JtBaotie,lfeB?xnl^etein^flOe<aBaiu«enecMtt)iT»o ,-ant
Dottj no otyet tfyingbnt eate ant Twtota too mtKlj > ant no-
t()tng at aUuunowg^bnflneflttlljeiefareWte ant ttdiltOe,
tatting no pieoTute bnt in mittfcai in tamuing.t&alojtiftngiU v
balkta.rounta .contpanp •fft)iwten1ant cS otbtc t^inga of plea?
<m face- satienflKeiainm' Ibeeiaauwnanofgictas anoeufll
ft)oug>)t0» beingt^ecatifeofiMtb eniUatBljitb^^ wwetefee:
antbntootfiero aiit aUbPl^t <gno;m«e. Cfflfjeti .(^iain
a 7
t fljeia of on ^ttoftaU tiipotttion » louing iMitmpea
< >y ant tlje tompanfe of great men. SHftn (be ia in^Cbe •
ia a noble ant migbti? U,aop,Wre,banfame,toeU maoejbwteto'
A *? t^cD.anbofgofltnameifametffl^(batoin sx.lbeiartliainf.
offyeomnck. 51
(ouliiBjiiinfiiteinb girat putftite of tyrm 6>}<r!rftiefaefoje
6«tift«it£uetftflrc(t)<don3plafe» f^ealtaaiecnnotout'
wofb^MttcfticnaeakeHit^mssitt bmU)» tD^fnwtb
ta tofe »a8 tofll <n bet«(fet,aB in in
BjsuatnonianoutofojDec , xno tarcH notkins fty faire
tlottwa^ntaUlitcpieaiiite istokunttanDfoplanfar > Costa,
g)ue, ansfiittiottiecganesitvbihilMaatti tmfUtittanfc jans
0>ctaret|)noimncti(iwb«bnOit«irt. S^e^oufeofPias, l>rt
simUation ia ^ »aiis bn faU *n,

Ofthe qualiilet and powers which B'hath in the twclue

Sigoct ofth'eZodiacke Ghap»'Ij.

Sai I^a^lamfMpMftntesbsan olo ages man of sccwt fta-

turniitaU,bolsinBMU)mbig|*brfn(aianH>olieaRSSrtde, be
lan^aUc mnaraiiotta^hgan^iltrggm*, ttttia* toojH*,
toefins Uttletampanuitbtokinsanbisbfbiaea . anwmofa
p^nipt anftftHrtiUttWWajia tatoaka tbiwiking af iMirafttttnt
fttopu^offljeaftologiana .iab^ti fat, fyat amanMnga
fbatumian^amntbmo^ apteans momptbnto tbingaaf tpa*
gitk(,tbenbetbatiato»icSnBtcanotba:|»lanft. tKtyieni,
uio^neBlDttbaaBoo ^iamtbBiiSMkfnnBifbabatwbaH
ill^aiaiU. ^l»atatni8ng»tbaIliMMMti);,aiUiS(N^
tctbinbailstnga ,tofatbpbonrM;MDBtbaca((b;aMbtaba(t»
. lom>ansb«tbalWpea)^,aiwloa«ib»wttolfetD»tt>b»i»»ni
'BnOtwtbtuuetlmtfeU) cbiliuen^motbat Ojing tobitbba D®tb»
tonimrtbaftMttob»lolUttjtntobiapy)a<t. jbwbatnan ia
bojnepftbetoramiraoftbetoafecansafiufbncffa jfo)aa b
batbnsiigbtbcttftttbat otbetfaionctaBoaginebntobint, aa
kiitwuf^iisbtrabefoje. jfo^oduetb bint ttft beat anakgbt
tobfeb be bdbtbting yet oltoatea bta nu^taU <itemie> 8ns aa
fontbmgtbcCltnttiitaibaiaoftbeCaatbt ons fa;(befaalM
. oftbatoatt,bcta of tbo^atueft. ^afabjfgbtin^.s/itbia
» (p F:b'B
$1 Vbe firfltBoolg
ef:t)(80b'tutili£miiufl)eomK,v, ionienoiittfa^fatw
1? v illiantcnenr? to u becauCe ofgoaDindt, Wltjen^te^n'yi]
ttttafOtty ana tuiuntetti ofiite oteanutef an»4) ilianty w t#
Iwttcdwnemen.toamwbatui* » anooftbiiuimojebattytrt
floaD.fwbcfaufetbloactefl, bucningaf Counidef> tomotrt
■ »0 '■*i4 mTTTTTi i(7|f| fii' I f i jl flil'ir. • 11 rw i'"i ,777
T) ^i«in *,bet*mo^efduirattettttnmarcalme> rnibMUgbtet^in
toomacbbeafflvleatljedc.ittOtiiettiwcatbei:, irtbafinaft.
flacc tia be founn m company of Jfoifune fye Idte, iat^e
flgureoftf ,butiftyebe founotoitii Lecicia, tpbub ia alToaS*
B«Ke^»itiaaagaetbatbefio»bD|)omtboltguw toaa mate,
w oloc.Otklvano totabe of btaiimba^ano fo bereb u»itb gdefa,
tfjat beccaffetii not to toeepoano gcoanc toitbtbe paine tba^xe
y, ^futttotb.tflMicnb«^wi=,botaafiHWa > anlpeeuetfb rah
t«t«,imlambolp,fao langnilbiniMiamefnUttDbmbp ttiibufb
T neCbspwoaetbiik aabcnbc^i^'botBCoiU'timoaaeoiano
h n (Mng.rabMbeiiina.tn^ebtaiimingbt tbotD*tb<bmtUtt
tobe twt •ertuouaaw ftnmg abut in^e enobe fa toeafcean*
_ w faiitt.«Bb«i bt w in 'tf»attbe begiraiing b® reemetbtoMtt
ofmnnbem^pentiue^tieiantboif, takinginbanobiBbWnflai
ano Imko to be Done, tobubto tbo eno toaicoawto biapaairoiflf
aointbceniwbcibaU'^ftvwttto'WM'N Mbcnbi
_ ^iain^.beiaaccotnnoatttna>orgcsatpotoec.autboiitte, ani
"nobilite.bauingpieallRteinninstberB. toniatteb)a(te.tobaM
an« put tb«m to tbe ffelMno to maittgaat psoniifonlioaai hin»
ormnwtianaoffiumtbtitinfboonOibelbiMl become pomeyr
B tnHiibtable,oircomAteotanbcnefo;nieix?.ti9lbenbeiBin^b<*
beliBfitetbtoflboeteiii batquebujc, tong'boto. anocroffe'boiob
aiiliiiinaIue,tomafeeaniciuaflon, tobumeanotokiU, anb
ooeaUabominabietbtnBB. Mben beiain?, baieofgteat
Oaforeaoobtbatlte/anormintetftit dBSlbenbeieinv * bf
ia fao.bccy peHflue.punitbing bta boop bp an ectteame meiam'
tboimeOe.anobMuintffe, aman iobicb lonetb to oigge tba
eartb^notomabepitiea^Dtofeacfb tuaface in tbe eattb*.
fflClbeiib«iatn«»,belOMrtbtohiUmen, anotakeatoaptbdip
#aWflbVft/(c.tta{Ku$tfofo k, fcttetfeftMiitanotyngbut
tfl Me will,ano commit tnnctbec > anfeotbectDickconeire > but
int&eentebeOtfUwmembetb<rtifelfe , ano become pittifoi^
meeci(ull,anotot)iiueconi)iainanon HiepooM-antinetB?.
Ijenfefbev* ^jaeraieatiw ^ibUiog ^, ana derail

Of thepoweriof % inech ofthe twduc Signet ofche

Zo^JKkc Chap* Z4».. - :

lYpker if a^lantt amiable .ge ntle»^adtme, tmmte&om*

ihi^ttttanroeuetbebo;ne»if cmaBfioKora gnoo bMineana
1tnDei:Canolng^baae»lotall^nli mdngiiuongtoiteinan; tltif
a _ t . II.V —• am bntoh * afr _ . T »
jirjl'i<7141' - :£»?I* 2.ii FI.J
tbeClettientfiano oftherpdngM ONuendmitbtrearon oftbe
Fcace. aaJbofoeoce if borne bnbectbia planet,iemotl com-
tTOnlcamaiTofgootiwwwticemibcowftftwme, lotting tobec
loeUaaoOPneftlr(iotlxbJnotieif (ao 3 |wnebefo)erm ) a*
ntiable.lopalliano pittiftiU, anoonetfrat tDiUioiUniglvfeottirc
mattecB)anotb6fetof)ttlibe tuicheO j but be louttti not tyem
toWcb continue in tuicfcetmcOieja man trttein bio tdeof»of g«Q
tonfcienceano amitie, ofgooo DifyedttauB aim conrdeocei ano
MlingfoM piMfiire* niboirenieofboo^antilimbe,aloaecof
Utofe ano iuogdnentf m man iubitb louetb soonDctie ano gooo
beloidiio^eminiibitbtbftnneire* Kbfte'fnotbiugMnebp
^bonicaneofvtobicbifnatlgooo t anocommctbbnto s gooo
enotibf if tijecnufe oftbe cleacnr ffc ano puttmne isf tbeiaitf,
anoof ibfplea(antite0ieQfibeCSiifloefl.'4.'anototuhtgmfnfiii
out (Wbn by bif 3000 natuteanoqualttiei it • bo mittigatetb tbo
bwteof tbeSoummeti ano tbccoioeintbo Winttcvbctatierb
aioap alii aireo anooiTeafcf^e if (learein Y, ^ano toofctb
bif«learnefin?5,'?\»1'»,» bomf" oaUte in-'f*? vbieofccM*
twamlninjetb tRUben^ m inx h beieofgoooqaa.
U^anoamitie,anD oeliBbteo tobeioeltriotbfO >, toeatetuto
»;inMl0tiUana teMQce t^es ptaidnt ans aat^abU ■
M^aaiwn^^intftlieifatmnofgoottwDsemettf ,
oiCawtr.aniorBttat btntoMse ,aitoloaet!)UKU^oreb)^i((i

(otmt«tuKinre,p(^ire,sentte^ni> orgooo bocattaiiUxnttlift

|)uin«Kani>te{itofop(juallfraencc, but ?et« great txflmrf
h)ow«njrfldfll(jtioOMlw>. SOtmtlirbitiiS.iNleutati^jji
<nBiniAtie)a^Bea;!iattihgt>l'afttretnatMe*, loatngfoanM*
«tttto8att»«p«opleto8ttt»rfb;tbattni»ntj amantatMae.
sgri^fD^mmm^nttarrfngMiM^rtM (bMetwi
Migtt^nlrattttngitBBI^^tatn^bamaitt^it Mtf
all bis faict lautt) [mnt%^na to protein Crtflt'botuc , an«
|»anogt>nn<,«noegcrtb fvama » anotoaRralt ttmmtu

allhinMorbKapotti ^omMioiia^anonMCoitaartntwiKiNl#
wtrfttbOofi^fe.witofaUBiai^ttiiww, Qiltddttt ano
fomrtuminaHancn* txulmsamvHtca^aUt^ngitiMf
to beflMfeo.ttWjen^etetnO'. pe
IfiKianodatDKttig. anolbaMiitotol^cati^tftQftddbo^
toiku .anb roinetime tbify rirb- mpen^eUtin n, beioattptt
dwttottbtbtCeottMwto.aitotobea^aptainatntoflite, jnttl
buetb tDtlttoptbfctsgettnmgocbfi btodttoi«tomMditM
np!tobalfomotdfal>fett»ntod^aW»i»plwfwefltib bfutiin.
IwUrativRombnt htootoiietoavne, toitfyontlfyimeAj rcaw*
(tn^otbrr ,lttttemmb(iigmt?buBm«»latdtintin«,o»lfe^
bbttpd<W< ratwi!Kfoto7«delQnetot0tfo«!wfef, uft
fumtgKb ant> appotoeu, anb louet{) a* totH to tyiutbit
Iton^toUtMMmttoaadbotonedotdef i iKlouctdinPii
anbtBttttr,aitotottoato^aubgoetotal#. tBUdandetotit^*
btltpoae, tttMv tmiTnablt > ano cannot delptlKtnieltaivttd
dtaofDiMmradMca. CObenbcwin- > b<taagtt.itbuntec,
tarilmote, fat re of boop.toell tlotbto, tctirane an# One, anb lo*
netbtomategoobrbtare. oniienbttotnK.betoagceattoi*
Otoinatltodnw#, appipingbtaOootaind^anDptotannto
t^wDai^tolwC^PM»»W»aaW#b^|m»ftf#. SCDttwtft*

';.. t
j(*y)Bjucp*«;tf«p*^o,Z^4wWf Ctup. a;.

\ A Afiiiap^.Wf^^t^fwWne. tyewftetoftMi
IVJwboswJH^ftw.^lamt . iAPf^tnvkrtiMuarawkilv
t^HM^»^mlMtl4lWttcibwi«(^iMrtMMta com-
co^MttD tp wpu ini^MifUtiiii^M. wbbtne* > antotx^
or^u.^Cmttcvn^ttieStoiintftetf fmtbu*
Atpg tj)( fomw#* in of^ IrMmntKi,^! $<* it

panm ntieniKV^iM^tanwkaiiMSiltcMri^ rattntftsix


pet W§ po,afi!Me twUrtftHet, # Ckduttltb*p«t of o,b*aar«

ttifttopp^wfa^kiltwnbaUolmanfetjjato^ eiuitMitntjis
|)ou(e, b)^ ^ ^to^^fiueT w ttw twnft of tf^t^oCeinitutv

pfj.ifltciimtwijoblwiww.i oNtnaHiKcrattMnn ano tmotc
ttantin^anOlittlecflnOowttitbttMetifftte sftinrQe.l^if
fel4netwnip;taWttwnpDitfpj), ani)Uiofnn«urb»eininota
$igM0,Vutt)e ie ftiong in tlwre tobitb.loloeof^e ifucjjmo of
tlw ^i^iab^tmpipflwatin iktatniftefyintf,
k.s^ib oaiitptn :«nD omtmiibetbbiPiMrbencaein
m^.v.^ibenjieuin^jijc CBniacttitlamouw , feOttiottB,
irtellion«.oe«it0,llrifcanDDebate» anbipCoptaineoraniU
cotntianc>anD innentetf) ttie fojtet to oner mm o kill fUko ioitl
^Mtooanb otlmc motqionSf umint tttatmcoiuf i* fweeoaran
'« © 3 ti)e
ittcfoaw^mwt^cst^fijjcfMt.acaui^etofiDomfn, &tis>
^und{ of bifaae b? tjje fttskc of a ftnojOetipontrta fare, tielo
uett)toplflr«tw«an»fatt)e«i toOnato»«t«nrongfl , atibta
fomniitfaitt)Cl)iccBoft!»etto;lD». OTJIjcn^iBin^ , (je itn,
poajj:routDutt^anlnamt^ng but^ntWDe.artObafbloftf
fc atterso things vubM) featt^ ttb for, ano putfuttb O^m
ioljitf) flp atoap^na batb bencljurt in (be anne>anou fecuant
bntot^totytMaueUkelPirebcm ^intte ano Ijane loft route
•f ttrmmtmbcH itn^n be iain ®, lie to afquire oftbe ttrtlf,
a nBecofbojfeB, f^nfilMUirt<!Dant*4nbCtbav»boto ,'anO
meoletb toi^tbc (IrattB trtooiKtano w IbactOiaribOOaMeO^B
face 10 Ul Cauonceo, ano mifTonnto, (bttpta man tDilliangb to
loobe twoniMiei* agceat Ukec of tonpento an&J»naket,b?
incbaunong cUfyem^iiA Ceametb tocnce ani belpe OeTeafes bt
bwooMMO iiubanfrawfoW0|Mtie <*iltA, b* m feetp 3tiMia
ano nrigbtte.tftU mfloa tA^obtvbigannf ano tttii&'botn jb«-
mgofocbaleeiekeaatiKeanoukotmfaiiiiwn oei^rcofi teiil
teaceaaDpfculebtaotxino betto, rmhnocheburbtaeagainQ
tbettaLtafotiaugntabinbe ia<nn(^eia4Uf{areo> a^act
imeibat AmtbtOfidtf tbftiei obKculf roXftcaftelo^tofMU1,
anotoooettw^otobiebpairoebe pouiet ofnmi , oneofbia
eicaiapatout.oneofbiamembetaiamtafoap, ano be is oloe
o>poo«.aabtnbei0in:2:,beiabiitpto»U:ftataceo, fimano
nMfe,b>otnafaMpof»0an»annontlDb<<i)'0flne«b^gb(> be
u toell appointeoin bis appateU j'anopiartifeo to (bootem gun
ano ccoffcibotoe.nno louetb io Qn0' fabr eare>anD to make goo
ibtaMteiBairoocflttuaortDomenaftmipanp« anofometime
BefiUtb bunTelfeluntb bio oinnc natute.Mben be is in?, be if
matpjflnOBifpoCeo to fpo^e.plearaittjrcomefbll, a bablet .aito
fceblcitihc bnta a bonun^no bopetb bimfolftflttelpneate, ano
tcmuie i mobing nien altonieO bitb bia b o^cb, CObenbeiB
in Yr, bt(B a riib ano migbtp Uing, birtojiotiB ,ano tabetbno'
tbinginbano butittucnetb (o bif pjaifr.saiben bctiB in «,bec
ia miftbraoufl ramitionB,putting (MfebetbeenefolhtB be tbe?
ot&et >ate of bi#eieff wout ,anD bo u burfemt ogeof fK»loss»«
tuberebe boo lo tame, on els bo batt 4it bHitr in bnoofbio mnfi*
bero. <Wlboitboioinx,beoelisbtotbintljeflcteof oi^inntion
anO incbauntc?, arro louetbto |ilas loitb tuomcn ,anb u nuirb
fubicrt bnto bio aton* ploafurco> pet i» be birtojiona oaot all b»
enentico.ano fomtcime billetb men tuitbout taafo cq txafon,
J^iebouftobe ^'n.bixorallatim ^bix iop tM>bix
Of the qualitie which 2 hahby thetwducSignet of
tncZodiacke Chap. 20.

\ JEnuiix a jdlanetcolbfnuili;* mabingtboib'iiecOmx that

V be fubiea bntab<c.bo|i(rp,faice>metcplfine intlwicappaceU
aftDellbobteoaBmapbe,anDof ftnallcfltd. SbisfHanetit
fticnoto cT ,fo; tboove^oibameof tbc natutea oftbont botb>
and ranfotb plaaTnfeuAeloaidinei.btitbp tbteitefhoeleate
anoowwoofrf »lbot beconttwiwu Mbntsitiopneottitb^
Ibe talMtbatoaP mmbofbirmatitej i< fbe ootbairo agceetaiitb
b tbenwrf of ^Uibubwintbcbwroor; > t tbetMltationof i>
2 ^a(tctbm<ntebeor8aob|itt>bb(taH^nD tnefl (jMben.aptto
flpwCttoanotomibefMBCbalkto, anBtoptaptoeUcnnniii
AfpttiBOianKntf. aflbotttbeioiopneo toils', Ibemofcetb
petfonx anteanDmttteto tD?itel»ell>paintUjell pootttae, and
OWtoanunagt , tycmahetbtb?peaceable»not bapnouanei.
tbeclooero of debates 02 ttrifex >fact) people take tnucb bamnca
anbgriefefbafhuillttiingf ■.afllnomenDoe.? Jo tctnpecateand
ntoiftsandae comctningtbeOEIewente, (be 10 oftlje HClatect
but got to much ao i): and toucbiitg tbo (earons of tlje pticnt, (be
is of§ iQiiaintecibatfomebobat IcJTe tben tbe » 4 iBmo;eflcug>
tnatihetbenfhe.l(hetoahiOJtwn.waijeti2C8tn>", (beiofad,
fowotofiill, poo», mucb fuRiecmg. mdancbolie, and pe nfluc.
tUMbm (bo is in v, (be is noble tbigb > tnigbtP, and of grcatte»
notongandieputaiion, alotircofbings nndoftboiccbilo^n;
and ofall^iimeo and gobies . remaining datlp loitb ttjem.
SKSlben (bo is in ^, (bo is pittifall and mertifull, bauing com-
palTiononet(bo pooaeiandgiuetbmucb alutco. MOben (bo io in
$>(beb)uetbtebeU)eUappaceileo>toeateanDD;incHetwsll, to
Mqnu^olM^ta^a? at bait toitij mtn, to Ijant f^inw,
tbeCftianumbSitiibics « atiootbetfaircanoroais bjowbetf.
Wbcn (beum^i , fbe iatUfcc luftltlTwinctimnotliUpeljtl:
fclft!tBit|ibf totuitemcmbetfi.Cffll)tiiftici0i«'!r, (beis in fri*
plaiitie^9>a)tofuU.angiie,£nuiousfliU)|ll(ontenteD, bautn^
am. ofIjetmembeta cut atoar? imo h>tt,a Cetoottt of(w>)e (blke0>
U)i*ttbtK"u:alfoloftfomcbfH)»itmejnbits. ^a^tbeiiiit
-,(bet« a8i:eatlao?ani>imftttffe,anade,cbtDlna , anDSgbt<
men of Vuarcefo; bet ^Defente, ano to be mamtaineo in Ijtr quac-
telo .tRKben (be is in »(bcoelifiljictlj in ftrife ano tontentionr
nno to spp^effitotbe^anft to tabe tbett gooosama^ bv fouearib
bioletue. COben (beio in r,(be tahetb pteafute to (Umt in ctoffe*
lKrtMe,wtttabearetb*l*l«^nbb*lb#iD,antito iuftintouaie?i
tIilibtnfbeiiein^,(beQe(igbtetbtobcateanglng> anbtoeate
miiiojiBbeto«U»anatobewonlwn (nno^ times ano betaure
tbat (be is faitc > pUaTatft, imb of Mw ftat w t. lb'»<>tfo UoMb
fair<tbing»,attBtob«>nffb«Wwcottipah^. m abends is bt
-".(belouetbtobuntanoto Wtoto, anblouetb^MesoraR
migbtie^nbefBFWttoiibmnSaiibtWBlbJibgs, anb meutStt
jOitbuigs U>t)i(b(b«ootbbptinotDl«ge, anaootbgoneine^f
reainie.anb ooti) maintaintttinpeawbttntllteat Mtolblebge;
anb louttb bee fuWttts tDefltbccntfe tb«P tahe gwat pieaftlte to
kamefcieme,latots>ani tofltomes. (Djebonfts ofs bw^,^,
btietaltationn^etiopt .betfiiii'^

Of the qualiliceand powers of 2 in tlicSigneioftlie *

Zoduckc. Ciup. a/.

Vi FrciiricisaplsiietofageAibitif.anbofgveatfcnbfDlebge.
1VI bis nature is to be gob toitb gmb.ano bab iottb bab> be »
tote anb bwton fudj toire>tbat be is a planet inafciiKne fcoitb
(be inafcuUnerfno (Inninine tnitb tbe feminine. ^fs(b;ce oootb
biminifbanbloeahenintbeboufeofs janbbeisfrisnb toviit
fcieiue srb oodnnt, inbts iop anb fobaine mooning .bee Ooetfe
partuipateiuoUbcf.^ebobWJb'^bofbimts Ittttbiflrbaffto
of(jtomamie, 89
rnin fotwt'nf in al IW* oom^f, ittti inlll n«e b o am? ttjingbat
iDljiciltdhettjtjiininHjEiieda, t)eia tertapttoleacne, ana of a
full til inf enDment, bat of a flnall (outage, ana ia fomttiniea a
gnat Deceiuct. anD a tcottonc: l)e ia one oftlje tt^ee planet*
nibict) (aurett) raine. itcafirn j ia in v beatet^ anabitUttt
fiilba ,t)e inahett) ffdfca, tcbata i contentions,« mutmutings.
M!;ent)cisin <s, be ia crceiTiuem eating anpoiinbing, ana
pid?ing'.t)e Uitllbeptearant, anD lone to fing ano oaure anoto
Die tlje like (ompativ, Ije ia Dntempewt in tjia Diet. ano floutb-
ftill in all bis Doings, subenbeiaiit n^beoeligbtetbtobaua
Debates ,ano appointctb bnnfelf to go to lay toait to kill men,
ano to pzcuent others, bauingnoaeliabtbut todapanordrack
otOecs. usbenbeisin »,beiseuill,malicious,aoidembiec,
traitecousioifobeoientceaos to doc teUlteDnea.anomelancbO'
tp. mbsn beis in l * be is ginen to Warn > caring not t o kill
a man, ano louetb nothing but contention, ttnfe anD Debate.
Wen be is in "i 1 beDsligbtctbto (beotein banb'gonneano
ccoire'bobsc, anoiouetbbo;ic0,bacne(ri,anomenortoane,u
toeitbelcttecns tbcgcea''er,anotobe U)ell(lotbeD,DeckcoanD
appointeb. Wen beisin -,be istofle, Inelirrtneinalkino
or'krioiuleDge, tmDagccatl£)iQo;(pgcapbeco) ttlftec orbito.
ties. We n be is in "i, be is of a gooo making anD aature,of
a gooo countenance ano appacame .anD louetb to be fuel bojCeo
anoguigcouDp appaccelleD. Wbenbeisinr ^beisquotrcN
lous. making great pjouiltf in bis boufe to aOault bis enimieK,
to oueccimneanohilltbem. CJUbenbeiain^.beiapowe.ill
cloatbco, fickelp, ashing to; 0ods take, ano lame of one of bis
mentbecs Jfilben be is in ~ be ia a great 3arologttn,9[>iuine,
(Scemahdan, nnoan interp;eterofO)eamea. SEben beis in
y .beis great, ticb>anOinigbtie,anoingooDO)bec,fumptU'
ouflp cloatbeo,aiiD tul of al goob bcrtuea I manners b^fa boufe
ia'U'anou-biseraltationnr, biaoefcentH. flnotbus bttfte
oifrourfe ot the Chapters tbere ia manifettlp oedareo bnto poii
tbeconbitiSs.potoers,! naturca of tbe planets totbeenopou
mnpcomctoiuogeeacbfigure. anDpoutyoll inogeactojoing
to tbe nature ano conoition oftbe^Jlanet » fromtobomelbee

Mt&eflfiwe Aquifitb teattnbute&tjntev. Letitialutfou'.
Pucitonto^nofocmiftiiuentlB «0({ie eram*
l»Ic»HaUfteii)eb«wafter' i^oUi mud tocrpeakeoffbezo-
DUcfce, fallotnins our fo;mei tuomire > (bemoQplainrltRnd
nwmWIttwtUjecan, aUboujjMtiatttoonot muc&tcwbtt*
mattwot (Ujomande.
Of thcSphcrcand Circlet oflfeauen»

Cliap. 28

T fktfiere ana all (wnpafle of I^eanen la ontio en Into

1 f r n Ctrdea > tobtttorrmitc be tdTcc > (bat la fo far, tbe Ar-
ttque(ant tba AnUrtiquc,tbe (copitk Of Cancer, anO ttlC (CO*
pickof Capiicoroei(|ieotbccfirateBnate(>tbatia to faPitbc
Equator,tbeZodiackedl^ttooPiUari,(be Meridionall, anO
(bat Oftb* brizon s of fye tobM) Cttdea^t areatcQ latbeC-
soiiHdiflU^etaare it Denioctbono pactetb tbe tooMo into (too:
qxnertsteataSiatbeZodiac^bctaurebe patUtb tbcCqui*
noOlaUbEtbeoiloole. ^nobacauretocbauc no gitatHCtoeof
tbtfe.aatoacbwijtbli one att.torr tolllnotoccafc talking of or
tb*ttbinfp>anDilpakeonelgoftbt0anDoftbc (ignea. VL\)t
Zodiacke oj otberioifecaUro tbc (titleof life, la tbat U. bltboj"
poiirfiitgtbetoapofSol iaretouetlbloattanDobliqueamongS
tbo ott»tpoleaoribetoojlo>ofM)etobtcbZoalark,tbconemol-
tie Cctknetb torn tbt Equator tot be pole Arrique}nnD tbeo*
tbetmoilieoefwnuetb tjntotbe Anurtique , ana (batiatbc
taufe tbat it la inanP timea (alien t be dole oblique,betau re tyt
tbe rdtnatlon anb oblique (letting of bint in tbc relpett oftbeE-
quator^mboftboplaceoftbeflidmoouinglneie crpebientano ,
Beceffade.bttaufe ^ be tbecoucreanocccoucM; Etuolutionof
tboplanire^notrpe(ialleofSol, ra(b pactann quactecoftbe
ffiaetb bcaltecnatelemoueo fo; tbe Ringing fo;tb anogcotott
oftbinga-Jfuctbenno;e)tbecittleiO(dUc# hdipticall, beeaufe
(be -Ctkprencutrcominetb bnto i'ol ano bnto Luna.but ivbcn
tbofe (too planets be in one Zodiackcano fo tbc cicde Zwdiick
• woetboll tbe ^pbcteof tbe too;lDlMti) tbe Equatortnte tiro
twrtefl.aftfjetobirljttoo^ccleB ttje (ontmot) (fueibfitlotem
them be ralleD Bqiiinoftiall.tJjat i* to fa)««b>bett tbat Sol if in
wtbeeeftbcitl.tfjenfBbtadO Dap beeqaattbuttl^cpointf .fo&fcb
be in tlje miort betioeene tljc fato benlflons ano Cpacesbe callto
t^e IEtO|jichs ano poinffl oftbe&oltticea.tfjat is to tap, tyeco-
uetlionsiftatioiu.auD ftapes of Sol. i;i]ep;indpalipoint(8or
tdefe equinoctials ano Soolttices.Doe Dinioe ttje zoeiacbe into
routcpactsoji quattets.tefponDingto tbe fouce pacts ano rea<
rons oftfje peace: tbatoftbep;ime reafonbeginnetfj fcom tye
fcpcinfionoftbeZodiackcanDoftbtEquator, tutjen Sol be-
jptme tf) to Decline to ouc beiebt ojtotK of tije ummee
Dotb beginne (torn ttfr net t ^oKhce.^bat oftbel^axueft fcom
<beflEquino<tiflli follotslng. SCbatoftbeMtntcrfcomtt)eo<
tbet/&ol(ltrf,aHDbwaurettiateuerisn9total tbingbatbabc
ginning,miODlc.anoenDi, to; tbistaoTe tuene quactec of tt)e
Zodiackc is MuibCD into ttcecrquaUpartes >i bp tftis meanes
allftrecittuit oftbsfaio Zodiackc is Maiveo into thxlae pacts,
tbatistofap, toiutmub as tt)e ^Ktcononttcs bfe to note tbo
marhes, to place in t be zoolocfce tbealjfectsofttie^lantiwy
to; ttjepartes quotes o) notes oft be tboelue nambecsbefucbi
i.a; 4.5. tobeteoftbe flrCCgnUWtt) tbe Coniuiution, tbo
.fctonD the aipea fieetiie, tbetbnB tbealprtfituanwatnte,
ftcfoiittt) tt)ta1VwE:rim,tt)eflrttbe©ppoflfion , asintbe
ttjitDboobeoftbtsoucDnortetball bee QietoeD in certatnefl*
guces , totucb mahetb tbat eacb quartet of tbe peare isco^e«
fponeentlp Diuioen into tweine mnitbes 0; meafuces of times,
ano confequentlp aUtbepeceintottnelue. nototberettselus
pattes oftfte zotiackebeeptopctlpecaUsD agnes.becaufstbet
feetne to Deflne.ano termine to bs t^e mode nobte ano notable
mutations oftfjeap;e,anD ofallttitngscbaunrtng alltbe petes,
sftectbeoii'coucfeofSolbpaUtbe zoDiacke, anotbetefejeotf
mannitiscaUiotbe <Suiocne} CnSgns bcAvcteftjietiiws.
4.1 TheprH TSookg

<lAfigure of the Lsfjer Qrcles

TIkPoIc Anur(ique»


i inrnmiitii
IW rtiiniiM."."! Kiiiniw
rumi in\\Q> Avwy *

r# 1
TO** tzsm
1 !
£ «
1 1

t()c MtridtcM LiftCJ •

The Pole Aitique


i tlicir poles.

Of the the proper nimtsof the Signesof die Zodiackc,and

C^iap. 19.
VTiDId mufttouhnoUitbattbc tVerlue flqncooftlje^o-
1 oiiithtahetljcicljeginning/iiiCo.Hcin.irifpjinrtofftif ot-
tiifion of tlje Ctjuinottinll of tyc pjimc 0; &p;ing time, ttjnt
u tofav,nttl)at Kitted 0 bcgt'nnet^ tooedtn toloaibo oucte'
eionanotbc oaiesooetaiintipontfientgtto.anDbeein theft
ojoec ofQiibuteo to § conttan? aft fitQ moufment.flttojong
to the futfeffion of the ficlt ntoaement> aatoell of the plane to
8aoftbeftatBfirct)»to)h'tf)'»ftointhe""ioent b« (hefonth,
totoatot ©itft.flno beeaurethatOiatcojoingtohieoiii^B
fnflu(nre,thit to tofa?ti#o?e Mthwofibt o^Qteight then oh -
llqiieojcwrtco tolling of hto beameo^tno acoojtting to the Of
uetepjepaMtion ofthefobltance oftheinfetio? thingeoano
'bifrertmeofthetime gofnghTjeach^iflnt.ooothnwoue ano
alfo thangeth in litte ntanet the infedout thingB 0 nto t he lihe
3 oifpoGtion)
W{)tttti{ton>totyct)<stf)e nature of tbtfe tbing0,anti ofbfaff#;
mo tbat it femetb totanftfunojE effedB: a no fb> t tjio rauft
etbrGunr oftbt Zodiicke bearett) tt)t name of fomeoftbe
fSoetbint^otbeads, entitcefojc tt)efittti«fnllct) Aries,
tljat is to fap.t ilnnmic»lerau,'e Ggoitia Uv tbat pavtc.nupjo-
cbctbnccictbc coutfeofttjeplateB, I biobrate, mirtD t»ub
niovantBibcginnttljtoaugmft lihlcano little, r.notljCiiv'ie
eotlj temperate it fetfe, lotjicbtsa tbmantiitbnpebnfottje
nntuie t (mnpkrion oftbt Kamnic. EljefcronOta tal'cb
Tanri'i, tijat is tofa^tlje PnlijbcrRure o being bppon bim,
IjisbcatfDotb angmentrf tbemoKOnrs rcfoturo.maKctba
temperatet^tiofpAvte bjnlmngfoaojinefla.tbinguiucb a«
greeing to ttje nature of a bull OjetbitDiB rallcDUfni'mic,
ttjatistofajttomDlci.oj tioocbtlDtentopneainonc.btraure
tbnt intbts fcafonootbaugmentooubl:^no tbcmaiesofal
kinoeofbeatts boio^nelronptctrntb^feniiles fo; £ iiuceafs
anobringing foo;tb sf tbeictbape. Ebefonttb taketb bis
name of tlje trabbe. I is eattco Ca.icer, ^bkb isabeadtbat
gcetb barkboato.bfieafon tbat o retucnetb kOloatD Eqna.
tofttobmt be Bra raine,in obferuing tbe oifients t Declina-
tions of a contrary o;oecimto tbattubicb be baoin Geminic.
SCbe Sftsbecaufc of tbe ettreame bee t lobicb is tben acompas
nieovi a biintfl.tahelb ^ name of a Lion,fo;^ LionisSrO'
gelt of all tbe beaQs* t of a compUrton botanoo;?. SDbe Ort
tsattnbuteotintotbe Virgin, tobubisatbingbarrcnotO
ketp lueaks.to; tbtutbebeateoimuutbetb, anDtbeotme*
tobiebbrb^ngrtb in,batb Dominion, bemeanesiDbeteord
tbinges Doe teafe to gtotax ana to inrteafe,« bctome bamn
erceptfitnv^be)tbeertctanwcemoittonof(Dme. fCbeCea*
uentbaflerisnot ontPaUcD Dbra, o; tbe tfallaiuebe-
caufe tbat tbe Daps ano ragbtsbitbenegualbutaUs bttanfe
itmatotb aliketoaigbt 9 meafneeof tbequoktiesbeltottne
tbe be«tefnbicb tben fielntctbt ano tbe eoloe lobicb Dotb tben
bsginnc to rsme in. £be eigbtio caUcd tbe tDto^uny as tbe
parte benetHDUs ano moltlfooos of tbe peatf, hi bp tbe ort-
tug tobieb tben ootb ertel>ani is in bis fikeienD tbe coIDneS
Muf bt in, tobrtbbetbM qwUities, emmies bnto nature.
tymcMtttttUi routiption of tt»e i3p;e,mtti bp fbat intones
pfttxlen«i o^otfeec Mnsnoiui oirurts • SCbe nintbi* calteD
tip ^rcljt^anD isulleD Sagitariui, tot totien o coramctt) bpon
tt)iflO0iic t>f0 bcnt(bdflsbanqui(be&,tbeMloebAtb tombnon
jutb tbtieofcotnetl) fosSimiSiJnaUis, froSs.f ofyw futb per*
ntciousaltecatiosjbuctinjsonallpactefl tbcbeaQcital ttjingf
bailing tbe begetiuelife.aa if tytv tone Dactaani arrotoes be.
nouuo. EUje tentb bwretlj tbenanic oftlje lBnrte» onb to ral.
let) Capricornujjto&icb to a be«tt ofcolDe itatuMibitc ano me.
UmtjolE: fo; o being tbm gone facttjedatoap of all ttje rcate,
begoett) from out climate and ccg(on> ano bp tljat caufetbt
Site beconunetb DlSempereO, bp tbeoccaOonoftlje great ano
tttreamecoloetbatto tpen auompanleO toitt) o;pncs. SElje
eleuentb tstalleo Aquarius^battotofap, aradeE of Mater,
becaufe tbat D^pnts fapllng,ittopane0fonimetb<n ngaine, fo;
tbeno Ktumetb toto&roo tbc H quator.ano bp ceoTcn of colo*
ne0,UJ{)ttb tben to Laop.tbereroninietb mncb ftiotonno ratnr.
Jfinallp.ttjcttoelftbanolatiagncbatb nottoitboutgrratoc
cafioii tahen tlje name ofififljes, brcanfe tbep bebeatteo oftbo
toatei'«fo;tljentl)ecolocnc0oftbe timebegtnnetbbp Utleatio
little (ocno: auo bp tlje commmgofointatbe toppes of our
tegicno.tlje movOneo fiojenanocongealeo cctbtrfflblne »*n»
tfjeccofcoimnetbatempcratenea of tljcflPto. nuicljtoattpano
Eainp.anotljuoaijpcarttfjtbe reafon toljp tbe ftgneooftlje
ZoduLke bcare tlje namco tljep ljai,< > aiiOtfjercof cominctb
airo,tljatt{jcfirct>aarre«coinpi)tfeoabotittbetoap of o >ano
bnOertljerettoeluc feignce bebtotigbttntljefigaresor tlje
faiDe be aCteo a^■o;enameo, o; ofottjec tljingcs: to t be ent),foa to
bnotoe cacl; conttcllatiou anftocrettj bntocacbquulitteoftbe
fiuofetgiieo, aiiDtljeptopcrticoofttjc ^igneaanftoerenotto
tbeiniqgcp nnonatHtea oftlje &tarr«!). Vou mud note, tljat
oftfjefe ttocluc Ggnestljerc be Ore Arnque, oit&eptentrio-
nall» tljntiGto favtbefc, r>^, T-.^tQj'T.anotljeotljetfire
Antcriique, gpeciDionnll (O^eiit Ijernc, tljat to to faP > A.»i
j,^fK. Eljeretoalfotijjce tobicbbcoftbenatureoftlje
x,® ^otbcctijjatotiic!) be oftlje nature
oftbe MateciT» ^ > ^tQtbcctbtoebc oftfjc Aire^HiT^ano
^.6 The firjl
tl^feottiectDtjuljbeoftijetCactti'y,-,"!. E^cfrt'sntamaf-
tulinebetliofelBtjictite oftt)ejfiten«6oft^*3jte: ttjefcint'
tUnebe ttjofctobitb be oftbc jffllatct miDof ttje CDactb • tbf )©-
ncntaUbe tbole tvbicb be of ffje ^F;e: tbe&cdDcnUll bee tbofe
oftbeeactb-.tbe gpzcioimiallbetbofeof tbei^ire:t()<tot)i'>.
ttntiionallbcfljofeoffljei;aatec. SPome beftgutco infojme
cfinan, t»t)icbbe a, ,'U' ntiD feme in fojine of beafta, aa
r, tr, "vj, i auo .)i t oibets in foime ofottjci Imnijj tbinsajaa,
a,«i anbx.
snob? (l;eli>:c(onrcquciit>alltbcZucliaik« into j6o.oegcec0t
ano et be oegi ce in Dtiuoeo into r>o mmutco.tnbccof at tbia time
3U'Hirpea!?cnoitio;c, brcaufc itmahetb notmucb bntotbc
Science tob'fb bee tccat of, ivbtcb to ®eoiimncie. JUft one
paiteoftbcfc digues be faio toarccnODicedlv.ani) togetbcc
obliqueolbaehluaiD. abe? UibicbcoafccntiDicealpbeginne
attbe&igneofos.anoenoat tbcptobitboefteuoobliqaeo*.
tbtuact,beginne (torn1 ano enoat " t tbore lubicb boe goe
tbtoacte.obe? bnto tbem bobteb Bw oitett.aebp toap ofetam •
plenobevetb^J0 foJi,^to »!f,Kto^, tom, nno v
to i .SLbefiiftfigncia Y .anDbeeagccctbinlonphiitbX^
toitb--: amitb^*^ toftb^' A loitb mitl;-.SCb*
Cict(eof tbc Zo'backc 10 eeinDeaintotUiopaitee.U'beceof
tbe gceatct u calUD tbe moitp ofo, anb brginnctb at tbe fignl
of a , anb rnoetb in \y. fiLbeotbcc io IcITe anb is calUB tbe nioi*
tie off! , anobeginnetbat - anbenbitbat. SLbcmoitv of
t be beginning of ^, cnOetb i n tbe e nb of ip, 110 cade b tbe tnot'
ttebot»tbe otbet to bub beginnctb at -, anb enbetb at x , ie
eallebtbetnoitpfoliie. SLbefouctb patte oftbia Citcle tobicb
isattbebeginningofv trntotbeenbofK, i«tnlleofbe|nmtie
ome bot ana inoptt, Qgnifting pong age.tubUb u bot anb fan*
gtmte. ttbeotbecfonctb pact tobicbbegirmetbat'SaMen*
oeibin"P.fflcalico $»ummecf botanDD;it. anbDotbQgnifli
poutb ftom ttoentie,t)nto flneanbtbfctiepeatea, tobicbcem-
wionlp to botanb tboletirte . Kbeotbec uibitb iafremtbe
beginning of ~• tnto tbeenb of ^, ta calleb i^ameft, coloeanb
b jie» fignifiing age, tebicb ia roauwnlp colbe ano mclancbolP •
ofCfcmancy. 4.'7
Jiljelafttofjicb Ijntljtiw beffinmng from vp Vntfi tfje fun of
iK.ic talleo aaiintcrjcolCcanD moiS, fignifimg cttahto fTge,
Jubit!)<0nltunieafeeble, anoflegnmtdie . ^niongtttijcfc
vr>be wllco moucable,fo; bofjett o cntret&into v.fje
mooiicf b ano cljaucctl) (be CGiintet: time into tlje jime.ano
foofotbecintootbet ftafon*. £Ebc'filceD,beb'|ji,int»:,nnb
(bus calico,foj ioben o enttetb intoone oftbem, bemabeff)
tbe time fiune.tonffflntjano ceQing.Sbc Signet common be
calico common , fijilofenocntcetb into ans of
tbcm, bemouetb ^time fomt time one ttMc,< fome time ano»
tbcE.&t tbis timej toill fpeahe no ins;eof tbe dignes, bntill
^ bcreattcc (bait bee Ibeboco boln to fitte 0} make moctetb*
flgncB Onto tbe flgiiKB. 3b toucbfng i? tobicb tue bane fpokc
in tbiB Cbap-if ^e ooci]ucl('bnoe[(tanD,conaeec,ano temcnw
bft tbe fame > itlmillopen rone btioirfonDtng matnclloQe to
inosenfisufetncll. 3nO to tbe eno vcmar tbcbcttec bnbtc-
Cano tbe fame, 3 oio tljinbe gooo berc to Ibetoe tmto ron tbe
potirtMutof tbat ivljicb boe baueberefpoben of.

IS i

Other ligurci to know the Hgnei which moouCiit well di-


Ofllic fine principnll Regionsoftlte world, cprti-

Inonly called Zones, Chap. 30.

YsDu mi: ft netcnioiccmcijtOat tlje Icftcc Ciules tnljfcO toe

Ijanc here before ouclp toiichcD.iupaflins bp tljcin.tliat 10
fofap.tbetUtoffiiopicUcfl,* tkia polcc, fremc toDcuiDc tlje
callcDZoiKsojOirOltOibntotlje luljiclJOoc as iiiiiiipclimntB
nuo countneo niiftucrcp^opojttoneDin (htstcrreftiinl globe,
ilno tljcfcZonesojCDltOleBbL- fgtr#Differing one fcoinaii'
otljeoiis luell infigui^gteatneeuno largeuco'jno in nnttuc
ncciDcnt.iUo;tcmpccntncc. jfoj tljcfuftiarcituatebctUicrnc
tljctluoiCvopidiCSOoublPianbDcuioebfntotUioparte.bp the
CiicIcCquato^aiiDtljcicfoJCitiBallofonefoJine^ tl;rbig>
grft ofall tbc otbcr.U) jitb map be loci callcDa Zone, nno u
rallcoTomtla.oilonniing.fojrbatitfivmetbcoutnnialh' 10
bunic.befaufcoftbccoutinindlicuolutiouorooii^it. xZhc
t buo outinoftaonipufco biiDeetljc poles of (lie Uio^D>bc inclo •
fCD Untlj tbebOiBerspftbc Attiquc,| Allt.irtiquc .Utljltb bo
fame tat lire to bea're tbc fohne ofa Circle then of a Zonc.itiiD
tbep belilveequalt.ano ofoncformc.finDlctreetljcn tbcotbers
be loctuniif tlicretUioHegioiiB, itljaf dftbeniiODlc tljcic
be otljet tlno placebamb be lilte cquall one to anotljci:, vet It•
niitcDUutbagvratri.largcrqnmpierCiictttt.rotmbe about
tbc Sl".ro|HCUcfl tljen tlie otber of tbc poles br. lubercof lyc Doc
inljabitc tljat Inbicl; is containcObetlmtnc tljcSCtopiclicof»5
51 Thefirfl^Book^j
and tljc Cii'de A > i i q ne: 'tfye otlitr is bettcecne SCtcyidte
of CapricorneanBtbeCtftle Antai tique botboft^tnUtcII>
(cJiiperate ano fntyabitemu toncfiingtfjat (utiicb >3 callcb tbs
Torrida,! t is one of ffje ntofh moBecafc nnt pleafant babtfa<
(101:0 about (be Equjtor.but bcttoeene (tjc pole* it is ftutbe
great ncbcmcnt brate 6tifctnp«reo,anO fjnrb tobe inbablteo:
tfjc tluo bttcnnotte tbbub be oirertlp otiec tbepoles,bee litter
toifcbciicillloinhabit fojtbe citrenniccoloetbatis there,
3 tfjonciOtccoDbrtcetofpenhfthtisniucboftljciSone.iottje
tno, that talcnpe tome to tljcrljapters oftheflgureaof tiBe-
ortancie, pou may the mote petfcrtlp hnoine the nature nna
ptopcrtic fotthe qunlitieUthich romehelBof^(£atth> others
oftbeflpje/oinfoftbeZratatetnivofomecftheJfits, as is
AfigureoftlieZQncj ofdieEieth.
W s •'
■ artvjtte-
Ortl'- (WHfjuc • >
^ temjjcv ate, *oti«

tOldl 2oix
jjoic antarUytic*
Aiftec thatthsfncultiei.potnerfianDqualitiesof^ pis#
nets of the Rgnes oi the Zooiacae.haue beene betlarta,
#o1» rettcfl) it to Beuce oat ttje CEjm:ert8, i to $eU) tioia
fee niaft nppwpiittte ttjstn to ttjc flga tte of ©eomami e.totbt
tno, ttiat totien pou EUiOe t^iem to bee arcompataeb ioit^ tiw:
faio plane t*,pou map t^e better hnoto tbtir Ogniftta tio^mib
t(iatttieiutigenienttot)i(t)C|iaU be giuen of tye figure bppon
tbeqaeaion tnaoei»»iap be maoe mo;e rertain ano rtice.^otn
btboUie^etcaftccfoIloUjttbtbepiotcaictare, anb tbcnameje
Uiliitb aUtbe 3flrolofltgua anb (Peomandatui Doe bfe.
ISaturnelltipitcnMan Sol Vrnus Mercuric 1 Luna. I
ft I u I 1o I 9 i g 1 a 1
Of the houfo of tlie Planets .Cliap.jS.
Y^DHUiutfbnoerftano, t^atfoiarmw^aaeo^ ofttiepla"
netBtwuettoobourea, Qano a ejrrepteb.to^ubfyaaebut
earljoftbemone. S^eboarco of bbe xpano^.tbf bctlffBOf
Vbc/.Rtib > •tbeboareiofcl be ^annm-tbe Ijoufeof o ib on*
Is l.t be tio«fw o;? be ^ ano - tbc bonfr of a be11 anb w.fye
bonfeofjtBonelB ss beboloe^etcia fycpourtrnitarc.

b v 2 .a I
ays: f > tr m og J
How tlie Plane tun lift be attributed vnto tlie figure? j and
the (igurei to the Planm.as well dire ft as retrograde.
Ciiap. 33.
A/IltfCoj to knobo anbtmbctOanb tmto lotiicb of tlje pla-
nets tbefigmcBofCDeoiunntismua beattributco, fiuo
tebnoerfianobubitb be tbeoirett^VDbitbbotbe retrograoc>
3 bauetbousbt flobbm intbwplate tobefmbe oat a figure,
anbbptbio letteutoginepou tjjetigwfiratioiw tbemor.
tPSbcrcoftlje letter D (ball flgnifleoiretf^nbtbc letter R re
trograbf ,m pcc (ball twee fee bp watnple.
* ' i, • . ; ^ "-V-'
D . R D 11 j D
• A 1 ■ ■«>K , >. .A | A A'
* ^ a A A A A
*. "A".< ■.-it
••'.*• • A -W * A' ;: a-A J* . Ai .i.k* -A -A
A .".' W A ■. A' •* •«• A A-
(;V" X
A k A A A -A
V ; a- A -k ■ *
M •k A
•k ■A- * ^jv.
\ k A A
I *' k k
k A
*" * *
■a a- '

Oftlic names ami Cliaraftj of tliefigncsoftlic

Zodiacke. Chap. 3.(.

A iffcrtljatluchaiiefiB'ircDtfjt^lnncte acrojoinfl fsnto

i\ttje Chacacte toljul) tfje ilttcolociam hruc hfiD to nttth
butehntottjtnijt fljitoeDholi) thepbuQljttobeappiop^iate*
tottjefiguresor^eomanne.- jfiolortftcttiittoDoeasnuicli
bp ttic&ignee of tl;eZoili}ckc,to tjje enD, tljat tlje CPeomntt'
tianh.uitng fnllv ano pcrftctlp the ImolBrleDgcorijisflrte*
bcciguojmt in nothing tuhuh bclongctl; toiiiogeafi-
of Cjcomanc'te. .
. rr 4 v"
Anet 1 annis Ocoiliii Cancer
tfjetamme tljcliull tljctUuimco tbccraUbe
y J 'n. <4
S 6 7 «
'jCo Libra Virgo Scorpio
tbcLvou tbsballaiue tbebirgin tb(fco}pion
H tip | til
y 1 13~ ~ ii 11
Sngitarius I Capricornus Aquarius Pifces
tljcatfbfc | t[)egonte {>Uiat.bcatcE tfjefinijM
¥ I V iz I X__

How the Signet be attributed to figures,and thcfigurci

totlicSigncs, Chap. 3;.

KTMDluimittUiclbctecfjcih)tlje Atones be attnbtUebfa

1 tlje flout'es.ano tlje flgurea to tbe^ionejs i tubttb ntQU*
mcnt to (noluc battc faioc bcfo;e)botu to hnoU> to tuooc a fi-
gure perfectly after tt)e ilrtc of attrologte.Mljcrcfoje tlje flrtt
(nopenmp cafilv febvtbecrnmpleVDt)icl)foltoUietb)lut)Ut)ta
aquilitiouattributcDtov :ttjcfcconoUit)ict)if lecitiaisat'
tributco bnto b : tlje ttjtiD cnllcD pucr to giucntoY: tlje
fo(irtljlul;tclji0.coniuii<;bo is attrtbutco t)iito"h:tljcflft
Irlitcbto fortuna minor to fubiert bnto^; tbcfivt tuljicbiB
riibcusicflttribiiteo bnto n; tbefcurntljlubiclj Ucauda <lrn-
conists nttribufcD buto^: t^c fisbtUiljitljiflainiilioiBnt-
tributtebbuto^ •• tljenmttjlDljiclj io populut isgiuento apt
fbctentbUifjiclitaAha to put to : tlje elcucntlj luljitljio
albus is giurnto %ttjctbuclftljluljutjtflpucllat? attnbutcD
tO—itljCtljtrtttnttjttJljtclj 10 trifbtia.ts giuctt to"i tljo
tourctemtlj Uiljiclj to career to gtticn to X: tlje fifteenth tutjiclj
to caput draconis to nttfil'utco bnto 'tf: tlje firtccuttj Uiljiff) is
f ortuna minor is iittrtbutcD bnto/flitD tljuo Ijnue vottan
aDucrtifciJtenttntolDljttljof tlsclue digues ccljc figure to
, It,31 Ijiiuc fct ttjerc tljio figure following.
The manner to attribmetlic Ciyicstotlie figure!
andthe figure! tothc (igucj.

ArttS jTaurusI ditgo
Y b" 'tt'
Y- A A
Y- A
■X- k A
■k- A A
aquifitio Icritia Pticr coHi'unftio
Taurus (©aimtitt ^agitUcHis tibja
w H: f
k k k -Y- A
■k k k A A
k k ~k k Y- ^ A
k k k k Y k A A
fortuna minor rubcus 'cand.i dracoiiit amiflin
9 | 10 "
CDay}ico.iniis ILeo Cancel:
I jl i'o
■A A ] k k k A
■Y- -Y-
v l
pojiuliis I j' _
13 '4 '
^cojpia pifccs i'lttgo AlqinntMS

triditia career Jcajmr tlracoiiis fortuna major
Qftlic c'oir inaiidii u liic li ihc fiziiej h;iuc oner ilie paitf J
cf man; bod)','!rccs^'ccdcs,ami Regions.
Cili.i|i. ^ Ci

Mo^fonci;, t Ijc^iGiifc Ijsix rmio;v Dominion nno gcucp

mrnt onei tlje mcmbris ano p.ntca of incno boDico,
Eicrfl.rrctcjB.plniifc.niiDiu'aionciii in.niiici'noljccic.iltct
/ollottctl;. ilnofiift -I tjiiiljboniinlou curt tL'cljCiiD.niDfnre
of man: nnD ofltcoiono.ljccoiictucllj .CnglanD, tCcvninms
ilinIj(n,»iiD]dii!rftiiia. b ConcriictljUicncclianDlljjoatof
nmn.nnDdll EcrroanDplants grnffeDnccrttljr tjoiifeMinD
cuei' tljeKcgicns of iiulTin, ^ecia, pciftn, polonia.ano
jiclauD. ni ie n Qrn(trfiane,»uDof tlje members of man,
Cuuernetlj Ujr at mcs nno tyonlbcisimiD ofiir£ions,)3mie<
iii«,C!jipti JflfimPcvo anbtljc Citic ofHoiiDoii. s^astoic
fljiiifl t Ije mcmbcro of iimi!CPoiicritctb tfir lLiiici',li(ft)ts, fto.-
iim(hnnDb;ca,miDnl littleE:i(co,nnDtljellrtjioiis of
Bi'ii. IBitljmia, Jfimitc,&(otlnttO) miD tlje ditties of polite, l
^nt'nt fliiWcU'C. si Oouf uictl) tlje Ijcnct ar.D bnthe, nno all
{jiciit trees, nnb t t)c 11 egions of Cljnloca, 3 tnlie, IDotjcniin,
aiiDpmtcofJCitcliv, ni.Dit is nricnclictnnomalidcus.m'
tuletljtlje bellv,guts, nno DiapfMagtM, niiotljcernir.cs,*
fceDca ofplnnts.'niib of 11 egionr,labilen, fitrirtn
CnnDic. A(;ntl) ocminion oner tlje Ijmitljes, biutoths nno
natnllitfnDofllegion0>£Ut[;iopin>3ffiira. nnoLiuonM. m
Oouetnctlj tljt p;iuifirc. Cones, miDblnODtr, nil Ijifll) trees,
nno flje (ountiirs of CnpaDcri.i ,3!iiDin nno _po;iunv. 7 go •
urrnettj llictljigljes.ttliclleoions ofHrnbin, fleliv.Jspaine
anoVJungntia, v inndjolcritlte nno mclniu^olicficnc.nnD
' gcncrnelbtlje tjiiees.niiDtljc llegions ofJnDin.HliJnci.i.i
Wiilgnim. ^. gcuernctljtljclcggB nno mules, nnotbc roim^
tries oflTiirtntin.tKfnliUlji,!, nnpH?eimmtl\c. >; rulcll) tlje
(rete, nno tlje ItingDomes of inojtii^nlf ^oimmiDienucC.u
. .li(ia,nuDtljcditties ^iuil^rmoConipolfclla.
97;^ firjl Too/^e

Tl»c goiicrnni,nt tliat Ij antl tlic oilier Planets in each Sign

Jiaucoiiei thcnicnibcrsohiun Clup. 37,

"T^c planets hnut h'Uciuife t'jrtr boitiinioit ana gourminft

1 QuctttjeiminbcroofmnnlJTallttjC'fiGncflin fo;tnenno
mannttao 3 UiillDeclare. ^nD<ir(tofall])in^liatl)t|ieCo-
ittatbc,Vt!)cbcllp,rftl)cl)caD,0tl)e!)ippc8,9 tljefectc,2 tlje
buttodtr0><UijChncc0.bin>' coucmetb tljebcllv, vtbe rljtn
bonc.cf t!)enffh,ot!/c'<ncco, JtbcbcaD^tljcftet^tbebut#
toches. b 3n n gouernctb tbe bellp ,¥ tljc (tones,cf tbelto4
macbe Gtbclegccs,antics,nnobrclfD,?tbcatrc,?tbebcaD>
(itbcbuttcclin.ijin"' gouemctljtbegenituairs/' i'buttochs
rf tbe ttomatltc, o tbe rcctc, i' lljc nrnits anb Hjoulocts, 2 tbe
cies ano tb;oatc,Dtbcbcat). i> 111 si goueinctlj tbe (tones, V
tbebuttochs ano knees, j tbe bcllep,0 tbe beaD,2 tbrbeart,2
tbcthoulDtrs nno tbjoate, stljcacfe. b ni"e gouemctbtbe
feete, V tbe hnces ana legs, J tbe bcllp, o tb5 atfe, bpptc
pact of tljc bell)'/; tbe bffltt, (tt ijclbonlCict's. bin -gouet'
nctbtlje knees ana legs,1¥ tbccpesanabifage, cftbe genito-
tics.o tbe HflulDcts.v tbebcaa,; tbebcllp-ntbe Uomatbe. b
in mgouccnctb tbe ancles ana bcclcs,u tbe feete anobanos,
tf tbe bcao,acmes,niiDbnttochcs, ©tbebeatt,? tbc Bcnito-
ties,2tbc(boulotrsar.Dcbinbone,(itbcbcllp, b3n;gouec
nctb tbe feetr,v tbe legs ana antics, d tbc feete ana banDs,o
tbe belli',1) tbc buttochs ana acmes,5 tbe gemtojies f beact>
etbccbinbone.b jn '^gouccnctbtbe bcaa ano feete, i^tbe
epes ana knees ></ tbe legs ana (boulacis, o tbetbinc bone,
$ tbc Ijeatt ano but tocbs.v tbc Qoncs ,a tbe buckle bones .h in
^ gouccnetbtbebeaonnonedte^tbetbouleecs^omathej
feete, tbc bceles ana beact.o tbc grnitoncs,? tbe knees f
legs,2 tlje beact ano bucklcboncs," tbc Qoncs. 1, in x jjouet-
nctlj tbc foucc Ijmnojs, V tpe nnnes ana neck, ,{■ (' bcai't,nna
bcRa,otbc bellg anDtbeanclcs,vtbcbippes, 2 tbc neck ana
cbinc bone,«tlje (tones t tbc Inps-iBeljoloc beet l0b<>t potacc
I, batb in cacbficncjtbelihc banc louofaltbeotljct planets,
tobitlj J bete lenue attljts time to (peak of, as tuclfo;b;cuitK
raHc.nsnlfofojtljntmai'ifailcolosiaiu fjauetccaffO of ttjis
ttliutet.anoainongttottieto PtolomicanDlliondelndau'ne
jDottflMIl ^StologtOil Ilion dc Montroy in Ijta Cliironianru
« Pliyliojr.nomia anDnian?otiict0(a0ttclaittirntiDjitfi:0,
as late tt;itec0,tz)tii(t) in«s ceaodf ^ you Ijauc to Doe tljet »
Uiitt). ^Ifo lu^at (iQmficntionst^e faicplanets fyaucin tlie
^igncs.anB in ttjcic Ijoufes, touching ttje atealmes ano p;o»
uinccs tut)ic^at tt)is time 1 alfo omit^no toill noVn r^rahe of
t lie erection ouoification of t^etjoufes of fjeaucii, acco?eiiig
iicn. Chap. 38

TOercctt place tljcfettoelueljonfes of iieaiien, it is no 0#

tljcttbingbuttofinoet^cttoclue partto^fignes of tbe
ZoDiache.fet out bpttjc greater Circles toitbouttiaulngnnp
refpert totljnttt)nttbebolo?0; Circleef tfje fato Zodiackc is
glansljaue inuenttD tljefpaccs oftlje faiDljoufcs,fo ttje enoc,
tt)nt bp little ano little,tl)e fignes being liftco bp.o; elfe bnocr
tbe fl)Ji)on, tbep ma? bp cert nine (paces 0? oittanceo all c-
quallanoinlibe, oifceinerenQblptbebeaming tircaoiation
oftbefaiofignes to be cbangcD.ano fo flnatlvbp tbeBirections
of tbe faioc equall [paces iuflge tbe times of tbe nccioents to
comciasitiscontaincBbv tbe precepts anorulesoftbis Alrte
iuoicialhaccojoino to tbe tobicb ^rte tbe faioc ttocluc boufes
be rep;ereiitcB bp tbis tgute bete ploceo.
JiUt ;:r \c ^

A^neriUfig"'601' \
the U.lioulesot l>". ^ >
ucn, accorJinR to the
ludicall Allto^B16, ' Q-

tlicmfilc of ilw

•/ ^vv

A figure ofGcomancy >w;ii)e tl)clafl)ion oft lie figure
of'A<l •ic.

* #

^ * * ^

/ *
-x ■* *
V 4 X* *
^ *• X
* x
*** X
*■ *•


Chap. 39.

VCn mud rurtfjecmo^e note, amongtt tfje BgMteu of

1 CBeotnamic.romebeceoOjntljccobe.ill »anoott)tcrom»
be common. qood be tyofe toljictjbctntring, T ciftitia
erceptcb. 10)orc lubtct) be gotagout be ill.onel^ Lititiatt-
ccpteo.SDlje common be ncitbet goob no; bao , but tfiepbe
goo 0) bnDacro/Ding bnto ^ company ttjc? fal info, jfo; totjen
the company to goob t^ep begooo], anb toben tbe companp is
ill tbcp be ill,as lb all be moje plainlp bcclaceb bnto pou bp!b«
er pecienct of certaine flgntes mabe tobicb bee toill place anb
Declare in tbe tbicb JBoohc of tbis Slcte.
SCijcre is nto;eoa«t,a5D otfour in tljls&dcucecalleb Ge-
rard dc Crcmon, bob oft ntinoe is ,tt)at tbe flgntes (bonlb bs
at tcibnteb bnto tbe fetgns0»miD tbe Seignes to tbe flgntes, in
anotbitnunnsttbentDebauebfte Qwhen of. IButfo; tbat
3 finbe mine one ftUbisno; p;adife to be goob anb cectaine bp
tijeerpetietueivbicbH bane manp times mabe, 3 luidftap
niprelfetbeteon. SLbisis tbeflgnteortbefaio Gerard de
Crcmon, an# b® to tbatbebfetb tbe manner to giue to tbe if'
guresofl, bis bonCe* anb exaltations, anb confequentlp of
tbe otbst planets, tbetobicb after tbe fltte of tbis Science
pe map p;ooue bp tbe flgras anb qneflions iubicb Ions bone
pjopouoDeo to fojmssaD make a Agate,
A fisnre of Gerard Cremon. .
A lit I Tiy
if ire * * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * * *
**** •** **
X ? " V ' iff
Slire * * * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * *
s? x~ __S
* it ^ * * *
WKaiet * * * ^ * * *
* * * * * '
* * * * * "A'
t ' iy ^ 5 ~
**¥--¥ ■* * -a
«tttf> ****** *
■* *• -A -A J

The dedarationof th< i wcluelioufes of Hcaucn pla-

ced here* Cap. 40.
VjDuliaucteneinibefigure Ijerc Ictocjttje mannernncrotmi; /
1 (jolu ttiettBelue(jonr«flofl)ianrn uiiiQ be Htaec,nitt) luljicljtc
tf)e foure tfitgle* ttjerMf,tuUl) tbcic rutctoantc a no caQants>nno Tor
bccatife tfjattnanv cannot toiltjoutntctter DtclarntionttjcrcoftO'
tallp (omp;thrnett)( fetei figure, 3 ttauettjouglit it qod Ijcrc in tljta
place to matte n moxampler opening ,anD Declare it tnoje fcnrtblp.
fm inuft fitft VjnoetftanD,tt)atti)c£trdcoftt)cZodnKkebcfiac8
tbeDimfionetoiilcljUietjauefpobcn ofbcrrbBfo;e,ioDiuiDrDnnDpar<
teD into fourc cquall anb iu ft parts, eatlj one of tltcm DiuiDing tljc fniD
Circle Zodiacke of ttjetjtniifcplieic.tljeUJttcl) parts be cnllcDijoufct:
tnbercof tl)e firftiscalltD tbcStnglc of tlje ilD^cntbjitljtljctlticluc
to callcD tlje quartci ano part o;itntal iiialcitliiw^giuft iwg t t:c fp^ing
tune i tljo. in r.uuf ufimiijtoljtcl) of l;:0 nature is frtngtunc.JEfjit office
pACtluIjidj is tbe angle ofttjcfoutli.rc.uijuig'jatoi'o:iioe:u,coi)ipic-
ijcnomgUjc 10.9 t's.fyouresbntotljcy.is calleot^e l)cmifpfiercme«
tiDionali 4 feminine .fignifping tlje yioutt) of man, luljiclj t^cn begirt t
bcntall,ceacljingbntotljcfeptcntcion,ill,containing tlje »f.Ijou-
fecto iliefomllj.tfl calico tbeljcmifpbere occiocnt mdfculinc,fignify«
ing barucd t age of mau,tnl)icb is tfien mode commonly nielanctiolP.
EljcfourtljuiMctcctDljicJ) is flic angle feptcntLionnl.icacljing bnto
tl)co!ientall,comp:cl)cnDlngtl)C4- j.t 1 Ijoufco tmtottje 1. is calleo
tl)cljenurpl)?re feptenttionall femtnine» fignifping CKititec, tl)C
010 an# croobeb age of mon.tobttb tljen ootl) begin to bep^'.egmatictti
anofaint.IOjofettiiopactflliibicbbefconitbcangle metiDionall bn«
to tbc angle feptentrionaUbecalleD.tbemoitirs'afcenDant.SCIjeotljtc
ttoo pacts lobul) be from tbefeptentcionalbntotUemcdDionall, bee
tallrt tlje moitice bpfcen oant. Zttje fourc angles be tlje 1.4-7 -anb z o.
Ijoufes.Jttje3.6.94ii.becaUeotljeljourcsCaonntS' SCbes./.S.f
11 .be talleB tlje boufesfucceoants.JiLbcrfo^e.tDljen, fas often as in
tbefe foure angles iO? i n tfjeic boufes fucreoan pou flnbe a Hgute of
C3comancieipou (bal fap.tbat it is gcoo ar.D proStable fot tbe queltian
p;opounoco.ano conttaribuife luben it commetO in tbe caoants, pee
mapinbgeit tolcilfoitbcDcm.-umDant.asJUnlbotbfap anbbeclare
bnto pou mozeat lacgc.m interpreting tbe Rgures lobicb f c R)"' Ono
in tbe tbicb ^oolic,lubicbiBfo;tbal.tbiit inasmucbas tlje angles
Doe altuaics fignitic force.courngc of beov,baliaiitncs,lToutuc0>gcDb
ancpioipecous fortune,tuilb frienbsairociatcb luitb a better bope>
nococetnmgtDcfucceDats.ESbatlubicbiflnertfo ^afcer.oant lobicb
is tbe 2 .ftgniftctbbalffortune bp tbeoccaQonofgobs.SLbatlnbubis
nert iljeanglcof^ eartblobicbifl tlje c.flgnifVctbbalffortune, rom<
mingbpgifts.orbp tljcgeitrngorcbccptionoffon or baugbter,^ is to
is tbe 8.0gnifiesbalftio;tunbecaure of bcatb.oiof things bibbr.SDbAt
lobicb fucceebs tbe angle miiiDionaKlobicbia tbe 11 .fignifpetb bold
fortune , cominmgbptliemotbcr, ojoftbcprincc.ojbptbepearci
^Sljecnbants boc llguifte localtcncsofljcact, fieblcnes t faintneffeot
loop. ilnDCamiimacflbctliiiDttccptcbt lbcntntb)U)bicbfignifiea
teditutionofa common iu;jltb> ItKcloife honour anb rcuerence. Cbe
d.t 1 :.b3figmfte c:". -rbnesloitljalmcltebnes.astoelofptcfonsas
oftbings. i?(milIp,pciiiutthnoUitl;attbcbourea(to bnberftiib tbem
iufgljObAue tfyeu' retierall colouc as folloU>ett)< jflcft, as foudjmsitjo
arcciiDatits.tbc i I7.mntlbeti)bifc,t|)e4f logrcenc. SEoudjtng (be
fiicccoants tfjeiii 5niulHjcoftl)ecolbncofJbaflfton.gDbe8.» i i.of
{clotici'tn.^sconcecningtbetabants^beS't^ muftbeoftbecolouc
ofbonni'.Ebef-i 12 blatbe.SLbe planets bn«c Itbelcifc tbeit iov tn
tbeboiircfltbatjtoillbetebetlate. sJfitfttahctl) b'sioFin tfjc ficft
boufc.B in tfje 3.2 in ttje y. ^ in (be in in (be 11 b in tlje 1:,
How to know to attribute tlieinrmbersoftnans body vntoihc
houfes. Chap. 4.1.
FjDjarnmtbas 3b«uef«Bbefo>e»tbattbepkuwt0&iuerfl)? geuern
(be members oftuan.f aao;wng to tbeOgnestobetein tbecUicte
bpalUbepattsoftbt^owarbe.fb; (bat canfe Jbauetbougbtsoob
bEretocep«rentbntopontbefamemo;eliuclpecbpafl0urc, totbe
intent pou map moje eafeltec bnbertlano tbe fme, ana tobat fignes
tbep be hibicb bauepeculiac GgniRration ano gonetnanre b^wn eacb
oftbembp tbe boufes oftbe fmofigne0>an&to attribute tbe Tame bn-
totbefaiDinembccaefmaR. acco^oing to tbe figticc er^thelegieall
(uogementplateo btre. before. QSLbttortbe 1 baufeGgnifpetbfc beabi
tbea-tbe neeb.tbe 3 .tbeaones. tbe 4 tbe b;cft,tbe y.tbe ttomarit, tbe
(^•tbenauilbtbey.tbelepnes.tbeS'tbe buttocks,tbe nintbtbebips.
tbe > o tbe knees,tbe 11 • tbe legs,tbe 1 Ube feet, as pe (ball fee bp tbe
flautetubicb beecefollotB e^outb ^

l\ tilt legget o/5 /

'2 / /
•a / 4 .


IA gcnti MllTableiComprelicrnlingtlie cflcfloftlic fitllboolceof

Geoinancif. [
D in JMi> tf in t
Rubcus. draronis
■k K ^
■k *
k >1- i/.
* k k k

v v in 'U' isre


The Prologue.

AFtfrthath isfufficicmly treated,what thin^Geom^

cieiMnd tliemanntrhow to ptaftife the fame,& what
profitandcontmoditiecommeth thereof hy the fuhtilricof
theScimce.aiid the recreation wliich ijtaken therein .toge-
ther with the knowledge and rxpetience which the Gco-
mancianoiighctohauein Aflrologie: now refteth it to opc
anddifcouer thequalitieofthii Artehythc tweluehotilct
otluauen,and their Ggnification^which be affollowcth.

Of all the fignificatlonsbeingofthe fird houfc.vpon the

quedions anddemaundei which may be propounded and
made in the lame. Chap, i

lc)c flt(tl)ourfb)l)i(ij if ilit^ojorecpo o.i ^frttr-

Pantnno Single ofttje ©junt, (ontninctfj tlje
QenificAtion of the OfinatmotB tutjitljinat Ure
moouefibpon thequalttie, (oinplerion, nno tljc
iciiBtl) of tjjc life of innn.tljnt is to far t
i BfnlnhatDifpoQtion iotljcpccfon.tljeintent of IjisUiiil, <
tyt plnr e of his abioing o t Dlnclling.
i JLbebeginningoftbiiiseoluiiithvicfentlvfjrctutll tnltc in
banti nno ereciitr,<int) tljc longnclTc o^ Ujojtncs ofIjto life, nno
3 jSn^ttfinet^attiebeacetb biDDtnbpon bimimiO t be site'
iDtion ofbisbeacte Mfire*
4 SObenuhmg Pb^nompanDpjopo^ion of ()iflboBt1, to
buotuifbcbe o.: n)alUcU)Clmaoco;il,nt»BU)!)£tbetbcbefaiie
o; batbto;tlirauoiircii.
s Ojc nntiuitic of tbe pcifon.Uibttbtc b c fl)a!I be beAKbic oj
6 ?O)cbesmnlngofallctitfrp;iff0.
7 SCbc top ano faDnclfe oftbe perfon.
8 ila tomtjing tbemembetso'man.eotbcc luting tbtngco,
Ujisbourc (ontaiti(tbtben>i^^>o!isU)btcb>napbep;opoMnOc!>
fint)inaoeoftbeb«aD,anoofcucttctbi«gotbccein containeb:
no tbe b#atne>mcmo;i«, bnoerttanotng, trafoii, intelltgencci
cpe0,epe-b;oU)C0)itore,teetb >montbieaceo « btfage: tatbecc-
(oit tobtti ?cfinDt a figure in tbe firfi boufe, tobatfocucr it bu
t'o u tfytll iuogc after tbe manner ant fou mte tbat toe toil tyeta)
bereafter, ano duealiDateotbefirttbonfebnto tbat tbat tbe
queftton tobtcb m maoc o; piopounoeb ootb note to, tbat to to
Tap,tbe mottue of tbe quecant.
' WbenpefinMtbbiflgursin tbcfirftboure((a1Ieb Aquid*
-v- lliio)pt(bol(faptbattt figniffetb gmbnttfe.bapptneire,! quirt
a a itfeytmibtbeiccomptUbmnUoftbcpcrronootonbrarfoDefice.
3f tbcocmauno be ofo; foj bopage, it fignifpetb gooo TuccetTe
tbereof ,btit be tbat taketb it i n bano,(ball not Depart To feon oo
be tbinketb: but pet (ball be rcturne bomc in al glaDneo>U}itb
fo; loue ano tit Uiap of marriage > it io gooo, ano fo i nnp tb tng
tbatalouerDotfabemaunDtn tbatbebalfetfoMquifuioio a
fiBureoftbea^ieanoof vD.intt)eflgtttof v ano tbecralta*
(ton of p a figure firme.entedngm gooo fo; all tbinge but fo;
toarcc t but in Cbutrb caufeo ano bopageo (bee io mcruailouo
a OTbenpe fliiDeinibiofirftbouretbefigurerallebAmiiiio
k a pou (ball Tap tljat itftgnifpetb.loffeof inberitageof of poITer.
a fioru.an ill life,an ill beginning « an illilTueofanpenfequire,
a a ill fo; Grime*, bopageo, anO quiriteBifpatritiug: to breb;iefe
tbio figure it ill in nlloemaunoca tbat can be p;opotiiioco, er«
, p;ironctB,in loljic it figniSett) nelinccance ano cfcape
ttpt foi
out ofp^ifonitn all DemauiiDes ofiuomen.it Sgnifictl) in^o^eB
ano ill hirometiifo; iljnfigure of ^ttetcogcaocin ttic figncof
ano fljeelementoftfcefire.
afuitljefittttjourepouttiauncs tpontfjiBfigucetalletiFor. a- *
tiinarnaior,itfigniBett)Bmota)ill,gooobMCt,lopalt(e,pjofpe» -k -*
riticmallttjingBjiojiulneffeanotuiieBj incaufeof loouiau *
ttbctofeenett) iopfulntirc,amitic offcinga, grat p^nceBano ^
lUiDes: tljiB figuccisgao in al t(|ings(erc«pt to heepe a tljing
fmetjin loljid) tying it is a tohenof (uuUfuertie. %i)ia is a
figure of o Dintyeegneof-aflgure oftye<IEatt|) fireoen'
anflnDrngtyisfigucscalleDFortunanilnor, attycbrgiit- *
ningit betohenety (bolac^Ointffs.f fiuiftnetTe in alltyingB) ^
itiBgwSfoHbeaffaicesoflBacM.f agniflett)fo;(ei bolbnes * *
otyfiut. xh butone ouerenemie0.it is gob alto (io;ticpagcB, ^ ^
inotycrtyingoitiBnotrogoo i aBtcotyingtyingsofloueit
fignifietb a contentment ofttje tbingp^tenbeo, but $ nutter
tyallbe DirclofeD.ffibisflgiHeFortiinaminorjisaflgurc 0f u
UetrogMOe in tye fignc of a ano o ftye element of tyc fire.
jfiuotng in tljc (alb boufe tyis figure nameo leritia, it ooty A
Ogntfi e a peaceable ano quiet life ? confunttion anoamitie of + ,A.
mctrvauDpleafantpecronB,ljoneIt,ofgooo bcatt anobDillm .k k
cufeofloiieitfignifletljfoinclpinganooitrembling.tyat iotlje .A ^
pecTon null ptoimre niucb ano perfo;me but little ? tyiB is
nlfou figure of vKctrogcaoe mtyefigne of u ano oftyeele*
Jftyatbptyfiimcctyfa figure calleDTnilitia , beintfje "A A
k k
firttljourc.itiourigneofan ill beginning of ttje entirpufc.
%\)c man is ofill iuill>anopenOiue>a trattoj anooifobeoient. *
SCbio figure is ill in al things,but to fe ret) treafurein tyc eat tb
rflje is alfogmo in matters of foHifirations ano builoings: t bis
is a figure Bf bHcttograOe in tye figneofm nno tye Clement
oftycCartb. *
JElbeiu'efinDetljis pjcrcntfigurenameoPucllaat ooty fig' * *
nifictov.toangetDaiiiuc^oplaPjtobetodltlotbeOanoneat, ^
to *
tobe inloMeift man of goooivil^oungano a louec ofgameR*:
flWWOOOintafcoflouc.tinallttiinBB, but inU)On:o,tl)i« is
afi Qtice of v D in tlje fi gne of- « of tlje«2 Icmentof CUater.
irinoing nitjisboufc ttiio p^fent figdtic calleo Pucr^t is a
toltcn ofiov.nnotpnmUcfcaQcu anobanbcts biit^iUDtos: it
- v- alfoLsielicnctl)t(ieft> robbfiiejOMfitcanDgaine inplapi in
y- iiMtteEofloueitis gooo.ano liUeluifcin luncrc. Jf oj borage it
bctofteitttbamatle ftoiftnca.foinwm'age it is good pnoug#,
fignifltng altoaies gisat oeccipts and ftaudcs. 31 is indiffeiit
in all tljings , butbettecfoituactctljanfoi anpot^ctbing.
d)i« is a Bgnce of i" in tbe Qgitc otr and ot t\)Z element of ttyl
ilice,Uil)cCEro;c it is dcreptiue.fubttll and iuittie.
• y- >- ail tt)ofc(flinio(t)Uil]itti moldttiiHetujote ot CDeornantie,
a iutfje Indians,Caloians,and ^eb^eUieSituouldtbuttbisflo
y- v gunecalUbRubeui.iDbtntliatitisfounde intbtflctt^oufe,
a a iliouldbeludged Ube bntotljeotbECitaiittjoutrciecingit, and
faptljat it dotbbetohen^caft^caud.rubtiltie^cearon* toarre,
debate.difrowt, battell, (pillingand itjedbing of bloon. and to
be Ujicfetit eotlj betoften all ttje iDichtdnes in tfie too;l0| Wut
tlje ® giptians, s nd a great pait of tb e Latins, fap tljat in fta-
ininga8gnrc,t()tifig«tcfoitiintobnntl)efitft boufe, tbot
it fljould not beiudged. iflut t&atllgure multbebjohen and
inalicaiiotljcr, bnaufetbat in tbisplacetljisflguieis nothing
Uiojtfj.uifjicbt'jing tlje autljo; of tljisboohe hath oftentimes
feeneanshnohmebp crpcrienre; and thatisthecaufe that |
atn of the opinion tuith the ffigiptians andlUtins, tobjeahe
the figucc luhcn that it is found in the flttt houfe.aiio fo at this
time j mill fpeabc no ntoje tdeteof.
Jfin the fttftljoufevelnoe this figure tailed Albusjitdoth
(tgnificfo Ijauc game bp trauell>iniuhiie things land that a
;f Y
' petfon is found,pleafant,fine, tnertie,andhappie in al things.
Hftijcdem.iunObefojfatcoflnlu, it is a figne that the ntan
Mballtotnnejfitbcfojmetragcljcfljalllj.iiiegooDiirUjes, in
(nreadcrcuiiallitisbcric good'beeaure Vhath Ijisiop in the
flrCt fiou fe.it is alfo good fo j niaitrage but it is nought fo; toac
and gooo fo; ptarc>thi0 is a figure of; D in s and of the
ment of the boater.
o/Geomancyl ; yi
«Il{ifn?eifnoetJ)^/flu«ralleiConiunftio^iitfieflrilj>OMre + +
fbitjwt^t[i«£j(l0ureofeR.mirr ^
xte gMD tn all binct of {^cuuriallttibtgu, it it alfo goooin ^
tuttie ot&ct tljing, To tt)at (^e be accontpaineb boitl) goob flguixa, * *
anbflbeisillirflje be founo toitlj ill Bgntea.fbe altoaies QgniSetb
alliajuc.concoeDjnnoconinntfion toitlj afrieno.o) Ixioman greate
loitlj C&iloe . anb tfiia flgute it of tbe Clement of tfce
ap?.e- .
^lnDin0tbi9fi0qicralle6Copiitdraronii,t()nt(fltorni?, tije ^ ^
greater beate, it flgnifiet^ IgooOnctTe in all twinges, trcept fo2 ^
Uiatre, fo; it ftgnifletl) combat anb bRttaile.anofoipearc it ia ^
perfectlp gooD. 31 ia alfo goob fo; marriage > but it tsill be long ^
in booing,it iagoobinnrntterofgaine; tobe b;eefe,it isgeoo To;
all tbingcsttjatretinDcmaunD, anb flgnifictbtieaUt) ofbocie,
anoplearautnnb meirieianbtobauetiierauouroftiinga, pjin»
cee,anb great)Lo;o0tuitt)p;orperitie, anoobtainingortbeitbe'
lire .0nb fo; tbat it ie a figure of if anb $ arco;biug to tbe opinion
orrome men: but bp mint opinionof v anb 2 in tbe Qgne of tr anb
oftbeclement of tbe eartb^uib fo; tbat taufe io goob to buiib bou-
fea nnb to labour tbccattl;.
SDbiofiguwcalltOCaudadraconij.oMbeleiTetbfare, founb ,
iuttjeOcftbobfeiittaliliebntotbefigureRubcus, tubereof bore
baHefpoftcnbefo;cianotberefo;etbe figureougbt not to bee
luogeolubcnitia founb in tbeflrOboufe, but muftbeb;oab(n
anbanotbcrtobemabe* neuettbeielTc, tberebe fometbatbolbe
tbe opinion (bat tbe iubgemenV (boulb net beerein be belaioe, fo;
tobatrnurefoeuectbebemaunbinaaaebeb.aubtbefigure mace,
butitdgnifietbeuilucirc , lolTe nnb bamage fo; all tljingea tbat
mapbee ashcbot : fo tbat it <0 goob fo; nothing but rupnea,
mtb burmngeofCountrieebpluacreeanotrcarone, bp rcaftm
tfjatif.ia a figure Df:f anobinJnnooftbcclemcntoftbejfice. *
COibenpoufincetbia figure taileb Career in tbia fitttljoufe, ^ >
itfignifietbillopiuioneanbibougbtflmelandjolique, beauineCTr, v ^
riurou)c6lcnuie0>angcr0,grcatpiiiucnnbtraitailc:tbepcrfont(i a
bra&aturiiian.mellantbollvnnbbtcaiiitngofntal'rc. it ieill in
alltbingcsibuttoniAbc U<impisi'0.j[o:tc0, anbotber fo;(i(ica<
tiona of totunco, anb to bcfenti ttjem fuel, to; it 10 goob
it) to
/z *tb'tfecond<Boofyg-j
te fflkc a loumtg itt tjana,o! foj ticpauca ft is ill: foj ((befdte-
ttctfj ftarino>ntfl) pcrfcni ailjifl lio;fe (^11 bee l)ntt bg
tf)c u>{ipotitl)c:roote.3CJ)i8i«a60Uceofh D<nxUhOfiftb(>tIil»
El)i0flgiuetnllcoVu>fomiOint|)cftcft tjoufe, fignlRFtyg
fifavingmtbclnarj anof»nall[)ealt{)m tlje fotimevntifflUn
aUtfjingos tmptif bctococ out or p;tron> fo; tyebiliicb ttte
'' jjooa, atio Uffnufcitianfifluicor K inlxctfcccafcinil ahOof
tlic element of HtfUmtet, nnD(io;t^nt3|ooenotfinoe(tflooo, 3
tinll fai; no mojeat ttjui time.
©jioriguro MlltoPopului founointbio bou^Ualbnieg
* 'k gootimalUljingfsntf toell tubiaceeao inpcare;jQgnililini;oU
> * toares a compant? of people gattprea tugetfjec fo? one ttjing o;
^ >• otyrtfincarc of marriage itid pkfcai( gooo, nnt> libeloifefo
■a * ta^ea ioumcpintiano.Ogniitmsfiniftncp^ nnomojcbpUiatn
t^cu bp lano.ano beraufeit io alfoa Sguceof a InbtiftiU in v/
anboftlje clement of tfjt tifllater* it ttietefo;e bciohenttytRinej
, ano tjjattjic petfon mfjic^ioontbetsae (ball be moplcc.

Oflhefccond hoiiioandoflicr (i^niiication'vpon altthedc*

miundf wliichmay bee put m cpicliion vndci her.
Chap. 2
T^cfcconebouf« talleo tfie fucceoent of fffc Single of
1 tbe^Diient, fintljpfopcrlpanD natuwllpetiieliiiniBtation
ofgatnetoromeifojtbeperfonbib^btmaur.oethanD p;opoun-
teth the gucftion.to Imotoiflt lljall be loitlf tbetrauaile < Ptueate
of bio boote>o; bp ruccefTion.o? bp gnift.
i JCbisljoufcalfoconfainctljtbeccfoluttonofoemanosbob'fti
inapbcmaoeftumooucabltgooDo, lobicbbointticpolDcroft^e <
3 tClljicbof ffjetteogiuntfctaljath tuoiine,o;n)a'.ltDintl)»
4 Etjcdjargca tbatapcifon fljnllmabc.
5 taijctber ttjc fiieno put in tru(t,befetrct o: not.
6 jf fjee Hjall beelacll fctucb ano to bio pjoflt nnbrommofii*,
of (jeomancy. 7$
tic, bp ciifjcinian c'Uionuu ttiatljeemittMD to take into !}is
7 Klfjctljedje (balbauc (jttat g.xinein § place1)2 tstoct-
of tlje tljinijtijat be louef biano tbatbe jgocutstb*
b JiLbeW^^lubcce tbe tbinfl loft luao ftohic-
9 aftbcbotdsetbatbctooulotalicmlMiii) ^fynllbep^ofltiu
. to:t^U)Ptti)iep^u6ejumD«bs,«nsiuuol)l»aUa^mu; but®
effectaJp»8MHiffvf. ' - .iir ••• •• 't- •/..'nti:... •
ii. 3 fit be sjeoDin eoing info one boufcto pafft toanoiljet.
i: fsafjetbet tbeniefteiQcetobubi*ontbeboas-(ballb;tn3
pftOntiftftUIAlPiAt, . • , f).;. , . .
-13 ber.
uuintQeff VeibWJTWre Imo NkMnel,«uotbe nccb^tUjtti: befojo cfti
.SfbiebwrewpiopctiE; itteboufo of cainonnapjiftt, «i\t>
tbccfo'eijuben pe fluoc anp of tljcfe iBtetcene flgureainttiare-
ty)Muuae< ^co;i)insM,tt)oSt0rUil(«tor» of cub
jlwi»wwfl)fllfc»*liee«fflft«, ; ! , . ;i> (• r.'f '
Stilbenpe fluoc tbic ififlftceAqvir*tio4n<|)eretaiiff|)Oul2.tMt ^ y.
ftoUiuoge tbt Beinaunnc ano^caima bflio» (pohtnoftobco .Y.
Booi^wtofteuilieflmellwJiBfoiflitaeMtwijat iSoaftaUiuDco Y ^
itto,bcgo« aud gt^t:v.cwti>tluttbt(«^)i.iboiK)cOlodteltctn Y.
quantitic of Cot teUiiu pwfpcritie inrtwifiqueo aai mucbattoite.
mto (wuegofiD fucttffein all tbiugco in tbe toojlo^at bee tnhetl)
in Ijano. Sftit flguie intfuaboureie better tljen all ttmottjeco,
ctccpt Forivna-Ma (or, IsbicbiM tb<<Kbo()alfo DopU) Itottrfngem-
ptri(l].a)ionaniO?ina«w»tlKn<be!otbc«> oai#0i 4);oatkanot)ar.
iioucb)it(jbinges,If)jincto ano gceat Hoioiev aiioflgmftotli
asniiicbintnaUtcbciufiaali I cfiatecofl.O^&BonUanoCoun'!
• fCltoiW.1 :i ... • . \
!iJfinoftiBtbi«:JFi(ii|tc^leffAu'i^ol«yiicf«flni),l)oufc,itifl -
. afohcnofloife ano fmnllgaiueo^ p.iofltin all tbmfleB'tiliU pen ^
' can&cnmuno.btitlo abtainetljefcxeiwffjip ofaaifloie, tus too- ^ '
tljing tljeluav.itDootbCguifVotbat tlje ine(tciiflw:a>all be coll; .A ^
beDanolpotiiecibsAuunibecof tiiecues anb Ijtogetuallwto, fo
tbat inall tiiing^tbic flgutc is illjbMt foj tya^po) fojpwce.e e«
' . ; fp'a groo
74- fecond iZook?^,
Ct»5 fo; notl)ingbnt lb? lone.
SC^is llguce calUD Fortuna maior.fonnD m tyta feconb ^ouft,
k k fiijptUittb soobMSt anb ^onmitie.toitb bQnouc>citcbe< , gmt
k A parents orgDlOKano (Uu(t,ano Qec u saoo in an? qnea ton t^al
A pecanDemauno, butlnbewitanototbinge^tolinctntye (ig<
A niaett) melanctjoliiui: in all ot}tt$<ng0 (bet tootb albMita U&
fisnifie,iop ano blifft: in btnunnM of trearona mto tobbetiaai
be. 3n IJielwufeorfttcnoaanDennniea (aapteQpniteteaftic
fee)pt (ball altudea fitttt bat to dsnifie (Owe, accompameb (oitb
A. lapaltie: UbtloirofbefigntfletbCiUtaintttitcbattice.
, ifinbingthiaflgaceraUeb FornnuMiaor iMtbcrcconbbonrc,
.A Ggniattt)tbt>bdf»aE paS^rtatttttbt' anbsbear rnhOance, (bet
. , iagoob(b;idtti^at»i(e)timM>at(a*mrobff«wiittfldnW«
etbateabbtetrcanbqnichneffe, aa bieU fo? tbt boap aa (b; all o*
tb«ttbtnga,btttlbeian8tfoBbobanblotall, aatbatb^Ubbient
ladbtfo^.' *
QKben fOtttnbatbiotl^ticaUtQLietecia ht tbi feconb louriM
(tSjjniSetbconqned anoselttn^of^Mba anbtdtbea tottbont
nnneo?b?eaebofconfritnte, l(i»tb*j|ni(le jooOfoinpanlt^ier»
* * rp.tttrtatiueanborgoob bmil >, pMmUinq manpttiinjjealt^tqr
* tmUKotbapetfiumeo t (b>4a«tt^it0ipti(letbqnltlm»ff»of all
* * tbeojimttllftsfliYa.tbeeieitbtbeain aUlbingea.tnibin cafeof
ccbbnit, tba ibingiatakmatott<npaliiim&nbNot<atame&
jTinDingtbiaflgutt calleoTriftitiaintbe feconbboure .(tflg*
* * n^ttbloStanbbinbMmelDbettgaineiabopeb^neuet to attaint.
* * tontofabOance, botbp ettctamalabonc, mule, ano anget>
* * atcMnpaineo biitb lO (ndttano mif-ftDtantttolooregoooa.tt
>■ btaibopleb. tobber), ouettb)otone,AnbgotintbteneBCompanp,
flotoefw toMtnepta ano fmall pwflt. SCbeflguWtaillin all
tbingtsbuttofo^iScSCoionta^mbmaltebuUoingaf anbfignl-
fletbtbat ibebuilbingbDbicb pemalte(balliiotbeberitraire> but,
(tlbaU lad long.
938bcnpeflnoetbiaflgutacalleoPuclU,intbit rctonOboure,
* itOguitletb goobsauie^ofpecitteanbgoobInctu, anoinuTtof
^ tuonttnlopoltlc.anbbiti^nltie , goob anb (Uce comMnpbptbt'
tnap^jainein tbinga efpitaTuttano infttb; aa mnOoie ano fuel
oJCjcomancy. 75
Kkt, Ufa gooo in all ttiinges ant) in mattera of Olutc'
rnitJtol^fe fyiitga .UfsalftgMt foj toav, butt1)attf)ece isill
hefotneftnpoi|)inoec«meb8t!>e toaieifljcc figntfitttjna tontte
#inomgfy<aft£Ut«r«lleo Pucrfntljcfctonbtiourc, U fignift-
rttjpwflt okaQoii of a Uiotnan.anQ flgnifi-
etyUbetotffcttMffya gaineUiaUbcgeoomtjjeUiacw, anottjat *
Uiercm f^allbea gotten (onouc ant> fwtompangin tee A *
Wap tfiep (^aUb«ntettDffoatre,ljaJ(antanof)at6ie:mrafc of *
wifflagee, it flgniftttb fpeeoinede tnitfi rtnallpioRt. bnltde it
beetoucbingUaire'int^ngtacamrnnngbotuutiitia beue goo,
—"■ *" ^ —w -7—m
watrenintberetonb^Mrepeffnbet^iaifiguteraKcbRubeui, * k
tofilft) ia « llguce of <$ ameuilbitaltoaieaoottjfigniflcnnall ^
gfllneniiop;ofit, anoOgnilletfitfMttbepecfonUiall be robbeo * *
ana fyoplft» bee (t bp mam n atlmtoira > it alfo OgniBctf) *
mocb Mbate am cwttmtfan aboat tpe tbing ioit ana ffolne.
anautoncfifng twapaaibptbe taap, itfljeteetti tbattbep bee
men of manajltRMnainrtpQtitaU0 beb)eeft,t{i(a figure <0 ill
Hrptaflnbdintbafiecanb^oare tfeia fignreoAea Albns, it *
flgmnetbBteatKsiiwanap^t toi^botiouti fitUit ana aili* * *
genrr.ftvdaUpm tofiitetbingatitiagDabinaUttingB , fo;Hjnt *
fiieeflgnifietba goobrpiritanabnaertlanaing, goaarompanpt * k
anattuttic, anumenofbenouc: Cbeeia aUbgooa inrareorbop«
age.pettoilltbereberimieftapfng anafrinaenmcc therein. 31
tan rap to poti none other ttrfngoftbiaflgurcj but thattagooo in
jFinofnginthereamahourelfjia figure rallca Conmnftio,
pe thai tap it (Ignifictfi gainc, in tbingesofgooD inauQiic an& fpi'
tiu ana dgnffietljt^atthething loll UiallbeeretoucrcDaQatn, k *
butnotmUhoutgmtpA'noanatrauoll? anaiongrpaccortimc;' *
the rompanp ia goea anb of gooa Qncit/ometlme it fignifU'tl; ba< *
ftataa > ana tlje obtaining of iBoflkea ana fbdenreamntten bp * a
ban»:Mtouchingmeaages.itfigniflctljquifheairiuall, ano nl-
' fo getting of gooaa'anO heritages of fblhcolatctp oeno. !Ibie
ity 3 figure
figure is commonly gooi.
; 52lDenvcfinDein ttie fetonti })onret>)uifl3urefallcD Caput
^ A duconn, it figRifictl) great fulittwict ano ritbea, great nooonea,
A gooacoiiipaiivofnicnoffjonctti'.tlje tljinalcflfljallbc fcunae,
, pjorpcuttc uiio qocd lucbe in maccbnnQifa, luitlj gie.it game: it
figmBctt) nlfo, tljat ttjc pjefite lo|)itt) a perfpn fljall b.uiejQiall
beUHt!;rtfaccmia tMiiquilitie. umtwHiuaweoiDebate.. fllfo
it isagoqpfigiitr.
tfiiioiugtljiDjfigiireralteDCaiidadrjconij in tbc fecotlS
l5oiirr,itfiQui0ctt)aUUjjctd)CDtucf\nDpouctttc, anotfjatflper-
lonllja'.lbcDcftioi'eD^altcDninDWiDoiie;, torcllgooDsnnD be*:
litagca.torpenDgolD.nnDQIuer tuitljout profits, ttjingea (cff.
' ' liMliiEuccbccctouercD, tljc company i3notbing fyo;tb,bp rear
' Ton oftfje robbcritaanD «rto;tion0 lububttjep bfe > nno tbcp bee
naftrntcn,Uio;kUKj bp p;Mi,n0 bi^e'ftooetpj lorbc fniitbs > anO'
futbliftc. , . .
i^Ufettpefliiqe (bia. ifiaurcRwrnb Cerccritj tiie/erctiD
v ijoufe.it dgmfietbiwine bP.tbWM wk
> uctourncfic anotljlngcfli bl«tje:tfjcpe«fi>n tbaUbapiK»t,tpilb
> tiieiarubolpanDrabrojnpanPiawtofftriailpiBpoOejibuafefltbap-
age:am> iiinllotl)ectbing0,ITjC rignifletb notonetrei butt«buil9
loufes anD feXwffM bHt (bp ^JteAaUbe bwtfl!:
ttiogoooiiiblafkctbiRge^utitiiilluiaUotbertkiflga. 'j:: -
y y. 3fvcfiriDetbt0ifiBuceralIcDi?opuluiiMtbercconDjw»r»)it
v v figmfietba quantitp of inenaficmblebfMtrauellanDniaorban*
a y Dire,nnDtOQet rubfiancc jit figmfictb alfo lubitc ti;ing*. anD
y. y to fpenti Uicll, goaa conipanp, goob Co; boPage « ano Ggnifietb
fluit'tnctTCj nno likeboire fo; twsrreifojuio token of agreat
nuiltituoeofpcoptcntrcmbleDreaDptoSgbt, itiegoobfo; nm<
riage.butroloeminatterofiouc^itie alfogoobto gaine anop;^
fitebptfjc Uiater.
v ^inoing t:ji3 flgtin rnlleo Via in tbc feteno Ijoure >it fignifl'
y. ctbfniallgaiiicaiiDpoiicrtiCjtbetljing loll njallnauec bee fojino
v again, tbcroinpanp is|.oo;cj anDtfjepuifiteta not great i in
y rarcofinam'ageitia notbetpgooD.bnlctTc tljc niutb Doronfent
tbeiennto.itiobutmcctclp inalltbinga > butfououmeping^
fojtljctpliicliit is £ooD , railing tfjat tbeit^allbcfonieflaclie-
o/Cfeomaricyi^ 77
Of ihc third houft .md of the deniaundcj which belong
tlicfimto. Chap. 3

I T^il.icDlniiatmticfltDhicfjiwfurnllrbe nttciliufcD bnfo the

1 tliicohoufccalleDthednDant fronttijc arcenDfiut of the
)3iTjileoftt)codciit,bccof b^ctl)}en, Atter4>iic|)ljetoes, ono otijet'
hinsfolttconnbnlvcs^iuithtbenumbezortljem > aitotfjcplafe
2 XEIjushourecontAtnethairotbequeaiouoUibicb nt'i? bee
pjopounDcoor" a jBctiollcc ftnoeingin t^c Hniuetfitie, o;inn-
tiieotljec place.
3 3lfo of the nmitceatm toeUfatcofa neiflljboac.
4 Cf embadrges, letters > anb nuOTagcs Uiljui) come not
from nnp fatcc counttpc.
y Jfthatthe tU fo;ttme(I)aU tnmeto anpgooofiTuc atanp
6 dttietljcc there be anp III compan? fn tfje tea? tfjat a man
7 lf)otoitl)c nun of the Church both from tPhotn relnoulo
heatc uetots.
8 as touching the members of nuns Loop ♦the ft en tau 110.3
toh't'J map be inane touching the acmes ,(houloers, ano legs, be
appiopnateobntethe thico boure.TMheffojelubfvou fiuoc anp
ofthcftrtcenc figures, there pou lhall Suofletljcfigmftcations,
follolning tjje rules pe (hall fee liccienfter.
CCilljcuitUljisthico honfepe fpnoe tljis iFigurctallcb Aqui- ^ r
fitio, it figniflcth that the jDetfon of tuhom the qticQiou is >
maoe, ia a man lucUbeloueo, of great etches anDDisiiitic.brcc a- a
radon of this binrcot fo;fmailiournec itfiguidcthniuchpicfit, .<
gooocompaup, goooneighbours,anogooolitun'olhco hialthe
bcmatinocs tuhich belongbnto this honfethis JTigmcicgooD,
nuOen'cciallr fo; thofctohichmapbe mane roiafcljollcc idgiu,
fl'ing thathenjalllcnmclocli, annbeof ImoUilcogc: itisli'.ic-
loifc gooo to Unotve the cltatc ano Oifpofition of a nun of the
✓ cbtircboflubomcpcluoulobcAtc nelocs.
jfmtmKjtfjia figure talleo Amiflm intlje tbim ^onfe,
itQenifittb quarcell ana Debate Untlj binsfolties :iii fytttiour'
me, itfignifietb TpecDinetrc Uutt) (mall gaine, it iJtUfo;ttie
* &ct)olln:>anDf2gniflet} antll nciQtjbouC) aHDtlUoitipang:inall
'* tteDcmaunB*tait)k£macbem<U)cuU{)Wl;oufe> tbuflguceal«
afl'eftnDeintbctbitDboufe tyto ifigure calleo Fortuna Ma-
* lorntfigmfietbanoble ^aoccntase, imgbticanDbertuoue; it
ftguifietbtM tbe Mrfonfojuibontc tjjequellionwmaDe. «fl
of t:;cni,roiiicti))ie tt rignifiet!) a pcLtlt amittc Uiitbbmbinoroltio,
fott).ittl;ctciitljiinDfouctbBoeagi'ee:tbcreunto . HButncneo
tljclcffe tbiBfigiucfojtbnt it ie gcob iniDle^nll.fiQiifiet^i cattjec
fiODOibciulliunlltbingcfl.anDefiJcciallptoniahcaboi'ajjt, anD ,
to; a^rbollec.anDallotbettlmtgea luljcrcof DcmaunDo; queQi-
on inap be msDctn tbis boufc.ittB goso.
ifMDingtljts figure nwuoo Fcrtuna minor, in tbii t(|itD
-,v bsufe, itfigniflctbaronttamoh ofnmitietuitbpcrromf ofgreate
k aull;o.ntieanDc»eU(n(i«^nDtf)attbcamttieoftbe fainehlke is
a a faitjjfull toittjout anp Diiriiiiulatioii:but?et tbepbeefometoJjat
a a ctjo'.eiuhc.anft tljattbtte is alittleanger nnDbnquietmire toit^
tbem,it is alfo gooD fo; ttje JbrJjollct.tmD fo^ncig(jl;oi\t'bMDe.in
cafeofiournev it(tgnifiett)DiligenteanonaiftqeiTet itfegiooD|in
all,but tbat it (be toe tt) a little cbolleiicknetTe.
CCltjmveftnoe tljis figure tallto Lxtitia in tl)ie tbitb
a b°ur*< itfignif^etb peateano conto;D amongtt hinfiWUes anD
a a fnenos: in (arc of borage > it Cfgnif^ett) TpeeDines toittjout gains
a a o:p)cftf,iti9 ilirojafecbotlec, foj itCbetoctbtbatbceljnt!) no
a a ininDioMirecttiontoltuue ; anDbvttjistncanrsbotfjtimeaHQ
inonep is lott. tbat isimplopeD bponbim: itisgoootolmoto
ifftjattbcncigbboursbcgooDanDljoneftyf libctoife foj fticnosy
nib fo) nUotfjcc DemaunDes to bub Doe belong to tbis boufe-
jFinoingtbio figuretalleDTrillitiaintljctbirD boufc, itGg-
firtbihifc anD jebate ainongttbins'foibee, falfcanDDiCTcnu
> * b!rDfcirnofl)ippe > ano to bee tbafebatoai' bp tbein, tlje tocb0''
" * leclballiiotpiofitinfeliiD'.', tbeluapioDangcrouB.nuD but final
■* 1
pjo^t, tbclHinsiolbecbe of fnwll nobilitic,ill /lciBbbour,tbc i
' yflfeohtaticje. , yp
, ano&eebntotDli^ue ficc luou|DDoe
ijanut fyaUbiittettbitfiflutewiUuiBcmaunDu.
j ^utomgtlHs^flu^wllsoij'ucllain t|jc tbitoijoufc » itffg-
wi^^aooflaMpetf^ftwe^ipamonBaiu^ , anfapjo*
ite U)itp (pent* anp Qjclsstp nlfo, tpat tpep be of good DifpofltiV
. on anoljealtp UbeTutc topupapecfionmahctt) to conic pnto tpc
f^uoucanolouc ofatooman pec cannot obtainc it : in (po;^
popagcitiogoib t buttpetelaiAibefontc.taicpmgibptpeUiav:
it te goop,fo;al^c|iolictxbut it (poUirtp tpat pee i# intpueUntp
,tencb#(«nanintpcplacctopetcp<e in ceQbcnt. Jn allot pec
«apen sou flrtoctpiiSgutc calico Pucr in tpe tpicbpoufc,
jK ipctDctp tpataptfoq (pa^panc sooom bspin kitufolkea >.ano
jflpecipllS b^p^pwe^pifprpau^ uaccca : UOoniBctpalto
function anPamiiieUiitp ftunbs , ga<ne in all mannecof
Sff iinn jftllHlltf ([VMt
toitp oiligtncejbitp dkpo Infbeano piofpecitte, anotpai jtpc per*
fc.(paUQittemwoftpRm Pjtpeinas,,; put lfeee$iW >

,fl0iaftpfpoUec#atigM,paMte/»in) qucifione , anoillUjilla* , •/

tuengett hinefolpe* t to let a man blpuo it io gooo^, .alfo itjugit^' *
^l^rntnjukbsowfon pf owwlotw'fno lBo?ocpofmiutcpa|i' * *
n^atnpn^kinpfoOwecituiUfpjipclMS. becau^ tpepctfon
iewoangcrtobeijKiiteD, ahoonettutaeo inalltpcoctnaunpea
, topicp pecan ocnwuno.antpio tpicopouTetPin figure is ill.
ifihoihgtpiailigurecalleD Aibusmtpe tpuo, poufe , it * *
ri^flctpfpiuo^mipamiticbitln^binfucp , anb tpat tpep ^ .Y,
bep^nlfiitncoaiioiMire , it (pc&ema^otwttpcUttttBtifpup *
(otne^;itig gooo ncltiea, ono tpat pe ippicP jcoiU take a iciwncp ^ *
ykbatto (palUemc atip goerafe b»itpout,anp oaungw: pf cobhtng
"ojltouWc > it iagooom all tping#, Imf^jfat^t. Ogniftetp (jopins
rjHO^mcntapipn.<^|iM.buiAMp AnUjeuiite gpop faMtcigpbonc
poobc,nnortjctu'etptpattpcpoeleameb ,ftc&"cpbncctpallifu<
t>pt»«lt>aiiDtcaU)ifcnvwi,,itlW0ooo{'o^ tppitctuap > aija io
bcluietc, it in goooiu oil tpe painaunoea toljicpnwi' be maoe in
tpiopoufc. / , ,,, ;, J ; jh',! . ; „••:•, .
^ Jjt ^pen
8b ' 'The fecortf/<Boo^e
WUicnvc fnne tins fiQtice ttrilcD Coniunftio in
^oufci itrii(jriificttifomuntttotiiiiiQ mnitie amoHsffftinflbtRci,
it is gooofoj alltljings tljat mar be Bemunnttca (oucJjinga
ItrMtfigniftcti) alfotfiatttjekmtfolheo beleanice» ttjewig^w^
^ gooo, ttjetbing loll Ojjllbe founs againo, tfit letteu
bcb;atigf)t contnfnc noneotljct (ttngbutrablrs anotaleit (tis
^ fo; leumci? gooe, onb tbat t|je mfCTengei: is prompt atro Dili«
fi<«t:inaUt|iing»tl}!jj^fglttei«\>tc¥gMB. '
jfiiffimgttjla flguttfallcb Ciput Dnconis ttitt
bottfe ,it figm^rtl) to get tjmwac bMttjtbchindrolhes, t^r (ronb
Utonie, o;(^aH tome (!)o;tlp, t^eneigtibouctbeBeMant
^ fttenofl; fD;bo',:agittafure,biit tljattljtre fyallbefwieffa?ttt
ttrt toap, tijr ^tbollrt tjatljgooo minbe to ffanie (tfje man of t|i ij
~ C|wctbt8poncd» inallttitngeo tutnt&pemap octiunniint^i
^ ^oofet^la jfiguwiagoob, onbCgmtlttt)lone>fcieno^tp,am
Sfpefitibc t^ts flgnteralleb Catidadnconisitittio tljfrtt
V- ^otife .ItOgiTpfletballtbingeacontcmptnitogDoOfKire* aaoif-
y Wbc amongS fcienbe cnb HtnlYblkea, toitt) tbt fenrrafidit of
a- one Item an otb«t, it figniftcttiniro tcrafonorbinnbthee am
v- + ftienbo, anb t(iat ttjepboill Ideate toitft t^e nioutf) tfiat
t^tptl)utfceiiotmt)Wtt«» pntting all tbcic mtctit to fcanoe ano
•e(e{t;tt>c|^(troUeciMllnotRppliet)ia (earning bnt fet all^
minbe on tBnrrt,tv jQigmnttnrtei, o^fudjeHbtitohitobo oft^M
ftateof migljbo^ooDettta ill, becaufe it a tohen, itiaioo;^
ntitlnng:in«ll tt)utgBtof)ic!) map be oemaunoeb in tljiebottft,
tt)<p figure ia ill.
SCIfienponbolnbet^ia figuretalleo Carctrin t^e tbirt
boufe.it fignfQettia dtrmelone nno retret, amongtt fttenWi
y ano hinifotBeatotHtt) (ball long msuce, it ia illfo; tfjebHrp, at
v v Ognifiett) tfjnttbe borage (ball fcacrclr be cnoeo«itbottjydft
y- y- flgnlBclnrpjifomntntbptbfmejmtaorWnflblhej anbtljattbt
y. |bd)oller (boll bee agooo £tubent, but ret tjc ia of amrianttwlie
a a BlfrefrnoctbiaifiprcrallebPopuluiinttje tbirbbonft; it
* -a ffguiftctb mnptie loitb bindlottea, anb ttjat tljer be manr in
y * iiumUt; iu fareofborag«iUignifrttl) fimftneffc toittipjofpcri'
f- *
fjccmbticaltlMt fligiiifletyAucttmt Ctub«iffa&o;soi <8t(r«igcr<
fyalUomeabout tbctffsmro oftl)e|itopIe,tt]e ^(^•Uti QuotrtJ)
Uidl,anoutnag<eat(Qtniwn? ofotbct#* (be rrtel)lout-(ioot)t#
Bteat. bcefyatintaiDctbto tabt loutntf (ball finoc iiiutr)
(ompanv in tfjt luai*: tljts figure is iiunffercnt inaUo«niaunoes>
and ftoiuBetl) rather gocd Itjrn bati«
tKRtjcnmttie ttiicotiourev'c flntetfjiBifiguretalleoVij, it
fflptjfyctbrmall goo* fo^ tbe tiiusfcjktf, it (^etoetty alfo Upt *
jtp net foil ^aU (nitie |(e Beflre* ^oainirolkco, (^oUpuf Imw *
t<ifit»btbK tt)cU)as» ifjctUtUratoJ^ cowefrom ncemat
$a(tybjUig qqod netMOjttU gooofo;tyojtbovege,fauing tftt *
ibuttoiU bcrowfOtlacing intbtboa^i anobcttectotabeioup
wsbBlanottiutliK Moc, anoOfniai^tSpetnonijiUqiiMnt of

Of the fourth houfe.and of the dcmaundi thereunto belong-


i "T fourtti boufe,' to bub if tbe angle feptentricnall.oj

I tbatftcfy, eontaiitttbnatBMlletbequeaionf witxttp
uuwidef.tsiliub niae be maot bpon tbc if atbti o; Ccandfafyti:,
an# boon tbf gwat CrapbTottiic.
% Alfotvanbonrtf, tanoes, ?ltm«,Oar#<nf, ipe«wtoe«j
S fllfo bppon a dtttie o;^otenc; an# of tbe poopte tbat
^MUtbetta, tokmU) tt)battt]«v>be>aiui ofiubat otrpiatiott^nt)
, is bat iaooftf in Cif tie ot stoto tie.
4 at contaimtb oKottit qncthon Inbub Uiag bee mQue#
, bptiofl a ttafllc, pallacc, ifojt ot ititoet, tin# bppon the
pUte toboto it if tyougbt ttjat ticofure if biDDtn, o; otljec
tbingM kept.
: 3 flUbtbequeatontobubinaTbeniooiicObpontbetniiofall
tbtfigiicof^tonnowtrtbe uiatl be goo# ojba#<
fllutt of tbcJfcctbttiOt fifitc ottlje querant.
? SQbttbec the jiatbcEbceceaoo;(bnllouqui(bli?>
8 aftbo<Ibilocbetig!)tfat|)»cOo)ai0A(tato.
$2 fhcficOt){{*Bookc
9 o> life fonite flfiU ope flctt /' ■ ^
Jo jntbefcwn tpbuwlaMW,^cffjeitfl,aribl)ei:ffSj^C)j,;' 1 :
n tilbftbwS^tonebeOfcgeoflbaUbftflKenokJhbH ! •
''"t C&ijetlictttje fyipontfje fca (^altremetoaffoobpoftrtn#
tol)o is tu fjci', nm» A) f •« tbatccb.
if 3frtuianDt»cll!n$iurtnboufcfl)tll ouitllt^ecelonsdiw
^;nof. ' ' " • •'
* ""14 tlje tea?, f^aU UejBnjjt^Wii
'ntttijofitot: t^elebcet^ ijuefttbnb toijitfjbeftmamebfyi
bpft, HjcR jnfftratiotttt^ecefffaceitgooioj bi'lt babil^atVbtf
wrtaccb bp tyc oirrpticfie oftatfj Bjprc tpftftfy to'^ ^a))Wif (rem

* * ■fKUIjkofoje
* calico A(jui(itio,itftflm<1ct!)5OoDfobupl)e^ta0e0, aWoto?^
a a affakcooftbcffltljet jnuotljatfjeetaKotoeno, but bee fbollose
* befo;c ffjt fomft, fotljattbefl ftb houfc oof It bettufrto agfrtYtije
foniietalatofiillv begotten: tfjett is murt) tceafutebtooen In tb*
gtounQe. tfjc epo of tbe fjgurc is gpoo, the SDolojte (ball ifst bee
' fa^en lftiibpecplt toitbwbt jjoto >'tbe ibfppe flfjafl fwle to a jooo
^(ttifn.lVw^footobtotlltttaCOftfe'jSEotonr^oft jofotbet
' fjonfro! frrefijst is onfljeloip(biflltoim fltro;tlp * bb Hwtt>0«eb
lctf)tntljeboufctbat1tbcqiicfttonis of f fo td o^i><n<fcCTfclbit{|e'
rttjn# BrtO tofel^otHrt tiiOijDOTOeftObtit pofrirttftpnoer^Mj
ofttjisljoufc, tbccetsno queBioncanbeDtmatmieii) buf toib
iTOnfettfiOoOtbctfbnto. •;
a iffatmig tljtfl ftgntt Mlko Amifsro, Utfljt IbHttWbotittift fij'
a * niflctbtolTc ofljecit^egbpft)^ oeatbbfonietfjif fb nHft''Ygtrtf
<* oiimflgetOtbtfiiWfairtitfof ttjtktyte,
•a a goobans Ijecttages a qnatrtlls. ano ronfemionis' tttft) fbllfi
of in nature, lift > anocompfntton: rtjefatbtcfbaUoiiltiffoiKtbt
fonne,it to not gooo to Uup laiiOB ofbecitages , t^'iMilftM<
fmt fntooen In ttiem, tfje fijobo tie beflegeotbinil^famrtT rtbefoip
ccriini(;tl) tullb ngocb toinbe , bnt it is its ftfertt1
(^arcljnnt, fbefbippeisfullofjjotlngtdeWfbesnHOfoOtttertfoj*
fallen, mto is in Oatutger to fhll irttofbe banOfesof fbt ettrtijitilit.flf
elfc ppjats: it notgooo foototllin tbctotoncojb«u^ j'fltjSbee
tpat is therein (ball®(n>t$ttir long, Ki)ioHiSiitt is/lifo;(ill tyt
•.■*''V SjfGeotktfoU.
MMuitOd :;r.t' -A V:

itnsniftcMjtljattljefatbcciflofiooiiMliirfAholiqiirttii^rtimtJof * *
•trolJlctacei ttatt)^|tKIft*»rtfdtlj»c,an9SW^'<ISiatfJfatt)cc: /
ltiet)ourcwf*iwartMwnfo«w , onogoootooiiMUCtyetin.it (4 *
SpMD to toi? eliwocaanoljeritagw sidMComit ov^tl^tteteplix
i ant>
it l|iepaUaa
Oiled, ttloaeoblefl, mtmrttoiyf, iitMbMblvhKitlQDlMaiioriluse
tl>ecein» it Osnlfletbt^attbtti toMttoafuOdtMMeii t^oitbccd
flpUbee a Aoot)tMofaUt1^oeni«airril»t^ttrmai)trv> tljebjai
ttttsan»fla«lbauett#ai»«HteW«(«fru> r^fettpcMt oun
lioetbe ronneif tbc flRbfiot>ttf«want«>«8t>d.tba (bAbeio lafcofnll
btCattcn TtbeSCotWMMlestb (baniiotbetdktn ybnt ocfeno it
reUvmanfMl^Wj tbotytK* M (M (Mil tOmrbntoj] gtoo po;t
, p.tWttlwi»it«fcwwf|wlo%att|«je 8#o»

Maij0ia#imtttnt9^tMMim9al^; inulwaft
lifialtb^)rt»fli)rtfl<^lOfl»ial ll.*,U!ih(hi(;'iiir.
tin )fiaiitnigMawtflw»i)l»ibMtii|^ P«t.
tuna minor,pu (billTap t^atit OgnUtetbgceat fuDOenmOt ant
^nirksnrfleinfliltbiMliie tbeMbbriidfiMrotaHtniMttrittno;
*tecare,blitt^b««UtboittthMrflitgt»: k;
ombnritagra biieti|»r(9aHUt*fabMWatd}an«ttiat^ fljibl
tetnoam^eb^WMrortiwta^iitiwt,; anbtbcninto ttw-
•totebtoocttttl tbemt ttp tatwll fntntfbebVnitf)
(IwipU.biitttje^b&ftnfiialoanttWUtew •ftbntfc, tticCTOoftbc
'Maia|in|«tto^())bi(ctotitbi(^ vnacnd; (^aH^aK^oocirtbxeab,
ttrt».tl)affi9«0*I)b6 ta*(bi^n(K^aUI]min]Uiafeei: ilfcftUIjtc
*a<t(«n tabiip ifMtuviahv'poflbaiameV tacMnp W4|itt) teas
tabbn HoiAigb' tbd ■ rHJiaaila tb'Uitbin it:
j> 3 (^all
84. T ht fecond^oofy
njai be in Bflongtt (■ be t aJuo bg lb* tnnetnufl t tb* tterfon lobsra
mtb»b«>f«ft*ttbtoeUtbetefilonfitwit. £4t»figuicQ£tiifii:0
batUrfno to not euUt but fcupMtf •
jfinoitifl in tyts foutit) (joure tftit flgote r&llcD Lcticia, tiotb
^ f!2nt6ecooDluttocflnDpiorptfUicm»)e«td0£a,nnDt{jflttfjettefl»
k k
fute t)il m ((mih > (M'bse founo ant) DifcouetcB; tbe fat()ec > tfyc
^ (Suitofottittane sciat^ranDfdttiec besoQQoeb of an olD,nobla
' '■ ntio aimcicRt race, tbe b*ure is pleafant» ano tt)t places
unto tclwtgmnrecMatiMjattOofniucljplertfiireaB IcclHtiffaw
Dcnsasairobpt^erotnationorttieplnce: ttictotoecisliifitxtub
tutjifc, (be Wallace 0) Cattle 10 beep p!fafant tuitb tfjc cicont
hio;bsani)0recnct^flgealebu1i belbccet (betetsnotreafucs
DiODcn^etnoofallocnvuibes (ball be 000b > lite Bluer of lbs
b;cti)cro;,fillccts bet); $ojt fojttbeevrat ano nrtuojOtnarle
rrpencte Uitiicbt|i*C OoebeBoine in plearuresnnDMIicates, tlx
fonnewUflitimatejfotbattbeflftBotbettuntoconrent. tttfat
tijscuiwtoeso.biXWtbwAkeflOObctKare, altboogbtbalbn
iballoicbefbje tie fmne» tl is 000010 bupe bentage* , fcuttbs
biigeto fyad not ttccpetbiai long, tf^otonebcO^BCDlbanbes
taken* bntnotratifRcbt;tbctbip(b«Ucometoaacob|io;t* but
ret Ootoclr ano ioitb a ftnall tDintxiret in (or and (otbtcanteiit-
nuritortbenMAcc^ttxMMitbaU.^V'Clo'V* in ob* bouft
ojtotonc. • it
VQbenintfcis fourtb bouftre Bnbctbisflgure nameO Trj-
flitiajitflgmflettitobcbtflmiteD • Djiuen fromtbcftibHanaonb
' builageoftlx fiitbet,« anssbattbeJFalberano Onnotitbet
aiit)aUtberaretsitl:tb*botirei>iiUanbnausbt J apatisuntaF
neObrcepacations : tbeSECotemotCittrisarong r«m> atattt-
rntanoitajnllttetbgtaheti,tb*peopl*toitl)tnb»h)tfe* tuittic
cnoftout: (be Wallace o;Ca&e (soioeanti oumient , ano
murb trmfntebiDocntberfin, tl]eet)Defnlit()inQi3loblcbfeU«
manno ta ill, but to bar landes ar«able,» to bnilD benfes, isbe<<
teou to it is cooo.tbe filucr of tbe b;otbcc e flflct is biDOrn tbc ft#
tber (ball oucc luce tbefsnne^ ano tbefoiine is Iraitimate > bnt
tbrmetbccbcbaartbbetfelftbatil! > goaotobur tyttti&Qtatoi
tbeburets(balllongentortban * be tbatOteellctbintbeboure
fljalltongoUxlUbedit, tbe^'P^fintbefea (ball bee longin
for-^ngrfcit/o fjouifi taoav, ihall ?«c
tiUiDcnmuuti.tfjljafigutcwiiLbuanfcittefigmeor bR.
eabcmutbiflfourtbboufcpffiaotljUfigOTcniiaieD ^
itQanifgcRibnt rDiaU^taaeb^tt»cnii(Dtmeinoucort^cbtnr> ^ k
folbffl, altboUgbtbtfattlit: beorgaaBitttHKjtanDtbc^ianb- Y
fdt!)ccalfo>ti)eb«»fe it pUafant anoflnc.it itgoooto Inbonr, ^
buttljerein tutllbefenie ntglifietue <moaaclinefle:tt)r£ittc is
fauc, butintbecnDit^albetaben ifttrati! bfcbeSegcD.fa^tljat
it la not OcrciiratiucanD illmatntamcQbe menof fo«c:tl)erc
w nottSATate biDBcn: inall tbe DenuunOM oftbtsboufc 3 ftnbc
not tljio figutetobeof ttje bed buttn Tome Uttidet i t(jc 3i3;otb( c
and 6Q«c btmebut utde monet?, nottuitbftanoing t^at tt)e bjutc
iBtljnttljc?(jaucmiub : tljcfatbct ItDBtbomilballliuelon^ir
tfyc etgbtagrce (ino ttjenftdbecutLtiw tbc ^onnc,
It is mottftcmttobup tfttiUges, ibnWimttycfBMfyilUoiiv
toitb aralltBtnbc^nD amueMsgoo»{iatf,t^9(Vtbh4flUbUsl
long enough in tbe boufe^ino jje $at is on tbe bwp %il belong in
isawnnij. >
jfimrngtljis r?gnrriii fyefo«tb (ootVmtneb Pu«,it both *
QgnUl'eguatliirnibttitlit^elRiit^sr^Otiirtittiegsbslitche ano *
|>;orytnttstBit|;itins<blkes((bt^st ^sngltsconrwittbcttuji' * *
to) ttje ifattist is of gooo toitl sno b<alft)fuU>anB ktttie of bo» *■
d c, tt}c boure uinfuteandquftKcniittsiilto bui? beotages,
To; tbctcbg tbaltoonv Siife and content (en, tbe t^Ilnble Lottds
fate of no great twine o> etfttnation tfijt Sobme beiteogtQ tl/atl
tefcnoitfelft baliantlp. mid tbepeoptetnitbrn bee Yiten ofoe<
feme, tbe faatifeo> fwteis notoftfat fatrcd, tbeKtSiiotei<v
fntefaid: tbeendof all tbe demaunbes Ifaall bane an ill t(rne>bn <
i((reitbcfo;tBaare, o;(icaUxt>:tbe 3l5)atb<to;&t(terfaaucbiit
Ittttenmnet > tbe falbtr tsttobo; (ball die (fasott^ > tlj« ^onnc to
natlcgitimatcbutaJ^Mditbclibipontbefefa (balarttuetn
tsfttie, but not Imtbouteonflut of tbe enemies, tbrperronffaall
bboell iBngintbeboufc tttSCottnt : tbts/figutcidflflgureof
<f R. ..I.: . .1 •
3ft«flnDeintbiflfonrtbbsttfettwBfittBeralledRuhciisjtije A a
timcisnotbcaccooDfoAtbc jfatbers fbeoetrioni tbe ^fatijet >
ioanBiieanoofnoBTtatBwdboiilie.torototbegniUjiotijiB > a
gute a
gurei00art> t)(UU&t^aUti)e figatcaaftrie^icrtetgootita
fuUictljrgcounOvfwttjafCaaloe^auefailieintljtftcabooftc) al
fbtcOttt bedtttib#ttttQtbejfiic. HjtSLoLunebcficceDJb'iIlbc
butnto ano confAht, atU) tji» people tbttcin be tboue®* UiicUco,
bifltbetanb ftfftc bouetio nwnee,butbcpi)ojeanorireDie:tbe
fatljcciB notbeab j but (^all Die ^0; tils anDtbefotuieQ^liruc-
utue, tlje faioe foiuie ia noMcgitiiitatebut a baffaiD: itianrt
: gooo to bup ijtciiages: tt)r(bippe on Tea ffyill btr taken anB
butiit j tbepetftn (ball taerie but ftnaH time fittbeEotPneo}
^ufe: all tbeoeniaunDs (ubidj pc can ittabc in tf)ia boufe Ijaue
omlliirue, bptlje bgnificotion of tljie figure.bnleffe itbeeto
1 put if ire to Gppncries 01 tfrtilletiejiu toljicbitbotballuapea
. (IgmflcoeatboibloQDibcD...
• A' , a tfjla figure nameDAIbut,
. a itfiipnifletlfpMfpcnwpnBgooDlucheuialltbingstuitbpMte)
a ' tp&4nD it^tining *. ifr faitfettB gooo, gentle, amiable, mccrle>
^ ano a man tutmijtcmett) gooo tbcare: ano (b Dio bta ifatbec ana
fbaUttotbc <atuti^anot|ofc teitbinitbetDdlappointeB .liao
ueoanoefcoucace: tbetceafaeebiOD'aUftiuec, anDnogolsat
all; tbefatbecia Ituing anafiiaUoutrtine tbefonnc, iftbefift
boctbecebnto agree: tbecbtiBeislegitimate^Btobup t)ai>
toseeanOtstntetliliisMf tbetyippean tfye fiseafbaUcnmctoa
gooDpoetclDitl) mutb eicbea: tjv nianon (be (nap (ball tarts
longmttie boufe Initbiop. folaee ano pleafure: tbeenbe ofall
tbmgca (ubicb semapaelce in tbur bouft i« gooo, encpt (bjliMr,
fo;tbi*Bguntamfl*tbiu>til9anx>butpeac&: 1. ii'i
> a ifinoingintbtBfourtbbeafttbo figure ealleb Career^ ftfc
' gMoroWjietbefatbetforbrtefitkc ^DcflD.- jmotbat ifijibe
a not DeaDbrUull caufefome tblngto be tiuitten, tbcboUflrig
'■ a gcoD>butnot beautifull; itia gaoo/o ldbouc tbe mtbi'tbe <
tolnue 10 faire biit of fniallfojre, fo tbat if it be beflegeDitft/all
be quirlitp frtttetw; iveaioetil^ eunpofitibrt | anopfttbe people
jtyitbinbe tolfeunofage: tbolftollacc, Cafttc, wSDatoecbeinot
foite>but it tna# allbuiioeftbs poUkiO»(botteafurebioibalbc
flnrlp .
oj Cjcomancy. 87
flnclV founse, tlje fatfjei itticno 02 tljall foeng Die > smofotfje
fonncfl).illfuuituc,anD^ct0 lc(jitinmte 1 fotlj^ttlitfifttonrent
tljctniiuoiit isccoD tclj(!\!t)CtiM0C0 ord tonmfec nuitiagcfi:
t^cfljippconttjcfcanjallcomctongooO i^autn iuitl) a 0ooD
iuiiiBeitljcliJotljccnnDfiflccljauebut little filuct , tjjrpattie
tDbic|)Dii}eUetbintbf!)oufeo;2inoUinel})allnot abtse tljectm
Ion3,inalltt)m00tt)at;pe map mabequeSion oibcntaunb, tljia
fi0utci00ooD,fauin0foi bcaUljanbcniniDn-.cr.tiro^italUiaittf
fiOUlfictbDcatb.totjentbebig.botb Irenfent, aiibtbfeflaurcte
tallcD Fcrrdrumtljatie to fa? > ttje bcareon tobicb beat) mctt
HfpcflnbcintbeftoucfbljouretbefiguteCaputDrnconii.it -
fisntfietl) lodesftbe btiitases anD ruitedions of tljc patents?
anotobeDlfpoiretleo wtotljiotonetleaneout bp o?oec of lalo:
iti0!joe0fo;t&efat&er,foji)eewBooeanD of soob toill ? tbe
boufe ts faiteano pleafant ? it if soob time ano ftuitfull to labouc
ttieeartt):tl)eCittieiffaireanDpleafant,anDif it be beOegeD
itfljaUnotbetahen:anotl)ofelDitbuiitbe!)eattieano of gooo
tepatation : ttje treafute bio (ball not be founDc: tljc filuct of tlje
bjftberanDttttetismucbttbcfntbctlball futmue tbc fonne:
tbefonne(0nobaftfltoiiti00oootobupbctita0fs : tbc (bippe
tDbicbisontbeSfeatballnuithlp attinein pjofpetitie: tbeman
(ball foioutne long in tbe totone o; boufc. JLbi* fisutt if gooo
fo; all things b ut foijtuate.
Mbentbisfigure Cauda Draconisjie in (be fbuttbbooftMf
fignifietbgooDlurbeianDpjorpctitictourbinglanoes , tbc pet'
fon (ball ouercomc bis fuite iuitb gteat anger, trauaile ano en'
uicitbciuelfcnecclDbicb (Oinmctbbptbc (Countrcplu ill come
(boit Ip: tbc patient (ball aiucno if tbc (irt ccn'cnt. Ebis figure
10 illinallDcmaunDesbibicb'oorbeninoeoftbe fatbet . tbatis
to Tap , foi bccitagco »fucrelfioit: tbc boufc is gooD, it is gooo
tofovbetbc grouiio : tbcteUmebcfiegcofijall betahcnbptbc
trcafon of route tbatbee tvitbin it,ano it (ball be put to firc,btooa>
ano rafeo.but pet tborctubicbcrcape from tbe (botoftbc Ctof*
bob'c. (ballfigbt Oaliantlp, ano bolo bp tbritbcaos bnto ocatl)'
tljcrc is fcoitionanO muttering in it, To tbatoncmmortbtolull
anotljct; tyebjotbccanD fillet Unttc no filuic : tie fatljctis
BfatioJl^allt)ieqiiifhlp,anDt!)efonnei8a liflttati) , tfrefatljec
Hjal! Die befoje tlje lonnc: it 10 iuQiffcrciit to bin; loiibca, bccanfe
tljc tanbf 6 be 300b aitb fcuitfull, but tfjeic tuill be migee nno Cute
abouttljcm )biitiim)cciiDtljepiucljclL't: llj.ill Ijaiic tlje t)trto»
vie>liuo tljcicfotc t Ijic ftjurc 10 tallcD inbiflfctcut in tljio rnfc. tlje
Djipontbc&cjl^alleoinciuitljagteat tuinbc ..iitbbeiit oaun-
flet'tobetnbnioJbuciieD : ttjt mnii fijall not ttap long intfje
boufco; tolunc fot fcaeebo fljalbcnainc, oaIj.uic foinc tmfctjiefe
aoncbntofjitn : inalltjje benmunbes tDljidjpemnpmabein
tljifl Ijotife, tljio ftguce is ill ,bnt in tlje tbiHgcobcfotcieciteD: it
isalfogooDtopiitfirctoajviicitccoitoactilleitc . ottoiuojlte
ttwfointbctiCurureliibblicptbptljcE'iiiell. I
Jfmoing tljioflgurecallcDCjrccriiitljefoiictblJOiirc.itng«
^ nifietljtoVumnelanDco tDbcrintccafiicc 10 Ijiobcn , miD tljilt 1
■a 1
fomcofbto liinefollifialjcloennb taken p^ifoncc : tbefatljccis
r v becpolD.btitpetofgoobeompIfrtion, nnol^allline long : tljc
a bourciaolDc>Dachcnnofiiioahic: it lagooDtoeniconDfoujetbe
grounD: tlje tolunc ie olocanoillcaltanDninoc,ano tljerttcefea
bttj'iiatrolujifitbebeficgeoitfijnllnot be tnitcn , fotf)att(je
people be not faint hattcb tnitljin : tljcSnoloeco^pallntebebe'
tpolDanO Ijalfe baoben : tlje filucc oftljcbjotljfiojfilJetiBfo
IjtDiim tljnt it tuillnot befonnoagaine : tljefoimcio legittniate,
tlje tljiupc tsnotjvt rensp to come s tlje man fljall ccmainc long
iutl)eljoiirco.itoujncUJ!jetcljcDotljniintJctol<cep: in]alltl)inc«
boljitll^emapbenmtinDeintbisljourc.tljioflgui'ciotll, but to
DCfcnbcnnDkecpcntoUmc, anofoi tljingeo featnenian > in
lol)i(bifio!!:ooo,nnDtjgntfletl)alfotoljauc a great numbec of
Y VaniiigintljcfoiitbljoiifctljtofloutctalleDPopuliu, itfig-
mftetljainiiltituDCofpeoplcafrcniblcti, foiiictobiir?rclllantic0
' ' nno Ijetifagefl : inDeinanocgof tlje fatljcc itfiguiftctl;niout<
' nimj nno lamentation, tlje fntljceQjiill Die befotctljc fonnc: tbe
/ A
Ijoufcanblaiiocttiatifl maoe mention , ia Itanoingncciflmto
tlje UMttrc > the Etobone io full of peoplc.anD futnilljco luitlj faitc
UiatcroaiiDfpjiiiBcc.ifitbcbellcgeDitfljallbc taltcn , bctnure
tljorcluiiljinitbc of no great fouc, but mod of tljcm be fJSJnti-
nct'o : tlje CoVecto.t jfojticirc io nccrctotijetonttec •• ttje
ticafuicIjit) lljall itot be (oiiiid , bnluTc tijc eialit do confcnt: ttjc
ftliicioftijcbiotljctiUiDftlTcr is but fin.ill • it qood tobufc
Ijattrtffco.tljcfljippcontbc&c.injall cciucquidilv luitlj goob
iiitiiDrmiDgicntfrime: tl;c ir.anluitljin tlic Stohinc oiljoufc
fljiilliiototnelltljccclong: tunll tiic^cuiaunocc of tljia [joule
ttjio figwe ie gooD.but tcucl;iiiglotir.
SLIjibfiguretiillco Viainttjcfourtl) tjoufe fignifietljIoITc of ^
fjeritage: in nil tljiugu tljat petAii DciimimD Ojcis ill, railing to
foUietljccartl) , pctifllljc better bp tuatectljenbvlanoefo;
boragco :trcariircl)iDDcnll)niliiotbe foimo : tbcCittieisno'
tbtngarong,ifttbebeOegcDit(ballbe taken > tbe Cattle o;
SEotueciBiiot falic.nnb tbevflcno bp tlje loatecfibcittieb^o-
tljctaiiofi(tcct)atienotmutl)01iier:tbefatl)cc ie of lriiglifc,aiit)
tbcronnelegitimate itgoobto blip beritagegtMbicbbcneeic
tbetoatee:tbcnjippeontbefcattiallroinetofafcpo.it 3 ttjeman
intbcljoiifcoitotonenjulliiotDbjell long tb^cc» fo?nlltbingea
tabicbpcmapotuMimoeintbiaIjoufe>t&ufigureiagooo, but
fo; louc,tbc luljicb it 10 but ill.
Of llic lift houfc, and of (he dcmaimdes therein con-
tained. Chap.;.

i "rtycfiftboufe calico tljt rutccoant of tljc angle oft be fcp-

11cmtiouall,otijeeUtilc calico tbegooo fortune , ootbeon*
tainep;operl|i tbc fignifitaticnii of tbe DeniaunorB niljitb itiav
bcnmoetoucbing a cbiloc , tobnoniclubetbttbethallbcefmall
o;crcntofaature,imDtoutbingbi»bictb. Uibetberbeebelegi'
timatc 0; bnflnct) of goon nature 0.1 ill.
2 2nijc oeinaimocu liftcUtifc tabitb niapbecnioucoontbe
iiMticr of bis lining, tbat is to falMf it be p;cfi table 10 a peclon to
^ C.iibcti;ccitbrgooDtotahe nctoe dotbeo > anoUiljclljei;
tbe pciTou be nicllappaicllcO.
4 3lfap:omircmaoctoapcrfon fijnllbe peifojincoo.: not>
.iiiDUiljcibciit bcfalfeo) true.
; f/illictbcctbeincffcngei rtjallcoine quicnelp , ano fuljat
nctucu Ijcc tljall b.Jing, ano alfo U)b«U in contnineoin tlje letters.
po tfkefecond'Bookc-j
6 Jllfot(5tt)emnimoeebol)icl;wap be i»acc tppona fticno,
7 BirtljccavtljnjnllbfMHijfojt^pkntpofrciiitM , mitt VB|)e.
tljet tijej; (IjaH be goott.
» ILilicwifc tljcrigiufitntioiiflofall ^cafmcD , na to hitTe,
coll.&ng.oamucjliauquct.aiiDpl.ii'on all mfttunitiitB of mm
fit lie.
9 ^^etf;cratuoi)ianbctDiti;(f)ilDeo)iiot, anttluljctljtt
fliall bauc a boy? o; loencl).
10 jftljatnplaccberofscoiTjaUbe tnlunoj peclDeDbpcotn* ,
pofition.o; Ujljrtljci'lt Ijatl; bcncbcfixgctt.
11 tCltjctbeotljcpetfonlMljicbiaontbc ton? lbnllbesint>mi<
get to be tobbeDanofpoilett, mm luljcttyct tbc tuayea be not Dan*
getoua bptcaronoftljauca.riiffuiinana rucljlibc.
ia ^fttje fonnebeG:cfee,Qe<u>,o!tahcnpjifonct.
ij ^ffltbetbctttjclSoohc lubkbonc tiioulo rcattc containe
tljinas goott o; bao. ZCbefe be the piincipall taufca containctt bn-
bet ttjisbonfe' tbetuliict)pee(^allttiDgcac(o)Bingbntot{)crules
nnttfiflmficatlonsoftbeifigutestiftoaflet to;it(cn,n tlje o;oec
as befoje.
catirn in tin's lift ^tmfe pou Snbc t^is ifigure tallcD Aqui.
Y v
fitii^itgiuetbgooOftgniflcationsoftljctlnlDe,nno tfjatbclball
, ' , btofgooDtoitanttconoition.anD toellnmoe of boop , tbeiiief<
A ren3ettyallcomequuhelp,tijitt)gooDnelnc0iincafctoltue>anB
tot)aueiKtoetloti)c0iti00Oott,tt)c pjomilr (ball be kept in all •
faftfyfulneffe, tlje letters fbeahenot but ofnicnptbings .anote-
treatiue^Boflone^eiofinattcrsbcneficlall? tlic auntie oft^e
frienos fBgooo , itisalfo goott fo^tbc fruits of tlje cattlj , ano
tljerc (ball bee great abunoancc, itiogoottaiitt lure ttluellingin
tbcljourc.tbcVuoninnlmtbcbiloelbiillfiauca fonne > fotbat
t^e tent!) bo confent to tbis.it ia goott to l(i(rc,coll> ttollp, ttmince,
nno to Doe all tilings ofmirtb ano pleafure, tlic Commons oftbe
tohme be goott > antt line in all peace antt quiet nrlTe, tlje C bOeII
isnotberagett.anDifitbcjitfbiiUnot bcetniicn , bftcafonof
ttjcgooDflcco^DeamougctttljemUitjicljbc Uutijin it : tbcre is
ncitbct0tb«iic0>nttiljerroi(tcr0bptljcUiap, tljcronnetsnei..
(fjetDena.Cche^jtalsenp^ifonec.butniahgtJjBoBO^ccrc , ano
ioat'piaplcafucc, tljcfctenoiBimcci'.anot'fir ctjiloe legitimate,
doolies do containcXrutctjc matters anD uiccimciTc, all things;
luliutj^ecma^DcmannDcmtljioboufetbutRguL-c. Dootl) figi.u
lVcgooD,anDairot[»at a tootmnfyall not l;aue iiiaiuc(l)[t'
JFinoingin t|)iB'fifll)oure;'tl)0 ifigutc tallfO Amiilio, it *
tignifyctUtbAttljcibilDefljalbe ofill natuic, aiiDloffeofijciC' * A
tagcbvlaltte>tbcflriseperronfyall atnenQ.* ttjcluonmn.toitij
tl)ilocfl)nllb'iiienronne,butn)ctballbcmDaunsecofDcutl))itis * *
notgooDiiKafcofeatinganociiiUung , tbeipjoiittfefljall not
bepetfoimeD.ttjemrffengec(balltome quicbclp , butijeeiball
b)ingillnetuee^tbetetters(ixabeorquorccbto; eife of tibatil>
D;ie, t^e Iricnoes be notberp gooDtuiotMr^eif^Pleafurc anoio*
runDtnclTBtbis figure will.bnltffttfbtUMJiUQiutqffe ano b,ru»
ectp.fb; tbe bubicb it is geoo, tbe DtoeUiiig in tfje beufe w ill ano
Dangerous,tlje Commons oftbeCittp be bao, if tbeCalfellbtc
befeegeoit iballbe taken, bagabanos Ipebp tbe loap, ano tqece-
fiwe it is batigtcons,tbe fwntis neitbet Mad npj taken pjifoner,
butbecisberpCtlie,tbctbilDeis abaCarD ,to bupanb feilneive
garments it is ill, tbe peare is gooo , ano gceatabounbaunteof
n;ne,butitistUfo;trdesanDplant0:tbeboot<es ano b);itings
ittakeincntionofribaulD^.oiofqueiltons. JToi all tbetbings
tubicl) pe map oemauno in tbis baufe, tbis flguie is ill , anDtije
tosman (ball baue man? tbiloten.but tbep (ball becilU
Ulbcnpefluoemttiisflitbouretbis figure colleD Foroina > v
maior, it isa figtuoffctuecbilD-cn ,but tbcv fijall be bone if ano A A
bapppintbcirtifc:tbcronneisncitbetri(kcneitberDeaD , but ^
IballromequirKetp,iti0gooDtoeatanD DAinHc , tbe p^omifc A
(ballbekcptttbemeirengerianotttareD,neither Raallitbelong
bero;cbeercturneanob;ings,goootiDing ano tljclettccsUiIjub
bebnngetbfpcflhcoftbcaffaitcsnfiiingfl.pjtiueB , ano great
ItoiDea.anDalltbingcsplcarant ano tccreatiuc , tlivfrienccis
gooDanbtiuOp; itiggooomioU'bolfomctoDluellm tljeljoufe,
itisgooD toUtirc^oll.Dnmue.anDtomabc all p:cttp panuues,
tbe tuomanibiUbiucafomic wit bout nnp Danger of Death - fo
tbattbcflrOtagccctbercuntoitbcreboillbcraincit tlje tenth Do
ngrecitljetoiMiiOTSofttjctoiutictssteao^nottKrc ifi mitclj no-
Ijilitiettjfccin.tljcdnftlcienotbefcecca, (IjCiCionobacnbonCs
i n tijr lUiU>>ti)c tljilDc is IcQitimntc > it is good to b nv dud put on
neiudontbro: tbcpcatef^alibeQooD, nnQ Qccnt nbounDaiucof
alltljc iruitcsoii csctl; , t^e booties u>;ittcii coc fpenhc of :
liiiiQS iitiD ponces, nno of tbott: biflojies, m atltljc ttjiiiQs Dubitb |
prtiiap DcmaiinDiutbis
JfyouflllDCIll tbcfiftbOUretblSfljUCCUlleD I'ortunaMimr,
itrt$nif>ctbtbAttbeCbilve(b<illbecamnnsfl)onciie, birtonous
' ouet tjis rnnnico nnblibecall, nno t)'e 'OdII Ijaiic ninnjx
Cbilbicn« it isinDifTctcnt QOoDineatiiigo>iDD;in!iiiiB.tl)rp:o»
iinfefljAlltnUeplace, tbsmetrcngecfljntlretiirncquichlu , anS
tljcneluesUibicbbetijallbjingfljnll bceofUiaueoiofangrc: it
is not gooDfctftbcftienDbutonclpin tibaulD;ie.EoiicI)in!tplca'
fiiteS '.l;ete<sfninllioi?b>t)<ad8,f^£! ' itiaillto rcimincinttie
Ijonfe, bntctfeitbecfoj mnttets ucnettaih ttjc tooinan luitj)
Cbiltie njatlbnueaJDanQbtecianDcrctipeoc.itbbccieuacrobilFe,
bretnbenttbecoisninHFtbeeuesbvtbetuav: tuio Ibetcfcucrtifl
not 300b to joe iHtbtbc Conntcic 1 tbc fconitc isrt(tir,but be (bnll
crcapftbebircafiStfHbteitictjiiiiieqaicliir^ fotljattbctentbooea'
gtec thereto ittrfcbilbcidh'TBaOatb , it is illtobnpniibpiitoii
nebj t'oaHji's^onbrpfballinOiitebuf a iDfjilc tbcpcarc fballbc
ttoob ant) plciitiliill.but illfoj teeesi tlic boolics trente of tuaice 0;
of nngci', oi ofotcat furie: foj alltbc tbingesbobiclj foii map Dc
luaiuiDiiifbisboiife tbio fijjute QsiiiBett) jjood, anofilfotoljaiic
v JiiiiQiuu in (tjisflft (jonretbcSgurernllcDLxtiiia, itbootjt
' * fi(5mficp;ol'pcntic, pooD luthe,aiiDtbcaouauncrmcntofboiion;
' ■ to tl;:Ct)ilDcbi: bis good natuce: tljeloomanlmti) dbiloc fliall
y y banc neomic Vjliitlj njall bane [jifatbouout nim reputation in
bfoliic :fot all (be DcnmunDcs Uibicbvee canDciiiniinointbiB
bonfc tbisftoui eioaooD, as tobiipeanD put on nclu iloatbcs,
anDfojtbcplentirulncs anDfriutcfulneOcof tljcvfiite: aiiDronfc-
qncntlptbiofiBUicisijooomaUtbeOciinunOtsciirn as it rallcb
I .itiiia,iubitbiBc<illeOtbcboufrof3:o)',U)betero:c at tbis tune
VuilfapnootlicctbiU(5,biit)t itfiguifictbto b<uicfcU)c£biIo;cii.
3f '
. gif^DufinficiiitlieflfCuoufe.tljiflfifluwfalteDTfiftitia JtflB-
nifict^fojroUj.bcamneB* biiquietnca, pemrtCic. aito ill foimn# -a- a
(jftrcnftct to tome to tlje CUilDe> ttjc Letters tolHtlj ftme a a
flietihor^auv tbnicc^oofatou>ncberccflcE>,o,!ofottjeeminjape a
linconiicinenteajttjc tooman Utitl) c tjilbcdjall Ijaue a bonne ,(fo /.
t^nt tlte tcHtfj Joe gtuc tonCetjtjflno Hcl^al ijaue agteat nno Ions
tiaticU Uiit[)tintiacrofoeatJj,tcbte;tiiecft, innttttjeOemnUnDCB
Uiljicl) sountiU' mabein tljifl ^otife ttna ftuutc figniftctlj tl foUnn,
anoiotbctefoJebcetetalleoTrillitij.tljetotjuiiij faOncc, quite
contrnte to ttjefjoufc talleo tlje goitre oftop, ano tljts flgiuc figni'
Ca^cnintlje flff [joufepouflntjetfiiBReuteriilleDPuclls, it *
Cflnifict|j|i;o(^etttieto(tl)eCt)UDe, it iaalfn gooBtoeate ano to * *
ti;mfcc,anDfo; all mitt (jfliiDplearurc > tljt pMnirc t^nllleiiept a
tjjenieCrengccajaHcomcromettitnglate.butliec n)allb;inggood *
anbpctflinetucfl Inbittl Oialltpeaheoftnuc, it 10 gcoofoittjc
5rtieM>anDro;allmi(t^>a0tot()ll| feitTc, oaunte/Cnganoplnp
ontnStument0oftitufl(ke> ttgCbilocni a )Battatb>^etei0no
bagalooa bp tbc iua?,tt)eCattte in not beTcegebiu tombing tlje
U)ORiat\initbCbilbe,rotmrap4cciltaUl)aueaii5op> anofomea
a toeiub: anb fo;bc(aq(e tbatin ti)ia niattec tbc JDoctouta (ntbio
iittc Doe not agcec.tobeemoje certaiifepgimtHabauetecoucre
to tbcilngleooftbeBgute» bp tlje tobicbEou (ball iuDgcnsc
tbep fpcate: to bupc and put on neio doatbee it ie goob, anb
fignfpetbtbattbepfballbceticb.nentc anbftnc.tbc peace fljall
beegoob aub gccatettoicofalirojteorgoobtbingceifinallp, tlje
iooolicefpcalicofkifring, tolling,Daunting,anb fmgiug iVubtif-'
fojolDbcnpcfiiiDctljiefiflutcintbieboufc.poiitballiiiDgcnB is
afojcfaib.aiiDfuttbetrap.tbnt itCgiifpctbfclDiIbilDjcn , but
tbcptbnll bcfaitc.
finDingtljiBiftgutc talltb Pucrintbe fittbon'c, itfignirp' ^
ethtbcCbilbetobcc ofill roiiuccfatioti, anb DiroUeDicutbiUo .
ifatljrr anb iiiDtbcc; foj gouctncinest ofcntinganDbjinliing • \
itioill.fbepjonufcnjaliiotbc pctronnco, tbcfprffcngccUiilnot a,
QaplongbcroicbccoiiicaiibbjinglettetB, iuljicb malic mcuti-
onotUiacic:Uio not goebfoja iviciiD, nojl'oi paniiur.butiii
fcate* oftoatte ;t|)e OtotUingi in tbe bouiu is not geoD: it istooUb
»iotbin3tohil!e,coll)ojfiictjlifeciMlliauc8, but irt bmccailaas
tbc CLToitianiuitb CbiibclTjaUbauera ©onnc, ttje plate beKe»
geo (ball uotbetahen, buroefenbitrelfe baliantlp: tljecebre
many tljccucs lying in ioaite by t&e tuap»tbe Saonne is not oeaD,
but butt, tbe tbito* ifla Waftatb, ill tobuyeanoputonnelu
^loatbes o; otbet tbingesbrdctfsit bte^amesanb annouc,fo?
tbei»b<cl>itiflgoou: tbeyeacefballbcinaiffietent gooo, fauing
tbattbcu (ballbe fomtbade t tbeIQoohes fpeaheofilQane, be'
caufctbifliBafigurcofd'lubftbieliojo oftnaue, itdgnifyetb
lihctnifefcbo^bi^'en, anbtbcy (ballbeallmenatUiatte, ano
{Ulleta ofpoojtininanOUboietsof tbe Btlo.
3lhflnouigintbeftftb0|,|"6tbi8fiCut« calico Rubeus, it flg»
v < niBcibpetuetfe Cbilojen, anooegenecate ftonibcrtue: it is til
touebmg eating ano bjinhing^o facially of ceo (binges, tbe
>A p>omife(balnotbebtpt,tbemeaenge(S(balb;ing)Utf(CBlz)b^
(ball make mention of toaens ano combats, janotobeebgeefe.
Ibis figure batb no fignification intbisbaufebut ((((eyctpt to
folaetbcgtouno ) fo; tbe tabicb itisgooo: tlje looman toitb
CbdoetbaU baue a JDaugbtte, becaufe tbat tbis figure isatU
guceofjD. anonio;eouer,iftbat tbirebeany CbilD;en , tbtt
(ball not liuebuteicquicldy.
Bfyou finoe t(is jfigure catleO Albutintbcfiftbnufe, it
fignifyetb tbat tbe £bdoc (ball be ofgooO nature nuo complcri-
on, it is gooo to rate ano ounhe, ano bealtb (ball eonte tbercof, j
*- a tbep^oniifc (ball tabc gooOcffeit^bcinctTeHgcc (ball come quidu
f IvluitbgooonctDcs , tbe Letters mabc menrion of things met-
. cmiall ano iobitc. Ssofienaginmahinga jfigucc you finoe
> r tbi8faiDflgurcintbeftftbouCe,bee ye ndurco tbat you (ball rc«
cciuclLettcrsfvomoneojotbcc luitbintUjeconycs'.itis groOfw
n fcitno, ano lifactoife fo; mirtb anoioy: it is goob fo; tbe
mu tiling inaboufc,itis gooo fo; to hilTc ano coll in tbe loaf
cfbonettie.but ill fo;Di(boncfiic,tbetuoman tuiibcbiloe (ball
bauc a&onnc toilljout any oangec ofocatb.o; any utbcrincotu
iiciiiencc • tbe Coumions of tbe dtttie bee gooo.tbedadcll is not
IcreegeO.but if it be,it fljatl be rcnO;cD by tompofiiion: tbcreis
no harlots o; ill folbes by tbe loay, tbe cbiloe isnotocao, tbe
ofCjeomancie. 95
(fcilQf in {{fitd'tnafe. (t io geob to bn? snopnt on neto i
aUoucallotljci',U'bitf tlontljro utfball btea coooanb fruitefull
pmc, U)c IBoolirjs fpcahc of great f pjofctiiib tmoitileoge r
anDbtranfe itia a figure ofM(rcutic,itrernict!)tot)aiicninn?
IStljentefinDetljwiFieure rnllcoConiur.flio , t'n tfieflft ^ *
boufc, itficnifrctfi tfinttfit CfiilDe Iball bee of an ill nature, y'
anbtotellronintljup tooibca, tljere is noctiiiflunb tljat map ^
beemabeintljiB ljoure,buttl;attbiBfiourei»mrantbciein» ilje ¥' *
Uiomnn boith Cbilst fl?all tjauca ^einic: auo lufienfotnetrc Doe
mabeafignre fio;a marriage, anDBiroc tfiio figure in tlje
Bltboufe, bee pecfurctbatlbe inntxvagffl)alltahcrfire(t< M
tfiis time 3 luil Tap no nio;c of tbifl figure,but it fignifictt) to fiaue
fei»4bilD;cno;iion», butrf ibcrcbccanp, tficp rannot line
ifintithgt^iji^tguttnameDCapuiDraconistnttieenttiourr, a -A
itQgnifpetbittjat tfit(IbilD;fii (ballbee of great UiilDcmc, auo a
bonowr, «nD gentle to alirolbcs, itio p^fitabletoaperfon to a.
MtcnnDWinJicbutll, tfic p;cniire(ballbepctfo;meD, t&e iner« a-
f(ngettDilltattploiig,buLpetiicb;ing(tbgcoD lutoefl, tfielet*
terofpealcofloucojofrKbeB: itisgccbfoja inrnD , anblihe*
iBlfefwbenrdallDDjfcrcanDniiiffi , anD to Dtocll Hill in a
twuleitbetocman UittbrljrlDe (Ijall^aucaronnc toitfioutanre
DaungerofDeatljjtfieroiitntonaofttie ditnebegooDjifieffaflle
iinotbcreegcD, tficreare no Ruffians cntfieioap, tbcjfeoimc
t* not erao.buttoillcenicr.uicblp.tljtfkoiinciBlegitimate, it in
gooD le bup anopat on nttoerloatfjefl, tfic vearcfljttllbreplenty
lullofall iliingB, tfieifiocheB ano todtmgs Doefprafac partof
loucanDpatto[<l[l)urt!)inattcr0,anDofini);o;tan(r. Hbfefigure
isbrric gcoD in niltficDcnmunDrsjaub fljetortfi to bauc but fetu
(tnttwn.but tfiep Djall be totfc nub good.
tGlbenuitljCfirtljourcpcufinDetbiB ifipure ralleo Canda
Draconis, itfigmfictl)tfinttlje <II)ilDefljnll btctoitlirDnnDin a
tbscnoc be !jnugco,o; Die feme tnil Dentl) ,o; baninjcDo^ crilco a
ti)C(Couutirv:iti0 ill to eatcanDDjinhc, tt)e mcirrugrr fijall a
roii!cquu!ilv,butl)i£iictoci(bnllbrtruill,anDtIjclct(tr0 fpeakc y x
of toarrc ana of trcafon; tfic p;omirc (ball be nothing bcpi,t t is ill
p fo^
ft; a ftient >ant likcbaife foi o; iop,tnlfirc it bc'infoaats>
intuf)ict)itiBgoob , itistlitoDUoelliiitfi.itfioiirefo.titi^.illbee
batnctoioueLttjioUJen : tfjelDouwji taitlj cbiloe (t.VUjaine a
D.juftljtct»ana b: in gcc:i t oaunget of ocatU, tlje coinuinnjltico?
buauO.tiibcn.tuiOiMnnuftcb: tljertis mucbill company bp tfjt
tjap,tt)e fonnc is oeao o; piironcc > tlje cljiloe is a baftjco : it isiH
tobupotputonanpncUisgjcnientctiteneptitbebairncfre > tbe
^Micflballbeplcnteouaincojnc.biit notinfcuitca.tbrtoiitings
anatfoofeesinaiteiiicntionoruMciiM, ana of tbins«« oaiont
a no roKobofull; in nil tfjc ODmatinsrs bububnup be maoein ttjis
bouft tbio jfigute is ill, mio flamflcfb to banc fctot c5il8;en>aii#
tbcp fballbccuill.nno tuoiueco luitlj fire.
CjjafjtH'itbcflftboufepeftnDc tbiu fisnte calleD Circer,
itfignifietb tbattbctljilocis of mclancbolp natuce, fatutnian,
* fHllofgcotrcbuinoucs.ani.iuortL.iucllariDpame.itisnotfiooa
^ k toejteanOD;inhe>tbcp.!omirefballbepetfo;meD,butit(ballM
* longflclt, tbtintfltngtilballtoiitcfdfcnnofounoe, bntbelban
tary long.anabcinbangettobebelopaifontc»tbdetttcsmaki
tnentionof impjifonment , o; ofluomcnU)itbcbilDc>o;ofroitfi
f«o aiio inclancljolte caufcfo; all kino of inictb it is ill «itdgiti-
fietl) tbat tbc boufe ubccc tljt habitation i o. ib oatk, fmokie .am
ilUaftiitlsilltoDauiuc.fing.hiirc.oKoll : tbetuoman foil)
cbiloe Ojallbauca baugbter, tlje commons oftbo touint be ittod
olocfolhE,tbecattcllbcfcfgcDlball no tbc taken fojtbc gooOtclb
ftanwlubitb'bci'Untbin Doe malic : lb?fonncisnotDeaDo;m
Eiifon, tbc (bilocis Icgituuatr: to bup mio put on netne dotbet
is gooo.foi tbcp rtjalllna long.cfpcciallp tbofc Vuljicb beblatkc
tbc peace (ballbc inotffccent goco tbc vuiitings <mD boohs tccatt
ofloomcuunlli cbiloe, ofpufonnincnt > 01 to fouoc tbc cactb* d
oftbingsiiiclmubolp. CCibcniocucrvouinaUt a ifigure(bim.
npDfniminD,anofinoctbifl JFigurt tiitbtopliitc , von (ball bet
fine to rcrciuc fonic If tters befoje it bcc tljice Dapes: in allotbet
tbingectbisftfiuicio ill , auD bgnifietb to banc mamecbib
■k > been
> * ^'r aingtbiflifigutctnllcD Popiilm intbeflft boufe » itCg'
7 a mO(tbtmnvcbtlD;cntuioU)',tti8; itis mo;e lobolcfouitfo;tbe
* * ba®*
ofLjeommicie. py
ioDf D mtfic tljcn to catc t tljc ^otnifc djall bee rcaetcl^ pctfo;-
incci.ttjcintccngccdj.iUccnicquicliU' , tije UioninnUttbtfjilQe
fyMUjauearonnc;fa;afticnD,anDfo)imtii(;(Tcit isgooo, ttjc
L?(tcic Inflict) fljall come t^all fpcalicoffunciv Hinbcs of people,
asofmatineeo.nuoatlotliec tilings concerningtuatec-.ttis pence
ftaUbcgoQD.ano tticre (tinllbe nbouuoauiucofalltf)uige;tt;c foti
is not bcno, but fljall come quichlp : it is cuill to buy nno put on
ttcUic clot bee ,fo; ttjcpfljallnotlnttlong, t tic boobes nub letters
boerpenhof tfjefeno? of Tome riuets. ^notabenfocuec you bo
uwUeafigure fv anybettuumbe, nnb finoctbts ^igurcin tt)is
fioufc.ttootlitgnifieto twme fome Mine fljoitcly : it bootfi
Cgnificto tHtue ninny tbllojen, but tbey (ball not Ituc bcric
long. -f
tCibcnintf)i0Rftlioufcyouflnbecliis flgnce Vh> , itcootl; y
fignifieto baucfctoecbilbjcn , but tticy (ball be of goob nature v
nnb coniplCMou ,anb not longof life; it is better to bjinhetljen *
to(ate,tT)cpicniife(ballnotbcebcpt, tlje toonimiisnottnitb
cl)ilbc,l)ut liatb fome lumpe in ber. Jn all tljc bemaunbts tljnt
ye may pjopounb tljie figu re is ill.tttileCTcit be foj tioyages. 2nb
iobenfoueryemnUeafigurcfo; any bemnuiibc , anoflnbetbis
eguceintljis place>itflgniflctbtbat (letters (baUconicquUhlfi
from fome place ■> tbe tDbicbtbsllfpcabc of (binges of boater,
ej of boynge: it booth (bc^calfotbattbere (ball not bee manie
rfjiiojcn, anoiffobcttijat tbcrcbec any , tbey fl)r.U not line

Of the fixt houfc, and of the quellioiu therein con-

tayned Chap. 6.

i T tycfirtboufecallcbtbcCabcntfiomtbc ilnglefcpfciv
1 tuonall, ojtbe ill fojtune, containe(bp;opcrlyail(be
bciiMimoeolobittimay bccnubctoucbmgfciiinnts anb otljec
- illfotljcbcinatmbeslubicbtt'aybc mabe bpen Cclic pcr^
foiie nuo bcfcafcs, Uiljctlicc it fljall be long oi fljojt, mibcfbolucb
oftbefonielinmouccitcommctb > anb irtiicpnticntniallbec
quiclilyVobole, o.ilofco; beftroy nnyolb'slyumtts by tlj.it bif-
]p 2 cafe,
ps n
f.iic ,ji iid if he Ih.UI etc in tuhat cttatefijall (x otcjin gooo o;baD,» '
m aj{)at oav anotnlufiathouce.
3 C9I)etl}ei: t')t Piw&tiait vcUioulo goebnto bee leacneoin
biaavt^noifit begooD totabepbi&rbc.
4 JfitbigooOfohiliteariclupcrfon.
y JDfje ho»rc contaiiutb nlfofhe quefliong lohitbtnapbtt
m.iDc on the place Vuljtictljerichepccfontj , afltbtl^orpitalloj
0 ^ojeonecthcoeuinimDBtnbubmnpbee maoebpon On all
bcaacfl:o»^(jcepc)L«iiibiB. ©witea, Jblotnc ■> anofucbliki
famlllOcattcB, anDttbetbecit begooitobupo/felltliem.
7 ^fatten Ion lljall not be fount), anO toboU
the Ktjccfc.
8 stcompiebcnbetblihetoiretbc cetaaunDen tobub ma? bee
mace bpponmcnoflotoe conoitionano ettatei as Haboum<»
^afona, Cacpentcca, J3atcbcc#, mrt) otbtc Ccaftf'UKn an»
9 fllfo oucr all things (tiGneo ano btoaben/alft toitneffes, «
JBaloo ts.toojcectcsano CBncbau ntecs.
1 o illfo ouec feaceano fttgbtjtyame.ponettp anoladtifniake
ii ^stoucbingtbemeaibecsofman , it contauutbtb® W*
niaunocfllubicbmapbecmaDe toppon all tbe noble partesoftbs
boQie,tbebeaat cEceptet): tbcfebeetbi p;tncipall oeniaunuts
boboreflgnificattonsbecontdineointbeact boure> a0 Vee
ftnocbi'eacbngutctBbitbb^tcaftecbccplaccoaccojBingto tbe
C^bcnyeBnoetbisflguireintbcflrtboure, it flgnifpetb ROc>
¥ y. litic auDtuifDoinein fccuants.tbentanisnotficUc.butifbcpbW ■ '
y. ^ 0)311 mcnoquublp, tbe craftes^nan o; ILaboutet is anbonell
y. y. nwnanOapa(iierul,anOtbatU)bubbeOotbi0luclOane:tbcl9b?-
y. fllianisacoooni.iuritisgooo totaUe^biOtbc, fo tbat tbe flfl
boufe be goos: tbe man (ball neuec fall into poucctie. SCO bet
bjicfe, in all (binges tobicb pee map oenwuna in tbia boufe,
yJfinoingtbis JFigureralleo Amiffto intbiBbourc.itflgnifietb
A ill ((Tub ana oiflovaltiefoi alt tbinges bubicb UPP mar Dcmaunoin
'A A
(rouretoac^irtsr«ruanta nno fubeiois : fojflitfir&epttron
it Q^uiSeit) rometime Qeat(i, nno fometime amencment: Uitwt*-
fti;8veQ)aUiuDseac(o;i>instot^eficitai'.Q rij^t bonfee : tt)8
CcfcepefoniBinapooiepIate, tljefichncfftw onelp of cfioler,
a no de if (o poweHjattie twtli not a^iboe to Ijif fb#tc:tt:e boitnef'
feebcfalfe: itiaillte take (ounfoite oftiiepbi^no^totabe
pbtQcbeironnuittinoseatcoltnncfotbeBftano Ttauentb tionree.
Jt to not gooo tobap CntaU beaQo»fajtbeptyaUallpettfli.
tfbetboit k tbatle^i^ttitaflguce coittoniettittiflooitbno'
tbingfojanptlxngintliiab'nfb.butfo^baiuDte, foiiobictiitM
qooo, fipiStng t^at tt>e pettbn# be (b«rodeffe, anb apt to tbat
catienint^eBrtHifcsc BUM ttwe tigaK,itflgn48etl) tbat
ttKfejuanteanofnlittfbeftitbftiUanfefcrtiint: ititgooMo * *
bupbeatlf ittiepecfonif natoiao, butifljetbeficbe , t)e«fl»all * *
quirtlp amtnoe, amtbafeTeafltMltoaMoftMmnctiaboun- *
DamemcoMiptUMOfblMt:t^todiufkf be not MTe : it if ^
gooo to make meoedne, ane tb( pbiOtianii afooa manibto to
bttboKi^canMooanocmqaetiM in ttw ^wretobeteinttiif
flgate<eiU>batfo;ttttooef « brbnrontD it if iilbecaurettieic
f«aHwUbtDi(lclofeo,anD inb4o»gfttot>auet|iei»ltiiww,o>
eife tbat tno^i i# 4obf iD^iptatt^taMntng.
Wbenintbeflttboofe^ethnetbis figtice talleo Fortuna *.
minor, it asiiiBett|t|attt)e teniantfanofubit<tf be true Onto a
tbeitmaittec: buttbefetnantfl tballbeflcheintfjeitfetuicesit a a
ifiUtobnpbeattef,ft)jtt>etetoiUbebatfniaUp)oRte bp tljcm: a a
tbeUitneffesbenotraireibuttotllbptbeicDcpofition bfc fome
(Ipiteftilneffe. Jf o; tbe \0l)iatian,ano to take tfyat totjict] tic o;oc?^
mtbitif gooo.fotljattbeflttanofeuentti boufeooecoiircnt; tbe
beatt loft (ball neuet be fonnO < it is gooo fot in^es anb banoes,
battbegQaUbeiuoaungettobe oeSropeo bptbeicruOQcnnelTe
ano featc»ttjat tbipftiaU not bane tbe moncp tobicb bios to tbcm
pioniireo.Jnallotbwtbinges tbisfiguceis tnennc.
3ftn tbenjitbourepefltibetbifRgureLeticia , itfigniSetb ^ K
tbcrcnuntatobegooOatluo;ke , ftite ano faitbfuU: it ifl gooO ^ *
tobupbeaftes: tbe patient dbali bane nonootbetoereafes > but * ^
fbaliquicklpamenoe: fowctime tbeacsneffc connnetb bp ouec a y
murtiictto^ticnKaeneircfojlioire tting'.inall otljti t^ingii
tobuljbelongtoutoti>ull)oufc,tl>i0 figure t( qod,meiit foj
bnlDDcs. (beiDing tljst tljtp (ball be tolfe > nnn tbnt tjjett {Comtfe
matw ttjolltrtUe no plncc.
i?inoing tbis figure T riditia ill t^e Cif t boofc > Ootb fignifie
'v y
Dirobcoicnce tnaugbtineirein rcmantB anofubietts.anti tbot
'* thd'lbnllbeQotlifuU ano ficltlpintticirreraice-.Uicfirbipcrron
^AUDiefottiat tlje bt^.Doecoitft»t,tbeb9itntffes b«ttfalfelc
beporeo:UUtUtobusbeaae0> 02 lo lab*
meoldne.g in nil tbings t»btrb ntns oemanbin tbifboure^bo
flgaret«(U ,butfoibdnDe». foitfieitnutterB ithnllgoetotl.
* ^benintbiativtboufc^eflnoctbisfigucePuclla, ituber^
a * gcofo) all tbo bemambtBtbotiorb nw? bi ni«e .• tMit^ne fct-
v- nan tes it ib III, fa) tbe 8dit prcfon anb bu biTeaGe r ome ioctl? be
a- pblemeanstbougb^tafitn fb; inotnen: fo;«ll otbec tbinges
fc)blcb?eiiui?Btma(mQiit tbtob«ufe»tbufifluret* gooo, tfpe/
<tanvfo^tobou«mtbb4tolt«i,f«tbeitaffauMi(ballp;o(p<t: it
M alfopjofltable to bu?.bealt<0.
JPou finoingintbefirtbeiitirtbifl jNatirtPuer, itOptfielb
a tbattbe^ecnantBantifubintsbennugbt) anohnllrobbc tljeic
•y. nuuaetoatiaiU futbedchepetfon, erpttitUlEif tbtficQboul*
> k fonfentitlolihcUnfrillfojfmal'^cnaeo,toAtbeBBiallbefttlnfc
■k tbeftcbepecrmi BiaUbeetPOAfrnnbUcarc, ano fall into lowfet
fichnede, mallotbfi- quelbonointbifiboufetbio figure is ill*
bHtro;tobo;co nnibanbto, ano to rajTeuitn togocto tonne
iti0gooQ,itulibetaircgooDto tote mebitine, anoc.'pettallrbi
•a a jfiitDmgiti tbiBtatboufctbitiifiBure Rufcciu, itfignlfielb
•a no gooo Indie toucbiug fcruanto, fo;tbev fijallbecin Danger
• a to bee robbco o; DcuoureD bv Cdolfco: tbcbifeorcconunctb of
■k -a toomutbabounoaiueanD (tatuptionof bluoDinuriD iuttb rtb.
tbollet:tbcficfecpcrronnjallDieojbtclongfithc, iftbattbefiift
anbeicblboufeflboc agree :in nil tbe Dcnmuneotabiclj re ma?
nmhcintbioboufejtbiofigureiBilU bnlcdcitbre to letnperron .
^ A bloob.
A ^lenintbefirtbouferoufinDe tbiojfisureAlbas,it Cgnifl*
^ y libgooDUuitcnetocllfo^ctiMntsnsfo; Cattcll: tbefirtincs
ofCjeomamie. loi
ftallnotlalllong * fomcttaistyisflguR fignUtafy good^lno
fomcttmcill, a(co;D(RSas rt^anglea u fpenHe; Utagoaubot^
rwtt)cPi)iCitian,a«Dairo to tatumeoicine : tbeocfMrecorns
ti;etbof |^lcme: in allotljtc tljinaes ye mav ashein t^ia
fjotifc.tblflfijaveisgooo > efpcciallpfo^cQmpaiipof femaNtea,
ftetoinst&nttbc? i^allbt fal^full.
3lfi)itbio6*tboare?een6etl)i#89lirtConiiinftio .itQsni'
fietbtbattbcrecuantsateemeetel^Qeob : ibeBchepttranfynll *
bit; itisilltotaUt^iCcbb.aiitilikeUDifcil foitbe ^bifician:
UiacccrtlentgoobfojtnljoojeaanobaaDfO j ifn all otbec oc» 'k
maimDeatbiflHguiewilU badobusfmollcattsUttotitreantoit
if coos.
ilinOtnatbiflieutt C.iputDr»coni»intbetIrtl)Oure,itags * *
nlfietbcooolacaeiiibeaftca, tbenrtteneffe lljalllattlongiftljo *
dgljtcijnttirttbcccuntoirtlffoOofoMbt :lit^atuiw«u>airoto *
tabemcBiniw t tn^U otbec tbln^ra tobicb ^emap askt in tt)i^ *
Ijoufe ,tbw figure is goob,batfo;VD|)o^ian9 bauM it iaill/o)
tjicit mat t re fya 11 not got «s ell.
t® t|ni finM tlxf Bgute Cau<U Draccmit in tl>c fcottfe,
it Ogmfttb toe Crta&ntsi b( not bit? Soab,tb« beattcs tyal .k
bcaoleno;a.itcnb?W3ohitf \ tbe pittt* tytilbAtiea sriat
baatereautcanDbtinMangccorticatbirtbeddbtboconrent :it *
la tllrt8tocllfo2(tKV>t>ilUtan»a5alfototaheituDeciRe, anofoj
ii£tben <nfbe CrthourtyefinOet&tefieG" Career, itagni-
Btlb DrOopalttmiD fMiall fecudtie i n retuants, ano fmallpioflte
tobufbcalltB : tbc tftfcentfle (^allbe long ano tbepatient in * *
MungctoroeatO; tttfttotoooototabemeBictne x tbe * *-
tianisnotoftbebcltlcarHcD. jnalUbebetnaunDeobobicbnia^ *
be maoe In tbif bottfetbia flsuce Is ill, but it ta gooo fc^tobooaea
WHbcnvefinbe tbif flgnrePopuliis intbeGet boufe > it ootb
flgnifletoirtDomcnnofloelititin feeadntes , gooDtobupfmall
bcatten ano ftll tbem: it if meetelv gooo fo: tbe Gcke peefon' tbe * *
bifcafecwninetbofapblffmeliHebntoacume t but tbepatient -k -k
tbaUamenoeiiftbeeiOTtsuienwrenttbeceunto'.Uisgoooro^tbB * k
P * ,|)W- * *
tor i
IBtrifltimattOtofalremrDinctt, ^notaocetljoit, malt j
maunDCBofttjIflfjoofe, ((itiftgctcUgsoD: bnt it iftnottrtt#
soot) fo; Ml)o;eB anD tfanou * ft)> ttnv i^alt be beaten: tbiflfi*
guteitgooD to caifc top Toaloittv onto to multecianO (t^eUictb t^at
Mjere Qwtlbe a great number.
> tnbtn in(biBt)ou^pecbnUtbU ggttte Via, itfigm^etl
,y, tt)£rt tbc fetuanto toill tBtlliftglp put foo:tb ttemfetuei in tbeic
f nimttccebuQneOreHino ooeit toity great odigemB.it u ill to bup*
> anD fell Cattell: tbc Qcbepecfon (ball be in Dnnijer ofoeatb, iftbe
tbc cigbt eonfent tbeceunto: it is ill fioj tbe pbPBtwn, o; to take
nieDitine: tbetoiitneOreabantCat/elt!Depored; tbelBattDe ootb
bu t mocbc nno ioill not Dor bcr inoenour.tobere fljc ie toojtbie to
baue ten tboufano bores toil b tbc SQ fo; }ct bv;c.

Ofthcfeauenthhoufe and ofthcdtBiaundcttherein

conuincd. Chap .7

iT" ll?efeau(ntbboufe j tubi(b>Bibo tfnglc oftbe £><dDent,

i rontoinilbPJopttlpnnD naturally (be Sgnffleattonsbf^e
qneQiotto an* DimaunDeo Mbub uwv hee nuuwto on tbtcoutn'
tic of tbeoctnaunDofaMp perfon.
a fllfobppon all Debates, ruUe* inhttoe, tbeenesanbffe'
3 SCtje DemaaoDts aifo lubitl) maybe maD* tonuncni;
toponnfcieno,anDbpponnnpaoo;oofniaiiiaiic,to huflto Utyt'
<brt it (ball tahe rflett 0; no t.
4 &be iUltuill Uhe boifeVobirb bt bedc^nc ttoo potfons > ana
fubttilkeapbtSbetbtbattaketbbisionntep. •
$ iHiibiitbofib«nltobitbPiatttbat loti rtatDts wliterati'
6 iDfttoo battels nabp to flubt, tobitfrtyiUlwne tbc Bitto-
cie ,nnD on uubicb pact it (ball be*
7 aftbcmaitiebeatoirelneojnoUnDtobEtbtr Rieebaueanp
louetjanDifibeebauc , tben bobo (tanDetb tbt amitie bettoeene
8 ffibtsboufealfocontainetbtba^wnbtd lobitb ntopbee '
ataoe touebinsmacriases , tnbetbes tbtce (ball bappcn asp .
offyvmattty. ipy

c&ixtpc nuonun <7 ftottUMt, YMDsa]! «<

pint. ■.; .:.■, ■ •.:• ■ i;: '.f-j.
10 af^ciDwnaaielw^nwctfbc^anitoirt^r flfw
11 3tf t$e wmpaKon a^omdo t«fMilv««tMNMno;(t
feaMie* 1 • -i ' '•;•'-■> ' - ■'. ..:...i.-:.'.
ia 9rH>««e^altt»twwnfi»mc < oniM^tct^eutm

i) sTtbgmMbtofafBMfydttRtabnMCfltantog.
*t'^4 3fluttBemtt— ^xfaaa begwaojat,
ttoibdrttttttoll#. ' •''■ '■ ';■■• ' ■■ ■ ■ ■>;'• '
'vi^ • •4^^»ttHt^Ct)ln>betal4Kbbafe> mftfttytfyec
MbtflMffcMiA, ttUD is^o tib tb* tsbbttUbt af tytt |0Nte >«b«e
U^,." . "....I i •'" -.1

lb* Mmiwnoea ^ ^ akSMt^ipmtt^biittackMatttt

' XrfC.
btwwwHWfff wttfr'TWlWiwia Wt
pje^oanowintbtHnofla r t^gn^Katu^attibetsofl^o^
tuinetbtnftKbfl^tMabwtaftCTpelljallfnDr. ; <
ifinDtnginttcfeuent^iwufetfjufiflucc Aquifido,
' taatdnaftowonaaiwtrebrflBffBcwicwaifl •, tbenitetn * *
ta^tlflWfwcWi^itnt^^oufir^ttttbirtawncliiwnT '
tytttiMbtfadttiifctMfttttan* sptottbifawMaarRMit *
WtoiU .UW OMkesMiutaatKitlw
(b«Ktenou)MAiX|att<rk%at^a!Brtt^!»t^ ^t ^
*Nrtfc aatiae /t^UMiVwriMttwilRwfooMi #» totter tfwwtWl

. ttpAt# It nM <n tt>e ^Mte, '

\ %nimia}alliwc|jM«»Jii»att» ,tb«!a8wt«ient»n1fl»e tottowte ,vv ;^
Mo^ctMtallokMMitUnifM (jffom kUMtie into^nt pate
'' & ' or ■ '•!
ip4* Tbsficond'B oof^j
•fUjefouteprtttaaof tpr fl|a» bcltnstt^ant ittt,
, ifitbei
VtpcciBionall, Ijeeis ml^c &outi; ,if it bcc^cptentaonatUbauj
uttt)ci|9)^itbM£>cd3tataUi^rMt(wpai:Dtj^$(n«ft , nno
tl)U8fballvctuD(jf ofall otljeca ftsutcci •
, AowJfio fit tins ftuwrtb bottib^ Qsnifl*
etb tbat tljc open encmic ta ill, but fjcc is otno gceat potoet-^na*
oartrtbinc fwoottivbe w^ti PntlrmiimgecftW) biSionit,
bat bis nngecii foajaepat .tbt pattif diUlooieliiafutt.tlttmf,
he furpecteu la ipt tbetta onb batb Sobte tba ttiiD3: tb* fugitiut
httltoirtbtwhen.t taeMamai tnir^kb kb.iUbita. t»bap;e Mtbi
man i« of an ill U)i!I, Ije iT;all loifc at Dice atiQMhlli » fyt
agetoUl'ipiicmBtaW ftfctiibat la jnamffflp^Ali^i tfiemt
psdv-lMtolbt otbei atj* -n#
t)etbttrt*nbb>tii,bntbiHKOfli!Mng atntt)« lb«it in t tbi
uwiiiiMtKjioMu^aiitbaiDtaniiitMlMiUiiDttMfppi^e i/.tbt
man (ball goe to want, but not pioSte muclj tb«cb? i Jim
0ltUtoMtat<atfitgH(>fsmkaDaalmrimt> BWlaiOiWUef an>
akvamttiKft*^ t|i»*crag»^rtl<»»Uw Wfc« Iiibw4*j(»ijja|i(icjji»
innotfailbfulli tbtpartiebatbnotDittebuttoeoe bbonc , til'
i^lbtonatoCtbPboateliattMiniana abMe^fiAtlKtbina^
tbijfcttbmc.-- .;i i"
WKbcnm tbtfbaufcpeefiRbeEoitunaraajor t kAsntflhlt
tbitlbcfjowoafaawt ■ntabutana'af gyacotwiWaii. > tH

it swb taoPntCrtttmachaoK, aab iBiitllWiiaaiailitlb^mcttiiii.'

toiUretucnt bomeagame.tbe KuimaiJbMlOanDtMtttllKlV
twt i)ct baabano, ibapxihrlntb natUnujrttp^ tttftubtlwlWiy
Uhnnf»tlm (baUbepeaceftntrnttoci* 4<
irnithnge.tbctoinpanionugMD > ttnM>(eAaMbilliW9W(
anb biiDccftwitung < tbeamihftlbaHen wlwi
tbiafluueetf gaob rctaaib.wmaiwlwWslyiMMijih.ii jrr.
Dfin tijia boufa g« eutM t^ia jlgsta to
tiifletb tpat tbe eneinicta bakbebartapf flnbanillj^rt, jpMb'v
dton, rfvcn? 1 nifcJrtte»uiWwifcnBtthntuif)(wfttte' j ITt#pW(h>
tiuc il>nll UMintffjii fute, but notltoittielit otMtt»(nc, ttdunUe
iiiio Diligent folidting'i ttjtft&cefe te rtibttllonb ttcfttc: tfie
tirtettiiltiotbcrolinBiiidtbetteliirneagalne1: t^f toeinwlsi
(t)Olo;uhe itlientattincetuilliiot bcefo; the Unall p^oUte Ityrt
(omtncit) tbcrrof itbf man in IllminDcD t tye c;ai)iftft(b?U [cefe
o^baacbutrmallhiliming: tbetviiiresbiillbe great : tf>etuo«
itmnbAtbtBDoBlsttbnuuettienbec tbe'rtiavDefBttD
bttfine dbt rb«1i)Dman 0) flieno bft iDlitHflt tUtticrfe aSafne:flj*
teoman fa not of tye deleft > tlje man fyall goe ta tuaneimc bane
tb* Dirtojie^ ye batb gaao ftnomUDge in tonne»t tbctbteftl»tll
not bb ftmno intftbet nottung lott« tbe ttttom ttiMe bettoeem
ttooptvtiestoAt-flottongioutmnii* ^rtllltofUnnntiestob't^fe
■ map mahein djiabeufe, fbiofigtuc Ic ilt^ efttpt(f-Veft; kwrPe
'^atfefrtjeiwrial!. i; - • .,i ''
iff nQing tbf e figure Letlela tnibeftuttrtbboarejtOgu/fiefb
butrmBllfbjnmtbeenftttfe ,.nnlbefi»cie ibathftrntbhorteUt
, mimw.tbcpiiimioeibaUowatoflbi.rflte ..-ewtmrnienw-rob/ ^
bio: tbefugltiucU](nnMret(itnb'ftoi^^tt!(i> (ftifgaoto fWH *
toifc.marrince.anDfcJa fticno. ^rtttoatteaiglitetblmfoe' *
toljafpaucfrienDDotb.anDtbettflnDcbmnguiemthfefriafe^lt' *
. fianifiefbtbatbeetoeepetbfe^tbejreat affMloelm^ blraretb tb
bisftien&tobfcbifmitourrinl t' tb» tMftti bArbWfit
i mwDe: tbcgnmOecOMUnottufiincmmb''i-flj* mMkW -ito
fuiruimt gooD» to ttjattbe tcntb « nfeHt tbetefs ".tbrretoiKfaee
n'oiuatrcbutptatcjtbcHmptieiifa t)Higfne > kl^etoffee;para'
ftiour [cuelbncnebnt bet busbano m ftfeflU > anb tbtm tljer lour
. btfctttty JtbetoMnantonbt ritb' f ib^'ttot^anfe^toW
felfetuelt anofnitbfullp ttbefbingltolHriWlbetiKtJfaWW j 'aWf
btlljaffeccprtbftDotbitbttffntottanbtorttfrnp i tfjefrgrtement
iietoipnmbctoiKtiOtlcngtalh! SUb«b;fefS i in alffbiisei*
tul)i(t)tcniapDt«taimbewt|t»bi^fl , iUg figuMtMbi*
llttDlonftfiti ., < '• i:i' ■ . -." i.'lljwon;
rific tJtc cncmtetbbetrUngaubmtgbtie^nnbtoiitttiinbrtiianb
bitllbcaUctuteboMeraUbto ertomfte ittje rntei»fttt?ei)wbtobe
tofton t^e pWnttucft part : ttw ttfteto o; fugitfeetotH'tiftbee
• founb:
ip6 rheficond<Book(L->
ffWi '■ tefc WD Uattton be fiooo ano tofe t|>»nrelot« lo^ill:
tbewwvianlWflmtuqiaUbtenotD: ttJcpatftfMifya t»t?emu
nffw^i tbp gatnStc (ball toiirnc > but it li?bpcog)iui(j:tt»e
uMiMtomtotfiinetttietoifttouetbtrtt [jujbatto , anotbelttu
luonljwftwto •• t&t i»Mi»a>aliBoto toacceano bwe ttjfbutoM,
and tobeitfjfibatb (alien bta (nenue, toill Ut biviaoeagiitietttie
pecrenbaUjeoudbnociCtfljtoinaanoiaef atMt.entecpii^ >
c^oprtneHbaUcacbwpacttoeU (.t^tbetfetointbeb^'SM
ttKtltoatotbeieiniiiwti 3ftb«^eHwheaftsauito luttbw
if(l>atttofl^MfoiiflMtouetQBetb« : tbtofignte figntiettrtytf
tbtfu«itoftijiMiflliutfarneb.-tl)eaac»»B«weWl toft Isnti
T'''"liuT'll'Illf'UlUC PTgniniiiriHiT.
j^totoftljlHitftiflaooiitokcejeattMnafwett^tob.rc toculi
iwtbauetoimreueaif^ . ,
jfbgtljauntereflnuetbtoflautcPucllaiiitbtotioufe > tju
tiu«i^^b«w%4imiittotoot)(btatooiiMui, aJianab
inftoetote.atiop^ vtbe«eto(UbrtM toanen i butflcwpeawi
tbi»wttietttoomafl«totMto*t"wf«ncie otbeu tbenbeflw<
inetbtbmSf tfwta Bauet bcmiartobnotoe tobetbet tbe fcfem
m tobf toi^bfuUs, tbto ftguteftonUietb (bat tot tone to fttMnb
tltoli^U««^Uainanswiieatoai'totUI*e feurtoui (|»eni): tju
yecrento^a gapbefp^ewtob^bnoetftAiOutsiitmtiflclMmii
topUBWtnftwwncnto, tbetbtoglofttoillbtfouitoaaaine > tyt
sgimnent (baUbenMbMitoiaft long: in all (be DenuunDegtow
tainrttotbtobwfe Unaflgutetogood button toat»t bRttjtol*:
i ■ frnfatiw tbto torato tbto figure P ucr, ft Ognifietb t fjat
Mmf KAtonganbinigbtto , anO uiinbctl) to bill bw cnetnu,'
^ito<to«llb« toft be tbe ncgbgence nto ladie gfpatncB taking'
WMiwotecg, tbc tbeelie to ccaftp anti innlictous , tfcc fugitiuf
. "gfyff: itto not guoo fo; ftjetoonmn mar-1
r-i^^^^tban^manbettoeabec b"abano > it,
i^pAtmuriage » fo> tttoV toill neuec line toittjout bMtolinj
wMBPlo»tbemantommmoio'. atouttiicgwne toift tome
' * ' ftrife
ofCjcomtncy, ' 107
aoJawaqowell, ((jeinaioeid nQ&Utsin. t^e tuift isnMtoS*
all tojbec bufbanp, tfje man i$ btirc ««> inuentiwb, anO etytci'
allPflboiitluntrcfl.luee(ballbauctonne, tbcmantfjatgoetbtB
VtACfe QtaU baucitb* UktoMet^t attritie bettoccne ttoo perfons
cannot b«lbt: fyouun (tofpntob batt) ttoltw tbctbing nnb u
m - tbotbine loft A4I notbaeNoapincs tbecc (ball bee
miwafwsnent bfttoaeae (be putfe*, toi t nuiiite (bal inatare
iaa;e«mbtne)8b<t«M«ne(Wn* anAUVttftton«of(bt*bottre
(bif ftgnte is iU butfw toacre.
afmtbiflbQMfep«fini>ctbtoflguteRubeu«,(b« en(inteiflbe<-
WMifirie, but bee ui but of Onall patoec i and mbteetb to Hill
bilcnootti.o; elfetobuHKbto Ibbtotetoitblntf lieenw? ^ *
tamabrttbanfomels , tfw ptotittuaqniitwf? bio futo.tbete ,^ ,
toawnwoitbKuteettbat COWMW. tbeMluetoUlmuefce^ * ^
tnmei tt»stUfo2ininztage> ftctbebaobAnbtotU wwe atiwF
ftinitbe toife mtt fbtftite b^bpotteGon tobeeeof tbetooman
InUtmlfi tntb otbatmttt, tbentodltennKboebateuno ttttfe
bitbeoaintm, ittoUKtotoan*, Rvffieet toll! bee toffeanonft
pAt* ana Vet tbe b«gtnn(nggoob,a>ib tbeenotUt (be fjdaiH
t« no Olitctn. ano batb but (toaUdibQance > tbe fticno (ouetb
not bt> fttenoitbecompanton u not goobbut eootb eutll inttcate
bba toife, (be nun ftpli got to tootct > but it (ball be to b'0 loQCi
tbepacfiewoulberp^teo, auobotb but ftnalltmbecftanDing u.
erpecienceibnt in tbmgeo of tbt ficestbo (tiniDibtppe ia faigneOjit
toillbenoneogCEtnunt. SDQbt(bo(t,inalltbingefi tbntmavbee
Deniaunoeti in tbio bouCMbto fignee ia ill,but fo; tljingw of toae
WbentbiOifinuceAlbuiiBintbuboufe) tbecncitueio of . .
noiliminDc, neitbecreeiutbtoDirblearttbe otbec, o; fo; bio
Qeatb 1 tbcpactie (ball baue agooo enD of bio fuite^tbeceiano
ffbtereintbeboul't,tbefuffitiuetoilUtfutnc,tbemantaae(bal ^
beetoitblwnout* anofaotb Voetieo pleaTeo, tbe tomuntboU
faecgoooano bontit»anbtbt>nnn(bnUtot(l tntecatebet>:(b&
frtf 110 ia ofgooo be act, tbepecfon batb noilla(f«e(on>tbetoemst»
0; fticuo loft tiull be fouimagauu > tbemaioeui a dttgin.tbetoOa
maniOcicbitbecctoiUbecno tome , tbcmanwofgoooefpntt , v,.'. ..
anouiQuaetr,tbeaace8intnt(bAtbeeituM.]KaUtbtng6tbnt6 , ^ > v
in1.)? scmaiiMD in tliis ijoufc, tl)j« figufci.i gooD, intfoi tmrrr^
in c.ifc of lone, tljeqiieMntiatnlouc Iuk^i a rirt)isotuan a)tD
jftnoing tljia ^iijiiic Con'mnftio fn t^it fjaufp ,t|t elielliiiis
feeble utljia tcmsa, tuio (ecbetb omlr to come to an astecni^tit,
* * tbcqtipiniitfijiillobtainebif fatftobwpjofit, rotljfitltie tcntlj
Doeconfent: itwfloobfojnwtriaffc, rnio better ttjen all Htfo-
tbcc.rojitnltofliPBDotb (Isnifle t(x wxottipkfl^NtnttOeteoft t^e
tljctrc tljat ro fufpcctcD b.itt)intbcjeleD tlietfiliig loffj AiiD^e(^alt
b.^c t.ibcn.niibinbaiiKfctibclj'inocOj tt)e fusitiu^Hllnottev
tiicnp,tl;ctoonmni«ljoncC. 3fifje ificurctcc inacctoUnatoe
lulKttitta reanajfllllictoitbbiclen.an, thisflguteia 15000,000
ft3Hificti)>tt)at be (ball into? bio lequeft, tbc CBftinttet tyaU loin,
t\)e (uit'e fetfetb little bp bccboobano^tlieltuum bp Iik ItiMO,
tljcgpaiDeiBnouttiflinf, ttic^anifl offlrent bnbtrSnntNns,
ibecompanion is goob nttb lopoli fa; bio pacte, (be iSLbeefie
10 of tljc baufe, onb tbc tbtnsleSVmll (rancrlp be fettno, be*
WMfe it te out of tbt bonfe, (b'^nitir (ball bee maoe,anDliHi0
tad t fo;olltbetbin&e0ofd)i0boufetbb>b0iiC€(0mect(lp,bnt
fo) V»al^fo;tbetubirb>t^ill•
JfiiiDiiiBtljlBfiBurccalleDCaputDraconij ijitlje- feauentb
^ boufcialtboHQb (be eiienucbelhong, tct toillbtertmetorM#
ronbJttboutiinvmo^etoboeitbequecant (ball rote,
^ fbcre bee 110 fbccutB ,tbc fuflitiue toill ttaue anaine J it 10 qooO
* fo^mnrciage , ro;tbctooman isgooo attO&cntle, itiogoob
fo; a fvicno, but tbe man (ball not bane b" (ompanp : it (•
gooofe; ttjeC3ainOcc: tbeperfoti ieof no gteate ill Vuill , tfjc
S^aioeiB nC2ii;gine,tbelooatan louetb bet^uobano beep loett,
tbe loottwn 10 ricb >tbc man io of great biibetnantiiug, the fcllcbi
iffgoooanOoentletobtetDtre.anbbfetbb^toeU'.tbe tijliig loll
loill be founb againe :iiialltbeoemauut)t0 tob'tbrce timp De»
mfwnointbi0bo«f«tbi8fifltitciBillibiitfoJ Uiatte, (vbettnnto
itif(ll,fo;it(lgi,ifietbpcnce. 3ftbatpe uiaheattouretohnolue
iflt#tAl»onianbcU)it!)cbilcc> anofinoetbUJ flgt(ce(ntbi0fea<
t watt^boMfe.fap tbat it IballbcealBop.
.'WbciiprllnoctbtBfigttrcnamcoCaiicIa D*aconi$(ntbi0
|0i(b>(iir pneniiet0tut(tuD;niib fcelictb (0 bill tbe otber bp tcea-
* k ''i:..
ofCjeomancy. 109
fonojtjillangc: tijequctantUjallloori;!jiaCiUe tt{)e (fjeefe IjatF)
flolnemnclbtbefiigmutlulUHWwj romeagflinc: it in til fa.)
micctasc, roi tljcfjufbAtto ImllfojfflUc Ijia luifc immebiatclp as
Ijc tsrn<u'tieo, ^cemiipt^lliltelltcUlteUpd fcicno.- anotabec
fl)o;t,Fccannot CcmaimD tljctljiiiij in t^sbouCe buttljifl ftguic
isUfoiitjbut toiUmceSfflitotolbo^e tteafonjano put ftcc Into
.wttwr* ,.! :i c-f.urt 'n
.. ilmbbTjtbiftiffifqn* dC«r(€j:infwuentfjbanre »tfc etv .
ncmie is fttong onbboilnitions.cUiD is fcaet, ;anb DiQeinbU 11; in ^ k
IjiflCooinijir, fo tljat re can UnoUie notblng of bini: tljequecant k +
fljAUbauB GQMfiuceBfi mbis futei ttyi tbci re bait) Qolne itiucb ^
rcctttlp.tbcmsifiuctoillnettttcomeagamc: it(siliro;mam>
agc/e; ttjcpe WilibSreweliflllWfeitl tbe loonian, tl;e Wqnutt
iapeojc, tbe banian iMUtbnatlec ^iuibano: tbe idamaec
Ibaltloofcintbfbcflinning.buttoinneintbcent): tfo inantyaiJU
betalien inbattatle,anb|>W|stw>1iWs;ie Hbefellobi i|lanp lb<
uetbnotbisiuife.tbemaioeis aQSitgtqeifnaUtbe WtnawscR
to^KGatbiflUMWiititbi«bs^ tbistsuieiaiM» epeftttt
EUbenuttljiflbonft^finDcPopului, tbereisasrcatnui^^
¥ v
b(tjo(eom](tfaS08l)^ai»wtinHitttiii|S>quatcelUi, nnbbe-
batWk ^ttiUiwbfittwatraetbbSiato, anDolTofoAtbeti^ff, * *
rc;t]cl)att]ttoIiiE, tlierucitiuc lDtltiiotrttmiicntiB *■
mimtMasc,lKitiujgtajjrp(ballfln»e,i|it^8ttt» itiegooo^ot 'y' ^
ratnOll)ip,anotoiitp(Uifitt)emaiOeujnoblr0mc. 3in all odjtc
tbingeo tobicbvcinay oemannec intbishoufc , tbto^figuvc
ifmcanebutto>biaw» ,ts Ibb.iabfbiti* nteitjuilouD ooib. <
aootti (tuiuSc bUM;iei fo tiKitibetcntl) doc asjccetljcmui'
Sftbte ifigute Via be in tbis boufcjtb; Kncint is feeble ano or
finali pouicr, tbealaintiue Bwilbwfe b.iefnfci:, tlje SbCvfc to +
traffic , tlje fugitine will come no lifoic, t'oriHarijiaacj^o til, Y
fortljcniantotUputljis tuifeaUiaisanobc fupccat^b tibmbci' : v
tbeCSamttei; lf)all not tninnc umclj. tljcmatoe te na friit^mr.
Snnlltbrbeniaunbes iulitcbvctauputintljifl tjonfe tino fijjlite
is ill i,cirtcpt it bo (Mi bovoccsjcfpetiallv br fuaU t.
iio Thefecond^B^aJ^,

Of thitijht HoufcrUidcfhittleonundi.
Chap* S. it

> Tltteiatit&utfe roctttctU nf ^ugle a(

1 tije sDwitwat, otttecBHTe caiuo tt)e bottfe of
«nh ttntiuttfttt inaf
beitwwawjpwmu&rtuparttla iUtuictktfOMtti ofmptNin,


4 aa^et •> V^rof t|w

5 ^r smankedatrteW^ftilM^m.

SuvS fOWt (MWW^I ■

tonrtjingHjc gooos ano fubdAnce ofaftmtb^uil t^oa tut&k
*f tip matfU^ iff ^UMHtmt*

totrt , anb ^ kM *«i?t firtfyfirtt < «wpart*« w

net. •■
9 fltfo ffje btmimnee 1#$ tn^ tee wwe bponnrt^
e^ftate of t;amte to come*n« bp iftt^bvtttmg > oj
of btoob-
10 MokotattjepttfanikltktkattfOsMnkOM.
11 B^egatnea^pTofittoto bite eone in atfcmtge Court-
"ti Mtien tje that it ftom thall tttavne.innwmth*
Wpimitate» anb to^at pjeHttehtt haqwrn lohilft pee took
'jjfAefrtttcptbetttlhaUtonictogoob oibab.
ry^iaU'tttthtfbtc the unfon bnto tofrom pt tjaucgiuenan^t ding
giw hi'Nwtep to bfime (hall
id aftctte^BtfojtefljalltljcffooScitiaoncrouic/o tjout^at
17 ^finallp, tl}lal|oureDoot() containe tl}c qucfliono U>l}!tf)
mapbecnmocUppon tl)c ctpeticurcof jpisrouiaiutc, tnuota'
(iotio of $pmt0 , jjiubauutinciitB , ano otfjec otuclifl)
> 18 aatoucljinBtbepottcBofmanBboope, it containctb tye
queCtonBU'biftjnMpbcnwoe concccniug tbe puuic ans tecrcte
mtmbetB ofman ano tooinan^no tfjeccfoie vufjen c» flnbf anpe
rfttjefiguwefoUoiciiiig, peft^UabgeaaajoingaBpc t!)alt)cce»
a(t« finbc.
Wbsntntbtaetgbtiioufepoefinbet^isflgtiteAqiiiiiiio, it
Ojttoetb tbe bcatt) 01 tljcpatient befoieit belong, tbc man tyall * *
bo tbtljcttc otttje oeabeman .Ijcc Hwll bio afaireOcat^infiia *
Ub , ttie JBJotljet Ojalltue befbje ttie fatbct: t^e tooman I* * *
tetie citb: tbat man batb not killeb bi*n to^onu tbe queffion u
t)pMttbelvomanf)atbgoooan» bonttt companp: \)ze tnbtdt
(ouufailetbtbccnemicis agtauennB tntfeman, fotbatitbee
Bint tomtfrtiletotbc toifc,pounceOe notfeaceanp fjamteo; itv
ntiuenicncestbettiiiBeaOiallbee nc(t(>ec fcoitcbeo o^bumtti,
tixceQiallno btoobbec fptit.bc tbat is fcoinbome 10 inbea(tb>anb
fbalUcturnefuitbinucb(Uuec:iti0illfo:aUtbingt0 of ^igto?
manticflnDOiueliO) attco.in all tbtngc* tbto J?taurci0gooo>but
foj tbc fifbc petfon.fo) be (ball Die ■
jfinoingtbisfisHreAnidio, itGgjuFgctb tbeeeafbof tbe *
fidicpecron , iftbcfitftnnotcntbagrcK bntotbto: tbcGcHnca ^ *•
fljallnof bcebedclonu, tbc man (ball loofetbe fucrcirionana *
baucno amcnOc0fo;tbetccfpaQrct tbc man iointt^ fiaungec k ^
tooicontbelubrelc ojfomcetbec cuillftfatbitbe Jfatbwtball
eie bcfojc tljc 18:otljcc , if tbctouctbanDtentbconfent: tbe
tuomano;ilcinanionttliEHC ricb • tbepartictbat 10 fufpcdO
batbflaittcauunaboi>taniomnn0caurc> tbelnoiNan batb ill
companPibclububcounrmlctb tbvcncmicano tljp Viiifc>i0 an ill
man,ant)Bt(ictbnogoobcouiir<iilc:tbcfcare 10 notbingt fo; tbc
trp«iwicr«ofiii0£omarujeitwtll(crcepti£beefija lone , ano
fbjtbatitunot beticaooo,ro)tbat(ouctottlnot<;onttniic)tljcm&
in tbe ftcange Countiic (ball loofc all, ano (ball b;ingnaf
t()i«3 tiome> anfojto fun tjje tructji, ffjis j^iguce ieeuill iiinll
k v t;i,lljriiVcfitiDc Fortuna MaiorinKjitjIjotifi;, ffjefichcperfoit
.k ^ fljallnotoietUtijintime> fo tljatttje toiittt) figece ioitt>ti)i«
Ijotifc.lJuttljeCiclincCfcllj.iIl be foiitetljinftloiigiftfie tentb doc
giuc tonfent: ttjcmiinfjalliiiljcrit, tljenidi il;allD}?cnociilll
Deiitlj.tbc rmiiiuc tbr. lS:otf)cr, tbc taioman ia tub
cuoHg^auoroio ttjciLcin.ui: tljuIounrdiLit: ot tlje cncmiewtD
oftbc wjirewn gooDiiuiinuDarectcte, t be man nceoctbnotto
beaftaiDE - tljia ifigntctatilfo; tljeeqieiience of ^igiomantie
anb^rteDiueliil;: inalltbingcoiububEe inanDcmaiuiDmtbw
tjourc.tljiB jftguceis gooD.
Cabriiintijiaboiilci'cc finbe Forama minor, fonutimt it
^ flgmftetlj tije oeatb ot fome great ilojb, nno pet be fyallmtitno,
+ acco;Oingaotbcfi(lt,fi|ct>oUcntijljcurc0Qocconreiit : tbcfuk*
* v- nclTe tballnotloiiBiiibtiee, tb* man (ball bauemtcbnDoeaboot
v y bismhccitaiKf, tfje^rtirfafptdca roUbeOeatl) oftbentan
batb QaincbiminDeeQc: tbetDoniciniomcctclp ttcb, it is an ill
manUibicbcounfaitttbtbccnemieanD tbp Iwife, tbb inanrac
DCtb notto fear nup t!)iiig at nil i it is ill (to) /ftigconjantie,! oiabw
Urnll Hufts: innlltbingcs tubicb pemap btmnmiDtn tbiafjoufC
tpia jfiguieismccttlp.
v fiiiDiiigtbiBfigmoI ^titia iatbisboufc, tbepatientfljall
4- k notoic of tbiu tnifcafc, tlje mnn lljallbee fomc mnnsbep^c, tbe
y y t&loniMi iomcctclpriclj. flnotobee b'.icfejtbis figuiciBgoob
^ k in all tlje oemaunacB tubieb l1* inap uuhc ^ fauing (to) /Jligro»
iimiKicauDilitcDinbolicall) fottbctnbicb itio notgoobjlut
fo) to flee in tlje av.'c /o; to goe on one fibc o; otbcc.
^ k ctlibcntbat VriiluiaiBintbinbonfe . tlje man ifl Gill iita
v gvcntfeigbt, tbcniaii(l>allinbci.'itcbptbcDc<ubof anotljcr. Jn
"A alt otlject binges UibcrcorqncQiim map bee mabe in thisbourc,
tbiflfigiticioeiull, but fo! Qigromancic, fo) tfjeljobicb itis
goao : tlje man (IjaUnct bee flaine, butlball bpc fomc fane
k tClbenpefinoc I'uclUt in'tb^bonfe, tlje(?fliepcrfoniG in
k k bnugcrtoDtc.tbccnemiciciugicatrciB'jt.tbcCiloman ano lie*
a tnanbencb riioug^tbeQtlincire Iljallnotbc loii0,tljcmai: (bat
k inljcntc,
of(jeomnn'cic. .113
infiiritc, tfjfipattie fjotf; flnmc no nun, tlje fattjet tljnll linctono:
infill tt)!nf!tiU)bicljvcma!.'DJiiiatinDctnti)ie Ijoufc^tljic ififltuc
is jjooe.ccfspt in j^iQCOinmuic.
SCliisiigucB^uerintljioliourCk tfjcnmntoall lie fiainc > it *
isillfojtljc fitkcpccfon j foJitfinnificUjDfnibifillcot.bccoccn- y
feiittfiei'vimtoitljcfitUciieircftjalhiot belong, tliecotmfnilecof y y-
rtjeencinieanoofiiieutifeio ill, ohD counffiilctijtljeiiitoiiceill, v
%U)oinnnisnott)cc^ti(^ : innlltlje OfmjunaraUiljicUrcp^o;
pouno in ttiis Ijoufc tbifl figuce io ill,failing fo; lone, uno fo j J)u
groinaiuir.U^eteunto it is gooo.
ifiniiingtljiBfigiiccRiibeiisintljiiJcigljtljonfc , tjjc nmn A. .k
it o) IV.1II be flninc Unit) a (Ujo;dc 04 a Gaffe * ttje fidie petfou is in
oangec to opt if tbc otbet Ijoufco Doe toufentitbcencnip 1 tljeluife Y"
^ucilltounfaile.tlieGcltenelTcluillbccftjojt , tlje man is in A Y
greatfrarct tbc tuonmn is not rirb - tourbing jjiigroiuanncie
ano tbe attcjDinbolicall, it is neither goob neither furc, bccan fe
thenmnis toohnGteinhia booings.
^wllh"1 tljio figure Albnsic in this henfe» tljc man ffjall
fiieintfjetofltec, thefitfeeperfon(hallnothealeo; amcno » fo k
that theothero ronfent thereunto : the ocfeafc conmicth of a
rbiimco;nmtti(bneffe>thcluouinnts rich ? hcthatronnfailctlj a
thcenenivnuothcluifcioljonctt , nnocounfmleth notljingbut \
gooOitheiiumncebethnottobcinfearc > ttjcpctfoiiljatljOatne
no man, tl)c father (hall line long : in all the ocniaiinbcs of (Ijis
IlsiifcthicGgurcisgoot) , mcptfotjfligroiitanciennb&iaboli.-'
rnliar'c . inthclohicljitioilltjiilcntitbe to matie rmnfiiig
j f in tij's houfeve flnoe Coninnffio the fiche pcifon fljfilloic
ofthiootfcafc. tlicmanin pnfon ffjall Die bp tljelaUie, tljeinan *
(haltnot inhentebut loofc his fute , the man is in great fcace, *
thetouiifnilrLofthernnnpanOoftlje tuomanioill, the father *
thnllqnldtelp Die, the man ftom home fijallnot biinghomemnch * *
bluer > in nil the Dcniaiinoeo of this Ijoufe tljio if igurcis ill > cr*
reptfoi.^tgroiuancieanoinuocatiousnfeuill fpiatcs > fo; tljc
luljichitisgooD. k k
SLhis jfigurc CapntDr.iconis inthi!Jh0,!fe'thcpcrfo!tfifhc k
ffjall be long fidie, but Ijc ffjallhanc no ot!;ci' Difeai'e, the p;ironc t' ^
4- . .
njill be quite beUuectMut not toitbout gttat etpeiuefl f todea
tbentanl^allbauebiatnbetttameantioueccometbepactte : tyi
ni.misloitboiit fcaic.tbecounrellounoanboneltinaH , t^e fa.
tlje fattjcr njall.liuc long.ttj.it 10 from bomc I^all pjoflt in fyistoo;-
age : foiallt!)conn.imioc3to!)ittj nmp be p;opountuointl)ta
tjoufc.tbia figure is gooo.
Jfinomginljia CaudaDraconis. tbtpctfontbaUbei
longfidtennoinoauitgetofficatb , tfjcpyfoncus in oaunget
A of bio life > ttje man (ball not bane t^c pattimonp tbat bee loohetb
k fo;,tbeinaiiis in a Miarueillouo fcacebetbat ierufpencofoithe
^ k nuirtbecbatbeonumttetbtbefdd, tberounfetlgiuentotbebnfe
^ 10 ncitbet goofinojbonc(t,tbcman Iballmahe 110 great gainetn
tbebopage: in alt oemaunocs tbia figure b;tngctb no great gooa
lucbc,buticatbertotbefontrarie, but fo; /^igromancie it is
£$10 figure Career in tbis boufeilbt patient (baitbee moje
liiietoSictbentoliue.tbepjironetfballDieinp^iloB s it isift^
v y
' fuccrtHion of beritagcegooo, but not luitbout great paine ant
Y y
trauaile.it 10alfoatohenof frigbt anb fcatr. £Dbe murtbrc
bJasrommfteobvonetDbtcblarcintDaitetoDocit . mio tiitiit
infomeout or tarhcptace >ano be tbat inaccufeD Dto it, bee tbat
rounfellctlj tbebuife is not of tl;c cleared in tlje luo^lD : bee tbat
is in trafficlic iball Doc Ijis bufmeiTe lucll cnougb » but beeis in
bangcctobcerobbeDbp (lietuap :tiialltl)e quedions wbicbma?
bccpiopotmoeo intbisboufctbisfigurcisciuU ( cvccptitbcfs;
jjUgromancic) fo; tlje luljici) it is iiiarucitlous gooo.
Jfmoing tljio figure foj..'!.iin tljis Ijoiilc.tljc (icImetTo toil
belonganb tlic patient in Daimgcc ofocatb.but vctin longtime
■Y Y
Ijcnjallamenoifotbattbciiidano tcntlj oocconfcnt ) tbeman
'Y iballoieinbiDbcDbpatbiitnc , o.t clfebe djoUuicd inUiatct!
* tbcniaiiisimicbaftaioc of men acmes , betbatisisnccurebof
* tljeniurtbcrbatl) Done tlje fact, anoufcotobc-micbinbiBcom-
panp .tbecjunrellouroftbeluifcnnOof.tlieencmicisgooo > tbe
man from botuc (ball not b;ing nuicb fubdancc borne uuitb
Ijiiti; in all tljings tbis Rgu: c is nicetclp gooO(fniiingfo; jjl gro'
inaiiciclfoitbciubtcb icisucrpill, bnlcde itbetomahenriuer
Cftuflguce Vijtittljw fraie * tfteOArp^ruKQiallBieon
tfjt's Defeaff.ifttic flrddnD tentl) content tt)ereunto:tt>enian (^all
notinlicutc: tbccounrrtlourofttjcUJtfeanotJje cnanpumQir-
focent.tbcttianinttafBUcfljaUbiingnotiitnBboinc » ttjcuiife *
nnfl ttje lemman It beep pooje, tbt man batb llaine n oloop, nno ^
if ^ bemp^ontje^!t(omcto^htflbiap;atrc : inalltbtque-
fiionatil^iciiwp p^poui^in ttiieboure.tbioBsuce ueuill,
butfo;^tacoinantie, to caufe one tobecaciicoatuap afacce

Of (he nintli lio'ifc | and ofche dcmaundcicontaincd

(herein. Cap. p.

i "r^enmtbboufetaUcottje CafitntfcomlbeSngle oftbt

1 ©cfioent, otbechure (alteo tbe boufe ofdDao containetb
nafutaUp tbe qu^thona and MMMunocs lobtcb mapbepiopoun -
fe*o bporrttje appactename* ofanp JCempIe,CbapptUi
Spon.attecie oj t|>crnutagc.
i fllfooftbeooingiof^jt'cBo.religiouapcttons.anoWcp
mites tippoit oiuint feruice.as matins, points, ano otijtt cano«
niralt tecutce ,nno ortlje nt.iCfe ano ptapec.
Z flifobponthc garments ano beftntes of a pjiett, pjea-
cl)ct,fecl)D!eC)auD ijtsttutiie, tlje $Dtt)oole , auo tlje companions
4 ^l)ctbcrt)eU)t)icljgoett)tobemaocpnc(t(I)jll t)ituco;<
ores ot not.
t iif ttjc man nialllc rub in benefices, ttjatistorop.iftbat
botba1lt)aiictl)tbiftjop;tchc,abbep, oMbcotbccbeneilccfltbat
0 OTbatcttatclballtlje&cljoUetbeoflnljtn he retumctlj,
b3bctberhe(l).illbc©octouc(nnnpfatultic, oiiuogeinanpec
cleCtaQicallCoucte >oj a ^cfioent o; a (lounfellour in anp high
7 HfthctljingtohichihrwrtDJ toomtin afpirt bntotijaU
come to effect.
s ctlhctbccnpetfonbceafooleOfmfe, and in toljat
iK 3 erne
c<trcf)ei<i ^ bebjtoifeoici^i » o; ijetcaftci: fyaii
p 3Ef tbf conmioi! bintcbe (cue e; not.
10 mbctljictljeOicmucDiMincQbecoon o;bnb , falteo;
11 3rt|)cl:ot)a3cluI)ttMnc luoulo tahe (nljanD be long aj
fljojte,ooooanopotable, anamtiettiec itbeaagoob bp Jbea
ae bi'lflnb.
iz mijfttjcc ttjciTjipeanoarnii'bpon ttje ^ea fljnlltoJiu
(o n Qcoopojtc.
13 ■?faniiirtUii!!inc(orctanntun.'to(|)B^ea>
14 jftljctbtppBoiCUnllep fljallbeaooooffaileoAnot , ana
tulictlifi'it becftooo tofetbptijtnmCco; otljectoife , an® ichs-
tbcctljcdjippco^callEp^all acciue luitb a coob UiinCe 03 not to
auv peitc.
1,- Mtjetftcc t()c botn&e tutU caure aQ)iptD;Eulteo;uotfMiO
to^ftijjctbetbippenjaUbelcflanDtfieannpttiemn ,anolubat
16 EbiBboufctontainetljalfo tlje brmminoea tbljifl) nW8
beinooueobppen tbe roioucmiiQ 0; Kaping tbatttjeinanfljAU
utalicli^icbi'oxtbcluap^tohiioliiebolulongbce ftall (aim)
veatos,inonctl)i3)0:Dapsfl , anDfojlyljat wtafionljcctoolielj'B
17 I'iUjetijfCdjcpcarcHjallbcgoocnntiftiiitriil, aiiblDbat
jz\)th be tbc nuettions anb DcninuiiDefl toljitl) map bee
pioounocb intljioijoufe, (ojluljicbvcc map matte Jligucee,
auOiuDQC tt)cmacco;oincbtUott)e inftcudioii betcaftcc toUoUx
■f a Mljeiitii tbtcnmtb tjouCc rc fliioe ttjia fittmc Aquifiu'o,
' it tljat tbe man tbatl bau« tl>« bencBcc tubiclj Ijec Dotlj
. A locSefoi,aiiDtbnltbcent!)intljeCbiiitbBocBea.anDaaoobniftn:
be tljat goelfj to talic o.:tiet 0 tljalt Ijaiic tjjem , tbe ^cbollec Ml
bcaE»oaom:anoaCoiinfcI!oiic,tijcD;wiiicicijOoD, ano Istme
ronictoaoooBcnO: tljcroinmonbjiiitelfitbe goob , itmt(uc>
infliccill.it lofalfc: tljciocoliro fpcalicol'lbuijjo of tbc Cijitcrb*
A ofCjtwMncie. iij
ormufffhe anoordtcl^o, itjcpcrromaofgdbflrvt^uttrtfort, (fje
maniuljicljie qohcfo;epartt)fmOi$cdocmuc^p;ofitte,t^e
Jicttete Dot rprdUcoftfjtngesbcncfKMll oj fomc (tat'tinctre: in
tafc tobiicti;ttilieanL'boration« itjercisnoncljcttcitiicntobte
oftijpC^utrf), toijnucl'ubftantctiuiclilvc, miDto luieatvafe:
it 19 gooofoja tJopnffC,foit[>cjnQnft)JHiij flialltjetonieh;cal-
ttjit > ttic man toljitl) iflout ofljui CCounftit l^all iciurnc qiudt-
Iptoittigtcatrubaancti butljcfljaltbccinfcnic fcareot Dangct:
o)mcoitiif(timer,, tbFfljipctf tDt^eal^all(oinctoagooD^aoit
toittj agsoo 'minae in ail tinged toljicb pec nun? Dcmauna tn ttji*
IjcnfctliisftgiircwgcoO. *
dftnaiitgtljui figufc AnjiiTioititliidljoufe it ftgniftetf), " '
tbattbeman (^allnotbauttbe beueBoe hitjitfJbcclooltEttjfoj to *
bauc, tbeldoohea fptshcofnotbingbat oCconnDca > j&nlicta, * '
ano oflouco} loUcfl.ina tijc luittttflboetbeliltt: tijctonimon
bmitflainoitgtt.tbepioplfwtntB^tf bet mane
be (baltbd mncb gtuen Unto H^tibtciet ttii not gooa fojtljc
&cbollee > fo; tyct toill not ftufite but bee t gtentliuffinn >
ttie t^atcbanoije (ball notbeeUetie<gooa> in bot?age,
tjie man (ball loofe all * tye ftb>P (ball come teitb gccatc
fpceDe,but ^oe (ball bee inungec. lobetahcirb? itbeXuar:
anDtotellpau in tmo too}Orii»inalltbstt|tngc9 tobtdj vc mas
nflie in fijiB bon^ tb'f figure to ill.
Mbcnteefinbe tbie ififfuteFort«maM.iipr, intbidnintb a a
boufe, itfigmfietb tljat tbc man fljall bec l3ilbop,^bbot, o.: .k i
bauefuebfaenebee becgapctbiu; jJbe DJeomc taoi tnngec, ,
^;intcBanD ofgccatiunae.anDlbalicometongooD cuo , tbe
couitnon bmitcicnot ill , it t» goob foj tbc ^cltolcf, fo; Ijc Ujal
be a man of lionojtt;, ana leamcDitbcSSooltes fixate of itiitQs,
pjtncca , nnogctat ILoma ofiLnboefl.CuOomes.anDotniiiaii-
cearoFalttrijcibiptbalatnueatngooD polt.anccomc fafc bottb
DrMttitct)rfl,tljeutantoi)irt)Wour of ttie Conntciciflbcrp fac
utonr.btit be (balltet ucnc tnitb goob purcljnfc • to fabc a iountep
in IjaiiDntftgniftcif) tl;at it In ill be a long time in booing, fo; to
Iciuncnny ilvtc itiogooDmnofoitbe&crufctoftlje^puccifo;
tbnxbp l;c njalltomt to lircbcBanb rrebit: in all OtinatntOcB tbid
figure ip gooo^anu erpcciallpm Icatntng.
ii 8 77><r feconJ<Boo^e
iKntttngtt'j? ^igMteFonnnsminofintljliljoure^efigndf-
* ttl) ttjat ttic man it ofg(c<it vg(ftuiiie,iKu!xine« anolmotDl^i:
* tlje man Ojalij-iuetljc bcnefirc tjcp^etcnus.butitieof nogceat
* v toatue>tb«VWttt'0nn&ou£anian » fyt bapaga is long, but-
^ * tbe nwBiballatucHcboniehJiUjgceatjuottte: tbemcfffngtc
fljall quickie cclutne tbelfloobtB onbibettns makenwntiDn of
tbc SlccBoflimges >p:tncc0,anog[Mt juaoes^fiM^MUe
applpitljbwlearning, onttl^alicanttntottononc, tbtbwma
tn t bis boufe^ifl Bgu w is gooo^ut ttiot lit ocrtamt) a little ($8t'
•a aaben mt^isn«tt^^otjftpeelnbet(^jflgtiteL<ticia,5ee
> a njall rap, tljatit ts in&ifftcent gooo to; ttjinges (oncecntng
a a (^e dbutcbi tbe nun (ballnot bane toe beneflte tbatbee fit*
< a (moctb, it is gooote; tbe fKbolltEianoUhstairefojao^uafc
(Ignitingtb«t it is oftttofii atente,fteaftnt ana oxoatiiiMa
brfomepeeneaibow, GSpouwe; vetxttpestto; Keiigjoaa
|ietronaitiaeo0Otonaagrifletbtbattbepftme<5ob, itisgool
lot aioMcnep,anbtbci9nq«iptbemn,ra;t]ufltoni gaineitii
tn»tetpi tbemanftomtwnetb^lteUu»cqa«hlp, a no to (ball
tbstyipontbefeastabeinOocfltmiof anpatt,aaotol»acne te
CngmutUkc^no to plop oainftrament* it is gwo in all tbnigti
toljith reran Denmunb in tbis bonCttbis flguce is gooe.
a a ifinDing tbis figure Triihda in tbts boufr, itflgnifiett) tl
y. y to; tbe Cljiirch , tbe man (ball not ottaine to tbebericflrcbs
a y. bopeotabaue, knleffe tbat tbe fouctb uiOtrmtjoocronfent
a inCatteUtbece toitlbeptoCtte: to; tjopagefigmfletb OcUje
ano (taring : to Icame a Wenreitisgooo.anblibetoifeto; a
pcboltcr, to)brb<a labour bee (ball attaint bnto great cm- ,
tine ano Unotolctige, Mttctyeuallpintbingcsrectctofnatucci '
tbe nun (ballbe toel ^Seentco ano of goaOteputation»tbe melton-
gettoallbeeoetaincb bp tfic toap, tbe febweioin baungetto
be lolt o; taken; in allntbtt oemaunoestobitb pe nmpinahe in
tbto boufe.tbio figure ts iU,bti t to; tbutgrs of C0 agtthe tobtwttv
V toitisbenegoot).
¥• ^ fSbenpecflnDetbts iNflutc Purllain tbisb<wre>itliotbfig'
•k ■ fletbattbenum njallnot baue tbebewficcbut bp tbe p;wute»
' v. ntent
bj Cfcomancy. up
mintoffoittetooninn,tljefertjollcctoillnot Qutirbut about*
fo5l<cie,itno to cut; a rnrc.nno to be amo;ou0> t^e (btppe flfjnl
come to a gooo tjaucn toitb mut b abounoance of inatc^inbite:
itb) qod fo^ntcnuclleci tljemnn Ijntl) ojemttce ttjnt bccljatt)
lifiitPitbaUiomnn.itioiiitHflfercnttngaine, nuoillfo; ttie
eonijauPifo^epbe of f«nalltrutt;inalt things bB^c^intlfio
l^nfcrpcmi oeumunotbiofiguceio iwctcl? > mcptitbefc}
to leatne to fing ntunche>fbi tlje Ui^tljit is bctp goob.
ifinofngtbtsflgucePucrintbisnintObonrC)^ mantbninof Y
baue fbe bnieflce,but bp cwftp politic: inaltljingstoutliing ,Y.
tbeeltaUoftbcCbiittbtfnsfiguteiscuillitotalica bdt«C» +
inbanDflnofojtbeniellcngcctobicbbJingrfblctters.ftagni- Y.
flttl) tber tballbeinbdungecto bccobbeobptbebpap'.tbeRffp
il in gwat Danger to be taben , alltljat fflfflioe anDb}utteD
toutbing taucceis true , tbenuinDjcameDoftuaro^orrotne
it&Detying.t!Jt^(!JoltetftuDiett) notbingbutbio Voeaponifoi
jalne it is tlMDe booksfpeahc of matters of toatre: in all t be
things iDbict) ye map Demauno in this boufe this figure is v
iall,but foj things toudjing U)arre>anD tbcerpecictueof /pi'
gtomantie,fo; tlje Utljicb It is gooo.
llQbenpcftnbetbisfignre'Rubctistntbisboufe.itisbe- ^ ^
rpillinalionudunDeStbutfticljasroncerne burnings, cob-
bingttitling/poiting.aiiDrurijotberlihe/otbetob'rbitisgiDD ^ _k
onfucl)tDife,tl)ntiftl)ounwheaflguretohnotoc Uiljnt fbnll
tMpptutoljimtohirljbotljtakealong iournep.itit fignifietb, Y
tljat luitbout all Doubt bee (tfnHbe either robbcD oa Ouiue bp
aftbi0figHccAlbii$bcfounDeintbisboiirc,|if figitifictb
great feticiucjk'if.nnti learning an all tljingco lubicb PC map
srniQimb.i t ftgniflct bgooo foj tljc Cbtitrb > aub t Ijot tbe man ¥ y
(ballbauctbebcncfue it is goobfoiflia>tbollct,tbe oceanic is A K
geoo. itiobetv cooofajgainc, tbctbippcnjnllrcfiirncfnfclp
toitljgreat fuliftace.tbc man anbmeirfngccloljicb beontbc '' Y
leap (ball cctnrncquidtlp loitbiopanubliifc > itisgoon to
Icrmctbf^rte JiD^nlo.MciinnlltljctieiiiannDolDlittOvcimii'
DcmaunDtn tfjio boufc tbis figure is gooo/bcre is <ilfo n mcf'
. fettger bp tlje luap bobiclj biitigcth llcttero.
A ^ Syisflptc. CojiimiftiuintliiB (joufe is gooc na toeil j
foj tl)e dljuKt) » no fo) tt)e obtaining of a beiirfireiitifl but '
imstelytiDja S)c|)allcc,nnDtllfoi a BJcamc.tijemacc^uitfljall !.
k ^ betobbeQbi.'tljuioRV^iallottjcEtbinp ^ujfre can be#
r ifinoingtbiofiprcCnpii: Draconisin tJjis liouft , ttfg
* poofo;tlji'(lijiutb,tbc!»an tball bat'.c Elja benefice , t()B
, ti^eameidgcoDianDtI)nl(cometoagooOcnb)iti0bcc^gooDfb|
, tbcfcbolleciiWQfonulira.tbctb'PllJOllcoiiiefafc luitt) great
ttdjca^ljc incirniacc U;aU cOine qiiictilp.nnD fo ifyill \}t tbat u
inafiUteduimtcep iiiall tbinga ub'tl.) rccaiiDanaunotti
tl;i01;oi ife t Ijia ftgucc 10 betv goob, 1 tGcmtictb alfo tfjat t^e
wan tyrtl! bJiinir i}\a futc.
y ifrnDing ttjic figure Cauda Draconis ill tt)l* f)0Hfc.'f ^ Ht
,, fo;£be(^!juc(t)^iiDfo:tt)ebenc6cc!anDfozall otbec tbmgei
tutjicb ft nwp DeniaunD in tbu> (joufe tljia flguteu il.efpecwt'
, ^ Ip fo; a incirengtr.aub to? one Uiljiclj n outoibia ffoiwtcr.fo;
tbepfijallbecobbeo.o) aOTaulteo, 0;pucfueBbp bagabonoei
tbefibippcontbereafl).illbecobbebbppp£ate0 > o;elfc core
Uiitbfmallgaiiie. fc£Xif
+ - mbeiuntbisbouf'cvefiiitxtbisfigiircCarccr.ittstUPoj
^ * tbi: (IpitMljcniiuifljall Ijauetljcbencfite , but it fljallbe
A. ^ longfiiQ^nDlbatbpgi'eatpauiennOtiauellutiggosOlOittje
y rcboIcr.anobutiiicctelpfojg iinc.tticD'c.inicio tll.anD icof
tb'-ngsof FcigbtitbemclTengeeifliii gcrar Danger to be taken
0; fl iinc 0; clfe kept pufonccrttjc fljipfijat be in oangecofbui:*
mug,0; taken bvppjntfl^etti cfijippcicintlje iniODlcoftlje
(eaunallotbettbuigo tljta8gtnci0ill(btit!o;tljc^itcor^U
gcoiuancie)fb; U'ljitb it 10 beep good.
, A. jfinDtugttKaflguiePopulii.intbisnintbbourc^ttsm'
. , DifffccntantDcllfojtbciIbuicb.aa fo;tI)ebenefice » buttlje
" benefice iflpooicnmoofrmaUba'.uc 1 itigalfoinatelpfoMlje
i ^ fcljo'.ciitbcpecfonbatbDieameDofmntcc > opfanatTemblp
of people,tbctljippellialUoiucf,veto a gcoapoU: mallotljcr
things Uil;ic!;pe map DeniaunD in this houfc this figuce is iif
Dificicnt.crceptro^bopagcbplanDo/bpUiatc^fo^he ivhtcb
it is bctpgooe.
/toingtFjitfngiircViainfljisfiotife.itisnifojf&etfiurtf), *
t^crnnuajiillnotobtainc ibcbsncfitcjitiacoctjfoia te(t)ol< >
JccjIjciiinnlwtliDicnHitB of DJintitoHoJtcc , o;of Icttccs ^
ls|)i(b l^oulo be b^ongbt bnto bim it is ill fe; gainc^ano in all +
ofbcc H)iii(W,cncpt fo: long ioucm'PB.fe; in tbrm it figtiifictlj
tbat (be man (bait goc fnfelp Imttioui an^ Dnngtc intcniie»
nieitc«,but be (ball be longbptbcto'i^ JSefiDCB fbi«, lubdiro'
euccvcuinltcafiBurefo;anpi>cmaunD, anbtben finsetbiB
letUM mahing mention of a bepajje.
Of the tenth houfe.antt of the denaundes
contained therein.

CH. 10
i "T f cntb boufefubMl I* fbe ^ngU of tbe ^outb.ot (be
1 boufcoftbebeattoftbebMucn, containeib Piopetl? all
tbe tjuett tonB ano DemauitOcB tobttb map bepMpounocDtou-
tbing tbe bon out o; p;aife of a petfon.
^ fllfo lub'cb map be oeiHaunbco tombing a 19b>fituut
I 3lfo of a tip tbing loll o) tfolne.
4 tsipon tbe motbec^tanDmotbet.loift o; llemman.
; ilnb of tbe bcttne ann etficatp of a meotttnc, ano of alt
tbings tombing tbe appotbhatte^
<5 ^pontbeUtng,thu^ne,p;tntcs,)Lo)OeB,19opc,bpon
, SiffttttsnnQ gnagtdtdte.ano oftbciEOeccetfl, laUis.brn&B
anb o;tuiuncc0,bo tbcp GttlcfiaftttallojSCcmpojall, atibbp-
pontb(rc(rettbotigbtBoftbcmotbce,g[AnDmotbcc > ojUjo-
ntano; fcieno.
7 liibctbetaHoiSBoctouepou , ifpetyallbeinbiBfa'
uouisano if be fl)all Boe pmt gooO, as mu tb map pou tubgc of
tbe iiiotbetsgtnnomotbct.o; oftljc ^bifiti^*
H mbctbetaBinglballnbioclongtimctnljw Hcalme,
ano a iLotoc in bio SigntoMe.
9 BjfbeUibitbMbtetbtobcpopc.lbaUbetboftntljetutito.
2 o;
QitljeCmtKJMtu; tottie ©mpke, anDiftfiepbecCtUciffije? I
fliall ameno. |
10 cciKjctljcrljetfjntPctljtnltefojfljaUbcDjuiritoutoftSic
lAiiiusf Couitjo; luljetficf Ije fljall be Uif koine auDloueD. !
11 3fitbeBQQDfojtljcJiiiii(ja;oC!jei:Ho}DC to entecinta >
ii tQlbctbectljclliiiBojotljeuiUDDluillDoeiultice.
ij GOlljctfjccitb.JsooDtlj.ittbetiuiao^DtbecliojDiiMke
labopnacjaiiDit'tfjattbeptaUeit in band, ifiticDlballfboatl?
tct iirnc,auo lilie tuifc ofnlltbutifl tothcb pe wouId ocinaunD
ofLiiiip,p;iiKcniinD llojoc , oftljeniotbecanDgranDmo'
tljci.von (I).iU finOc tUcRaniftCiUioiun tljta Ijoufc.
14 xl3toiicljmgtbcap;e nno tljctmietoluioluifitlBiti
raine oj 01 be f.iirc iDcatljer.lumoc 0; inline, nno if(t bca tai*
iiic fenfon buljctljct it Iball mine mncl).
1$ iliib finnllp ifitbegooOfo.iniu.'pccfonbDbicb tahetti
onbimnnpoftffCtourbingluatrc.Mtobca c/iptnin,ancietit<
bc«t«r,©iiiDono;nin'otl)tciI)ffiie > tfje ftgnificntionofAll
InbicbttetnnunDeapoufbaUfinoebeall tljeflBtiiea bewnftet
fctnccojDinijto tIjcico'.Dcre.
catbenin tljetcntlibonfcveflnDetljia figure Aquiiltio,it is
i nuooDtiinctogo tonp;ituc,nnDtoobtnuiC0loipant)bottt;
t. bi?l)iui:tbcp;inceo;Breatllo.iDc>tt)illsiuef)iniremegutft:it
. ^ iogooDfo;tbcpbibtinn.anDairDtotnbcnicDicincitbctbing
i miilinsUull be found asaine>anoitifl not ttolneitbcRtotbecif
ofgoobbifVofitioniand foiotbeainilcaiiDtbcfltint.tbcntan
Ibalbauttbcboiio: Ijc pjctenoctljitbekinB^mpcrout.pope,
Quccnc, p;iiiieiiniiDlloiDiJninlic greatibeace litiagood
togoetotljeiCourt to olucllUiitbtbcni > foj bptbcmeoim
mucb flooDneffc and aotiantagc: it OBiiifi et Ij atlcarc and faite
tiinenno iuboiroi^nnotberctbalbe no ram:tbetting,pjinct
0; otber tbojo (bnllaiucuoe 01 bio difcnfcitbc man (ball be pjc
fcntedluitbnbojrebpbitniwiflei' itiogoodfojtbeofiiceo)
dignitie lubicb bt 'ballb aur.. jn all tbe Dcmnundo lubicb I'tt
i niapaoltciiitbiDboiife,(biofigiirci0gooD,and cfpeciallp fo
> a- cocbntoalto^de.
,> JfinOingin tbuir-boufetbiofigxire Anii(]io,(ti<illtO(jet
>. -a
^ittoutt{slo}teoinut()9;itie,ro)ttje pattie eootij Qiucljimrclfe
to uoneottict t[)ina but to leacbWit is not goii) to taisc nwot
tine:tbctbtnauiiQmgioQplnc, Anbtoillnotbcf)>iDiiQaine,
biilcirftbdtt()8fcnucutb(0tucnt: tj^einotUetto djoleciche.f
ifflje tall fitlie lt)E Ojall oiE.if tlje cicbt ttjeccto as»c; ano tlje
iltljtitHMS setuQseorttjfc^tanimiotbcui Qtuclejaiio i3unt: it
, is ill to goe to a lUuty I eTptctallt? tobnuc an); o ionitie b? Ijim:
tljcrcUnllbcno camoibuttt)eae;efl)allbefattc t bjisljtluttf;
alittlc uuatmetDinOcttt]elaingq;iU»o louetbnotbforccuat,
toljicbl'crtiacOEmaunomttiifl tjoureitbistisiii'cio ill.cttcpt
to (jane tlje fauouc jgtatcofn ^jincsffc/o} tljc luljicb it tc
cSHbeiuntfjis boufeyeflnoeForiuiumaioi-.itiBGOoDjo: * <
binilubicb WlDeoebttto n^nceoiflceatJiojo/oibvljini > *
BenjallbauebtmaucffnDDiBiutteuttflejretotng coDtotaUc *
, imDiuncifye tbing m<ITtng(i0 not loft oj (tolf.tut (ball be ban ^
ajainentiB goto feu tb<imatbet anbCDconfiutotbei:)Clncle,}
^unUanbtfanpaftbnnbeOtMtbtV IbaUantcttoagaiHc: it
wgooofoj^tbttoingoiiJjliwctbat bnmtakctba bowge; it
fl»aUbeafdKttiim,tlMteagje ani)U)boIefojttc> IftbeUing,
^;iiueoigttatllo;obc(tt*tbeB buillbobobole againe:iti0
GooDfo(KbefMcetaiTaiKfl,ofalDi(wewotb<cllojD. 311 all
tbingeBkobicbWcan ftemaunointbiBbonfe tbisfigutcia
niucb better tben ai^ of tbeotbec, becauCeit io a figure of o
anoa planet ori&iugsanop;inee0iiti3ctyeaal goo top to
blcielU)itbgceatpjinccBnnollojO£B> foiintbeenonjall be
nmtb poo gotten.
Ebiofigure Farmna minor, intbiBljoufc tljepeiTonnjall
bnue great amitie t ftienoibip iuitb pjincco t great Lotos 1
efpeciallr'm cafe of loaritbc great Lotoo; lung 10 fichc, but
bee fljallamcno againcanonotoie : tbcpbffitian ia gooO,
auotbcineoirinclubiebbeotoainetbiBgoooanoptofitablc-v '
motljcc »<Dranoniotbetio gooo ,rois tbe bring 03 Lojoe, but
tbevbcfoinctbingaugcvitbc LingoiLoJoclouctl) linn tucll
fot toljoni v quclliontB maoeitbc laing fijallotocll long inbts
Ucalnte,! tljcLotoia biseountix\?)but tljcp tljall Ijauc fonie
1^.2 The fecond'Bookg-*
Uuutr: Ije t{) ,it (jJrtoiDrtl) to be an c^mpttoM^II bean (Snr-
pc:oiii-,(3ii0 tlje Lojd tlj iill be nUoo accojbins to bia beflw: 9
tie tljiit p;ttfnOetlj to be pope tljall bc|Oope biit tfjece toil be
it is goob totiiUeluiuicsin t;,\notro;be(^altouercome Ijlse-
iitinic«,it is goob to take potfedion of gcouno 0; ofa Itojbl^tp
tbching o^Lojbty.itl bocQacpc Juttiiei if tlje bingo; llo;b
take aitp bopagc.tljcp tbr<ll ibojtlp eetume, but not initbout
fome birpltafucc :tt)e time (^al be bctiefatte,* ttje «p«teleae,
fiucct aiio luljolfome.niio it (Dill not taine-.inalltbcngaiubkT)
re map cemaunb in tljia^oufe,tljis figucc ifl goob , butfb)
peace.Qgnit pmgtbat ttjctc t^al be cytrcamc angeton tlje otic
liDeo; outbc otljcr.
^ jfinbmgtljio figure Lxtitiain ttjis bouCe^eiaingo;
* ioiiof fi£kc:ifisgmbf#)bom'ar-ft)epi)r'itia«i£>agoooji!an:
* anbitiagoobtotakeanobreoft)iaabuife:itiageoDfo;t(ie
^ A motbe^Slttcle ana SUmttttje ittiug oilbo^b toaettj loel fye (ct*
iMiit.lutjefebP be p;ofU; tt>e Lo;b fbalt baut Ottrri-
inonanbgouernanteMintbe (antes tbat bee p;»tetiaetbto
baue: ttjejamgojtfljoiBnatfitlie t:tbeperrenibaUnotbee
b;(N(n out of tbc Court: t^e bring (ballnobgos to tMtcCibut
ttjcce tyallbepcarc: tb» Bingo; jLo;b(lpillboe gool iuOice
tuitb lopaltic: f Ije bring (bait moke f be borage in greate (op «
ioitbentraineo;bopftetoufne(re«3lnalltbiHgef tt>biebtcran
bemaunbintbisbouretbiofgursisgoob; butOgnifictb ra-
tbctkeaLTCtbcn peace.
Jfinbingin tbis SjoufctbisficnceTrinitu.itiannilltime
, ^ tbiiiikkictoattainebnfofbebonourpjcftnocbitbeising i»
^ inbauiiGertoloofebiaHealjneanblKonunionMtiaillfojtbt
Pb'Qi<an,otto tahcpbiQtke :tbe tbingloft luill nrutc be bob
aooiiic: it is ill ro;tt)e ^otljee.nnb fignifietbtbat fijeiBiiuf-
conteiiteb:tbci!imgo;Lo.)D loucnot tbeprrfon: iftbekins
be futi, lir (baloieibe tbat p;gtenbttb (ball not be cboren CEni'
pcro t 0; Lri.bnieo tt be bp treafon 0; fubo;ning offome rolkoi
fbe man (ball not be bji uen front tbc Court,but fljal I remnine
ttng inpcrplcritieanb oifquietnefTc. tbe King fljat be betr<iiot
ofCjetonancy. 125
H;c borage (Ijitll be long«flob)e:t>>c be ffnibjtomj
ano cache. 3no to be b;iefc,tn anv Rueftio io^d; ye may \uo*
beutaoea^tifieancbKptovanea, toyeceunto it tegmCimo
nlfo fo; tceafuce yiD in tfje enctt).
cabcnycflnDetbiBBBUCePucllaintljialjONrcjtticpctfoH *
(ballt)aiiel)ououtbytbe»irlgimtl)gttfltpleafiire, fljcattca ^ h
eareiitiagooDtoentetintotyeloueanofauoucora tocnimt a
ofa noble race: ano litutnife to baue cnineby inc«banct}c: *
fomctiincit Ggnifiett) rainc toljen t^e fitt conrcntcty: it is
ffto to; ty« pyiGtinn • to; meoidnt* t Uhelcifc fo; y mottjee
4 grnnoinotbec: tl)e clings mitt vull not be fonnc againc, tyc
UingtDillgiuefome oftye tying* tl}at yeoemaunoeo at (jib
tMncs: tye otb is falfetfjt king o; Lo?9 oo louc ^ man,one
yetyaUyauegoocbytytm ; tye kingtyali longwmaincin
tyts ttealme.anB tya it*;9 in yia lLa>»tyi]Mn al peace toitt) out
any Uwtce t tyere is ncityieeonenujtyet flrtce, but if
t jiepbe,tl)e? toiilbe room amenoeo: iPrpetfott (ball not bee
Bjiuen out of ty e Court, but (fytUMtnaitte by ty e king in all
quit intlTeityeiEmpeto),king ,}dope o;ito;o, (ball obtain ttjc
Mgmtie tyey p^teno toy»ue,rotyat tye flttt ano fbucty ooe
(onfent. Jn alt tye oemaunos toyky may bee p;opounocO fo;
h)»rte,tl)iofigmttetl)peace: ttjetime (ballbefaac but fomc<
tinierAtnicMtisgooore^ioumey , anoelpcciatlybytuntcr.
Bnalltljtugsboyicy yet may DemaHnoeintyisycufctijis fi--
gute is gooo.but fo; b)ane,fo; it ooty albaaies figiufle peace;
ifincingtljisfiguccPuerinty^youre^yepccfon fljal yauc
yonoucnnogaincbpkmgsanopunces,! efpecially bp tlje y
loarcis; it ugooo fo i tye pyifttianii to talic pyiGclicjit tcgroo j
fo>amotijet:tyeotyi«fairc,tyeUtngajallnot Itnp long in ~ '
yis Kealmclpoccafionoftnjice:tljcmannjalnotbecljofcn '•
popetCmperauc o: king, toy icy p;etf Octy Onto anv of tycfe
Cignities. tyeftcbcpecfon fljalnuicUlpamcno.if tt;c Uiiig gee
totuaiccyc rtjaliyaue tye bitto;ie mice yisencimrs sitiogcDO
to talieatovuiicbpauaifautt: iftljelungtalicuiltano aupc
bop.igcye itjall come (oon again: ftnally it fljalbc a fake time
ano tye apje clcate 4 tuyolcfome. Jn all otycc Dcumunos perc
tauungto^i»boof<btt)U'fiflU(e!)olQoit) <iinpane)I)utro.!tDaf |
anttloucitifi paffinflgMD. . '
■k SCjis figuvc 1UiI>cui (joufe^t in not tuoj(f) nnt? tfjing ;
iiiauvquetticm0U)l)U()EeiiWDP;epouMGtH(l)i»ljoiift>.t'oJbp (
liijiiittfntioiutisnootljcctljincstwtbliMiyijolac.buUtnii.fttit. |
rjiiACtel.iicUatc. hcaron/ADmOle^utbfutlltoiU^buttotittiuiis f

sooo fo?DtirolutcloHc,ntH)tolnjpadiioucanD()arneff«» iaio \

ftiT!luo:hf0,mallot|)tcttrtn(38itt0 ill.
if momg tbis flQuce Albui in tbiB ten tb boufc, tbe man tbal
i ciitet intomciiDtbtp nnt)fftuoneeflitn0e0)^in(e8< Qtutt
LoiD0,anD bane goo b« ttjmt: itia bcrie b<n fb; tbe
d/i anQ to tahc meontncialfo.fojtbcO'chncfltotllbeequtthlpt
qoiic :tlje ontb 10 teneitbchuigfl) Al bloellongin biBUealm in
pearcf qiiictne0)tbehii!giiM9tQck,o;ltite tobettbeperiioa
ibullnetlic banttbeo tbeConttt bbepKroniuftcnDrngtabe:
do great tuSieeittiB goo tuboengetlmt ittbalfac fometobat
late; itiegiebfojf hingtocae biflienSotunetbe a?>e ifli
luljelefoin, but it tsin Danoec to Mm a lit tlei itweoot) fnj tlje
rjoibcc.iilnrie flmtt^nDwrbaHtr.Jtecantmhe nottnumo
imt this ftgwe tflfloob inttjia bouft.
111)10 rtouvc Cibiunttio ii!ttti8btHirt»fai bonoucatiD&igni*
■ [ir;i(holocll) a mmomtjuitis gaiDtODlnolitiagitat ilott,.
fojitf ibiilbclji»^c(ixt4t*ieanDaoucmcuc.iti0 inbitrercnt
' tcitalieiiifDirmcitbetungtbaUDieoftbcfiircnrtctbntbf® i®
iiohiuirfarcDofi tbcperfeiitbatl bcbanitbcDtbcdomt: f||c j
oatbtiigooD: tbepAttietballloinnebiorutratis into gee to
Utiir,fi); (ic (ball be in Danger to be flatne: it is gao to enter in-
to a to lime-, to Doc infticc,anD to take atoopagcin bntiD.fo; brc
fljnllnmrhlv rrturne: tbriittTirjallnotbciuboltfoinebptea'
Ton of t be 1 nin. 3 n a I things tubttb ve-DcniaunDin tbio bouir»
tfjia figure is gooD.bnt fo;luar,tubete(in(oitisill, niiDlitie-
lotfr fo: tljc firlic pc< foil fo: it fignifietb Deaf b.fo; lone it is W
- y ncg^oD.roMtDotbnltuaicflftgniOeina'tb.
> r_bi3flgmeC>ipiif<lr.icoiiijin tliiBfrntbboiifctfljcpccfoii
v fijotl bnur bono;>rraltntion,eignitic anD p;cbciiiincnre in tbc
$ xjeomahcie. 187
Conris 'Hit) iitlu'iigrs iinitfctf.miB ofo^ctgibtf LoiD&tlie
lott hull be foimn: tljeplyfitimiit a goob moiMt iegma
to t.tlic incotchic: it ts gooo to; tljcniot!)Ei:,t fo;lbeLcman:
tbcotbioiuHiiub goo. liailjofceucniialictljnfigurctotinoiy
tfapccfDnnjall obtnuie tbebcneflfe.tJigiuttc.lLa^njipjpKljo
mmfiuc.tijcfrtuonuo; fuenDfljtp lul)uljljrp;iKnDttbtoob>
tnm,« tben fii'.cc tbts ficu» in (pis tjoufe ti'ttfjoti tnny toabt
bJfl>illobtaiucl;iflDefttc.ifitljerofiiijmB, belwUtoitf)Diit
bcubtdouEbitii: t^c (i( be pet Ton fball amtnb, ^pciraniball
net be put from ttjc tlourt: it ie not goobto goi totuatt*:tbe
bing Inillooc flooa tufltre: tbe bopage toill'tolonavl)i>t tt tynl
bcgocDittjtnr;ch)illbB goobanti bobQtetbmc, anDbtuv na
altlings boljicttpe nmp sanaunbintbiBbourc^tbib
BgurctflBooD)bMtfo;toflr>fo;ittratt)ali»me0 figntfle peace*
jfintiinB ti)t0 flgntc Ciuda dracoiiii intlptB l)0Ufe» It fifltli-
Hctti loltc of the Knilnic.EDodtnuoii aniip;inctpaiit p; fo; ttnfl
ftprcintbatmattccut btaeiU.3lltulk£HP iiontbet: ttjingat *
H)iB<im«d3atttwtinallquCftitinfl*t»nia«aocB itGanifictb
JMtb.terafon 9 InlTc oPqcdw : nnfitotxil pouat ttooo 'tvo^ba, -
tbtBftBiiieiBbecteillbutftwtonrw »fa;tt Ggntfictb txcaTon*
butto mntic fires; bcednu^e of fllbamPtit ib gooo*
SSftiefignrc CarcerintbiBl)onfe»tij6ptxfonlball obtmnt)D» y
ntut aubiuaiftcftlje^MnceoidLo^itbp meaueeofaUioinu v y
fenulmicitfigniflett)betBtlticnnnOLimp;ifonin«itofaliinto * y-
4l)iBgcci(tniirtt)n(cntiiirnt:tbcbouretbatbeiBbttaiiub in y
fsoloeanb b^oitcn < it ffgnifietb lode of game jit io goo ft; tlje
ptniatian^nbtotabcmobicinei'ttjetttinglofi; biill nemcbct
fonttbagainc: tbemfltbotis ntelancttoUr; tljcfcintbtonot
tmttp: t|)Blung\mltgiuenDtt)me > tbeotbiB fali'e :tbe Ktfce
pcifonfballbic'.tlielting ttytl tint long built fljallbein great
bifqutct -.tl^pactpBiatnottie popc>einparo;o;litngias ()«
piotnibctl): tbbtnan (bitllnotbopiitfrem ibe £.outt>but bee
-fballiomimictbcuctotHBgccatmiftontontation : itianot
flooc twtljc Hiing to goe to lunrrc.fo; bclljalliic takcihtbclA-
tail no qcdo nilttcedt to not gmb to fatten bovagc, fo; tljctang
iflill: tbcpcrfonfaric ataap tail notroniciiuicltlv: tlje av';c is
tut goob o; tabolcfomej n nil tljc otbcc bcntnunbs tabi(t) Vta
tteaftue IjiDDcn in tljc gtoiniD, nnD fo; niutoniancy, To;t^c
Uiijicl)1, it iijgajD.
* -k ED'ji^flgiirc^opiiluimtliieljoufc.tljcrciflaBteafnumbct'
y v otpEotilcadcinbleDbytijctoni.iiinOfinentcfi()citiii0o;lioj!)e '
y- y- nbuutfomeUjcoomq.ojfMncagrttiucntofiJfcueMt flaniflrti
y. a fomc time a gceat luinibet of men of iBattc aflTcmlilcDutio qoi
foj ijonouc.i Dignittc, anD fo: tljc pi^fitiani a no to taben»>
Dicine,tljcmoti)v,i;Ui.i.vctl):t[)e (licnoiotjooD: tyeottieiftmt
0Ooo:tlieiiiiTi3o;to:oloiIlnciietgiucani't()m0 ene|)t itbs
tbmgaoilu.Uetaojciuei'BitljeUiiiglotictlinctttieman .• ««
kiiiff i^all not taup long intbciicaluic: lie flint fljallbetliO'
fen pope,Lungo; CSnipceoue, itJofanoUIeijoufc , ttjeman
batlj not l|i< ljealtlj:tljc man ftjallbe put from tljc Coutt ,bnt
UetljallquidUptetucne ngatne i iftijebinggoelofuatabn
Cpall tjaue flje buto;ieit(je king Inill Doe iuftitc t it is gostto
taltcabopagebgiuatec, fo; pe l^allfafelp cctumeinitbrpeeli
fo;tl)cae;eiti9ineane, fb; it toill taincoftentinue. jnM
tbingotbiBfigucchapetbamcane , but fo; things toutbtni
tije luatcc,o; to make nucci,igc0,fo; tbc lubKb ft is bctg gob.
ifinDingtbiBfigute Viaintbiotcntbboufc , itiogooolt
goetoaiung.fotbetballDoe bim bonouc t iticeooototab
' tbetitbe otlpe is tcucitbe kingo; tbc llo;o louc tbc pctfon tiuo
^ telgtoelldljcitmgnjallnotabiDclongmtltcltcalinc, o;t^
JLo;o in hie Ian do: tbc king in n ot fitlic: tbc petfon (ball iw
tbccbepopc,Ciupciouco;iXing:tbc manQiallnotbcputout
ot tbc dtouctnt ie not gooo fo; tbs king to goe to inarce.ft;^
iballbcinoaungcctobe taken,ojloofctbebirto;ie itljchiitt
tuil Doe no gical iudiccibe that goetlj on a bopagc toil quuhlj
(onieagaint:tbcniecisgooD,Uiititlball laiine uiiiip limei,
Jn all tbc DcmaunDcs tubicb vc mav nmkc m tljie boufc tbii
flguie is iiu etclggooo,but fo; the voap it is bciv 0ood; auocf-
Of theclcucntli hoiirc.andofiJicdcmauiidttcontai-
ncdtherein. Cliap, XI.

1 T IDe eltticntl) [joufe luhidj'-c thifnaiQcnt oftfic

1 alcoftlje&outb? oth«toifetalUDtt)ecooD3nslc,
Batutalt? Doth contoinc all the Deinnuno» Uiljith ma); beniaoe
Dponnfcicito l)c,ojtl)c,tl)attBtofa\;Dponthe thing velour<
anDtDhrteofrouhopctobauc conralatien.atDcanD
toelloftljefncnDhacD bp i!ou.aBbshunbDl)ichiD fartealway.
2 aifotbequefliouBtobicVmaybimftOcbpona fccietc
companion bnto ix>hoiti pegiue cctDit.
3 Jdlfobopnhimbi'U)h«iil'ehope to cccciuc plMfUie
anDfetuice. ■ r,
4 ilnobpontheiFojtMneamanChalHionti . ....
j jSnDouetihemothecnnDhectccarttre , aiittafallthe
tcfafutce, cents nno tcneneines ofthe Ifiing.
: 6 MhethetitbegooDtogoctotheCComt, unDbntothc
fttufceofthclAtng.pois.lErapecQuco; BtcatJLo;De, anoit
7 3fth?totnDlefaithrullojatMpto;toth2c.
8 QOlhethecthc^opethallbegooD.
9 af that thing Vuhichthe bmgo; gccatlLojoihallgiue
bnts thee (hallbe to th? p;oftte ox Dflinuugc.
10 jfthcpjomifcbetcue. . .
11 laihethfc thepeatclhallbe qood miD pkntifuU^o; that,
there (hall be Dearth of bittuali.
it jftheteatefhallbeDxpoxrainic.
13 Mhcthet thou (halt pjofpic al the vcare.
14 !?.nDin tuljatmonthoxfeafenot the pcaw flhallbetho
ttnrtlj ox geoDchcape of things.
if fluDtouchingtijetnciubersofntan,it containeththe
DtmntinDes tohuh nvtv be nniDc bpott thebuttodies ox lego of
man nnothpco; ffihefebethe thingccontaineDinthiBel*'
ncnthhoufe, to hnolu the truth Uthttcof, pouniuttrcarclji bg
nllthe fieures tohith 31 toill hereafter let after each of their fi-
y. y .■ffiintn^ujisfiaiiix Ai]iiilifiointl)ioclciicnt[) Ijoiifc, (jje
y fricnDbgco!) ^itDtnilhc: illjiGaooDalfDfoMjopcant) p;o.
y y miftranoftsniepiligooDnyadQrntrteiiQ, aaD tlji'tcnttput
a in l)im in not two,but rtjall tahc cfTcAtitljcmot^eistfieiAiiifl,
nr.a tlje (omifcUetlcfullof monei^anbttici'njalliiot betob*
bW BtDdUtfj fnrco tpxxt is UicllafV
mtf# Qatl b»4(ept. Jit ail t^atpccauasiteiii t^^onTt
itM tguiciB goob.anBfltpKiiiltFfoiufttcnb.
k A ut(^(ktKnDbutal!t«i»itMmitation;flMliMttttifffpi«pra,lHii
, caUxvbonaubacmo.iUtbuttdio^Dtfptcaranttbenantuem;:
^ k l)ethatrcpiitinti;uttliDiUa0c;tbcIiiiffAtbctb;ttiit«on^<qii»<
wm^a)!btiUanoCo Pj|rtt»>«^wbeairo:tt>c mo t^sc antn^t
ttiu0()diieuoinonep:t(je vtnrclliallbertatfc, aHUpj^fb).
tuncofttiei'mcU^ Jn*# ocmdimM tul)i(b psttu^tc-
miwnwi»itbia()4oi^tt)iBfictOTCtsiU , but feptgetaieant
$ inbiPff tt)« flButtPonun i maior in t&tfl bonfb.tbc fttcn*
Y y
l*tftaD,tr«tfl^m;tbcbo]Kte8900:U)emotb«c aitotbe mini
f)rtuc uuitf) money tobicbdjalnot be lioinc fto ttjtlii: tbctpini
DcrireOfyallroinetong<>ODCnb:f(j?ftfenDlouetb tfjecloEiU
iuitlooctbcemucbpleafureantiferuicc: tbevetcftjaUbcpkn-
tiftillaiiOBOOoauonbounbaittcofdll goob ttjinsj®, mio nt
Dcactbitbcfeituneoftbti'cacctyattbcgooB: tbepetfonibad
baHcfiienci(l)ip UiitfiUinss.iLoiM^Xuttbroutegteatlla&E: 1
it flghttfett) alfo Oignitie anb pjebemmrnte. JLljis fiQute it
beep soab nuopjofttablc To; anv ttjins in tlji* Ijoufe.
CGlljcnrcfinDctbiaiflgtiec Porcunaminorin t\)ia fjonk. ,
tbefticnDiatmatef 'ajilltngto tiop1carui'e,butbcctuantct^
A k
^ * iaf.ictcIjcnceiaoooDitljcinotbetanDliine bo»i«tel» ftojrt
ormouepjnuBbeinWaiiuscctobciobbcD: tbeeuttanceoftljj
king fljalbe gooa .tbe poate toil abounb in goob tljingictbe (b;*
tune of tbe peteiagooo.jnall tbinga tobul; pe ntap beumunt
in tpts Ijoufe tpia flgute iafioob^fpetiollg in ttnngaof lone-
jfir.tiinatljiaficjiireLcrii inttjia&ourc.tljereiflfncKtift k
of ftterton, ana tlj.it men of no (miiilreputation-.tbe fortune of
tijc qiictaut to pooitljcfctcno is a sooD ftn no ano ttuilie :tt)c ^ "
ft:icnotSitin intl;.itlDilHj9tIjt)lcafuteanDt)clpj : the pnctic
£l)nllii»t.UctcctitiicDoft)igt)ope,tljecomt«uioni8(5oeB.I;ouc(t ^
nito fccccto.tlje mottjec ano bins Nub not imi(t) inoner , ano
moftpauttlictcofis ftluct: tliepjonnfe is cooo nuo true;
tyBcnteanrooftbe lunsQ)aUbolibctN fottuneof tt)c pcatG!
tbc ptacc vd ill be plcntirutl of all ftuttes ano soao tiiinsa, n no
ttjiiNufetljtflfisuteicgooo. y ^
SCtoflOUceTiiltiattitljisNMfctfltllfoitttiTeto tttennc- \k k
untitbe furno to ill,a q^irteUer^anO a man of an ill iiuuoc to^
Waco bis fcitno>tl)» ivwulfe ftall take no effect, tN tjope iVall *^
beta baincitbccompiimoiufl no Wife mon: tbepeace toilllce
botcttt.mtD bidualfl oeaw.tlJt flutntte of IN peotoill. Ktjis
fisme is illfnall fye Dcmaunoeo of tbU Nufe.but fo; inuocn*
tion of inukto fpinto ano tbinso of j^tfcomancie.
jfinoins tljia fisute PimIU in tbis bonfe it fisnifietb tbetn>
ofaeooOtutUtobclpcbimintbatbc requtfifttbtobiopoboet:
»b«tbinspebopetobauetoilltake effect»tbeftienouilncbuj
fuxebeiucissoooano fttcn01p,anD ia in bealtbitbe entcance
tlje peace (ball be 9000 tbe peace flballbefcuitfull.anD abouno
inall gooD tbinse.at an inoifificcnt pjicc: i n all tbinga to b tcfj
pemapocmauno in tbtobau^tbiafisuteta sooo , cfptciallp
foitbelouc ofHaDic0>anotobein tijcicfmiottc.
iftiiQiug tbis figure Puer in ttji* boufc, tbe fricnO 10 gooo, 'K
anbreaop tobacplcafucc.atto cfpeciallp bntotbe teQulotet:p
pwmfBttiillnotbcltcptiitto goon toapplptoanpSl'ctcojbo» * "
cation-.tbc foitunc of tbe quocout is meane-.tbe peace (bull bee
rcatfe,nnQ Brpetiallp of mine, in all (be ecnmttnoo tobicb v«
toapp^opounointbii boufctbiafiSttcctoineatie, but fbi tbe
loueofaL.toi'.VoJtljc tulpcb it is beep gooO. > t
Hbfafiguceilubeutintbiobonfe, tbeqnecant(ballbaue
illfo^uiiettbecompaniononotbefrienObeibanbbptbemtoil •
come * *■
1^2 'The fecond'Booke
tome (tdfc.fo ttjnf Hood Uiillbe fpilt on tljc one floe o; on (I)n
otbcc :tl)ci)oj>cfl;altahcnoKfrc(t: tljccntranfcoftbt'liinglc
ill*, it lljnIIUcaDcateveatcrtbcniotbcc nnuhingbelotucof
inone)>)0; if tbeg tjauc ang^it is in Duunset to be aotne<3hi al
tbniflfl lubttb l'e inov Dcmauno in tljiD boufc tljis flguto (• ill,
but t o let one blceoc (fjat is (ul(C,fo<i luljiib it is good.
ifinDiiiB tljis Jpiflure Albui intyis Ijourc,it is goon fojtunc
fo; tbequccant: tt)cfcienDisgooDanDtcu(tie>9 loilaiDegon
tobispoluecianDrotoilUbetompanion: tlje entrarueort&e
' * binBtballbcbcriecooD:tbemotl'iecthingbaiic fto;eefnu-
' ncg.ano Ojallbot be robbeD: tljc pjomife (tmll bee bept;!!)««
Y v
3ii all tljc qucttionsUibitlj gou mag mnhe inttiis Ijouf;, tbis
fiQiitc isBooo.aiiDafpctiallg fo^a ftieno, f to feno tlbilD^en
to ftljoole.anD to Ijgje fecuants.
EijisflsiKc Coniunftio in tbts clcueiitl) bonfe^tisbnt a
* * meane fouane to tbc quetant: it is berie goiD in tbings mec-
ciiiiall: tljc fiicno is nj Diireinblet,but fute« trnDie'.ttjeljsps
isGOODitbctbinssloQiballbcefBunQintljc tno: ttjetcmpa.
'f nion is poDifaitfynilUano fnce.tljc entcance oftije Sing (ball
be QOD.tlje bins t niotljcc ace mcetlg nionvcDisnine toil come
bg labom: tljc foidmc of tljc gecc (Ijall be cooD.noDcacttj ttjis*
gcace.voii lljall tj.iue letters from goucfcicnD: gooo to fcnD
vi^ljilncn to fluoiciincctlg to Ijiccjberunnts.Jnaltlje things
loljiclj gc mag Deinaimo in tljis (joufc ttjis bQuce is good.
3f moina tljis ByiKC Caput dracami in tljif tjoufe, it is gcaD
■a a foJiunefcHljequccant, tljc fo^turK!oftlje ttjina aeiiiauiiDcD
y ft; a 11 lie gonD.but it toill be paine anD trauaitc to obtnine it-tbe
' pjomilcloilltaltcclfrct.biitnotloitljout labouc: tbefiicnD*
a rouipaiiion bee good anD logall: tl/c entrance of tlje Iting (ball
L<egooD,tbenjotlject tl)eti)ingljaucmDdjtr.or.eg,aiiDfljalnst
faeciobbeD tljcrrof: tljefojtuncoftljc genre lljallbcgooD.anD
biittiaKesHjallnof bcDtarc. Junll tljinga tuljicljremagDe*
nmunDititljioljourc tljisftguteisgooDjcrpetiallg in twinges
a oftlje Cljnrclj.
a ^tjisffQnreCauJadraconisintijts fjonfe flgniflcfl) ill
y fo;tuns to; tlje qucrantdijc fcicnD is nnngbtdije fojtun of tljc
* Y
Iscpt, tljeroiupiinion <anot fe«8t:tljcentraiKtofti)eliU!ig
tl)all not be cooD,takings ano niotljctsmoncpi^ilbcaoine,
t^fo;tiineoftljc^facca;(ill)itll,noc«cc ^cacc.ffi'jucisjiio-
fottt;c{ioucofLaDieaaH9flce'VDo;tt0ifo)tbcU)l;icijit bbo-
SbidflsuceCareerintbtscleucntljtjourc, ftflnifirtb (t)c
fo}tunC8ftt)ctiiiei'nuttobtineane> nnoalfoaBounicein all y
tljiiig<o i tbefciBnu an o companion is raitbrullnnarrccctttlie y y
fncnoanDinotbctbaneinucbmoncp, buttijephcepeitclorc i
tijetbmijDeOreoiogooD.butitflbaltUC longintabtng rffcct:
it 10 notgootifo) ttjoUing to nwttebiscntcnncc: ttjc vcarc
tob'^semapuiaheut tbiBbou^t^fipecDoot!) bcioHcn
becte nine!) ttauaile.
finoinstbisfiguw Populujin tfjid Ipufe.lt figniflctl) ina< *k 'kk
npftienoesittiefoniineeftlicquccantlbaUbcgooD, anotlje
iffueoftbettiinBOrmaunoeOi tljcfncnDlttie tompanionbet; k 'k
goob ano faittjfull; ttje entrance of tbetoingtljall be 3000,tlje 'v
p.ioniifeiueane:tbemotI)ccaniitt)eBingt)aue inucbinoncp:
ttjefojtuneoftfjeyeaceia gooo, tljcpcaie (ilcntirullofaU
tbingesanocooocbcapc. snaUttjinQCObcinaunDebtntiiid
boufetljicflguccio qooq.
CeJtljctu'ofiiiDctljia flgnrcVi.iiutljitst)3"^* itfigninrtl)
iogamon8fnciioc3,an0tt)iittt)cro.itmic oftlje quccant UjaU
be(jooo itbctbiuBDcfttebfljaUtaUccffert.tbeiJdoiinfc nj.illUc
CooDaiiBhcpt.tbc fcieiw nub companion be faitljfull.mo gmo: '
tljcce be Icttcca on tbe UW '• the cntiancc of tlje (ting tljall L'«
iopfull. ID!)iofigiicc 10goou in all ttjingco tut)icj) )?ce can be

Of the Civdfe lioufe,ami of the clcin.ui rules com.li-

ned therein. Clup. 12.

1 T^isttoclftbfjonfccnllflD tlje ifnonnt fiomtljc flnglc

1 oftycJ&out^otjjecbaifccalico tbccuill^pititc, cone
vnllPirtw^u^OMUpttjcngwieratloiiofrfje auefflDM mm ■
OemnunDcsUrfjicljmafLcpjopouitOco ttpona pjtfun, mitt of
tljc oauhciiclTc fJ)ccof,nnD nlfo oftl)«}«tfi3tiec ttjcdn betrtincO#
2 MoUpontfyetetoUtiontfupKfoHjmiaoffytdlMTHma-
tiono nno inotmiingB.
^ ^iroPponaniiicu«nblefitfeneffc>a«<l>clLcp)Ofte , fljt
0oUitc,tljcpniilOe1t[)ciD^opfie,anD0i:cefc oftljcf^ps, aw
4 llpontfje (luetltBna aiiOtjetnauniwUjIjidjronp bemaoe
byonatraitoiit:,iireaianf«;ano attctfof snlioure.anb bpon
fmncsnno a plate tufjccett Umo tonunittoG anG Done.
$ illfo Upon ap:im«enemie tatljcttfyen Upponnn op en
6 ^tiDnlfoUponsuatlSeaQeo.BB^cei^CaninielOjDK'
moonu'cfi Clcptjante Uponc iSeatce > tCSiolucs, LcopatDf,
iOc.irto JDjagonD.fewptntB.lpojreffWpoka.SlircB, litiDall
otljci^caftco tlj.it bencc nno be tiODen Upon.
7 e!afjetljtttt?ep;<tonn:tbnl crpastfiutofioifoti , wiD
tt CSirbetliccljcnjotlbecatttcetfbefaptruff).
- 9 HfttjcpattietynllbelAio inpjifotv* bo^otb^^^nll be
to a fit be (Toeb to blip gteat iBenltea, m ©w o;
11 ci;i!)ctl)cctl)cip('?l'cI1j.iIlbccooDmtoquu1tct)ppoBtti«
tpm EC.
i: illfo if tljc pecfcn be nbbto pap \ji« Deb t*.
13 Ctlbetbcttictljallbepoojetjecriwttcc,
>4 3f tbei'clcanpffitaitojt;liitbe!)otifc,oflpf)'rtfoHDttt<
iJil betljct a pcEfon rtjall be batiifljcD ft omlji« Counttp
o; otljctUtife.
if! tXlljctljeEatnmutmpbolDlpgot berojeljioenrntlcto
biiljo:fc btniiuttboutRiipDauncjecianD trljetbctamwifljall
beaf[a[Don;iotiitnur«,niiD(jftl)Bfchibtcl)Doc aiDctljem.
y ^ tabenvctiinoetljionsut'cAquifitiointt)i3tiuelfct)oufe>
y it figiiifictljtljattljepnroiicenjaUnotEomcoutofpjiron, nND
k a bctbillbcficke.anobciitgsranuneDDtallconftlfctljetiutb'*
of (jeomancy. 1^.5
ttijpctfo*(l)al[ be put tn pjironiit is not gMti to beQotoe an?
ttHttgin (jreat beaftait^e boife feneityct quUbc no; rnnfl.anD
aDefeafeln t)ti ^e<iO;tbef)o;re o; otfjec tying loll toil! not
tetmiu nis<itne:t^e tnan VdIII not pa? trig oebtes, tiee (bait bee
poo;c:t Ijcreate no trattoJg in tt)e f)oure:tbcpecron (ball be ba<
ndbrt ano o;(uen out oft be Countcprifa nun goe toenroun^
te[|)ioentni(ebe(ball!HiuetbetBo;(t. HnalltbeDemannicia
luljitb pe map nuhc of tbe tbmgo toucbing tbia boufe, tlrii B-
gittc u (u,foj it dgniflctb paine <mo teauel (oitbont p;ofl t ,anO
tbatrucbteanellOballretucneto loffe taiitb fiteat binbmme
S^ia flgote Amiflio intbiobenfe, tbeptffoner (ball not *
totneoutorp(rifon,butlb«llbe(IchejanDtonreffcattutbbe(ng +
etamint0, tbe ntan ftjal be maDeprironetrit it not gioo to blip *
bojreo.butifanpbebougbttbepfljaUbettDift, tbebo^reloS -k
^aU not be founo againe; tbe petfon (ball pap bio bebta, not-
toitbttanoinabelball bepoowitbtcebe tcalto;0 in tbe bouft:
tbeman (ball be ronoenmeDitoblpiieo anbto^nenteb* belbal
bebanifbeo ont of bm Counttpnt ignot gootogoe in tbefate
oftbeenemp tobarotebitn,fo;irbe ooe.belballbetbeloofet,
fbitbe enenip (ball banegteataioe. VLfyi*SguceiisUlinaU
tbeOemaunieB oftbif benre>
jFinDingtbiBfigureFortunanuiorintbtBbenretbepjiro- .k
nee (ball be oeliuereo flN>mp;iron,ano (ball not be debt tbere- ..
in:tbcpetrond)allbaue no feate : tbe enemp(ballbeouet-
(otne;bp trauell tbete (ball be tnucb gaine tbe prifonct (ball ^
notbeinquedion^bepecrontballnotbeputin p;iron; itif
gooo to bup twfeo, tbe bo;re (ball be gooo and tunne Uiellitbe
bo;re loft tofll cetucne agafne^bc petfon pap bis Debts , bee
(ball be ricb .be (ball not be puniibeoibe (ball not be cbafeb out
of bis Countcp, it ie gooo to goc to fet bpon tbe enemp ,fo; be
(ball gaine mncb tbeccbpitbe enemp (ball baue no aloe oHuc
eciic.' SEbigfiguteiogooo fojonp (ElueQionp;opounocoin
!Cbi5fig(i[cFortiinaniiiio(intbi0tbDelftbbonre,tbep;iro« ^
uccnjallcffiqjcoiitofprifoit.tbepccfonlball bane mutblode '
in mating luitb b'0 cnemp>tbe pecfon (ball not be maoe p;ifo» y
nee -a
utcuttiSflooDtoburbeartii.fo; tljcte Hjillbcpiofttcinrcllinj
ttjcmaBainc.tijcboifcClj^lbcfiooo , (unftnii&minble; tbt
t)o;re anunsQ otljec ttjingoloft rtialiretume be b'mreUei tbt
inaiityallle cicb ant) not ttoubleQ , tbemanfljallpapj^i
Dcbtco.ttje man Qjall not lebaniOjcDout oftjis Counter •• t^e
(ncme(l;altnotl)auo fuuoui°o;aiDeof«uiepet:ron. Cbul'
Cnve is qooo in all tlic ocmaunoes oftbts boufctbut to obtaine
nwiltccnjip o; toatteno bponan otbec it is not goo#.
jfinomg tbis ftgucc Lentia intbis boure.tljepnfanetlbaU
' notbclonginpiifoniitisnotgooDtoaHaulttberuemp, fo;
' * tbeccbiWjcfyalUjaMcinojcloircftjinp.ioftte: tlje pccfontball
y Y
notbcp;trpnec:itist)ccegqobtobuebea(ts% rojtbccetniball
IcnuicbQamc. toblVcafcmant, nnototill tbcfiiroimoiti#
bcticgooeitbeljo^epctooulobupis betvflcoDoffoote; t^c
niantballpapbicocbts.tljcpetfonrtiallbetltb : tbecneme
fballbaucnoaioc, JLbtw.isnotljinafoilulJubPc inaetnalu
bcinaunot in tbis boufe but tbis figure is gooO tberein.
■t- x- sCbisfigureTtinktiaintbisbourcbgnifictbagrcatnnm-
* * berorencmirsmigbtieanbttrongjtbcrcibalibegreatbeaat-
* * neirefo^tbelotreofa recitant,anDorb;a(ts,anoro;longiseo
'■ pinginp^ifonano torment ttjereof. ffljis figurcis ben' illfoj
nlltbeocmaunorsoftljisbourc Ttiuing fo; j^igconiantieano
i: if inicing tbis figure Puella in tljis tUiclftf; boufc, it Ggnifi'
■>: y ctb p;ofite ano cotniuoDitie bp traucll, lode to; enemies, be«
a cauretbe;>baucoftcnt>eDCSoD:tbebo}rclvbi(b£e Uiouiobu;
a Ibnllbcfaiie: ittsgooD tobupcattell. EbisfpguceisgooDin
nil tbcDciiMiintis lufjub eeuiap Drmaiiuo in tljis Ijoufc.
> if momg tljis fygiuc Pucr in tljis boufc,it figiufpctbanger
a nno inoiguation againft great pnnrcs anb Lotocs , auB
v . ngamlt men of mac luitljoiit am.' occnfion. alfo anger agnintt
. ijis ovimfiiiiiD:tl)fpnfciififi)alljcinnnaclcDmp;ifou,lH)tljee
njalltomcfoitbafter tljataftljc cigljtanDfirt Ijoufciidbtoit'
fent'.it is gooo to buv a Ijoifcut isgooo to goeintlje fateoftbe
tnenir.ll'bia fpgur c is b trp goob fo; anp tljuig lobicb I'f "'"f
beinaunbein tljia Ijoufe.
Efljio frguix Rubcm in tijis boufc figMifietlj pouertic aim
V "k
OtfolatfomiiftraurtgrCounttieo,luitfjfctueencinieo , tlje
pccfoiininllOciucnuufijwincmiDfmalpiofittinallbiflCoingo. ^ k
jajiBfpeiucpjgHoaicatrtljanilUtrucofollttjcDcjnauuijcuot' ,
SEIjiBfygutcAlbuiintljwijoufeCBmfletlj^ojtaclinc- i ^
caiue out of p;iron t it to not gooD to ineDDletoitl; ttje enenuet A .A
tttfpctfonfbnilnotticpjifonct > itio tetpgoootolupgreat .A
ljwttBifo?tl)»teoftoillattfemu(t)gaine : it iogooo to labour A ^
tbieattt)ianotebni>l)n;itage0>anB<ot)p;e a fecnant : tijc
4)o;fe tobictj pe Vnouio bup t^atlbe gooo ano finift.tlje bojfc o;
otbcc ttjing loft tuill not rcturne ngainc; tfjc man cnnnet pat}
ijiiOcbta : itis gooDDo goetobanilHi(1)anDouccronictl)c
wieimr.tyeman (ballbe titb ant (ball notbetojmenteD. 311
alltbe tbinga lubirb ^cc may oeniaur.DeintbtBbouretbto
feguteis goon.
ifinDingtbierpgHrtConiunftiointbtsbourc. tbccont' ^ +
ptmieebeill:tbrtbinglofttnillbefounDagaine:tobu?beaft0 .k
itiameanctanDfolsittobuplanDsanobaiitagea, ano toIa» A
bouctbeeartb. CbisfpguceiameaneinalltbB timannbeo ■A .k
oftbieboufe, but fojnulancbolincflc, bccaufe of compa-
jf inoing tbia fygute Cap at D raconis in tbic bourc.ftgni-
fittb Dcliticrnnce of tbe p;ifoner,anti gooo tune to goe to Deface
fbeencmyi'bcpctfon ye tbinbe fot fljallnot goe to p;iron:it is
gooo to till tbc eartb, bupbentages anorattcll.fo; tbcccoflljal
gatue enfuc:it is gooo to retainrn fcmantaijc Ijo jfc lubirlj yc
IdouId bur is gooo ano runnctb luell 1 tlir ljo?fe oj 01 beet fjing
Ucape^ataarUnllbefounDitbentan (ball pap bis Debts » bee
Hjallbericbiuitljoutany trouble ; tbc cncuiy fljallljmtcno
«ce. Jn nil tbc tljings toljicb yt«' canocmaunoc in tbis bo»fc»
tbisfveure is gooo, crccpt foj fy^cUJojhcOjfortbeU'ljicbit
IS notIjing gooD.
jFinoing ibis fvguccCatidadraconis in tbis bou''s » f'!?1"'
fictbiobolocapjifonceiitisgoooto goe tomcDOleluitbtiie a
ciic:ny:ljetI)atUicooubtoffljaUbc mitinpufouutis noitb ^
notljiiigritljei tslniycattcl laboucy cai tbiOj tovctatticfre- a
iiantSitbcljoifetbatyelDOu'iObiiytanot gcoo, butbeanyiu a
l)i0!iinmf0:t()cf[iin3!oaiuillnotbcfounDiiB«tne, t^emm
batfi no minoe to pnp \)ia oebt0> Ijc (0 in oaungctf0 be pooje,
anD to banc mutlj aboe in I)i0 life tune, ttjecrifmiet^allbe
fuccoutfO, jfo;nlti)fDeuwunoc0to!)tc!)5cniapin«kcint()i0
Ijoufc tbioftijuteiaill.
foitunefo.J tfjepjifonec.o.j totjitn toljiiljbioulo allaultbise>
nemictooueccoiuc biur.tbefwctont^albt tab enpnionn:,bint
be fljall not bioc tongtbecein: tautbingbupingotsSeaClea, (
tilling of eactb>ano mallotbecbettiauttbeo in tbi0 bonTt tbil
figure Ijatlj a nieane.
ILljio figucc Populus in tbu boure,tbep;ifonec batb nun?
tisemica Uiljitb iBiUftefiebiBOeatb.oJbaucbiiJitobc
fiapo;ta(sepoup;iraner>iti0 gmo tobupegreatbeattea ant
bo^feOjtbfi man cannot pap bis bebt0,be is in oaunger to re>
ceiucoifplcafu«ofbi0<c#oito(i0bp b>simp;ironuient, jfa
allotbecquettionflano oeniaunoestubicb pet map mabe (n
tbia boutetbis figure ioilUanO (ignifpetb altPaiesatTeuibliei
of peouleao ooc foine barutc operation.
if inDing tbio fignrc Via in tljio boutcat fignifictb beliue*
tanccoutorp;iron,toitboutincurmigilloj Oifplrafiue.-itii
goooto goe to alTault tbe encmic: it 10 gooD to bup Cat tell t
bccitagcs. Pea, anDinaUotbertbingestubicbPeemai' Dt*
niaunb in tljis boufe tbis flsurc ic fmgulacgooo.
An adiicrti'cincntof the contents ofthcJioufcs of the
fetonil Booke.

\ /jjotbuapcebmicfbeJfigiuraluitbtbeic figniftcntioni
i^bi? tbctlDelncboufc0>tbciu!)if!)ifPcct)ocioc" cnooili-
gentlp beboloe ano cranimc.you in.iv nlfo iuogc tuell alltbe
qucltioiiP niibDcmaimDcaoftliiBilL'tcofecomaiup.onbcf
imto.tliatvcmaptbccaficiattaincano comebnto, 5baue
(traineomprclfeaamucbas Jean,anoinoicampler tljen a-
up Dortour,be be HkbieUic CbalDcaiij^ivIt,Arabian,liatiu,
o;Cgiptian,toUi;itcout tbciuoitttuc, ccttaiue,fliiDappto/
tuo DgmfitahonB. j| toill ttctoc t^cm bntoroa tjenxaftet in
ttic tljite boohc.ttje ifttHi coe bnoecttimo , ^ou (^oil
lilicloife tonDctUanB (^e ano ttic ft conD.j

The Prologue of the third flookc.

I Am afFraideVo fcee ifceiifed of great ptcfumpt ion and

ralhnclTcjfor that I fiauc ioyncd Gcomancic wich A-
i}rologic(athingwhichfcyv men bsforc mc haucdonc
orentcrpnfcdjlotthcdifficultvatid high vndcrdaading
which is in the iiidc Aif roiogw)wcrc it no t for the aflii-
rancc which Ircpol'eoft|icgoodrfpritcs vncowhorac
this my Boolcfimayiomc.who (a^I (hppofc) lhall not
fmdethisconiun&io tifthefe tw0^1:(cnccs,ftrangcvn-
to hint) yv^ich will giuchit 0vdie ditxeuqdo, as well fine
the vic^itiaijndalV^c whichThcys/iauc together, (at
I haue declared in myhrU bookc)as alfo fof tncpadime
and recreation which is taken by (his Arte, to exerciTe
them (clues i n th inges high and witde. I haue therefore
according to my (mail vndctrtandingjb wcltbound &
conioyncd the (hid two Sciences incachof thefc three
bookesjthat he which dothnot well vndcr/land thcfirfl
(hall not cafily attainc vnto the vnderffcmdingofthc fc-
(ccond ficofthc third, ncithcrofthc third which vndet-
itaiidctliiioniic(ccond,ncithciofthe fecod whichvn-
detflandeth notclicthitd. Wherefore Idcfircthc Rca-
dcrofthis workc totakc thepaincs to vndcrflandjthc
two firll Books for the cafieropening of the tliird book
which (lull trcatcfimply ofthcmanncttoiiulgc the (i-
gurcs with many of the cjucftion; already iudged.


A bticfc deduction, of the accord and fignili-

c*tioQ which the fixctccnc hgutct hauc by the
. . rtdtyltauftL

$ tty* II sure nameb A^uifi tio.oott in nttmit

tinrtpatTc ftom tti'elitttloure Into tjc fewtio,
tnt»tl)eiartj't»()ert AquifitMi ,if jfiipif-
fprtbtoptneaettintff, anticlM(()mg appa'
cell » (d B5t honour, aubtonuttcftntnean#
proStiiialltcu^o? fiDJtauc ant) fcertue* ano
lUitb pioplcofliliccomvttoit.
i[ft()atftoint!)cfltttfl)CCOf iiitotljctfjiio, it fignifpett) to
t)atic fjoneut.fop .mo pjoflt oftije htnrfolbts ano fticnos.
Jftbatfl)c gocfiom ttjc Bed totbc fouctlj.it figiuftctlj pwSt
Up t^e fatfjec> anti a goon aiio topftill ens of \)i8 nlfaircO'
. SftbatRjtegoefromtytOrtttottitBft, itfignifpctbiopof
CfjilOicn.tlj^tiato fap,lt)cpH)allUte(jc39,anoof»)onoiic,an3
to banc top aiio plcafut c, to catc ano D;inlie, ano to Uce tucll
Jftbatd^cfloc from tlje (irrt to tbefirt} it BgniBctl) p;oBt
anOgooCltirft fojfccuantcaait) tobtiprmalldattcll.
3f(bcgotntotfjcrrAucntfj> it ftgniSctljtoiiutteacontratt
of cncniioxi.to malic utaitingco, t to get tjonoiuanD tljdoue
of pci'fon0,anDfoiallDciiiamiDC0 it is gooO.
Iftlje goc from tlje flrflt into the cigljtiit RguifYctlj Dcntlj fo)
tfie tfjing octitauitoco.o; fo; tfjc 0ciiwuiiD(;r,aiiDfliTat p;ofit in
• ' (JCjeomancy,
fiufcffionanDljct'itagffl, itisalfo sodOfo;twinges of
3ffljc0ocf(omtl)(ft[(ttotl}enintt). itRcnifictljtoljaae '• 9
iiilBencfltftsaJ offiota.1 it isalCOjQoo&ibj tljepjofitoftlic
C!)il9;entbat¥etooalDputitorcl)oalc,ftut!}C]? ^alltjaucppo-
rjfibopafftftonitKAcfltotbirttntJjtiotirc.itfigrttfiEtijfl^ i. 10
>iiitie,faiiHlini:it;catQunintanceanDp;ofttlBitI)J]iiiip, p;in>
tcj aHOQcentilo^Coi libotoifeforttciuc honour ano oigmtic
bp ttjc mottjec- and alfo profit tn ftttf fffion and (jetitasca. ano
to be b:ecfe,it is good in all tbinso. ,
'3lf(I)cgoefcoiAtbeS(fttotbctleaentb,it(lianiflctbtolmucI*' 11
bonourandp;ofitbpbiflfc(ttiO0,mibag(DDbopcoftbe quct-
ion dcinoundeo.
. ifltftpaff^ftomtbefltttfotbcttodftb.itfisnifietb imp:!-' i. 12
fonmtnt.loffeofbeaflw.nnftto be Qttmemt bp (becr.iQiici
and to be bictfeiit in tit in aUtbinge.
SfpouRndctbidisurcAmilliointjiefirltboufe, andfcoin 1. 2
tbtiKebcfoundintbcGtfondboufe.tBbicbUie talltbe goomg a
fcomoncboufetoanotbecntOgmRetblotreofgoodf) and to y y.
fallintodebate*, quarreUea and.tontentione and futcfo; 1
QOODB. y '
3ffl)cpfltreintotbttbttDboufe,ttflsnifitti)ansetnnocoi!< 1. 5
tentions bctio cent binafolttco and allpea.it if allo ill foj final
JjflbCGOcmtotfjcfonttbbdiff'itfignlfietbangcc bctluccn i. 4
tbe (bild;en andtbc fatbet, nndbetluccnctbe fatbet and tlje
Cbildten^ndbptbatmrantB lolTccfl^etitageo, andtbebe^
ginning and futcin latu tbeoneagainft tbe olber-'anbtbifito'
pulation t alTttnblp oftbt figure is beep ill but fo: letclj ccv
jftbcpnlTcintottcftftboiifc, tbcluonmn luitlKbitdctljall 1, j
bauc dnfrafonablc dcliunante , it ifl'.nlfo ill to catcruto
OjmtiCiano ftgniflctl; anget about bimtulls •
Jflljcpancmtotbetitt.itftoiufvctbanBCtiianinlirciuniits 1. 17
niiD lolfc of tbnu.nni) of fmall cattcll.
BffljcpalTt tljcntc mto i' feauciUljjit fipitjeti) ftti:M,qiiai' 1. 7
rcls atlD Debates tuityftunDsat in alfb ill fa; marsiages, ant i
ngniBetljtoljaueDifpUafurcluitljIjwtoirc > anDtoloofetk i
fute, I
6 3 fflje goc into tlje cigl)t,it fieni'fictf) mojtiitititbpljoafft'
tiece.attDoltecatianoftbebnmtfaneing, lolTe ofgooos of
tljc toomen.n of tbeerumieainD in all tye oemaunota itisill^
9 Sftyepaireintotbenintb , it OgniSetblotrcorrnbttamet
< to be cobbeo b p tbe lxjap:<t is ill fw Aibttomv of tfe C|jnttt),
nnofo.nnen lentnto*
. io grfijcgoeiiuotbetcntf) i itfigmtUtbangftanDmircon.
tcntementt>fiaing8,p;tmefl,«lU);Dcfl>anD of tbe^ea, ant
itisillinal'.tbe onnauiiDee oftbe tcntb bonte.
ii arnjcpaffeintottjeeUntntb, it Cgntttetf) utgtc againlt
biafiieiio v ano to&AueaniUiffueofrbetb%pWfen0«0®j
ia 3f(begoeuttotbctU)rift!»»itBgnilIetbloffe of Cattellif
imp;ifonn»nt.flnD to be it is ill in all tilings.
~ jftbisflgureFortunamjiorbe in tbeflcft boafe» anb
• * [ tbetue lenpe into tt) e reumMtfignifUtb a gceatgainnn gaDi>
' nioueablts.asgolDQUietianOtulibtenailss.
3 3[fn)cpa(rciMtotl)ett|icDl)oufe. itflgni&elbtofiauemutli
rubttancebptbemeanesoftbebinb^b » itisalfogoob To)
4 sritpatrcintotherouctb.itflgnilUtfr tbe fatbectobeot
goob ano goDlp Dirpo&tion: it is alto goob to bap b^citages f
polTclTions nno a gooo ilTucinalltbings.
1 afibcgoeintotbellft.itngitifletbiop, pleaTure, tobeln
goob oioec.luellappointcDanb dotbes, toeateanbbtinbe
loell.anbtobauefetx)e(bilD;en,anbtbep(ballbeofrebiol8ur. >
6 3fit paffcmtotbefiit <tflgnlfletbfloclitie,(n fectiants,
nrib tlj.it tbe ftdtepcrfontballainenoetitis alfogoob fo; finaU
b call to.
IfHiepnireiiitotbefctientb.itisgooofoimatriaffe , aitb
figiiiftctlj tljat tb: cnemte iuillmahepente i fo;tbe at* <
qiiaintaiifcofaLnbeitisiiotgoob , bccaufe tbeic r«tetes
(ballbe Dirdofcb.
3lfitgoetntotbeeigbt, it flgnidetb D(atb> itisillinall
ajyeomancie, 153
ti)iiiQC0,ljiit (0 fjiiic tljcgooDc ofalroman*
jtfijcg.iiri'iiifotljcr.mtli.ttricmfpftljto tontrad an mm-,, 9
ticiuitljCljiHctjo'ieii.nnQmciilencncDjtomatiea tjovngcit
3ifit8ocmtotijf tciitl),itfigmfi?ttl)to^mfilgm(ie lw(|) i- 10
3ifll)egn(Iciittill)Cclciicinli,itfiBnif\'tt|)agcnQt(rue,tpoii i. n
ngoon Ijopc.gooD fcicnoco ano rucco;nb!e«
Jfitgociulo tljctuiclleit ftgnifpcl|) impjifoninent afffjc j, I2
pnnce , nnn tljat Ijic enemif0 (l^all oucc-palTe bim in nuatit
anopoUicr. j,
jjftliiBfigureFortimaminor leintljcfitttljonfc.ttbeiKc .r ~
goc into tlje fecona.foljic!) luc rail gain gfroin one tjoufe to an- .f
olber.itfigmfietliamcaneingaineiXjetDljitljmeblctljlsitl; + k
rcDtbingfcfUiillauiclilploofetljcrcbp. .A A.
jfnjepaircmtotljcttjtcD.itrignifj'etljtopof^ tiUHBfottUB, j .
it is nlfo goob To.: a fyo;t bopagc.ano figmfi ttt) t bat it OiaU be
quicltlp enacDjit 10 nirogoob foifcienties.
^fitpatTciiitotljCfcucttj.itficiiifietljtbatttjc jfattjeciB i> 4
angrit 0; rube)itairofigmfirtb lotTeof tficfute.
3jf (be tonic into t be fift,tt figniftctb to Ijaue uianv cbtlC jen, 1 - 5
ioljic!) (ball be it a of coloucjaiio great iop ana pic aCute to eat
mis onnlicmna to be toftlp nno tucll apparelleo.
Huoit'fljcgocinto tljtfut, itfign.firttigoooto bupfmall i- (T
Cnttcll.itioinmfrcicnt fo; fectuanto , anofigiufrctljttiat
tljcvfijallbe biittieanotuilc.
Jfit patleintottjefeauentljatfignifictfininungevanotbat r. 7
it njall beeUutbttrifct contentiomtficenrmic is Qrongana
mifltjtif.tljcniomnntaluifcut isilliiuareotlouc,fo; it ttjnll
.tffiic 50c mtotljrrtgljt.itfigntfictbacatfj, cna alfoteiilin 1. s
nUtliingB ofcrpntCinB fpagith ana inuocatione,
Jfit pulTc into tijcnintljatfigiufpctblongbovapefltoitt) all 1. 9
pjofpcLttic nno gooa luth,( tlje nniitic of men of tlic Ctiutft)'
' 3ll(l)cgoe into tl)eteiit(),itia gooa nno pjofptroua going to 1. 10
thcfci:iuccofaUing,[D;incc,o;gi:catlLo;D,tl|Ct^ippe on tbe
SDca fTjallcomcrarcaiiDrouno, anotlje oiuncc tfjercoffljall
0)0^ tip bane ncLuco. <
, i, 3[ntpaCrcintot|ieelciuntI;,itriQ;iiif'CtljcooDanOtcuaic
ftienocCjf.uDnaooDciio oftfjetljiiigkiljciclnljope ioput.
i. n 3f djcgoEintottjc ttoclft^itioilliiinlltljinceBbiittobup
if i afpoufinoeRubciism tbcftiftboure-jBUDillfapnootiitt
y. tljinabuttljat lutjicbbefojcjjti.iiietolDcpoii.tljatiatofap^
v v tollotuiitB t'jc opiiuon ofnl tlje BDoao,:c In tljio rtie!itc,be tbep [
a CalDennc.jnoiniiB.l^ebieVurfli^tabvcB.CBiptianeiOipct-
fidiio. mbni tbis ftBiuc is fount) in tbis place,it ougbt not to
beiusgeb, tbc tobicb tbius 3 b>iue altuaies foimc t cue bp
longerpeciciue, b)l;eicfo.tcflt tbistnuc JUnllfapnootbH
tbing, buttbatfycis illnulltljcl)oiife*butintbefttt.
2 afpouftnDctbiaftBiue All,iuin tbeficttboure, anobft
* , * • founBaBainciiitbcfecoiiobaufc.itftBiufpctbgainc anDpjo>
* ' fituitobitctbii'Beo.tDlitiiiBflo! tuttera,o;booftce.
>• 3 SfllbcpaffeiiitotbetbitD.itCiBnifpctbBoobtimcfbjfoetlSi
anb (tins folkeo.anb tbat let tece lljal come fcont new at bans,
i. 4 afit goe iutotbc fouctb.it Otjitifpetb to toiime Ijia fute.itu
alfo goob in tbc Dcmauncco Uibub map be inabe bpon tlje fa-
tbec.fignifpingaatoellin tbcm(asin alotbrca) a gooo aflbt
i> $ affijc pa(rcintotbcSft,itfignifpetbfobiiucinanpcbilo^i
ano tobclite in tubitc doatbcs.to catc auo o;ink, ant) to com*
panp often tinus tmtb leaciieoinen.
>. afitpallcintotbrftcttlicrciuantfibegooonnDtrultic.
i• 7 3lfflje goc into tbc fcauciitb.tbe matciagc latclpc begun Iball
taltecffcrt tolijcgieat contentmentaiiDptofitoftbcpactpeJ, ,
anb tbe cnemie iljalltirmauno peace.
'< S ilnDifitpalfcintofbceigljtiitngnifpctbDcatbbpabotDtf-
cafe of cmimco ano cat bam,it io alfo goon foi ntngiclte.
- 9 jfibcGoeintotbenintb.itftgnifpctljtbnttbclongiourneE
njnllbcgootianDpiofltable^ntjtbattbc letters luljicbcflmc
fromnfaneofFbunggoobncUJes itisnlfogooD foi SPortols
anDrbiucbmcn,5toninltenmitic ano acciuaintance taiitb tbr-
'' IO afitpaaeintotbeteutb.itipgwDtogoetoSungs.pjincefl
ano liojOfl, ano to goe to bt'Qtc l)i« mottjec.
jffitegocintot^cclcuent^itb;tngstt)gooo!uctic,nnoalfo i. u
foi letters tobtcb lljall come on tltcic pact.
^fitpntrciiitotlicttoclftl), itisgosDtolur'ftnmefljnlfo in i. i;
tljifl place it is a toben tobe^clnpjironcr.
- 3ftl)i0fi0utcCa|Hitdr»coimbcintbcficftfjaiifej itbcnce i. 2
afccnDintotltcfeconOitfignifvetligaine nnopjoflt innll *. . .
Jfttpadcintotljc tt)itD,itGgmr\'etbH)chinrolIir8tobc of ^ 3
Boooaimticat ioalfoBuoofoifljo^tboynoes , buttljattljcte
IljalibcronicOoUuulTc Hjccein. ,
Jfnjccoeintotberouctlj.ttrignirrctljcooofojtljcffltljcr.t I, +
tofuccccDe 111 bis Ijccitagc.
jfitpaireintotbefUtitGgnifvctbmanp Cbiloien* tobicb 1' J

fljallbcbnfe nno U)ittic,it(bcU)ct!)alfoa benebnetfe toeatc

3irtbcgocintotbenrtitCgnifpetbgaincantip;ofitinbup- I*
fngof tf nttcll.ano tbat tbc rccunnts be gooo ano lopall.
JfitpalTe intotbcfeaiicntb>itiongooD timcfojmacriage '
nno to; ccconctliation of cnemies.t tbat tbepecfon is ofgesat
ami tic.
3(t(bcgocinto tbeeigbtiitDgnifL'ctb ceatb toitboutcrinc t* 8
oie.anofomctimcin tljis place itfigiufsetbtoUimnc inbeti*
ItitpaireintotbenintbatlTgnifi'ctbgaincanD p;olttbp n 9
longbopagc bv men of tbe Cburcb-
SflbcgocintotbetentbitisgooDtogoetolAings^inces ^ 10
ano tbat tbc bopcfbalnotbeinbaine: nno alfottjc tljingtbat
is DcniauiiDePlballcoinetogcoDeireit.
3ffl)CGocintotbctluelftb)iHig"trvctbtobcmnlicpjtfoncc. I- 12
anDtljcicintobaueinucbbccntien aim tojment,ano in al tbc
ccmauimee ll)cio ill,but fo; to burbot fes-
JftblO bgtlCC Cinch dracoiiis lefouaiit tbcfitft IjOtlfc, tl)C A
tbeGgutcil)onIonotbeiuogeb,butitmu(tbeb;ohcn aim an *
otbctmabtoncbouccaftectbat'.butiffcomtbefrcono boufe -f
GjC "A *
17(5 Tbe third'Boofy
n)egocmtomipoftfjeot[)CE,veiini'tljetcmogett i fsuuigln
tl)Cfouctl) .iutjecc t^cctio noccitatnetuDQementtobcgtnen*
To; tljc malice of tljefatoeUjutCjnnD tfjecefoje at t\)ii time|
loilirn? noinou.
i. ^ jfinomgtljfoflflureLeticiiin tljcfhlllljourc.anbtljenctGa
• * * intotbefeconDjitflgiiiRctb a meotocritie of came hyfoljite
* . . . t^ing0,anD in things of tbeCijurcQ'.
3 Jfitpnlfcintottjctbict), it figniHetlj tlje liincfolfeeotobe
meccpniiDtngooDDifpofttionaiioin IjeaUijofboop.it ie alfo
gooD foi fniall anD fljoU tjopagto.
- 4 3|f!ljC2ocintotljefoiictlj,tl)ecnOofalItl)ing0tbHllbeio?<
full,but flje: p;omife falfc.
- 5 ^fitpalfcintotljcfift.itgooDfojcbilDjcn.aiiDtocnteami
D}inhc,anotoftngmuftche)nnoflBnifietl)n great ligljtromCf<
uclTeof IjMrt.
t* Jffljegoeintotlje firMtiflgooo fo; feniantB , figniflinj
tbattbepl^nllbepjofitablctotljeicmaifterc : inallt^eott)tc
Ijoufce tbn flgureio gooo.but in tbecigbt ano ttoclftb ,fo}(n
Kjt eigljt (be Qgnfflctlj oeatb.mio in tbc ttuclRb loffe ofcattel.
iluo fo; becaufc tljat acrojoing to tbc (Iguiftcationof eel) Ijouft
Hbaucbercbcfoje fufficicntl)' tu;ittcn: vou mnv bptljcCuiM
eafelp tuoge eclj queltio tljat io oriuaubco, 31 loil not bolb p ou
long intbeotljccfiguccslubicb folloUic intoucbing tbeicmu-
tationat concojoaiucsibutonclppnlfeouer tbem generallp'
^ k abioflguteTriditiafoiitiOiiitbcHrlfuino tbeurc gcein'
y v to tbefecono,it QgniRctb final profit but intbings of tbecartli1
¥ y a0bme0,incDo\ut0,U)CD3c3)iiiiDlauDs callable, inalltljio
y tberboufco tbiflflgucc ioill , butintljc fouctlj ano eigfjt
UiljetebotbiutbconemiOtbeotljcc , itisgooD tobiifbcn' >
tagefl , ano licraufc | bnuelaigelp oeclaico bcic before , 1
lutllno\u fap notbingnioicattbis time.
x SftbiofigurePiidlagocfcoiiitbcfkltboufctotbefcconSit
fignifirtbgaincbp'ujonicn.an'Jbplubitetbingo, inalltbefl' |
tliceboufealubeietbi#figurepalfctb.lljciegooD.efpcciallpin >
tbeboufciubcicdjeOgniBetbiovfulncireibutintbc cigbt(I)e j
(ignifictbtieatb,ant)intbetUiclftbiuip;ironiueiit. |
aftbis figure Piicr,pa(retbftc:ntl)e fitrt to tbcfecon6>t(l< ;
gnitictl) fma'l gain, but m tTjings offnarce.iitallotljectioures
ttjifl flfliicc 10 iiicane,but in tljecigljt auo tfcuclftlj.fljc is ill.
fCtjiBflgiucConiiin^iogoinaftomtbcfufttotljefccouB* * *
itfignifictl) giiincbpljeottaant) iniittings, innllotljctljoiifcs *-
ttjifl figure 10 inoiffctent.ljut in tljcfruentljtoljflcc Itia gooti
k K
fo; niacriagc.anD in tlje nintlj to {int rcljolei'o to ftuBiej ano in
tljeeigtjt itisill.fo.ut altoaies fignifictl) CCatlj , anomtbe
ttBflftb it is ncitljct gooQ noabao.
SnbiBftguie Career patfingftomf'ficC into tlje (econo it io *
gainrfBlltobiiplnnBacartabjCjinaUtljeotljci: boufesUibcrc >
nfinojljcr.ve(balliuogeljee00peooetljeottjetB, tbatioto * +
fapaiccojningtotljefignificotionoftbcboufe , inljcrefljei0» ^
fltio tberefo;e attljiaiune Jteilirpeataenoinojctbeveof.
EbiofigurcPopuliupaffingftfi tljefica boufe to {>fefonO, k +
itfignifietbgaincanDpioflte in toljttetljingf jiinBtnlanoco ^ >
VBl)icl)l?cbptbtta)atei'»anDiffl)cpaircintottictt)iro,itisgtoD ^ ^
tomabetoopagcbptoatecjitQgniHgtbDcntbititbceigbtanD ^ ^
in t^e nintb.ano in tlje ttoelftl) 10 be taben pjifontc. 5 n all tbe
otljcr boutes iufige nccojoing to tbeicfigniflcatlonS'
S^bis figure Via goingfromtbeficft totbcreconOiitDgni'
fletb fmall gainenfitpalTeinto tbe tbiro it is gmofo; fl)Ojt po< A
Wgcsnn all tlje otber boufes tbis figure is ill, but in tbc nintb
anotcntbiVubcrctbcis beep gooo, m tljeeigljt ibcftgniilrtl) A
Deatb.nnD piifonmcnt in tbe ttticlftb*
Cabcnrocnccve finDctbcfitft boufes topntTconcinto nn-
otljcc.ron^aliuDgeaccoJOingtotljc ngniftcationoftbcljonfe
luberc tber padc.as 31 bnue in tbc beginning tolo pon at large
ano noiu in tbc cno ino;o bJicfcUMbc tuhicb things to tlje cno
pc map tbc better biiDcrftonoe tljcin. 31 lutll (ct pan an craple
of a flgurc lulitclj inp HoJO of lay s comniannoco me to malic,
tolmoU) luljctbce tlje jfcencblitng Jrraiuistbcfiiltoftljat
lunne,ano tlje Cmperonc Cbarlesof^udricbc > V fift oftljat
nainc,(boulDrpeaHetogctbcc:U)bicbflgurcbcingniat]c, ano
bp fortune Aquiiitio being in $ ftrtt bonfe.lncnt itraigbt into
$ fcauentb.Uiljicb is tbe boufe of Lyings ? Cmprioncclulnclj
Inastljccanfctljat J Qraigljtiunpiuogeo that tbc Cmpccom:
fboulb fpcahe Voitb tlje Wing, ano fo lihcwifc fljallpeumgc of
X 3 tbc
tlje fcconti irit paCTciiUo Mje tljicD, to bnotoe (no by tuny of ct-
tljc fiibitntuc (l)nll come into tljc tjnnOcc of tl;c kinofollico of
l;im luljub mnoo tic rjnctfion ncco;Ding to tttc rontcnt of ttie
bcmauiiD.anoin tlje fiBii funtionoftbc boufc Uiljcic tljefnys
ftguce is: if tljc fcconD yniTt into tljc tbito ft ft, o; firt > b; into
miy oftljcotljecfollolding , yon:U;allatfoiudqcaccofOingto
tijcfigmfifn'ionoftbcboufctobrccit is : tljc lilictballycoo
by tijctbicoifityalTcintotljcfouitboiintonnpotljcc, bnto
tljc r lyclftb.fo lljnll yc oocby tljcfouttb if it ynlTe into tljcfift,
oy into any of tljc otljccljoufeofolIoluingimiDrortlltbcottjetB
tnonmjnoio aiojefiiiDc.ritcojDmgtotljc fignifirationaoftljt
Ijoufcsluljcre tljcyfioe, nnDaccojoingto tljcgooD ojillofttie
fniocfiaiicto Hno yemntlnotetijnttljeyneucc yalTebutone
time to (fay tljc inDgciiientlaltl)oiigtj t|jat afiguc fojinco (jmie
many ofoncfoit.nnDnllnliUe.UJljetcorjlUnllfpcahemojc at
large Ijcceaftei: in Declaringttic (Twiiplc t^at 3 Uiill fet.
Of the gcotl orillhoufc tancl wliidi they bee,wh(rc
the figures he in thcirplacei Cha[>. 2. '
TtJcgooOljourco.tobcbjicfe.nrctljeflttl ffftdentljanDe-
Icucntlj: tljcnicniicljonfcobetljcfccono.tljiit) , fouctl)
niiDnmtlj rtljeciullljoufcobetljcfirt, frucntlj j eight fin
tboelftlj Ijoufco.
The lionfcs wherein the figures be found
to be good.

A qui iin'o is rtooo foj pjofitc.nnD atnongll all otfjer fignrca

it is gooo in tljc fii If/econo.anD tenth houfc*
in tljceigljt lioufc nnD t'fiy ill in the fcconD.
for tun a n mici r 13 gocDfoj gaiucui tljings tuhcrcA yccfon
hath hope to loinnc , nnDtljerefojeitisbcry gooointljcflftj
l onuiu miner is goooin any affaires, Uiljcteinnpctfcn
o) Cjemmc'w. 159
looulD soc quitlielv, miu is itjcvefoje tccv good m tljc fccoiiD
Ijoufc.niiDiUiiitticcigljt IjoiiTr.
Lctitiaia QOOQfojiov, as U^ell p;efcnt >18 to ionic, miD foi
tfj.U caurcis foiuiD good almott in all tl)Cljonrca,anD ipcnallj;
in ttjcfiftmuo ill in tljc fict eistt) uno tuuclftl) ijoufcs.
Trillitiaisalicci.MllftQiiccin all tlje Ijonfcs , but inflie
figljt anQtboelfttj Ijoufcs, loljetctljc is qocd : ar.b meant m tlje
fltif ana fccono ijoufefl.
Albus is good foi ainan VpI;ic1) Ijopetb to IjaucGaine o) p:o-
fifcin ant?tijingeanD alfotofyaue cntiic tnancplace, raiD in
t|)is cefpert is rounc GOoDinttjcfttftano foiatljljourcs.
llubcusisillinnllgooDtljiiigo, a no gooo mall ill tljnigs,
aitDnianp timts fianifictt) ocatl),ttft is ntttce founo in tljc flirt
(joule to make a iuDgcmcnt as is tolO pou Ut t'oje -• tljc io ill in
tlicrecononouttlj.reucntljanotcntlj ijourrs>anDalmortinnll
Pucllaisbecpgoopinalltbiuostljat pemap DcmaunDe,
anDcfpeciallpintljings ofUJOiucn^iiDtbciabccp oooaintljc
PiK/isbecpillinflllttjequcRionsnnDDcmaunDcs boljidj
mapbemaDcinalltljeljoiifcs .fauingin tljc fccoiiD, anDflttc
Career is nil stice likctuifc ill in all tljc botifcs , nnoerpc-
ciallp in tljc fivt.cigljt.rcucnttj anD tpjcll'tljljoufcs, nnDfioni^
ConinnaioisgooDVsitljgooD,nnDilUuitljill, anD rigni'
fictballuaicDacccoiicvmcntanorertitiitionof ttjings fcat-
ticDoilott.anDftjcis founOGOoDlntljc fcucntlj, nintljanD
tentljljoiil'csjanDillititljccigljt.anDfiGniftetljDeatlj, anD in
Capm Draconis is qood U)itlj gooD .ano ill Uiiiij ill. ano is
Good in tljc (cucntlj anD CcconD.ljmirrs anDrtjciuctlj t o Ijauc a
gooo itTuc in tljc tljinso Uiljcic a man jjop'tlj to Ijauc gainr.
Caudadraconisisbety GOODluitljtljcill, anD bete ilivaitlj
ttjcgooDpninattciofloircrtjcisgooD , anotopaircoiitofnn
nffaiccirtjcio fomiD gooDtn tijc fomtlj.fict, nintlj anDtluclftlj
ijoiifcs.nnD ill in tljc fcconD: pe muft note tljat in tljc nintlj lljc
1*0 |
iflgooDfolcainc&nfiifc.flRttlUoiourncwj ftjjiiif})iH3:rpDis I
hug anO rcbbinpi.njcip a'/'o il in tijis plarr !o: ail ether things |
PopnluiiG roincticgooDanDromctinichn!). luithuooo Ujee I
tc gooo.atic Initlj ill Q)t is ill, lljcc is good in tljc tenth nno ill
uuljc eight tjonfe.
Vn is a figure luljicl) b;e<iftcth anb fjioilc th all the gooDiies .
of IheotfictB, fniiingiiiociiMiiiiDcofioiH'riei'saboj'agcs, <
to goe from plate to plarc tot he Uihicbfljc is bcricgoob, Ojn
isgeooin thcthirt),fiif aiiDfcaiirnth honrre.bctniifclbttlig-
niipeth that letters Hjall tome U)l;ich(1)alh;ing goooitebjes;
in (hctuiclfth botife fijc is connnon.

A Table ofihe Corpoiaiuresrtpicfcntcd by rlie lixetcCne

figuresol Gcomaiuic ts folio wctli.

" '' A tii'ifitio anianofrniDtilcQatucctfaicc, nacrolotboul-

* /Ao«D/ullf(ittb,of fanguinceoinplerion.fnll epeo.comeln
' bcnrDcD.orgooDbehauiont.fyanicfalblvtllluiUing, gin en to ,
fOaichai'tije- Eihcloonifln oflilicftature,liningrh«fic ana
tiionMnlv,he.uingttuobioaDc teethbcfo:e,toell fpohen ana
* l;oi [una iraior.atnnnofniiDDlcQtatmcthisboDicfDclrom'
■ ■ pmt,of fane behfimoiir,full fiUcC.fullcptD,ot'a faiiguineccm-
plenon,honed,fl)(rtic-tiu'D,U(Ul<c ryefi, b^oabbirflco, not
.*• grode ofliocir.OeUiemanninioeiilpo^ (hadc.n cltoilling,
ciidiicD tnith all bei tues ano gooD foitimcs.
L< titia a man of crmrtrr booyc anb rcafonablc tail ttature,
< > iuithnfniic,roiiiclv anoronno face,full o; geent eveo, a full oj
> ronnOfoic-fjeao aiio(oinduhatb;oao,iucl!naiDeiiiiDp:opo;' ,
a (lonet),loningGoO.niogiuciitoiiQiolcgirano L.hre.SIhe
txioinan of the like coipo laturc ,inD nnalitico, (Ijafte,Uicl unl-
dibits ainan ofimoolc datnrc, tci.bing romcbihat to tall<
ncne.tobifelv foniplrrioneb,great hcnb.Vellolsepeb, along
■> ■* fo;e heno nnoiauiii iir!i refpcrtiiiB'lEhctusiii'Jiithadc.ttell
< a liiilllna,io!,'hillaiiDltghtofpnocrllaiiOiiig,iitgcntou»,,"ttiftof ,
* moaning nno cc'.igh te; b in Dealing o; feeing anp thing luh't''
a * pcctaiiicti) ■
ofCfComancie. 161
pet:(nine(!) fo Ifncniiig.
AiiiiiliojanianofinQtffcrcnttfattitc.leanc.^eUotoifl), Ija- >
ntno Tome inathe m tlje ticdte.sicnt t>eaD,[ounD>b;oaD (bouU v a-
D^DjIittlccvcfl/mtenioutfjibionDfo.iC'beaD . Etjeluoninn a
(o^uptrDgiufntodeiius^nibeimiliuiBflnticojpwaUiccna * a
t\)e nmn.biit Denetljollniclieof nntmc.
'Fortunanimor,a inanoftiiiDDltttatutCj fullfnctD , bljj A
Ii«iidcd,p;oud nnb ft ntrlpjtfyc e^efl bcttof fim blatb ano gtag, a
tu^iDillinglpDBt^rctuuctoroiticnobtlitK.agooo^ouQoIr a -A
Wtintime.but nottiappiefoHbc tti«cp;cfcnt, in tbinacs '<'■ a
lubitbbeDctltttboibcpdbfoJ- tbetuonmnaiuetbelitse
iiiDgcnifiitnaoftbc man.
TiinitiaainaiuacdclTc.b.ubaroiiB.tuifbotit !aloc>fecrct y- a
4o;l)ibbcit)tnliant>o;tc,tonsbifascbnnti cnitt compltrioitcD, a a
^piiannDeiullfiUioureD tfetbaiiBftinhiiiB. ICtictBoninnlii- a
rliciBUB.tnillina to tonfent in finiteasnintt nntuce.a toucc of a
Riibcusamanortjnfonnbletallflntute.fiicbfoloureD.ba* * a
uing ftjatpe nnoftcHelootseo ,big beincg» tfje IjaPit o; bwto a
teBo;b;oVDne,fictrcanocboUtitlieofnatutc,.ircofftcojttiOf< a a
kec.one en ill to be met toitb all.anb nn cuill tongue, giuen ta a a-
allhindcofbitcfl SDIjc Uioitiaiuo;tuptcO)blcoDv,anO tmljeltl)'
full,nnbof cuill bebnttitne.
I'opul u? nmn officcce ftatutc ant) toinplmon.full fm A A
(e&.biggcboopeD.bionDbfettco, bailing a inailie 01 bud in a a
tbefate ngeentpjatlee.alpeeifinD often penliuc, bnficBfatt a a
ofmoouingnnDininDeilouingtbingcotUntpcitainetoiuatci1. a a
SCbcluoumnlilietuifctonuptco , butngooo Ijoufc-kccpei:,
mutlj umiieting ofboop anoiniuije.
I'ucr n ntnn of no tnl ftatutc^oit neckcb nno longbentico ■'
little bcarD,fullfnccD,cbollerithc of nature, ronielubat tbichc a a
ofboD^.Deligbtingiunuiiri'cllingBnmrtiallnffnitcg, bnuing a
lome utachc oi Qatirin tbe facc.bauing (l)arpc o; fierce lobes
mit)btgbcoloureD.2DlieU.ionmnliliebntotbcnmnbotbinai)' a
powtuic.coinplcnonana qualiticB. a
Coutunaioaiuanof fuljitifi) 011'cllob) toinplcrion,long bt- a
p fagc a i
fai!Sc,lu!tI)iiloiii]oo.:(irc,unorc,lj:oaDtcctI), tlji'mtc bedtDo)
feujc tjcirefl on t Ijc facc.dcnoci: ofboDp, fmall t^ggeD, fubtile,
politiqncj ciMrty.ano oiictoijidj inill bnotctatte mans mnt»
tcra iuitbout tcadjing.lje ia loning ano of fiuift fpead), mm of
gooD toiupanp : iEtJcluomanlihcUiitotljcmimbotbiiuo;/
poMtiucsano Qimlittco.
C jput Dr.iconis a man of mtDOlc Katuic > caftjecfenolttg
to talnclTc tfycn otbcc Unfc, full fiueD>lji0 noft fometobat long
o;gccat,aU)iocnioutli,l)tctcctljcmllo} cuill fauouceb.tbithe
baiccson tbeljrao ,l«cHinaocofboDsgomg>bp.ugt)t>efinolf'
fctcntgcofncffc, ofgooo countennunce, goob bcliauiouti
SbcUjoinanofliltccomplcfion, nbounoing incbaditsnim
ttetbfatceanDcleane,being of sclloluilbc complcttion, tbin
bcacficDoibsningfetucbaitcs on tljc face, bees Unitcofall
nnbmouablc.anDoneiuliublon^bionciitca ; EtjefuoiHon
in liho manner (ia t[)e man , ncucctbcUireionrtantanDcfiaH
Pudla a man of a tallftatucc, long ncctscb, full faceo .big
bcaDco, alittlenioutbibmaofljoulocceD.iocllfauojeo.aRi
cornels >fulleseo>ofafanguinc coiuplection > tbetjcicc o)
beacDofab.iotonilljcoulour, ofgooDbcbauiouc.plcafant#
uento Vciiiis:EljeUioinauco;ruptcB, ojinaocDeficonato
Career a man of meanc Oatucc, tatljcr fomcUiljattbicke
iinofljonttieuotbcclDifcrbisfaccof an moiffcrcnt fnlncfte,
of luljitidjc conipledion, djod t cetti aim ctooiieo.gcobuiug one
oucc an otben lVo;t atmco, ttill mm dofc ofriaturc ,anD boill
kccpctl)ingofecret:ff\ieluonianabiiginc, o:attbc lead
cbaB ofboop> oflil:cco;po;ntiircandcomplccttonas tbc man.
Camii Dracoms auunof mcancttatuic , full facet), title
be.m ,mm reallolo, IjigU collonceo, tuitb an cuill fierce loohe,
arrogant ano pioiioc,lururiou8,l)acabonD,anciiuioti0, ano
quarrellous partp, giuentoallUinOeofcuils > SCIjctooman
•fliltecomplcrtion, qualities ano conoitions rcomiptco ano
Ircberou£!,miO giuento allitiuoe ofcuils.
Ofthc two witncITci Chap. 3.

A jTtet tljattoeljAtiefitPficicnflpttenfeOofUje
X^of the- figure* anb of their traudatiou anb (snco^ce, a no
to hi t b lc gooO ano tubicb be bat). jpolo rtttetb it to rpeabe of {'
ttuotnitiietleflioftbcjuDge noiuntuttvou finoto that the
ttoatuitiiftTec be tVoofigniestuatotn fro ^ tboeniefigureBof
tbc 'Zodiackc ,tobeccof tfie one mtillbe plaeebin tbeiJi gurt
fonticD on tbc right fioc, tohtch io the thirteenth figure,«is
calico the right iuitneo, the other inufl be placet) on ^ left fioa
oftljc ifigmc.iio the fourteenth Jfignre namco the left toit-
uco-.tht right Ititmo to put foitljc qiicrcnt,anD fignificthall
tliatluhiclihp tlirfiift jfigure.auoailthe bthcrstobicbbton
the riahtfibc(that is to fav the rccont)>thirD,fourth>nffith)ano
tcnth)isDifceiiieo,ti)hichio thciuotiucof the queftiort befoje
p)opount>to.SLhe left toil tics routaiiutfiall that tohichthcfl^
gurcs coc figmflcluhith be on his floe, is fo fup.tbcfift.fitt,
feucuthieight.clcuenthano tluelfthiou fuel) fuifc that § right
toitnesfigmfieththcqucrant^thelclttoitncsthc thing Dc<
ntaunocD.p.iopoutieDanocnriuirco. il3cfieccthi0> the right
luitnccfignifictlj iovaimhappiucc ofthc thinglntclgpalfco to
tbepcrfon luhtchpjopounoco tljciqueRton, t thclcft luitncffc
figmficthheauincf.'cibnquietneirc anDmifljapof the thing to
come nnoput in quefiion ipoumuft further note ? thattljcfc
ttooluitncllcs benohoufes 1 neither naturall Jrmtucs.but be
\6^ *rbe tkirdlSookc
oiiflp acciociitallciJ,takenfcom tlje otl;;e to siuoiT inUseiiunt
ccctsine ox tljc ijucttion piopomiOtD.

Oft!icIudgc» Clup. 4.

Tyejutigeo; tfje flguceisp:occenteoofttje ttoo

InitHcITefltoiaDgettjeenoeofnlltke tigniflwtton of tlje
Oemauno.to knotoeif it be gcoD 0; baD.ECfje kutju^tuDge oug^t
nltoaieaofnecdritietobeeuenifoiifit be not , tlje figure
l^oulo be falfc.ano To it ttje iuogc be gooo^ t^e (igiiiflcation of
tbeDeuwimoajallcometOiigooDenDe, anBtfttbeill,itt])aU
conietoanillenb .Ifttje Juogeooeagweloitf) tt)efictt,ano
iottl; tljeotl;ec fygiuco tuljict) be on tfje cigbt Hoe,it fignifietlj
gooo to tbe qtiewnt ano in{> tijingocinaiinoeo.ans iitjt agc«
i»itbtt)8feoftl)eleftt)aiio tnfjfcbbccalleotlje oaugljteca, it
(tgnifpetii tottje qaecant an illiffue oftbinga ocnuunoeo.
flnofomuttEeraganoettttmeoftbe accojoe tajtjitbbebfl'b
iuitb tbe cigbtoj left toitnede» nt pe Qbdll ftebt tbc etumpte
folloUHng.ocfojotng to tbe imtouca in tbio tlcteiaa ttell
b;etoea as Cbaloeaiu , wto otljec lubicb bauc tceotto

ThiiTable following ftiall feme you to Icnowe the

Witncilcs and the lodge at ivcll ciienas rneucn,
•ndthcHgnificaiion which tiiey lane , and alfo
for thebetter refolutionofrtheiiidgeinent of each
figure and demaund propounded.
patTeffion i»»«nt gooB sooo i'H
a toilc BOOD__ gooD ill _'gooD
tpoman U)itl)tt)ilD *ltectj>c f. CT paugljtac ~fonnc
ficSTncffc aftectjyi fjcaltlj llgincbcattlj ticnltt?
pjtfon ' fomcoat (oinc oul'ifoine tome out out foinothtus
gaibpisatetflsiDt jnteane IgDBD bpioatct
not roimt)

■A A A A A A ' A 'A A
A A A AA ^|A- A' A
CnenUutnciTcK k "A AA A A IA A A .v
*: A A A
-A A A
3(1006 -A- A A
A "A A-
life micanc jgoo'o 11100110
fubftnnce »ucnnc_ *11 lllUMIIC 0000
0000 in mh: 1 niCiim; 111"'
polMioH 0000 Imcanc Igooo
a toit'e 0000 ill 0000 HI
luomaitVBitbtljilo oauglttcv iDiUlflbtCl aftec tljc f ^ lOiUigijiCi:^
fithcneiic pciillouc IjCrtltl) ijcaltf) at'tc i" tljc'
pjifon ions tome out otetljeun oii'tljncm
ill mcanc incaue ill
ttiuialoit foiinti lAft founo unite founo
(jooD tiisiiitiqiiiEaiic

Dniigljtsc IflcojDingtoj
laftcctbe 11 nftcttlje t~|tin»sttoui~|
Icomeout tome out conicout

■A A
Clncucn Uufncffec


lie uraiic niriiitc

ulill.iiHe TOO I) ill"
0100 ill"
m'.IVltioii HOOD. Til
i ume iOOD ill
U'Ci'.unvijithtDilD 1 I01UIC aftrct

|j;ifon oinrotit miMtuavi Iflotoe fCMil'OUt

'lOJIICg gOOD tU ictiitnc iaobd bp Uiat.
lljingloft fotuio {hlCt {.'CtlDcD* romiD pott touttb
v^isjcomancir# joj
Vw k k k k~ k A k k * k
k k k k ^ A Y k k k
k k k k k k k k k k
Cucniottnoffcfl k y. k k Y. k k k A k
k k k k •.« k
k k k k k k
JUDgC. k k * k k k
k k k k k Y
life ntcanc III
fubttdtue. ill"" ill QGBSSil
imnnc {incfitie

1II 'll INI Ml ll III

rBmB not rouno liMct trojc. ton no
A •k
k * *
k * *
* -k k. »
-k A *
"A■k A -A
■¥■ A -A- A
4^ . HICJ11C ill niV>inc imciiiic
[fufattniue jiHcane iiifdiic [incanc Imcdiic
I voo^nyp I id ill iiicane inicdnc
UOlfclTinn nif.Tiir
'n lotfe ill- lill linruiic iiiuv.nc
itoounii ujitljdjilDc nftcttlje f
jticlinca. Dcatij
^'fou not ont I not out
iioumcv ictiane
fljingloft fomtD
Fortuna maior.


iflOQO gOOD menne
goob bv Kiiitcc gooo

UiomnnbiitfichilDenrtcctfier Ifennc iroimc Inrtcctlje;

(icltijieB, fjealtl). goob aft ret Ik',
piifon roincout fcmeout late Dir, tiiprin-
toiimep oootfiri r^fhr piffiriilt ill nicane
tljing loft fotmo ' fbiino' inot founo'founD
Fottinu iiuior. A.- -k y * Y- k k k if.
k k -k A k k k k k >-
k k -K A k k
CiKitluitncfleiJ •k k A- A ■k
k k k k
k k A Y- k
k k A k
k k k A A"
I 'ft menne HlfflllC gooo mcanc
fubltance nicsnF~ mc.niK gooo iiifnnr"
inwrtnp gooo ' nicane Goof go OB
poITriTioii DiCiiiic mm nc gooo ' citill
nUiile IgooD cm II goob cnill
UAOinaiiuiitbcliiiocfaiiiio oangljtec nftct tlK j afteetbcc
bclmcg. bealtlj pcctiloim fjealth Ijcaltb
pjifon coincont tuitQIjatinc romcoiit foonout
iotitncp foonctctntnc late [gooo bcnc_G05
tbingtoft pactfonno notfoiinD Ifoimo not fount)
AlbUl ; *.* :"K |*+* ^ i, * **1*,*,*:,*
' '' ' * * ■ * JA * * *
'< i • if.- + *1 * \ Jf * J * y,
tBnfBftt UlifrtflTM *: * A * * ^ *
I ' ■ • *• * ; * * * *
■ * '** : * A-A
JOSJI j ' A. V ji *.*-■
*•*•• ^' A * ^.-^y
I * ^ * A *
ih ^ gooa M' iMftritiit
ubO&ntfc IflOOQ jBfWIW IfiOOD

BL! mfeanr
iftit[»aHg^te<W[aftei: t|)e y
' it't8(V ;'11' 'WealfM

[|p] out
ffiitenen tomttffMU a- •A * * -A ■,
< A *
A A *
★ A
life ^
IgaoQIgdoo |mcane |meaiic
fubftaitce |gttoO
' |g<fto jmeane (meane
^^VjZTT." — IgtfDDt~" tnie line jmfanc
poffctfimi7 |iooo
[ioocT ; [mcvijic ~ Jlniciine
niuilb ;i :i-|,t^degooo jtll
;i''4t^ti IgooQ
tooinan tottb t*HtOe « Comic JPaugbttt I.
fchnefl 1 -|t>faiUli Ibcaltb
piifan • _joinc o|ncouou t , Ujr
touottp Hifftcult ivjilt
•Ifficiil n. (.[ui
thiiigto8__ _ . IjucttouiiB
tuct&u ! pad fteloeo |not"foit:W l.ft'-in') .
Rubciu ^ T
|* '* k K A A
tnntu«ttoitn»(rej U v a > * A Tt
A A *
A A | A A

lift jiitcani; (til |oci:!»ill_

fubtteiwe IbooD It'll Ibtcieill
Umibrp I gooD Jitl |t)fueill
pofTdrion |i*fnuc jii»_ (btdetllj
a Inifo-" [goo'o [ill _ JaUtljoje.
laftcc tot s I attic rlje f [aftci-the <
jfongfitbe |in Qaungetipeiilp^a:"
lieonenut jboiibtfnll | bcatb
Iflofo? 'tu Jrobbea ~
I fount) jnottounb lnotfonnc
Trifi tia k
* ★ 1* * ★ A ikl * :
* f* * ...ft
At* Ac I** ^ -A
*A' ■*** >* ★ I* * * Ik* **
aUncMCnluttntiretf. a * * ■ ^ *1 * * * *• ': '.^a n*i;* |;Hi»^c
* Ar * 'A *|j * * *
* A * AAc . ,*
.A * *
luBge * * * ♦ *
* Ac Ac **; ■.II.-
A A * *A *
SfT" " [ill "T' (fiiffitient ietit |ill |iU. IIweanc
meant ,.,,,
fiibftfliKC r
liucniiV Tl'iTffitimtwt "furrr"[>11 ■ v I| mcfltie
uicttne .., .
tuoMip [til JJfuficient nt [til | til || III ill
potTelHon |ixoo6___|raftict»nt snt Jill [i]l jiU[ill
muifo- |tlM cut Jill
iriitfiticut Jill , _ mi
[ili j
toonuntuttl) cb'ibcl.tfiei: tlie r Ipaugmtt [fottne ■ ioju^Uc
ttfi; ' Ifonne-'
fithucfft _ [ocat'l) [ecatt) _ [ill [ill
[ill __7 *"
pjifon _ [tMtl) [oentt) .[ill [ill
touuic\'_ lili I'H lim.1..: il" .
t(jiltgloft " ^ [fouiib Itouno [not rouiio [tut fooHB
Triftma a_a a i a ^a" a ^ a a > a a a
v -*• Y 1a ^ -A y- "A V A' "A
A -k -k * ^ k K A A -A A' A k
nitcuen IwitntlTcs a a a a- a * * ■ a a
A A * A *
SllUaC A A v- 'I A A
A A A A A A *
jifj ' [ift \fneanf gooo [ill ^
fitbiana [tH [incnne l^ooo [bcttc,^ ^
omitbip |tU _ jgooo l9oot> I ill
pcrfreflton [ill [ill [fioco [DctvUl
' aiui • It'.i lill IflOftt >11
, e,:
UiottMntoiH)cfcilbe [aftert[)e S ! ^ ^ Jftf"er5
CtHncfte lill [licaltl) _Jl)tmtb IptriloiK.
piiion [T" tomeout [tong [t>ato
lill Tbccrlate [lacV ln,iini.„
,.™— ■ Hntfoima j [notfouno [fouw [nottoun^
* * k ;* * *,.**•
* •**:*• **■*:* '■+*** k +
k ^ + -k -k k k + f. Y-
' tttrttNen hiUnillcjl * • * A '• fl V * . *•." ..
k A : * .A i/t ^ ^
* A A * > + y.
3u6gc * -k k k '>r >★ ■
A A * A A *
life. lineaite Ijwahei' Ijooo : [poB
fubltance jmcone fettto ••■ ~ I floppy" (gooT
tuo;^ (ill " _ jgooo Itoeriegoob Jgooo"
poiTegion"" ill ' Ifoti |niean»~ jgooo
atutie jmcane IB009 | Sooo j^i _ (gooO
toomartUtittfdriloeloaUWtcc |a jbonne |aitec tt)» y^Jafter tfa 5.
ficKncff* jnltcc t\)e 1 jbeaitl) loaunstcoiis |aftct the i"~
p;iron jout bplll |tome out (tomcogf jgocti cito^jfT
ioucnep Ipttilohii IqooP ■ jiooDfeytoatfr, | goon ^
tbiajYott'^ [pattfetino iroonQ liwttfouitO jfotinB
Pucll* 1 A A A| * A A j k k Y[ A A
1A ic -A
* *! k A
ItuufntBitncffcs •k + . * A *
A A* '

life . ]aff«t tbc 5 ia'tec tlx, 1i&niigbtci: jaftct tbc j _

fubttante' jbcnltb Ibcalfb Jlcng Ibtnlib
tuo;iI)ip | come out |coincc
comcout jcoincout jlong _ jromeout"
pollellioii jprrtlous
jprrtloua |floU)
|floU> jgooo " |iueanc,,
'■ «toife {notfouno jnottbuno
j notfouno |notft)t I fotlllD "Ipattfoijno
! Uiomait feitb ct>ihje|ill
icjiU" ' (ntennc
(titenne jgOOD im
ddmefTe jiticnne |nieant 1 geoP i"i.
vm— [iHciio jgooO |n oca I'" ^
ioutns? jmeane Jmcauc in!
tbingtott~ jrtletio tmcane Iinwnc
atotfe (gooD
teoman toitl; cl;tloe| ftnnt jDaugfttec ftcctte; oaug^tec
flchiicB j^ealtlj aftec ttic i loeatt;
Ttfon | bailoutjfooneout oaungeroHfl]Dic
cetucne inicane [ill
ttjingtott _ |founo |pattioun> |not (mint> jnat founo
Pucr k * * * i
★ * -k •*
k * -k k * >
Sncacn luitncffcB * * + *
+ * *
* A I * A

life . |inc.inc _ |iU

fiMmtcc |tnemiB_
Vnwiijip jinrau _ fill
lioiretTteu jmEiinc
Imeiiiic jill
niuifc |nicmie
jmcniie fill
VDomniTiuitt) cliilD>|fon!K loaugfttcc
full nee jlje.iltF
jlje.iltli Ipccilloua
piilan jcomeoiit ipctiloua
ioutucv jmeauc jill
~ Ifoima not founo
"v.nnnmi OOOKC
Capiittlraconii k * * k k k k'
* * k *
* ' -k * k
Cttmien ftHlneffo ■k * *
* k
* k
life [ftwgooa |iii
liibltdnce «-

tooman tool) diUDeiooa rttet

te jBtott __l Hotfouno (founD
CaputDraconii |a * k *

t^icnen tottiufcs


life ___ ill

fubftauce [meant iverie goos [ill
effwi fHWtient [goot)
attiifc mtmit [ineant
iBomaiilmtbcbilB a Tonne |a Tonne
jgooorno |i)ealtli

part founD | ftmno


notronno 'Aime


IM —IQVWW |»»»
iTelUw fufibricrtt ' goeD mcenc :
;H . tnemw iiicticiH
b'nmnntoith-hi'iie . a-trubc f Lmonnc »iiHr 'nttccHic}
jpra'pue (ijeattt) 'altrrtbel


licit tDiturffcfl



0oo» Imftme

vtumi long rtl
MUttttg faontetutn ^
' liwnti ft
■ unjtomancic.
OfGtomancic. T71
Artllflio |I AA- AA. > ( A ¥■ * A * jf
i¥ * A y A A AA A A' y A A A
A y. » A A I A A A .y. ¥
e^MU UliflKlTCfl * * A A A A A ¥ •A A A A ^ y
-Jk- ^ ik: A A"
A- | A A A A A'
JnOCJ A A A -A A A ■
k 1 A' \ k k A A
menne ill Mieaite
mejue ill

m mr
Wtntir^ ll'tnBbealtlj tjeaitl) pnilatK bcaltb
oooenQ baco ifooitt out
[gooo (meaue ill pooO
glofl . [uflt lotino jEmno iiotfounQ notfouuo
i\ni)liio A A A' * A | A A A A A
A A A A* * A y A A A y. .y A
A A -A, A Vr j A A A y ¥
Coen\ui(n«crci» L a a aL a a y , aa a

woman ujitb cljilo loaugbtci' ronnc aficutbey

bn ^ conirmTt tome out outmtlic bubJoic

icy ' 'linenuc liucaite ill not bo
[aloft .notfomuT 'notfouuo" uutt foimb 'pact® founb

» Uiife.



to .man u.itt) duloe a Hfec the, foniie aaiitfljtcc

ikhnea. ~~ a rtntiir i Jbcalt^ ptnlom
p;ifmi grni"* ' [comeout jtomcout *
toMcnep mcanc _ ill |flotue
tpingtolt nttiftxinn lotHio nottouno



wifone igoott jgooa
tomS cfjiloc oaue^rec lartettlje 5 jfonne oaugtjfet
goooeno (fusne out (tote out route out

. 'little fotma fount)

* * -A -k k * A A A A A
* * iaAAAAAA
Gueitfeitncjreei * * A A A A A
\ * A A A A
* A A A A
A A y A A
Wt meant fufrtricnt iu
fubttance meano fufflcicnt iTil

ill gooft
after ttje y 9Aughtec

A *
* *
* )*: * -Y
k k
A Ac
0000 I meane Itncane gooB
3001 ! meanc
M'P— 0000 meane
Trlfion gootT meane irane
meane meane
jma Witt) tjiiloc afttc tijef aftectte:; laltect!)e 5 laionne


lucntoitnefft* a


touecment cmll line one p
anDB ^ tmll meant e
" emll meant e
jsonuiunitt) c|)ilo anutoe a Tonne a
BcKnes aicocOtnato 1 tjealtt) 1]
p;i/on comerooUb ; Toaneout c
koob meane 11
notbefouuo not founo r
ofCjtomAniti, i%6
An adueitifinent ofthii Table here going
\ JJiD tf)u0 NffJ bette oefccibeobnto you bg tfjw table bete
/3bero;e,bpaDirt«ttcfe,tt)efl0m8c4tionofit)eJuoge, <of
t be Untne ffrs euen ano bneum, to tye eno^on map t eafeliet
Btueacettainetuogeinentoftbeagutcoaa tbcpiballfall ba*
uing romettmeo libe (isniflcattoti e tmpouance fo; funoi? to*
maunDce, anofointimcbnlibe^aito hnomciftbatapctron
fljad faeoflonsliibo; (bo;t,irbe (ball bane tbe gooB nnofuc#
telHott of bit fatbtt i »f tt be go>B to bup lanoeo ano lo^oibipB at
it be qoo to take a toftie, ano tobetfytt (be (ball be goo o; ban,
anotoljetljec a tooman tnttij cbtlo (baU bane a tonne 01 a
baugi) tet.e; if a (icbe pecfon fljal ameno o f tbat Difeaie, oi t bat
betofrcbitinp^rontbaUquicfcelp tomefo^tt) ^oiifitbegcoo
to take a toopage in b«no, tobetbec a tbing loft (boll beftjunoe
agame. flxo fo of allot bet queftionB anooemaunoes mbub
mapbenameo.atco^oing to tlx erample bete before fct out,
bobetebp pou map bp pout olon (rife mitbouf anp futtfiet oc
tlaratioitbnoto) t^e ifigutes tobtrbbe Q(t« fot one oemauno,
anotl)ofetDl)(tbl)olDenomo;eontbeonertoc (ben on ^ otbcc
qpejeouet, 3 bane btce placeo tbe flgu;e PopulusfojaJnog
tonteaiietotbe opinion ofalltbeE>ortoj*irttbi«&tienrc,tbe
tobitb tap all tuitb one accozoc tbat b>ben (be ib founo in tbtB
place tbat tljcn tl;e flgucc fanncri is not to be matte, o; qusfti'
cnpiopoiinoeb,u not tobeiuog.obi'bim, but tbat qucfltart
mtift bee iuogeo bp tbe fouceanglesano otbet tuItB, tobidj Uic
totllbeieartetfljetne, bp tbe tobicbtbepmap btaBUtellanD
cectainelp iuogeo, as bp tbe juoge bimrelfe.

Hov* mauy manner of waies a figure isfaitle to be

well (nadeandforrunateor vnform^
natc. Cliap. 0
V7£Du muft tmotuc tbat a figure confiding (nu tocbauc faio
1 befoje)o(fiftane figuceu.tbat Ifltofnp , fourc ntorbftc.
foureDaugbtciB.fourcnepbetvB tUiotuitnef.eBrt oneiuOgc,
is faio to be gcofi ano Utell maoe fbi tbiff teafons Kfyt fitft (b,
hiben tb( jfiguteootb conftft bpponmanpgcoo figures • £D)e
fttonftis i toljcn tljc JfiguteiflmaBeofBgutctf taiutjfjaue
moje cutn pointii tl)cn obDe>E^t tl)fro i8> to^tn it IB of moje
then ninttic Qt pointo.oioffontttt^ att^e IttS.
^oumatt furtljtc bnretftano', ttwt« flgtue it faibe to bee
tuc« ano conoitiou of tjjc figure, ^erenblp, bp tfye pjopertie
thereof SCtiitoip.bpttjeplatetwtjereinttw. ifourt^p> be*
tniifeoftl)enrpc(t.^iftlr,b!' tbecotnpanp* l^trtlp.fbjt be Va-
riation nnb ibaungtngof tbc Qcureit .jbrHuentblp.becaufe of
tbeit mouing.Cigbt Ip, bp tbe latofull creation of tbe fame fl-
Burc.&be" faib to be gob oj ill bp nature, flrtt toben tbuo fi*
gurcs boe agree in nature anb ambition,as vvb^tbep bebotb
ofoneClenient,o;botbaltl<e: tbereconDisbp^p;opertieof
tbe figure,(bat is to Tap, lubeti tbe figure in tbeQuetlionfo^
ineoiofounoepjopeclpintbeplace oftbetbing btmaunocb,
anb iDbcn it botb a8tffi Voitb f> (aio tbingbem&beb, tbe tbirb
is ibecaufe of tbe plare,tnbub is beben it ts founb in a goob o;
ill plate JCbefourtb.becaufeoftbe afpea.fobifb i* goobtobett
a gcDO figure in tbequett ionfojmtb is founbe in a place ofgab
afpe(t,as bp crainple.if tbe firQ figure be Aquifino.Vubirb is a
goob figure,anb tben in tbe eleuentb boufe tbe fame figurebe
founb, o; elfeForjiinain.iioio.j anotbeclibetsbicbisgoobg-
gure,o^ tbnt tbe figure tobicb botlj bebolbe tbe otber bo oftlje
frtiueelenient.tbcn tbefdtoquettionoi figure mabe is faib to
be fo;t unate.o; if it be to tbe contrarieat is faib to beill. %\)t
firt i3,teraufe of tbe companp.tbat is,tobcn tbefigure is afio'
ill bp'au ill ro:tune.^befirt,bccaure of toariation.tbat io.lub^
one figure is ga)b,anDAnotberill.tbeoneo»rc(t, tbe otber re-
tiograoe,as luben tbefirftisgoob.tbereronbilltoicontrarie,
o; lubnt tbe fittt 10 goob, anb blsafpert ill, anb fo confcquent-
lp< SLbc feuentb ts fo; tljc moumg,no luben f> ftrff figure iiio»
uctb once,tlniceo; tb;iceo;mo;etimr0bp tbe boufes, 0; tbe
feconb tbirb 0; fourtb.S^e cigbt is bp creation, tbat is to Tap
tobeui one figure is mnBe bp Ijis nature 1 tuttonie to be mabe
Vobleb is bp Qctem lines s; pointes.bobicb bp nature is catleo
Ugitimatc^tbatis mabe bp jRxts, astbebaugbtcrs ,ne-
o) Cjeomancie 185
pfietoeflttottneB nnoia60e>ojbptiiplidtte.
Diligentls ta be iMfiDcceii.to fee if tbtraiocflgiices^e engett*
omd ofotbecs cittjecgooojill flsuie«> ofgooO fatbeca o?of
gooD motb eta fiu pe mutt note tbat tbenstbffifiure ie t$t fa-
tbwjnDtbetcnteaguceiatbenwtbtt'if^ llgnce engenojeo
belike Onto tba fatfjcc.it (ball becalleoIjla Tonne>anoMt be
tike Onto tbt motbecit (ball be cat lei bicoaugbtec. flnope
wuCfurtbetbrioetUano, tyattbeplace rome fimbmaketf)
tbefigute marculine.foutetiniifeminine* ifo;tbeficdbouTe
UaliBoies iiiaTcnlute, tbeTeronoremiraneitbetbico mafni"
line)tbe Touctb femtnint.ano roaftbeotbecbouTea. 011 ttje
aptefloftbeflceonOoftbcaitebettiTcnlme « anotbofeof
tbeSQaterwuioftbeCaitbbefennnine i Rlltobubrbingc
nwftbeconOoewoijppon^nBUjlns gaeo tnogementbpona'
npfignix>fb)toitbout tbeTe ralea all tbe inogmunt giuett
batofftnallfo^e.tbatbblcbniUa toetoilltno;cplalnelpbete
beclate bp tbe ecaimnatiai tobteb toetoill make bpon
euecp BgntetobicbtoetolUbitepntftueeaafle.

A Figure oftheycare I y jj.PopePaulc.

h- * * y.
★ * Y ■* ■*
•k ' -k it k k k k k YY *
Y Y * Y I ¥ k k k k k k kk \
%t}it pjdfent deuce ijete ptarco*!* to (^eluc tfjattufientjre
flctt (joufc palletfjmtoanp oft|)c ot(>ec, petfyepoffett) not
thence altljough tl)at mfcMieoftfjeot^cctlicrcbc figiiifllihe
tjnto t|)at(a0 before Uie l)aue ratb)Qgnifitns gcoo 01 til to come
totbcquecEnt>acco;bmeto tljc ttnpoUanceaaccoiDitntag-
itifitttion oftbcboufeUibeceuntolbeiogoite. iinororo.itbat
in ttjio flgute>tl)cfigut:c vnbtcb is in tlje fltfl , eoetbltraiebt'
intotbenintft, bptbafio dgnifleD tbatpepe^aulc fljall
matte a long bopage.nnD bcrnufe tlje fetonb goetlj into tlje flft;
it figmftetlj tbttcbP iop anbtncceafc of fubdancc to t)t0 Tone,
anb bp tbc patTagc fobub ia from tljc ftrt bnto tbe clcuentlj, it
fljcUietbtljattbefcruante of tlje raiDcLo;Dcl^allQetuiucb
tcicoe.^iibiiltcluifclljalveiuogeof otfjecftpreobp tbioeo
pccicuccifotf^itaooftMit tuben forueconeftauieootbpalTl
from tlje fi ttt fjoufe into tljc feconb,0) from tlje fcronb intotljt
tljiib.o j from tljc tljtco into tljc fenttlj, o; iljefcu ctlj into t^l
ftft,o;tljeflftintottjefirt, voufljalltubgcaftojoingto tbt
tjoufc tufjercit ffaietlj anb eoetji nofuctljec. 3ftljcflgntcaito
Ijcufc tubei et tit aicttj be qido^ vou ttjall iuDge gooo.aitD if it be
ill pe ftjnll inbge ill.anobecaufc tljat in tljio did ctaiup'e fjree
to rointtlje flgtire of l^opc lOanlc ,ft to not (coin one piupofeti
it:Dgerotnet|jineino;etl)eiiiuc fjaueriADepetbefotc. 3 fate
tfjctefoje tljiopcare tljc faib jJope pattll, diftllninlicalonqi
bovagc.atto being conic tljece Ije (Ijall be angcp, anb in bio re-
tunic fljnllfallfuH ofn eataco; CHtneiluljtcb to acotitmonbiT-
eafcof tljio pearc:it (Ijall be in tbe nionctb of iiDctobec tbat \)cc
fljallbcfichc^oopjefcciieanottcepcbt'iifcouibcatb tljc rijb
ofj^ rcAccfballbetobimilUnDOAungcroiiOtbtoencnilco toil
be glab of t be enteepjife of tbio bopagc,«laugb b im 10 fco;tw.
3naU tljio vecce it Unll becatbec iuogeb tbat belTjall Otctbtn
Ituc iBeljolOc U>bat i can mogcofbio figucc. lilonttuill 3put
ooirttcan otber eratnplc to ftjetoe tbe tigniftcation of tbe fi-
Ctt 1 co iuljen tljep ooe paGTe into tlidnp pLtceo.tvljiclj tbing lobe
itbappenetbintooneffgnte.fcaccbaiDefromtbeboufc ub^e
nnp figure is padiAo bp Vuap of erantplc. CJUbeu tbe deft Ootb
goeinto tbe tbitb>rearcbaioeofb;otbcc0 anbhinrfolltco: (it
itpaffeintotbcfouctb.rcaccb^oftbe fatbec; if it pane into
tltf flft.rcartljaiDroftfccfcmij: (fit palTemtot^cfittircatr^
Sgtiiflcation of ((jc^onre.Uititfjct tfjefijjure (0 gon 00 ftmy
fftbs tfample.
A figurcof my LordofFertc.

■* ■k k ' * k k * k -k k k ■*1
k k k k k k k k k k
k k k k k k k k k k
k k k k k k k k k k k k

qpl? Jioio of Fei tcbemgiii lone loitlj tnr taw'e Bye, pjaftO
me ((jiatiiwctoiiiabctjimnfifiurc tofenotoe tofjetfjet ^ce
f^oulo obfntncljiB Otflte, btito Uifjofc tequcft 3 confrnting,
mate bnto (jitn tf)f<!p;efcnt flgmefjercbefojeinnD bccanfe tljr
fltftljoure eotf) natutnllt? figmfie the quetenf, i the fenuentf),
thefhingteniaunDeOtohithiotheUionmn,fcucrc bothgoop
fipreMnbUgmfieb loue.anb beraufe (hefittt irt ntinfo gooP
boufeo.thaf tafofat', thefoiirfhsnpfirt, Uihichlehcufc* of
ior»nnttinto the efghf.tohKh <0tfjecompany ofthelDoman, (
to tpetu 0 U)lfnr(rt0, f tlje feaucntt) into thenintp e clcutnth,
bpalltljieHiuDgcofhat wp raitllo;tofifcttefl]OlD hanetlje
toelt.nnObKauCc tljeJjonfcoftljj querant toent into ttge com-
p<mvortbel)oureoft§ett)ingDemannDeti, 3 iuDgefetfjntt^ii
loue fljoulo augment»D^ilv encteafc mo; e ano mow. Jf oj w
muci) as in tljio figure tbere ia mutation ? tcanflat'on of go*
figures i n gooo fjoufcfl ,3 iungeo titat ras faie (Lo;Be otiferte,
f)auingmarcieOtt)e!fniDe iLuoic » mig^t Ijaue^troutor^ttt
fjoufe fanto ^tr aaers tjonfe.aittnto (tis oton^wrrt
bp rcafon ttjat tfye ttjiro tucnt into ti;e feuenttj.
3nD tfjus bp ttjefe tin o cramples is ,'mantfelt!p (bctoebfiH>
tepou.tbctcanaatlonoftfjcflguresifirttbp tjje frft figure
teknoinetobentbefirfigoctbonetpinto oneboufeanotbew
ffapetb.aiiDbptbatmcancsinbatisbci: ngmfication> Sif
ronolpbptbeftcoitoerample »inbentbeficfifpgurerbaun'
gctbmanpbourrs, UibcrebpitisrigmfieD tbattbepCbalbe
tntub (trongerbp tbcronfailc nno nior of otbc rs , fo; if (be
kitnt notoutofbcrfictt place Uiitljout remouing from one
toanotbcc.tbatoutbfignif^ctbat it ootb remainefirmeiubil
opinion ano fcntencc(ono nococtl; nottbcmoe i fucroucof
otbers.bercompjnions.f efpecia'.lp Uiljenfljc goetb not into
gooo boufes o; Angles.nno fo a ligurc is mo :c (tidgcr in (be
3nglctbcninanpoftbcotl)ccboiifco, anOinbcnaBgureif
inagooQauDanbappicbourc, itfignifictbinucbgooo totbe
qucrant ,1 contcaciunfctoljcn (l;; is an illboufe > it Kgnifictb
mucbill * luljcicof 3 banc tbougbt goooattbis piefrnttt
make tbis rmallaouertircment • to tbceno pemap ttjcbetter
iuDgeafpgurefonneDacco;t>itigtotbcmutatfons of ttje fp'

Cliaj) 7.

\1\yWen'pou ftnbe a gob figure in a goo bonfe ,it is oou*

V V blcgoo.berauretbe bonfc is goo ant> tbe figure alfoi
ifignifyett) tbat tnitljoot anp Doubt ttjequerant tyal obtafne
bis DematinDe.iSp (be like rcafon if pe Snoe an i llflgure in an
ill boufe.it is beep ill fo; tbe querant.but if pe fpnot a goo fi>
gucc insjt illboufe^it Dgmfletl; gooo to i querant;but it toill
not tout iniie, but it tahcti) nlun? fcntc part of tfe malice of $
brufcin Itlic cafcif tr fince an ill figure in a goobboufe. it ta<
hetbabmr tb^ malice of tbcGgurc, fo; fl)c to oulDocc bmmcj
but (be cannot liccping nltuaieo t pat tbe gonb come not to tbc
quctant: «fo;ao muclj ac In tfjio Cljaptei' 3tiaue pjonufeD
tofpenh of tbe companvoffiGurca, J'luill tljat pou toeonnec'
SanDtbattbiscompnnic oft^eetnanncro, tobctcoftbeone
is fimple.tbe otber nemp fimple.nno tbe tbito compcimb.
SbecompanpGmpleioofttaiolibcGgiireSjasbrcramplet * * A' k
iftbatpeflnoe Aqiiifiriointbcfltllbonfe > anoiilictoMfein *
tbefecono» nnofolihetoiifcofallotbirflgureBtoibicbtnttuo * *
boufeenevftogctljcrlcfount)botbofoncfo^t,a3tfConiun- "A k

aiolefcunointljetbiiMnolitietoifcinfbefouttb. .A ,
^aben tluo boufeo nctt tofletberjUjctc be founb (toioBoA
jureflalihe.itbattbcpbeGOJD^ccnjnllfnp incontincnttbat A ¥
tbepOGUifiesrcatgooDncsianotftbcvbcill ,tbcvDocfiGnific *
Hwcbiniaabsb^apofernmplej ifvcfinocintbcfiftanofirt^ *k k
Rubens, yctyalfni' tbatitOgmfictbrnticbilltotbebucrant, A ^ A A
foUbcfiuettton t)cmnimOeD)nnDtot)fcInccbntovcumo;cea» A . A
fel? > ppuimifthnoto tbat tie rtcono boufc ia alboaiea .A A A A
companionoftbeficftjtbctljicCoftberoiittb.tbeftftoftbtQrt k 1 k
oneflemcnt,of oneplnnct«of one figne. tbcp fiQiufkmucb
goot)o;mucbill<ncco;t)itiGtotbcirgooonr(rco; malice. 3f
tbeybcGOOotljcy fignific tljat tlje bappc ant) gootneooftbe
quecant (ball be ao lui U good pjefent as in time to come: as
umcb (ball ye iuDgc of tbr contracic part if (bey be cuilbanb t*
became tljat tlje flift boufcfiGuifictb the time piefent , nr.o
lljcfcconfi tlje time to ccme.anb lihcloife of otber companies.
JXbecompanyormic&mplcio^brntUioGGurobrnotL'otb y
Bfonefo;t,natm'co;conoition , nltboiiBbtbcybcbotbofone * *
Clement,nnootoneplanet,foaBtbeonepartpoonBtce.anDA ^ * *
tl)ectbcrnot,nobyerampte,ifitbappcntbatjtfitftbc A«jui. * a | a
fuio ant> ibcfccoiiB Lcticiamltbousb tbet? bobotb of tbc ele-
ment, of tlje aire.', 1 of tbcpiauet ii,yct bettjerofDitieife fi0»
tuftcation3,fo)tbat tbconroftbetnisof^ Direct,ano tlje eraU
tatlon ofc^anotbcctbrrof Vietrojino anDfberrnltationcf
2) tlje one of tlic fijtiM of v, mo tljc of Ijcc office Hgnc of y.
■a a- k atjctoinpani'coinpoiinDiotfjitVoljicljiaofomei'aftgiifei
a a ..Miaoconeconttacictonnotljct, noifAtmiritiobemtfjeflifJ
a a a ^Bnfc' A11111110
'"tl)0 fttono ,oftlic Inlnci; ttooci.
A mctfjnnoiscnucnojcDHgutcVia, lufjitljiaafignteoftjie
f— elementoflu.Uci.figniflintsacontuiKtionofoa'iOi'»
foa triple ano eonipouiiDcompantc.culllf ofgccatotfco^o.bj
^ ceafont^at Aquifitioui aBguccoftlje Element of tljcaiw,!
* oft^epianetvin^ flgneofr Amiilio aftgiucoftljeeli*
>■ jnenfoffljeJfitcaiioorHo^'^tf'"tlfcGgncof--
nuketf) ano engcnOJCtt) tlje Difference of tljcin.f tl;e Diucr&t;
anDOtfeojoe Uilpirl) tljev ff.uie togetljec: on t of t^e luljicji tloo,
no 3 fj.iue faio bcfoje.tg t-ngmDicD fljtsftgtice Vi-i/lufjicfjill
figui'cort()tclcinentoftljtlUiitcr>nnDoftl)e plancaun tlx
tigncofu.ano istlniacontraneto botl) ttje ot|)cra.j^olueftt
fjolofbccoinpaincisillianotlp.U tacbe caufc tijatVobenitcfi"
inctlj it cannot be itiDgeo. auo ttjnf of all $ otlpcra accoJDinj
Jotljc importance oftjjcirQgmScation,be it goiD oj beiteuill.
0/et'cioino.jeouccanot()ercompante of flgureslnbicfibe
•a a a -a tattciibptbcpointeflonbicoftljcraiORgnccfl.aaUpcrampU
a a a iftljat Aqiu.niobcintbeflcftljourcjt Albiuintljc fecoiffl,
a a a tbeiDbicljbecdiifccfjevbebotbgcBDfigiii'es* ntiobcequallof
a a points in tbebpper p.ut<«tliat out oftbem is taken anotgR
Uiljicl) is Caput Jraconis lihciutfc equal in £ bppctpartjitii
" tljctibpGgnifieOtbntbotljtfycpbeofgrcatforccintfyingsgst
nnoljOiU.anotbatbptbeoccafimi tfp.Utljcflrcifltbcfiiiftncrt
bnto tlje pianctB.mio pnncipallele ment of all tfye otber, bn-
touibomtljeficftpointsoftbcfigucesbcnttctbutteb. iln#
foptljatcaufc 3 banefetin tlje fittt boohe tlpcCEbaptersas
loellcftlje Jficc.asoftbc ottjer Clements , toilpeenDpou
map knoin tljcir bertcicsanDproperttes.nsmucb ano foit{ie
fnmetcafon, 3 Ijaue maoc n Cbaptcr , intbetubicb Sbaue
l^eUicDtbcfouncanomsnncctorettbcflgurcsbplines, at<
triluitingtbeflcfttofbef ire, asto tlje fliftnnD fupcciout
anb pjinctpall dement of all tfyc o»f)cc,tl)c feconD to t[)e airc
tlje tfjico to t()e Inatcr.ttje fouctblto t()e Cartb*
A figure and example to flicwehoweto tudge the figure
of die company by pointi.

JO)cll0}0 Garcmbcrt of Pcrmeran being btfiCOUtf of

eiatietobetjisfcient) ,iie1Itet) me on a time (o mabebmra
flgure to bnoto luljettcc be fyoulo fjauefjie putporepjetfoeo,
bntot lubicbtotioe bbnplcafutc Stonfenteb.nnoniaijebim
t()i6Bgute.3n the Istiirtb becaufe that Aqmlitioid in fj flctt
bbufe.anDfjatbtUJopoints on tlje (jeno .anotfjat bis tompa*
nifi bath bu t one, I bp tfjat canfe Doe not beep biel agree togc
ttjec rbutpctbccaufetbe^bebotbgcjoflgiicfl intafeof Ique,
JiuOgebt(jat be (boulo obtainc bis purpofc.but not butbont
great pain anb trauaile,becaufe tbe conipanicagrcctb notbe-
rplucll ifno becaufe t Ijat tbe figure Uiljicbconictb out of tbe,
lubicbis c.nuln draconis,refcnibletb ^ fccoD in tbe fuperiouc
points .tubicb polntcobec attributeo bnto tbe ire,bp tbat is
flgnifieo tljat tbe par tic qnerant (ball eniop bis Defire. ano be
taufc Aquili tio is in tbe bouie of ^ De:naunoant,bc(aufe bee
315 b 3 patb
baty tb)opointc« in t^e^ppet pact, it iaa (iqucc "iul;ici) oootl)
mtirtj pattiripate of tfje Bt^catljetalone tljin tljc tUio togetljec
os tourtjing tfje corn pant;. Scraufcfllfotfjat iticaflffiircof
]upiccrintt)cflsncorAricstaRD NjeeraUationofSoMttycto
ct6 tljat ti)6 loue fljall bcopeneo,toiiecb5 tfje motfjccano (rinf *
folkcBlnillbctccietll contented: anobecaufc Rubcus ioin
8ft bourc,3l inDgcD t^at tfje fonnc of tfje bioman bp inoignatb
on.anoinanangec tooulo ijoeabouttokilltfjefaidcCJenfle.
man: and becanfe tfje companp of tfje fift called Letiiia,ta)ljlc|)
to tfje Act,i« good: 3 faidtljat tfje laid Gentleman Qjould Bib
pendmucfjntonep in (Refute of ttjffi tooman j and becanfe t^e
(leucntlj it a fpguteof Jjol,and a companion of an ill 8guce>3
iudgeotfjatfjisftiendeaOjouldp.jomireJfjelpcano fuccoucbii'
to bim>btit tfjep luould not doeit bntill it Iccrc too late/o tfjat
flnallp tjetbould loofs all bio fjope of taccping foj tfje attaining
of fjis tjenrtfi oeGre llBut fo; tfjat,tfjefeatientb iaa good figure
andnttributed bnto lupitcr as tfje flrrt in,3 faio tfjatit fijoulB
beafignctljattbcUjonionfljoiildloueSjinitucli > andbptjjaf
ineancB (Ijould in tfje end manic initlj fjimin fpitcof fjcccfjil-
d;cnanai{ind;ea . ^Cifjiefjtfjmgaftccbuatdcamceuenfoto
pa(re.rot!jnt3ridingpoIttDitbmptLo;dofT/i3ys, going to
iiouic,U)a0 aduectifed tfjereof and found mp figuce true* and
tfjat tbe (Centleman bad marcpcd tbe faio tadp \ infjirfj figau
fljall frtuc pou fo; an ccample to hnotu fjoU) to iuogc tfje Com/
TK2ratifc tJjat tjece befo;E3 giucn pou an ccaniple Ijotu
OtotuDfictfyc ftjjiiceofcompan? bp tbe points in a figure of
lour, 31 tutll uoU) giiie pou anotbec in a figure of marriage of
agreat ilaop of tfj* tungo Court,tubtfl) Defirco me bpon a Dap
tohnolotfIjcnnaningebcgtm fijoulDbcaccomplifijcD, febut)
tbingltuoulonotrefurctoooefoniieaffcaiontljatit p;orfc-
DtB from,* ijatmtg mabc tljr figur, 3 iuogcb on tbto foit. jf nil
becaufctbcficttfigure tolntfjio Aciiiirido^afiguicof lupic.
birea in ibefigne of tb.it ijcr companion tubicbisL.Ttiu^
is alfo a figure of but ictrograoeintbefigneorb - and bp
tbtsmeanes contrarie to tbeotbcc,aub calltb tbe eenip rompa<
up: and mojcoucc.bccaufe tbe fcconb goetb into tbe cigbt in v
rompanp of a gooo figurc.iubicb isFo r tu no maior uibicb io in
ttjefeautrntj*. 3 Tap foj tbi* (AUfc,^ all tbis botbfignifietbnt
btmattiagcbtgunrboulDbcatrotnplifyco < anobecaufetbe
angles lubicb be tbe firtt.fouctb.fcucntb anb tent b bee good ft-
gurefl,nnDtiomoJciMrticipn(eoft>icC!ilHnciUoft!)cJat?;e tty
o'tljcotJjetB, Jiuogeotljat tt)atlBa*aDijiic,t|>at toitljont
coubt it (boulo take efftd. 3nD becaufe tljat ConiunOio uui
in tbcdft.toljicbflsnifieD.tbatttieraibmam'ase^aulo be fi<
luaebone in Lyons,atiutljua fball?eeiuise otbecquefttoni
inconfioetingUjellort^etlguccsanD ofttieiccompanief.

OfthccompanyofConiunftion* Chap.8
Tlicte if an oH)« nunnee orcempanp intftif^dnM
tof>to)fBtalleDn ffoniunrtion.Utljitl) to iDljetttbe ftcQ fll
guic patTctb in tlje conipan? o; fjoufe ottbe ttjing DemannOttl
o;totillvioutl)enw;etcuclicr, luljen tbeft8«tf oftfje taring
OemaunDebifintompanpoft^efirff. VQbicbCbiiig 3ltoy
giuepoueafllptobnbecHanobpttiefigutet^at followet^ <
tlje Declaration tobicti 3 bull btcMttec make*
A figure toknowe whether the muittian of my LorriofLt.
moges iliould return againe into the fcruicc of his faid
Lord and Alaiikr,
' A- A ! A A i A A '
TipelLoitiQf Lyiiio^csbcmg gone toScotlaud,tiab)C!l(to
accouipant? ttje Quccne, as to fecue tljcCmbaCTatiouc of
France, a fci iinnt of bis a tnulU ian Icina in an angct ocvatteO
ftoinbiofctutce, oeftteomcetomnhcljim a flButCjtohnqtoe
tobctbtrbcfyoulD wtucncagaincntnnv time into tbefetnue
of tberAi&lLo;D:anDtbei:cuponberau<eU>ec paobecneof fa^
miliatitictogctbtcj DiDnotrcfitfctomflltetbattobicUbe He-
fireo nie,anO taking inp penut in mv banof3 nwoebiin tbis fi
gure.anDtcrauf* tbat tbeflittt boufe tljerof is Fortunamaior,
tbbicb (s a figure of great gootmes. anD flrcMnD tbat (be tuft
iijtotbeqrt, ivbicbisCoiuumtienflnbcompanvoftbetbing
DtmaunDto,toblcb is (be Ort.bnDec (be tubitb^ee topjifeb tbe
MnmunDs anoqueOious Uibicb map be p^opounbeti toucbing
ftruants,? iubgeo tbat tbe faibreinflttboulDiefutnbntobis
faio spatftct ,1 le -aufe tbat tbe fut goetb into § tentt;. Vobicb
is tbeboufr of iU);Ds,anti in coniunction of tbefitfl, tbe tobitb
idfounDintbcmntb.VDbicb mabcmcfttrtbcrtoiiiDgetbat bfe
tfiaiflei toculb toe bim »io;c goob tben bee erpcctcb: Icaufe
alfotbat tbe fit II is (otinb fo nmnp times in tbe fnioc jfigtite,
itfeemcb tbatbefljculbbetucUomcjanbUiitb fauouc enter*
taincbintotbetcruireofbisfatb^aiQd-, anbtbatlje \tieu|0
lieebinigoob,anbbccaufctbattbcfigure of tbefcruant istj)e
figure oftbc Clement oftbebuater, JinDpcb ibnttbcfalCc
Uiuont (Ijoulb palfc oner tbe fcn,!jeto;c tbat tjclboulb returns
tmtobisfaibe spntfler. ^nbtbusfolloUiiugtljiscrample^t
(ball be eafiefo; pou to iubgca figure bp tbe companp of Con'
iutution iuben it bapnttij.

Of tlie occupation. Cliap.y

Tl|)eo«upationisti)bBntbcifigure oft be qucrantgortb

dreigbt into tlje tjoufe of tbe things ocmaunbebas
bcieaftet pe lljal fee bp crnmple.ou futb iuife.tbat it tbe firB ft-
gutctubicbistbeboureoftbeqiierent bee goob,« tbat it pafTc
into^bouiroftbctbingcimaunbcb.tbat istljcbcftfignetbat
map be.liiut if tljc figure be ill,it is an ill fignc, as bp rramplsi
if tbep be tboo figuresoftbe fire i nnb tbattbcflucfiionbee
<1 c mabs
mat* to knotat totiufyofttie ttoo Ijaue ruts o; ottier i^ai
relfl t^iU come to an eno .it Qsrafgett) tiiat tt)e «c(o;o (baUUe
fntri^.but It (ball not be tottyout rcauoe o; Ogcelpt. jf tbt;
toece botb soeoflgucee oftbe ^^>0;oftlje tX(atec> 0; oftyt
Cattbjtbev (boulo Cfintfle gceat gooOnes as be tjje De&uaiOK
of tbi* ecatnyle {cut ma^ fee*

A fijutefor my LordofClermont of Lodeucj.

■k k -Ac * * * * k * k -k k
k k k k k k k * k k
k * k k k k k k k k
+ k k k k k -k k k k

k k k
k k k
k k *
k k k
k ~~'

I 1

TtyeHoiOoftflctcntoneof Lodrues onatimcOiD rentiire

me to mahe bmi a figure to hiiom vufietljf t be fyolB obtain
btofatberetnberitanceibibubbtucratbltb brio from bin be
fioKe>anb(asberato)agatn(tieafonant)cquttie , niboincbee
tljcn bao in futt To; tfiat caufei %o tobofc requett ) conrcnteD>
anb nutbe bun tfito figure felloiuiug.in tbe U)bicb>fo; tfiat tbe
ftrtt figure is Albu)U)bubi»aB®D flgut?.iinDuvo;ettroiTfc
er,«ofmo;egooDnf»« impojtanretbentbe tit, ant) ttjat t^e
fetonobDbitbiemtompattyoftbefltft.isa better figure tbtn
tbeciBbt>kubib is in company oft (jc feaucutb. < bccaufe tb«t
ofCjeomancy. ip7
itffBflnrete ftuno anotercflttentin tfj* fourtt)* tofjitfj
It tbe^oufe oftfjc t^t'ns DemaunDet),t|)at <*,of tljefatljeM tfc*
ritnge. W? al tljcfc isafone ) oioiuDge^^at «l tt)f« oio Osnifie
tyattberaiDLojDoiClcninont (^oulD Uitnne[)iprutc> ano
tijattJjatt^eoccupationtoaigooo, ano ofgooo
figures,foj irtije occupation tjao bene maoe of ill figures , it
iiao figu ifpeo ill,ano imfijap bnto tlje quernnt. ^ou Ijaue noki
tfjifl eramole^a* occupation oftlje to Ijirl) Jtoil Ube toife fpcafe
tjeceaftermtfjefleurcofl'rjncijtlje ifren^tsing , anotlje
CmperoutCli.irlcjtljcfirt: anbfojas tnucl) oatljiBcranipIc
Hall Terue vou to iuoge a figure o? qtielion * fo; tljat caufe 31
toillDccUreitnio^eut latce.li?etanfethirefbjctl)otttie nintlj
it a QCDDflgureauD irelaccompaineD In it!} another tljat is goo
toljicl) is tl)c tentb •• ttjisfigni^ctl) tljat tljeCounrellours ano
Suogcs Hall giuc fentcnce quo Tap iuogement, f jbecaufe tpt
fift isnfigmeof tlje luater.as tlje fir (I auo tlje fourtbbe ,lu|)i(l)
iittjeljourcofttjctbing ocinannocD: bpttjisitootljfignifie,
tbattt)craiDlLo2DofClcrmontfi)alt Ijaue it for Ijis profit , atio
foittametopalTe, nnotljtfutctoafl iuOgcO onljisnbcintljc
^ ourt of tye {pariiamcnt of pnttfl.

The d( deration of the thin;; which in this Science is called

the place of the figutcs.

Chap. io

Y&u niuftDncerlfaiiDthatnioftcoinmonlp, tl)ni\»httbiii

tbisJdcte lue call tlje place, Ijotifc, orfpgureis butall
oitetljing.fotljatinanpttnicsoncof tljefeisputintteaoeofan
otber.pettljereis fomeDiffctcnce in tbetenmngof tlje one*
SfHje other, becaufc tljat fomcplaccsbce firongecthenotticr'
fomc.fortljcrebccfourc calico angles, nnofourefurccoants,
ano fourc CC;aoants,as toe ttane fljetoco bnto pou in a figure of
ftftrologicintljeeno oftljefirftboohe the angles be the 6rtt,
fourth, rcaticnth, ano tcnth.tohtctj bee the ttrongctt places at
places,tljep Icnrcpacteortljeiefoice, AuDr^hcaiDeofoti^t*,
Sttje otliec fouce calleo lioufc fucccoauts be nicane, tljc otjicc
foucc Cacante be lucahc ano feeble ECtje Foucc Angles (Ipb
fl? tt)ett)ingfl utbicb be o; ib^ll be Done pjercntlp ,<ia3bcQom
Untt) gceatitioudne^paineano tcauell. JXljc ^ucceoants dg.
nifp things U)|)icbbe to come bp coniectuce. ti}e Caoantsdg#
nifp things patt.o; ttjofe totjicb fljall come beep late .jpo»o»
uet.tlie angles figmfp tbmgs ntamfell anO puMthe IL^t i£s<
Banti,tbingsp;iiiu)anbreccet. SPIje&ucceoants, tbettyngf
pactlpmanifeftanopactlpteccet- places fliiallpQgnifi,
tlje time,as ttje angles timeptefent .tljc Sncceoants tocomt
t^e Catants paft.as we U)ill bece aftec fljelac bp eeample.

★ k 1 k k
•k k I A k
k k ! A A
of Cjcomanck ]pp
LdJjc^cc it tuece gooD fbj fjim to got pjcfcutl^, o; clfc to ttac a
tune£Cota)l)icl)tH;in<iunD,3VuillitiStot)OPt)implearuve > 3
oioronrcnt.<1110 madetinto tjimtfjiafiffuic, anoi)^fl'.ifcthe
foutcitnglcs tljercoflDliicljiUtttjefirtt^oiitt^fc.u^ntjianti
lent!) be ocdd fvsutrs fo: t^e querantiano amoiigft tj^c oftjcifl
ttje tfntOluljitbistljeboiife of tbc IIojb , JiuDgeCtljatit
tocregood fo; ijim to goe tottjekingsand becaufe ttje ^ucte-
Bantofe^tljemoSpdctebcgoodfpguteo » i iiidgedttjattjca
fi)Oiildflj|ojtlp t)anegcoDiie0anDp;olttebt!tt)er<uocllo;d,ano
betnufetlieCadaiUobealliU fpguteo, 3 aDuectijedbinmot
to Sap long int be Couct, but retutnc ticnicag line tuitb futb
(pied no be mtql;t bane no difplearutcand baime JJon bane bp
ttjis etaniplc p ninnnec bo^ to iudge a figuve bp t!) c Angles,
P»utte5ant0 and dadnntoro^tbetime pjereut.pattoitocoiiie
altbougb tbat tieatingof tbe boul'es (in tbe fecono JBcoUe) 3
bane dceaccd and fpoben Cuffieicnlp.

Ofthe Figure of Figurci*

Cliap.I I.
X tbatonetpgucedotbagteetoitoanotbec, tbatiotofap,
tnbtntbe fpgute agteetb Voitb tbe plate of tbe tbing Demaun'
Dtoibubcteoftoc bane fpohen bete «little before > no of one
propounding fucb a que(tio>astfone^alltahe a bopagebpon
bini 02 not. Jftben pe fpnoe Aquifitio in tbe retondboufo af-
ttc tbat be bntlj bene in tbefpr ft boufeiloe fop tben tbat tijofe
tluo Jfiguieoforoncdfinaunocoocagia togetbec, nnotljnt
UittoljicblucDoecnlfvguceoffpgiue.Wiitto tell pou iuojc
plainelp.ifittbauncetbatanianbane made afpgiuc, and tljc
fpjftbe foundinafcnlint»tben tap H'C tbat tbe jfiguicdotljiv
gteetoitbtbeplacc.nndtbatio called Jfiguccof jFigute. EUe
liheinappoutudgeofafpguteinnoefoi a bjonian , in ilje
iDlittlj.if tljc fpjft be found feminine. u<e doc fup Ibnt it 10 ly-
gtirc of fpguce. iJno if tljcnueftion be for luay, ano that in p
tbiedboufc (omc tbat fpguteiubitb is called Via tbat toalfo
IV8uicoffvgtivc>anofocoiireqcntlpofnlltbeotbcC0a0 fjetc-
aftccbp cramp!: fucVuilllbcboe pou mojcatlatgc.
Atfentlctoomcnonatimetolllei) me to mAheafiguce.ts
hnotMc tofjeteofa cettaim pfcfonrpabiutjclj oineoiult>
tjcc.nno 3 anuctw? confent tljeceunto Isttti gmDluill, (maw
tt)at tobit^ou tjete fee. 3 n tbe lubicb. to afmucb ^ ite (Iff
toaa a femcnine ngute.aito tljat tfje place did co;cclVonD«nta
tfje peifon (ubicb ocmatiuoto tljc quettton.totjicb toas a CSm«
tletuonian,\ubtcb tfjingie cnUtO figure of figure, duo fo; af
innclj nlfo no tlje 8ft is a figure of top cnlleo Lariiiia, anDts tn
the boufe of eating ano Q;tnbina,ltibicbis tljc boufc of f> tblng
Dimaunoto, tfjat i s figure of figure liheluifcfo; tljis raufe 3
iiiogco tljat tbc peifon fpalic UiitbatoomanclotbeDinlDljite)
perfon fo;Ui|]Oiuc tbc CDentlelooman caufec me to mabe
figure tuns a man of tijc^burcl), U)bcreoftl;eirtalbetljeti
boas : a tiling mbict) toasfQunt>ltne.Stf)«»()!ia,t^dn,P'e
diu Sguce is (buno in tt>e (oure ant) ptae oft^tns
MmannoeD Uitjici) ts catleD jfiguct of if tgucr.

Of the ACpeftcs in gencrall,

Cliap. 12.
TtyeSifpfrtBintJiefiBuie of Gcomancie he commonly
SuetnnumbecitljefltttiB talleti Coniunftio, t^e fetono
BScX(ile,tl)<thti;DaTrinc.thefoU[ti)a quidrate,tl)Cflftnil
tomchbsbolDetljefltftoftljcfeafpettBaftljepbe goootbepbe
ttiibcttcMftljepbeilUIjepbttbetoo^e , ano ooe ueaben
looking to the boufCB IdIjcw tljes be^no oaoiOing to t B#

Ofthcafpcflof Coniun£t(oa>
Chap 13.
\ K 7^tn a figure boubletf) ano tnahctb rempanp loitb an
V V otljfc', tyrniBtljeregatoeoftbeflgurenibereoflDee
ljutit fpohsn bero;e, ano gtucn erample in t^e CfAptrt tobctt
lufrfj.uic fpolten orConiunttione nnoCompanirB. IButfo;
ttiat tljcic 10 nnotljet toljtHor 3 boue not vet fpakcn, 3 toill
naiuinpairingouecfpeattea u>o;De 02 tivaine tijeteof aa
b^tt'eivas 3 canpou muSimDctttano that t^ete be ccctainc
ifigucesVubici; oocfignifieatoniunttionoftbepianetB t tut
Via,b)t)icb luljen (ije cfjauiuetj) in anp figure foimto > it fig-
mfietl) ncomundion of o anO a, nnothiB corn union is ill,
^ bccaufe tbd1 be t\uo contcarief, foj o ie of nature bot£,anD D
iBOfnaturecolD, anothecefojetbiBcouiunctionof Via is euil
iubentbercttuopUmetsbebotbtogctljec fc; their contra'
neti»,er(cpttl]cqucfiionbctuaDefo2tl)e way, fo;tbcuitiB
gooti.0t tljiBtuue JfiiilirpcnhcnomoieofthiBCtoniunrtion,
butloillnoUifpcattcoftbc Scxtilcafpwt.
Of chc ScKtile nfpett.
Chap. 14.

Ij^tbequefiionetllgureinADetbeScxrilcarpnt is luben
tbe ftitt fignte betjoloctb tbc tbitMno tlje tbuo the fivt» I
202 fbet birdlZ oofy
fb confequcntlp ftom tfjjes fjatifcfl to t^cc: nnb alfo, luficn til
ftcttbttjolDfO tf)c 11» to anafpccttubicti ftsmftefl meiint#
tinpecfltanutie. t]Kll)ettro;e\Bt]enma Sext iliafpert pee tm
fiiioe agooD ftgilcctuttubaaceetij tuitfj tbcftctt.nnD bccoftyi
fame Clement ano of one pumtt, oj t^nt t |)e v bee bot b alike,
von fyall l)iiue Qooo fortune ano goooiffneoftlje qncOrion M.
inaunocb ■ but contcadcluife tf^cflnoe'an til flsuretn tfjeM
relVeittuljiclj beljOlDctb tlje ficft, ano be oftbe tontciufepfotd
ano eicmentiao tsell tmto bee 00 tonto tbe otfjee afpc<w,
(ballttiDgetlloftbequcHionntaoe anoofcnmifie lobcieoff
toill gtue pou tljifl erample of a Gentleman mbicb uiouloboj
an bo; fc.

* -k * -k '* ft * k I * k k
■k k -k -k k k k k ! k kk.
k k k k. k k k k k | * *
/ j eomanc(e* * 20 j
f^BBe of? Ditt&ano oftpt ifancnt ortf)* tM
lie^n).tdi)^<ot)i«Se*t"lKflara,teafi?0Owofo, tMof
element of tf)e flre.ttjeto^ttnB^lanetjeeiemettto
k tMtftariee.nni) lone not togefyett 31 ingeo t^wt Tome of fetf
UenoolDonlo aouiretiim to bup t^e faio ^o^fe^nobecaure £
iieutntt)it«tvisme oftbe element ofttje ^itce > anb tt)e(^;tt
fpgmeof tbe element of tlie lEfilAte^lobtcb be tkoelementf
(o«marie«,o>attl)e!»altt»eiwtafftabet?tDell togetbec: 3
kogto tbat tbe bo>re tbonlo befcancelp bongbt>Fet becaufe i
df^CleafpsuM. of?, ttbeeUnentbaOfgueeofd'tDblcbbeo
f Unite Uibub doc lone tneltogetl)rc(3 fap (bat tbm tbonlo
ktalkeortbebnpinsoftber<u9b<»liMnt»oMeofbte ficteni#
tyouto be tbe ran re tber eof. SCbae map pon inbgea fpgute bp
tbeSextill jsegnco.anb beeaafe it tenet enoagb to bane tbne
(ntgeobptbeScxtiliitegaco t»b«bbatbno i^ietfbntotbe
rtbtttulefliJUjUl notn iuogeof^tuboteiuleetotbetobnto
ton an erample >niro to pjoecioe to tbeiubgement of all tbefp#
pjoewqnefltfa fbmteb.uabereof Jo?ae mmbae t tpjtt (p#
gme tobub ie tbe fp;a angle, ie agooo tpgate, e tbe feuentb
tobitbie ibe tbtra Angle,ano to be Ibott becaufe tbe fouce an *
tjmtbpie Ognifpetb tbat t |K>?fe(bMlbbebaugbt,altbeugb
(tbeto^ifcominobitieofbimtobicbbotbbupbbmbp teafb
if bie goobnee, ano frienotbtp tobicb b* beoietb to tbe butect
bbubalTe tbe reuentbielenentbfpguteeooeflgnltpe.tlgn^
(putgbp tbeicgootmee tbat (babble (ballbc gooo,«becaufe
tbefitttobicb te tbe boufe offeeaant^agceUb beitb tbe rtgbt
kitniffe.it figmfpetb tbat a fetnfit tbaUloue b maittet tobicb
tballbnp tbe bo^>,ano becanfe b ttoo toitnetfM be gooo, anb
tbat tbe iuege ootb agree in Clement toitb tbe fpjft.31 iuogeb
tbattbeboKelboulobebeagbt efrtObg tbe fain Gentleman,
, anbbccaure tbat tbe pact of fortune (tobereof toe toill fpcake
k»aftec)0oetb intotbe eigtb boufe,tobtcb mameane fpgucc
3 Tap tbat^ fernant tooulo (0 bfe tbe mattec tbat bia ma ftet
fanulobu? tbe bo}fe.AnDfo;tbat ^ toap of point ootb go into
tbeffeftitobicbiaafpgure of& element of tbe Jf ice.itia tber#
Irpflgmfseo tbat tbe gentleman toll quithlpbup^ faioboJfe-
}£> D IHfyi*
jlC^fldgtice(n®Befl)»ntlcclvttwtttiet)Ojrert)aUbec boo^
altlwtst) t(>e wS of tbe fistiw# ooc itot agree loitf) tlje Swdl
ar|«t,all^ou04t^)tttieSeKtillar(i»tbeai3ceat pact of tfc
itHjjement ofttieifisHtf*

OfthcTryncafpe&.Chap* i

Tbjte ffcpne afpwt is fn ftjeflouce.tuljen tlje ficlf, ffft.at

nintt) figurea Doe bettalse one another. 3no tfytaafyMfe
natucallp gooo ano pecfectamittc- SLbe ceafott UibptbtOct,
fiftenintbftgurcabefaiotobetiolDene ansttjecbfa Kvtm
aO>ert:tt)etearontabttanretbatft0uce0 fcomj. to;, oab^/.
boloetbemretueabstljatarpert: tfjetotjirbarptrtas J (mm
fatObefio:cj!e of goaoepecftrtamitte.bi? cenfonoftbeljoolM
plate ano flguceaab^erainpie.' iftbat Aqmritiotoijicjjfn^
SooDSguce.betntbeflcfttfiftanDnliUbbourea : oi borrau
maior.ojLeticuintbefaiOflrtoinintl) boufea, Aquifino
fcelitafntbeflcftiiDbitbiaaberpaooDOgiie fojtbe 49001,'
lb; tfjep be all of tbe Clement of t(je JStc e. He often ttjecefta
aa pou flnoe a figure in tbe flrfttjoufe, ano tljat itgoetbon
into tbe fiift 0; nintb boufca, poutyaUr«ptbeilEtineaftyi«
foooano pecfeo;, anoitflgniflett) gooo bappeto t(ie gueur^
ano gooo iffueofbia Demauno , ano if tbeSguceebeaHif
tneClement,itiattiebetter. IfpeSnbeaflgureentrbifl
fiooointbeflft 0; nintb boufe# , tobirb pjffetb fbomwe
beufe to anotbecialtboutb tbe firft be notlihc Onto it^ettyd <
tbe Bgniflcattonbeofgoooroitunetotbe querant , tb;tbt
momfe of tobicif ^tll giue son tbeecamplc foUetr
' AfigHrtofthcTryneafpcfttoknow if the French King
Jliould make peace with the Empcrour.

Ttfttgftrtiinflll SDtttiuUJe, totngrnwe iLiget inta ifrante,

1 toentreate efpeare bstloocn tfec Simg ano tt)e Cmperout:
3 tow Deflceo bp a Oftleman mp Onenoj ,^o ntahe a flguie to
kw)totoi)athccthcpeare(])oulDbeo;noti« 3 mabebntotjitn
ffjtjflgiuefjeicaljoue: lint^famcbeaure tt^atthsttcftfl.
gtirtu Connmaio,tol)icl) soetti into ^ tbics boure,it QgniCo
itb tberbp tijat tbep ftotilo tceate of thia peace,bat btcsufe ^
jeft tobebeloUntl)anil aipnt0(6 tbeBfttobubis aflgureof
t rctcogcaOc.callBD T rilhtia itflgniBetbtbattbecc (boulobe
no peace maoc at tfyie tiine.iDut fb^ as ntuci) aatbenintbias
goo Bguce,tobi(b <• t boufeof Cbuccbmen»it i* a figne tbat
tbefaiBCaiDinallUiouloooe tobatbetoeuable to condnbe
fljiepeace,butbecaufetbefeauentbt'eantllflpite, Jiuogeo
tjjtcrbp tbat tlje C2mpccotie(beulb bane nopeace.tflCofottbat
tbetesacoe Scxtiic oftfjeelcuentb fiQuteio ill. ^no becaufe
ibeflft.ttbi'bistbeffictne^HJect.iflallrjncteof b , ano tbat
t|£leRlD<ttwafeairo{uogetfAUttpr«me planet. 3 tuipi
tticrebctyatttie? fl|)olQ nuhcm peace, tmobecauritlerniai
<0 ijoneinto tlje eigl)t,lDl)ict) if ttic Ijoure ortlje rubttanceoft^
(£m|ietout;,3 fcio tbnt king (bouls loofcmucVofijiffafc
Saner. ^utbetfHfe^ffirineJ3fpwteftljceigbtto§
iflofnnillflguce, itQgniSetb tbatttie(£mperouc(!)euton(
long keepe (be (ubSanee tn^cb be Qoutb U)inne,« To it nrattt
paffeantectoatbiaecojciiigto tbeiubgement toljfcb 3 mabeet
tbto Tame figure, flnb tnbUS 3 nwbe tbe figure Clje king em
tfie Carbinall tocreat Lrone: ano IboJtlp after tbe Cmp^
tooke |d;ouancc bntill air, tobeec b< Sapeb notiong, bntbo
patteb,anb loft all tbat be bat tokens ano fo ntf figure bw
true, janotbi*ieanerampletotuogeaflgurebp tbe SCdn
afpert , tobixblaaberiencetffarie rule to tuOgeaflim

Of the Quadrats Afpcft. Chap, Itf

HTi?»fiaao;atureafpett t« from tie firtt (otl)efburtb>t)

1 freaitbefirfttotbetentb , 0; from fburefpgurcabnti
foureflgurrf. Jftbefltftbeintbefourttjo; tentb>ttif pol
to; tbe qaecent, ano as toee baue fyoken of tbe otber rultf t
afpetteo.ratoilltoeelpeabeoftliia. tbatiotofap^batitintbi
place oftbie atbetftberebeeagooo figure, o;tbat it bee0(1(1
fame qualitie, ano of one planet,it ioagoo figne tbat tbequf
rant (ball baueagoooiifueaMO eno of bio oemauno. Sfialbt
ficftono ttselftb tberc be A<ju'ritio,tbequaojaturci0 gool^l
becaHfe Lzti tiate crtwgtaoe altbougb file be of tbe fame Slit,
ment (planet ^ A qu ifitioie.ano if pe flnoe in tbe faio afyetfe
goeo figurtifo tbat it be not of tbe fame (Clement« planet, as
tbefitfti0,O}tbe figure tobere tbat qua»;afare ootbbeginwt
tbif afpecttballbe meane.becaufe tbe figure i0 gooo.jfpeftu
afpguceofoneplanet, kobicbif frieno to tbe otber, an&^et
IbebebolDbim.pelhaUiuOBeaaUieU aaif Aquifiriotferebt
tbe fiftS boufe, ano Pudlatn tbe fourth ^ tcntb, Of pw fiiofi
. ptainelp fee be tbe erample tbUoboing.
XnaqmiplcaDd figure of the quadrate afpeftto knowcif
the Emperour /hould departquickliefrom Mice
to come to Prouinccf

XK Ttytlett the time t1)itt{ie dmperaotCljstlta tlje If!

V V tuwat Nice making tii* pjoutlTon to moke toacte
(npjouinte againS the jfntut) king^ifcande the fltSof that
name:! taiucequetteo bptheCourtteofToucrre (tohirh
toaa wfltoue to knots tuh'th tap the Cmprcout thoulo fee part
torn Necejto make himaftgntr.^o tshomCfo) that a tnonlfe
hotfapU) 31 mafee this fpgnce herehefoje. 3nft fb; that JSIqu i*
fitroto(Ustntheflrtthoure>tohuhtaaflBUteflrEi>, anfeafth*.
fame planet that the quao^tutetohithia the fourth ia, tohith
(talfo a ffgnefpveD,fo) that taufe 3 iuogcfe that f CEutperouc
fyaU not part thence in ft re Daiea, anfe ro it chtunrcfe.fo) f)tt
ftopio eight oaies at & .iUurencea ■■ anfe betanfe the feanenth
isafpguccofbretrograoe, anihiacompanion ishuhiathe
itBht(iaafigureofcfcetrogcaDei3iuogeo that hip (ong fta?
i« that ptate t^joulD Ic muctj to \)if tjinojan te, ano tljat Qmil'
bcttecaureofbiflUflrcanDOeCnKtioni ansbeiaMfe
a figure of i? toljuljfa a planet (lob) BrcO.tmTerable anoatuci'
tioufliH fay tbattijcabotietDtiicbber tbeceinaoe > toaefa)
none otti«caufc,bnt lead tjeanb tys ramp fljoulo ioant btotj.
u utoa petfon Uioulo go.lnfyicb tljing b)U truej fo; bis fta? (ng
tbcce iuoe fo; none otbet(aufr,but toltapfo; And rca» Dore,
U)/)icbbjcugl)tf)inibiekftfo>bt« ^ouloiers. SiiBbtMuTi
tlje niiitl) iobicb to a SLtineafycrtfano tbe elcuantl) tobkt) ua
ScxciU.beillfpguteB, Jairoinbgebtbat beettapebthere ft)
moncp fromblailicnoef^bibubUebaDbojroUieb.anbtttDtt
nuic|) fo; tbepjefent ncccffitie Uibicb be fab): ano beraufetbe
tuiti'.ctrcs ano tljeiuoge beftteo flguree.J tuogeo tljeibplblt
be ni^ulo Sap tljere fine o; (treoaieB.anb beraure tbeflrft
fptljc figure oftlje CDmperouclwent in tottje 12. tobufMofyt
boufe offaonelTe, 31 tuogeo tbat mttje cno of bu bopage1 ffo;ft
mud; as be roulonot attatne fento bio purpofe) bee luoulo bet
faDanDangrietoltbbiiufelfeinnoroittanietopafre > fo) tn
niabe a rcturne toitb Oifljonouc, loffet ano wrcomrctutt
of bio nun.

OfdieafpcftofOppofition. Chap.17

Tiperegaroofoppofltionin tbe figure fonneoia, fobentbe

ficfl ootb bebolDe tbey.ano tbts 10 an ill afpettao tuell fo
tbe otftance of tbe place 00 fe; tbe ront ranet te.beraufe tbat tbe
ficfttaor Ojrent.anotbcfeauentboftbei^ctiocnt. ano tbe
like iti0ft:omtbe4. totbetentb.bccauretbcfourtbfignifee^
nuontgbt.anotbetentbbigbnooKe. 3(f re fintea gooofigae
intbeflrttboufe.anoanotbermtljefeaueiu!), 9 tbattbepbw
botbo: one (Element 1 qualitie , nature ano planet, tb*fl
tbalpeiuDgeagcoDiirucorv Denuunototbequerantifb) ttwt
amongft tbem tbereis nocontrarietp oj oppofitiombut cotra-
b)irefingulerat(paiKetfrtcnDibip,a0bi>erainple> ifpeefiuoe
FortuiianuiorintbcfiLttboufr, ano finoe btmagaineintye
feaueutb.o;Piiclhinti)c fourth ano (be tenibjOjrgntraritoife
tfwttjefirilpou BnCca goeo Bsuce.anD aneuiUti ifyt rMtunffa
fljaUfcre t|>atbcttoec«m»m it ateatolfcojft .tomrarietie
«no ennUtic.anD tljecebp t?ou (tjM iungc tf)at tt Ognif^etb til
tatije Quecant, as trint^cftctttioufe pc finbe Foituna maior,
mo Cauda Draconjs (tl tjw rcmetlttliOj Pudlainttje fqutU).
mo TrifticiamtljeUnt^.

an example and figureofoppi-fitiontoknowcifthc Count

ofNotttlanevtcrc deader not.

TlBsingonatimeat Fountenblcauciuns ocflreb bpnlticno

iofmlnetomahcnBijutctahriolDe tf ttje Count ot Noue.
hire toete beaoo; not>iat>ic») ftgute 3 maoe as re fee Qmebe -
foje.ano becaufe tbe flcfl w a figucc of t,, anb tbc fealitntb i\ ft-
B»te of i anb botb agtcc in one Clement »\nt)Uf) is of tfje Ml a'
tee * 3iuog6btbnt\uJ)tntljciium lul)i(bb;ougbttt)cnelues
MmeftomtbcCnmpe.tbvittbefaibc CountieUjas notbeabe,
aiibbeeaufe t|;at tt)e fouttlj «tcntlj becontiacica anb ofgeeat
ttunUictyconcto t|jc otf)er,3 iubgcb tijat Ijc ftjoulbbieoftbis
DtfMfe: bu{bcfai>fetl)eagurf« oftl;e Crtlol)ttfib<
t^e aft ano niatfj.anti t^ofe lihetoifc of tlje Sextiii be gooa;,«
iuogcbtijatuittboutanr Doubt be fbotilo liuen fpoce afttt
f bat be ttn« bu^- bctaufe 3! fatwe otbet ff gucc« tobtrb
»eclartbbittoweofbioDMtb»antiflwt fbef bioagraetott^
tbe tentb babicb if Carcc r ,tobfcb alloaica in tbia place Ogni-
fletboeatb.wAtjuifitiointbeeigbt, f Coniunftiofojtbe
anbge. aiuogebtbatbeflbonl&Die. Mhith thing 31
ttue.fb; be bieo being burt on tbe beil? , no roumpLo;bof
Thayibocbnotu^noarctoifneffcoftbe iuDgrment tabict
) giutttobitb tow founbaa true a* tbat tuogement tobicb i
maMoftbelgucetobicbre commaunbco me to male i3
l.?onaofMark« Antony Cuzannc , flHDing Upm^flgut#
tbat be towbutt on tbe netleanb tbe beao.tobereof be op«it
all tobicb bappeneo after toarbo aaj fonnb it bp mp figure.
ffibegenecalltaleefrtgarbWBnDarpnteoto fucb , ti
. i iT-J.1 rTTi ri c .v-11; iQ ■ t •'! I r i. PI j 'TJ j 111
in Clement ano planet , 0; of one planet ondp.anb ofom
Clement onelp,fo tbat tbe figure be goob. jfo; irit be gooo, it
if agoooflgne.anbagoooanuKttontM if Pudlatobicbifl'
gooi figure,be in tbe firfi boufetoonb anb tbiro. 0; in
conie.tbicb,fouctbanbfift,aniroofotbica, aa 3 baueteM
poubetjieintbeCbaptetofCompanie, anboftbeConiait-
ttion Mft^e flgurta tobttb fome call a JCciplidtie.
SCbeflpettSextillU from tbeflrttto tbe tbico,o;ftomtbt
tmto pow mo^ airalet;.
JCbequebwteatpetttofrmnfbure to fouce , tbeSCrim
from Sue to fin^tbe d>ptxifltion from feuen to fcuen.aabet'
toben pe flnbeagoob figure in anp of tbefe Hr(W(tea,pou Ail
itftgetotUanogooonta*, anoifpefinoean01 Planettben
ofCjeomancy ui
To know for what intent a.figurc found was nude,
which iscallcdthcpoint ofinflru-
^Won, Chap, 18.

Tl^ifiuiatfjinijofno fitwll DiWcu'itic ana tottfequciKC,

lioUttotcllfo;tBi]atputporc'n jifijjutc ^ bcneniatit,
fd) it mar liappui fame tiniec tfjat picfon mar ft nD c a figute,
WiDfcnotocti) not foitobat intent anocno it ^atlj bene maoe,
Htltbet finbettj anr inrcription in t^e fame* be^ecebr tie mar
fchotu tt)t cnufe. 5Dut tbia rule tyat 3 toill tjeceaftcc ibetoe
yeu l^all ferue to tljat putpofe, if re soe toell bnoerttanb and
prtitiretijcfame: 3 toillnot bete cccite tfje opinion ofall ttie
SDwtsutfltntbia fote^ftutbatliioulBbeaninfinite too)ke>
but 3 ttiUibeineit bntopou as b.tiefelr m 3 can. jEfce flttt
rulebolotohnotuttjeintent, 10 , toffelvbcntbeGtttfcoure
gpet^intoanroftbcotljcc, anb to(uDge«cco;bingbntotbe
figniflcation of tye Ijoufe babete tbtgoetb. 3n otyet cule io to
take all tyc bnetuen points oral tjn ttoelue figutes, ano giue
one to tlje fltffionc t o tfje fecono, one to t^e tbico anb To con<
ftqutntlr bnto all tfyeotbero.bntil ^altl)« points be beftohio
ib»anb tljen if the point temaine on tljc fittt bouie, it rigni<
letl) tbcccbr that tbe pecfonbatboriiteoto bauc ttjat tpgute
tobemabcbponfomcoftbcDcmanubcs ivbu!) be of fTitl
tjoufc.ifit tcftbpontljefcconb.itCcnificti) that tljc qucttion
libtinaunbiB of mouable goobsio^otbectbings toutaintb
in tlje frtonb houfe >. anb fo (ball rou iitbge of t|jc otbec boufe 0
totjete tbe point both ftnr-3nb if it boc happen tljat the point
of the intent boc (tar in tbeboufe of the thing OrnmimbtD, cj
in the fpft, re mu 0 iubge nttoibing 10 the flgnifr cation that
the Suogeboth (betoebntorou tanb luhen rouluill iubge
bp the fame Jubgc, pou muft nlfo take tijebndeucn points of
theVDitncdcoanothe Sttbge 1 nubbettotoe themamongtf
tt)eni{:|buttlmtiuleinhithioonelr bp the n.bourc* > iotlje
bettec,mo;efuteanb ceitaine, aovefhallfebrthccrample
Glpon a Dap^^entleman BeDteome t o gmc iucscnieal«
a figtirttotjiti) fje fjnbfouno, nno btcaufe neittjettwiw
':netot()ecaufetot)2itlDa0iruoc, J toohcalltljebnwwi
pointi oftlje tieelue boufce.atiD gauc tl)rni(a0 before $ fymi
fai6)toeMl)flguccone , bntotbctojcirtb = anMtjebnmn
pointa,being in ntunbei' foure onb (luentic, nno tljcrcbs i)*
uingtbDicecunonecalltyefiguces, J founotljclaftpomtto
fattbppontfje n.figure,Cottjat 3 iuogcotbattljcfigutetwO
pointoftbeintcntfallbpontbe SuDgeA'ou fljall iuDgetiiefi-
guccaa tbeJuDgciajbctt gooao; baooc. Jfct tljcceisan.
otljccculctJoU) toiuDgettjc point of tJjc intenttoljirf) 3 toiU
110U1 tellpoictnHrtfHifiiUnnorcnucntb fifiurcs, anDoutof
tljem talte nnotljec , ano inoge tljcniaccojOiiignstbepbOi
fto; n Inbentc t^c figure luas taken, ao bp erample: if t^cficS
bcPopulus.anbtljereuentljbelAqiiifuio, anOoftljffettoo
toinntetljnnotljee A(|uifitio,youfljall iuogcacco^orngtoi
figmffcationoftljat Aqmiicio-.antirofijiil you oocoftljeotljcr
ifigures Ui[;icl) romc of tlje licit anb feaucntlj.

Hecrc follow tlicRuki.


Bins , o.i«fan

of (Ranging jof nmuiage o) of tlje tcUe of

ftomonepUce ofanaifcuiblie ntoneH, ano of
foanottiec | jtljetoap

irroKtepttTm of a tfjiirg !ofp;ironiiunti ot feme lufpi'

lofikf)ititoit|) liougtjMoft.oj Qthenrffc. ojation
fometojot Rolen, offlthc- tljing fjiooen |
nci* t inuocati' j
on offpttiffo


f fsact, ftu-
tune, o;ptne
fa? a toDman
ofGeomancj, 115

ofgtiiie to beeoltomifoomp]
aibptwffiithtobeniaot, of
; mooing frooffonn: lode.
eto plate,

Ofcliewayofpoint* CIup.3o.

Tl^e ©eomancila (jaue mam? tuleo to tuftge ttjeit flgutca

angt)t>«ntiainOngftottiet0> ttjat h)t)i(b ttieriioetalltoc
'toay of point ,ao a t|)inginuct) necetTatis and p;oB table in tbio
fltfe. 3ftectbtt£fo;etb.ittbcflgucci0maDeU)itbi|)c\uit>
mflta and ttje iuoge poul^al take tbefitft point of tfyat l uoge
be it euen o; oooe: ano aflectoarbo tfye points oftlje tigb t toil •
wi.ifiitbelihebntotbefaiiJiubgeafnot.tbcntalte tbc points
ortbeieftjuDge.irithclihebntotbeJuoge t HButiftbctno
toitnefl]eob«uenot pointu abouelitUtotberaio lodge,tbcn to
ibetenotoa? of point in § flgute: butifit happen tbatoncof
tbetuitntdefbe libe totbe 31 tidge,and ttjat in tfje bpjMt paite
tbe pointcsbe eueno; bntuen.u tlje faid iodge io^ e O^al tahe
tb« p<o; io.fcguce,bobett)ec oftbofc ttsobelifceto tbe lodge.
flnbifitbc vg.rounjalalfoljiUieiTgflctitottjefirtUfcconti.if
ttjepomtonijigljleltlsetjntofbatof t|jc jluDgc > Ivitntibi
nuo imitljA'oti (l^albetcrnrine tfye qucQion foj ttjclobict) £ 6'
CiuebatljlittnciuaDC'liSptbcflift boufr, iftljelonpofpotnt
aoc into ttjc fcconOA'f' fljall ttibac accojbing to tljc frcono.ant
tljcttifitlcBooorclbdlinogegoot), ano tfitbetllvoutbsU
in oge tll-But if tbc tvas of point goe into tfte tcnt^. vou nut
[jauercrpftt bntotbotbitO nnb fciutb > rolobctytffiftyrai
tbdtislibeititbcpointsonljigboftbciiibgc anD taiitncOM,
flitDfo ibollrouitiogenll tljc fignw , moving tintotbat
U. bitb w lik e bnto tljc 3 unge. ^110 if tfjc left tuitnes be lib
bnto ttje juogc.rouflialltaKe tbeeleuentbo; tteelft|)>tob'
IbecoftljcmiflliliebntotbtJuOge 1 anOtf)enifitbctbt^
uenlb.retbnilbniicrefpetttjnto tbcdftnnDflft , nnotuw
bingbntotbntoftbe tUiotbnllbelibe on Ijigb inpointu bnie
tbeiuDge> toilnrsanDeltiimtljbourepoutbaUiuDgeallttii
queHionpjOjpounBeD.^noifitbegoob , ¥e (ball iubgiitfo
gocbanoifttbeeuilUrcnjnlliuoge it totuill.3ft|)ctlt)flft|i
bauelibepointeonbigbbntotbeUiitneiTeofUti) tbe iuogeti
ic (bnll.baue refpcct bnto tlje fenuentlj onii eigbt > onD accoi-
Bingfotbatlubicb oftbeni tluatnc (ball be libs > Vout&al!
tiibge (as befoje ifl fnio) tba tfo ,to gone ifit be gooo, ono bn<
to ill if it be ill. jf oj pe muft bnoecttono tbat t^c Utap of point
intenoetb tuopetlt? onto one pointjfo; toben tbe? be tfooit ie
not fo pctfttcae toljen ttyv, b« fount) in one: anb betjoloe Itb
A figure and an example of the way of point*

* * .* T"^ r* * * -k -k I k k k k
k k ! k k
kk **1*1* * **.** *
* * | * * , * * k * * | * * * J

AJttenDofmine DrflttD me tamahen figure fojtofenoU)

Iphttycc that a fetuant ofhistiao cobbeoliim oi not:anb
'apcbice 3 maoe t)im tbis fisucetobub Ve bece fe-^no bccaufe
tbattbcremtbe firfi bonre mnot ben? gam, anDbecaufc tbnt
Intbf boufebabecefn fcoemaunDsofrccuaittabewwDe lub'cb
fotinDaittUfigurccalleoCauiIaDraconij^ Utbirb
tiot|lgmflerobberT,3l tubgebtbat tbc femant tuasa tbrtfc*
flnbberaure tbcfeurtblDCubifl on ill figure figHifics^ fame
C<cKrtbBocmtotbattolji(b rontainetb tbebenmbbslubiclj
be bpon fubttaiueij iuogeo tljat it toaa a figtic tbnt tlje ($ai-
tfetbafibenerobbebbp v fetuant before Ijis faio spaitfec did
knoU)etbcreof,auDbat)ttotenmutbiiioje tben Uias miffco.
2it6bccaufeti)at tbercgaibTrincnim Scxtilcbedgureaof $
to.jfnp tbnt tbefernanttboulo be tahenin Doing tbefade.
bjfjicb tbing ttj* fnuttb oolb nlfo ftgntfie ('fame, flub becaufe
tte toap of point ftfiet!) into one of ttje fpguwa of© ,bpftiatit
if nunifeftt^it tfjefa'bfecuant t^allbeoircouccco bpinrani
ofttje goOeaUJbitbije&Atb aiuen tintotjto hintTolbgg.
ta t\)c map to iuDgcafpgutcbp rije toap of point.

How toknowc tlicpartcofforjunc.

li)eqm(tfon being maoaaftectbattuebauc iugeobiQt

1 bourc0,rpgu'e0,nngle0,conipanic0 .afpedof, tbetMpd
poiut.anobpflllotljcrfo^cf anornflimctfberojcfaio, notN
rrttctl) ittoiuogebp t^e pact* of fbjtunc > ttjeluljitb folbiM
ofiuDgcinentis beep ncctlTaeic anb piofptatle. 2E|)tpat
of fojtunc io taken on t\)ia luife, bp accomptingttje pointiit
tljeia. fvu'ircfl , tobict) aftccU)arD3 pc nuift DiuiDeto
tluctue pactco. nnDtbatmijicbrcmainctbguiebntotyefy
gtuea.xlo if ttjere red tboo pe nuitt gtue it bnto tlje fctonflfE'
giirc,iftl;rict)orcnMincroiicetotbefouetb fpguce , ifitk
lire to tlje fiet fpguic, ifitbeeigbttotljecigfjtiifitbetento
tlje tcntlj fpeme.if it be ttuelue to tlje t inclft!) fpguce. itflbj
erantple.if tlje fpguce be ofyi.pointa.o; 84 oiyd.oiofioS.
pointa.tbfntljepattcoffojtuncnjall goc into ttje ttwlftbi
XiutifttjcfmopoititB of ipgure maoe , being DiuiDCD b;
ttuelue, ttjcceoocccmaincbut tboo, as itttjece teniflintfM'
iientieanDfouceiubeictljerccciuAinetijbiittluo , tt)en(u
befojr loc bauefatbjpe imitlgiuc tbat bnto tlje fctniiD (joafti
anDtljeeel^allbetljepaeteoffojtunc £n!jfUjl)i(l)if<t)CflfjJtiB
nnoljourc be gooo ( foj botljtljconeanD tbootfjecnniltbe
[ooftcDbpon)pou(1jalliubgcgocD , fmoifitbceiiillpefljill
alfoiiiDgccuill.anofolikcmircnjallpe 00c of all tlje otjm
fpgiicee. JBut if tlje fpgurc b e goob, anb tlje bou fe illiojcom
teanedljcijonreBooDanDtljerpgurcill, pounjalliuBge t(*
faio pacte of fojtunc to be tncane. flnb totljeenD pe mop tb»
mojceaGetlmoto tlje plate vobece tljefpgutcfa'letljjtDWi
U calleo tfjepacteot fojtune.pclball macbe it biitb tbt0
onnb (IjereaftccpetballiuDgc alltfjequettionfojtfietobi^
tl)ern(oiflguretoajnmoe,a5pelbatlfe«bptl;c eeajnpieftwt
An cxitnplc and tigurc nude mthcfauotir of my
Locdeof Thayi to Icnowe the parte

®pon a Da? mvHoJDof Tluyt minDtogtotmih g ^o;re*

tomnwuiiOetj.itctonuHeafljuce. totmoto if that ttio fynfe
Hjt|)ethoulobu?uifcejoDOo) bao: ano Iminoingtoideafuce
htm^o bn o m? Lojo uno nuiftec , tnaDe to; tym thil p^efont
0®itea)iDbtc.iurctl)attoeCeinttie(lcllfl3nce ana tomfM'
tjwn be qood fiQucco, anoliheiuifs t^e toatthono rnuentb. ann
ttjeanclcelo; tbc better pace U)e;egooo , 3 iuogeD inoifferent
UKll.butberauretbcarpertauiccetlli anQtbeoppoRtion mrane,
anDtt)attl)cti>a?or point toent into an itlflguce, ano alfobc-
fan'ettjep.v icoffoitunehappencbon an ill figure anobuur?,
JiuBBcDittobeill.anobccaiifettjetUjelftl) tjouieio tlje boufe
bbttcin becantainco tije quefiiono ano teiuunDea uitiici) ma?
be put toiiclnng ho^co .mo ottjee great beafio, nno as toucbtng
tbemcmbccB of tbe boo? .^tbofe mljtcl) ma? bee put toiueciunQ
tfjefcrtcauDtcgjea, ano fo;becaufetljat in tljat plate 3 teunoc
if t
* •#>
an ill flsute ulteQ AmffTio, 3 iungpo tt)att^e ^ojfe^aQanettia
foott ftio toai not^mg: anofo it toaa founoe true intje
JEoleneof tpon. OMtifcanotlittnmnncctoflntJcpart
offo^tune? intahingaUt^epointsaaVuell cftliettyclui: Ijoufei
aaoftlietiDo uoitnedes .anotfye iuBge«tDl)Ul)ti)epiioe pact be;
ttvelue(aai«arojeraiDe)butbecaure3^,tetonnDe hd tcuib
tt)ecaii»3l fuill rpeabe no mo^ tljeceof.

OftheTripliciticofiigurcs ^andof their face.

Cliap. 22,

BtJcaufettiat a figuce cannot tnall be luogco if tbat bcdDci

mlt&efgtbinp abijcraiDc, apacticbnocrttanonotttiecc-
altationanbtfjefaUoRtjellgucea, a$ J bauealceaoia 0(clactl|
in tnp licit IBokc.in («cb C^aptec to^cct 3 bane tccateo tbeceof,
nno minoc tpt*iW i^icD 16oohe to 00c tfye Uhe of tljr fatoei.
6ntca,anOoftb^tSCd^uttieanOfac« : tbe iubicbhccaufelt
^ £ ,v cannotaBtoelltitf oontaBtbateftbc Wlantia, 3 totlltnakeno
, , longbircoucre||itttor,buttbuspemaaonel?bnDecaanD, ttxt
ai oftenw^BnbetbweBaucw 'all of one Clement ,an0of
, ^ ^ one qualiticy'ttiat is calleo a SLcipliciti£>anD tb;ee planets boa*
: w*nintornort tbtm, oneb^tbebavanoanotbecb? tben^bt,
* M^uvqitwcefeabptcample , tobece AquiruioanoLcuua!
* anbtbytebicbcommetb oftbeni,U)bubiaPuer,ootn«li(aRa
* * IDt##citie.dDt«ttbetcttU)ter«of,itiP)uentttbbl?Oa?,ano<}'
* ant) bwon tbeotbec aft ec^ w iLojb bif bcp * ano ^ bp ni^
jwciuict^t^ub vtEOa^ano^ be roubt.
★ -k
k k
!• * * I * * k
k k
* ' * * ★ I * * I
" Staplidttcof Wttatecjifemt'l
irfne^eptcntrionall. lnineg)ccioeftta».
k ★ ' k k
A k * k

k k k
k k k
k k
k k k k

Hficretflnnetfict nwrnnttof JECciplititie * tutjufji* mo;e

cettaine tl)entJ)i8tol)u{j 3 fyauefpohen of, ant) Hint w,pec mutt
Huioc alltljeftgucee intofoticepacteaaa?cfe fjeceabout ^anb
ofcmljparttahctbieeftBuvcB .allofone Clement , anoallof
one qualitic, tBtjicttttttee, mattetfyeSDciplicitiett)attoe Tpeahc
St. Unto t^c U)|)ul] Suiplicttie one planet gouecnettt bp bap,
anbanotfyeebpnigfyt: aBifFortunam*i,.rbefounbintljeftitt
boufe, Cjuila draconis intbefeconD,fi Albusin ttje ttjitoitbat
wntoplicitieibpon tjfjidjigouctnetbbpoav , nno j bp nigljtt
unbrooftljeotbecpiancteo. anonotc,tl)attotubge aBgucc
tDE!ll,abouealUljmge0poiimiift|)auea cegacbebntottic tdplp
(itie.fojbecaiii'citiflbmsiiccctr.icicfoiaiujgeiucnt. ilnotljat
bceaufeiftbat ttje ttj^eepactiesoftbe flgnceabeoftboaue ,poii
(l)iMliuOQeacco;Dingto tlje t'igmncation of t^ebgutesof tt)e
Sic* > tii^4beiittnplidtie. p«f**ftlje 6
Cure be ofonc QSIemeiit tan* of omqaaUHe foa (b*lUuD0ett)t
03urefirro;DingtotberonDitionoft(ic Uiplititte. SnDirt(ie
bsurcbeMfeofonetupluitie.anolj^feofanotbfc, ?oafljau
iuogeactoiDingto'ljatpflrttobttliwtlje ttconsec > ano am),
tringtotbe nature ana ronoition of tfceClements ano pianete.
totncbftwIlbctiierDoiiccnourooftljatSLdpKdtu : anDbereii

iftsnres oftbeEnpluittcoftlje Sice^uectDboht

o notb gouccne bp oa^uno v bp ntgtjt

botb goucrne by oar.nno )■ bpnigbt^

* a | * * *
* ' * * * ■*
★ * I •* -fc ~k -k
* -k -k -A
ihgutegottijettipiuiticot Ciiatec.ouertobome
v ootb flouetnebp oap^no ^bpnlgbt.
★ * * k k ^
•k k k k k k i
k k k k k

ifiQuneortbetRptuitie of tbe ^actb.ouectobom*

l) Dot); gourare bp bap.anotfbp
•k k
k *
. k
The Exittition^ioy,and fall ofthePlgnrce*
Chap. sj.

* *
* * * *
* *
★ * *

* *
* *

^ A
A *
* A
* *_
* *
★ ★

T o kno wc the name of any perfonjtliat ii to fay.vvitli yvhai

letter or fyllablc it doth bcgimic.

Chap. z4l
IJfl'etotiulblinotoetlje name ofanipecfott, ojoratyttft
toh'cf) Ijatl) Qolen anp tb'iS, oj of a totvne in tt)c buljitfj aptt*
Ton fijall be fo;tuuate)0;tnam> ttMCCbanoiie', o.) of a nmnln^
dotbWitie lettetttio; ofan^otbetlubofendtne prlnoulo knoto;
wakettiatpeebauetbefliiuccofletteca: oftfjatiDljic&ismtye
fitftbMfe'PelbalUahetljcfitfl tillable : likemtfi of tOetent^
take alfo »be fetonb ano tljittt friable of tljc Icttcre o f tbc flgari
tvbubrethaUflnoc in tljc fouctlj goufeana fo (bull ^eflnoetSii
name tobubreoeflte.
Another manner.Cahe tbe Ictteraof the Brit»i fe auetbnfl-
gure.anbasofenno?etaketbcfaio Icttera , fo often tinui
moouerout figure, aiiotbenifpcflnoctt not , take tbe letttti
anetbet toap, vee mult tnoerttanb that tbe firtt figure Dotb
Qgnifietbe fittt letter of bia name tobome see oefite to hnobDe,
tbefeauentb anb tenth fignifieth theltettcc of the miooleoftbt
name,the fourthanofif^figuifiethtbelcttcroftbeenbe.
flnothctmapnio.iebettcc.SCaltetbefiure angles , theficfi
Bgureofthem Ognifletbtbcfirtt Utter botoell, the tenth . tt)*
fcconobotncH ,tbt feuenth the fourth botoell, the fourth Sfiut*
the latt botoell.
flrtfltfret toapmojebjiefe. CCbetentb ll0nrefiQti(fi(tb
flcft flllable . ttye ftaatntb (be fconD. t^e fouctb nnti flff Qciti-
etb (|)e latt fl liable , aa t)ee mag Tee bgtbe example tijat folloU)'

t -Air*-* 11 * *|x* -Ala * 0* * r* A i A
* * * *I * * *1 •* Ac cA A A
* -k *• *1 * * ★ 1 * * * * A
g* + i * [c* * v+ + bA A a A dA *

a A c ZxAAxliAAb a AAC a A J CAAtJ AA h A X
A A ' A A d| A AA A AA t g Ad t A y
A * bA*n|cA A A bA A e Ao A A
bA Ac C A iJx*AZ dAAo| :A A f f A 1 r A t :A Aa
c A k a A cjtAAl l * r m Ao i * d A~Ah f**x
dAAi a la A f A A A a An A * t S A
e A ¥ C A l|T A I mAAi n A z EJiLH A Av
ZLfocmlc <f ttig uuttrtifc o( jftjuwh
6 a *166 a 166 a * :o )OA tfi * 14 /A IIAA *12
8 A 31 A A 12A A A A A * A 7* A|g
'»* *. A A J A • A t+AjI Aja A
M00 8-* * Q * ^oo); A *7 Saj^Ico,!- A/4. ,OA Atfo
7 A A:3 • A 5 jl A 16,2 A * I A 14(4 *10 1**15
* 5 * *(50,J A lOO lf A J * 14 6*21 2 **f0
l + A JfiOC A A A (14 A I12 A Is A^o 8**
pi ' >70,. 2 * <?r.|6 A I ;00'4 Aj2jAAfo|9 A po | p c*6j
6 A A 4 I 2 A 24] ~ '
I f A 21 6 A A
29 A A A 64
9 A A 72, 10 Apoco

To knowe if aFieurc be well inadeor not by the hourcs

of t'nc Planets. Chap.2y.

Haulttumabenflctitt, ff^outnaulohnotoetofjet^ec'itbB
toclluiaeeoinot .you niuftlooke(otf)t4 Angles, anDtf
(n any of tfcent ye finoe aflgute ofttjnt planet ts^fib oto gouetne
in tljat fioittetfjat t^at flgute loaainatBi tfjrn (be Igureta uoell
utaoe.ano maybe tuDgeD> butotbectoifctljeflgute 10nottaiell
m. De,nettl;ttinuyyoutuDgctt,butb3cabeit , anO makeano*
tbet. anoyonimtftnotetbatifyebescflteDtomabea figure,
anoatttjattocytimefjauenot tomientcnt time to Doe ft, you
ntuCt feeepc in your tcmembiatue tfje b«uce tfjat youtoetete-
quctttotofjauematieit , nno then mahe it at conuenient time
a'tojotngto t^e Acte of ttjin ^ncme ,anotb(nile0 tobicb toee
I)' uepiopoimf et> In the fit ft l)oure.flnD biting tbusmaoe, if you
finoe a flgute in any oftfye Bnglta tnbttl) is of t^e planet t^aC
couetneointberamebouretfjat tlje queftionloaabtmatmoeft,
tt)etitbtfigurei0bpellmabe>anbifyefinoeitnot To , youmuft
matte mother, 9nt>tbtsi* the tuayljoin to tuogc inbetbet ttjat
a figure be inellmaoe 01 not: but to hnotottjebourc.you muft
trtbelbefiift 1 outeoftbroay , anogtuetttotljopimctoftbe
fame Day: anb tljuo fiom Ijcuu to Ijouic, fvoni planet to pin-
iwtVOP^UflnDevooc^ianetanofjiflfjopre. anDnote ttwC
Qe till tfourt.sB toutJjmg tt)i0 ^cts ano jbttencc > tf ftom ttje
tetie point of tfje Dap. a

AraAy Table /hewing what Planet raigneteuerie lioure

of the fe tucn daieiin the wceke^ccounting for the firft
hourc uf the day ithc firtl hour* after mid-

I ' I HoureTofthedjy. f



OftlicplanrtJ orfcauen daiet of the weck^with thtfi.

gurctvatothc^ attributed*
bfCjeomanctel up
A figure of the day.

* * f.* -A

3 Imcc thought {joob tjettlopUictfjUflgute goinslaSbe-

fe^, to Chtlu ?ou t^e ^Qjion tjoto to pjoceeoe to make a fistue
fbianpDemaunoo? queftton thatma?bep;opotmoeQ, anoto
hnolDeVB'jntfojtunifljaU tjappea ttjatbap to;
tbequofiioiibsaBDcmAunbeo^pttifscrample : «irotobn6ec-
ftano anbhnohie fyoto to titoge atigbt, STtje flrtt3f Iguie is
AaiiHio, 4 bccaufet^e is alTociateD toitbl'ixlla Vot)'(b i< a
flgate, it figtrfiett) ncitbet goo* no> ban to the quetant foj tt)is
Oap.buttbattbcqiicrantOjaUbe femebotKitangtie. SLbettjit*
toijicbifl Alb us isgooD tonwheatbojt borage, anoGgntfics
i letters tl;alb)inggcoDnetoe0<itisairogoobro)altbcbc-
maunties to^icb mapbeimDebyponftienBes annhinffolhes.
JLbefourtbtolMttnB Ttinitia ftgnifietb ^ ttie end of the bat &al
nctbetecv iotfull. tEt)cflfte tobicbifl Fortuna MinorOg.'
nifletlj loue UMtljmtt greatpUaftiie . Sfyt tiyte tatjulilsFo-
pviusflgnifletb ftapingoftye mcGage • SCb<^a<icjitbtnb:cb is
Ciudadracoms fignifietl) toIjauebis parpofe toit{)toonten
totjuttonebim. SCbccigbt u>bub« Aqui(ttio(«gooJfc)afl
temaonl)c«. £be nuitb tobub ie TriHitu Qgnifietbto bm
noiecoatfe tmto tbem tabub be UarneO. OCtje tentb tobitbii
Fort una A^aior Ognifletb to obtain (omitbins bp feingio.LojBj
ano^jlnUfl. Sbeelcuei^tb Osnifictb bil^learuiebpineiM
ofaftieno. SDbc ttoctrtb fe>bi<b ^ Pucll3 Ognifietb tbattbe
pecfon (bAllbaneno birptearuce tbisDap again(t bis ctianfef,
anobetauft tbc tentb « BMO tguuiit Ognibtb mpjtb abottt
noone o; tbe mioole oftbe bap: ano becaufe tboflft anb eUtuntft
bebotb ofoncfojt, bcMioincbpitb oneorbiafttinosU^
(ball be nngcte. SGfye (buttb becaufi it is an ill tlgucc it ttgaitt
et|) Tome angrc about nigbt. ffibw»8tbeiHannetbotD to ««.
mine a flgntctnaoefo? tbe fojtune of tbe bap.


V- * _J
(£uen astbefiguce btote before ts ro^m erample to mabe
aftfttttrtohnoto tbefottnne ottbebapin anp quefiionp;o*
pounbeb, fo (ball tbio be fo; ejrantple oftbofc Jftueflions pw-
ofCfemancie iip *
^n«otoknotDth^«tQ>allbappentljiUtottht, ^ntbecaufe

S'tlwVUwiit yWiwr 'i
rant tf mifconttnteD-.^e v Career tart^goet^
tntotleeisrtitenDeUwntl, Bgnifla JHtfccbteWment o? Ocafft
pffrietioeB, t^tflflt|tVi«att01!gn^et^ t^atUfteiatoUlbee
bwrot toittj gObmtoeB^efiTt Vd^ \i Comimftio
ibttoettj goat) f lotaUfentanti: tfjereauintt) lobtd) to Amidio
fi(p)iffe^angci tottt)tocm«i,o)elfeto liaueun?bt? tbetn - ttt
(jj^t U)l)ict)i0 Career , t^toetboftbeoeattiofa raimD , 01
tiTe ntntb iottUb U Caput draconi) 6g-
roBetbanbopttotMetaemimtr^retnotwettie it : t^a
tmtb tobilb Caput draconi?, COOtIjflftltifie tO baue gOOB
(beereottt)ttting:tl)eeIentntt)tx)bid) w Career fignitett) ai
btfue; ttie ttuelte ftgmBettj goo time t o bur bo;ftB, ano tbat t>
ntniea (bad become ftienoeu. 15ut ton muft bnCedUno tbat
bstbabnoerttancingortbtafignce, tbat tbeBrftfigmfletbtba
fitftboutf.nito foofattbeotbecgbntotbettoeKtbi tbetbftano
feconotogetbecDoeflgmfle ttjeflcft oa^ oftbe teethe,tbetbttC
anofouctbtbe fetotH)tH^,ant)foofaU fotbetoittpjoceebing
<!5g 3 A

T^tfitttflcticc tu^iu^ia Aflgtice ofio^cnlleo AqulfitioOs.

X nifiet^ tljc begttinuis oftttemonetl) to Ic sooo i ano Itcaufe
HjefiacotrtpanicD Ivitlj Popnlustoljirf) ijtljcflsnte oftfje CC»
Umnrtoft^e VQatsc> itOgnifletfj(fjat tijclua^ fljallbe becii
f8U)le:L«titiJtDl;itlj to t^ie tljirD.Oflniflftl; peace ano tontwX
amonaCfrianoa ono hinrfolbfaitljefouctb is Puer,antiatistitt
of jitGgnifletfyanieoiocritie in allaffaicca anobuGnM' tfc
0ft to^tc b ia Forcuna Maior flgnifiel I) to takcplenfuce in appa*
ttlMotateanO ojinhe, anoto^iueaguaintanreo' toemnn
ttftOrt ti)f)icf)iBC3rcci, fliiDgoe(f) intott)eeigt>t anlttotWI)
beufefl, RBnifietbt^bwtt) offonicorijiufecumito, ojtobee
lelb pjifonct, oj elfe fome ofbiobo^eo to ope. ^noberaafelfit
feuentbto^icbi" PopuluiismtfjefcconD, anoisacconpanirt
toitt)Career it flaiiiftctbtijattjc (ball obtaineallaopfawebo-
Dieo; befWtituU, ano epcellent in (bmc obfenre ptoca: tbe eiot)<
grMffoit anDpol{c?. Jarni bccadrc ttje trinfyif like kntotte
fltft, ((jcrebp is fignifieQ tfwt |ie l^Ufjaue mone? iljis monetir*
ant tjiat tfje biases ano entecpjifcs bil}(c^ tieeQaU make QiaU
iutne to fis 3 teat fiononcanb eomimkitie. ftnb becaorellKSS-
(tt)(iitotlieteiitf),itagniaetlitb(tebT!tobauc t^e fanoncank
fia«ofap?in«o;abt(H3: tip eleaenrtjtobictJis Amiifioflg"
nikctti tiiat be 'snot beloneo ortbaretDbomebetaket^ to bebis
(Htnos. SCtje ttuclftb lubitb is Circer Qgibfletb asbefbjeis
Iboken or. qpojcouct te mull note tbat in tbto fisuce tbe toute
motbns dsniAe tijefita toesbe, tbetourebaasbtets tbefe*
(onD iDsebe.SCbe nint b anb tentb tbim VM<ke> tb* rUc entb

A figu re for the ycare 15 3 8. for the lord L imoges*

iu; il 'OS 1 I V
* * rtrt***-*!-**
** ■* * ** ** * * I ^
234 tbiird^Booke
Ti^ii igwv tl)»t M5 LojBe of ItoNjjl
^411 bo fo)(un«(e b? wAfon of Ariei ^
OuatrMfb, a tguce' of ^ D. jStib becaufetbe faioefi^tijj
goob atn paffttb irtto tyt Ibaaitttb. it wtb flgitiffe fb'it t\jt tt
Iidjd (bait come to o point twtp tyf enimteo, ot eifeofiffeii
bio (Utebp Uine: tyt feconb, becwire it io a gbob figace »iiiH
ni6et() tbat I)* ibsllloS bp aio^e mom? in (tw t^en be
ot&et peoceobefoie, «to (ballgainemucb i tbetbico, betmfll
botp agcee iaitb tbe left WitneflSe»it botij (ignite tfjat beM
tAbeanbekuineffe ftutomeofbio Un(n]liu«:tbe fourth Mil
im ill figure, figniletbtbatboibuUbe angtp about foimto
Ugeo, Unbes, tuobfl5 onaotbet litetbingeo.- anDbeaql
ttjefcUbe fouctbsoetb into tbe tenth b»bicb i* theboareoft(t
fting ,it ooti; fignifie that tbio anger commetb becaafetbeftini
inoulbt«hebioinberitAnceo;rome other thingfcombbn^lS
in an illfigure,anbflgriifleth that be ia angt? againffoneofth
hinrfollwo: no toutbing the feaue nth,31 baue toloe bee (ignif»
tionithe eight tgnifletb v b* ihaUnot bein on? baiiger of tot)
this peace , the ninth figilifieth that he <haU be DtfamtMM
tnitbo man leatneb, ojamanofthe Church: % tenth (IgMO
fietbtbot (bcniante (ball be inoifibtent goobtbiopeore: th
eleuentb. be (bollbe orCpleareb bprearonofoneofbiottienMi
the tUwlftb fienifietb that bojCeo fiMU be oefeadeb tbio wt» M
Ifpectollptn tbetcleggeo anofeeto. aDbe ^itnefteoona jupgii
becoufe tbepbegoooBgureottbe? flgnifleagoooena, onoth
fieftaoth Q^mte aomucb, becoufetbatit ioingoob Coofo

Howe to place the Signes about the Figures, to

knowcvntowhk lioltlicm they be

Chap* 3tf.

1I|£DI(oto ing the application of the jbigneo tDbicb braetcta

rVcretoroje in tbio p^fent SSooheplorro in tbio flgowW
of Gmmcie* m
MJ*> toqpmsilMtaftttptttyKUiuuftabfftU t^Kolw
t»bi(blbM«b«tt*iMraMrla(eb>l!Mifii^>tiioCtatt«et^ like1
ket^Mb<tu|*flcft?oamuS ce{pMSMtatbeftdtK0nc«,
|i^bem(&itoeatoi?GttwM*rWbooke,«i!tt tonO^oent-
Ifteiwtbettlttkitbeotketflgiices. ^fbi?<MnuU, tftbat1
Fortunn Maior be in tbe fltftboafe, 700 mat let Aqtiarim 0 - *
MtkiM) tabicbiitbeScpttt^itieattcibateb bnto tfyKt U>'
euuwifitttberetonbtbttefo^tonetebetkie jFfoactPopu- ^
if ftt Pifcei wter itMnbif Via bee w tbetbitb, |iut Ariet 0 -'
Mcit'Anoboetbe like ofeU#etb«e»^ftaib(ng bnto tbeflsnt#
IWiltieif fte it bg tke flgnte btibick bemteUobwtli.

A figure to Icaow ifa ficke per ion Hull amcui


So |^i£
^ I V r X J 3>
■k * * k k if \ k k
* k * ! + k ★ . A A 1 .*
•k l k. . I . ^ *
* *
I 1
•k k k k | ★■
| * :
1 * + ★

1 ;
1 * * k k
H fltft W^rf)iilFortnnamaior iiugMb flfiaM,
1 geob foi tt) e patirut atre t bat ^ (^rU ^auenoni ij
ffjntMnm. Sbtjercconotot)'^"8 Circcr,i,ttt)ie ploceOntlf
ctft Mtbecfj.irmetljeti sooD.Q'/tic tljiiD totyxbiB Acjuifitiojpin
wRftbagMOifRiefa rbcpAtifnt E!jcfouctbtn!)ic() w P«5pih
1u< tfatHjibrt t tljeQrbnf a fijal be louytbw Qauce is airobM^,
full. JilKftftiBbftbis Rnbrusflsml'getfjtiwtiulJdtfoeumiii
patient tabet bat ttanoetb mjaind tbc bcnrtiDbe ntt tobitb Is
A Ibu »,t)otb Obcb) t bat nil tt)* Dircnfes connbetb of inelA«VoU{
ono of b^itio;s domabont tbe beatt.ldiitb is tiieareatedliff!
cad tljat be batb Jibe 'eauentfj U) bicb is «tf fk
Sure of tbcCIemtnt oftbc aicc.accompatiteO toitb Cauda,dr^
coni j , mfjiti, fe a Rgure oftbe ©lenient of tbe ificejono intti
IjoufclubetcbttontdincDttie oentaunos iDbUbntapbtwpi
tJWon o^itb .Canifle tbis bireafe to be mojtall. SCbt'nMt
iibubis Am»([io»ft(jniBctb tbat tajicQs (bailtKuien9p;ofti
bp bim- Jibe fentb mbteb is Aquifitio.toi tb tbe tbicb tobubb
like bnt o bint.Qiuttbbonc of life >anb tbat be fljal not bge. Ski
eleucnfljtubiifbisConninaio, Cflnifletblbattfje Difeaftill
swrtionj, tba< bis frienbs bade toftail tbtirbopcof life in Mb
Cbetkid!tbto|)trbtflalfoConiunaio Qgnifietb tbfttbiie*
iniM obe (ooht catbrt Ro; bis oeatb tbtn fw bis Ufeio* tbat bib
in penll toloofe bis tnits .^>n ibis toife mud tee iu&aea fljoa
mabe fw a Ctfee pecfont ono t • ptoee ouct euetie flgnte t be Bfm
of beauenitebeteunto tbe Bsote is attcibuteb.lUJut in tbis bo
balfe pe muft note, tbat tobenfoeuec tbe Bcdflsuceis sooe^si
ftoetbenceinto tbe tentbboufe, tbeBtkepeefDnCballamM,
VHbitb tbins 3 bane tnanp times ^p^raeo.

the qnalitici and properties of all the figures.

Chap. 17

fVKoetlp fcnstoiug, 3 ba&e fef fio; poa,8tl tbe qttalftfM Ml

Vypjopecticsoftbe 15. Bsutes, to tbe enD tbattoboliKtne
tDoulo^bptoaporrrtteatton) Uacnetbis fcintrr, tbatbeebte
tgnatoUaf notbingtvbitbddctntetbtbc pecfcttknoMiMM
leeeof, &o ttrst if^retoe tn^nfien* ttefc SCablei, ron mat
allbbnOftffantit^eficft.rMonBaoot^ifOiwBiKorttKa iMike*
3(10 note etiat alt t^c Rgami to^katttmo^poinbaon^
ttpnbeloto.b? tNtdngmanB gooB^antngT riuitia^nB t^ofe
tofcltb twue iMo;cpo(ntc belolttifen on bte.b? gains oalanoe-
|(U.fauinjiLxtitu. dmtbore tobicbbuieai nun? about ai
{tnta^bt mgancifaumgCarctfianB tjiefebt ((kIc
BM^uaUtlcaanb natures.

^jflUTW flgntfttngtbe ronrtE

i?lgqi«»PgnlfringiotthtSit)OU«t,anb »a«<

#ieuws HumfEmg c^aaitie am DicginitU
.★ -A fcvl*
* v j* | * ■* i * * { * [ atmriig.
| A vk itr -A*1*k * I * * I *
I * k k -k nftotKW/
•* * * A * ttjcp fall.:
j(f iQuut Sgnifying iimintiatntitam) Icttljetie.

jHgttPtfBgnifttog to net.

Jisurei of peace.

^ignreoof ^abiUtie.
if * if j -k J ★ -i | -k I -A ■*


I * *

^tgqtts of>«Deatt)rco;oi'ng M ti>e cig^tagtctt^.

* * A AA ^ ^ A A I A
* * * A A ¥■ ¥• A Al A
*r * * a.AAA^v Y.|aa
* -A * A A A ^ A jy: A Aj A A
■ A A A
jftljacwortouetowrncireanD auacue.

iiDrjuflue | ^[tQeme | ifo;ce | jXempeuna

CJoooflgntfotobu^wttfll. lotTctobupcattell

flnieitDmcntofffrkmtre.but fbrflcketitCe


Bllfoj tomnene loutjfoj tbcf twiUiiot loaeoiato

(Soobfigttttf ftto^ioano tetn

c * * A A A A A A A A ★
y * A A A A A * *r
A A A if. * A
c * A A * V
* * A A A * AO
tfwttfb) bowse wtttqawKe
A A A A A 1 *
\ * A A A A 1 "* * /
^ At A A * * j ** >
*- A A A A * 1 * * J
OlrtB fo; bofigt, hat p^fltidile.
* *

* A
A ★ k
A k
iaftttyeMrc- lob^nsbptbetoflc.
★ A A A ' * A * •* A
A •* A A
k* ^ 1 ^
| A A 1 * A A A A
* * A * * * A A

pctt fo; {prow OM

£ A A A * * A A A * A A*
A A A A A A A A A ?
< *
V )* * A A A A A A A
* c
^ A * 1 A A A A A AA ★ A j
~j vP * * * + * * do) ftuitfUlhetfof^ ?eate,rtieB-
C*** * *** ijureaeMHinjwto* elementi
< + * * ^ oriDaUtteutttbe goob.ft^ort
I * * » * * * |* *(vpfrufrbeofflteanoaE;ebeiU.
<£ooQ to !)aue Ub(iHt,ani) tocome mt of p^fon.


mtane to come out ofpjirort.

gooDfojibeboop ttectbentbeotbec

R? E

a wo fo;atoom4ntBttbrt)iloe.
*44 y ^ tbinrisoorg
ill flGuce,fo}t[)ctt}tlOeft)flllBft.

of(jeomancit. i|5
gooo flgnoefl to tafte fl)i'pyt'ng j


gooDfiguces fo? clianghtg from on« (ounttie to otofyfe

H T\ | 75 7> | Tt | ^ A | 7^ | n /v l_2 l_ "

ic * * * i k k •A
* * k k k
k k k k | k k
k k k k k | X
goott fl Bureo in ttjc fufpttton of to au e.
■k 1 k k 1 k k ■ !
k k k 1 k
fMft8gac*sfo; mauuin ccmbat.


* A * A
★ * A *
•A k ic
* * A * A
gooO re;tatietn t^e enbbyniiU beginning-

•—r *
gofcitotie^t natiuitbor apecfBn^o^efte^atmtitve am
ORptetioniKcifaXtallbe, poamnBficfirojmtatgiu^in
t|tl»^iftl)eBtftanOflftebebotl)ofone\9Uhct, b^t^atu
ftjmftco tjat tbe pccTen fl)all be of tbe completion ano ttatc
ttwttbefa?eplanet QgniBett), aibperninplc,ifttjat a fijuce
•fjbemtbe flcft anoflft boufee> tbepactie (ballbeaman
IraxneD oj a femucntctano To it if of all tbe otbtc pUnetf^oa
mnafttctoemuue macbe into tabub bou^tbefitQboareparo
fttb > to; iftbat bouft be qooo it Dotb flsnifieaooo.ano if it be ill
ttdgniftetbiU • SCbicblp.pou mutt looke vubat company tb«
left batbtiftbataflguceof S anoanctbecof o bcincompa-
nie.itie Sgnifleotbetebp* tbattbepecffntballbea man of
toacte.bptbefubitbbeilKiUBttbonoucanii reputation . Jf
tpataflguieofcf be in tbe companie ot Pupulut^; of Via,o2 of
Albus, it Qginfletb tbat b*fl»albea tbtefe ano a IPitote on tbe
fbca- Sfaflguteofcf be in tbe flcC ano fcconb boufe»it flgni-
Vetb tbat be (ball be alaboutec oftbe eactb«02 orrotmfaop*-
tiono2^cteofrmaleat{natioR>3f intbe fccono poufinicCar-
cerjtflgnifpetbtbatbeibaUbea (&ael020}po)tecofa p2i(bn-
IW be initb Pueila be fball bean annoutct: if it be a Iguw of
Vbe(bal(berag»iUife,boucucabUt9itbaUtbe «oo2loe:ir (tbe
Aniiiriobelballbe4tapSec>acufltan^arpie, 02 anintetp;*-
tecbettotenemen: ifitbeCaputdraconisbefliall becicbana
Ib2tunate in all btf intetp2ifefl: if it be Oau da draconii be (bal
beafolitacp man.louing tnooee >« abltanins ftom companp^n#
tbue iuoge of all tbe otbccfigucsf accojoing bnto tbe condition
ano nature of all tbe pluaets ana dgne, Bgniiingeacb oftbe
fame ft gu tee. tmto tob ofe ettate (be perron (ball applpbimfelfc
bHtingbif life: Sftbat Albui beincmapanrofanillflgua, it
botbOgnifletbat tboman Ojallbea toeauen 'iffljebefcunoe
toltbFonuna maioro; Career be (ballbeatapiffecoj fpiwiec
of dotb of goloetif flje be in company of Puella ana of Leiitia be
(ball be a cappec 02 battec > ma be fVrtl nentc flnoe againe
tbat tbingc tbat be looTetb.ano Uketairefuageofal tbeotbec 8<
gocee acco20ing to tbeit qualittee ano natures * flna after tbat
f ir knoto tbe tbing tbat tbe ptrfan i» giuen koto .tbenieOetb
aUotfcfttf)ing0 arco^Dtnga* t^t^ouresboe flgn<flej(ft{iete.
fo;caBgure of Ore points be fouuoin Rtftt)Ourc,ttagi&
Bttlj ffjat a utnn tyall Uut firs ^ouc4*>fire iw¥M,firetnontt^si
firf pcateo ,o;72. UJljitf) aceeitljec ponces >tiav>eslniontt^ii
omatcs:ntcojotngaBttjefigutfabegoaoorbao, anoauoj*
tuns to fljofe UjJjitt) fisnifpe tjaiitca, oaieB.monetljeBi
aim^etfs- 3jft!;cfisutctc5. points ,vou t^aliiuDgetljat^s
ftjallliuf fiuctjoiiteB.fiueDaycB.fluenionottjg.o^fiucpcarts,
o; (in pjctxcDinsbv ttuelue);l);(c fcojc ycarcs, niibitbelnifc of
ot^crfisui:coac(o;eimstot!]cnuiiibccoftljcpoint0ta)!)it!)tC)(t /
fjauc. Wtf]crEtoyou:miltnotct()flt youii'uttlilicUui'cljauoc^ '
fpcct bnto ttje Xompamw, tljc busies, llje dfpeao, t'jc uipp of ^
bcoueittje figures, luitljtljecoiifeiitniciit of CctitnfiTcB.ano
^ftlluiose accajemstotbcficCi ftsuccano otljcro,luJjitbiftt
ttflAit istfjetbyagiiifieotljat ticctljalUitiflons.aiiDifttii
figiTmbetll, !)e^aU line a ttiico pactc o; leTct: k tfjcpu
meaug.benjallliucDalfctljcttiiicUiIjiclj BiljaticfpslKiiofbccto
befbje, IButnott^atS ooc mtcno oi IboulD lljatanyperfon
fiioiiio pucttcoitc biitoalltljiD, but only tljat folkts ofplca-
An Alphabet to knewe which of the two that fight
or goe to laweoneagamft another
fliallhaucihc vidtory. *

~A b |C|Di E|f|G|H
I 3|2''|24l22|?J 7L<?
I K]L)M Nj'OfPptL ' ' v
20] I lioja? nj 8 tj 27
R|S |T|V X IY Z| ""
I8 h 1^1314-1

jFo;fo bnbetfiano anb p»a«ife t|)<s Sllpfinbcf aright - W

muttficftknobK t^p^ptrnAntenoft^mtoliic!) uisulo fi#
Mgottolntoc ttieooe naiinlt otfjet, mnteiftet^e fame
tutmtf tnllaCine inttje nflnfnatuierafe Cngulatiobrctufngtlje
(rue ffl)iHiogcapbit • 3nbacco;oingtotf)e3ipf)abet>^nei)nta
tcbelettecoftfjer.itoe namca tfycitninbectintobutMpiKctaU
ning.rollotumg tljsj pouitcaitucc tymt befcie tauittcrM ftimme
(bcfaioe numbers togetjjec, tljat Is to fa?, cactje man bp tjim-
felfe,ana inljenpe baue put tljem all togotbecDtuioc ttjem bp p.
ana tbnt Inljttb rcmainctb on tf)c one parte anbon tyt otberttbe
aiuiRon being niaoe>pou fbal note it a* pou Snoe it. Sifter tbis
beboloetbeUnlco tubicb folloboe, tobectbp poufballknoiue
lubat (ball happen to the one ano to tbeotficc-^nb if it fojturcc
tbatmDiuiDingtbEVDboUbpp' ttjere remntne nothing, pou
mud take the latt ntmiberof p. fo; that it mull then Xetue in
this pu rpofe, as pe (hall Ijeeteafter it no toe n:o;e at large bp er-
perience. S5utj Doe giuepou to bnoeritano, (hat if in this
fcute there be anp thing tDhich atanptimebenot founo/oba
true, that the celt ofthio ftietueofCDeomanrie is not nl wes
fotijoiotae out.- as itit chance f luhifh hath not once in alpou'
fano, times) that ttoo petrous luhich boegoe tight together) o;
boefueinthelaloetheoneagainft theotljec, fhoulobeofone
flatureo(boDp,oneage, ano one betp nnmo. then (hall pou
(nose arco)Qmg to the true arte of this Science. SCben looke to
hnotoetheicberpniUnes.anOtabebilligent cefpectthat thepbe
not cojtupftD, fo; that this Iftule tail I Doe pou much feruice.to
bnotoe the lout lohereunio pou Doafpire ano pdeteno. ^ina t«
thceno that pouVnap the bettec DnDedtano (hiaiKulc,puttbe
cafe that Peter ana Paul (houll fight thaone againSthea-
tbec; itpe Doe then eramitte that tahichtnehauc raiDc,poufhal
knotoethe thingthat (hall mod times happen* pet muS
ton bnoto that ©oD is thesouscuoc I Diftnbuter of al things,
ana ran change anD altecthemat his pieaTtKirbm tae^eake
aaojoin® unto the influence anh coucfe ofjthe ttarraMohereaf
thia^rfenaiswuipomihcD. ^tohereeisthepMhre:
p 15 P 13
E vi 67 I mdtMT A 1 37
T 8 Itimw p. V1 .ttmtip.
1R I? L 10
V 1 rcffetf)4 V 2 ctttetjj 1
J. S 9 s P
fununc 67. fumtne ^7

ancrobT t^ic erantple 10 tyttoeo tntt ?ou ttye namti

t'g.wacti, nttinbecs ano fuitime j of tfjjm, \o<tb tfyeic DimOon#,
bep. tkot^attt)cTbetngimuiQeoanofunnnco,ttieceadetii4.
to I'cetcr,! I. to Panic:ttian looke to tt)( tkuelft j) place, to^en
{on fballflnoe tbtfeffsnes j^anoo, ^a3aintt4 anofl^aB
In? tftert meanea knotoe kappcn tn fuck affaicea, M
ttro^^sktins 0; p^xetfi: in littc maniuc mot (ou fuOQtofa-

Hncombate ip ttjal of tk* 'effet Itaturc tk«U ttanquftk tk*

atbet t fome fap tke^ougec (kail tiamtiaty tkt ffiioec but 31 <*<
fetHerottkatcule: tk« sceattc (koUbt buctontbcb<aa,aMb
tt>«wret(^ll)atte tbecboiceoftoaapoii, ano onmswitki
dthet. In uwttec of latoe tfce itdec (kail UkeVoife toine.but not
lnttboutt(teatfonttablctum0,Mfenomgano p^oouingonbotl
Bw.anottnoiiotnbaunffoctobnrtttieotbet .IButintkotM
0)10 dtifc (k«U be appeafeb^inu tke fute (kail not be berte Urns,
to; tkat o being (n ku etalltaOan, (kail be Ofr caufc* tkat not
onlp tkc letbc (kal kauo tk< bkto^b nt (kaU kano alib (ko^ nt*
ptbltion anb Mfpatcp.
3£t>egreatn (ball kaue tke ckola of teeapon, ano (kal
kanotkabktojieloitk long totapon, tke ItStelkall bo k««*ta
tkoflK»iinbontktR(nv« (Xftonckingtkolatns, tkoblggK
lkall(rirtainek<olktel»itkontanpgceatDebato, anottHafi^
to prolong tke matter an lotlgao tktpnup;butintkaaKll|t
groatccikallobtainctkcfantt. _
ofGeomancie. 151
E^ildftcD^lI (loiit ipe fyoitt oftorapon .rnittottmoiiie 21
' tDif!)HjojtUjeapBn»>anoti)«BMtecn)allbe|)Hctontt)eOonwcfc. 3- to j.
)3» toucb tng fbtc tri Utoc, tycle{ret( being a man Diligent an*
ofabisilanterpjitC^alltuuetbebppet |)ante , anQ tye Cult
tbcwof (baU not be long, ant bp tye reafon bobitb bee batb, be
(ball baue b'* tbingo oeliueceo at bio olune beacto oedce. £lno
betobicbboloetbtbefutelballbea qenttiallman, flner«btUt
aninadie.lobicb intbe enb (ball boe bint fetuiu. ,.
JCbegccateeiballbaue tbe tboite eftoeapon# ,ano(ballffi 1 u"d
bauetbebino;ptPitblongiBcapon:ro;rntetbegteatet(ball>)m. '
altbongbtbatittoiUbeelong (left, inbitbtbingintbui bebalfe^' ^
0 (bebietb 1 anb bio aoaerratic mill mo.t ketceaton agalntt b(m»
minbtng nothing elfe but faCboolD t ciccainuention> b? tcafonof
IbebnftabiiitieanDireattinmieofc * onbof tbe mooueable
flgne. SCcse it io, t bat in t be en# be (ball rtot baimte toitbollbio
teeafonanDfubtilitie. Sbio fate io about tbefuaeOton oftbe
btbir^oftbe motbet.
5Ebe lefferof\Sature(ballcbure tbetoeapon anb aueccome ^ |2 0
m^blbajtbtocapon^aratbDeceatecfbillbecbnrton tbe floe, 5't0J*
f ontbebeao ,anOBi*tbteof. intbelatoe tbe ledec (ball obtaine
anb (ball bane berpmucb aibe ano (uccoucbecaufeorsanbof
tbebouleorotobicbtbeloetbbntobimnuncftienDeo, lobicb
mill bt(.tbeic tranaile fobtctbc matter, tbat tbeitfute (ball bee
CbebigbecofOaturctballbanquilb .■ but tbeIcBiet(ball "*1 52
bane tbe ebwe of toeapon , anb be buct on tbe banoeo, ano at <5. toff,
tbe btacty' ano oietbercof.JFojtbelaine,tbe greatec (ball min,
ano tbe fute (baHbee fo; ceaoicmonie ,o; marcbanoise t but tbe
(ate (ball be rometbing long.
Sbcleiret (ball Oanqo^mitb (bolt toeapon , tobetcofbe -1 ? T>
iballbaue tbecboicetanbtbe gceatet,i(ballbebuctontb8ft9-7.ro7.
maibc , nrmcfl nnobenb. ' Jn Tute tbe ledcr (ball alTo luinne,
imDtbeluteisfbjgotoiieoojnioncp ofroute tooman : ano it
(ball be beep long, anoitfljallbebp toatutniouo, melaiubolg
ano Oitiouenicn.
ECijcgtratct (ball ouercomcluitblongtacapen : ano tb.emlcr^
leffecfljallbauctljc choice of Uieapon , anobecburtintbebfllp, g, to8.
Dueannfenffi < ffitjegteattt rtjallalfo loittnc m latue i anotfjete
iflliheloUenuictbct, o; ntttjclertrt blounrs giuenUrittymo;#
foffetoljiiH t()attl).illtumnctUc(iite,ti)ciiit is toont).
t nio Jltjc IcffctOjal Ijaue ttjc choice of toeapou.auo outctomt
p (0p| lDt(t) {ijojtiQcAponsiaiiDibc grenfecfljallbefjuttonttjeluu*,
ftiioontljefioe. ilnoinfutctljclcffec^alliuiniietjoitljoutfwte
ojftebate, miD tfjepartica f^all become tabs fcieiioco.anbtfie
futcis rbccauFcofv) fo; tjcritagcBo;Hiomati8app.iccll roanb.
JtbelflTec njillbp content to tahe pactcatbec tl)cngoeto
* ^ (i ffilje i. i^alt ijjue tl;etfjoyccof totapon > anboneccoiue i.
x. to 2. to capons, nno be fljsll betjuct in tbe beao, anoDpe
' tbct'eof. jnfutc i. fljslt minno«fiD bsuemoie fauoucinbic
oemaano tben be leobeo fox, a no tbis fute is fox goVones, gac.
wen to ox to omens mdneye, ano tbis futetballbcincetl^long.
XBHttcue itiotbatat tbcnnoble oftbefutetbers iballbeConit
tcaftebfgD, but nottoitbRanbing intbe enbit flxall notpxe*
:n|.?3 I'tballcbufe tbetoeapon tobieb^Rbelong , auodbaU
x to?i ^oiviuKbiflnfrj.tbaUbebuctontbeatansranDontbettotn^tn
' Jntbetatoe x.rbalitoimie,nnbtbefuteft)aUbeD:ptB,anolb«
aouetfacieiballbeangtv itintotoato.tonriuill, tottbouttcafon,
anoccaftie>be mcanes tobereof bet^iibF allmeaneofafcon,
ntUmptto pxolong tbc fute* but in tijs eno be fyallmtBaiM
^. 4* (ball baue tbe cboicc oftoeapou, anb ouercome toitb long
I Tf o
O towpou, ano x .(ballbcbuct attbe beact. 3fntb«IaW4 (ball
toinnetbougb be baue nogtrcit (igbt »,..eunto, but (ball ba-
guile bis binoxco bp craft ant* cmnilations, again8tobotnb«
(ball b^ngbis futcaboutc fomc fneceffton oxtnbentance>anD
. x. (ballcburetbetoeapotiiloblcbiballbefljoxtr anboHec*
I o i tome 5 ■ Inbtcb (ball be bnrt on tbe b*ao >nb on tbe acme. Jn
: t01- fute ?. (ball toinne, but not toifjout great (llboill odd quavwll?
ano tbc fute is fox rome gift ,ox fox fotne tbing gotteiiofLo^S
<?. tyaU ()«iie tlje cyoife of U)Mpon,tuI)itb fl(iall be lortff, <(|)all 9
tincti. in ttjc bells ana on tbc beao, ono Opall alfocaure bim (o } v
betiiiji;ironeb. 3itrute<5fyallU>mtu, anot^sruteisfomo-
ncs i fs) mertliartoiccoj baigaiuts > nno it (ball be Ions, set (Ijal
6. beliiell fotinseD oftbepjincipallcbarocfl^D aftettvatD tfjeu
iballwmaine ftienoa in tbe en#.
i. (baUtninne toitb Ibonuieapon, anti7< (baUbebattontbe
floe,nlt{jou0b!>ebaDtljecboifeoftoeaj>OT. Jnfutei.fljaltoin, ? •
ffliDtberutei0fo}mamagesoow,o}attbeleafl:aboutttonien<1,10 7*
anobccaufetbattbe mallice of i> (ball be mireDiu tbie Debate,
tberutetyaHbelons; ana tbeteiballbe tmbeaniningaanoca-
nillationa ottbe «Duofate0,pjodsx anQj^atacies, ano all ma >
necoffuib b^bbtements (^11 be Done intbe fauout oftbetono
ttarie partte > ano to none otbec eno but to matte bin* to loofe
bt0ti0bt,baitb letrebitboAouc ano profit Onto tbem.
(ballbauetbecboifeoflonsbDeapon, ano (ballouettonte ^S
«• to bieb (ball be button tbe floe ano in tbeiiemto;iea. 3|ntb(t<toS.
latoe s.fball toinne bp 3000 ceafon,ano tbefute io to; Onmooue*
able 30000. iBnttbii (ute toill no tbe tsitbout quaceclliitg ano
flgbfms, betauleofcf ,set bptbegooonetTeof r.bpmeanesof
Boooritenoci,tbetelballb«apt<uc . SCbefute(ballnottott
(ball bane tbecbofc* of (oeapon, anb ouettome 9 * ano ?|oy"2
ljurtpaontbefioe. Jnfute«. (ball toinne but nit toitbont 1.109.
lon0Oebate,anDaftec(uato (bal'.befacnoa, ano i.iBapetfon
lucllmaoeofboop ,0110 batb a meets ano fas;ecountenance*
ffbefute i0aboutfomep;ebeini»iencc,anoitiballbe(boft. ^1
1. (ballouctcome tuitb (b<ut toeapon. ano t (ball be butt 2 <
ontbeaime, altoouflb bebaotbe cboiceofloeapon. Bfntbe
latoc 1. (ball 0a{ne uitb (bolt tune, ano tbe fute 10 nmongett
kinfTolltee about fomc bctit ages, ano (ball be a fauourec ofmen
2. (ball bauctbecboiccof (oeapon.anobutt^* ontbettee s .
inackc> anoon tbe acme, anobauquilbebim. Jnfutca.ftal
toinnetoitljtbe fubtiltie tbat be (ball bfe to tbio at*® '
^ouocate.as Uicllbsmoncsaobsfbteatmng, wo 4^ (ball be
?I5? » • BjaUbanedjoireofvaeapon, tDtjirf) (!iallbee(bo}f > ano«*
*' o;' tieixomei. luljolbillbetiiittint^efldnttieantj tlje Qonutk.
Bfnfute j (ballluinne > anDtfjtfnte is about uiomcn.ofi'o^toiv
meiu clotfjca.ant) bp tbefloutbfulndle of b ti)e futt $jl be long,
nno tbece (ball be inncb feauoe ano oecetyt bfeoagainft y .lubMl >
al'ro 6 '(ballcljurelongtoeapon*anoauectomc 6. luljoiTjillbce
butttinntbeboDie.aiioonlnjfljOuloetfl Jntbclaiuc 2.(ball.
; taJinnciuitboutanpboubt^anDfn ftnalltime,anoaftctUiaioea
bnitielbill bcniaocbetluceiictljcmanogooDarco;^ > anotljts
futc ia about maccfjanBi^e o> inoncp lent.
" lytC 7- (balloumomrU>itl)(l)MtU>MP(m anoljutti. ontfje
2 to7 3rmeaiibBoe,altljoiis(ji.(b<tlll)auetbcfbopceofloeapon,rct
ibaKbebcoueecoincjnfute? (b'lllgauiebvDclapes, vetdjill
x. bceperompanielnitbinaL'tuUineuo! loitfiiitlcm:ii().imng
tbeieepes farce in tbeicbcaDi), anoafmallbeacotcaoicto oaca
ntifrbiefe, tojercfojc 7 • tb<ill content yunfclfe encl^ to bauctbe
- bppee bano-
x- (bait bauetfje cljopteoflacaponanoouercoineS, anb
1 40
' *' t)iirtf)tinoiifbtfloiieaaii8bottoiueo(t)iobellp. Blutbclaluex.
(ball toinne in piorcde of time, being at'eeo bp men of fnwll
ttatucc, countecfeit, ano as it boccc ntonffcotio, pet 8 .(ball
bane gooo cigljt.but tljc fubtilltic of t .is of fuct) Coice tlj.it SJb ill
loofc, ano t ijis futeia frtftjr.iH0cu.1ble 00000,00 (joufcSrfTOef'
il]? o 9, (ballbauetbecljoifeoftoeapon tobicblbaUbclbojt.anb
3.109. cueccomeanbbucti.attbebeact. jitrutc3(ba(llDiriic,ant>
(be futc (ball be about 0ift0 01 goooa oftbe beao.lnbicb altbougb
p.bauenogoobcigijtbntotbcm, pet be Iball lutcUelpobtame
vJ o 1? (billbauetbecboprc of (bo.Jt toeapon, nnoouerceimj.
ij, '04. anobudbimintbebeaoano acme.Ju futc^Iballwinncitano
it (ball be about bi0fatbec«0MD0 > Inbeceofbis binafolheBtoill
bo tabat tbcp can to beguile b(ni>bu t pet tbc fute (bal not belong
^ (ballbauctbccboiceoriboitUieapon, an'o ouetcoincano
''butty. ontbeBoeanbontbelbaulocc. Jjnfutey. (balltotnne,
aSBtftctetoAlbegceatecbflte ant controucrffC£b$fo!eitbecn*
UDitoitbDAungetofmattbcto^buiteaontl^ one (iDeojffiee-
tber > V'ct s in fyie fjonfel^altfo tooifce, tyataftee t()e n»t»to en*
Dc&.tfwEm.iliceftjailccnre, nnotlitj^ollbcasiBooOftienM ail
tdeftoete befoje tJjcfutcbcganne.
tf.lljalUljiireloKctocflpon .anoouertonie ,mib butt 5. tn nfl ? 3
fttbelly. 3liitt)cUtoc<5. (ballvulnne, butttjcretballbemurt) 3- t0 a
fubtilitybfeaonbotbllDfa , anotfjcfutclefcvinaccbaneijeoj
wmep lent >ano i t (ballbc longtnitt) a gooD iSUe fo; 6.
$. (batlouetcoinelnitb^tUJcapon, 7 HKilbebutttRtbc-|r) S
tegseanoontljcacme, allbousbbtbauctbetboyfeoftoeapon. 3- to 7
Jn Cute vlballUiiiuic, but not bp any gooD tigjt ttjat tje batb
fcutby rubtilitic ana craft. anotljey be people ^atutniouaano
SpeKutiouotol)ic!)lballobtainel)imtl)ebi(to;ie , anottjefute
8. (ball'oucnomctottblongtoeapon) anoj. tbaUbeijutt'^'l ? ^
ontbeboDicauoentralcs , anobauc ttje cboyfeoftoeaponano S1" t
yeilooCe. J n Cute K.tyallUiinne as ceaConto, nnotbe Cute (ball
btaboutappaccll , oj ooiujie, o? tbings bclcnginsbntotoo.
men,biitbefo;etberut«beeHOeo tbece will be Tome bloloeo
ocaltintbeBclocoibutintbeenDetbeytball agree auD become
^.(balltbufefbojttocaponfl.aMBoucrtoiitep. anoburtbim v| ^ o
(Rtbebcaol5*»b«eofbctTjaIlBie. Jntbelatoc j. (balllamneby to 9
foKcoftbercafonfltbatlteHallbiincout anoalleageby tbeatbe
snarauoucoffonieio^Dcs , aeb not ttitboutflieatlttifeanb
leffe, ano it is an baiarb of muctbec, yet (ball ; be tbe if anquilb-
ecinlboit time.
(.(ballbauetbecboifeoflbajt toeaptm, nnu oucrroini 4. ? o
tobicb'.ballbcbuctiiubebe'.utansogEtbcccor. jnfutey.(ball4' <« r
toimie.wbitbibillbeagooDaitDanbone&niitt, tbe (kite(b.ill
keabsiitgoassgiiieubntot'iein by tbe 19;fnce ioi tbcic gooo
fauic^oflj-Ulbctijccaufetbattbete (ball be an aaecement
Rnje bp fbicnalbip tbenbe latoe.
4 djall cbiifc long lacapans, ano oncrcome a. nnobuet bun
intbeboaie iintbclaU) 4.(baUh)inrtc , altbougbitwillbec 4- toff.
lengficft >cacf of tiji parties (ball tbinbe be batb boob tigbMrnt
<1. {.mtfjtfjcbeffcr: tl;cfiitci0 fojmoucvlaioem lantw, o)ftj
■v)11!) j" 7 ^lloiiercoiuc+.Uutl) ibo^tiiicapoii. anO^uctljimotttlie
4.107 bncc,tino on tljc ^€>.111(1039^ beIjaBtljccIjoitcoi Uicapon. Jtt
ftitc 7. fl) ill ui imic>altl)otial) all Ijis gooon njill boc ccajco bppoti
bp o;Dcr ofiLaiu, vet ll).ill tljcrc a ILiiincc 0; romc maitwlltuan
Ciiufc bmi to be rettofeD asainc bv fationt'.
;|uO 4 JsballcboofcajoitUicapoii.auooucccotncS. «iioi)utt(liM
* »> ®' on tljf fibc. J11 tlje laU) 4.lball toinnt.but tberc fl; ill bo a ttjoa-
faiiDccaftc founoioecrciucbinitbut mtljcenotbcvilMllagct
ans (ballobtninc tlje fute; tljiofute ib i'o; fom: fiircclIiono)m<
nJ-jcf y feballljauctljc tboitc ofnjo.Hluc.ipoi)fl,aiiooncrcoinef
4.109 nnabiittljiinoiitbrbfeltanoni'mc. 3lu fute nine (balllnmli;
fubllltie aim craft aim rtjall baucafjainlt tjim uicrcuriall people,
mm fo; Ijis couiirailc bitiuus itouocaleo mm pmttcrcs, fo tbatifl
tl)ceim.).ll)all miiiiir.
ii i-),; o tyaioucrcoitic luitljlong incapou.aim wiljallbcljiictotitjfe
j, (o 6 Ijcao aim rucc,altl)oiiQl) be bao t be election of tlje uicapou. jn
tbelLatocTlljalliijititieUHtbaooorcafoiiaimcaufc: tljcfutcii
fo; iiioutv lent,but it fball br nmcUlv paibc.
V|90 f fl)alleuercoiiicluttl)il)oitiue.ipb<anDfeaticnn)allbeburf
j. 107 intbeflanUc0aimoiitbcl)cactlul)crcotbccfballDic ,11011011^
(faimiugtbatbe baotbecboiccofiueapou. jufutrc fljalllout
bviiuancfl offoiuc (treat iucub Hcttcre,tlje fute Ifjallbcriiitrit-
IVcnDeBtotbcp;ofitoftbe 5 aimitmfo; tlje fuccclTion ofttje
JJV o H. £>b''llo|ict<0,,mwitb 10113lueapou, 5 flj.il!banetljccijoice
r tos ortbclucapon.nuovctbCBburtontbcfioeaaimoutljeljaimtJ.
311 futeoflatocS.fljjlltoiuncvmttjflnttiic oafto: fubtiltie of
mip oiie^liecaiifebc (jntb cooDrigbt tbereunto.oii fuel; tuifejtljat
biopmccirc toitboiitauv amcoffrauQojDcccipt, lljallcofflt
fl)o;tlp ton good ilfue; tbe fute fljall be about flarnient 0 of liiuf-
folficB.aim mitb cofciiB.but m tlje cim tljcv Hall be fiieime®'
f fljallljaiietljccboiccofiucapoii, aimvctbcoiicr-come,anD
j- lo9 niuelIjallbuctl)Uuoutbc(l)0ulDct.3lntl)eU<-1U)i.(l)alltointie,
butnotlwitboutgrcatDitficultiCjaimloiiBtimei <?. Hallbeeol
, r
ftmll toDp.iflfrtcomiJlcrioiiiiictcutial.jrMuIjct!) all intaiiw
fodtfniiltj. aiiD lotalicljiiiiat.itmanMgc tprcafoii tuljeiof
licoiigljttotcult toljisgtiavtJC.a'.tljaiialjIjcIljalteUHic tljcpjo-
(tQcVuifljcooQiiiftice iial)tnnt)d[]iittic.
7. Oauc tljecljotccoflucdpon, aiiDoiicffoinc niH>fjui-tY[fro
g. ciitbclicabanobifagc- JiitljelatttynjalUuinnc notluit'j< 6.tm7.
cutgrtat qiian-lfl, iiiiDloircofmcnonljotljfiQcajljiitmt[jcciiD
tt)£viljalltc fucnocc • tljio futc is fo.: maicljaumjc.
8 iljcillOaiiftfjccljoiceoflucapon.aiiDVctbcUm'toRtljcJjcaa, iir| ? 9
fliiDoncrcoincL))1^. Jfo}tl_)Cllalu^ll>alltDiMHc luittjoutani'C ( tna
liffiniltic.niiOUDtlipattitcljcofgaoOconrcicuce, fo tljat cad;
eftlicm n;rillt!;iii!:ctob<*waciol)t janobp tljcicsooDiulTc nfj
tfcittjr fin c in c nbca.tbct1 il;,illt'cnuinc fiiciibcs.
<5 ^allfjatic tbctljoircoftocapoii, anavctbceoitcrcontc „, „ .
toltljfljojttocnpon, aubbcbdcton tljcanitcittioontljclcege^^1'
jnlakuc 9 fljal, hiiaiica;"tcr!oii|jtmie,nmjnotUiit[jciiitctcat
cottcoanDcrpcnccs onbott; fiDc0>.ino tljto futcic To; Dcbtce 0;
8 (IjallcIjiifcloiiBUJcapoii.ltiitbttjckiljiibbccnialloiiciionic
iin(jl)mt7.ont^e()c«trtnimbJcft. Jnfutc 8.n;niiqiiicUli.' hn'ir411°*
utocll by fniiotiE ao by tjia i-cafono, nltcngco nno bioiiBbt out: 710 a
t^rutciB fotpniifiitao.nnooucablcB , left by tljcccatljcf
7 n)nIlbanq(iin;U)itl;II;o;tlucaponniml;utt5 intljcface. v 1° c'
inDbathc.nltboucbtbatljebaottjccljoiccofUicapon. Jntljc ^toJ'
latoe? (bnllUiiiine. but not luitbunt flicat quaucllc.DcbatM
inofiflljting.biitiljo^ttunftcMtjcylballbcfnciiDco.tbcfutc is
fojrciiictljni(!lriit tl)raijiiccranciflam.ictiiilliuan, anByctut
tljcui tljct'c fljall be an cno not nltogctbru to tbc iiiinbe of9.
8 njallbiHictbcrljoircofUicnpon, anbyctbcoiicrrciueanb
bHrtiiitljcboDybysj.Jiitlie tfltuplballtuinnetnitbCooD foj-"''! °
bmf.an&ljuttidlbaiictoooc tuitbljoncttfolbes, h)bidjbccno8'<0$>
fiibtillocalci «,ti)c futc fljall be fo; bmnooucnblc soobSimib n;al
Wlertglatt bnriioeo.
U'lll'M*! J 4 •. 1" IS 1 '• M ■ IMll'H uj*: t thi'H *
int^eluppn^airie^oucinattec QiaUrpceiitoelU anotfltbein;
tbenetfjecbalfe.ttttialHieeaill; anbt^ng masCoubnotoeaU
ano if xe ItiouLo bnoU e tobetbec vt fl^al cnio? cour limt
omot.tahetljemimbcc oftbefirft letter of sour
number ofttje planet. ano of tbe oas of ti|>e
Se mobero^anb tabesouccemainoei:, and fecbe in tbete^e
nne son Dial Hnbe it*anb t^en if it be intbe bpper balfe sottflM
l>aue TounyqufttjiQO if it be in tbenetber patei if ia tfiti^rs.
not^HasciballOnBetbeni beginning toitb'i. *. 3«ano4«:
tonftsuentlstotjo.aeirttbefaiiiebPtiwlesow mastt.
; bafccg. 1| gtjccicgaoo. i^iictitgcoaimU. |
i riri.L:t
:ra;c:titcsEi:r.r. ' .^.LisiCI. "illbntmitciKt' ioilifiu8tc;tcfo;ufic i

fT:Lirjiicf£:tefc6«^ : gilt fane in

1^7: T503fanct::Ui-r:c.
j r;3.;:5:"ba'pr£s. 1 fgoaa ; 1 gcoDanslflccbiui)
fcutCpcaSl foMe- 9ff3Dfo;;prtCAc,£i':
:.t:i n; U)jUE ano 7 i;i fau: Sb: irair:
.: gj:S tut 'u'.tb trcub!:-
(T!;;r-r:. piHfuuc^ttucr?-
itisijcecc. uuih,; :ne;c-u::;Srs- 7ii'i;uti:;ai:tr:ar.3fif:
•- ililo'.j:. ifaucte [ctb.'coO.
•i— ; d'ibutta,.CEb;sat._ PiiifacttoltfKDuJ. ' ctptijtl
Aibus. 1 gaes to; nucmgc.l j. 3 o:; but intiucrc. ygcsOfausfotiicEEf,
■?: D ^erfuiu:! fearr. ^
, •" tgoflBini'u 55CCD ^Sgasa.
- H!::.:. : ■jtrrgeep. ■ pasnflTcnSKfcjiitgfslct
.-•..1 I.-. -, i g^uU,;:5f;:ci5>6!iCiIi .asc.'c; (jcaitg , Tmfaite
rc;:.J;';rs^. ! 1
5 IIKatti «• S ill J
^50c6 c;fehc:cs onrif. ' niejn'p500B |
4.g:D3faueinU:a:cr. 7illfcaeio;peac£ ;
- - Ahior-
- ; bc::£ ^ g>sB fo:tEbo;c« on !?• Jptieiicgooc. j labcriecpcB
Zi-^u Dutcn. 1 ^i^ttJeSguce. , 4 itlianc inS:e-lue;b5, ! 7 til,matteahBficeT" ToillfautiD; btetMSfS

,fr:c .;ininau. . tfiUfJiie "c: tofrottf- 0 ill in .VI- i niiCTteill

"XarcsT— '1 uli;ucrD'c;i:fi: ' 4g0i3 DfllViCUHElait^B. 7cn:in [ictufuiicto; ^itceafuu
- h*-' . ugco3:nij!ackC)£trci-l ! lit- !
w 1■ 5 rcttiuca Irttcc toitSjin SbccictlL
".oaus-iU i
«* eaiij. .U!t .tfiU 7 illina'!.
— Vij.— i I'i tuiippuirjn. 4 goODm a'iid«wue. , 7ill butfBittoSases.

* Cli(jC 'gbtric gajPtnall- ; (fill PintiSeftnt. __l 1 rrcfllcntgnoo

I populusT" ~ | J gocaiobParnagj. 4gao3sniih&<itltue, 7uiu;attcgooCi;dft ! 1 oincartclp gcoO
meant i
: j-gooSismDHtljirgs. SmOiffcrcnt. j 11 gcoQ in alt-
1 2
3 I 4 11 « | 7 »
A B Clp.| E F | G H
9 10 ao|30~l 40 "joj <50|70
1 _KJ_L\M)N jOI P | Qj
80 3ol>6b]io.)|30o'40o!50o| I
R S 1 TjV | X | Y,| Z 1 1

To know what planet hath dominion in the

natiuitie ofanypeifon.

Tahfitlje numbeci ofeuetp leitccof tbe P^opct names in la-

tin, of § partieOJouoeBte tohnott.e)« ofijta 0; let jfatljer
ano {pot|ec,bp tte^lplabetabouefaiee: aobingalltleraioe
mimbeta into one totairnmnteitlenDeuibe t|e Tame bp s-anft
if 1. o) 4. remaine, it (betoetl tle^lonet o to bane Dominion.
3|f3.o>7.t|e«.atg.n..3irf.2.3lftf.2,8. .9.rf. 3nlibf
antp»tfonUbo;neiftmmwtoget|ettb«petfon« name,|isfa-
tbtt anb motbe[(aa aaucdaioe) ans btmbe t|e tomnte totall bp
1». t|tn ifi temalnea,itflBnfflea, si a ». 3 t.j s.6 v.

Thui endeth the thirdbooke ofOeomaBcIe

trandatci by Fianci* Sparry.
The Table of the Chafpters cohtH
ncd in the hrA Bookc ofGcomancia

f * 7\ 7^at<Se®manfiew>ftoljMefo3cttt0rocaUett.fol.i. .
aV V apftljebetns!,effen£c,anB nature of tljw art, f
enMtljeteof. «
3 tiDftyeinttrument oftljiaart, anoofttje manner tjototo
make it. }
4- SCI)emannerl)ototoiornett)ep)tcb0,anB oftljem too fognt
t^eflgnre* of ttjettoelue lines, anoboto ttjerbeeapp^iatel
BntotljefourepartsoftljetoojlO /
5 STtie manner to frame tljiaJatte^no giue toeaclj place l)u r
name. 7
6 iDfttje flgniSrationof tbet^ottiens anb ofttje^aug^tere,
ani)l)etoipepl)eU)BbeingenD;eDoftl)em. 9
7 j^oUitortametbetDitnellisanDttieJutige. io
8 jOftlje names of figures. it
9 jDftljenature anopzopectieof tl)efbure(Clements.ansc<
Qeir figures :anD tut of tbe fits •ano of Ijis figures* iv
10 ®rtbeftpje,&nDof»>i0(!ljaceB. iy
iiffibsfbureflgutesoftbetfaatet* 16
11 jDftljeCEattly.ano of bet figures. ibio.
13 SLljemannerbotoi toappzopziatebeads,ano tbeicpzopcv
firstotbefoure&lements. iS
14 I^oto ttjefenfc* oftnan beattribirtesbnto tbefourc <£lt<
ments. ' ' • is
is ^Dfttjeotbec Region o; part of ttje loozlo.talleo ttje Cele<
ftialU ibio.
SI generallfigure oftlje ttoo parts of ttje biojlbe, ttjat is to
Cap, Clemrntarie ano Celefiiall.
io ^Dftljefirftl^cauen. 2i
j7 £Df tt)C fecono ano tbitD I^eauens ,9 of tljeir moouing.23
18 ^oU) t^e mrcriour ttjingesare fubiect, egouernt j bp tlje
Itapcriours, 24
19 jDltbenranesannciffctencesoftljefeauen planets.3 5
so j£>ftlje$unne. 27
si JCbepoloeranofacultielBbitb 0 ijafybpaltbefignesi
fflttieffoftfr^otiacke. £ol
22 %l)tqualitic® anopotocwtojjit]) tjje (i^ootitintj)bgalt
fljcftttnesoftJje^otitacke. a?
U iDitf)»qaalieicajpoU}er0lD()tcl)lj fiat^in ({je ftoclne
Qgnesoft^e^oDiatHe 31
24 ^Df £!jc poictrs 4 l)atD (11 cnc|) oftljc 12 figtica of
tyeZoDtacfse. 3;
2$ jJDft\)i fign^tafionsano (itmltttosttntdbntf) in tbe.
ii-flgnefloftfjezrooiacije. 3/
16 a)ftljeqiMlitic*U)[)i(bVenus batbbct[)e 12 figiifs of
tjjezooiafiic 37
17 0ft|)equaliticonnt)polocC3ofMcrciiry in trjofisnco
aftbe^oDiadto. 3S
28 0rt!)c&>p!)cc6ank ffiirdcfl ofbeaucu. 40
jaflgutgoftbeleOttCiixIefl. 41
JJfiBHL'toftbe^oouc^oftbe ©qunte;,« ofiljcicpoled. 43
19 0ftbepiopei'namf0 oftbc&igneaoftljc^ooiacltiana
•ftbetroeniaon3,oeBree9,aiiOqRalitics. 4;
fl Baute to knototbettsnM nno all ttje tjifcoucfeooftbtit:
Mbqttaltti«8>atco}Oing to tbcfoute feafonsoftbereote. 48
tiDtber figuteg to huoine tb* figned lubitb moouoidfUitl pu
ttttasobliqii*. 44
jfisute* oftbe gceat spoitie oftfie^unne and spbona. 50
30 0rtbt&uep;incipaUttegion09ftl)«toe;lMomnionl2.
faUeozonts. 51
ft fiance ofzonedpf tljc eattb* 5»
31 ^ttbe&auceisanoCbacactecsoftbepianefd. yi
32 flDftbeboufeaoftbtpianeta. v, 53
33 ^omtbeplanttoniuftbeeattKibuteobntotbefisnced
ana tbe figucr 0 to tbe planeta.aa toel oicect ao cetiogcaoe.j 4
44 ^ftbtnamedanoilbdcattesoftbe&tgncd oUheZM
tMcke. .. 54
35 tDotofbtfiancsbeattdbuteDtoibefigHceoiandtbefir
lurtdtotbE&igned 55
35 0ftbct>ominationU)bi(btbe figneo b^eoueitbe
pacfe0ornian0boop,Ccee0^eeBe«anB^eatond. 57
37 Ebe gouccncment tbat Satumc ano tbe otbec panetft
|(iMtb>fignebaHcon*ctbentcmbtcdofman^/i . ;.rj8
spin .. 38 flDbfi
^S.iCtiemnnecIjobitottcattie tbMUtetiDiifttfofNto^'M
afiflutcof<EJ»otwancB,imi»e*ftet t^efaftion ort$eflgari
Dfviacotosi'- 61
$9 iDft^qnaKticqftgcfifluMiorcSMmanfp. 61
a flgUteofGcrrard Cremon. 6}
4a S^eDedfttntion of tljeiz ^ODfiiortieauenpIares
lece. <5$
4 r ©oto to fenoto to attcibutc tj) e mcaibeta of mans bote
tntotbeljoufes. 6f
a gcnctall Cable compjttieniins tfie effect oft be fieff bob
cf<Ceomancie. 66

TheTableoftheChapterscbnuincd in the fccondBooli

V^/tbequcfflonsmbBemaunbstobttbtHas be p?poun-
bebanbtnaoe intbefeme. * Fol^
2 Cf ttie feconb boure: ann oftjee Ognificatlon bppon an
tbeotmaunbestobicbmi^ be put in quettionbnoetljtt.?!
- 3 ia>r tbe tbitoboure, anooftbeDemaunbea tbatbeleng
ibetttwilD; ■ 77
4 ^Dftbefbuttbbsure.anboftbeDemaunoeotbeteuntob*''
longing. 81
5 a>ftbe8ffboure,anbtirtbeoeuuunoes tbeteincontai*
two 89
<? Cftbe Qct boure.f oftbe queffione tbeciit tontaineo. ffl
7 2DflbelWtieiitbboufe, anbottbe betnaunoestbteein
tontaineo. jc>%.
8 HDftlw eigbt bbnfe.ano ofbie bttnannoes. 116
p ffiftbenintbboufe > anbortbcoemaunoestbeccincon*
toineo. 11;
ip ^>ftbetintb boufe^ oftbeoemaunos containing tbec-
jnr ' ■ 11
1■ ■ lii
n £)ftbccleuentbjanooftbebemauttOScontaining tbeN
in. up
12 tUwlfibbourr.fdffbeOemannDs containing tb«w
in; ■ 135
anabutcti'emetltof tbc Confcttfa oftbfrbbMfes of tlje fe-
•MtOUBflOlt. ■ 148
i A Utftfe Jeitwion oftlje Mto^J ano agH(Rcationtol)fcti
-TAitje iffflgiHMljauekBttjetUjelueljoures. 150
a rtfyeIjobo0}illtiaufe^nolubtci) btjitifiere t^eS*
jUKflbeiuttjeirplacesr. / 158
a SCabltoftpe Co^atutcsitpjerentebb^ttjei^. A-
j5«ce0of<Sfom4ncic. 160
3 jiDftbotUiolDitnefTeu. 162
.4 ^ftljcjuoge. i<54
/ ^ffiablefetuingtohnotoetJieUittncCfeBiHrttfje 3!uoge,
irtuelleuenaebneuen,! tlje fignificationabDljicb tljev banc:
anoalfo fo^tljebettecreroluttonof t&euiDflomentof catb ft»
ljuce.anBOcmaunDpiopouwDBD. 155
6 i^otomangJHaiiKccoftoauaaflgticcfsfaiD fobtc mell
ma»e,anD fortunate 0; bnroatunate. 185
7 sDf ttjc company oft tje boufe. >83
8 fiDftbJronipnnpofdoniuiwtiort. 1P4
9 kJDftijeoccuprttion. ipf
10 SCtjeoeclatationoftbettjIng toitt)lw tbia ^dettce 10
Mlltottjcplaceofttjefismce. ■ 197
11 tiDfttytfigutetffisu"** is>9
vi jDftyiearpedtngcnerall 201
13 j^ftljearpetfof Coniuiutlon. 201
14 tfDftljeSDertileflrpert 201
15 jDftbcffinntafpea 204
16 2Df t|e flluaDlatc afyert. 2> 6
, 17 ilDft&earpettiJDppofttioit. 203
18 2Eo fcnouifo) tobatintent aflgatcPomibtoacmatc,
ia callcDttje point of inttcurtion- 121
19 iColmoto tobatanotbettljinbcti;. 214
20 ©fttieujap of point. 21$
21 ^oVBtoUnoVBtbepattofjfoitnne. 218
22 jJDfttjeECtiplititieoffigucea.ano oftljcic face. 220
23 snbceraltation.iop.anOfnlloftljcflGtiroc. 223
24 JEoUnotutbcnnmcofanppecfon.ttjatio to fas, i»it;i
Jntjat Setteeoiftltableit oottj beQtn. 224
15 XobnoUiafiguceifitbctoelmatieo} not.ts tfjcJonicj
*6 tapIacrt^e&fjHMaboue tHflsnvM, fohttn
Ijntotoljitioftbtmttierbeatttibateii. 334
7 ^eqaaUtie0aii9p}bpettie0oraUt$figate#« ij|
%a kNoui tofjttbtc # j»sf(in9oc tsll tmtb o» not. 35}
•. %9 knulD tobetboc tlje $nfbant> flctt. 2 6%
jifa Woman ttn'tb CtiUo (ballbaue AlkSo^avoencb^^i
' Colutetoif aCirilBonetobo^neftallUuevgiB. 364
SCoknotoifattifebefionttto^bnboiuff. 354
3|n ttie eno oftbia Sootse ia flteb a SCable cantaintns tfit
iRctcorCcinancie. '


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